Hon. Sir GEORGE-É. CARTIER introduced a bill to make
temporary provision for the election of members for the House of
Commons. (
Hear, hear from the Opposition.) He expected that his
hon. friends opposite would say "hear, hear" at the very mention
of the measure. He would explain that since we were about to have
another province comprised in this Dominion, it was obvious that
the government could not yet enact a law to affect all the provinces
of the Dominion, as far as the representation of this House was
concerned. The circumstances of Manitoba having been recently
admitted into the Union and British Columbia being on the eve of
joining the Confederation, had led the Government to the
conclusion that it would be better to carry on the next election for
the Dominion under the laws as they now prevail in the several
provinces. (
Hear, hear from the Opposition.) He might state that the
bill too, contained a provision with regard to the number of days on
which elections were to take place. This Bill provided that the
elections should take place on one day. (
Hear, hear.)
Mr. BLAKE said that afier two permanent Electoral Bills had
been passed, the House was now asked to enact a temporary one.
Last session one had been passed, the session before the House had
passed one, and now they were asked to deal with another one. The
hon. gentleman had explained that the reason why he now
submitted this temporary measure, was because of the introduction
of the new Provinces into Confederation. At what period since the
lst July, 1867, was not the House favoured with the news that new
Provinces were to be added? Every day they were told they were
coming in, though they didn't come.
Mr. BLAKE: And yet the Hon. Minister of Militia had asserted
that it was in view of these additions to the Dominion that this
temporary Act was provided. Last session the Opposition had
pointed out the effect that the new measure then submitted would
have in the East and in the West. They had shown that it would be
impossible to work it in Manitoba, and that difficulties would arise
in other Provinces too. But they were told that their arguments were
fallacious, and that the Union would overcome all the difficulties
which were then deprecated. He was glad to hear that, taught by
experience, they had admitted the truth of the arguments then
advanced by the Opposition, that it was necessary to respect the
views of the different Provinces on the subject and by degrees as
they became more acquainted with the franchise laws of other
countries, the Government had made some approach towards
providing for a common franchise for the Dominion. He was not
surprised that it was merely a temporary Act. It would be coming
down too far to propose as a permanent Act what they opposed so
consistently before, but, he had no doubt that it would contain for
some years to come the principle at the base of our Parliamentary
representation, founded on the motion of the hon. member for
February 28, 1871
Hochelaga, that the franchise should be for the Dominion the same
as by law established for each of the Provinces. (Hear, hear.)
Hon. Sir GEORGE-É. CARTIER said he did not intend to
discuss the measure at this moment, but he felt it to be his duty to
answer some of the observations made by the hon. gentleman
opposite. The Manitoba measure was submitted to the House as the
result of the negotiations carried on between the Dominion of
Canada and the gentlemen sent as delegates from Manitoba. No one
knew at the close of last session that Manitoba would certainly be a
member of the Confederation. There was no necessity or intention
at the outset that Manitoba should form a province and be
comprised in the Confederation. It was intended that it should be a
Crown colony, and that very reason induced the Government at the
time to withdraw the Bill.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-E. CARTIER: Then with regard to the
remarks of the hon. member for Lambton, he would say that the Bill
was proposed last year as there was no hope that we should have
British Columbia so soon. Every one expected of course, that
sooner or later that colony would be comprised as one of the sister
colonies in the Dominion. It would be useless at the close of this
Parliament, with one Province just admitted and another shortly to
be admitted into the Confederation, to endeavour to assimilate the
laws. They could not make a law now which would apply to British
Columbia. He hoped his hon. friend would take with a better feeling
the good intention of the Government in adopting this course.
The Bill was read a first time.
* * *
A message from His Excellency, accompanying papers relative
to the proposed union of British Columbia with Canada, was read.
The SPEAKER read the following reply of His Excellency the
Governor General to the recent congratulatory address of the House
of Commons:
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Commons.
I beg you to accept my sincere thanks for the address of
congratulation with which you have honoured me on the occasion
of my elevation to the Peerage.
The expression of your acquiescence in the favourable view
which our Sovereign has graciously deigned to take of my services
is highly to be valued, as conveying the good opinion of the freely
chosen representatives of a people possessing the precious
endowments of energetic industry, self-reliance, and firm and
orderly attachment to the freedom and institutions of their country.
The North West Territories already added to the Confederation
and the willing accession of British Columbia, which, it is to be
hoped, will shortly take effect, as they extend your bounds, so they
proportionately augment the cares and responsibilities of those who
are in the high places of the land', but the legislature and people of
the Dominion will, I feel persuaded, prove equal to the lofty task,
the vast and varied interests throughout the wide domain will be
safe in their charge and gradually cemented into one compact and
contented whole, by the same wise legislation, and the same equal
administration of affairs as have done so much in the past to
establish the well being and satisfy the just expectations of the
people. In conclusion, I return your good wishes with all sincerity,
and assure you I shall retain and cherish to the close of my life a
warm interest in all that regards the position and prospects of this
great and growing country.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-E. CARTIER moved that the papers just
submitted to the House be printed without delay. He explained that
the Hon. Mr. Trutch, the delegate from British Columbia, was now
in Chicago, on his way to Ottawa, and would reach here, he
expected, on Saturday. It was necessary, therefore, that the House
should be in possession of the correspondence relative to the
admission of the sister colony into the union.
Mr. MASSON (Terrebonne) complained of delays in printing
public documents in the French language. He knew that it took
some time to translate papers, but then, if there were not translators
enough to do the work, more should be employed.
After a short discussion on the subject the motion was carried.
* * *