
Newfoundland National Convention, 26 May 1947, Debates on Confederation with Canada


May 26, 1947

Mr. Chairman We have a communication from the Department of Home Affairs, which the Secretary will now read in the House.
Commission Of Government
Office Of The Secretary
St. John's, Nfld.
May 26, 1947.
The Commission of Government have considered the resolution of the National Convention which you have submitted with your letter to me of May 23rd.[1]
I am directed to point out to you that the question raised in this resolution is substantially the same question as was raised in clause I of the resolution adopted by the National Convention pursuant to motion of February 4th, 1947, and discussed at the conference of a Committee of the National Convention with His Excellency the Governor in Commission held at Government House on February 8th, 1947. The Report of that Conference, which was adopted by the Convention, states that upon the question "respecting steps for establishing economic or fiscal relationship between the United States and Newfoundland your Committee was informed that this question was one for negotiation between Governments through the regular diplomatic channels". The Commission consider that this statement applied equally to the discussions proposed by your resolution.
At the conference it was pointed out that it was doubtful whether the subject matter of the clause came within the terms of reference of the Convention. Respecting the proposal in the present resolution for trade and economic discussions between a delegation of the Convention and the Government of the United States of America, the Commission consider that that is entirely outside the terms of reference and the powers and authority of the Convention.
It is not clear from the resolution whether it is the desire of the Convention that the Government of Newfoundland make any arrangements in this matter. In case this should be the desire of the Convention, I am to point out that the Commission could not take any steps towards arranging for any such discussions.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, W.J. Carew, Secretary.
Capt. W. Gordon Warren, R.A.,
The National Convention

Resolution to Raise Memorial University College to University Status

Mr. Chairman Orders of the day. Mr. Smallwood to resume the debate on motion of Mr. Higgins K.C., dated May 22, 1947.[1]
Mr. Smallwood After the reading of the letter from the Commission of Government, I feel quite sure that you will be very much less interested in this resolution proposed by Mr. Higgins on Friday last than in the subject matter of the letter that has just been read. However, we have got to conform to the order paper, and at the moment Mr. Higgins' resolution is the one before us. It is a resolution which, if passed, would put this Convention on record as being in favour of turning the Newfoundland Memorial College into a university, into an institution that would confer degrees. I am in favour of that, and that is why I seconded the motion.
I have looked up some facts concerning nearby parts of the world, those nearest to Newfoundland — Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward island. The population of Newfoundland, with Labrador, is about 320,000. In Nova Scotia, with a population less than twice the population of Newfoundland, they have eight degree-conferring educational institutions. In the city of Halifax alone there are five.... in New Brunswick, with less than 200,000 more than our own population, they have five degree-conferring institutions and in the tiny province of PEI, with only 95,000, they have one.... We have not got even one. Not one in all the island, where a Newfoundland boy or girl, young man and young woman can attend and take sufficient training to lead to the conferring of a degree. This motion is to the effect that, in the opinion of the Convention, not that we can do anything about it, the Memorial University College ought to be raised to the status of a degree-conferring institution.
I am no authority on education but I am fully agreed that from a purely educational standpoint the Memorial College ought to be raised to that status, but there is another side to it, another angle that interests me a great deal. in this country of ours we have had 450 years of a very remarkable history — perhaps the most remarkable history of any part of the western half of the world. This is a country in which we have developed very distinctive peculiarities. We have our own traditions. We have our own folklore. We have our May 1947 NATIONAL CONVENTION 581 own folkmusic. I remember on one occasion in London going to talk to Miss Maud Karpeles, perhaps one of the world's greatest authorities on world folksongs, and her telling me that in Newfoundland there had been discovered some of the oldest and most interesting folksongs anywhere on this side of the Atlantic. We have got a distinctive culture all our own, and yet we have nothing ...with the exception of the O'Leary poetry award which is given annually, we have nothing, nor have we had anything to foster and encourage the development and growth and recognition of a distinctly Newfoundland culture. And one of the most attractive possibilities of the Memorial University, if it became a university, would be that of having the university become a dynamo, a power-house, in the inculcation and dissemination and encouragement of a distinctly Newfoundland culture, because mark this, whatever form of government we may have in the future ... remember this, that we Newfoundlanders must never for a moment forget or neglect or turn our backs on our own distinctive Newfoundland outlook on life, our distinctive Newfoundland culture. I go a step further; in the case of our deciding some day this fall, perhaps, in the national referendum, to link this country with another country, in such a case it will be more important than ever to see to it that our Newfoundland culture is preserved and encouraged and fostered and developed, and in no way can that be done better than through the creation of a Newfoundland university. I wanted to make that point. It is not a new point, I have been making it for many, many years, and I want to associate myself very heartily indeed with the motion....
Mr. Jones Mr. Chairman, I have been connected with education all my life, having taught in some of the principal high schools of this country, and I rise to support the resolution.
I consider that Memorial College should be a degree-conferring institution. There have been many boys and girls thwarted in their education by the lack of such an institution in this country. During the last ten or 15 years I know of many young men and women who, having completed their second year at the Memorial College, were handicapped by the lack of funds from continuing their studies abroad. Had we such an institution in this country, some of these boys and girls would have been able to continue their studies and obtained their BA degree. The same of course applies to any other course of studies taken at the Memorial College. As time goes on, the need of such an institution will be more urgent because many of our young people are beginning to realise the necessity of such an education. Why should we not do our utmost to make it possible for these young people to reach their goal? I hope the Commission of Government will give the matter their serious consideration; if so, it will be one of the best things they have done for our young people during their reign....
Mr. Harrington As a Newfoundlander first, deeply concerned with the customs, traditions, progress and destiny of my native land, and secondly as a graduate of the Memorial College, I am more than glad to be in a position of national significance today, whereby I am able to support the motion of Mr. Higgins that the Memorial College be granted the necessary charter by the government enabling it to confer degrees.
I do not propose to speak at any great length on this matter, which is beyond controversy. The mover has summed up most of the arguments in favour, and at the same time disposed of some of the most outstanding antagonisms with regard to the elevation of the Memorial College to full university status. Other speakers have enlarged on the theme and it has been covered rather thoroughly. Yet I cannot let this opportunity pass without adding a few comments of my own on a subject that is very close to my heart....
What is a university? Too many people have the wrong idea. They think it means snobbishness — they think it is a place where a young man or young woman attends for so many years to emerge with several letters after his or her name, which do not mean very much. How mistaken an idea! In this country, the tendency to think of a university as a breeding-ground of snobbishness arises from the fact that only those who can afford it attend a university. But that is not a true appreciation of the real case. The reason that so many of our young people do not, cannot attend a university, is simply that there is no university in the country. The cost of attending a university is relatively small — that is the actual tuition fees, and so on. In the case of Newfoundlanders, it is the expense of travelling, board and lodging and the rest, that makes attending a foreign university prohibitive to most. The establishment of a New 582 NATIONAL CONVENTION May 1947 foundland university would get over these obstacles in great part — and even in the case of the out-of-town student, he or she would be able to complete a university course at a much lower cost than formerly possible, and emerge with a degree from a university peopled, staffed and run by Newfoundlanders, along lines best suited to the development of the Newfoundland character, and with a view to fitting its graduates to cope more successfully with the more obvious problems of our national life.
That has been the trouble with us in the past. All our education, before we got the Memorial College, and after we had it, tended to fit our boys and girls, and young men and young women, for a university education, which could only be obtained at universities in England and Ireland and Scotland, and in more recent years the United States and Canada. Only the well-to-do or the exceptionally scholarly students who captured scholarships could ever hope to complete that education. And when they did, they were being educated on the curriculum of the particular university, which in most cases was moulded to the needs or objects of that particular country. Our students were educated "away" from Newfoundland, not in the mere sense of being out of Newfoundland, but more especially in this sense: as the word "educate" means "to lead out", so "educate away" meant also to "lead away from" Newfoundland, and that's just what happened. The majority of our students never came back; many of those who did were forever more or less aliens.
The possession of our own Newfoundland university would change that position. The main purpose of a university is not simply to confer degrees. Getting a degree is almost incidental — it is just something that comes at the end of the university course, as the mechanic receives his certificate after having served his time. No one will say that the certificate that the mechanic receives is more important than the years of his apprenticeship; by the same token no one should say that the degree is more important than the years of study and training that precede its granting.
In a University of Newfoundland our students could be trained along lines calculated to help to develop and broaden the national life and outlook. They could be educated with a view to the development of our industries and our culture — our peculiarly Newfoundland culture, which is no more like the culture of England, Ireland or Scotland than it is like the culture of Canada or the United States. It combines them all. There could be connected with the university a school of education for the fisheries. There could be courses on such subjects as elementary fisheries conservation, economics of the fishery, and the countries with which we deal in fish, on processing, on markets. And of course it is unnecessary to emphasise the need for more foundational training and education in connection with research work in the various fields of fishery science.
There is no need to labour the point. There is a need for a University of Newfoundland. Its cost as we have seen is relatively small. The Memorial College must be enlarged. It is bursting at the seams now — it must have a new wing, whether or not it receives its university charter....
The additional cost is so comparatively little that there would seem to be no reason for holding back. I understand that the charter is already prepared and has been in the offices of the government for some time. awaiting popular demand. The popular demand is now being made in full voice, from organisations in all parts of the country. Twenty-five years ago the Memorial College was established as a war memorial to the Newfoundlanders who died in the First World War. It could not be more appropriate than to raise the college to a degree-conferring university this year, as a memorial to the Newfoundlanders — many of them Old Memorials — who died in World War Two.
This year 1947 is a very historic year. The 24th of June next marks the 450th anniversary of Cabot's landfall. It will be a year of great celebrations and events. Again, the time is ripe for the granting of a charter to the Memorial College. Celebrations, fireworks, these things pass away, but an institution of learning remains to enlighten the succeeding generations, and to make their life richer and their hopes more easily obtainable.
I could say a great deal more, but there are others who will echo what I have said, and add what I have left out, so I would conclude with a few words from one of the presidents of the United States, James A. Garfield, who said: "Next in importance to freedom and justice is May 1947 NATIONAL CONVENTION 583 popular education, without which neither justice nor freedom can be permanently maintained" I leave that thought with all of you — realising that the establishment of a University of Newfoundland will be an immense stride forward in the growth of popular education in Newfoundland....
Mr. Butt ....For many months me Convention has been occupied with attempting to assess the natural resources of this country — fish, ore, lumber and other industries. It has not been our business to assess that most natural and basic of all resources, that is, our people, our human resources. There is not one man here who is not conscious of the great potentialities of these human resources — the stuff and fabric of all we have attempted, suffered and achieved. There are many who may not yet have realised that our men and women, like our industries, are capable of infinitely greater development, and that just as we need the means for the development of our industries, we need the means for developing the knowledge, courage, the judgement and the cooperative abilities of Newfoundlanders. We need these things far more.... Newfoundland needs wealth, production, industries, but she also needs men and women with imagination, the creative abilities, the scientific knowledge and training to bring these things about....
Mr. Fowler ....After all the confusion and suspicions caused by delegations, motions and amendments, I am glad that Mr. Higgins found time and opportunity to introduce this resolution, which if instrumental in giving to this country a university, will have a greater effect upon the future citizens of Newfoundland than any other resolution we have had. A country cannot rise above its people, and any progressive policy designed to bring about a better Newfoundland must of necessity hinge on the ability of our youth, the future citizens of this country, to be able to carry out that policy. I contend, gentlemen, that the ignorance of the masses has been the curse of this country down through her long history, and unless and until we get a more enlightened people, a people who will be able to think and act for themselves, we will be kicked about by those who would stoop so low as to capitalise on our ignorance.
It is surprising to me that a charter for a state university was not sought and obtained years ago.
Countries smaller and less historic than ours are blessed with such institutions, even Iceland with its small population has its university. Some people may say, "Oh, that is no benefit to the poor people of Newfoundland. especially in the outports". That is not true, for as Mr. Higgins pointed out yesterday the benefits permeate downwards. The first and immediate benefit derived by the poorer classes will be to have fully qualified teachers possessing degrees in the arts and sciences going out to teach their children, and these same children in turn will be drawn through the channels of their schools and colleges to climax their studies in their own Newfoundland university. And let it be a Newfoundland university in the strictest sense of the word, a university which will cater to the needs of young Newfoundlanders and fit them to go out and grapple with the many problems peculiar to their native land.
As the proposed University comes to full stature, I would like to see a scheme inaugurated whereby one or more scholarships would be made available to every district; this, in addition to helping to defray the expense of outport students in St. John's, would be a great incentive to students to pursue their studies with greater enthusiasm....
Mr. Keough In a little while this land we live in will see the end of 450 years of history. More often than not those years have been lean. Our land has never flowed with milk and honey. Always, in this island, it has taken most of a man's time to keep body and soul together — to keep the wolf at the door in his place. The meagre grey existence that has been our historic portion has been come by only in consequence of hard work and high courage, epic in their proportions. The unrelenting struggle we have known has never left us with much margin of time for accomplishment of other than the making of both ends meet. We have been far too busy out on the squid-jigging ground to have made many songs. We have spent so much time in little yellow dories as left us but a meagre margin for literature and the drama. Our hands have been too busy with the "knots rotted with the salt water" to have given them to painting and sculpture. We have had to put so much effort into making cod as to have had none to spare to put into making concertos.
And yet there have been men in the land who 584 NATIONAL CONVENTION May 1947 were equal to the land Those great have walked among us who wrought some monumental works in their time. There were Newfoundlanders who were indeed giants in their day and generation. And they have bequeathed to us many things of which we may well be proud — a tradition of great endeavour to make the most come of the land's meagreness; a native culture which the philistine may dismiss as a 'fish-and-brewis' culture, but which is of considerable consequence and meaning to us; and a structure, and a way of life, Christian to the core. Because our fathers were what they were, we are still secure in this island in the realms of the mind and spirit. We are still convinced that two and two make four. We are still certain that there is but one God. In this island we still live in the presence of eternal laws and great truths that are true unto eternity. We have certain institutions that we revere; certain principles that we would live by. We have tested them and have found them good — as have all men who have tested them. We are jealous of their presence amongst us and we will not have them altered or removed. And, may I say in passing, that it has been a cause of much concern to me to learn that because I have laid much emphasis upon the economic in this Convention, that I have been misunderstood or misconstrued to mean that the economic is all that matters. It is rather amazing how intently some people listen on the bias. I am quite aware that there are values that are prior to economic values. I do believe, as do all men of reason, that not by bread alone doth man live. But I do believe also that the bread is nevertheless important.
It is ours, who are of this day and generation, to be caught up in all the turmoil coincident to one of those historic crises that sees the great body of mankind lift itself a cubit closer to the stars, or turn aside from the larger sanity to which the moment beckons. This is a time that tries men's souls, and tests their manhood with many strange new challenges that we in this island must meet, as must all the peoples of the earth. It is a moment of high destiny without equal since the world began. Of all the challenges that must be met, the greatest is this. This is the challenge that contains all the others. It is the challenge to achieve a synthesis of civil liberty and economic security that will be acceptable to the civilised, western, Christian conscience. If such a synthesis cannot be achieved, the civilisation we know is doomed. If it can be achieved, then shall we come into the inheritance of that stable social order of which the men of our race have always dreamed.
Here in this island we have our own small part to play in the meeting of that challenge, and on that account more than any other, am I anxious for the advent of a national university. Because I hope that from such an institution there will come forth a new economic leadership that will achieve for our people a greater measure of security than has been their historic measure. Because I hope that from such an institution there will come forth too a new political leadership that will restore our faith in our own ability to conduct ourselves in politics and in government with honour and with dignity. Finally, because I believe that from a national university there will come forth a greater company of scholarship than we could otherwise come by — a company who will deal competently with this greatest challenge of our times, and yet contribute the full measure of its scholarship to the preservation of that Christian culture and way of life that are ours. For there are things in this island, Mr. Chairman, that do deserve to endure — things that are part and parcel of the good, the true, and the beautiful. And their value is beyond all time.
Mr. Vardy ....The Convention will remember that in the debate on the report of the Education Committee, I covered the ground thoroughly in connection with the further extension of the Memorial University College, and I think Mr. Ashboume gave his support to my remarks. There is no need to repeat what I said. The whole country is in full accord with the project. I think one of the darkest spots in the history of Newfoundland has been our dire lack of education, and the fact that so many ofour youth who could afford to go elsewhere to complete their education never returned to their homes....
Only recently we heard of the Blackmore Memorial Library being opened at Clarenville in honour of a gallant young airman who gave his life in World War Two. I think that the best memorial that we can give to the dead is to improve the conditions of the living.
Mr. Job ....There is only one thing I want to refer to and that is the financial aspect. The introducer, I think. indicated it would cost $20,000. But it is in connection with that I do May 1947 NATIONAL CONVENTION 585 want to make a remark about finance generally. I would like to remind the delegates that the Finance Report is the most important report of the whole Convention, which report lies on the table without a word of comment being made on it — not alone any question of debate. The question of $20,000 extra would be nothing, but the education grant, generally, is a very big one. What will the people think of us if we made an indefinite adjournment, as I believe is in the minds of the delegates, without giving perhaps two or three days' consideration to this question of finance?.... 
We are thinking of adjourning, more or less indefinitely, without a word of discussion on our financial position and particularly without any consideration of the chief reason for our appointment, which was to determine whether the country is or is not self-supporting, and more especially, if it will be self-supporting in the future....
Mr. Chairman I have allowed you to go on now for five minutes on a subject which is not germane to the subject before the Chair.
Mr. McCormack On June 24 we shall celebrate the 450th anniversary of Cabot's discovery of Newfoundland, and it is natural that we ask ourselves what progress we have made through the centuries. A country may be judged by the nature of its educational institutions, for from these will come forth the men and women of tomorrow, and if we wish to do anything permanent for our country's welfare we must be concerned about our schools. Our Department of Education has done and is continuing to do a good job. Our teachers are giving invaluable service for small pay. Our system of education is good, but it does not go far enough as our young men and women have to leave the country to pursue higher studies in arts and sciences. The time has come for the Memorial College to be raised to university status.... At present comparatively few can afford to continue their studies, particularly students from the outports who, after paying their way at St. John's for two or three years, find it financially impossible to go on to Canada or the USA.
Our teachers in particular should be given every possible advantage, because on them will depend to a large degree the moulding of our future citizens.
Apart from this, a Newfoundland university would be able to pass on our traditions, and look at current problems with a view to the country's good. Our men and women attending foreign universities cannot get a Newfoundland outlook, and in many instances are attracted away from the country, whereas if they studied at a Newfoundland university, they would become more keenly aware of the country's problems and possibilities, and they would remain to devote their energies to building a better Newfoundland. A university could also be of great value to countless people, other than those seeking degrees, through extension courses.... The granting of a charter to the Memorial College would be the most acceptable way of recognizing the 450th anniversary of our country's discovery.
Mr. Ashbourne Newfoundland should have a university of its own.... We realise that there are those who can afford to travel to other cities and study at the universities of their choice; but there are some who have done this at no little inconvenience to themselves, and even at considerable expense. If there is a university in our midst, and should there be those who prefer to study elsewhere, there would be nothing to restrict them. With a university here I believe there would be many who could be afforded an opportunity for studying for a degree....
The decision of the government to continue the vocational school as a technical school is a progressive move. The need of such a technical institution has been apparent for some time, and the government is to be congratulated in this regard.
The matter of raising of the Memorial College to the status of a university may not be accomplished without some difficulties, yet I have no doubt that whatever the difficulties may be, they will be surmounted and overcome....
[The motion carried]

Report of the Finance Committee

Mr. Cashin A few moments ago Mr. Job drew the attention of the House to the fact that the Finance Report[1] had not been debated. When we went into a committee of the whole on the Finance Report, it was decided not to debate it at length but to lay it on the table for future reference 586 NATIONAL CONVENTION May 1947 and comment. Now, with regard to the Economic Report,[1] there is nothing to stop the Finance Committee from preparing it. I am only one member of the committee — there are eight or nine others. I cannot see why the load should be thrown on me to prepare the Economic Report when there are eight or nine members just as competent as I am. With regard to the Finance Report, briefly, it is divided into four portions. The first relates to the government from 1909- 1920. If my memory serves me right, it shows that in that period, under responsible government, we had a surplus of some $7 million. The next section deals with the government from 1919-20 up to the time Commission took over in 1933-34, and it shows we had an average deficit, if my memory serves me correctly, of $2 million a year. Then it goes from 1933-34 to 1939-40, and it shows the deficits had increased, even though a reduction in interest annually had been made of $2 million. Finally it winds up with the period 1940 to March 31, 1947, and it shows we had surplus in cash of something over $30 million. In other words, the Finance Report was a cash book, and showed we had available at the moment surpluses of around $30 million. The report covers the railway from the time it was taken over by the government in 1923 to the present time, and shows it cost $30 million in deficits and capital expenditure. It shows the taking over of the Newfoundland Hotel — we paid $450,000, and up to the present time it has cost considerable additional money. It is not an economic report. The position of an economic report, as I understand it, would be the presentation of a budget. Well, I am going to take the position now that this House, under the terms of reference, has not any power to prepare a budget, and that is what an economic report is. Last year, when this Convention opened, Mr. Wild told us it would cost from $23-23.5 million a year to administer the affairs of Newfoundland. Now we have another budget which shows that Mr. Wild was wrong.[2] He did not know what he was talking about. They have raised it up $4 million. We find today, according to the Commissioner for Finance, that it is going to cost $27 million, in addition to which there is to be an expenditure on capital account of $ 10- 12 million. For the life of me, I cannot see how anyone here, under these circumstances, can prepare an economic report, because we have no stability; there is no one in the government with the stability to foreshadow a budget. We cannot be sure it is going to be carried out, because the Commission will not take advice from us.
The London delegation went away to England trying to find out if we could get anything on which to build a budget. We were told to mind our own business and come home. We were told, "We will give you an order for fish, if we feel like it; we will give you an order for iron ore if we feel like it." Personally, I feel I would not be able to prepare an economic report on my own, and under the circumstances 1 have to plead I am unable to do it, and l challenge the fact that anyone else is able to do it. We know we are self-supporting. Lord Addison told us we were self-supporting Mr. Wild told us we were self- supporting; Mr. Attlee in the House of Commons in December 1945 said so; Lord Cranborne said so. Better authorities than I am have told us we are self-supporting. Whether we will be self-supporting in years to come, no one knows — not even me, not even Lord Addison or anyone else; not even Mr. Smallwood. We have been assured that if we had a government — any other form of government — we would have power to find out whether we are able to sell our fish; whether we are able to sell o're. We know we can sell newsprint — it is a private business — and there is a big demand for it. The three major industries in Newfoundland are, today, fish, iron ore, Buchans and pulp and paper. We know where we stand in regard to pulp and paper; we know there is a big expansion going on. A motion was brought in to send a delegation to Washington to try and find out about sales of fish and iron ore, and we were told it was not within our terms of reference. Why does not the government of the country do something about it? The government cannot do it because we were told in London that the British government is not in a position to approach the United States and ask them whether they could give us any concessions, and they will not allow the people of Newfoundland to do it. That is the position also with regard to iron ore. "We will take it if we can." They told us in 1930 that our iron ore was not suitable for their fur May 1947 NATIONAL CONVENTION 587 naces. Yet their furnaces have not changed, and they have used it. Either the grade of iron ore has changed, or the furnaces changed, or it was a lie they were telling us from the beginning.
So far as I am concerned, the Finance Report is there and you can debate it all you like. It cannot change the balance sheet of $30 million. You cannot make it more or less. If you leave the Commission of Government here much longer you will not have much of the $30 million left. They will clean it out from stem to stem; that is their policy now, and will be in the future.
Mr. Job May I speak to this?
Mr. Chairman Major Cashin was offering a sort of explanation. There is nothing before the Chair upon which I can permit a debate.
Mr. Job I move the adjournment until tomorrow and I would like to see this budget speech debated here tomorrow. I understand Major Cashin is going away; but he will be here tomorrow and we will have the advantage of his presence. I believe we might debate it even for one day — even one day will get some information to the country. Would I have to give notice?
Mr. Chairman You could give notice of motion to debate the Finance Report in the light of the budget speech. You could give notice of that kind.
Mr. Job Perhaps I could do that, with the consent of the House.
Mr. Chairman There is no need for the consent of the House. You will have to have my consent to make the motion.
Mr. Job I give notice to ask your consent.
Mr. Higgins I do not want to upset Mr. Job's programme, but we came to an informal understanding on Friday afternoon, and on that understanding a lot of the members have made plans to go home. Some have already gone. If we are going to begin a debate of this nature, not only may Major Cashin miss his plane, but a lot of the boys will miss their boats. As far as I am concerned, I do not see the point of going into this, and I move the formal adjournment of the House to the call of the Chair.
Mr. Banfield I second that motion. A lot of us have made arrangements to return home. If we have to come back tomorrow there will be a lot of members who will miss their boats.
Mr. Job It seems to be the wish of the House to adjourn.
Mr. Chairman Does it not occur to you that, after all, the report which we have received is, as the chairman stated. in the nature of a cash book? There is very little to debate, except, in the light of the budget speech of the new Commissioner for Finance. Would that not come in more advantageously in the general debate that will occur after the House resumes?
Mr. Job It is a long time away.
Mr. Chairman Yes, and if we have it now it may be the more easily forgotten.
Mr. Cashin When the House re-assembles, the economic position can be embodied. If anyone can do it, that is.
Mr. Chairman As you claim you are unable to do it, perhaps we will ask Mr. Job to do it.
Mr. Cashin Yes, perhaps Mr. Job can do that. The Finance Report is nothing more than a cash book, which shows what has happened over the past 40 years. There is no auditor can come in here and say we have not got $30 million. All the debating in the world won't change the figures.
[The Convention adjourned to the call of the Chair]


Newfoundland. The Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948 Vol 1: Debates. Edited by J.K. Hiller and M.F. Harrington Montreal: Memorial University of Newfoundland by McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995).



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.


  • [1] Above, p. 569.
  • [1] Above, p. 579.
  • [1] Volume II:369. [Volume II is not in The Confederation Debates Collection]
  • [1] Volume II:435. [Volume II is not in The Confederation Debates Collection]
  • [2] The 1947-48 budget, prepared by the Commissioner for Finance, R.I.M. Jones.

Participating Individuals: