[..] unsuspecting victim for his money or furs. Many carried out
their various schemes under the guise of being free traders.
The southern portion of the country in Blackfoot and
Peigan territory was polluted with so-called traders whose
unbridled use of rotgut whisky was creating havoc amongst the
once-proud Blackfoot nation and their allies. The Americans
from across the border of Montana had established so-called
trading posts within our border and had accomplished what
the thousands of Crees had failed to do in their best days,
namely the subjugation of the southern tribes. The American
long-range rifles and their speed with the short gun while they
plied the natives with whisky and cheated them out of their
belongings was a disgrace to a civilized nation.
It was with horror and impotent rage that I had listened to a
recital of the growing power that these degenerate adventurers
who acknowledged no authority but their unmerciful use of
guns and whisky to victimize the natives. A man named Felix
Monroe, who had been a Blackfoot interpreter with the Palliser
expedition in '58, spent half the night telling us of the many
misdeeds going on in that part of the territories.
I was in those days indifferent to the need of government,
but now was fully awake to the fact that nothing could save my
Indian friends but some authoritative action to oust these
American vagabonds and leeches who were sucking the very
life blood of the southern tribes.
My old friend Spence had kept me informed of the
controversy raging in the settlement of the Red River and Fort
Garry that ended with the Rebellion of 1869-70, the final
outcome of which I had learned on this trip. During the
transition of authority from the Hudson's Bay Company to the
Government of Canada I had taken a neutral stand, not joining
with any side in the disputed matters concerned with this
change. I deemed the whole question was not of my concern,
living in the western Territories. It would be some time before
we were affected.
The matter of annexation to the States was a different
matter. Its accomplishment even to a minor degree by the
usurping of authority by these unprincipled traders in our
territory fairly made my blood boil as nothing had in all the
years of agitation, petitions, and what-not that had predated
the Riel Rebellion. I welcomed the news that a high official of
the Government of Canada was being sent out to the West to
investigate actual conditions and report recommendations.
It was variously rumoured in Hudson's Bay circles that as a
result of this investigation a police force would be made
available to the Territories and that some form of authoritative
government would be established. I found myself adopting a
completely different attitude. It had now become a personal
matter by the loss of two winters' labour in trapping and
The continued decrease of buffalo on the prairies was
creating considerable resentment among the Indians whose
livelihood depended completely on the buffalo. Though
poison bait was unheard of among the northern tribes, a supply
was being used and made available by these southern traders.
Indian dogs had been killed by the baits set out for wolves and
coyotes, and it was a common belief that horses had been
poisoned by eating grass where an unrecovered carcass had
decomposed. If horses could die, they argued, then buffalo
would also be killed.
Isolated among the northern tribes, I had not given these
matters much thought. My personal loss by one of these rogues
filled me with a resentment almost beyond my control. At the
moment I did not credit my brother's weakness for drink a
factor of any importance. I had fervently expressed my hearty
approval at Carlton and Fort Pitt and definitely stated that it
would be easy to recruit help to route those whisky traders and
crooks who were engaged in that nefarious business.
When we got back home, Charlotte received my bad news
with her usual fortitude. "Well, Peter! Using your own words,
it is tough luck. We are both healthy and we can still hunt and
fish. We will leave our two boys with my mother and make that
trip to Beaver Lake that you claim is swarming with mink."
"Look here, woman! It will be impossible for you to go
along. We will have to go on saddle horse and bring our stuff on
pack horses. How can you take the girl along? Three children
will be too much for your mother and I will not allow it."
"Forget your objections," she replied, "I have made up my
mind. If there are as many mink on that creek as you claim, you
will have no time to trap, skin and prepare the pelts as well as
cook your meals, and besides we both have to work to recover
our losses this winter."
The weather was very mild for that time of year in the latter
part of October 1870, after a sharp period that froze the small
lakes. I made a last effort to change my wife's idea of braving the
trip but it was useless. "We can be at that creek in four days. We
have a good tent and the weather is mild. Look at this fur-lined
bag that I have made for our girl. Hundreds of Indian children
have been carried for centuries in this kind of thing. My mother
helped me make it. Besides, she is only too eager to have our
boys in her care while we are away."
I gave up the argument but I slammed the door good and [...]
[...] you have fingers and toes, so sit down and rest yourself while I
get some breakfast ready."
"Do not bother," I said. "I'm not hungry."
"Huh," he grunted, "Stop worrying. Healthy good women
in our tribe never have trouble with babies. When you married
one of our girls, you did not marry trouble. Your wife has had
four children without your presence, so why trouble yourself
This remark of the old gentleman had its desired effect in
cooling my nervousness. Under his cheerful conversation
which avoided the matter uppermost in my mind, we began
eating. I forgot my lack of hunger and my usual good appetite
asserted itself, much to the amusement of my optimistic friend.
The gleam in his eye reminded me of my former protests
against eating any breakfast.
It was now broad daylight and everybody was up and about
their duties. I watched the old gentleman's clumsy efforts at
washing the dishes. Then he turned to me in a grumbling voice
and said, "You have my wife working for you and I have to do
her work, so you had better go after my horses as I need them
this morning."
I had a long walk after his horses. It took quite a search to
find them but I brought them in for him at the Hunter teepee.
Mrs. Hunter waved to me to come to my own tent.
Charlotte gave me a weary smile and said, "Peter, I am glad
for you. It is another boy and I want him named David."
I was so relieved and glad that she was all right that I would
have consented to the name Ebenezer had she asked.
Hunter I noticed just tied his horses up till noon, then
turned them out again. He had merely sent me after the horses
to keep me occupied. I was grateful for his clever management
that had kept me busy and free from needless worry.
Two days later a couple of strangers arrived and made
inquiries as to my whereabouts. They were guided to Hunter's
teepee by one of the camp guards. Hunter immediately offered
them the hospitality of his teepee, placing robes for them to rest
in a reclining position. A good meal was prepared at once as
was the custom when strangers were guests. The guard had
shown them to Hunter's tepee knowing how matters were in
my tent, this with far more consideration and tact than I
experienced among white settlers in later years.
John sent his wife to call me from my tent without saying
just what was wanted.
I shook hands with both men saying, "My friends, you have
come at a bad time. I'll have to talk with my wife before I can
promise to go with you."
Discussing the matter of the arrival of these men, my wife's
answer was typical of the way she faced all our problems.
"You have given your word to their fathers, Peter. There is
nothing for you to do but go with them at once. I will be all
right with Mrs. Hunter to look after me. Peter Shirt and Red
Head can look after the carts and we will return with the others.
Thanks to our friends, our carts are loaded and the others are
almost ready."
I went back to the men and told them that I would be ready
as soon as they wanted to go. "We are ready now," said one man
as he rose to his feet from where he was resting. "My father has
already started for Carlton and we may be late if we delay."
Packing a few things in a bag for extras, I went with the
clothes I was dressed in, hurriedly packed food and cooking
utensils on a pack horse and riding Whitey, my buffalo runner,
I was ready to start. Peter had fetched the horses while I was
packing my duffle for the trip. I bid the family goodbye and
gave some last minute instructions to Peter in regard to the care
of the family and equipment. These latter orders were hardly
necessary as I had long since been dependent on the young man
for the care of everything while I was away. Of course a man
likes to assert his authority, especially with strangers present.
We arrived at Carlton the evening of the fifth day of hard
riding and long hours, but our horses were all in excellent
condition to start with and stood up well to the trip. A large
encampment appeared, and separated by a lane were the
various tents and canvas shelters that housed the traders.
Apparently they had anticipated an agreement on treaty terms
and had come prepared to do business with the Indians.3 Later I
learned that my youngest sister was there also. She had married
a trader, a big strapping Swede by the name of Pederson.
Though I was kept pretty busy, we managed to get together for
a visit.
A comfortable teepee had been set up for our use with
buffalo robes, new blankets, cooking utensils, and even
prepared food. Mr. Hunter was particularly impressed with the
care lavished on us for our stay. Certainly it was the best
hospitality that could be provided. The camp crier rode among
the teepees and announced our arrival. He was riding on a gaily
decorated pinto pony. He was telling the people that their
interpreter had arrived and that the chiefs and councillors
should get ready for the meeting the next day.
I decided to take a walk around camp and saw Governor
Morris walking in front of the Hudson's Bay post. There were
over 250 teepees on the Indian section of the grounds. It was an
impressive sight. I had never seen so many teepees in one
locality before. There were hundreds of horses feeding on the
flats, some picketed close by their owner's teepee with the usual
assortment of dogs which appeared to have barked themselves
to exhaustion as they lay before each teepee.
The chiefs were dressed in all their finery, feathers, plumes,
and ermine-decorated coats. I felt a little out of place among the
tribal costumes; and when we came before the assembled
officials, they also had quite as great an array of finery as our
Indian chiefs. My work clothes, though neat and clean, when
compared against all the other finery were indeed inadequate. I
wished that I had come better prepared for this situation.
When I saw Peter Ballenden and the Rev. John McKay
seated among the official group, I presumed they were the
interpreters the chief had mentioned. I was not too greatly
concerned, as I knew both men; their ability as interpreters to a
large gathering such as we would be faced with on the morrow
would be tested to the limit.
Governor Morris, Hon. James McKay, Clarke, William
Christie, now retired from the Hudson's Bay service, and a Dr.
Jackes were all seated at the table when we entered" Clarke
jumped up and came forward to introduce our party.
I was standing beside Mista-wa-sis, but Clarke paid no
attention to my presence while he was conducting the
introductions. Although Clarke, Ballenden, Christie, and the
Rev. McKay all knew me by name, they did not offer any sign of
The Governor advanced and shook hands with the chiefs,
saying, "I have come to meet you Cree chiefs to make a treaty
with you for the surrender of your rights of the land to the
government, and further I have two of the most efficient
interpreters that could be obtained. There stand Peter
Ballenden and the Rev. John McKay."
"Peter Erasmus lives several hundred miles from here and I
did not know that the chiefs had sent for him; therefore I hired
these two other interpreters."
I had quietly interpreted these side conversations to the
chief and he was prepared for an answer.
This latter statement by the chief, I interpreted to Morris
directly, not waiting for Ballenden to misinterpret the chief's
I was quick to translate the conversations before waiting for
Ballenden's hesitant and slow interpretations. The Governor's
party were huddled at the table in low conversation, none of
which I could hear. In the meantime the chiefs gathered
together and were about to leave the room when the Governor
looked up and saw they were going to leave.
"All right," he said. "You can have your interpreter. My
tent will be pitched on the prairie where we will meet. There
will be a band playing to notify you of our presence."
Treaty No. Six
THE GOVERNOR'S TENT was pitched on a slight rise some
distance from the fort. Most of the other officials were already
waiting for him in the tent. Then the Governor's carriage
appeared, accompanied by the Mounted Police and led by the
promised band. The Police, dressed in their smart scarlet
uniforms and riding well trained horses, made a big impression
with the Indians. In fact the great prestige of the Governor was
somewhat overshadowed by the smart appearance of his escort.
Many Indians of that camp were seeing the Mounted Police
for the first time. Though small in number, the Police were to
be an important factor in establishing in the minds of the tribes
the fairness and justice of government for all the people
regardless of colour or creed — something they had no concept
of in its broader sense.
The Indian's own rules were handed down from the dim
past, their oldest traditions accepted without question. The
chiefs and councillors were chosen for outstanding qualities of
character. Bravery and ability were the sole measures by which
their leaders were qualified to take positions of trust. A son of a
chief assumed office following the death of the chief only if he
had proved himself qualified under these standards of office.
The Indians recognized and respected the personal qualities
of the individuals comprising the Force as being the qualities
they demanded in their own leaders. The administration of
impartial justice without regard to colour or creed, and the
tenacity of its members in carrying out their duties, soon
became a topic of Indian campfire conversation. The small
number of this Police Force would have been utterly incapable
of handling the thousands of Indians if they had attempted to
employ force to compel obedience.
The chief and his councillors administered the laws for
their band and the tribe recognized the necessity for rules
governing individuals who at times broke the rules set by their
leaders for the benefit of the majority. That, in my opinion, is
what made possible the successful role that this small Force
played in the progress of settlement of one country.
Our approach to the Governor's tent was delayed by certain
ceremonial proceedings that have been far better described than
I feel capable of doing. However, let me say that these
ceremonial practices had a deep significance to the tribes and
can only be explained as a solemn approach to a vital and
serious issue for discussion.
Few people realize that those so-called savages were far
more deeply affected and influenced by their religious beliefs
and convictions than any comparable group of white people,
whose lip service to their religion goes no deeper than that. The
forms of ceremonial behaviour with which the Indians
approached the Governor's tent were based on practices whose
actual meaning has long since been lost. The ceremony in the
crowning of the kings and queens of England would have little
meaning were it not for the benefit of a written language.
We were finally seated on the grass in a large semicircle in
front of the Governor's tent crossed-legged, a position that
seems to be the most restful and relaxed manner of listening to a
speech. I have seen quite old men rise to their feet to speak from
this position without the use of their hands or arms to assist
them, all with apparently effortless ease. My own attempts in
this regard were never graceful or even easy. I always had to use
my hands and arms to assist me. It was a physical feat that I
never successfully conquered.
We were patiently awaiting the Commissioner's convenience when the
Hon. James McKay came to the front and called
Peter Erasmus to come forward to interpret the Governor's
speech. I rose to my feet and said, "I object, Sir. It is my
impression that I am not employed by the government but am
acting only on behalf of the chiefs assembled here. Therefore, I
refuse to interpret the Governor's speech; that I consider is the
duty of its paid servants." I then faced the Indians and repeated
my words in Cree.
McKay again insisted but I just as promptly refused.
Mista-wa-sis turned to me and in an undertone asked me if I
thought that I was capable of interpreting.
"Certainly I can, or else I would not be here. Let their own
men talk first and then you will understand why I refuse to do
their bidding."
Big Child and
Star Blanket on each side of me nodded their
agreement. The former rose to his feet. There was considerable
stir among the Indians at the delay. Voices were noticeable
from those seated furthest away from the stand. As soon as
Child stood up there was immediate silence. He was a
commanding figure of a man, not tall, but he stood straight and
his wide shoulders spoke of strength. He didn't say a word until
there was complete silence. Showing his closed fist with index
finger protruding, he spoke, "This is number one," indicating
"one" with the raising of his hand for all to see. "Already you
have broken your word on what you have agreed."
I stood beside him and interpreted word for word as he
All the Indians rose to their feet and crowded forward
behind their chiefs. The Police were kept busy keeping them
away from the table. They were like a forest as a gathering
storm of words rolled forward. I was thoroughly angered at the
manner in which the Governor had been inveigled into this
I had expected neither the strong reaction from the Indians
nor McKay's determination to have his own way. I knew that
Peter Ballenden had not the education or practice to interpret,
and his voice had no carrying quality to make himself heard
before all this large assembly. The Rev. McKay had learned his
Cree among the Swampy and Saulteaux. While there was a
similarity in some words, and I had learned both languages, the
Prairie Crees would not understand his Cree. Further, the
Prairie Crees looked down on the Swampy and Saulteaux as an
inferior race. They would be intolerant at being addressed in
Swampy or Saulteaux words. I knew that McKay was not
sufficiently versed in the Prairie Cree to confine his interpretations to their own
The Rev. Mr. McDougall was busy trying to calm Bear
Skin, the most irate and the loudest of any of the crowd. Both
leading chiefs stood without saying a word while all the fuss
went on. Finally Big Child was satisfied that the Government
party had been sufficiently chastised. He waved to those
immediately surrounding him to be seated, and as before, with
a few words, restored order.
The Governor was quick to take advantage of the lull after
Mista-wa-sis had waved his people to silence. You could almost
feel the strong tension that still remained.
Governor Morris
started his address with the
Rev. McKay interpreting.
"You nations of the Crees," he began, "I am here on a most
important mission as representing Her Majesty the Queen
Mother to form a treaty with you in her name, that you
surrender your rights in these northern territories to the
He went on to explain that treaties already had been signed
by other tribes, naming those that had been treated with. He
mentioned the Touchwood Hills Crees and some of the others,
saying that he had been chosen because he was familiar with
Indian conditions.
McKay's interpretations were mixed with Swampy and
Saulteaux words. I mentioned this in English to the table, and
Honourable James angrily shouted, "Stop that, or you will
rattle him!"
Mista-wa-sis, after listening for a time, jumped to his feet
and said, "We are not Swampy Crees or Saulteaux Indians. We
are Plains Crees and demand to be spoken to in our own
McKay understood, was confused, and sat down. The
Governor turned to me and asked what the chief had said. I
explained the chief's words. The Rev. McKay again tried to
continue, got mixed up with Saulteaux words and took his seat.
Ballenden was now called up. I was delighted, for I knew
the man quite well. He was a good man to interpret personal
talks but I knew he would be completely out of his element as
an interpreter for such a large meeting, where a man's voice had
to carry to reach the men furthest from the stand.
His attitude of the previous evening in not showing me any
recognition; and Clarke's conspicuous neglect of a formal
introduction, even though he was personally acquainted with
me, had fairly made my blood boil. I had no pity for the men
who had contributed their share to having me discredited with
the Commissioner. Ballenden did exactly as I thought. He
made an excellent interpretation of the Governor's words but
in a voice so low that it could not be heard beyond the first ten
rows of men seated on the ground. The men in the back rows
got to their feet and demanded that he speak in a louder voice;
again there was some confusion and the two chiefs beside me
got to their feet and ordered the men to be quiet. Ballenden tried
to raise his voice, choked, and then sat down. My revenge at that
moment was sweet but I could read consternation on the faces
of my impolite friends at the table.
The Governor, who I could see was growing exasperated at
these frequent interruptions to his talk, said, "All right,
Erasmus. Let this be your chance to justify your chiefs'
confidence in your work."
I immediately rose to my feet, stepped beside the Governor's
table, faced the Crees, and spoke in Cree, reviewing the text of
the Governor's speech to them. Then I motioned to the
Commissioner to continue his address. I knew my voice had
suffered nothing from my heated veins or the exultation that I
felt at the complete disposal of the slight so desperately
manoeuvered by these men sitting around the table. The
Governor spoke for an hour or so explaining the purpose of the
treaty and its objectives, and describing in some detail the
terms. He especially emphasized the money each person would
get. There were no further interruptions.
Once during a pause in the Governor's speech, the
Honourable James differed with me over an interpretation of
one word. However, his brother supported my interpretation in
the matter and no further objections were expressed during the
whole of the remaining treaty negotiations. Though that first
day I felt high strung and angry over the treatment I had
received, I was determined that nothing would prevent me from
doing my work with credit to my employers and justice to the
Governor's talks.
The Indians had retired to their teepees or were sitting in
groups discussing the treaty terms. Hunter was around
somewhere with the other Indians. I was reclining in our tent
trying to calm my ruffled feelings and assess the value of my
contribution to the talks when the Governor's cook stuck his
head in the tent flaps and said that the Governor wanted to see
me. I was about to give the men a curt refusal, thinking that
sending the lowest man on their staff to summon me to the
great man's presence was another effort to emphasize my status.
Then I heard the Hon. James McKay, Christie, and Dr. Jackes
questioning the cook, asking if he had found my tent. He
answered in the affirmative; then they all came to the tent and
said they were there to escort me back to the Governor's
quarters. Entering, I stood without making any comment,
awaiting the gentleman's pleasure. "Well, Mr. Erasmus. I
suppose you are slightly exhausted over your labours this
forenoon?" I thought I detected a slight hint of sarcasm in his
tone and immediately answered, "No, Mr. Morris. Not by the
work but by the preliminaries that led up to the work."
He smiled and I heard laughs in the background. Then he
came forward to where I was standing and handed me a glass of
brandy, which I accepted, for to have refused would have
indicated that I was still nursing a grievance in the face of his
apparent effort at appeasement.
"Mr. Erasmus, I called you here to congratulate you on your
work. You are the first man I ever heard who interpreted to such
a large audience without making a mistake. I see you have
friends around here, although our first impressions may have
discouraged this view."
It was pretty much of an after-dinner speech. Some of the
Governor's guests applauded but I noticed that Clarke and
Ballenden were not among them. Mr. Morris advised me that,
beginning that day, I would be in his pay for the balance of the
"Thank you, Sir. I hope that I may have better co-operation
in the next few days. I promise to give you the best I have, and
assure you that today's unpleasantness will not be repeated
from our side."
I begged to be excused and took my departure without
further words.
The next day the Police band preceded the Governor as
before, but there was not so much pomp and display from the
Government party. Even the Governor walked unescorted from
his carriage the short distance to the stand. The Indians were
already in place in their usual postures of comfortable listening
as on the previous day.
The Commissioner formally opened the meeting by stating
that today he wanted to hear what they had to say, adding, "I
cannot go any further in regard to the terms I explained
Poundmaker, who was not a chief at that time but just a
brave, spoke up and said, "The governor mentions how much
land is to be given to us. He says 640 acres, one mile square for
each family, he will give us." And in a loud voice he shouted,
"This is our land! It isn't a piece of pemmican to be cut off and
given in little pieces back to us. It is ours and we will take what
we want."
A strong wave of approval came back from the seated
Indians at his statement.
Some braves in the last row rose to
their feet, waved their hands and arms, shouting, "Yes! Yes! " in
Cree. Apparently these were Poundmaker's followers. It was
some time before the main chiefs could restore order.
The Commissioner was visibly shaken by this demonstration that erupted at the beginning.
His assumption had been
that the Indians had completely adopted his treaty terms,
which by his own words he was not authorized to change in any
form. I thought to myself, "A boxer sent into the ring with his
hands tied."
The Governor went on to explain that unless certain lands
were set aside for the sole use of the Indians, the country would
be flooded with white settlers who would not give the Indians
any consideration whatever. He made references to other areas
where settlement was growing very fast. Morris's speech and
explanation were couched in simple terms for the understanding of the Indian people.
His manner held a sincerity that was
most effective in impressing his audience. Knowing the
Indians as I did, I could see that they were receiving the message
with a growing understanding of its purpose.
Standing at the Governor's table I was able to observe the
reactions of some of the listeners. I felt that Big Child and Star
Blanket were both convinced of the fairness and justice of the
terms explained to them by the speaker. I had an increased
confidence in my interpretations, my sympathies transferred to
the Governor's side, and my early animosity to the party was
completely gone. The translations came to my tongue without
effort and I seemed inspired to a tension that made my voice
heard in the back rows where I had placed Hunter to give me a
sign if my voice was not being heard distinctly.
Mista-wa-sis rose to his feet at the conclusion of Morris's
detailed explanations of the treaty terms and answers to
questions that arose during the proceedings, saying, "We heard
all you have told us and I want to tell the Governor how it is
with us as well. When a thing is thought out quietly, that is the
best way. I ask this of him today, that we go and think over his
Governor Morris agreed with the chief and the meeting was
adjourned till Monday. It was now Saturday.
The Indians did not hold a council on Sunday. The main
chiefs said it was better to let the people have time to talk things
over among themselves before calling a meeting. So word was
sent to the Governor that they wanted to postpone the meeting
till Tuesday. Permission was granted and a council called for
I was asked to attend the council with them and was
personally escorted to the meeting by Mista-wa-sis and his ally
Star Blanket. They said that I might be called upon to explain
the talks, in case of any misunderstanding of my interpretations of the treaty terms.
"There are many among us who are
trying to confuse and mislead the people; that is why I thought
it best to give them lots of time for their bad work. Today they
will have to come out in the open and will be forced to show
their intentions," said
Big Child.
about an understanding among their own. people before
meeting with the Commissioner.
Whether the treaty was actually misunderstood or deliberately misconstrued I know
not, but the meeting was hardly
underway when Big Child motioned me to disprove any wrong
statement by those opposed to the agreement.
There were immediate objections to my taking part in the
council but
Star Blanket got up and spoke most emphatically.
"Mista-wa-sis and I fetched this man here at a great deal of
trouble to ourselves because we were told that Peter Erasmus
was learned in the language the Governor speaks. You all heard
and saw the other men fail to interpret what he tried to say. He,
Peter Erasmus, is the people's hired man. He is here to open our
eyes and ears to the words that you and I cannot understand.
Mista-wa-sis and I have asked him here to keep us right on what
was offered in the treaty terms."
Ah-tuk-a-kup's words had the immediate effect of silencing
any further attempts to confuse treaty terms. There was then no
further need to dispute any statement intended to be misleading
by those opposed or trying for better promises under the
The talks went on all day, only adjourned for a short noon-
hour meal. Indian eloquence had full play that day. Many of
the council men spoke in addition to the chiefs. There was a
Chipewyan Indian present who argued considerable time
away and was supported by Poundmaker and The Badger until
a council man rose and objected to his interference.
"This man is not a chief and has no authority to speak for
his band. Why should he be allowed to interrupt the council
and waste so much of our time?"
There was loud assent from many voices and that silenced
the voluble Chipewyan, whom I judged to be the main
Poundmaker and
The Badger led the faction who were
strong in their objections and refused to grant the possibility of
existing by agricultural pursuits. These men had most of their
support from those with less than thirty lodges to their count.
Late that afternoon, I thought there was little hope of reaching
an agreement. I was getting tired and about to ask permission
to retire when I saw Ah-tuk-a-kup nod to Big Child.
Mista-wa-sis rose to his feet. All afternoon he had sat
without taking part in the speeches. All those who were taking
part in the previous arguments sat down. There was silence as
the man stood and waited for every person to be seated.
"I have heard my brothers speak, complaining of the
hardships endured by our people. Some have bewailed the
poverty and suffering that has come to Indians because of the
destruction of the buffalo as the chief source of our living, the
loss of the ancient glory of our forefathers; and with all that I
agree, in the silence of my teepee and on the broad prairies
where once our fathers could not pass for the great number of
those animals that blocked their way; and even in our day, we
have had to choose carefully our campground for fear of being
trampled in our teepees. With all these things, I think and feel
intensely the sorrow my brothers express.
"I speak directly to Poundmaker and The Badger and those
others who object to signing this treaty. Have you anything
better to offer our people? I ask, again, can you suggest
anything that will bring these things back for tomorrow and all
the tomorrows that face our people?
"I for one think that the Great White Queen Mother has
offered us a way of life when the buffalo are no more. Gone they
will be before many snows have come to cover our heads or
graves if such should be."
There were loud groans and exclamations of despair at the
latter statement from many places among the group. Mista-wa-
sis continued after waiting for the murmur to die down.
"I speak the tongue of the Blackfoot. I have been in their
lodges. I have seen with my eyes and listened with my ears to the
sorrows of that once-proud nation; people whom we have
known as our enemies, the Peigan and the Bloods who are their
brothers. Pay attention, listen hard to what I am about to say.
The Big Knives of the south came into Blackfoot territory as
traders; though few in number they have conquered these
nations, and that, all the Crees in the days of our fathers and
their fathers before them failed to do. How did they do it? Listen
closely, my brothers, and you will understand. What was done
to them can be done to us if we throw away the hand that is
extended to us by this treaty.
"These traders, who were not of our land, with smooth talk
and cheap goods persuaded the southern tribes it would be a
good thing to have a place to trade products of the hunt, the
hides and tanned goods. The traders came and built strong
forts, and with their long rifles that can kill at twice the distance
of our own and the short guns that can spout death six times
quicker than you can tell about it, they had the people at their
mercy. The Blackfoot soon found out the traders had nothing
but whisky to exchange for their skins. Oh, yes! They were
generous at first with their rotten whisky, but not for long. The
traders demanded pay and got Blackfoot horses, buffalo robes,
and all other things they had to offer.
"Those traders laughed at them for fools, and so they were,
to sell their heritage for ruin and debauchery. Some of the
bravest of the Blackfoot tried to get revenge for the losses but
they were shot down like dogs and dragged to the open plains
on horses to rot or be eaten by wolves.
"The Great Queen Mother, hearing of the sorrows of her
children, sent out the Red Coats. Though these were only of a
number you could count on your fingers and toes, yet the
cutthroats and criminals who recognized no authority but their
guns, who killed each other on the slightest pretence and
murdered Indians without fear of reprisal, immediately
abandoned their forts, strong as they were, and fled back to their
own side of the line. I ask you why those few men could put to
flight those bad men who for years have defied the whole of the
southern Indian nations?
"Surely these Red Coats are men of flesh and blood as
ourselves and a bullet is just as effective on them as on any
Blackfoot. Why of course, they are of flesh and blood. They
could be killed as easily as any Blackfoot, but ask yourselves
why the traders fled in fear from so few men. The southern
tribes outnumbered this small Police Force one hundred to one,
but they were helpless in spite of their numbers.
"Let me tell you why these things were so. It was the power
that stands behind those few Red Coats that those men feared
and wasted no time in getting out when they could; the power
that is represented in all the Queen's people, and we the
children are counted as important as even the Governor who is
her personal speaker.
"The Police are the Queen Mother's agents and have the
same laws for whites as they have for the Indians. I have seen
these things done and now the Blackfoot welcome these
servants of the Queen Mother and invite her Governor for a
treaty with them next year.
"I, for one, look to the Queen's law and her Red Coat
servants to protect our people against the evils of white man's
firewater and to stop the senseless wars among our people,
against the Blackfoot, Peigans, and Bloods. We have been in
darkness; the Blackfoot and the others are people as we are.
They will starve as we will starve when the buffalo are gone. We
will be brothers in misery when we could have been brothers in
plenty in times when there was no need for any man, woman, or
child to be hungry.
"We speak of glory and our memories are all that is left to
feed the widows and orphans of those who have died in its
attainment. We are few in numbers compared to former times,
by wars and the terrible ravages of smallpox. Our people have
vanished too. Even if it were possible to gather all the tribes
together, to throw away the hand that is offered to help us, we
would be too weak to make our demands heard.
"Look to the great Indian nations in the Long Knives'
country who have been fighting since the memory of their
oldest men. They are being vanquished and swept into the most
useless parts of their country. Their days are numbered like
those of the buffalo. There is no law or justice for the Indians in
Long Knives' country. The Police followed two murderers to
Montana and caught them but when they were brought to the
Montana court they were turned free because it was not murder
to kill an Indian.
"The prairies have not been darkened by the blood of our
white brothers in our time. Let this always be so. I for one will
take the hand that is offered. For my band I have spoken."
There was a deep silence after Mista-wa-sis had taken his
seat. No one appeared to have anything to say. Then, finally,
Star Blanket rose to his feet and for along minute stood with his
head bowed as if in deep thought or as if he had been
profoundly impressed with the former speaker's words.
"Yes," he said finally, "I have carried the dripping scalps of
the Blackfoot on my belt and thought it was a great deed of
bravery. I thought it was part of the glory of war but I now agree
with Mista-wa-sis." Then he raised his voice so that it rang
with the power of great conviction, "It is no longer a good
thing. If we had been friends we might now be a host of people
of all nations and together have power to demand the things
some of you foolishly think you can get and insist on now
"No, that is not the road we took, but killed each other in
continuous wars and in horse stealing, all for the glory we all
speak of so freely. The great sickness took half our lodges and
the dreaded disease fell as heavily on our enemies. We are weak
and my brother Mista-wa-sis I think is right that the buffalo
will be gone forever before many snows. What then will be left
us with which to bargain? With the buffalo gone we will have
only the vacant prairie which none of us have learned to use.
"Can we stop the power of the white man from spreading
over the land like the grasshoppers that cloud the sky and then
fall to consume every blade of grass and every leaf on the trees in
their path? I think not. Before this happens let us ponder
carefully our choice of roads.
"There are men among you who are trying to blind our
eyes, and refuse to see the things that have brought us to this
pass. Let us not think of ourselves but of our children's
children. We hold our place among the tribes as chiefs and
councillors because our people think we have wisdom above
others amongst us. Then let us show our wisdom. Let us show
our wisdom by choosing the right path now while we yet have a
"We have always lived and received our needs in clothing,
shelter, and food from the countless multitudes of buffalo that
have been with us since the earliest memory of our people. No-
one with open eyes and open minds can doubt that the buffalo
will soon be a thing of the past. Will our people live as before
when this comes to pass? No! They will die and become just a
memory unless we find another way.
"For my part, I think that the Queen Mother has offered us a
new way and I have faith in the things my brother Mista-wa-sis
has told you. The mother earth has always given us plenty with
the grass that fed the buffalo. Surely we Indians can learn the
ways of living that made the white man strong and able to
vanquish all the great tribes of the southern nations. The white
men never had the buffalo but I am told they have cattle in the
thousands that are covering the prairie for miles and will
replace the buffalo in the Long Knives' country and may even
spread over our lands. The white men number their lodges by
the thousands, not like us who can only count our teepees by
tens. I will accept the Queen's hand for my people. I have
With the last of his words, the councillors of both main
speakers rose to their feet, together held up their hands as a
gesture of acceptance, and again took their places. Other chiefs
among the assembly spoke a few words in agreement. The
greater majority with a few exceptions had accepted the views
of the two main chiefs.
Mista-wa-sis adjourned the meeting by saying, "It is good
that my brothers go back to their teepees and study these
matters with care. We will not be hasty. You will have a chance
to ask questions on things you want cleared up. We will have
our interpreter mark down the things we think we should
To this the Indians agreed. Dismissed, many of the chiefs
came up and shook hands with Mista-wa-sis and Ah-tuk-a-
kup, thus expressing their unanimous approval of the speeches
of the two men that had swung the meeting in favour of treaty
terms. I noticed that Poundmaker and The Badger were not
among those who came forward to shake hands.
After I had retired to our tent, I lay awake thinking of the
things spoken by the two chiefs, and marvelled at the
confidence they both felt in the fairness of the justice carried out
by this slender arm of the Queen Mother. The statement that
the Police had the same laws for white men and the Indians was
true of our country, whereas only the previous year some
Americans had committed murder on our side of the line. They
had been followed to Montana and arrested but when they were
brought before the Montana court, in spite of all the clear
evidence of their guilt, the case was dismissed. The men had
only killed Indians and that was not considered a crime on that
side of the line.
On Tuesday the Indians were slow in gathering at the
Governor's tent. Poundmaker and The Badger were trying to
gather support for their demands in the matter of treaty terms.
Majority opinion had forced them to a grudging consent at the
meeting. The Chipewyan was again active wherever he could
find an audience, and backed by the other two men had
regained his former boldness. But I noticed he was having
difficulty in getting anyone to listen.
The Governor did not waste any time on preliminary talk
but said he was ready to listen to the people and was prepared to
clear up any question about which there was any doubt.
Poundmaker immediately spoke, asking help when the
Indians started to settle on the reserves.
The Badger took up the
theme with more elaboration.
"We think of our children. We do not want to be greedy but
when we commence to settle on the reserves we select, it is then
we want aid and when we can't help ourselves in case of
Sakamoos and
others spoke, referring to portions of the
treaty in regard to settlement on reserves, the need for medical
help, and guidance in regard to the new project of agriculture.
A summary of their remarks meant that they wanted assistance
to get established in their new occupation of agriculture, not
only financially but also in instruction and management.
Then the
Hon. James McKay, in a somewhat arrogant tone,
admonished them in Cree for their demands. "In my experience
you always want more than you were promised in the first place
and you are never satisfied with what is given you." He made
other biting remarks detrimental to the character of the
In view of my knowledge of what had transpired at their
council I thought his speech most unfortunate and very
harmful. His very attitude insulted the intelligence of his
listeners. There was distinct murmur of disapproval all over
the crowd. McKay had hardly taken his seat when
The Badger
leapt to his feet.
"I did not say that I wanted to be fed every day. You, I know,
understand our language and yet you twist my words to suit
your own meaning. What I did say was that when we settle on
the ground to work the land, that is when we will need help and
that is the only way a poor Indian can get along."
The speech that McKay had made was not interpreted into
English but Morris could see that it had made a bad impression
on the people by the angry stir that prevailed.
I interpreted all
Indian replies and said, "Let McKay, the Honourable James,
explain his own speech." However, I noticed the Governor did
not take the trouble to inquire into the contents of McKay's
speech that had so roused the Indians.
"You will remember the promise that I have already made,"
he said instead. "You will get the seed and you need not concern
yourselves about what your children will eat. They will be
taught and be able to look after themselves."
Big Child spoke, "It is well known that if we have plenty in
our gardens and crops we would not insist on getting more
provisions, but it is only in the case of extremity and from the
ignorance of Indians in commencing to work the land that we
speak. We are in the dark. This is no trivial matter with us."
"The things we have talked over in our Council, we think
are for our good," said
Star Blanket. "I believe that the good
councillors of the Queen Mother and her commissioners know
what is best for them. I was told that the Governor was a good
man and now that I have seen him and listened to him talk, I
know I heard right. He has removed some of the obstacles to our
understanding and I hope he will remove them all."
Star Blanket paused in his discourse as Big Child rose to his
feet and demanded silence from the back where the Chipewyan
was again causing a disturbance.
Star Blanket continued, "We want food in the spring, when
we begin to farm; according as the Indian settles on the land
and as he advances, his needs will increase. I would now ask the
Governor to give us time to consider all the things that he has
told us today."
This was granted, with a warning from the Commissioner
that he could not spend too much time with them as he had
other tribes to treat with that would be waiting for him. He
further stated that he had heard that the buffalo were near and
they would want to be on their way to get their winter
provisions. "Food, my friends, is getting scarce in camp."
The Governor now turned to the Chipewyan who had been
making a disturbance in the crowd. "You are only one of those
people you claim to represent. You are no wiser than your tribe
who have already accepted treaty terms with the Government.
If you have anything to say, I will speak to your people after I
have finished with the Crees."
Teequaysay on the following day got up at the outset of the
meeting to say, "Listen, my friends, all of you sitting around
here, be patient and listen to what our interpreter has been
instructed to tell you. What he will tell you are the things our
main chiefs and councillors have decided to ask for and have
agreed are for our best interests. There will be no more talk or
questions asked of the Governor."
I first explained to the Commissioner that the document I
was about to read had been prepared by the main chiefs and
their councillors and actually contained little more than what
already had been promised, but I had been asked to read the
petition to all the people for their agreement. Thus I
interpreted the contents to the Indians before handing it to the
The Governor then spoke at some length as he dealt with
each section of the petition and gave reasons for the few of the
things that could not be granted. However, he consented to a
grant of one thousand dollars to assist those actually engaged
in farming land on the reserves, but this would operate for three
years only. This would apply to each band. They would receive
a plough and harrow for three families under the same
conditions. They would be at liberty to hunt and trap on
government lands the same as before. The things they would be
getting would be a present on top of what they had before nor
would they be compelled to go to war except on their own free
will. A medicine chest would be placed in the house of every
agent for the free use of the band. Each band would get four
oxen, one bull and six cows, one boar and two pigs. After a
band had settled on its reserve and started to raise grain, they
would get one hand mill. Each chief would get one horse,
harness and wagon.
Most of the chiefs expressed agreement, but Poundmaker
was still not satisfied.
Joseph Toma asked for guns and said he
was speaking for
Red Pheasant.
Morris replied, "When the list of things the interpreter read
was handed to me, Red Pheasant sat in silence and I presumed
he was satisfied as the others were. Then the principal chiefs
expressed approval. I cannot grant your request."
Red Pheasant got up and repudiated the statement of
Joseph Toma's as his own and not by his permission. That
terminated the discussion in the formation of the treaty terms.
The Governor thanked the Indians for their attention and
co-operation in all the proceedings and stated that the
additional requests would be written in the treaty in all things
he had agreed to. These special provisions were added into the
draft of the treaty before the signing began. There were fifty
signatures to that historic document and other adhesions
followed the same wording as that signed at Carlton. The
reading of the treaty took a great deal of time and required the
services of all the interpreters but this time there were no
fireworks in the matter of words used, nor the objection to
Ballenden's voice. Half the Indians were not concerned.
Mista-wa-sis had called me aside and told me to keep a close
watch on the wording to see that it included everything that
had been promised. However, the other chiefs appeared
satisfied that the Governor would carry out his promises to the
letter. I was able to assure Mista-wa-sis that everything
promised had been included in the writing. He was satisfied
and his name was the first in the signing.
The following day the Governor was at his tent at ten
o'clock while the chiefs' uniforms were issued, complete with
medals and a flag. The councilmen were to receive theirs at the
Hudson's Bay store. The Governor gave them a short discourse
on the meaning of the uniforms, which in substance meant that
they were now representatives of the Queen Mother and to see
that their people should receive justice, and on their part to
fulfill the obligations contained in their positions. There
would be an issue of uniforms to the men that they chose from
time to time to represent them as chiefs and councillors.
There was a great deal of hand-shaking and some fine
compliments exchanged on both sides before the Governor
took his departure. Mista-wa-sis and Star Blanket, I knew,
meant every word they said, as did the Governor. Poundmaker
was equally well versed in complimentary words but I felt
certain that he didn't mean a word he said; in this I was right,
for eight years later he served in jail for his activities in the Riel
Treaty payments were started immediately after the
signing. Christie was in charge and retained me for the balance
of that day to assist in the interpretations. "Peter, the Governor
wishes to see you at the fort this evening for a private talk and I
believe Clarke has something to say as well," he advised me.
Later in the evening I made the call.
"I'm proud of you, Erasmus," said Clarke, "the way you
handled the first day of the talks. I was in a bad spot after hiring
those two men. I could not go back on my word."
"Well, as it turned out there was no harm done, but I hope
you realize that your actions almost created a riot and could
have wrecked the whole business. Trying to pretend you did
not know me that first evening I considered a rank insult, and
that, my high-minded friend, I do not take without repayment.
Further, you should know that you cannot treat men like
Mista-wa-sis and Ah-tuk-a-kup as children, and the manner in
which the Honourable James spoke during the meeting was
equally as stupid."
"Well, Peter, I hope you hold no grudge. You can
understand the position I was in at the time. I hope you will
forget the whole miserable business."
"Certainly, Clarke. The victor is never the man to bear a
grudge; it is always the loser, and I hope you bear that in
Later in the day I had an interview with the Governor which
was more than satisfactory, as he shook hands with me and told
me to take a seat. Christie was present and appeared to be busy
with treaty business.
"Your salary will be five dollars a day, as you have
interpreted for the Indians as well as the government."
"He has done two men's work," said Christie, "so he is
entitled to that money as well. And the man has travelled
several hundred miles to be here — he should be given
something for that."
"You are right, Mr. Christie," replied the Governor. "Put
him down for fifteen dollars for four days' pay. He will be paid
at five dollars a day during treaty negotiations and a travel
allowance until I am through at Fort Pitt."
This was indeed good news and the unexpected support
from Mr. Christie was, you can believe me, more than ample
compensation for my real or imagined slight of the first
evening of the talks.
"You may go with me to Fort Pitt by way of Battleford or
you can go direct to Fort Pitt and meet me there. You will be
paid at the rate of five dollars per day for travelling and the
same for interpreting when I arrive."
"I would prefer to go direct to Fort Pitt as I have a friend
with me who will take care of some supplies that I intend to
take back to my people."
So it was arranged to meet at Fort Pitt.
Hunter, during all our stay at Carlton, had taken care of our
horses, and also made himself useful in keeping me informed of
all the latest developments in camp in relation to the activities
and opinions in regard to treaty talks. I was thus free to devote
all my time to a study of the treaty terms in the conduct of my
duties. He had cultivated a friendship with Mista-wa-sis and
Ah-tuk-a-kup, and I suspect kept them fully informed on all
angles of their opposition.
On the morning of the twenty-fifth, we were making
preparations to go to Fort Pitt when the two main chiefs called
at our teepee to inform us that they had not collected all the
money from their Indians for our pay.
"We were waiting for the Indians to receive all their treaty
money before we started collecting your money."
I replied: "We will have to start today or this evening as it
will just give us time to meet our appointment with the
"All right," said Star Blanket. "We will start at once and see
what we can do. You must wait until we see you later in the
They handed me two hundred and thirty dollars that
afternoon, and with the sixty I had received from the paymaster
Mr. Christie, I felt well paid for my trip. I thanked them for the
money and told them I was well satisfied with the amount they
gave me.
An Indian stopped me while I was making the rounds of the
traders' stores and offered to buy Whitey, my buffalo runner
horse. "I want a hundred dollars for him without the saddle or
bridle," I said.
He accepted at once and handed me a roll of bills for me to
count out the money. I called Hunter to witness the counting,
as he had been instructed in the use of money. The animal was
good value for the price but I mention this incident to show
how easily at that time the Indians could have been cheated out
of their money.
I bought a good stout cart horse harnessed to a cart for fifty
dollars to carry our duffle and the goods we bought. The traders
were getting ready to move to the next trading spot at Fort Pitt
and were offering some good deals to lighten their loads. I
bought a shotgun practically new for about half the asking
price from my new brother-in-law, then loaded our carts with
staple articles of food and a stove. This would be the first
cooking stove we would have since our marriage.
At our evening stop I took the gun and presented it to John
Hunter; his pleasure was something to see, as he alternately
polished the blued steel of the barrel and took aim as if to get
used to the feel of the gun. Then I showed him a handsome
piece of good print for dresses for his wife and some household
utensils as well, but when I showed him all those things his
former pleasure evaporated and he looked very grim.
"Peter," he said, "I cannot accept this gun with all the other
things that you have bought for us. I never could match such a
gift with a return. It is too much. My wife shall have all the
things you bought for her but I am sorry you must take the gun
"That gun, my friend, is not a gift. It is in payment for all
the work looking after the horses and your trouble mixing with
the Indians to bring back a report of what was going on in
camp. You have earned the price of that gun five times over.
Without your help, I could not have prepared my interpretations or made myself familiar
with all the things the Governor
had to tell the people in that paper the chiefs and councillors
"Yes," said Hunter, "but I was doing those things for my
own pleasure and didn't know that it was any help to you. I
would have looked after the horses in any case."
"You must not think," I said, "that I would be so ungrateful
and selfish as to take all that pay and not give you something
for all your wife has done for us and all the kind friendly acts
you have done for me personally." Assuming an angry tone, I
said, "Throw the gun away if you wish. It is yours to do what
you like with it. I do not need another gun as I have one at home
just as good."
He was profuse in his apologies. Luckily I had hit on the
only theme that could dissolve his ethical beliefs that a gift
must always have compensation.
"You must give those things to my wife as a gift. Do not give
her those things as payment for care of your wife, or she will be
hurt and refuse them even as a gift." I had not thought of it his
way. Such delicate management hadn't occurred to me. To pay
his wife for what they considered a friendly service would be
putting a price on friendship that would take away the pleasure
of doing things for your real friends.
We were both happy on the first leg of our journey towards
home. We were well satisfied with our trip. John Hunter was a
chief in his own tribe. His name interpreted in English was
Little Hunter. He was not a small man as his name would
indicate but I found that the name may have been received as a
child. He was not a big man but he certainly wasn't little either
in physical stature or in character.
"Poundmaker," he said while discussing the meeting, "is
not satisfied, nor will he ever be satisfied. He does not think but
just talks and keeps on talking. He and some of the others will
make trouble. Times will be hard for the prairie Indians once
the buffalo are gone. They will have nothing and will not settle
on the land until they are nearing starvation. Steinhauer has
often told us that we must learn to farm and raise animals to
support ourselves for the day when the buffalo will be no more.
Now I have to believe him. We are lucky that we already know
something about raising grain and vegetables, and besides we
still have bush game and fish.
We arrived at Fort Pitt ahead of the government party. A
detachment of Police was already camped on the north side of
the river and I counted a hundred Indian teepees camped on the
flat near the fort.
We crossed the river with a boat that some traders were
using to carry their goods across. Although the river was
unusually low that fall, crossing goods over safely always gave
some concern. By assisting the traders, we got the use of their
boat that made the crossing a simple matter.
On the morning of September the fifth, the Governor and
his party arrived with a Police escort that had gone out to meet
him. All the tribes that were to meet there had not yet arrived
but they had sent riders ahead to tell the others of their coming.
Finally on the sixth, the last of the tribes pitched their teepees
with the others.
I was resting under my cart when William Bull of the James
Seenum band came to where I was resting. "The chiefs have
called a meeting and have sent me to bring you to speak to
I thought it necessary for one of us to stay with our cart as
there was a host of prowling dogs around. Train dogs are
cunning beasts and I always said that I thought they would
sooner steal than be fed in a proper way.
"Go ahead," said Hunter. "I can keep your shady couch
warm till you return. Then we will move in with the chief
Seenum and William who have invited us to share their teepee.
We can get a canvas and bind our load for safety."
I was questioned at some length about the attitude of the
tribes who signed the treaty at Carlton, about details in
reference to treaty concessions, and the terms agreed upon,
which by that time I had memorized by heart. I gave them a
review of the discussions of the council meeting of the chiefs at
Carlton, reporting the objections raised by those who opposed
the signing, and spoke of the petition that had been drawn up
for the Commissioner, with the points agreed to and those
refused. I mentioned Poundmaker's and The Badger's efforts at
trying to block or misinterpret the terms of the treaty, at which
there were some expressions of disgust about their attitude."
Then I wound up my talk by a report of the two speeches made
by Mista-wa-sis and Ah-tuk-a-kup that had swung the whole
opinion of the assembly in favour of the signing.
I could see that the content of these two speeches had a
tremendous effect on my audience, as I had reserved the latter
for the last before sitting down.
Sweet Grass, who was the most important chief among
those gathered in council, rose to his feet to speak to their
"Mista-wa-sis and Ah-tuk-a-kup, I consider, are far wiser
than I am; therefore if they have accepted this treaty for their
people after many days of talk and careful thought, then I am
prepared to accept for my people."
Chief Seenum then took his place and spoke. "You have all
questioned Peter Erasmus on the things that have taken place
at Carlton. He is a stranger to many of you but I am well
acquainted with him. I have respect for his words and have
confidence in his truthfulness. Mista-wa-sis and Ah-tuk-a-kup
both sent their sons all the way from Carlton to where he lives,
and he is married to one of our favourite daughters. He was not
at home but they followed him to the prairie where he was
hunting buffalo with our people. Little Hunter is a chief and
brings back a good report of his work during treaty talks. He
would not tell us something that was not for our good.
Therefore, as those other chiefs who are in greater number than
we are have found this treaty good, I and my head man will sign
for our people. I have spoken."
Each of the other chiefs with their councillors expressed
agreement, each man expressing in his own words ideas that
conformed to the general acceptance of treaty terms. They were
all willing to sign the treaty and there was not a single
dissenting voice.
There was some delay on the morning of the seventh, which
was the day set for the meeting with the Governor, as it was
found that there were insufficient young men for the
manoeuvres that always preceded a gathering of this kind as at
the meeting at Carlton. Finally two young men volunteered
their help. They were in training but as yet were not considered
fully qualified.
The riders were performing in front of the people who were
advancing to the Commissioner's tent when suddenly the two
young men got confused in their movements and crashed their
horses into each other. Both men were thrown to the ground,
receiving injuries, and the horses were hurt. Fortunately there
was a Police doctor on hand who took charge of the injured
men. One had a dislocated hip while the other had only minor
injuries; as they were taken care of the proceedings went ahead.
To an inexperienced person, viewing it for the first time, the
show would appear to be a disorganized, undisciplined, crazy
display of horsemanship, but this was not true. I had watched
them training from a slow walking speed; all movements had
an exact timing that was finally speeded up to manoeuvres that
were carried out with a speed and intricacy of movement that
was most confusing to those watching for the first time.
When the people were finally seated in their usual posture,
sitting cross-legged, the Governor opened his address. There
were no interruptions, but quiet attentive listening. At the
conclusion of his talks, he asked the people for their opinions,
but no one responded. There was a considerable pause as he
waited for their reaction to his words. Morris looked puzzled, or
rather "disappointed" might be the better description of his
attitude. At other places he had received many objections and a
lot of questions.
Chief Eagle got to his feet, faced the people, and told
them not to be afraid to speak their minds. If there was
anything they did not understand or wished to know, this was
the place and the time to express their thoughts. However, there
was no response; apparently they had made up their minds the
day previously.
Sweet Grass made a speech of some length, expressing his
willingness on behalf of his people to accept the treaty terms
and summed up his address by saying, "I am no wiser than my
brothers at Fort Carlton who have accepted the Queen Mother's
hand. I will sign for my people."
James Seenum spoke with some feeling, referring to the
plough he had received as a gift from Mr. Christie some years
previously. He stated that they had pulled the plough by
manpower when their ponies had refused to work, had used the
roots of trees for hoes, and had now learned the value of
growing grain and vegetables. He was greatly pleased to know
that now they would be furnished with better tools and the
means to work the land.
Chief Seenum asked for a large tract of land. "For my part, I
wish to say that I want a large area to settle all the Cree — the
Woods Crees and Plain Crees — who may not now be taken in
by the treaties at this time."
Apparently he wanted a general reserve that would
accommodate all Indians who might not at this time be willing
to choose land and which would be set apart for this purpose.
The chief went on to say, "I want an area from the Whitemud
River to Dog Rump Creek, extending back as far as the Beaver
River and its southern border to be the Saskatchewan River."
The Governor replied that he could not promise such a
large tract of land without consultation with his superiors. The
area selected was beyond his instructions. "It is not in my
power to add clauses to this treaty, no more than you have
already been promised, but I will bring your request before the
House at Ottawa. However, I know it will not be accepted. As
you said so, being a chief, I will bring the matter to the
attention of my superiors."
Eight years afterward, in June of 1884, James Seenum
engaged me to accompany him and interpret in regard to his
request for a large area as requested in this treaty at Fort Pitt.
We went to Regina where he was successful in getting the
Saddle Lake Reserve lines extended to take in a block of land to
the east. He had amended his claims considerably but won his
demands for better farm land, because the Whitefish and
Goodfish Reserves were not large enough to accommodate the
young people according to the average per-person allowance
by treaty terms.
On September 9th, the treaty terms were read and explained
to the people. The chiefs agreed to sign, and so the treaty was
quickly completed with none of the dissension that had
occurred at Carlton. The paying of treaty money and issuing of
uniforms took the greater part of two more days.
Governor Morris advised me that I would now be in the
government service and that he would recommend me at a
salary of fifty dollars per month. I would act for the government
in the distribution of rations and goods in fulfillment of the
government's part of the treaty terms. I would also be called
upon from time to time to interpret the treaties to those chiefs
who had not yet signed. I was to remain at my present abode at
Whitefish Lake for the purpose of handling matters concerned
with Indians of that area and its precincts.
This information was most agreeable and an entirely
different prospect than that I was faced with on my first
appearance at Carlton. Governor Morris further advised me
that I would be on call for any assignment for which my
services might be required. To all this I agreed, suitably
expressing my appreciation of his confidence and assuring him
of my fidelity in the accomplishment of my duties.
The departure of Governor Morris and his entourage was
attended by all the chiefs and their head men, with considerable
show of appreciation and good wishes from the Indians at Fort
Pitt. For myself, I felt that all the chiefs there would carry out
their obligations with sincerity and would make every effort to
assist their people to become established on the reserves that
they would choose the following summer. This was verified in
later years when I had an opportunity of visiting some of their
The camp now broke up. William Bull came to me and said
he wanted to travel home with me. I was glad and arranged
with him to drive one of the carts. I bought another cart and
horse from a trader at a very low price as he had sold out his
goods and did not need the outfit on his return to Fort Garry.
I also bought five sacks of flour from the government stores
from stock they had on hand to meet requirements of the
Indians in the treaty negotiations, a half keg of tea, and a half
keg of sugar from a ten gallon barrel. I took all the tobacco I
could get, as there had been a heavy run on this luxury item.
Taking advantage of the lower prices of the traders anxious to
clear their stocks for the return journey, I was able to practically
name my own price for the things I wanted.
The cart that I had purchased from Alexander Kennedy was
iron bound, the first to make an appearance in the trade, so I
was not afraid to load heavy. I was very well pleased with myself
as I made the rounds of the traders preparing to leave, picking
up bargains wherever I could. Money, my friend, had a great
deal more value in those days and I still had money in my
pocket when my carts were loaded.
William Bull was usually the best of companions but for the
first few days I thought he was very quiet and somewhat
despondent. Actually he seemed to be occupied in some deep
thought, so I finally asked him what was troubling him.
"The chief has asked for a great stretch of land about which
he now speaks as if it had already been promised to him. I
listened carefully to your interpretations of the Governor's
answer to his request. The Governor stated that he had no
authority to grant any such request and merely stated that as
James Seenum was a chief and had asked, he would pass the
request on to his superiors. Is that right, Peter?"
"Yes, it certainly is. To have an unrestricted amount of land
for one chief would have broken the terms of the treaty to all
those others who had already signed. Surely Chief Seenum does
not think that he has been promised the land from the Dog
Rump Creek as far west as the Whitemud River, with the
Beaver River at the north and the Saskatchewan River as its
southern boundary?"
"Yes! That is exactly what he told me only the last night
before the camp broke up. I tried to explain to him that this was
not true but he would have none of my explanation, and we had
some words between us. That is why I asked to go along with
you. It would be a good thing if you would speak to him about
the real truth as spoken by the Governor."
"Well of course I will talk to him, but if he does not listen to
the words of his own councillor, how will he listen to me? If he
is not satisfied with the terms of the treaty why did he sign? It
seemed to me that he understood everything that I spoke about
the night of the first council of the chiefs." I explained to them
that each man, woman and child then living would be
apportioned eighty acres each, according to the number of
Indians then belonging to his tribe.
"I and the others all understood exactly as you now explain.
Further than that, the Governor also mentioned the amount of
land each Indian would be entitled to when they picked their
reserves next year. For myself, I can only occupy a small portion
of the land my family would be entitled to, but I understand
that all the land, regardless of the amount each family uses, will
belong to the band and can be used by our children's children."
"You are quite right, William. I know the chief is a
stubborn man but surely he is a man of his word. He has
promised to abide by the agreement that all the other chiefs
signed. He signed for his band and so did you."
"This thing will someday make trouble for us, mark my
word," said William Bull, "for the man is not easily turned
from his way, once he makes up his mind. I am afraid he will
persist in claiming that the land was promised by the
Governor, and many of our people will follow his lead. You
and I both know differently but will the people believe us?
Suppose they did, can we go against our chief?"
"Well, William, we will cross the bridge when we come to
it. In the meantime, I do not think we should bother our heads
about it. All the Governor promised, as I said before, was that
he would bring his request to his superiors, and he also said
that he was certain that they would refuse."
We were heavily loaded but by travelling early and late, we
made good time. The weather remained clear and our stock
stood up to the work. Our equipment did not give us any
trouble or cause of delay. My iron bound cart proved an
excellent improvement over the other all-wood carts.
My family was not yet home by the time we arrived at
Whitefish, so we unloaded our carts and arranged to have my
new horses taken care of. I caught up a fresh saddle horse and
started out to meet the buffalo hunters.
I shot a black bear near where the village of Spedden is now
situated. He was standing on his hind legs eating saskatoons on
a side hill. He was bending the branches with his paws much as
man would do. I shot him just behind the front legs in the body.
He dropped and rolled almost to my horse's feet from about
twenty-five steps away. The thick growth of grass had deadened
the sound of my approach. It was a tempting shot but a foolish
one. If our party were not on this side of the Saskatchewan, the
meat would spoil before it could be used. I felt guilty of a crime
against all the laws of prairie life — unwritten laws, but
nevertheless lived up to by all the tribes of my acquaintance.
Wasting animal life without cause was looked upon as the act
of a stupid and unthinking person.
Fortunately for my conscience, our people were close at
hand and I met them within an hour's ride. My family was well.
My newest son showed his objections to being stopped on the
trail by a lusty show of lung power that wouldn't stop till the
cart moved on. There was one son who would follow his
father's footstep — he loved travelling before he could even
crawl. The party camped early that evening and some men
went out to bring the bear back to camp for distribution among
the people.