Mr. Mackenzie moved an address for a return, showing
the distribution of sums paid out of the public chest to defray the expenses
of the elections for this House. Carried.
Mr. Mackenzie moved an address for a
return of the votes polled in each electoral
division during the late election. Carried.
Mr. Lawson moved for a number of returns respecting the
sale of the Hamilton and Port Dover plank road. Carried.
Hon. Mr. Holton moved for an address for copies of all
agreements and correspondence between the Government and the late
Province of Canada and the Bank of Montreal, having reference to
the provisions of the act of 1866, to provide for the issue of
provincial notes; and also all correspondence since 1st August, 1866,
between the Government of the late Province of Canada as
well as that of the Dominion of Canada with the Bank of Montreal respecting
the mode of conducting the public accounts, and the terms on which it
should continue to be held by the bank. Carried.
Mr. Oliver moved for returns respecting the Inland
Custom House offices of the Dominion, the amount of money
collected, the expenses, etc. Carried.
Mr. Mackenzie, in the absence of Mr.
Blake, moved for copies of all warrants, orders, records, etc. in relation to the
extradition of Lamirande. Carried.
Mr. Mackenzie moved an address for copies
of all correspondence held with the Governments of the Colonies of Prince Edward Island,
Newfoundland and British Co
lumbia, and with the Imperial Government
on the question of uniting these colonies and
the unorganized territory in the North-West
with the Dominion of Canada.
Sir John A. Macdonald said the correspondence on these very important subjects
was in such a state that he did not think it
expedient to have it brought down at present.
Mr. Mackenzie said he had moved this
because, during the elections, he had had the
pleasure of hearing a Minister of the Crown
declare publicly that the correspondence with
some of these colonies was in such a state of
forwardness that the question of a union with
some of them was in all likelihood a question
of months if not of weeks.
Sir John A. Macdonald was understood to
say that he hoped this result would very soon
be realized with reference to some of the
colonies, and the motion might be repeated at
some future day, but at present it was not for
the interest of the country that the correspondence should be brought down.
The motion was accordingly withdrawn.
Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. White moved an address to
His Excellency that he will be pleased to lay before the House copies of any
representations addressed to His Excellency by members of this House
respecting the marks of Royal favour which Her Majesty had been
pleased to confer upon them, and of all despatches on the same subject to or
from Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Sir John A. Macdonald said he was afraid he could not
consent to the passage of this address; any representations that might have
been made to His Excellency, and any despatches addressed to
the Colonial Secretary were addressed to the Governor General in his
Imperial capacity and had reference to a subject with which the House had no
concern. The conferring of Royal favour was an act of Her
Majesty in her Imperial position, and any action of the Governor-General in
the matter was in his capacity as an Imperial officer.
Dr. Parker said he had not had time to look up
authorities, but he had found one case in which the granting of those
honours by the Crown gave dissatisfaction and was made the subject of
discussion in Parliament.