
House of Commons, 13 July 1891, Canadian Confederation with Alberta and Saskatchewan

1759 [COMMONS] 1760


MONDAY 6th July, 1891.

The SPEAKER took the Chair at Three o'clock.


Bill (No. 83) respecting the Septeunial Benevolent Society.—(Mr. Coatsworth)
Bill (No. 81) respecting the Order of Canadian Home Circles—(Mr. Coatsworth.)


Mr. DEWDNEY moved for leave to introduce Bill (No. 126) to amend the North-West Territories Act. He said: This Act is ver similar to the one introduced last year. It provides for the election of members of the Legislative Assembly for three years, making clear a doubt that existed about the provision of the Bill of last session on this point. It proposes to abolish the advisory council and the 1761 [JULY 6, 1891.] 1762 legal experts. It gives the Assembly all the powers it had previously by Order in Council, in addition to the disposition of the liquor question. There is a clause providing that a lump sum of money shall be placed at the disposal of the Legislative Assembly. The Bill also does away with the system of justices of the peace sitting in conjunction with the Supreme Court to hear criminal cases. It provides for the establishment of gaols in the North-West Territories and for applying to these the same regulations as are applicable to penitentiaries. It makes it illegal for any man to have liquor in his possession unless he has a permit in his own name. Section 110, which deals with the dual language, is altered in accordance with the resolution of the House of last session. The Bill also gives power to the Legislative Assembly to repeal all the provisions oo the Act relating to the liquor traffic—this provision was in the former Bill—and grants to the Legislative Assembly the same powers as the provinces possess in regard to licenses, that is, after a general election.
Mr. MILLS (Bothwell). Will the hon. gentleman state whether he provides that the advisers of the Lieutenant Governor shall enjoy the confidence of the majority of the Legislature?
Mr. DEWDNEY. There is no provision for an executive at all.
Motion agreed to, and Bill read the first time.


Canada. House of Commons Debates, 1875-1949. Provided by the Library of Parliament.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Isabelle Carré-Hudson.

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