TUESDAY, February 7, 1865.
ATTY. GEN. CARTIER rose to continue
the debate on Confederation. He said that he approached this subject with a
certain amount of diffidence, knowing it was not the first time he had
had the honor of speaking upon it in the Lower Provinces and elsewhere.
He felt that this was a momentous occasion, as for anything that he
said on this grave question, he was responsible to his constituents
and the country. Respecting this grave question, it had been said
that the TACHÉ-MACDONALD Government had taken upon themselves the solution of a problem
which was not at the time of
its formation before the country, and had not even been mooted.
Those saying so were ignorant of the parliamentary history of the past
few years. He would briefly refer to the history of this great question, as
far as it had been brought before the Parliament and
country. When the CARTIER-MACDONALD Government was constructed,
after the downfall of the BROWN-DORION Administration, a
programme of the policy of the former was laid before Parliament. Among
the subjects contained in this programme of 7th August, 1858, was one
referred to in the following terms: " The late Government felt
themselves bound to carry out the law of the land respecting the seat of
Government, but, in the face of the recent vote on that subject, the
Administration did not consider themselves warranted in incurring an
expenditure for the public buildings, until Parliament has had an
opportunity of considering the whole question in all its bearings
; and the expediency of a Federal Union of the British North American
Provinces will be anxiously considered, and communication with the Home
Government and the Lower Provinces entered into forthwith on
the subject ; and the result of this communication will be submitted to
Parliament at its next session. The Government will,
during the recess, examine into the organization and working of
the public departments, and carry out such administrative reforms as
will be conducive to economy and efficiency." Here was this scheme of a
union of the provinces mentioned in the programme of the
CARTIER-MACDONALD Government, in 1858. He merely quoted this passage to show
that neither Parliament nor the country was now taken by surprise with
regard to this scheme. (Hear, hear.) We had had general and special elections since
1858, and to pretend that
54 this subject, which had been so often canvassed, was
new to the country, was to assert an untruth. At the close of that
session, Sir EDMUND HEAD, in his Speech proroguing Parliament, made
use of the following language :—" I propose, in the course of the recess, to
communicate with Her Majesty's Government, and with the
Governments of the sister colonies, on another matter of very great importance.
I am desirous of inviting them to discuss with us
the principles on which a bond of a federal character, uniting the Provinces
of British North America, may perhaps hereafter be practicable." In
accordance with that announcement of policy, a deputation was sent
to England, composed of his then colleagues, Hons. Messrs. GALT and
Ross and himself. We pressed the matter before the Imperial
Government, whom we asked to authorize a meeting of delegates from the
British North American Governments, to consider this subject
and report upon it, said report to be communicated to the Colonial
Secretary. Of course we wanted, at that time, to act with the sanction
and approval of the Imperial Government. We pressed the matter as
strongly as we could before it. Of all the provinces that responded to
the call of the Imperial Government, Newfoundland, he thought, was
the only one which professed her readiness to appoint delegates when
the opportune moment arrived. (Hear, hear.) Although the other provinces
were not opposed to Confederation, still, as the question had not been
brought conspicuously before their people, they did not like then to
join in the measure and in the proceedings which the Canadian delegates had
urged upon the Imperial Government in 1858. At this time the Canadian
Delegates had a duty to perform towards the illustrious Administrator
of the Government, Sir E. HEAD, to fulfil the promise he had made, on
proroguing Parliament, by pressing the measure upon the attention of the Imperial
Administration. The Canadian Government
also kept its promise to report to the House the result of the mission
to England, at the next session of Parliament. The hon. gentleman here read
the despatch dated October, 1858, which was transmitted to the
Imperial Government, setting forth the sectional difficulties
which had arisen between Upper and Lower Canada, principally on
account of the former' s demand for increased representation in Parliament,
on the ground of its much larger population. Every one who knew
anything of his past public course was aware that he was opposed
to the principle of representation by population
while Upper and Lower Canada were under one Government. He did not
regret his opposition. If such a measure had been passed,
what would have been the consequence ? There would have been constant
political warfare between Upper and Lower Canada. True it was
that the members from Upper Canada, being in the majority, it might
have been imagined they would have carried everything before them ;
but as far as justice to Lower Canada was concerned, such might not have
been the case. The consequence of representation by population would
have been that one territory would have governed another, and this fact
would have presented itself session after session in the
House, and day after day in the public prints. (Hear, hear.) The moment this principle
had been conceded as the governing
element, it would have initiated between the two provinces a warfare which
would have been unremitting. (Hear, hear.) He wished that Upper Canada
should understand him in this matter. He was accused of being opposed to Upper Canada's
rights, because during fifteen or
twenty years he had to oppose his honorable friend the President of
the Council (Hon. MR. BROWN) . His honorable colleague took the ground that
representation should be arranged according to population in each
section of the province. He (Hon. MR. CARTIER) had resisted
that position, believing that the moment such a principle was applied, his
honorable friend, who, no doubt, wanted to maintain the peaceful government of the
country, would have been disappointed in his wish.
It would have given rise to one of the bitterest struggles between the
two provinces that ever took place between two nations. He did not mean to
say that the majority from Upper Canada would have tyrannized over
Lower Canada ; but the idea that Upper Canada, as a territory, had the preponderance
in the Government by a large number
of representatives, would have been sufficient to generate that
sectional strife to which he had alluded. In 1858 he first saw that
representation by population, though unsuited for application as a
governing principle as between the two provinces, would not
involve the same objection if other partners were drawn in by a federation.
In a struggle between two—one a weak, and the other a strong party—the
weaker could not but be overcome ; but if three parties were
concerned, the stronger would not have the same advantage ; as when it was
seen by the third that there was too much strength on one side, the
third would club with the weaker
55 combatant to resist the big fighter. (Cheers and
laughter.) He did not oppose the principle of representation by population
from an unwillingness to do justice to Upper Canada. He took this
ground, however, that when justice was done to Upper Canada,
it was his duty to see that no injustice was done to Lower Canada. He did
not entertain the slightest apprehension that Lower Canada's rights
were in the least jeopardized by the provision that in the General
Legislature the French Canadians of Lower Canada would have a smaller
number of representatives than all the other origins combined. It would be
seen by the resolutions that in the questions which would be submitted
to the General Parliament there could be no danger to the rights and
privileges of either French Canadians, Scotchmen,
Englishmen or Irishmen. Questions of commerce, of international
communication, and all matters of general interest, would be discussed and determined
in the General Legislature ;
but in the exercise of the functions of the General Government, no one could
apprehend that anything could be enacted which would harm
or do injustice to persons of any nationality. He did not intend to go into
the details of the question of Confederation, but merely to bring
before the House the most conspicuous arguments in order to induce
members to accept the resolutions submitted by the Government. Confederation
was, as it were, at this moment almost forced upon us. We could not
shut our eyes to what was going on beyond the lines, where a great
struggle was going on between two Confederacies, at one time
forming but one Confederacy. We saw that a government, established not
more than 80 years ago, had not been able to keep together the family of
states which had broke up four or five years since. We could not deny
that the struggle now in progress must necessarily influence our political
existence. We did not know what would be the result of
that great war—whether it would end in the establishment of two
Confederacies or in one as before. However, we had to do with five
colonies, inhabited by men of the same sympathies and interests, and in
order to become a great nation they required only to be brought
together under one General Government. The matter resolved itself into
this, either we must obtain British North American Confederation or be
absorbed in an American Confederation. (Hear, hear, and dissent.) Some
entertained the opinion that it was unnecessary to have British North
American Confederation to prevent absorption
into the vortex of American Confederation. Such parties were mistaken.
We knew the policy of England towards us—that she was determined to
help and support us in any struggle with our neighbors. The British
Provinces, separated as at present, could not defend themselves alone,
and the question resolved itself into this : shall the whole strength of
the empire be concentrated into Prince Edward Island, or Canada, as the case
may be, in case of a war with the United States—or shall the provinces
be left to fight single-handed, disunited ? We were not sufficiently united. We had
our duties, with regard to England, to perform. In
order to secure the exercise of her power in our defence we must help
her ourselves. We could not do this satisfactorily or effciently unless we
had a Confederation. When all united, the enemy would know that, if he
attacked any part of those provinces—Prince Edward Island or Canada—he
would have to encounter the combined strength of the empire.
Canada, separate, would be, although comparatively strong in
population and wealth, in a dangerous position should a war ensue.
When we had organized our good defensive force, and united for mutual
protection, England would send freely here both men and treasure for our
defence. (Cheers) He had stated before audiences in the Lower Provinces
that, as far as territory, population and wealth were concerned, Canada
was stronger than any of the other provinces, but at the same time was
wanting in one element necessary to national greatness—the maritime one ;
and that, owing to the large trade and commerce of Canada,
extensive communication with Great Britain at all seasons was absolutely necessary.
Twenty years ago our commerce for
the year could be managed by communication with Great Britain in
the summer months only. At present, however, this system was
insuffcient, and for winter communication with the sea-board we were left to
the caprice of our American neighbors, through whose territory we must
pass. He had also alluded to the bonding system, which if the Americans
were to withdraw, Canada would be left in winter without any winter
harbors. Canada, having two or three elements of national
greatness—territory and population—wanted the maritime element ; and as
he had said,the Lower Provinces had this element and a
sea-board, but not not a back country or large population, which Canada
possessed,—and for the mutual benefit and prosperity of all the
provinces, all these elements ought to be united
56 together. Those who pretended that the British North
American Provinces would be in as safe a position, remaining separate, while
they belonged to the British Crown, as under Confederation, were under
great misapprehension. Now was the time for us to form a
great nation of the several provinces. Now was the time to look the matter
in the face and adopt the only safe and prudent course open to us in
the shape of Confederation. He maintained it was necessary for our own
commercial interests, prosperity and efficient defence. That was what we had
now to discuss, and not the manner in which Confederation was to be brought about,
which would be discussed when
the details of the scheme came up for consideration. At present the question
was : Was Confederation of the British North American Provinces
necessary in order to increase our strength and power and secure
to us the continuance of the benefits of British connection ? He had
no doubt that the measure was necessary for those objects. It would be
observed that the English speaking opponents of the scheme, in Lower Canada,
pretended a fear of this element being absorbed by the French Canadian
; while the opponents, composed of the latter origin—of men who
might be called the old Papineau Tail—whose sole idea was annexation
to the United States—said they were afraid of the extinction of French
Canadian nationality in the great Confederation. The annexation
party in Montreal, including the followers of Mr. JOHN DOUGALL, the
proprietor of the
Witness, opposed the
scheme on the ground of supposed danger to the British of Lower Canada. The
annexation party could not, however, be supposed to be
sincere in their opposition to the schemeexcept in so far as they
desired to carry Canada into the American Union. The absorption of
this province into the United States had long been contemplated, as would
be seen from the 7th article in the original draft of the American
Constitution, which he would read. It was as follows: " Art. 7.
Canada, according to this Confederation and joining in the measures of the
United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the
advantages of this union ; and shall be equally with any other of the United
States, solemnly bound to a strict observance of, and obedience to,
these articles ; as shall be also any other colony which shall be admitted
into this Confederacy. The eleven votes in Congress shall be
increased in proportion as the Confederacy is extended. But, except Canada,
no other colony shall be admitted into the Confederacy
without the assent of eleven or more votes, as the case may require,
by the Confederation being extended." By that article, no new state
could go into the union except by the vote of the number of states required
to admit a new partner. But, as regarded Canada, no such assent was
required ; on knocking at the door of the union, she would, as a matter of
course, be admitted. (Hear, hear.) The honorable gentleman went on to
say that the papers lately contained a report of a meeting at the
Institut Canadien of Montreal, where it
was resolved that it was for the interests of Lower Canada—in the interests
of the French Canadians, were the province to become a part of the
American Union.
HON. MR. DORION said that was not the
case. The honorable gentleman had misquoted
what had passed there.
HON. MR. CARTIER said he was right.
If resolutions were not passed, sentiments were
expressed to that effect. Then the organ of
the Institute—
L'Ordre, he thought—had set
forth that the interests of Lower Canada
would be better secured by annexation to the
United States than entering into a Confederation with the British American Provinces.
It was no wonder, then, that the French
Canadian annexationists betrayed their purpose in opposition to British North American
Confederation, and that their English-speaking
colleagues pretended a fear of the rights of
their class being jeopardized under Confederation. We knew their object in this—that
they were aware that as soon as this project
was adopted, there would be no avail in any
cry of separation to form a part of the American Union. (Hear, hear,) There had been
a good deal of fault-finding and complaint as
to the proceedings of the delegates having
been conducted with closed doors. Such a
course was an absolute necessity. Every one
could understand that if all the difficulties
arising among the representatives of the five
colonies, during the Conference, had gone
every morning to the public, it would have
been impossible for the delegates to continue
to meet, or compromise any of the difficulties
that might be expected to spring up. Besides, the proceedings of the American Congress
of 1782 was held with closed doors, and
their proceedings were not published while
matters were progressing. With regard to
this, he would quote from a letter of Col.
MASON, a member of the Convention :— " All
communications of the proceedings are forbidden during the sitting of this Convention
this, I think, was a necessary precaution to
prevent misrepresentations or mistakes ; there
being a material difference between the appearance of a subject in its first crude
and indigested
shape and after it shall have been properly
matured and arranged." On the same principle the Conference at Quebec very properly
sat with closed doors. (Hear, hear.) We
wished, however, that the British Canadian
public should know the result of our labors
when concluded, and that result the Parliament
and people of Canada had before their consideration, and it was for them to discuss
merits. We, on this side of the Housethe members of the Government and their
supporters—had come to the conclusion that
Federation was desirable and necessary ; and
we were ready to hear the honorable gentlemen on the other side who necessarily, from
their standing, were supposed to have devoted
their attention to it and appreciated their
position, stating what in their opinion would
be sufficient in order to maintain ourselves as
a British colony on this side of the Atlantic,
and to increase in wealth and power. He was
aware that some members of the House, and a
number of people in Upper Canada, in Lower
Canada and in the Lower Provinces, were of
opinion that a Legislative Union ought to
have taken place instead of a Federal Union.
He would say, however, at the outset, that it
was impossible to have one Government to
deal with all the private and local interests
of the several sections of the several provinces
forming the combined whole. (Hear, hear.)
The next question to be considered, therefore,
by those who had set to work to discover a
solution of the difficulties under which we had
labored, was—what was the best and most
practicable mode of bringing the provinces
together, so that particular rights and interests
should be properly guarded and protected ?
No other scheme presented itself but the
Federation system, and that was the project
which now recommended itself to the Parliament of Canada. Some parties—through
the press and by other modes— pretended that
it was impossible to carry out Federation, on
account of the differences of races and religions.
Those who took this view of the question
were in error. It was just the reverse. It
was precisely on account of the variety of
races, local interests, &c., that the Federation
system ought to be resorted to, and would be
found to work well. (Hear, hear.) We
were in the habit of seeing in some public
journals, and hearing from some public men,
that it was a great misfortune indeed there
should be a difference of races in this colony
—that there should be the distinction of
French Canadian from British Canadian. Now,
he (Hon. Mr. CARTIER) desired on this point to
vindicate the rights, the merits, the usefulness,
so to speak, of those belonging to the French
Canadian race. (Hear, hear.) In order to
bring these merits and this usefulness more
prominently before his hearers, it would be
only necessary to allude to the efforts made
by them to sustain British power on this continent, and to point out their adherence
British supremacy in trying times. We were
all conversant with the history of the circumstances which had brought about the
difficulties between England and her former American colonies in 1775. Lower Canada,—or
rather he should say, the Province of Quebec,
for the colony was not then known by the
name of Canada, but was called the Province
of Quebec,—contained the most dense population of any British colony in North America
that time. The accession of Lower Canada was
of course an object of envy to the other American colonies, and strenuous efforts
were made
by those who had resolved to overthrow British
power on this continent to induce Canada
to ally herself to their cause. As early as
1775 the French Canadians were solemnly
addressed in a proclamation by General WASHINGTON, who called upon them to abandon
flag of their new masters, inasmuch as they
could not expect anything from those who differed from them in language, in religion,
race, and in sympathies. But what was the
conduct of the French Canadian people under
these circumstances—what was the attitude of
the clergy and the seigniors ? It was right in
treating this chapter of our history, to render
justice to whom justice was due, and it was
truth to say that the seigniors, forming , as they
did, the educated class of our population at
that early epoch, had fully understood that
the object and aim of those who appealed to
them was the downfall of the monarchical system in America. (Hear, hear.) A few years
only had elapsed at that time since the transfer of the country and its population
from the
Crown of France to the Crown of Great Britain ; but even within that brief interval
time, they were enabled to appreciate the advantages of their new position, notwithstanding
the fact that they were still struggling and
complaining. The people, as well as the clergy
and aristocracy, had understood that it was
better for them to remain under the English
and Protestant Crown of England, rather than
to become republicans. (Hear, hear.) They
were proof against the insidious offers of
GEORGE WASHINGTON ; and not only so, but
when the Americans came as invaders, they
fought against the armed forces of ARNOLD,
MONTGOMERY and others. (Cheers) Attempts were made to excite hostility to Federation
on the ground that, under the regime of a
local legislature, the English Protestant minority would not be fairly dealt with.
He thought
the way in which the French Canadians had
stood by British connection, when there were
but few British in the province, was a proof
that they would not attempt to deal unjustly
now by the British minority, when their numbers were so much greater. On this point,
appealing to the evidence of history, he would
quote from the work which he had already
quoted. At a time when there were, perhaps,
hardly a few hundred English Protestant residents in Lower Canada, the address in
name of WASHINGTON, to which he had already
briefly referred, was circulated throughout
the country by ARNOLD'S invading army.
The hon. gentleman here read a number of extracts from General WASHINGTON'S proclamation,
addressed to the inhabitants of Canada.
It made the most earnest appeals to the Lower
Canadians to join the other colonies. "We
rejoice," said General WASHINGTON, " that
our enemies have been deceived with regard to
you ; they have persuaded themselves—they
have even dared to say—that the Canadians
were not capable of distinguishing between the
blessings of liberty and the wretchedness of
slavery ; that gratifying the vanity of a little
circle of nobility would blind the people of
Canada. By such artifices they hoped to bend
you to their views, but they have been deceived. * * * Come then, my brethern,
unite with us in an indissoluble union ; let us
run together to the same goal. * * *
Incited by these motives, and encouraged by
the advice of many friends of liberty among
you, the grand American Congress have sent
an army into your province, under the command of General SCHUYLER—not to plunder but
to protect you—to animate and bring forth into
action those sentiments of freedom you have
disclosed, and which the tools of despotism
would extinguish through the whole creation.
To co-operate with this design, and to frustrate
those cruel and perfidious schemes, which
would deluge our frontiers with the blood of
women and children, I have despatched Colonel
ARNOLD into your country, with a part of the
army under my command. I have enjoined
upon him, and I am certain that he will consider himself, and act as in the country
of his
patrons and best friends. Necessaries and
accommodations of every kind which you may
furnish he will thankfully receive and render
the full value. I invite you, therefore, as
friends and brethren, to provide him with
such supplies as your country affords ; and I
pledge myself not only for your safety and security, but for an ample compensation.
no man desert his habitation—let no one flee
as before an enemy. The cause of America
and of liberty is the cause of every virtuous
American citizen, whatever may be his religion
or descent. The united colonies know no distinction but such as slavery, corruption
arbitrary dominion may create. Come then,
ye generous citizens, range yourselves under
the standard of general liberty—against which
all the force of artifice and tyranny will never
be able to prevail." It appeared by this address that the most tempting offers and
promises had been made by the republican general ;
but they had failed, nevertheless, to accomplish the desired effect. This, however,
not the only trait of this nature in the history
of the French Canadian people. There was
another despatch, or rather proclamation, issued
in 1778 by Baron D'ESTAING, commander of
the French fleet, which was acting in aid of
the American revolutionary party. The
honorable gentleman read some extracts from
this proclamation, as follows :—" I shall not
ask the military companions of the Marquis Of
LÉVIS, those who shared his glory, who admired his talents and genius for war, who
his cordiality and frankness, the principal
characteristics of our nobility, whether there
be other names in other nations among which
they would be better pleased to place their own.
Can the Canadians, who saw the brave MONTCALM fall in their defence—can they become
the enemies of his nephews ? Can they fight
against their former leaders, and arm themselves against their kinsmen ? At the bare
mention of their names, the weapons would fall out
of their hands. I shall not observe to the ministers of the altars, that their evangelic
will require the special protection of Providence,
to prevent faith being diminished by example,
by worldly interest, and by sovereigns whom
force has imposed upon them, and whose political indulgence will be lessened proportionably
as those sovereigns shall have less to fear. I
shall not observe that it is necessary for religion that those who preach it should
form a
body in the state ; and that in Canada no
other body would be more considered, or have
more power to do good than that of the
priests, taking a part in the Government,
since their respectable conduct has merited the
confidence of the people. I shall not represent to that people, nor to all my countrymen
in general, that a vast monarchy, having the
same religion, the same manners, the same
language, where they find kinsmen, old friends
and brethren, must be an inexhaustible source
of commerce and wealth, more easily acquired
and better secured by their union with powerful neighbors, than with strangers of
hemisphere, among whom everything is different, and who, jealous and despotic sovereigns
would, sooner or later, treat them as a
conquered people, and doubtless much worse
than their late countrymen, the Americans,
who made them victorious. I shall not urge
to a whole people that to join with the United
States is to secure their own happiness, since
a whole people, when they acquire the right
of thinking and acting for themselves, must
know their own interest. But I will declare,
and I now formally declare in the name of
His Majesty, who has authorized and commanded me to do it, that all his former subjects
in North America, who shall no more
acknowledge the supremacy of Great Britain,
may depend upon his protection and support."
D'ESTAING had appealed to their ancestry and
their prejudices ; he had invoked the names of
LEVIS and MONTCALM, and endeavored to influence their clergy ; but the French Canadians
understood their position too well. If they had
their institutions, their language and their
religion intact to-day, it was precisely because
of their adherence to the British Crown. Had
they yielded to the appeals of WASHINGTON
and Baron D'ESTAING, it is probable that there
would not have been now a vestige of British
power on this continent. But, with the disappearance of British power, they too would
have disappeared as French Canadians. (Hear,
hear.) These historical facts taught that
there should be a mutual feeling of gratitude
from the French Canadians towards the
British, and from the British towards the
French Canadians, for our present position,
that Canada is still a British colony. (Hear,
hear.) He had had occasion, a moment ago,
to refer to the French Canadian clergy in connection with D'ESTAING'S address, and
would say this, to their honor and credit, that,
if to-day Canada was a portion of the British
Empire, it was due to the conservatism of the
French Canadian clergy. (Cheers) It was
a pleasure to him thus to be able to quote from
these old documents proofs of the honor,
loyalty, and liberality of the French Canadian
people. He (Hon. Mr. CARTIER) was as devoid
of prejudice as any honorable gentleman in this
House ; but when he heard or read the statements occasionally made, that there was
danger that, under the Federation system, the
French Canadians would have too much power,
and that the power thus obtained would be
used to the prejudice of the British and Protestant minority—the history of the past,
many instances, was the best reply to such
attacks. (Hear, hear.) Baron D'ESTAING
issued his tempting proclamation in 1778, and
it was sent into Canada frequently afterwards,
and circulated at the instigation of ROCHAMBEAU and LAFAYETTE; but our clergy and
our aristocracy, the leaders of our people in
these days, saw that it was not their interest
to cast their lot with the democratic elementthey knew the hollowness of democracy.
hear.) We found ourselves at the present
day discussing the question of the Federation
of the British North American Provinces,
while the great Federation of the United States
of America was broken up and divided against
itself. There was, however, this important
difference to be observed in considering the
action of the two peoples. They had founded
Federation for the purpose of carrying out and
perpetuating democracy on this continent ;
but we, who had the benefit of being able to
contemplate republicanism in action during a
period of eighty years, saw its defects, and felt
convinced that purely democratic institutions
could not be conducive to the peace and prosperity of nations. We were not now discussing
the great problem presented to our consideration, in order to propagate democratic
principles. Our attempt was for the purpose of forming a Federation with a view of
perpetuating the
monarchical element. The distinction, therefore, between ourselves and our neighbors
just this :—In our Federation the monarchical
principle would form the leading feature, while
on the other side of the lines, judging by the
past history and present condition of the
country, the ruling power was the will of the
mob, the rule of the populace. Every person who had conversed with the most intelligent
American statesmen and writers must
have learned that they all admitted that the
governmental powers had become too extended, owing to the introduction of universal
suffrage, and mob rule had consequently supplanted legitimate authority ; and we now
the sad spectacle of a country torn by civil
war, and brethren fighting against brethren.
The question for us to ask ourselves was this:
Shall we be content to remain separate—shall
we be content to maintain a mere provincial existence, when, by combining together,
we could become a great nation? It had
never yet been the good fortune of any group
of communities to secure national greatness
with such facility. In past ages, warriors had
struggled for years for the addition to their
country of a single province. We had too,
for instance, in our own days, the case of
NAPOLEON III, who, after great expenditure
of blood and treasure in the Italian difficulty,
had acquired Savoy and Nice, by which he
had obtained an addition of nearly one million inhabitants to France—only one million
souls, and if any person were for a moment
to make a calculation of the value of the
provinces acquired on one side, and the great
cost on the other, he would at once see the
great disproportion between the one and the
other, and so ascertain the fact that the territory acquired did not compensate the
Here, in British North America, we had five
different communities inhabiting five separate
colonies. We had the same sympathies, and
we all desired to live under the British Crown.
We had our commercial interests besides. It
was of no use whatever that New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland should have
their several custom houses against our trade,
or that we should have custom houses against
the trade of those provinces. In ancient times,
the manner in which a nation grew up was
different from that of the present day. Then
the first weak settlement increased into a village, which, by turns, became a town
and a
city, and the nucleus of a nation. It was
not so in modern times. Nations were now
formed by the agglomeration of communities
having kindred interests and sympathies.
Such was our case at the present moment.
Objection had been taken to the scheme now
under consideration, because of the words
" new nationality." Now, when we were
united together, if union were attained, we
would form a political nationality with which
neither the national origin, nor the religion of
any individual, would interfere. It was lamented by some that we had this diversity
races, and hopes were expressed that this distinctive feature would cease. The idea
of unity
of races was utopian—it was impossible. Distinctions of this kind would always exist.
Dissimilarity, in fact, appeared to be the order of
the physical world and of the moral world, as
well as in the political world. But with regard
to the objection based on this fact, to the
effect that a great nation could not be formed
because Lower Canada was in great part
French and Catholic, and Upper Canada was
British and Protestant, and the Lower Provinces
were mixed, it was futile and worthless in the
extreme. Look, for instance, at the United
Kingdom, inhabited as it was by three great
races. (Hear, hear.) Had the diversity of
race impeded the glory, the progress, the wealth
of England ? Had they not rather each contributed their share to the greatness of
Empire ? Of the glories of the senate, the
field, and the ocean, of the successes of trade
and commerce, how much was contributed by
the combined talents, energy and courage of
the three races together ? (Cheers.) In our
own Federation we should have Catholic and
Protestant, English, French, Irish and Scotch,
and each by his efforts and his success would
increase the prosperity and glory of the new
Confederacy. (Hear, hear.) He viewed the
diversity of races in British North America in
this way : we were of different races, not for
the purpose of warring against each other, but
in order to compete and emulate for the general welfare. (Cheers.) We could not do
away with the distinctions of race. We could
not legislate for the disappearance of the French
Canadians from American soil, but British
and French Canadians alike could appreciate
and understand their position relative to each
other. They were placed like great families
beside each other, and their contact produced
a healthy spirit of emulation. It was a benefit
rather than otherwise that we had a diversity
of races. Of course, the difficulty, it would be
said, would be to deal fairly by the minority.
In Upper Canada the Catholics would find
themselves in a minority ; in Lower Canada
the Protestants would be in a minority, while
the Lower Provinces were divided. Under
such circumstances, would any one pretend
that either the local or general governments
would sanction any injustice. What would be
the consequence, even supposing any such thing
were attempted by any one of the local governments ? It would be censured everywhere.
Whether it came from Upper Canada or from
Lower Canada, any attempt to deprive the
minority of their rights would be at once
thwarted. Under the Federation system, granting to the control of the General Government
these large questions of general interest in
which the differences of race or religion had
no place, it could not be pretended that the
rights of either race or religion could be
invaded at all. We were to have a General Parliament to deal with the matters
of defence, tariff, excise, public works, and
these matters absorbed all individual interest.
Now, he would ask those self-styled nationalists who accused him of bartering fifty-eight
counties in Lower Canada to John Bull, and
his honorable colleague beside him (Hon. Mr.
BROWN)—he would ask them, under what
supposition could they think it possible for
any injustice to be done to the French Canadians by the General Government ? (Hear,
hear.) He came now to the subject of Local
Governments. We could easily understand
how a feeling against the Federation project
was raised in the minds of a few of the British
residents of Lower Canada by fears of such
difficulties as those which occurred in the days
of Mr. PAPINEAU, relative to the passing of
laws relating to commercial matters. (Hear,
hear.) These difficulties had been of a
very inconvenient nature, Mr. PAPINEAU not
being a commercial man, and not understanding the importance of these measures. He
considered Mr. PAPINEAU was right in the
struggle he maintained against the oligarchy
at that time in power ; but he had never approved of the course he took with reference
commercial matters, and in opposition to measures for the improvement of the country.
But this precedent could not be urged as an
objection to Federation, inasmuch as it
would be for the General Government to deal
with our commercial matters. There could
be no reason for well-grounded fear that the
minority could be made to suffer by means of
any laws affecting the rights of property. If
any such enactments were passed, they would
fall upon the whole community. But even
supposing such a thing did occur, there was a
remedy provided under the proposed Constitution. The magnitude of the scheme now submitted
was, perhaps, the reason why those who
had not made themselves conversant with the
question felt some apprehension in contemplating it ; but, when we came to discuss
clause by clause, he would be ready to state
that no interest would be harmed in any way
if Federation took place. It was true that opposition was being offered in Montreal,
by Mr.
Witness. (Hear,
hear.) And, while referring to the opponents
of Federation, he could not help adverting to
the strange manner in which extremes met
and worked in unison to oppose Federation.
(Laughter.) For instance, we had the party
who formerly composed what might be styled
Mr. PAPINEAU'S Tail—the extreme democratic
party—joined with Mr. DOUGALL'S Tail.
(Hear, hear, cheers, and laughter.)
MR. PERRAULT —And members of the
clergy oppose it. (Hear, hear.)
HON. MR. CARTIER said the honorable
gentleman was mistaken. The clergy were
for it. But the honorable gentleman would have an opportunity of
speaking afterwards. This scheme, he repeated, met with the approval of all moderate
men. The extreme men, the socialists, democrats and
annexationists were opposed to it. The French Canadian opponents of the project were,
it appeared,
afraid that their religious rights would suffer under the new arrangement.
Fancy the celebrated
Institut Canadien,
of Montreal, under the lead of citizen BLANCHET, taking
religion under their protection! (Laughter.) Mr.
DOUGALL loudly proclaimed that the British
Protestant minority would be entirely placed at the mercy of the
French Canadians. He (Hon. Mr. CARTIER) thought the arguments of
the young French gentlemen belonging to the national democratic party
who cried out that their religion and nationality would be
destroyed, ought in all reason to be sufficient to satisfy the
scruples and calm the fears of Mr. DOUGALL. The
True Witness, which was also one of the
enemies of the scheme, said that if it were adopted the French Canadians
were doomed ; while his brother in violence, the
Witness, said that the Protestants were doomed.
(Hear, hear, and laughter.) At a meeting recently held in
Montreal on the subject, he (Hon. Mr. CARTIER.) observed that Mr. CHERRIER
had enrolled himself among the enemies of the project. Well, this
fine, quiet, old gentleman announced that he had come out of his political retirement
for the purpose of opposing Federation. All he (Hon. Mr. CARTIER) could say was
that he never knew Mr.
CHERRIER was a strong politician. However, it appeared that he had
come out once more on the political stage for the purpose of opposing this
villainous scheme, which was intended to destroy the
nationality and religion of the French Canadians—all brought about
by that confounded CARTIER ! (Laughter and cheers.) Allusion had been
made to the opinion of the clergy. Well, he would say that the opinion of
the clergy was for Confederation. (Hear, hear.) Those who were high in
authority, as well as those who occupied more humble positions, were
in favor of Federation, not only because they saw in it so much security for
all they held dear, but because it was just to their Protestant
fellow-subjects as well, because they were opposed to political bickering
and strife. This opposition to a state of political dissension and trouble was the
general feeling of the clergy, and because they
saw in Confederation a solution of those difficulties which had existed for some
time, due regard being had to just
62 rights, they were favorable to the project.The fact, however, was that when we saw
such extreme opponents as Mr.
CLERK, of the
True Witness, Mr. DOUGALL,
of the
Witness, and the young gentlemen
of the
Institut Canadien
combined to resist Confederation, because each party argued it would
produce the most widely different results—we might look upon this
fact, he repeated, as one of the strongest arguments in favor of
Confederation. (Hear.) We had, on the other hand, all the moderate
men, all that was respectable and intelligent, including the clergy,
favorable to Federation. (Hear, hear, and oh, oh.) He did not, of
course, mean to say that there were not respectable opponents to
the project—what he did mean, however, was that it met general
approval from the classes referred to. He was opposed, he might as well
state most distinctly, to the democratic system which obtained in the
United States. In this country of British North America we should
have a distinct form of government, the characteristic of
which would be to possess the monarchical element. When we had
Confederation secured, there was not the least doubt but that our
Government would be more respectable—that it would have more
prestige, and command more respect from our neighbours. (Hear, hear.)
The great want under the American form—the point which they all
admitted formed the great defect—was the absence of some respectable
executive element. How was the head of the United States Government chosen ? Candidates
came forward, and of course each one was
abused and villified as corrupt, ignorant, incapable and unworthy by
the opposite party. One of them attained the presidential chair ; but even
while in that position he was not respected by those who had opposed
his election, and who tried to make him appear the most corrupt and contemptible
being in creation. Such a system could not produce
an executive head who would command respect. Under the British system,
ministers might be abused and assailed ; but that abuse never reached
the Sovereign. Whether we were made a kingdom or a viceroyalty—whatever name or grade
was assigned to us—we would undoubtedly have
additional prestige. He would now conclude his remarks by asking
honorable gentlemen to consider well this scheme. It was his hope, his
cherished hope, that it would be adopted by the House. The
time was opportune, as his honorable colleague (Atty. Gen.
MACDONALD)had so ably stated last evening ; the opportunity might never
offer itself again in such a facile
and propitious manner. We knew we had, in all our proceedings, the
approbation of the Imperial Government. So if these resolutions were
adopted by Canada, as he had no doubt they would, and by the other Colonial
Legislatures, the Imperial Government would be called
upon to pass a measure which would have for its effect to give a strong
central or general government and local governments, which would at
once secure and guard the persons, the properties and the civil and religious rights
belonging to the population of each section.
(Loud cheers.)
trust the House will, on this occasion, extend
to me the indulgence with which I have often
previously been favored when I have addressed it on subjects relating to the commercial
and financial interests of this province ;
for I am now required to follow the very able
and eloquent speeches of the two Attorneys
General, East and West, who have discussed,
as none were more able than those gentlemen
to discuss, the most important political and
philosophical questions which are involved in
the Confederation of the British North American colonies ; and the material interests
the country upon which it is my province this
night to dwell, though unquestionably those
which are intended to be served through the
political alterations we have to consider, are,
nevertheless, likely to prove tedious to the
House. Explanations respecting them are,
however, imperatively called for when we are
considering the question now at issue. (Hear.)
There is one advantage which I feel that I
enjoy on this occasion, and it is that this
House is not called upon, in dealing with the
commercial and financial interests involved in
the proposed changes, to consider the form
or mode of government by which such interests are to be promoted. It makes little
difference to the consideration of this branch of
the subject whether the Constitution of the
new Government be that of a Legislative or
Federal Union—the points with which I am
about to deal, are those which concern the
public at large, and bear no reference to what
may be the creed, nationality or language of
portions of the peeple. The subjects on
which I propose to address the House are
those connected with the trade, resources
and financial condition of the several provinces of British North America, and certain
questions present themselves for decision,
upon a satisfactory answer to which the
determination of the House upon the whole
plan that is submitted should depend, I
will divide my remarks into five distinct
heads :-
First.—Do the commercial and material
interests of the several provinces point to
their union as an advantageous measure ?
Secondly.—Is their financial condition such
as to permit of this union being carried into
practical effect at this moment, with justice
to them all ?
Thirdly.—Are the measures proposed in
the resolutions before the House fair to each
and to all ?
Fourthly.—Is there a reasonable prospect
that the machinery through which these interests are proposed to be governed, will
smoothly and harmoniously ?
Lastly.—Does the proposed system for the
Government of the United Provinces appear
likely to prove so expensive as to render it impossible for the people of Canada to
to it ?
In dealing with the first question, whether the material interests of the
provinces will be promoted by their union, it may be well for me to
offer to the House some few remarks as to the resources of British North
America. Possessing as we do, in the far western part of Canada,
perhaps the most fertile wheat-growing tracts on this continent,—in central
and eastern Canada facilities for manufacturing such as cannot
anywhere be surpassed,— and in the eastern or Maritime Provinces an
abundance of that most useful of all minerals, coal, as well as the
most magnificent and valuable fisheries in the world ; extending as this
country does for two thousand miles, traversed by the
finest navigable river in the world, we may well look forward to our future
with hopeful anticipation of seeing the realization, not merely of
what we have hitherto thought would be the commerce of Canada, great as
that might become, but to the possession of Atlantic ports, which we
shall help to build to a position equal to that of the chief cities of
the American Union. (Hear.) But it is not so much by the extent of a country
that its power and real greatness are to be estimated, as by its
containing within itself the elements of different interests, for it is in
the diversity of employment that security is found against those sad
reverses to which every country, depending mainly on one branch of
industry, must always be liable. (Hear) A most remarkable
illustration of this has recently occurred in our own Mother
Country. No one would have ventured to say, a few years ago, that
England could have lost its immense cotton supply without having its system
commercial industry almost entirely overthrown, and having
its people sunk into the deepest misery. Yet we have seen, within the
last few years, the cotton supply cut off. We have seen, it is true, a
considerable portion of the people reduced to great want, but, at the same
time, the wonderful diversity of employment which exists in the
country opened new channels for the employment of the distressed
operatives, and though there was great pressure for a
time, it was only temporary in its operations ; and at this
moment, after a short pause, we see the industry of England greater than
it was at the beginning of the American war. (Hear.) We may therefore
rejoice that, in the proposed Union of the British North American
Provinces, we shall obtain some security against those
providential reverses to which, as long as we are dependent on one
branch of industry as a purely agricultural country, we must always remain
exposed. (Hear, hear.) The resources of these great colonies, and the
extent to which the industry and intelligence of their inhabitants have
developed them, are most significantly shewn in the Trade
and Navigation Tables, which are in the possession of the public. I am
afraid to weary the House by going at any length into statements
relating to them, but I feel that in order to place the question of union
fairly before the House and the country, I am called upon to glance,
however briefly, at the position in which the trade and tonnage of
each of the British North American Provinces at the present moment stands.
The returns of the trade of Canada in 1863, taking exports and imports
conjointly, shew an aggregate of $87,795,000. Taking the census of 1861,
this trade represents thirty-five dollars per head of the population.
The value of the import and export trade of New Brunswick, for the
same year, reaches $16,729,680, amounting to sixty-six dollars per head of
its population. The aggregate trade of Nova Scotia for the same
period, amounted to $18622,359, or fifty-six dollars per head of
its ple. And in the case of Prince Edward Island, the import and
export trade amounted to $3,055,568, representing thirty-seven dollars per head
of the population of that colony. The value of
the total trade of Newfoundland was $11,245,032, or eighty-six dollars per
head. The whole of these figures represent an aggregate trade of all
the provinces amounting to $137,447,567. Notwithstanding the
large population and the very large amount represented by the trade of
Canada, when it is divided per head it falls considerably short
64 of the trade of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, being a little more than half per
head of the former, and not more
than two-thirds of that of Nova Scotia. All the statistics to which I
have had access show that the commercial and financial position of our
sister colonies is such as to enable them creditably to seek an
alliance with any country on earth ; and it cannot be said that, in seeking
or consenting to an alliance with Canada, they have any local, or
sectional, or selfish object in view. (Hear, hear.) Passing from trade, I
will turn to another subject — the ship building and tonnage of those
colonies— and will take the returns of 1863. In that year, the numbe of ships built
in all those colonies was no less than 645,
with a tonnage amounting to 219,763 tons. This statement of the enormous amount
of tonnage built in one year is as good evidence
as can be offered of the facilities we possess for becoming an
important maritime power. The industry represented by those figures
shows an export value of nearly nine million dollars ! The sea-going
tonnage of Canada, including that of the inland lakes, amounts to
about nine million tons, a great portion of which, however, represents
the tonnage of vessels performing coasting service, many of which frequently
clear and arrive in the course of one day. It is gratifying to know
that the trade between Canada and the States on the other side of the lakes
is of a nature to give employment to a large portion of this lake
tonnage — amounting to 6,907,000 tons — but it cannot be classed in
the same category as the tonnage arriving at Quebec and Montreal, which in
most cases can make only two or three trips per annum. The
sea-going tonnage of Canada amounted to 2,133,000 tons ; of New Brunswick, 1,386,000
; of Nova Scotia, 1,432,000 tons.
Consequently the amount of sea-going tonnage, subject only to a small
deduction, was actually about five million tons, of which about
2,133,000 was that of vessels trading between the St. Lawrence and foreign
ports. In making this statement it is due to the House that it should
be made aware that some portion of this trade will not be represented after the
contemplated union has taken place. At
present, the internal commerce between these colonies appears in the returns
of each as imports and exports, but I should be glad if I were able to
make on this account a large deduction from the figures I have given.
It is matter for regret on the part of all of us that the trade between
these colonies—subject all to the same Sovereign, connected with the same empire—has been so small.
Intercolonial trade has been, indeed, of the most insignificant character ;
we have looked far more to our commercial relations with the
neighbouring—though a foreign country,—than to the interchange of our own
products, which would have retained the benefits of our
trade within ourselves ; hostile tariffs have interfered with the free
interchange of the products of the labor of all the colonies, and one
of the greatest and most immediate benefits to be derived from their union,
will spring from the breaking down of these barriers and the
opening up of the markets of all the provinces to the different industries
of each. (Hear, hear.) In this manner we may hope to supply
Newfoundland and the great fishing districts of the Gulf, with the
agricultural productions of Western Canada ; we may hope
to obtain from Nova Scotia our supply of coal ; and the manufacturing
industry of Lower Canada may hope to find more extensive
outlets in supplying many of those articles which are now purchased in
foreign markets. For instance Newfoundland produces scarcely anything
by agriculture, manufactures hardly an article of clothing, and a
considerable trade may thus be expected to arise ; while, instead of
having payments made, as they are now, through Lombard street, they will
be made through our own bankers in Montreal and elsewhere. If we
require to find an example of the benefits of free commercial
intercourse, we need not look beyond the effects that
have followed from the working of the Reciprocity Treaty with the United
States. In one short year from the time when that treaty came into
operation, our trade in the natural productions of the two countries swelled
from less than $2,000,000 to upwards of $20,000,000 per annum, and
now, when we are threatened with an interruption of that trade—when we
have reason to fear that the action of the United States will prove hostile
to the continuance of free commercial relations with this
country—when we know that the consideration of this question is
not grounded on just views of the material advantages resulting to each country—but
that the irritation connected with political
events exercises a predominant influence over the minds of American
statesmen, it is the duty of the House to provide, if possible, other
outlets for our productions. If we have reason to fear that one door
is about to be closed to our trade, it is the duty of the House to endeavor
to open another ; to provide against a coming evil of the kind feared
by timely expansion in
65 another direction ; to seek by free trade with our
own fellow-colonists for a continued and uninterrupted commerce which will
not be liable to be disturbed at the capricious will of any foreign
country. (Hear, hear.) On this ground, therefore, we may well come to
the conclusion that the union between these colonies is demanded alike on
account of their extensive resources, and because of the peculiar
position in which they stand relatively to each other, to Great Britain, and
to the United States. All these are questions which fall within the
province of the General Government, as proposed in the resolutions
before the House, and whatever may be the doubts and fears of any one
with respect to the details of the organization by which it is
proposed to work the new system of Confederation, no one can doubt that the great
interests of trade and
commerce will be best promoted and developed by being entrusted to
one central power, which will wield them in the common interest.
(Hear, hear.)
I now come, Mr. SPEAKER, to the consideration of the second, and perhaps I may say
the third division of my subject also—whether the material condition of these provinces
is such as to make the union practicable, and
whether the details of the measures proposed
are equitable to each and to all. In considering this point, it is necessary for us
first to
review the liabilities of each province, the
reasons why they were incurred, the objects
which have been sought. In doing so, the
House will not fail to remark that the same
policy has animated the legislatures of all the
provinces, or perhaps I should speak more
exactly in sayng those of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The public debt of
all these provinces has, with some slight
exceptions, been incurred for public improvements, intended to develope the resources
the country, to attract immigration and wealth
to their respective shores, to cheapen the
means whereby the products of their farms
were to be taken to market, and to reduce the
cost of freight of articles which enter largely
into the consumption of their inhabitants.
Nor will any one fail to observe the intimate
connection which all these public works have
with each other—a connection which singularly illustrates the natural union which
between these several provinces. If we consider the public improvements of Canada,
great canals intended to bring the trade of the
vast countries bordering on the lakes down to
the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; if we look at the
railway system forced upon us in our competition with American channels of trade, stretching from the extreme west to the extreme
of the province ; and if we then look at the
public works that have been undertaken in
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, we find that,
practically, they form parts of one great whole.
It is through the St. Lawrence that the people
of the Lower Provinces will send their fish , oils
and other exports to the west, and it is through
our canals and river that they will import
the necessaries they require from the west.
Through these canals and the river St. Lawrence, and along the railway systems of
all the
provinces, when hereafter connected, a great
trade will flow in one uninterrupted stream,
enriching in its course not only the cities of
Canada, but also swelling the tide of a new
commerce we may hope to see called into
being in the open Atlantic ports of St. John
and Halifax. (Hear, hear.) I will now proceed, sir, briefly to lay before the House
statement of the present engagements of the
several provinces, beginning with Canada. I
find that our whole debt, exclusive of the
Common School Fund, which does not form a
portion of our engagements relatively to the
Lower Provinces, amounts to $67,263,995.
The debt of Nova Scotia is $4,858,547, and
that of New Brunswick $5,702,991 ; and I
may notice, with reference to the debts of
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, that in the
case of Nova Scotia a portion of their liabilities, to the amount of nearly half a
million of
dollars, consists of treasury notes, while the
policy has been pursued both in that province
and in New Brunswick of retaining in the
hands of the Government the Savings Bank
deposits of the people, which form, therefore,
a part of the liabilities I have named to the
extent of $1,167,000. It must, therefore, be
observed that the rate of interest on the debts
of these two colonies is not, on the whole
amount, higher than that which the bulk of
the Canadian debt now bears. Newfoundland
has only incurred liabilities to the extent of
$946,000, bearing interest at five per cent.,
while Prince Edward Island owes $240,673.
The total liabilities of those provinces are,
therefore, $11,748,211, against the interest on
which may be placed the net revenues of the
railways which are the property of those provinces, and which produced last year a
amount of about $100,000. In addition to
the existing liabilities of Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick, there are certain further engagements they have incurred for the extension
their railway system requiring future provision
tothe extent, in the case of Nova Scotia, of
$3,000,000, and in that of New Brunswick of
$1,300,000. It must be evident to the House
that, in entering into such a partnership as is
proposed, some common basis must be arrived
at on which each province must enter into the
Confederation. Taking all the engagements,
present and future, of Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick, it was found that, relatively to
their populations, they amounted to about $25
per head, and this amount, as applied to
Canada, would entitle us to enter the union
with a debt of $62,500,000. Some difficulty
might have occurred in reducing our debt to
this amount had it not been apparent, on
examination, that a considerable portion of it
was connected with local advances, such as the
Municipal Loan Fund, which does not properly
belong to the same category as debt contracted
in connection with our system of public improvements, and the management of which
intended to be confided to the General Government, but rather partakes of a local
character, and should more properly be left in the
hands of the local legislatures. It will
therefore be found provided in the resolutions,
that in assuming for itself, apart from the
General Government, the surplus of debt of
about five millions ($5,000,000), the Province
of Canada became entitled to withdraw from
the general assets all those items which were
of a local character, and for which a portion
of its debt had been incurred. Had not this
means been adopted, it would have been necessary to permit all the Lower Provinces
increase their obligations beyond those for
which their legislatures have hitherto had to
provide, and bring in larger debts to the Confederation than they will now do, and
a most
unnecessary and prodigal expenditure of public
money would have been the consequence. It
was wise, then, to confine the liabilities of the
General Government simply to those debts
which had been incurred for purposes of
general improvement, and to provide locally,
in this country, for the assumption of the surplus, together with the assets which
had been
created by it.
HON. MR. DORION —Do the $67,263,995,
stated as the debt of Canada, include the original seigniorial indemnity given to
Upper and
Lower Canada, under the Act of 1854?
HON. MR. GALT —Yes ; that amount does
include the indemnity, and among the arrangements contemplated by the Government,
assuming that Confederation does take place,
they will submit, for the consideration of this
House, a project for the assumption by Lower
Canada of the seigniorial indemnity provided
by the Act of 1859, whereby it will be rendered unnecessary to give an equivalent
indemnity to Upper Canada, thus saving upwards of
three millions of dollars. (Hear, hear.) I
would desire again, Mr. SPEAKER, to refer to
the position of the Lower Provinces, and to
call the attention of the House to the fact
that both in the case of Newfoundland and in
that of Prince Edward Island, their liabilities
are very much less in proportion to the population than those of the three larger
provinces ;
and in order to permit of their entering into
the union upon fair terms, it was necessary to
provide that they should be allowed to receive
from the general exchequer a sum equal to the
interest upon the amount of debt which they
had not been obliged to contract. By this means
provision was in fact made for the maintenance of their local governments, while at
same time a cause of future complaint was removed. (Hear, hear.) It now becomes my
duty to submit to the House a statement of
the resources which the several provinces propose to bring into the common stock,
and I
may add that for the purpose of this statement
being more readily verified, the financial returns of 1863 have been taken as the
From these returns it would appear that the
income and expenditure of the several provinces stood in that year as follows : Nova
Scotia, with a population of 338,857, had an
income of $1,185,629, her outlay being $1,072,274 ; New Brunswick, with a population
of 252,047, had an income of $894,836, and
an outlay of $884,613 ; Newfoundland, with a
population of 130,000, had an income of
$480,000, the outlay being $479,420 ; Prince
Edward Island, with a population of 80,000,
had an income of $197,384, the outlay being
$171,718. The total revenue of all these
colonies amounted to $2,763,004, and the
total expenditure to $2,608,025—the united
surplus over expenditure for 1863 being
$154,979. It will be observed that as regards
these provinces their income and expenditure
are such that they will enter the Confederation with a financial position in no respect
inferior to that of Canada. If an objection
were made with respect to any province in
regard to its financial position, it would be
against Canada. The Lower Provinces have
been and are now in a position to meet, from
their taxation, all their expenses, and cannot
be regarded as bringing any burthen to the
people of Canada. It is not necessary for me
to say anything in reference to the financial
position of Canada in 1863, but it must be
gratifying to the House to know that the de
67ficiency which unfortunately existed during
that year was removed in 1864, and that,
therefore, we are not obliged now to propose
to enter the Confederation in an inferior position, in this respect, to that of our
colonies. (Hear, hear.) The revenues of each
of these provinces are, as the House is well
aware, collected under different systems of taxation, suited to the local industry
and the
wants of their several populations. It is, therefore, manifest that one of the first
duties of
the General Legislature will be to consider the
modes by which the burden of taxation can be
most easily borne by the industry of the whole
country, and to assilmilate the several sources
of revenue which are now in existence in such
manner as will least interfere with the profitable exercise of the industry of the
people. It
would be entirely out of place for me, sir, to
attempt on this occasion to indicate what the
policy of the General Government may be, but
one thing must be evident to all, and that is,
that where the taxation is about equal per
head, the adjustment of it cannot be attended
with any injustice to the people of any of the
several provinces. Reductions may be made in
our customs, on the one hand ; and, perhaps,
on the other, some portions of our commerce
may be relieved from the exactions to which
they are now subjected. Apart from the advantages which will manifestly flow from
the free
trade which will hereafter exist between us,
it must be clear to every member of the House
that the credit of each and all the provinces
will be greatly advanced by a union of their
resources. A larger fund will be available
as security to the public creditor, larger industries will be subjected to the action
of the
Legislature for the maintenance of public
credit, and we will also see removed some of
those apprehensions which have latterly affected
the public credit of this country (Hear,
hear.) It must be evident, for it is proved
by the fluctuating quotations of the securities of these provinces in London that
the apprehension of war with the United
States—which has, unfortunately, affected the
prices of Canadian bonds—has not to the same
extent effected those of New Brunswick and
Nova Scotia, which are less exposed to hostile
attack ; and we may therefore hope that
the union, while it affords us greater resources, will, at the same time, carry with
it a
greater sense of security. (Hear, hear.) I
must now enquire whether the proposed
system of general and local governments,
as regards the interests to which I have
already alluded, is likely to work beneficially ;
and this brings me to the consideration of the
question of the means that will be at the disposal of the general and local governments.
It must be admitted that having the power of
taxation in their own hands, it will be the
fault of the General Legislature if any embarrassment is felt in meeting the expenditure
of the General Government. Before,
however, passing to the consideration of the
means at the disposal of the local governments, I would take this opportunity of replying
to the honorable member for Hochelaga, in
reference to the export duty on timber in New
Brunswick, and the royalty in Nova Scotia
on the produce of the mines. This has arisen
from the circumstance that in the former province it was found both expensive and
inconvenient to attempt to levy their timber dues
in the forest, and they therefore adoptedthe
plan of causing them to be paid in the form
of an export duty upon the clearances of
vessels at the custom house. If, therefore,
provision had not been made for securing to
New Brunswick the payment of these dues,
that province would have been deprived of the
large amount which its territorial timber contributes to the revenue, and the General
Legislature would have been required to increase the proposed grant to that province
an amount equal to those dues—somewhere
about $90,000 per annum. In the case of
Nova Scotia—not possessing any public lands
or timber to any extent—her territorial revenue is almost wholly derived from her
and collected in the form of royalty. Her
representatives at the Conference pointed out
that if the policy of the General Government
should be to impose an export duty on her
coal, it would virtually oblige her either to relinquish the royalty, which new forms
a large
source of her revenue, or submit to be placed in
a most disadvantageous position in competing
in the American markets with the coal of that
country. For these reasons an exception was
made in the case of both of these provinces,
such as has been alluded to by the honorable
member. (Hear, hear.) In the case of Newfoundland, an arrangement has been made
whereby the whole of the territorial rights of
that colony have been ceded to the General
Government, and I will take the opportunity,
when adverting to the means of supporting
the Local Government of that colony, to explain the manner and the consideration for
which these rights were so ceded. (Hear.) I
now propose, sir, to refer to the means which
will be at the disposal of the several local
governments to enable them to administer
the various matters of public policy which
it is proposed to entrust to them, and it is evident that unless ample provision is
made in the
arrangements, great danger will arise that the
machinery whereby the local wants of the people
are intended to be met will speedily become
impaired, causing complaint on the part of
the inhabitants of the respective localities,
and involving considerable danger to the whole
machinery of government. (Hear, hear.) In
the case of Canada it will be remembered
that the sum of nearly five millions of the
public debt has to be borne by Upper and
Lower Canada. It will hereafter be for the
House to decide how this sum shall be apportioned, but the probability is that the
Government will recommend that it shall be divided
on the basis of population. (Hear, hear.) It
must be remembered that Canada will have
at its disposal a large amount of the local
assets, including especially the sums due to
the municipal loan fund, which will produce
an income for the support of their local institutions. As a matter of account between
Upper and Lower Canada and the General
Government, they will be charged with the
interest on their respective proportions of the
five millions against the subsidy which it is
proposed shall be given to them, while they
themselves will collect from the municipalities
and other local sources all the revenue and
amounts which now enter into the general
revenue of the Province of Canada. The
question of the sub-division of the local assets
of Canada is not, however, before the House.
What we have now to consider is whether the
bargain as between Canada as a whole and
the Lower Provinces ought to be assented to.
If it be assented to the question will arise,
how shall we deal with the local matters between Upper and Lower Canada ? and a proposition
will be brought down which I hope
and believe will satisfy both sections, and do
them substantial justice.
HON. MR. DORION —Will Lower Canada
be charged with the municipal loan fund, the
seigniorial indemnity, and the educational indemnity ?
HON. MR. GALT —I must repeat that, no
matter what views the Government may have
on the distribution of the liabilities as between Upper and Lower Canada, they will
susceptible of alteration in any way the House
may see fit, this being a matter solely of local
arrangement, and in no respect involving the
agreement entered into with the other provinces; but I must point out that, as regards
the original seigniorial indemnity and the mu
nicipal loan, they are both included in the
sixty-seven millions already stated as the liabilities of Canada, and cannot, therefore,
form any additional charge against Lower
Canada. (Hear, hear.) Indeed, as regards
the Municipal Loan Fund, instead of being
stated as a liability, it appears that the sums
due under it are, in connection with the question as I now view it, to be regarded
in the
light of assets, because we are considering now
the sums received as assets by Lower Canada.
The Municipal Loan Fund being one of them,
the sums due to it under the existing provincial arrangements will become payable
as an
asset to that section of the province. (Hear.)
It will be observed that in the plan proposed
there are certain sources of local revenue reserved to the Local Governments, arising
territorial domain, lands, mines, &c. In the
case of Canada, a large sum will be received
from these resources, but it may be that some
of them, such as the Municipal Loan Fund,
will become exhausted in course of time. We
may, however, place just confidence in the
development of our resources, and repose in
the belief that we shall findin our territorial domain, our valuable mines and our
fertile lands, additional sources of revenue
far beyond the requirements of the public
service. If, nevertheless, the local revenues
become inadequate, it will be necessary for
the local governments to have resort to direct taxation ; and I do not hesitate to
say that
one of the wisest provisions in the proposed
Constitution, and that which affords the surest
guarantee that the people will take a healthy
interest in their own affairs and see that no
extravagance is committed by those placed in
power over them, is to be found in the fact
that those who are called upon to administer
public affairs will feel, when they resort to
direct taxation, that a solemn responsibility
rests upon them, and that that responsibility
will be exacted by the people in the most peremptory manner. (Hear, hear.) If the
in power find that they are required, by means
of direct taxation, to procure the funds necessary to administer the local affairs,
for which
abundant provision is made in the scheme,
they will pause before they enter upon any
career of extravagance. Indeed, I do not
hesitate to say, that if the public men of these
provinces were sufficiently educated to understand their own interests in the true
light of
the principles of political economy, it would
be found better now to substitute direct taxation for some of the indirect modes by
taxation has been imposed upon the industry
of the people. (Hear, hear.) I do not, however, believe that at this moment it is
nor do I think the people of this country
would support any government in adopting
this measure unless it were forced upon them
by the pressure of an overwhelming necessity
—the necessity of providing, by extraordinary
means, against dangers by which the peace,
happiness and prosperity of the country may
be threatened, in fact, by some of those great
disturbing causes which are frequently the
beginning of the most important financial
changes. (Hear, hear.) The local revenue
of Upper Canada during the last four years
has averaged the sum of $739,000, and that
of Lower Canada, $557,239 ; together they
amount to nearly $1,300,000, independent of
the eighty cents per head which it is proposed
to allow the local governments out of the
general exchequer, for the purpose of meeting their local expenditures. These local
expenditures include such items as the administration of justice, the support of education,
grants to literary and scientific societies,
hospitals and charities, and such other matters as cannot be regarded as devolving
the General Government. The whole charge,
exclusive of the expenses of local government
and legislation, on an average of the last four
years, has in Lower Canada amounted to
$997,000, and in Upper Canada to $1,024,622 per annum. In addition to these
sums, will have now to be added such
amounts as may be required to meet the cost
of the Civil Government of the country and
of the Legislation for local purposes. It
may be difficult to form any reliable estimate of the sums required for this purpose,
but when the House considers that, according
to the statements given of the expenditure
during the last four years, there will be available in the whole Province of Canada
the sum
of no less than $1,043,015, it must, I think,
be admitted that if those charged with the
administration of local affairs in Upper and
Lower Canada exceed this amount they will
be guilty of a degree of profligacy and extravagance for which a speedy remedy will
found by the people. (Hear, hear.) With
reference to the Lower Provinces, the delegates
from them to the Conference were asked what
reductions they could make in the existing
cost of the government of their several colonies,
and the figures I am about to give will be
found most satisfactory, as showing their disposition to reduce their requirements
to the
lowest possible sum. In the case of Nova
Scotia, the estimate of outlay in 1864 for
objects of a local character required an expenditure of no less than $667,000. Some
portion of this expenditure was for services that
did not require again to be performed, but it
is gratifying to observe that they have undertaken to perform the whole service in
for $371,000. (Hear, hear.) In the case of
New Brunswick, in 1864 the estimated expenditure was $404,000, which they have undertaken
to reduce to $353,000, and at the same
time they have further undertaken within ten
years to make an additional reduction of
$63,000, thus reducing the whole expenditure
in the future to $290,000. (Hear, hear.)
Prince Edward Island, with an expenditure of
$124,000, proposes to perform the same local
duties that formerly required $170,000 ; and
in Newfoundland an outlay of $479,000 has
been similarly reduced to $350,000. Cheers.)
The House must now, sir, consider the means
whereby these local expenditures have to be
met. I have already explained that, in the
case of Canada, and also in that of the Lower
Provinces, certain sources of revenue are set
aside as being of a purely local character and
available to meet the local expenditure ; but
I have been obliged in my explanations with
regard to Canada to advert to the fact that it
is contemplated to give a subsidy of 80 cents
per head to each of the Provinces. In transferring to the General Government all the
large sources of revenue, and in placing in
their hand with a single exception, that of
direct taxation, all the means whereby the
industry of the people may be made to contribute to the wants of the state, it must
be evident to every one that some portion of the
resources thus placed at the disposal of the
General Government must in some form or
other be available to supply the hiatus that
would otherwise take place between the sources
of local revenue and the demands of local
expenditure. The members of the Conference
considered this question with the most earnest
desire to reduce to the lowest possible limits
the sum that was thus required, and I think
the figures that I have already given to the
House afford the best possible evidence that
no disposition existed, at any rate on the part
of our friends from the Lower Provinces, to
take from the public exchequer one shilling
more than the necessities of their respective
communities absolutely demanded. (Hear,
hear.) In the case of Canada, perhaps it will
be said that a smaller sum would have met
our immediate wants, but it was felt that it
would be impossible to justify any distinction
being drawn between subjects of the same
country. And if in Canada we receive perhaps a somewhat larger amount than we absolutely
require, it ought rather to be a subject
of gratification to this House that it will possess the means of giving greater encourage
ment to our educational system, and greater
development to those interests which are
peculiarly entrusted to the charge of the local
governments, and this, too, without making
any greater demand than is at this time
made upon the resources of the people.
(Hear, hear.) A subsidy of 80 cents per
head was provided, based upon the population according to the census of 1861. The
amount, if taken upon the basis of the present
population, would undoubtedly be considerably
less ; and it must be observed that the agreement does not contemplate any future
extension of this amount. It is hoped that being
in itself fixed and permanent in its character,
the local governments will see the importance
—I may say the necessity—of their exercising
a rigid and proper control over the expenditure of their several provinces. We thus
obtain one of the greatest securities that can
be offered to us that those influences which,
in such a Legislature as we now possess in
Canada, are brought to hear for the purpose
of swelling the public expenditure, will not
exist in the local legislatures, but will meet with
such a resistance, from the mere fact of the
inability of the local governments to obey
them, as to produce a very considerable
saving in the general expense of the whole
country. (Hear, hear.) I have now, Mr.
SPEAKER, only to advert to the last question
which I have stated is necessary to be decided
on the present occasion ; and that is, whether
under the proposed Confederation such additional expenses will be incurred as to render
it undesirable. In considering this point, I
must state that in my opinion the question of
expense alone is by no means a fair criterion
by which to judge of the advantages of a measure such as that now before the House.
it be looked at in its most restricted sense, the
only point in which additional expense can be
incurred, must be that of the simple cost of
governing the country. In no other way that
I am able to see, can there be additional expense charged upon the people ; and looking
at it in this point of view, we may well doubt
whether the aggregate charge will be greater
for the General Government, caring for the
general interests of the whole, and for the
local governments, attending merely to the
local business of each section,—we may well
doubt, I say, whether that expense will be
greater, in any considerable degree, than that
which is required for our Government under
the present system. (Hear, hear.) On the
one hand we shall be free from the empty
parade of small Courts entailed by our present
system on each of these provinces, keeping up
a pretence of regal show when the reality is
wanting ; we shall have the legislation of the
General Government restricted to those great
questions which may properly occupy the
attention of the first men in the country ; we
shall not have our time frittered away in
considering the merits of petty local bills,
and therefore we may reasonably hope that
the expenses of the General Legislature will
be considerably less than even those of the
Legislature of Canada at the present moment,
—while, on the other hand, the local legislatures having to deal rather with municipal
than great general questions, will be able to
dispose of them in a manner more satisfactory
to the people, and at infinitely less expense
than now. I believe, therefore, the simple
cost of the Government of the country will
not be in reality any greater under the new
than under the old system ; but there are
other items of expenditure for great public
objects, the absence of which from the estimates of any country is an indication rather
of weakness and of dependence than a subject that ought to form a source of satisfaction.
If such items are not now found in the
public expenditure, either of Canada or the
Lower Provinces, it is the best proof that
could be given that our position is one of inferiority, and that we do not possess
the power or the means to undertake such
works as make such items necessary. Let me
give one or two points as examples of my
meaning ; and first I will instance the great
question of defence—(hear, hear) —the absence
of items of expenditure for which can only be
an indication that we are lacking in one of the
chief elements of national greatness, that we
do not properly value the institutions under
which we live, and that we are not willing to
make the sacrifices that every free people must
make if they are desirous of preserving them.
The same argument applies to public works,
in connection with which it might be said
that great advantage would arise from large
expenditure ; but with limited resources and
an undeveloped territory it might be impossible for any small country to undertake
necessary outlay. Many works of this kind
are not directly productive of revenue, although
indirectly of the utmost advantage, and if
the resources of a country generally cannot
be applied to that outlay, the absence of such
expenditure ought to be a subject of regret
in the community, and not of rejoicing.
(Hear, hear.) In this view let us look at
the immense extent of territory that stretches
away west of Upper Canada. The reason
why we have not been able to assume possession of that territory and open it up to
industry of the youth of this country who,
in consequence of the want of some such
field for the employment of their energies,
have been obliged to go off to the States in
thousands, especially to those states possessing the boundless resources of the great
North-West, is because there sources of Canada—great as they have been, considering
disadvantages under which she has laboredhave been inadequate for the development
this district. Now, one of the resolutions
of the scheme before the House refers to this
same question, and I believe that one of the
first acts of the General Government of
the United Provinces will be to enter into
public obligations for the purpose of opening
up and developing that vast region, and of
making it a source of strength instead of a
burden to us and to the Mother Country also.
(Hear, hear.) Looking, however, to the
whole question of expense, I must say that if
the benefits of Confederation are to be weighed
against the loss of three or four hundred
thousand dollars, the House had better carefully consider whether the people of this
country will not accept the former at such
comparatively trifling cost—whether they will
not feel that a union with a million of their
fellow colonists is worth much more to them
than any mall pecuniary question of this
kind that may arise. (Hear, hear.) I trust
the House will not permit the question to be
judged of in a small, contracted manner. I
trust it will keep in view the desire the country
manifests for the utmost possible development
of its resources. Let us endeavor by this
measure to afford a better opening than we
now possess for the industry and intelligence
of the people. Let us seek by this scheme
to give them higher and worthier objects of
ambition. Let us not reject the scheme with
the bright prospect it offers of a nobler future
for our youth, and grander objects for the
emulation of our public men. Let us not refuse it on small questions of detail, but
it on its general merits. Let us not lose sight
of the great advantages which union offers
because there may be some small matters
which, as individuals, we may not like. Let
us trust that this machinery, however faulty
it may be, will yet under Providence open up
for this country a happy career ; while at the
same time the House must not forget that it
will for ever remove the great and crying evils
and dissensions which have existed in Canada
for the last ten years, and which have threatened to plunge the country into the most
disasterous and lamentable state of discord and
confusion. (Cheers.) Surely this last fact
alone will commend the project to the House.
It should induce the Legislature and the people to make every allowance for the men
have been engaged in the work, and lead
them to approach the result of their labors
as now submitted, not in a hypercritical spirit
so that the public mind may be led astray on
mere matters of detail. Let the House frankly and kindly look at it as a great measure
brought down for the purpose of relieving
the country from distress and depression, and
give it that consideration which is due, not to
the arguments of the Government, feeble as
they may be in view of the great interests
involved, but to the fact that the country
desires and cries for, at the hands of the
House, some measure whereby its internal
prosperity, peace and happiness may be developed and maintained. (Loud cheers.)