THE making of this treaty, which completed the series of
treaties, extending from Lake Superior to the slopes of
the Rocky Mountains, was entrusted, by the Privy Council, to
the Hon. David Laird (who, after the effecting of the Carlton
and Fort Pitt Treaties, had, in 1876, been appointed Lieutenant-
Governor of the North-West Territories, subsequently to the
erection of these territories into a distinct Government) and
Lieut.-Col. McLeod, of the Mounted Police Force. The necessity which had arisen for
making the treaty is thus stated by
the Hon. the Minister of the Interior, the
Hon. David Mills,
in his Annual Report for 1877 :
" The conclusion, in 1876, of the treaty with the Crees, Assini.
boine and Saulteaux Indians (being the sixth of the series of
treaties up to that time negotiated with the Indians of the
North-West) left but a small portion of the territory lying
between the boundary line and the 54th parallel of latitude
" The unsurrendered portion of the territory, including about
fifty thousand square miles, lies at the south-west angle of the
territories, north of the boundary line, east of the Rocky Mountains, south of Red
River (Treaty Number Six) and west of the
Cypress Hills, or Treaty Number Four. This portion of the
North-West is occupied by the Blackfeet, Blood, and Sarcees
or Piegan Indians, some of the most warlike and intelligent
but intractable bands of the North-West. These bands have
for years past been anxiously expecting to be treated with, and
have been much disappointed at the delay of negotiations.
246 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
" In last year's report, I stated that His Honor Lieut.-Gov.
Morris, very strongly recommended that no further delay should
take place in entering into negotiations with these Indians.
His Honor reported, in effect, "that there was a general consent of opinion amongst
the missionaries settled in that territory, and others who are acquainted with these
Indians, as to
the desirableness of having such a treaty made at the earliest
possible date, with a view to preserving the present friendly
disposition of these tribes, which might easily give place to
feelings of an unfriendly or hostile nature, should the treaty
negotiations be much longer delayed."
"In view of these facts, and in order to satisfy these important tribes, and to prevent
the difficulties which might hereafter
arise through the settlement of whites, who are already flocking
into Fort McLeod and other portions of this territory, Your
Excellency decided that these Indians should be treated with
this year, and the Indians were notified accordingly.
"His Honor Mr. Laird, the Lieutenant-Governor of the
North-West Territories and Lieut.-Col. James F. McLeod,
C.M.G., were selected by Your Excellency to negotiate the
treaty. The former of these gentlemen, had assisted in 1874
in negotiating Treaty Number Four, with the Cree and Saulteaux Indians, and the latter,
during his residence for some
years past at Fort McLeod, as Commandant of the Mounted
Police Force, had acquired the entire confidence and good will
of the Indian tribes proposed to be dealt with."
Besides all this, the Chiefs of the Blackfeet, in 1876, sent to
the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories, a letter,
with regard to a treaty, and also by a messenger, in whom
they had confidence, a message, to a similar effect. The Blackfeet Indians are a bold
and warlike race. When the Sioux
war with the United States was about being initiated, the
Sioux invited them to join in the war, but they promptly
refused. They are unlikely to become farmers, but as the country they inhabit presents
unusual facilities for that industry,
The Blackfeet Treaty. 247
they may be induced to adopt a pastoral life. They already possess large herds of
horses, and may be taught to raise cattle also.
I requested the Rev. C. Scollen, who had for many years
been a missionary among the Plain Crees, and latterly, for several years, among the
Blackfeet, to make a report to me of the
character, habits and condition of this nation, with which request he willingly complied.
I now give place to this report,
which gives a vivid view of the character of this bold and warlike race, and shews
the benefits they had, so far back as 1876,
derived from the presence of the Mounted Police, the prohibition of liquor, and the
establishment of law and order in the
North-West Territories, under Canadian rule. I may here
remark, that another great benefit has resulted from the judicious steps taken by
the Canadian Government, and that is the
cessation of warfare between the various tribes, which was
before of constant occurrence. An intelligent Ojibbeway Indian
trader told me, that the change was wonderful. "Before," he
said, "the Queen's Government came, we were never safe, and
now," he said, "I can sleep in my tent anywhere, and have no
fear. I can go to the Blackfeet, and Cree camps, and they
treat me as a friend." The report of Mr. Scollen is as follows:
FORT PITT, September 8th, 1876.
EXCELLENT GOVERNOR,—Having had some years of experience as a missionary amongst the
Cree and Blackfeet Indians of the North-West Territory, I humbly undertake to submit
to your consideration a few details regarding the latter tribe of Her Majesty's Indian
subjects. I do this with all the
more confidence as the successful way in which you conducted the treaty
with the Carlton Indians (a treaty including no small difficulties), has convinced
me of your thorough knowledge of the character of this people.
But, although the general character of all the tribes may be nearly the same,
yet in their social dispositions they sometimes materially differ, and this, I
think, will be found to be the case with the Crees and Blackfeet when compared on
that point. The Crees have always looked upon the white man as a
friend, or, to use their own language, as a brother. They have never been
afraid of him. nor have they given him any cause to be afraid of them. The
Blackfeet have acted somewhat differently; they have regarded the white man
as a demi-god, far superior to themselves in intelligence, capable of doing them
248 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
good or evil, according as he might be well or ill-disposed towards them, unscrupulous
in his dealings with others, and consequently a person to be flattered,
feared and shunned, and even injured, whenever this could be done with
impunity. I am not now describing the Blackfeet of the present day, but
those of fifteen years ago, when I first saw them. They were then a proud,
haughty, numerous people (perhaps ten thousand on the British side of the
line), having a regular politico-religious organization by which their thirst
for blood and their other barbarous passions were constantly fired to the highest
pitch of frenzy. Since that time their number has decreased to less than
one half, and their systematic organizations have fallen into decay ; in fact
they have been utterly demoralized as a people. This sudden decadence
was brought on by two causes : 1. About ten years ago the Americans
crossed the line and established themselves on Pelly River, where they
carried on to an extraordinary extent the illicit traffic in intoxicating
liquor to the Blackfeet. The fiery water flowed as freely, if I may use the
metaphor, as the streams running from the Rocky Mountains, and hundreds
of the poor Indians fell victims to the white man's craving for money, some
poisoned, some frozen to death whilst in a state of intoxication, and many
shot down by American bullets. 2. Then in 1870 came that disease so
fatal to Indians, the small-pox, which told upon the Blackfeet with terrible
effect, destroying between six hundred and eight hundred of them. Surviving relatives
went more and more for the use of alcohol; they endeavoured to drown their grief in
the poisonous beverage. They sold their
robes and their horses by the hundred for it, and now they began killing one
another, so that in a short time they were divided into several small parties,
afraid to meet. Fortunately for them the Government were aware of the
state of affairs in the country and did not remain indifferent to it ; and, as I
have heard yourself explain to the Indians, Her Gracious Majesty has at
heart the welfare of even the most obscure of her subjects. In the summer of 1874,
I was travelling amongst the Blackfeet. It was painful to me
to see the state of poverty to which they had been reduced. Formerly they
had been the most opulent Indians in the country, and now they were
clothed in rags, without horses and without guns. But this was the year of
their salvation ; that very summer the Mounted Police were struggling
against the difficulties of a long journey across the barren plains in order to
bring them help. This noble corps reached their destination that same fall,
and with magic effect put an entire stop to the abominable traffic of whiskey
with the Indians. Since that time the Blackfeet Indians are becoming
more and more prosperous. They are now well clothed and well furnished
with horses and guns. During the last two years I have calculated that they
have bought two thousand horses to replace those they had given for whiskey.
They are forced to acknowledge that the arrival of the Red Coats has been
to them the greatest boon. But, although they are externally so friendly to
the Police and other strangers who now inhabit their country, yet underneath this
friendship remains hidden some of that dread which they have
The Blackfeet Treaty. 249
always had of the white man's intention to cheat them; and here, excellent
Governor, I will state my reasons for believing that a treaty should be concluded
with them also at the earliest possible date.
1st. The Blackfeet are extremely jealous of what they consider their country, aud
never allowed any white men, Half- breeds, or Crees to remain in
it for any length of time ; the only reason that they never drove the Americans off,
apart from their love for whiskey, was their dread of the Henri
2nd. They have an awful dread of the future. They think that the
Police are in the country not only to keep out whiskey traders, but also to
protect white people against them, and that this country will be gradually
taken from them without any ceremony. This I can certify, for although
they may not say so to others yet they do not hide it from me.
3rd. Numbers of people are settling around Fort McLeod and Fort Calgary in order to
farm, raise stock, etc. This will probably drive the buffalo
away through time from the ordinary hunting grounds, and if so, the Blackfeet, being
the most helpless Indians in the country, and unaccustomed to
anything else but hunting buffalo, would suffer extremely.
4th. The settlers also are anxious that a treaty he made as soon as possible, so that
they may know what portions of land they can hold without
fear of being molested.
5th. The Blackfeet themselves are expecting to have a mutual understanding with the
Government, because they have been told of it by several persons, and namely by Gen.
Smythe last year.
Such are the principal reasons which occur to my mind for making a
treaty with the Blackfeet. It remains for you, excellent Governor, to weigh
their value. Of course you would find the same prejudices amongst the
Blackfeet that you have found amongst the Crees, but you would have
no greater difficulty in dispelling them. You would have four clans
to treat with, viz. : the Blackfeet, Bloods, and Piegans, all of the same
tribe, and the Sarcees, a branch of the Peace River Indians called Beavers.
As to the place of rendezvous there would be no difficulty whatever, the
Blackfeet live in large camps under their respective Chiefs, and could go
to any point after due notice.
It remains for me now, excellent Governor, to beg you to excuse the many
defects of this communication, and to accept the assurance of sincere esteem
and profound respect of
P.S.—I am also aware that the Sioux Indians, now at war with the
Americans, have sent a message to the Blackfeet tribe, asking them to make
an alliance offensive and defensive against all white people in the country.
250 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
In order to effect a treaty, Lieut.-Gov. Laird, and Lieut-Col.
James F. McLeod, met the Blackfeet, at the Blackfoot crossing,
on the Bow River, on the 17th day of September, 1877, which
day had been selected for the time of meeting. Gov. Laird
proceeded from the temporary seat of the Government of the
North-West Territories at Swan River, and Col. McLeod from
Fort McLeod, the head-quarters of the Mounted Police, to the
appointed rendezvous.
The Commissioners met the Indians on that day, and after
five days of tedious negotiations, the treaty was satisfactorily
concluded, and signed by the Chiefs and head men present.
The total number of the Indians, represented at the making
of the treaty, and who were paid the gratuity under it, was
four thousand three hundred and ninety-two. The terms of the
treaty, were substantially the same as those contained in
the North-West Angle and Qu'Appelle treaties, except that
as some of the bands were disposed to engage in pastoral pursuits, it was arranged
to give them cattle instead of agricultural
implements. The Minister of the Interior well observes in his
report "that the conclusion of this treaty with these warlike
and intractable tribes, at a time when the Indian tribes, immediately across the border,
were engaged in open hostilities with
the United States troops, is certainly a conclusive proof of the
just policy of the Government of Canada toward the aboriginal
population," and, I add, of the confidence of the Indians in the
promises and just dealing of the servants of the British Crown,
in Canada ; a confidence that can only be kept up by the strictest observance of the
stipulations of the treaties.
I now append the interesting despatch of Lieut.-Gov. Laird,
giving a detailed account of the negotiation of the treaty, and
a report of the speeches of the Commissioners and Indians,
extracted from a report in the Globe newspaper, dated October
4th, 1877, which, though not authentic, I believe, gives a
general view of what passed during the negotiations.
The Blackfeet Treaty. 251
SIR,—I have the honor to inform you that on the 4th August I received
at Swan River your telegram dated on the first of that month.
It notified me that a Commission appointing Lieut.-Col. James F.
McLeod, C.M.G., and myself, Commissioners to negotiate a treaty with the
Blackfeet and other Indians of the unsurrendered parts of the North-West
Territories adjoining the United States boundary, had been forwarded to
Fort McLeod.
I immediately made preparations for the journey. These occupied me a
week, as arrangements had to be made for the removal of furniture and
other property to Battle River, where the Government House for the territories, in
course of construction, would probably be ready for occupation
on my return from the treaty negotiations. On the 11th August I left Swan
River for Fort McLeod, via Battleford, proposing to go from the latter place
by Cypress Hills to my destination. I took the Quill Lake trail and came
to the telegraph line, about four miles from Big Stone Lake. Thence
I followed that line until I came to the trail at the elbow of the North
Saskatchewan leading to Battle River. Where the telegraph crosses the
South Saskatchewan I found an excellent ferry scow, and a ferryman
placed there by the Public Works Department. I arrived at the ferry about
noon on the 20th, and though a high wind rendered it difficult to manage
the scow, the horses, with the vehicles and their contents, were safely ferried before
sunset. On the following evening I reached the Elbow, and the
morning thereafter before leaving camp, Inspector Walker, of Battleford,
drove up, on his way to Carlton, to arrange for the distribution of certain
of the articles intended for the Indians of Treaty Number Six, which had
not arrived when he paid the annuities at that post in the early part of the
month. Some of the Indians had not dispersed since they received their
payments, and interested parties were causing dissatisfaction among them
by reporting that the provisions intended for them, while assembled to
receive their annuities, having now arrived, should be distributed to them,
as well as the agricultural implements and other articles promised.
I advised Inspector Walker to distribute to those Indians still around
Carlton their share of the presents, and to give them a small quantity of
provisions from the Government supplies, to enable them to proceed without delay to
their hunting grounds. I then continued my journey to Battleford, which I reached
on Monday, the 24th, at noon. Here I was happy to
meet Major Irvine, who had come straight from Fort McLeod, across the
Great Plains, to conduct me on my journey, and to inform me that for
satisfactory reasons adduced by Crowfoot, the leading chief of the Blackfeet,
Lieut.-Col. McLeod, my associate Commissioner, had consented that the
meeting of the treaty should be held at the Blackfoot crossing of the Bow River, instead
of at Fort McLeod. Major Irvine had reached Battleford only
252 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
a few hours before me, and having a Blackfoot Indian as guide, I abandoned
my intention of going to Fort McLeod by Cypress Hills, and resolved to
take the more direct and much shorter course by which that officer came.
On Friday I had interviews with several parties on business, among whom
were Red Pheasant, the Chief of the Battle River Crees, and a portion of
his band. He desired explanations about the articles promised in the
treaty of last year, and the reason they were so late in being forwarded. I
explained that the unusually heavy rains in Manitoba and the eastern portion
of the territories had made the travelling so bad that the freighters had not
been able to overtake the journey in the time which they expected ; that
the Government were very sorry at the disappointment, as it was their
desire to faithfully carry out all their promises. The officers here had done
their best to meet the difficulty and satisfy the Indians, though at no little
expense to the country.
The Chief appeared to be quite satisfied with the explanation, and after
some further conversation about the reserve, which he desires to be located
at Eagle Hills, he and his companions retired to their lodges, situated for
the present close to the south side of Battle River, under the bank in front
of Government House.
Inspector Walker having kindly given instructions to the non-commissioned officer
in charge of the Mounted Police in his absence, that every
assistance in his power was to be afforded to me for continuing my journey,
I was enabled to leave Battleford for Fort McLeod with Major Irvine, on
the 25th August. Besides us two, the party consisted of four police constables, my
personal servant and the guide.
For the first day we followed a trail leading southward, but afterwards
our course was across the trackless plains until we approached near our
destination. On the third day out we first sighted buffalo, and every day subsequently
that we travelled, except the last, we saw herds of the animals.
Most of the herds, however, were small, and we remarked with regret that
very few calves of this season were to be seen. We observed portions of
many buffalo carcasses on our route, from not a few of which the peltries
had not been removed. From this circumstance, as well as from the fact that
many of the skins are made into parchments and coverings for lodges, and
are used for other purposes, I concluded that the export of buffalo robes
from the territories does not indicate even one-half the number of those
valuable animals slaughtered annually in our country.
Antelope, though not very abundant, are widely scattered over the plains.
The numerous lakelets abound with water fowl. Some of the pools contain
alkali, but we experienced no inconvenience on the journey from scarcity of
fresh water. The grass in many places is short and thin, but in the hollows
feed for horses is easily obtained. Altogether, though the plains are perfectly treeless,
not even a shrub being visible, a journey across them in fine
weather, such as we experienced, when the " buffalo chips " are sufficiently
dry to make a good camp fire, is not disagreeable.
The Blackfeet Treaty. 253
On the afternoon of the 29th we reached the lowest ford of the Red Deer
River, one hundred and sixty-eight miles, by our course, from Battleford.
On the north side of the river at this ford there is quicksand. The water
too, in mid-stream, was deep enough to flow over the side-boards of our
waggons, and at one place the current was dangerously rapid. After repeated trials
by some of the men on horseback to find the best footing, we
made the attempt, and the whole party got safely across by night-fall. On
Saturday evening, the 1st of September, we arrived at the Blackfoot crossing of the
Bow River, one hundred and eighteen miles from where we forded
the Red Deer River. The Bow River is a noble stream. The current is
pretty rapid, but at this "ridge under the water" (which is the literal
translation of the Blackfoot name for the ford) the bed of the river is pebbly
and the footing consequently good. Though we found the water almost as
deep as at the Red Deer River, yet under the guidance of Mr. French, a
small trader who lives near the ford, we, without almost any delay, crossed
bravely over and camped until Monday morning on the south bank of the
for river.
At this crossing, where the Indians had latterly been notified to assemble
for the treaty, there is a beautiful river bottom on the south side of the
river. It extended about one mile back from the river, and is some three
miles in length. The river, as far as the eye can reach, is skirted close to
the water by a narrow belt of cotton-wood and other trees.
When I surveyed the clear waters of the stream, the fuel and shelter
which the wood afforded, the excellent herbage on hill and dale, and
the Indians camped in the vicinity crossing and re-crossing the river on
the "ridge" with ease and safety, I was not surprised that the Blackfeet
were attached to the locality, and desired that such an important event in
their history as concluding a treaty with Her Majesty's Commissioners
should take place at this spot.
On Saturday evening and Sunday several of the Indians called to shake
hands with me, among whom was the Rainy Chief of the North Bloods. Here
also I met Monsieur Jean L. Heureux, a French Canadian, who had spent
nearly twenty years of his life among the Blackfeet. From him I obtained
much valuable information respecting the numbers and wishes of the Indians,
together with an elaborate list of the different Chiefs and minor Chiefs of
the Blackfeet, Bloods, Piegans, and Sarcees, with the principal families of
their respective tribes and clans of divisions. This list the Commissioners
found very useful in enabling them to understand the relative influence of
the several Chiefs and the strength of their bands.
On our journey, while within the limits of Treaty Number Six, we met
scarcely any Indians, but after we crossed Red Deer River we met a few
Crees and Half-breeds, and several hunting parties of Blackfeet. The former generally
use carts in travelling, but the Blackfeet and their associates
are always on horseback.
The Crees appeared friendly, but were not so demonstrative as the Black
254 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
feet, who always rode up at once with a smile on their countenances and
shook hands with us. They knew the uniform of the Mounted Police at a
distance, and at once recognized and approached them as their friends.
We resumed our journey on Monday and arrived at Fort McLeod on the
Old Man's River, on Tuesday the 4th September. The distance between
the Blackfoot crossing of the Bow River and the Fort is about seventy-nine
miles, thus making the length of our journey from Battleford three hundred
and sixty-five miles, as measured by Major Irvine's odometer.
A few miles from Fort McLeod I was met by the Commissioners of the
Mounted Police and a large party of the Force, who escorted me into the
Fort, while a salute was fired by the artillery company from one of the hills
overlooking the line of march. The men, whose horses were in excellent
condition, looked exceedingly well, and the officers performed their duties
in a most efficient manner. The villagers presented me with an address
of welcome, and altogether my reception at Fort McLeod was such as to
satisfy the most fastidious lover of display, and more than enough to satisfy
the writer.
At Fort McLeod, on my arrival, I received your despatch of first August,
covering the Commission relating to the Treaty and a copy of the Order in
Council of 12th July, in terms of which the commission was issued. Also
your letter of 27th July, informing me that it had been thought desirable to
place the services of the Rev. Father Lacombe at the disposal of the Commissioners
while negotiating the treaty. A few days afterwards I was sorry
to learn by telegraph that the reverend gentleman had been taken by illness on the
journey and would be unable to be present at the meeting with
the Indians. Here, however, I was happy to meet Rev. Father Scollen, a
Roman Catholic missionary, who has labored for some years among the
Crees and Blackfeet in the western portion of the territories. He kindly
furnished me such information as he possessed, and afterwards went to the
treaty, where his assistance was of some value, particularly in dealing with
the Crees present.
While at the fort I had interviews with several of the Blood Chiefs, who
called upon me to inquire if they could not be treated with there instead of
at Bow River. I explained that hereafter the Government would endeavor
to pay them their annuities at places most convenient for them, but that
on the occasion of making a treaty it was desirable that the several Chiefs
and their principal head men should meet together to talk over the matter,
so that all might feel that they had been consulted as to the terms of the
agreement. They went away satisfied, said they would do as the Great
Father advised, and go to Bow River.
I cannot speak too highly of the kind manner in which the officers and
men of the Mounted Police at Fort McLeod treat their Indian visitors.
Though the red man is somewhat intrusive. I never heard a harsh word
employed in asking him to retire. The beneficial effects of this treatment,
of the exclusion of intoxicants from the country, and of impartially admin
The Blackfeet Treaty. 255
istering justice to whites and Indians alike, were apparent in all my interviews with
the Indians. They always spoke of the officers of the Police in
the highest terms, and of the Commander of the Force, Lieut.-Col.
McLeod, especially as their great benefactor. The leading Chiefs of the
Blackfeet and kindred tribes, declared publicly at the treaty that had it
not been for the Mounted Police they would have all been dead ere this time.
Having rested a week after my tedious journey of over seven hundred
miles, I then occupied myself for a few days in viewing the surrounding
country. In the village I found some excellent stores, supplied with almost
every article of dry goods, hardware and groceries, that any inland community requires.
Notably among these were the stores of J. G. Baker &
Co. and Messrs. T. C. Power &, Bro. There is also a good blacksmith's
shop in the village, in which coal is used from the Pelly River, at a place
some twenty miles distant from Fort McLeod. I was told by the proprietor of the shop
that the coal answers tolerably well for blacksmithing purposes, and in the fort it
is extensively used for fuel. It burns nearly as
well in a stove as some varieties of Pictou coal.
The land around the fort, and indeed for almost the whole distance between the Bow
and Old Man's Rivers, is well adapted for grazing ; and
where cultivation has been fairly attempted this season, grain and vegetables have
been a success. In short, I have very little doubt that this
portion of the territories, before many years, will abound in herds of
cattle, and be dotted with not a few comfortable homesteads.
Lieut.-Col. McLeod having attended to forwarding the supplies to Bow River,
which had been previously delivered at the fort, left for the Blackfoot crossing with
some eighty officers and men of the Police
Force, on Wednesday, the 12th September. I followed on Friday, and
reached Bow River on Sunday morning. The Police having arrived on
Saturday, the Commissioners were fully prepared for business on Monday,
the 17th, the day which I had from the first appointed for the opening of
the treaty negotiations.
The Commissioners were visited by Crowfoot, the principal Chief of the
Blackfeet, shortly after their arrival. He desired to know when he and his
people might meet us. We ascertained that most of the Indians on the
ground were Blackfeet and Assiniboines or Stonies, from the upper part of
Bow River. But as the 17th was the day named, the Commissioners determined to adhere
to the appointment, and sent a messenger early in the
morning to invite the Indians camped around to meet them at the council
tent at two o'clock, p.m.
Half an hour before the time appointed a gun was fired as a signal for the
Indians to assemble. The meeting was well attended. The Chiefs came
forward first and were introduced to the Commissioners, and their followers,
on being invited, sat up close to the tent.
I addressed them, stating that the Queen's Government had last year
promised that they would this year be visited by Commissioners to invite
256 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
them to make a treaty. That months ago I had named this very day to
meet them, and that in accordance with the promises made, the Commissioners were now
here to discuss the terms of a treaty. Yet as we had
learned that very few of the Bloods, Sarcees or Piegans had arrived, we
would not unduly press forward the negotiations, but wait until Wednesday
to give the others time to arrive.
The Indians listened attentively to what was said, and several of the
Chiefs expressed their satisfaction at not being asked to meet us on the
morrow. The Commissioners then told them there were rations provided
for them by the Government, and that those who were in need of provisions might apply
to certain of the Police officers detailed to see to their
proper distribution.
The Stonies and one Blood Chief applied for flour, tea, sugar and tobacco,
but said they were not then in need of beef. Crowfoot and some other
Chiefs under his influence would not accept any rations until they would
hear what terms the Commissioners were prepared to offer them. He appeared to be under
the impression that if the Indians were fed by the
bounty of the Government they would be committed to the proposals of the
Commissioners, whatever might be their nature. Though I feared this
refusal did not augur well for the final success of the negotiations, yet I
could not help wishing that other Indians whom I have seen, had a little
of the spirit in regard to dependence upon the Government exhibited on this
occasion by the great Chief of the Blackfeet.
Among the visitors at the treaty I was pleased to meet the Rev. John
McDougall, Wesleyan missionary at Morley Ville, and son of the late
lamented Rev. George McDougall, so well and favourably known in connection with Indian
affairs in the North-West. Mr. McDougall was
present at the first interview the Commissioners held with the Indians,
and acted as interpreter for the Stonies, who do not understand the Blackfoot language.
He, as well as the Rev. C. Scollen, rendered the Commissioners all the assistance
in their power. Traders, with large supplies of
goods, were arriving on the ground. They desired to erect buildings of logs
to protect their property, but as some of the Indian Chiefs objected to the
trees along the river being cut down for such a purpose until after the
treaty, the Commissioners deemed it prudent, to prevent complications, to
ask the traders to erect only temporary stanchions sufficient to support
canvas coverings. They complied with our wishes, and the Indians gave us
no further trouble on the subject.
On the evening of Monday I also received a message from Bobtail, a Cree
Chief, who, with the larger portion of the band, had come to the treaty
grounds. He represented that he had not been received into any treaty.
He, however, had not attended the meeting that day, because he was uncertain whether
the Commissioners would be willing to receive him along
with the Blackfeet. I asked him and his band to meet the Commissioners
separate from the other Indians on the following day.
The Blackfeet Treaty. 257
On Tuesday, at two o'clock, the Cree Chief and his band assembled according to appointment.
The Commissioners ascertained from him that he
had frequented for some time the Upper Bow River country, and might
fairly be taken into the present treaty, but he expressed a wish to have his
reserve near Pigeon Lake, within the limits of Treaty Number Six, and
from what we could learn of the feelings of the Blackfeet toward the Crees,
we considered it advisable to keep them separate as much as possible. We
therefore informed the Chief that it would be most expedient for him to
give in his adhesion to the treaty of last year, and be paid annually, on the
north of Red Deer River, with the other Cree Chiefs. He consented. We
then told him that we could not pay him until after the Blackfeet had been
dealt with, as it might create jealousy among them, but that in the meantime his band
could receive rations. He said it was right that he should
wait until we had settled with the Blackfeet, and agreed to come and sign
his adhesion to Treaty Number Six at any time I was prepared to receive
During Tuesday, several parties of Indians came in, but the principal
Blood Chiefs had not yet arrived. According to appointment, however, the
Commissioners met the Indians at two o'clock on Wednesday. An outline
was given of the terms proposed for their acceptance. We also informed
them we did not expect an answer that day, but we hoped to hear from them
That day we again intimated to the Indians that rations would be delivered
to such as applied for them. We told them the provisions were a present,
and their acceptance would not be regarded as committing the Chiefs to the
terms proposed by the Commissioners. Most of the Chiefs at once applied
for flour, tea, sugar and tobacco, and in a day or two they also asked for
meat. Even Crowfoot, at last thankfully accepted his share of the rations,
and the beef cattle began to decrease rapidly.
On Tuesday we met the Indians at the usual hour. We further explained
the terms outlined to them yesterday, dwelling especially upon the fact that
by the Canadian Law their reserves could not be taken from them, occupied
or sold, without their consent. They were also assured that their liberty of
hunting over the open prairie would not be interfered with, so long as they
did not molest settlers and others in the country.
We then invited the Chiefs to express their opinions. One of the minor
Blood Chiefs made a long speech. He told us the Mounted Police had been
in the country for four years, and had been destroying a quantity of wood.
For this wood he asked the Commissioners should make the Indians a present
payment of fifty dollars a head to each Chief, and thirty dollars a head to
all others. He said the Blackfeet, Bloods, Sarcees and Piegans were all one;
but he asked that the Crees and Half-breeds should be sent back to their
own country. The Queen, he remarked, had sent the police to protect them;
they had made it safe for Indians to sleep at night, and he hoped she would
not soon take these men away.
258 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
Crowfoot said he would not speak until to-morrow. Old Sun, another
influential Blackfoot Chief, said the same. Eagle Tail, the head Chief of
the Piegans, remarked that he had always followed the advice the officers
of the Mounted Police gave him. He hoped the promise which the Commissioners made
would be secured to them as long as the sun shone and
water run. The Stony Chiefs unreservedly expressed their willingness to
accept the terms offered.
Fearing that some of the Indians might regard the demands of the Blood
Chief who had spoken, if not promptly refused, as agreed to, I told them he
had asked too much. He had admitted the great benefit the Police had been
to the Indians, and yet he was so unreasonable as to ask that the Government should
pay a large gratuity to each Indian for the little wood their
benefactors had used. On the contrary, I said, if there should be any pay
in the matter it ought to come from the Indians to the Queen for sending
them the Police. Hereupon, Crowfoot and the other Chiefs laughed heartily
at the Blood orator of the day.
I also said the Commissioners could not agree to exclude the Crees and
Half-breeds from the Blackfoot country ; that they were the Great Mother's
children as much as the Blackfeet and Bloods, and she did not wish to see
any of them starve. Of course the Crees and Half-breeds could be prosecuted for trespassing
on their reserves. In this the Indian Act secured them.
The Local Government had passed a law to protect the buffalo. It would
have a tendency to prevent numbers from visiting their country in the close
season. But to altogether exclude any class of the Queen's subjects, as long
as they obeyed the laws, from coming into any part of the country, was contrary to
the freedom which she allowed her people, and the Commissioners
would make no promise of the kind.
On the following morning there was a rumor that the Indians in their own
Councils could not agree, that a small party was opposed to making a treaty.
The opposition, however, could not have been very formidable. The principal Chiefs
seemed fully to understand the importance of accepting some
terms. About noon, Crowfoot, with Mr. L'Heureux, as interpreter, came
to my tent and asked for explanations on some points, which I cheerfully
gave him. During the forenoon a large party of Bloods came in, among
whom was Bad Head, an aged minor Blood Chief, of considerable influence,
who attended the meeting in the afternoon.
When the Commissioners intimated that they were ready to hear what
the Chiefs had to say, Crowfoot was the first to speak. His remarks were
few, but he expressed his gratitude for the Mounted Police being sent to
them, and signified his intention to accept the treaty. The Blood Chief
who made the large demands on the previous day said he would agree with
the other Chiefs. Old Sun, head Chief of the North Blackfeet, said Crowfoot spoke
well. We are not going to disappoint the Commissioners. He
was glad they were all agreed to the same terms. They wanted cattle, guns,
ammunition, tobacco, axes and money. Bull's Head, the principal Chief of
The Blackfeet Treaty. 259
the Sarcees, said, we are all going to take your advice. Eagle Head, the
Piegan head Chief, remarked, "I give you my hand. We all agree to what
Crowfoot says." Rainy Chief, head of the North Bloods, said he never went
against the white man's advice. Some of the minor Chiefs spoke to the
same effect.
The Commissioners expressed their satisfaction at the unanimity among
the Indians, and said they would prepare the treaty and bring it to-morrow
for signature. The only difficult matter then to be arranged was the reserves.
The Commissioners thought it would take unnecessary time to discuss this
question in open meeting, and resolved that one of them should visit the
head Chiefs at their camps, and consult them separately as to the localities
they might desire to select. Lieut.-Col. McLeod undertook this duty, while
I attended to the preparation of the draft treaty. He succeeded so well in
his mission that we were able to name the places chosen in the treaty.
On Saturday, 22nd September, we met the Indians to conclude the treaty.
Mekasto, or Red Crow, the great Chief of the South Bloods, had arrived the
previous evening, or morning, on the ground, and being present, came forward to be
introduced to the Commissioners.
The assemblage of Indians was large. All the head Chiefs of the several
tribes were now present ; only two Blackfeet and two Blood minor Chiefs
were absent. The representation was all that could be expected.
The Commissioners had previously informed the Indians that they would
accept the Chiefs whom they acknowledged, and now close in front of the
tent sat those who had been presented to the Commissioners as the recognized Chiefs
of the respective bands.
The conditions of the treaty having been interpreted to the Indians, some
of the Blood Chiefs, who had said very little on the previous day, owing to
Red Crow's absence, now spoke, he himself in a few kind words agreeing to
accept the treaty. Crowfoot then came forward and requested his name to
be written to the treaty. The Commissioners having first signed it, Mr.
L'Heureux, being familiar with the Blackfoot language, attached the Chiefs'
names to the document at their request and witnessed to their marks.
While the signing was being proceeded with a salute was fired from the
field guns in honor of the successful conclusion of the negotiations.
I may mention in this connection that on Saturday also I was waited
upon by a deputation of Half-breeds, who presented me with a petition,
expressing the hope that the buffalo law might not be stringently enforced
during the approaching winter, and praying that they might receive some
assistance to commence farming. With respect to the buffalo ordinance, I
told them that the notice having been short, the law would not be very
strictly enforced for the first winter, and in regard to their prayer for assistance
to farm, I said I would make it known at Ottawa.
On Monday, the 24th, the Commissioners met the Indians at ten a.m.
Some minor Chiefs who had not remained until the close of the proceedings
on Saturday signed the treaty this morning. The Chiefs were then asked
260 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
to stand up in a body, their names were read over and the Indians once
more asked to say whether they were their recognized Chiefs. Heavy
Shield, a brother of Old Sun, at the request of the latter, took the place of
head Chief of his band. It was, however, ascertained that this arrangement caused
dissatisfaction, and Old Sun was restored to his position, and
the band adhering to his brother, was called the " Middle Blackfoot Band."
After their names were called over, I gave the head Chiefs of the Blackfeet, Blood,
Piegans, and Sarcees their flags and uniforms, and invested
them with their medals.
While I was shaking hands with them, acknowledging their Chiefs in the
name of the Great Mother, the band played " God Save the Queen." The
payments were then immediately begun by the officers of the Mounted
Police, one party taking the Blackfeet, and another the Bloods, while a
third was detailed to pay the Assiniboines, or Stonies, near their encampment some
two miles up the river.
The Commissioners went in the afternoon with the latter party, and before the payments
were commenced, presented the Chiefs with their medals,
flags and uniforms. The Stonies received us with quite a demonstration.
They are a well-behaved body of Indians. The influence of the Christian
missionary in their midst is apparent, polygamy being now almost wholly
a thing of the past.
On Tuesday I took the adhesion of Robtail, the Cree Chief, and his
band, to Treaty Number Six, and they were paid out of the funds which I
had brought with me from Swan River.
On the invitation of the Blackfeet, Blood, and kindred Chiefs, the Commisioners went
on Wednesday to the Council tent to receive an address of
thanks. A large number of Indians were present. Mr. L'Heureux spoke
on their behalf, and expressed their gratitude to the Commissioners generally for
the kind manner in which they conducted the negotiations, to me
personally for having come so far to meet them, and to Lieut.-Col. McLeod
for all that he and the Mounted Police had done for them since their arrival
in the country.
To this address the Commissioners feelingly replied, and expressed their
confidence that the Indians before them would not regret having agreed to
the treaty.
The Cree Chief and his band also waited upon us in the evening at my
tent, and through Father Scollen, as interpreter, thanked us for the manner
in which we had treated them. The presents sent for the Indians were
distributed to each band, after payment. On Wednesday also the Commissioners drove
to see the coal seam about five miles east of the Blackfoot
crossing. Under the guidance of Mr. French, they found an outcrop of the
seam at a coulee some three miles south of the river. The seam there is
from three to ten feet in thickness, and the coal, some of which was burned
every day in the officers' mess tent at the treaty, is of a very fair quality.
About noon on Friday the payments were completed, and the Commis
The Blackfeet Treaty. 261
sioners proceeded to close the accounts. They found that the number of
Indians paid, who had accepted the terms of the new treaty, was as
follows :—
Head Chiefs . . . . . . . . . . . |
10 at $25 |
$250 |
Minor Chiefs and Councillors . . . . . |
40 at 15 |
600 |
Men, women and children . . . . . . |
4,342 at 12 |
52,104 |
Total . . . . . . . . |
4,392 |
$52,954 |
The Crees who gave in their adhesion to Treaty Number Six were only
paid the gratuity, this year's annuity being still due them. These were paid
from the funds of Treaty Number Six, as follows :—
Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 at $25 |
$25 |
Councillors . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
2 at 15 |
30 |
Men, women and children . . . . . . . |
429 at 12 |
5,148 |
Total . . . . . . . . . |
432 |
$5,203 |
The officers of the Police Force who conducted the payments, discharged
this duty in a most efficient manner. Not in regard to the payments alone
were the services of the officers most valuable. With respect to the whole
arrangements, Lieut.-Col. McLeod, my associate Commissioner, both in
that capacity and as Commander of the Police, was indefatigable in his
exertions to bring the negotiations to a successful termination. The same
laudable efforts were put forth by Major Irvine and the other officers of
the Force, and their kindness to me, personally, I shall never fail to remember. The
volunteer band of the Police at Fort McLeod deserve more
than a passing notice, as they did much to enliven the whole proceedings.
The Commissioners at first had not a good interpreter of the Blackfoot
language, but on Wednesday they secured the services of Mr. Bird, a brother
of the late Dr. Bird, of Winnipeg. He has been many years among the
Piegans and Blackfeet, and is a very intelligent interpreter. Mr. L'Heureux
also rendered good service in this respect.
The accounts being closed and certified to by the Commissioners, I commenced my return
journey on the evening of the 28th September. I came
by a crossing of the Red Deer River some fifteen miles east of the Hand
Hills, travelled across the prairies further west than my former route, and
arrived at Battleford on the evening of Saturday, the 6th of October.
I transmit herewith the treaty as signed by the Commissioners and
Chiefs, and also the adhesion of the Cree Chief to Treaty Number Six.
In conclusion I beg to offer a few observations on the treaty, and subjects connected
1. With respect to the reserves, the Commissioners thought it expedient
to settle at once their location, subject to the approval of the Privy
Council. By this course it is hoped that a great deal of subsequent trouble
in selecting reserves will be avoided. The object of the ten years' reserve on
262 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
the south side of Bow River is to keep hunters from building winter
shanties on the river bottom. This practice has a tendency to alarm the
buffalo, and keep them from their feeding grounds on the lower part of the
river. After ten years it is feared the buffalo will have become nearly extinct, and
that further protection will be needless. At any rate by that
time the Indians hope to have herds of domestic cattle. The country on
the upper part of the Bow River is better adapted for settlement than most
of that included in the Blackfeet reserve, consequently the Commissioners
deemed it advisable to agree that a belt on the south side of the river should
be exempt from general occupation for ten years, particularly as the Indians
set great value on the concession.
2. The articles promised in addition to the money payments may to some
appear excessive. The Stonies are the only Indians adhering to this treaty
who desired agricultural implements and seed. The promises, therefore,
respecting these things may be understood as merely applicable to that
tribe. The Blackfeet and Bloods asked for nothing of this kind ; they
preferred cattle, and the Commissioners being fully of opinion that such
were likely to be much more serviceable to them than seed and implements,
encouraged them in their request. The number of cattle promised may
appear large ; but when it is considered that cows can be readily purchased
at Fort McLeod for twenty or twenty-five dollars per head, and their delivery to the
Indians will cost an inconsiderable sum, the total expense of
supplying the articles promised by this treaty will, I am convinced, cost less
than those under either Treaty Number Four or Number Six.
3. I would urge that the officers of the Mounted Police be entrusted to
make the annual payments to the Indians under this treaty. The Chiefs
themselves requested this, and I said I believed the Government would
gladly consent to the arrangement. The Indians have confidence in the
Police, and it might be some time before they would acquire the same respect
for strangers.
4. The organization of the Blackfeet bands is somewhat different from
that of the Saulteaux and Crees. They have large bands with head and
minor Chiefs, and as they preferred that this arrangement should remain
unchanged, the Commissioners gladly acceded to their desire, as expense
would be saved to the Government in clothing, were councillors and head
men not named. The Stonies, however, asked to be allowed councillors
and their request was granted to the extent of two to each Chief.
5. Copies of the treaty printed on parchment should be forwarded to
Fort McLeod in good time to be delivered to each head and minor Chief at
next year's payment of annuities.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant.
Lieut.-Gov., and Special Indian Commissioner.
The Blackfeet Treaty. 263
Report from correspondence in The Globe newspaper, Toronto.
FORT McLEOD, October 4, 1877.
The treaty with the Blackfeet nation has been concluded
satisfactorily, and was signed by the Chiefs of the Blackfeet,
Blood, Piegan and Sarcee tribes, in the presence of the Commissioners—Governor Laird
and Col. McLeod, C.M.G., and of
Major Irvine, Assistant Commissioner, North-West Mounted
Police, and officers of the Police Force, at the Council House,
near " Ridge under the Water, " or " The Blackfoot Crossing "
the Great Bow River, on the 22nd September last.
On the morning of the 4th of September Col. McLeod
received information from the ubiquitous Indian that the
Queen's father (Lieut.-Gov. Laird) was at Little Bow River,
thirty miles north from McLeod, and was accompanied by the
"Buffalo Bull" (Major Irvine), and that they would arrive
before the sun sank below the western horizon. At three
p.m. the Commissioner left Fort McLeod, accompanied by a
guard of honor of one hundred mounted men, to meet and
escort the representative of Vice-Royalty to the first white
settlement in the Blackfeet country. The Governor was met
three miles north of Willow Creek, and expressed his surprise
and pleasure at the splendid appearance of the well-mounted,
well-equipped, well-drilled body of men who formed the guard
of honour. When the head of the column forming the escort
wound round the bend of Willow Creek, and the extensive
wooded valley on which McLeod is built appeared in view,
the guns, which had been unlimbered and placed in position on
the highest of the bluffs which girdle the north side of Old
Man's River, fired a salute of thirteen guns. On the arrival
of the cortege at the upper or south end of the village, the
police band took the lead and welcomed the Governor with its
lively music. The whole white, Half-breed and Indian population of McLeod turned out
to obtain a view of the great man
who had arrived. At the request of the leading inhabitants of
264 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
McLeod the carriage of the Governor was halted in the centre
of the village, and the following neatly worded address was
read and presented to His Honor by Mr. John C. Bell :
Lieutenant-Governor, N.-W. T.
We, the citizens of Fort McLeod, beg to welcome you to this little village,
one of the pioneer settlements of this great North-West.
To have so distinguished a visitor in our midst is an honor we all appreciate, as
in that visit we feel an assurance of your interest in our welfare
and prosperity, which had its dawn with the advent of the Mounted Police
in the North-West, and which, through their vigilance and care, has continued to
this time.
We trust that your visit here will be as pleasant to you as it will be long
remembered by us.
GENTLEMEN,—I thank you for your kind address, and for the hearty welcome you have
extended to me on my first visit to this pioneer settlement of
the Canadian North-West. After roughing it for the last twenty-four days
on the broad unsettled prairies, you have surprised me by a reception which
betokens all the elements of civilization.
It affords me unfeigned pleasure to learn that the advent of the Mounted
Police in this country has been fraught with such advantages to you as a
Permit me to express the conviction that in return for that diligence and
care on the part of the Police Force which you so highly and justly value,
you will always be found conducting yourselves as becomes worthy subjects
of that illustrious Sovereign whom I have the distinguished honour to represent in
these territories.
In conclusion, I would remark that you have taken me so unexpectedly
by your address that I feel unequal to making an appropriate reply ; but
the agreeableness of the surprise will tend to heighten the pleasure of my
visit, as well as to render abiding the interest which I undoubtedly feel in
your welfare and prosperity.
During his stay at Fort McLeod, which extended to the
14th of the month, the Lieutenant-Governor reviewed the
garrison, which consisted of troops C and D, and two divisions
The Blackfeet Treaty. 265
of artillery. They deployed past at a walk, trot and gallop,
and His Honor expressed his unqualified admiration of the
splendid form of the men. He was especially pleased with the
artillery, whose horses and equipments were in beautiful condition, and requested
Col. McLeod to convey to the officers and
men his surprise and pleasure at finding the force at this post
so perfectly drilled and acquainted with their duties.
On the 12th the two troops and the artillery, accompanied
by a baggage train of six light waggons, left Fort McLeod
en route for the scene of the treaty. The Commissioner took
command of the detachment, and the Assistant Commissioner
remained behind to accompany the Governor on the 14th.
The force accomplished the march in three days, and pitched
the tents on ground previously laid out for the encampment
by Inspector Crozier, at the head of a magnificently wooded
valley, of about a mile in width and extending for several
miles along the Big Bow. It is a lovely spot, this "Ridge
under the Water," and has always been a favorite camping
ground of the Blackfeet nation.
Monday, 17th October.
This was the day appointed for the opening of the Treaty,
but as a number of the Indian Chiefs, who had a long distance
to come, were absent, it was deferred until the following
Wednesday. The Governor, however, addressed a number of
the Chiefs who were assembled at the Council House.
He said, " Last year a message was sent to you by the Councillors
of the Great Mother that they would meet you at an early
date, and as her Councillors always keep their promises, they
have appointed Col. McLeod and myself to meet you here now.
We appointed this day, and I have come a very long distance
to keep my promise, and have called you together to discover
if you all have responded to my summons, and if any Chiefs
are now absent, to learn when they shall arrive. You say that
266 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
some of the Blood Chiefs are absent, and as it is our wish to
speak to them as well as to you, and as they have a very long
way to come to reach this place, we shall give them until next
Wednesday to come in. On that day I will deliver to you the
Queen's message, but if any of the Chiefs would desire to
speak now, we will be glad to listen to them. I would tell
you now that while you remain provisions will be issued for
the use of those who wish to accept them."
CROWFOOT—" I am glad to see the Queen's Chief and Stamixotokon (Col. McLeod), who is a great
Chief and our friend. I
will wait and hold a council with my own children (the Blackfeet), and be ready on
Wednesday to hear the Great Mother's
PIEGAN CHIEF—"My children (the North Piegans) have
looked long for the arrival of the Great Mother's Chief ; one
day we did not look for him, and he passed us ; we have
travelled after him for fourteen nights, and now are glad to
see and shake hands with the Great Chief."
BEAR'S PAW (Stony Chief)—"We have been watching for
you for many moons now, and a long time has gone by since
I and my children first heard of your coming. Our hearts are
now glad to see the Chief of the Great Mother, and to receive
flour and meat and anything you may give us. We are all of
one mind, and will say what we think on Wednesday."
On Wednesday the Commissioners met the Chiefs at the
great Council House; A guard of honor of fifty mounted
men accompanied them, commanded by Major Irvine. The
Police band received them, and at one o'clock the guns fired a
salute as the Governor and Col. McLeod took their seats.
There were present at the opening of the treaty a number of
ladies and gentlemen who had come long distances to witness
this novel spectacle. Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Winder, Mrs. Shurtleff, and a number of other
ladies from Morleyville and Edmonton, also the Rev. Messrs. Scollen and McDougall,
Mr. De
L'Hereux, Mr. Conrad, Mr. Bogy, and the whole white popu
The Blackfeet Treaty. 267
lation of Fort McLeod. Nearly all of the Chiefs and minor
Chiefs of the Blackfeet, Blood, Piegan, Stony, and Sarcee tribes
were seated directly in front of the Council House ; and forming
a semicircle of about one-third of a mile beyond the Chiefs,
about four thousand men, women, and children were squatted
on the grass, watching with keen interest the commencement
of the proceedings.
Lieut.-Gov. Laird delivered the following
speech :
" The Great Spirit has made all things—the sun, the moon,
and the stars, the earth, the forests, and the swift running
rivers. It is by the Great Spirit that the Queen rules over
this great country and other great countries. The Great
Spirit has made the white man and the red man brothers, and
we should take each other by the hand. The Great Mother
loves all her children, white man and red man alike; she
wishes to do them all good. The bad white man and the bad
Indian she alone does not love, and them she punishes for
their wickedness. The good Indian has nothing to fear from
the Queen or her officers. You Indians know this to be true.
When bad white men brought you whiskey, robbed you, and
made you poor, and, through whiskey, quarrel amongst your
selves, she sent the Police to put an end to it. You know how
they stopped this and punished the offenders, and how much
good this has done. I have to tell you how much pleased the
Queen is that you have taken the Police by the hands and
helped them, and obeyed her laws since the arrival of the
Police. She hopes that you will continue to do so, and you
will always find the Police on your side if you keep the Queen's
laws. The Great Mother heard that the buffalo were being
killed very fast, and to prevent them from being destroyed her
Councillors have made a law to protect them. This law is for
your good. It says that the calves are not to be killed, so that
they may grow up and increase ; that the cows are not to be
killed in winter or spring, excepting by the Indians when they
are in need of them as food. This will save the buffalo, and
268 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
provide you with food for many years yet, and it shews you
that the Queen and her Councillors wish you well.
" Many years ago our Great Mother made a treaty with the
Indians far away by the great waters in the east. A few years
ago she made a treaty with those beyond the Touchwood Hills
and the Woody Mountains. Last year a treaty was made with
the Crees along the Saskatchewan, and now the Queen has sent
Col. McLeod and myself to ask you to make a treaty. But in
a very few years the buffalo will probably be all destroyed, and
for this reason the Queen wishes to help you to live in the future
in some other way. She wishes you to allow her white children
to come and live on your land and raise cattle, and should you
agree to this she will assist you to raise cattle and grain, and
thus give you the means of living when the buffalo are no more.
She will also pay you and your children money every year, which
you can spend as you please. By being paid in money you
cannot be cheated, as with it you can buy what you may think
" The Queen wishes us to offer you the same as was accepted
by the Crees. I do not mean exactly the same terms, but
equivalent terms, that will cost the Queen the same amount of
money. Some of the other Indians wanted farming implements,
but these you do not require, as your lands are more adapted
to raising cattle, and cattle, perhaps, would be better for you.
The Commissioners will give you your choice, whether cattle or
farming implements. I have already said we will give you
money, I will now tell you how much. If you sign the treaty
every man, woman and child will get twelve dollars each ; the
money will be paid to the head of each family for himself,
women and children ; every year, for ever, you, your women
and your children will get five dollars each. This year Chiefs
and Councillors will be paid a larger sum than this ; Chiefs will
get a suit of clothes, a silver medal, and flag, and every third
year will get another suit. A reserve of land will be set apart
for yourselves and your cattle, upon which none others will be
The Blackfeet Treaty. 269
permitted to encroach ; for every five persons one square mile
will be allotted on this reserve, on which they can cut the trees
and brush for firewood and other purposes. The Queen's officers
will permit no white man or Half-breed to build or cut the
timber on your reserves. If required roads will be cut through
them. Cattle will be given to you, and potatoes, the same as
are grown at Fort McLeod. The Commissioners would strongly
advise the Indians to take cattle, as you understand cattle better
than you will farming for some time, at least as long as you
continue to move about in lodges.
" Ammunition will be issued to you each year, and as soon
as you sign the treaty one thousand five hundred dollars' worth
will be distributed amongst the tribes, and as soon as you
settle, teachers will be sent to you to instruct your children to
read books like this one (the Governor referred to a Bible),
which is impossible so long as you continue to move from place
to place. I have now spoken. I have made you acquainted
with the principal terms contained in the treaty which you are
asked to sign.
" You may wish time to talk it over in your council lodges ;
you may not know what to do before you speak your thoughts
in council. Go, therefore, to your councils, and I hope that
you may be able to give me an answer to-morrow. Before you
leave I will hear your questions and explain any matter that
may not appear clear to you."
A few questions by the Chiefs were answered, and the council was closed for the day.
Thursday, October 19th.
The Governor, on arriving at the Council House, where all
the Chiefs were awaiting him, said that he was glad to see them
all there, and that he had only a few words to say to them.
He said, "I expect to listen to what you have to say to-day,
but, first, I would explain that it is your privilege to hunt all
270 The Treaties of Canada, with the Indians.
over the prairies, and that should you desire to sell any portion
of your land, or any coal or timber from off your reserves, the.
Government will see that you receive just and fair prices, and
that you can rely on all the Queen's promises being fulfilled.
Your payments will be punctually made. You all know the
Police ; you know that no promise of theirs to you has ever
been broken; they speak and act straight. You have perfect
confidence in them, and by the past conduct of the Police
towards you, you can judge of the future. I think I have now
said all, and will listen to you and explain anything you wish
to know ; we wish to keep nothing back."
BUTTON CHIEF— " The Great Spirit sent the white man
across the great waters to carry out His (the Great Spirit's)
ends. The Great Spirit, and not the Great Mother, gave us
this land. The Great Mother sent Stamixotokon (Col. McLeod)
and the Police to put an end to the traffic in fire-water. I can
sleep now safely. Before the arrival of the Police, when I laid
my head down at night, every sound frightened me ; my sleep
was broken ; now I can sleep sound and am not afraid. The
Great Mother sent you to this country, and we hope she will
be good to us for many years. I hope and expect to get plenty ;
we think we will not get so much as the Indians receive from
the Americans on the other side ; they get large presents of
flour, sugar, tea, and blankets. The Americans gave at first
large bags of flour, sugar, and many blankets ; the next year
it was only half the quantity, and the following years it grew
less and less, and now they give only a handful of flour. We
want to get fifty dollars for the Chiefs and thirty dollars each
for all the others, men, women, and children, and we want the
same every year for the future. We want to be paid for all
the timber that the Police and whites have used since they first
came to our country. If it continues to be used as it is, there
will soon be no firewood left for the Indians. I hope, Great
Father, that you will give us all this that we ask."
CROWFOOT—" Great Father, what do you think now, what
The Blackfeet Treaty. 271
do you say to that ? What I have to say will be spoken tomorrow. My brother Chiefs
will speak now."
EAGLE TAIL—" Great Father, from our Great Mother,
Stamixotokon and officers of the Police, the advice and help I
received from the Police I shall never forget as long as the
moon brightens the night, as long as water runs and the grass
grows in spring, and I expect to get the same from our Great
Mother. I hope she will supply us with flour, tea, tobacco
and cattle, seed and farming implements. I have done at
OLD SUN—" Father and sons, I shall speak to-morrow."
GOVERNOR—" I fear Button Chief is asking too much. He
has told us of the great good the Police have done for him and his
tribe and throughout the country by driving away the whiskey
traders, and now he wants us to pay the Chiefs fifty dollars
and others thirty dollars per head, and to pay him for the
timber that has been used. Why, you Indians ought to pay
us rather, for sending these traders in fire-water away and
giving you security and peace, rather than we pay you for the
timber used. (Here the Indians indulged in a general hearty
laugh at this proposition.) We cannot do you good and pay you
too for our protection. Button Chief wants us to prevent the
Crees and Half-breeds from coming in and killing the buffalo.
They too are the Queen's children, as well as the Blackfeet and
Crees. We have done all we can do in preventing the slaying of the young buffalo,
and this law will preserve the buffalo
for many years. Button Chief wishes to get the same every
year as this year ; this we cannot promise. We cannot make
a treaty with you every year. We will give you something to
eat each year, but not so much as you will receive now. He
says the Americans at first gave the Indians many large sacks
of four, and now they only receive a handful. From us you
receive money to purchase what you may see fit ; and as your
children increase yearly, you will get the more money in the
future, as you are paid so much per head.
272 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
" (To the Stony Chiefs)—When your reserves will be allotted
to you no wood can be cut or be permitted to be taken away
from them without your own consent. The reserve will be
given to you without depriving you of the privilege to hunt
over the plains until the land be taken up."
Bear's Paw said that he was pleased with the treaty, the
Police, and the prospect of getting provisions and money, and
hoped that the Commissioners would give his tribe (the Stonies)
as much as possible, and that as speedily as possible. This
Chief appeared by his speech to be of a mercenary bent of
Friday, October 20th.
On this day the Indians accepted the terms of the treaty,
and several of the Chiefs made speeches. The first speaker
was Crowfoot.
CROWFOOT—" While I speak, be kind and patient. I have
to speak for my people, who are numerous, and who rely upon
me to follow that course which in the future will tend to their
good. The plains are large and wide. We are the children
of the plains, it is our home, and the buffalo has been our food
always. I hope you look upon the Blackfeet, Bloods and
Sarcees as your children now, and that you will be indulgent
and charitable to them. They all expect me to speak now for
them, and I trust the Great Spirit will put into their breasts to
be a good people—into the minds of the men, women and
children, and their future generations. The advice given me
and my people has proved to be very good. If the Police had
not come to the country, where would we be all now ? Bad
men and whiskey were killing us so fast that very few, indeed,
of us would have been left to-day. The Police have protected us
as the feathers of the bird protect it from the frosts of winter.
I wish them all good, and trust that all our hearts will increase
in goodness from this time forward. I am satisfied. I will
sign the treaty."
The Blackfeet Treaty. 273
BUTTON CHIEF—" I must say what all the people say, and I
agree with what they say. I cannot make new laws. I will
RED CROW—" Three years ago, when the Police first came
to the country, I met and shook hands with Stamixotokon
(Col. McLeod) at Pelly River. Since that time he made me
many promises. He kept them all—not one of them was ever
broken. Everything that the police have done has been good.
I entirely trust Stamixotokon, and will leave everything to
him. I will sign with Crowfoot."
FATHER OF MANY CHILDREN—" I have come a long way,
and far behind the rest of the bands. I have travelled with
traveaux that you now see outside there with my women
and children. I cannot speak much now, but I agree with
Crowfoot, and will sign."
OLD SUN—" Crowfoot speaks well. We were summoned to
meet the Great Mother's Chiefs here, and we would not disappoint them ; we have come,
and will sign the treaty. During
the past Crowfoot has been called by us our Great Father.
The Great Mother's Chief (Governor Laird) will now be our
Great Father. Everything you say appears to me to be very
good, and I hope that you will give us all we ask—cattle, money,
tobacco, guns, and axes, and that you will not let the white
man use poison on the prairies. It kills horses and buffalo as
well as wolves, and it may kill men. We can ourselves kill the
wolves, and set traps for them. We all agree with Crowfoot."
The remainder of the day was consumed by about a dozen
other chiefs speaking in favour of the treaty. On the following day all the chiefs
and counsellors signed their names under
the signatures of the Commissioners, and a salute of thirteen
guns announced the final conclusion of the last treaty with the
Indians of the North-West.
On Sunday afternoon the Indians fought a sham battle on
horseback. They only were the breech-cloths. They fired off
their rifles in all directions, and sent the bullets whistling past
274 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians.
the spectators in such close proximity as to create most unpleasant feelings. I was
heartily glad when they defiled past
singly on the way back to their lodges, and the last of their
unearthly yells had died away in the distance.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were occupied in paying
off the different tribes. They were paid by Inspector Winder,
Sub-Inspector Denny, and Sub-Inspector Antrobus, each assisted
by a constable of the Force. It was hard work to find out the
correct number of each family. Many after receiving their
money would return to say that they had made a wrong count;
one would discover that he had another wife, another two more
children, and others that they had blind mothers and lame
sisters. In some cases they wanted to be paid for the babies
that were expected to come soon.
On Wednesday the Chiefs presented an address to the Commissioners, expressing the
entire satisfaction of the whole
nation with the treaty, and to the way in which the terms had
been carried out. They tendered their well-wishes to the
Queen, the Governor, Col. McLeod, and the Police Force.
They spoke in the most flattering and enthusiastic manner of
the Commissioner, Assistant-Commissioner, officers, and the
Force in general, and said that it was their firm determination
to adhere to the terms of the treaty, and abide by the laws of
the Great Mother. Potts, the interpreter at Fort McLeod,
said he never heard Indians speak out their minds so freely in
his life before.
In reply, the Lieutenant-Governor said he was much pleased
to receive this address from the Chiefs of the great Blackfeet
nation, which in fact was to the Great Mother, as the Commissioners were merely acting
for her, and carrying out her
wishes. He was certain she would be gratified to learn of
the approval of the Chiefs and their acceptance of her offers.
In return the Great Mother only required of them to abide by
her laws.
Lieut.-Col. McLeod said in reply :—"The Chiefs all here
The Blackfeet Treaty. 275
know what I said to them three years ago, when the Police
first came to the country —that nothing would be taken away
from them without their own consent. You all see to-day that
what I told you then was true. I also told you that the
Mounted Police were your friends, and would not wrong you or
see you wronged in any way. This also you see is true. The
Police will continue to be your friends, and be always glad to
see you. On your part you must keep the Queen's laws, and
give every information to them in order that they may see the
laws obeyed and offenders punished. You may still look to
me as your friend, and at any time when I can do anything for
your welfare, I shall only be too happy to do so. You say that
I have always kept my promises. As surely as my past promises have been kept, so surely
shall those made by the Commissioners be carried out in the future. If they were broken
I would be ashamed to meet you or look you in the face ; but
every promise will be solemnly fulfilled as certainly as the sun
now shines down upon us from the heavens. I shall always
remember the kind manner in which you have today spoken of
After this there was a great shaking of hands, and the Great
Council ended.
On Thursday afternoon the Lieutenant-Governor departed
for Battleford. On leaving the grounds the usual honors
were paid to him. The Commissioner left the following day
for Fort Walsh to attend the Commission that was to meet the
Sitting Bull.
The traders were notified that they were to cease trading and
move off the reservation not later than the following Tuesday,
at ten p.m. By this hour they had all departed, and at noon
on the same day the Force commenced its return journey to
McLeod, which was accomplished in two days and a half. All
were glad to get back to headquarters, as the weather had
been for some days intensely cold and the prairies covered with