
House of Commons, 17 February 1871, Canadian Confederation with British Columbia

February 17, 1871 COMMONS DEBATES 13


Friday, February 17, 1871

The SPEAKER took the chair at three o'clock.
Several petitions and motions were presented.


Hon. Mr. HOLTON asked if the Grand Trunk Railway had asked permission to erect an additional bridge on or near the Lachine Canal, at the Wellington Bridge, Montreal, and if so, when the permission was applied for and when granted.
Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN said the Railway company was allowed to cross the canal with a swing bridge at Wellington Street, to be built at the place and in the stead of the existing bridge, and subject to the conditions he would lay before the House.
Hon. Mr. HOLTON: When was the permission applied for, and when granted?
Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN: Applied for on 17th January, 1871, and granted 28th January.


Mr. MACKENZIE moved for returns of statements, showing the gross earnings of the Grand Trunk Railway during certain years. — Carried.


Mr. MACKENZIE moved an address for copies of all instructions to Lieutenant-Govemor Archibald, also copies of all reports and official correspondence between the Lieutenant- Governor and the Dominion Government from the date of his appointment.
Hon. Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD said that while no objection would be urged to furnishing the returns asked for, it would be as well to mention exactly the papers which were wanted. There was a very large amount of correspondence continually passing between the Local Government and the Dominion Government, only a portion of which could be of any service to the hon. member.
Mr. MACKENZIE said he only wished to obtain that portion relative to the new system of Government, the division of the Province into electoral districts, and everything, in fact, connected with the new order of things. He did not want the formal correspondence.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-É. CARTIER called the attention of the hon. member to the fact that Lieutenant-Governor Archibald was the Governor of the North West Territory as well as of Manitoba, and correspondence relevant to both capacities should be included.
The motion was amended in accordance with the suggestion, and carried.
* * *


Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS submitted the public accounts for the year.
(Applause) Mr. MACKENZIE: It will save us a great deal of trouble.
Hon. Sir FRANCIS HlNCKS also laid on the table details of expenditure for the defence of the country.
Mr. MACKENZIE: Perhaps the hon. member will give us details of all the expenditure from the fund for unforeseen expenses.
Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS said they would be submitted in a few days.


Mr. MACKENZIE moved for an address for copies of all correspondence between the Government and British Columbia, its delegates, or the Imperial Government relative to the admission of such colony into the Dominion', also copies of all orders in council or other documents relating to such negotiation.—Carried.
Hon. Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD said all correspondence would be brought down by message, and the motion was unnecessary.


Canada. House of Commons Debates, 1871. Edited by Norman Ward and Pamela Hardisty. Ottawa: Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, 2007. Original scans accessible at: http://parl.canadiana.ca/.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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