The matter then dropped.
Mr. McConkey enquired whether, in view
of the acquisition of the North-West territory
it was the intention of the Government to ask
for an appropriation to open a communication
between Fort William and Fort Garry, and if
so, when operations to that end would be
Sir John A. Macdonald said Parliament
must first consent to the acquisition of that
territory, before they could discuss any improvements.
Mr. Cameron (Inverness) moved an address
for copies of the correspondence relative to
the dismissal of Mr. Cameron, a Postmaster
of River Inhabitants, in Nova Scotia.
Sir John A. Macdonald stated that Mr.
Cameron was never dismissed. The Post Office
had been removed to a more central place.
However, all the papers would be brought
Mr. Cameron addressed the House explaining there had been a real grievance in the
[...] which were really for the public interest to
Mr. Street differed with the member for
Lambton in his statement, that the trustees
were not exercising all the vigilance they
could in respect to the realization of this property. It was property very difficult
to realize,
but both from personal knowledge and interviews with the administrators from time
time, he felt convinced that they were making
every effort in their power to bring to a realization at as early a period as possible
property under their control. He believed it
would be found on enquiry that they were
exerting themselves by every means in their
power to convert that property with a regard
to the interest of the creditors, and to the advantage of the shareholders, and every
party having an interest in the winding up of
this estate. His object in rising was simply to
inform the mover of the resolution, that he
had fallen into an error in thinking that the
trustees did not exercise necessary vigilance
and discretion.
Mr. Mackenzie said he did not question the
vigilance or discretion of the trustees. He
merely questioned the delay and expressed
the opinion that the affairs of the Trust ought
to be proceeded with more expeditiously.
The motion was carried.
Mr. Bodwell's address as to outlay in
establishing communication between Fort
William and Red River having been moved,
60 COMMONS DEBATES April 23, 1869
Hon. Mr. McDougall said, he supposed the
hon. gentleman desired to get, at one view,
the whole expenditure on that service. Papers
containing this would be brought down
Mr. Mackenzie said, if there was any report
from Mr. Dawson, regarding the exploration
of the present read, perhaps it would be advisable to include it in the papers to
be sent
Hon. Mr. McDougall said, Mr. Dawson was
not strictly in the employ of the Government
at present, but it was understood that he was
preparing a report on the subject of his last
exploration. Last year he had been asked to
make a more thorough exploration of the
country between Lake Superior and the Lake
of the Woods, and he had done so, and had
been very successful in finding a road much
superior in every way to that formerly proposed. On this subject he would make a full
and, it was to be hoped, a satisfactory report.
All the papers connected therewith would be
brought down.
Hon. Mr. McDougall said Mr. Dawson
chiefly devoted his attention to the district
between the head of Lake Superior and the
Lake of the Woods.
The motion carried.
The House adjourned at 4:30 o'clock.