Resolved, That it is expedient that the Colony
of British Columbia shall be Confederated with
Canada, on the following Terms and Conditions;
that is to say :1. Canada shall be liable for the Debts and
Liabilities of British Columbia existing at the
time of Union.
2. The population of British Columbia shall
for the purpose of financial arrangements be
estimated at 120,000. British Columbia not
having incurred debts equal to those of other
Provinces now constituting the Dominion, shall
be entitled to receive, by half-yearly payments
in advance from the General Government,
interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum
on the difference between the actual amount of
its indebtedness at the date of Union and the
proportion of the Public Debt of Canada for
120,000 of the population of Canada at the time
of. Union.
3. The followin sums shall be annually paid
by Canada to British Columbia, for the support
of the Local Government and Legislature, to
That the Governor be respectfully requested
to strike out figures "$35,000," and insert in
lieu thereof " $75,000,"
An annual grant of $35,000, and a further
sum equal to 80 cents a head per annum of the
population, both payable half-yearly in advance,
the population of British Columbia being estimated as aforesaid at 120,000. Such grant
equal to 80 cents a head to be augmented in
proportion to the increase of population, when
That the figures "400,000" be altered to
" 1,000,000."
such may be shown, until the population
amounts to 400,000, at which rate such grant
shall thereafter remain.
4. The Dominion shall guarantee interest at
the rate of 5 per centum per annum on such
sum, not exceeding £100,000, as may be required
for the construction of a first-class Graving
Dock at Esquimalt.
5. In addition to the other provisions of this
Resolution, Canada shall assume and defray the
charges of the following services :- a. Salary and allowances of the Lieutenant-
That word "pensions" be inserted after the
word "allowances."
b. Salaries and allowances of the Judges and
Officers of the Supreme Court, and of
the County Courts;
c. The charges in respect of the Department
of Customs;
d. The postal Department;
e. Lighthouses, Buoys, Beacons, and Lightship,
and such further charges as may be incident
to and connected with the services.
which by "The British North America
Act, 1867," appertain to the General
Government, and as are or may be allowed to the other Provinces.
6. Suitable Pensions, such as shall he approved
of by Her Majesty's Government, shall he provided by the Government of the Dominion
those of Her Majesty's Servants in the Colony,
whose position and emoluments derived therefrom would be affected by political changes
the admission of this Colony into the Dominion
of Canada.
7, The Dominion Government shall supply an
efficient and regular fortnightly Steam Communication between Victoria and San Francisco
by Steamers adapted and giving facilities for
the conveyance of passengers and cargo.
8. Inasmuch as no real (Union can subsist-
between this Colony and Canada without the
speedy establishment of connminication across
the Rocky Mountains by Coach Road and Rail-
That the word " and," between "construct"
an: " open," he erased, and words " and maintain"
be inserted after " traffic."
That this Section be altered so that the section of the Main Trunk Road between Yale
and New Westminster may be included in the
Coach Road which the Dominion Government
is to be asked to construct within three years
from the date of Union.
way, the Dominion shall, within three years
from the date of Union, construct and open for
traffic such Coach Road, from some point on the
line of the Main Trunk Road of this Colony to
Fort Garry, of similar character to the said Main
Trunk Road; and shall further engage to use
all means in her power to complete such Railway communication at the earliest practicable
date, and that Surveys to determine the proper
line for such Railway shall he at once commenced: and that a sum of not less than
million dollars shall he expended in every year,
from and after three years from the date of
Union, in actually constructing the initial sections of such Railway from the Seaboard
British Columbia, to connect with the Railway
system of Canada.
9. The Dominion shall erect and maintain,
Victoria, a Marine hospital and a Lunatic
Asylum, either attached to the Hospital or
separate, as may be considered most convenient.
The Dominion shall also erect and maintain
a Penitentiary, or other principal Prison, at
such place in the Colony as she may consider
most suitable for that purpose.
10. Efficient Coast Mail Steam Service, in
connection with the Post Office, shall he established and maintained by the Government
the Dominion, between Victoria and New Westminster, Nanaimo, and such other places
may require such services.
11. Whatever encouragement, advantages, and
protection are afforded hy the Dominion Govern-
ment to the Fisheries of any of its Provinces,
shall be extended in similar proportion to British
Columbia, according to its requirements for the
time being.
12. British Columbia shall participate, in fair
proportion, in any mensures which may be
adopted, and funds which may be appropriated,
by the Dominion, for the encouragement of
That the figures "91" be inserted after
figures "18".
That the following words he added at the
end of the clause :—" Provided, however, that
the number of Members of the Senate shall
never be reduced below the number of Four,
and the number of Members of the House of
Commons below the number of Eight."
13. British Columbia shall be entitled to be
represented in the Senate by Four Members,
and by Eight Members in the House of Commons
until the year 18 , and thereafter the
Representation in the Senate and in the House
of Commons shall be increased, subject to the
provisions of " The British North America Act,
14. The Union shall take effect on such day
as Her Majesty by Order in Council (on an
Address to that effect in terms of. the 146th
Section of "The British North America Act,
1867,") may direct; and British Columbia may,
in such Address, specify the Districts, Counties, or
Divisions, if any for which any of the Four Senators to whom the Colony shall be entitled
shall be named, the Electoral Districts for which—and the time within which—the first
Election of Members to serve in the House of Commons shall take place.
15. The Constitution of the Executive authority
and of the Legislature of British Columbia shall, subject to the provisions of "The
British North America Act, 1867," continue as existing at the time of Union, until
altered under the authority of the said Act.
16. The provisions in "The British North
America Act, 1867," shall (except those parts
thereof which are in terms made, or by reasonable intendment may be held to be, specially
applicable to and only affect one and not the
whole of the Provinces new comprising the
Dominion, and except so far as the same may
be varied by this Resolution) be applicable to
British Columbia, in the same way and to the
like extent as they apply to the other Provinces
of the Dominion, and as if the Colony of British
Columbia had been one of the Provinces originally united by the said Act.
With reference to Defences :-
a. That it shall be an understanding with the
Dominion, that their influence will be used,
to the fullest extent, to procure the continued
maintenance of the Naval Station at Esquiinalt.
b. Encouragement to be given to develop the
efficiency and organization of the Volunteer
Force in British Columbia.
British Columbia. Legislative Council: Debates on the Subject of Confederation with Canada. Victoria: William H. Cullin, 1912.
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Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 9
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 109
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 12
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 12
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 22
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 9
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 13
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 12
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 11
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 11
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 248
Number of times this person appears in the documents: 11