
Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly, 18 April 1866, Nova Scotia Confederation with Canada.


WEDNESDAY, 18th April.

The house met at 3 o'clock.
Mr. COFFIN reported from the committee on Land Damages.
Hon. PROV. SEC. laid on the table the Report of the President and Directors of the Horticultural Society.
Hon. Mr. MCFARLANE introduced a bill to enable School District No. 34, Cumberland to sell an old house and lot.
The House then went into committee and passed the following bills:
To legalize Assessment Rolls in the county of Kings.
To legalize Assessment Rolls in the county of Digby.
To amend the Act incorporating the Governors of King's College, Windsor.
Bill relative to Assessment in the county of Yarmouth.
To authorize the sale of a school house at Lower Stewiacke.
An act for the better security of the Crown in Nova Scotla against seditious and treasonable practices and acts.
On the bill to amend chap. 45 of County Assessment some desultory discussion ensued.
Mr. ARCHIBALD explained that at present assessment is based upon real and personal property. A man who possesses a large amount of income, and little or no real estate, is not taxed in proportion to his wealth. The object of the bill is to make his income liable, and thereby relieve the poorer classes to a large extent.
Mr. STEWART CAMPBELL said that this was an attempt to impose upon the Province at large an income tax, at best a most inquisitorial tax. He moved that the bill be deferred.
Mr. ALLISON thought that the bill was very much required; a farmer was now heavily taxed, whilst his neighbour, a much richer one who lent money, had little or no taxes to pay comparatively.
Mr. BLANCHARD said that the present bill only meant to establish the principle in existence in the city.
Mr. COFFIN and Mr. TOWNSEND hoped that the bill would not pass, as it might operate injuriously.
Mr. PARKER supported the bill, as it would favour the poor.
Mr. BILL said that there was no question as to the correctness of the principle of the bill, but how would it work in the country where the credit system so largely prevails?
Mr. COWIE said that the difficulty was to ascertain the actual income a man might have. He could understand how the bill might work in reference to a man who lends money out at interest.
Mr. BLANCHARD said that the bill was not of an inquisitorial character; if a man was not taxed fairly he had his remedy by making an affidavit of the fact.
Mr DONKIN believed that any gentleman who reflected on the subject would see the propriety of the hill before the House.
Hon. ATTY. GENL. was in favour of the principle of the hill; but suggested whether a more simple machinery could not be found than what was in the hill. He believed that a fair system of taxation, something like what was proposed in the bill, would relieve the industrial classes largely from taxation. He was afraid the present measure went too far.
Hon. PRO. SEC. was of opinion that the bill was a good one; the effect would be to relieve the poorer classes.
Mr. ROSS pointed out defects in the existing assessment law; there should be a general assessor appointed in every county by the sessions.
Mr. KILLAM doubted the advisability of the measure.
Dr. HAMILTON was glad to see such a law introduced.
The Committee rose and reported progress.
Mr. ARCHIBALD introduced a bill to authorize the sale of certain school lands.
Hon. Mr. SHANNON a bill to incorporate the Intercolonial Goal Mining Company.
The House adjourned.


Nova Scotia. The Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Halifax: Croshill and Bourinot, 1864-1867. Digitized by Canadiana.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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