
Legislative Assembly, 9 March 1866, New Brunswick Confederation Debates


FRIDAY, March 9.

On motion of MR. GILBERT, a Committee was appointed to whom shall be referred all matters connected with the public accounts, with power to bring before them persons and papers.
On motion of MR. TROOP, a Committee was appointed to whom shall be referred all matters relating to Trade and Commerce in this Province.
On motion of MR. BOYD, a Committee was appointed to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the Lumbering interests of the Province.
On motion of MR. A. C. DESBRISAY, a Committee was appointed to take into consideration all matters relating to the Fisheries of this Province.
On motion of MR. MCMILLAN, Committee was appointed, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the privileges of this House.


MR. GILBERT said that the Committee appointed at the last Session of the House, to make arrangements for publishing the Debates, had no power delegated to them to make arrangements for folding and addressing the Debates, but they had received an offer from Mr. Day, who would mail and address them for $5 for each member. It would be attended with great delay to have them sent up here by the publisher, therefore he hoped the House would make some arrangements about having them addressed.
COL. BOYD said they had better adopt the same mode of having them addressed as they did last year ; bu: he would not agree to paying $5 for each member.
MR. SUTTON said they were addressed last year in St. John for $4 apiece. If they were sent to Fredericton they would be under their own supervision.
MR. CAIE said the amount to be paid the publisher should be a little more than it was last year, as there are 7,000 instead of 6,000 copies to be addressed ; but he did not think they should all be addressed in St. John.
MR. GILBERT said that last Session part of them were addressed here and part in St. John. For some Counties there would be a great loss of time in having them come to Fredericton, although he thought the work could be done better under their own supervision, or the work might be done under the Post Office Department, as they would know best how to direct them to the Way Offices.
MR. CONNELL believed that the work could be done best under the Post Office Department.
COL. BOYD said, that in the good old times, thirty years ago, every member used to address his own debates, and he had kept to that old fashioned way for a number of years. He believed t cost ÂŁ70 when they were addressed under the Post Office Department. He would like to have his Debates addressed in St. John, as they would be delayed one or two days by coming up here.
MR. BEVERIDGE observed that the arrangement of last year gave satisfaction in his County, his Debates being addressed here by a person in the employ of the House.
MR. GILBERT said he could hardly credit that the addressing of the Debates, cost ÂŁ70 If they had the privilege of having the head of the Post Office Department in the House, they could get information of what the labor would cost. Having the Debates addressed in St. John is sometimes the cause of delay, for if you received a notice from any of your constituents that they do not receive the Debates, you have to write to the publisher, and several days must elapse before it can be rectified ; but if they were addressed here it could be corrected at once. Half of the Debates have to come here, and the rest would be delayed but a day and night.
MR. ANGLIN said there was one objection to this arrangement for addressing the Debates in St. John which had been overlooked, that was, that they had no security that they should get the 7,000 copies for which they paid. They had to depend upon the honor of the person who published and addressed them. There should be something like a receipt of delivery. In whatever way the arrangements may be made there will be innumerable complaints ; but in this case there is no security against fraud. This House should, through some officer, obtain a delivery of the whole, and then have them distributed ; by this means persons through the country would receive them earlier and more regular. He did not value the Debates, so therefore cared little about it ; but the whole cost of addressing them should not exceed ÂŁ50 or ÂŁ60.
MR. LINDSAY said, that Hon. members who made out their lists, would certainly know whether they received the Debates or not. In his district they received them pretty regular.
Mr. WILMOT remarked, that to ensure their being received, they should be addressed by the Post Office Department, for if they were not properly directed they would go to the wrong Post Office.
MR. CORAM observed that on the Eastern side of the Harbor there was no way of distributing them but by carrying them to every man's door ; for the people [...]
[...] Mr. LINDSAY. The country required information upon this subject. The people were crying out what was being done for the defence of whe country ? and yet when a question was put to the leader of the Government as to what was doing, honorable members could get no information. If the country could not get information it wanted the members had better go home at once. They had heard a great deal about the Fenians—he had read it in the papers that these Fenians claimed affinity with the Anti-Confederates was the country to be kept in a state of alarm and suspense and unprepared to meet any invasion because it was cursed with an Anti-Confederate Government? Away with such an idea! Some men might pooh, pooh, and laugh at the threats of these Fenians, but it was different in the country—different with the people, with families living on the frontier—where they were open to the attacks of cut-throat raiders and assassins. Members ask what proceedings had been taken to repel invasion and they were told they could not get information! He thought the country had arrived at a crisis when the people would be required to show on what side they were, and to rally for the defence of their country, for the preservation of British Institutions, for the protection of these British colonies. As for himself he was willing, when the time arrived, to give his money, and his means and himself if it wsa necessary.
ATTORNEY GENERAL did not see what occasion there was for the hon. member of Carleton to work himself into such a fury. What did he want? Did he wish to get information of what the Government were doing—which would be copied into all the papers— and be the means of directing attention to what it was necessary to keep secret? He would tell the hon. member that the Government were taking proper precautionary measures to meet any danger that might be threatened. The insinuation that he (Mr. Lindsay) had made, that there was a connection between the Fenians and the Anti-Confederates in this Province, was false and calumnious. It was unworthy his palce as a member of that House; it ws unworthy himself as a mean thus to traduce the chracter of the Anti-Confederate party by insinuating that they had a sympathy with the designs of a band of marauders. As for himself he had as much stake in the country, as much pride in British connection, as much desire to maintain it, and he would sacrifice as much to preserve it as the member of Carleton himself. He would ask the House, he would ask the country, if it ws not entirely unworthy of his (Mr. L.'s) place to make such an insinuation? What object had he in making such an attack upon the Government if it was not for some party purpose in order to damage them in the eyes of the country? The hon. member of St. John (Mr. Wilmot) had asked what was certainly a proper question; but he appealed to the hon. member of Carleton himself, he appealed to the House, he appealed to the country, if the Fenians were preparing to make a raid upon our borders, would it be prudent to direct the attention to what we were doing— would it be right to point to the very spot where the Government were sending men? Did not he (Mr. L.) believe when he (Attorney General) stated that the Government were taking every proper step to repel invasion? He could assure him, and he could assure the country that energetic measures, and as effective as the resources of the Province would justify, were being taken by the Government at this present time.
Mr. CONNELL thought that the language of the Attorney General was quite as emphatic as that of his colleague (Mr. Lindsay). He (Mr. C) was not at all satisfied with what the Attorney General had said. The country demanded to know what danger was threatening the Province, and what preparation the Government was making to meet it. It was but right that he (Mr. C.) should be furnished with information to send to the people of the country—those who lived alnog the upper St. John river. He believed the time had come when the resources of the country should be placed in the hands of an Administration in whom the people had confidence. He would put all the resources of the country at their disposal, because he felt that the danger was imminent. He thought the Government had fallen very far short of their duty in this matter. Why had not preparations been made months ago. Those who lived in the city and town knew little children had come to him crying, and saying "something should be done to protect us." The Attorney General might laugh, but those who lived on the borders would know that what he said was true, he was not afraid that an invasion would be made on the frontier by any very large number of these Fenians, but small parties of them might make a dash and rob and slaughter. This was a very serious matter, and he was not satisfied with what the Attorney General had said.
THE SPEAKER.—This discussion was irregular—there was nothing before the House.
MR. CONNELL—The member of St. John (Mr. Wilmot) had asked the Attorney General if it was true that troops had been sent to Campobello, and they were discussing that question.
MR. GILBERT said he would move the adjournment of the House. He did this in order to give himself an opportunity of making a few observations on this question.
MR. NEEDHAM rose to order. The question of adjournment could not be debated.
MR. GILBERT—He could show precedent.
THE SPEAKER—That question was never debated.
MR. GILBERT.—Then our practice was not in accordance with British Parliamentary practice. He had a right to show that he was perfectly in order.
THE SPEAKER maintained that Mr. Gilbert was out of order, and the motion of adjournment was carried. and the House accordingly was adjourned until Monday, at 10 o'clock.
A. A.


New Brunswick. Reports of the Debates of the House of Assembly. St. John: G.W. Day, 1865-1867. Microfilm copies provided by the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.



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