Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS said he did not see any difficulty
of the kind mentioned; nor had he heard of any, though he had had
a great deal of conversation with bankers since the Act of last
session was passed. The course he proposed was the reference of
the Bill to the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce,
where all those matters could be fully considered. He was sure the
Bill would come from that Committee in a satisfactory shape. He
then moved the adoption of the first resolution, which was carried
as were all the others.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-E. CARTIER moved that the House go
into committee on Friday next to consider the resolutions respecting
the admission of British Columbia. He explained that as this was a
most important measure it would not be discussed till Friday next.
Hon. Mr. DORION suggested that the debate be deferred till a
week from Friday next.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-E. CARTIER said it was not likely that the
subject would be exhausted in one day. On next Tuesday, Mr.
Trutch, who was at present in Washington, would be here, and as
that gentleman wished to go to England as soon as possible, the
debate would commence on Tuesday.
Hon. Mr. DORION said it was a very large measure, and it
would be well to have the Ontario Opposition and the members of
the Ontario Cabinet who were absent, in the House while it was
under discussion. The debate would be protracted rather than
advanced by the course which the Government proposed.
Mr. HARRISON said it was pleasant to observe that the hon.
gentlemen opposite were alive to the fact that several Ontario
members were absent from the House. Yesterday, when the
arbitration question was brought up, they seemed to be quite
oblivious to the fact. (
Hear, hear.)
Mr. MILLS thought the House should be put in possession of a
statement of the imports of British Columbia before the question
should be brought before the House.
After some further discussion the motion was carried.
Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS moved the reception ofthe report
of the Committee of the Whole on certain resolutions affirming the
expediency of indemnifying the Government for having authorized
the issue of a special warrant for $200,000, to provide for the
defence of the Dominion, in repelling the Fenian invasion in the
month of May last.
The resolutions having been read a second time,
The House went into Committee of the Whole on Bill No. 16, to
make temporary provision for the election of members to serve in
the House of Commons of Canada.
Hon. Sir GEORGE-E. CARTIER said he understood the hon.
member opposite intended to make certain amendments to the Bill
now before the Committee. He suggested that the amendments
should be proposed afier the Committee should rise.