Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without

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THE farthest West
Ward of this Citie,
being the 25. Ward
of London, but with
out the walls, is cal
led Faringdon with
, and was of old
time part of the other Faringdon within,
untill the 17. of Richard the second, that
it was divided, and made twaine, by the
names of Faringdon infra, and Faringdon
, as is afore shewed.
The bounds of which Ward, with
out Newgate and Ludgate, are these:
First, on the East part thereof, is the
whole Precinct of the late Priory of S.
, and a part of Long lane, on
the North, towards Aldersgate street,
and Ducke lane, with the Hospitall of S.
on the West, and all
Smithfield, to the Barres in Saint Iohn
Then out of Smithfield, Chicken lane,
toward Turne-Mill Brooke, and over
that Brooke, by a Bridge of Timber,
into the Field: then backe againe by the
Pennes (or Folds) in Smithfield, by
Smithfield Pond, to Cow lane, which
turneth toward Oldbourne; and then
Hosiar lane, out of Smithfield also to
ward Oldborne, till it meet with a part
of Cow lane.
Then Cocke lane, out of Smithfield,
over against Pye corner: then also is
Gilt-spurre street, out of Smithfield to
Newgate: then from Newgate West by
Saint Sepulchres Church, to Turne-a
gaine lane
, to Oldbourne Conduit, on
Snor Hill,1 to Oldbourne Bridge, up
Oldbourne Hill, to the Barres, on both
On the right hand, or North side, at
the bottome of Oldbourne Hill, is Gold
, sometime a filthy passage into the
Fields, now both sides builded with
small Tenements.
Then higher is Lither lane, turning
also to the Field, lately replenished with
houses builded, and so to the Barres.
Now, on the left hand or South side
from Newgate, lyeth a street called the
Old Bayly, or Court of the Chamber
of this Citie: this stretcheth down
by the Wall of the Citie, unto Ludgate.
On the West side of which street, brea
keth out one other Lane, called Saint
Georges Lane, till yee come unto the
South end of Sea-coale Lane; and then,
turning towards Fleet-street, it is called
Fleet lane.
Then next out of the high street, from
Newgate, turning downe South, is cal
led the Little Bayly, and runneth downe
to the East of S. Georges lane.
Then is Sea-coale lane, which turneth
downe into Fleet lane.
Neere unto this Sea-coale lane, in the
turning towards Oldbourne Conduit, is
another lane, called in record Winde-a
gaine lane
, it turneth downe to Turnmill
, and from thence backe againe,
for there is no way over.
Then beyond Oldbourne Bridge, to
Shoo lane, which runneth out of Oldborne
unto the Conduit in Fleetstreet.
Then also is Fewtars lane, which like
wise stretcheth South into Fleet street, by
the East end of S. Dunstanes Church:
And from this Lane to the Barres, bee
the bounds without Newgate.
Now, without Ludgate, this VVard
runneth up from the said gate to Temple

barre, and hath on the right hand, or
North side, the South end of the Old
: then downe Ludgate hill, to the
Fleet lane over Feeet bridge, and by Shoo
, and Fewtars lane, and so to New
(or Chancery lane) and up that
Lane, to the House of the Rolles, which
House is also of this Ward; and on the
other side, to a Lane over-against the
Rolles, which entreth Ficquets field.
Then, hard by the Barre, is one other
Lane, called Shire lane, because it divi
deth the City from the Shire, and this
turneth into Ficquets field.
From Ludgate againe, on the left
hand, or South side, to Fleet bridge, to
Bridge lane, which runneth South by
Bridewell; then to Water lane, which
runneth downe to the Thames.
Then by the White Friers, and by the
Temple, even to the Barre aforesaid, bee
the bounds of this Faringdon Ward with
Touching Ornaments and Antiqui
ties in this VVard, first, betwixt the said
Newgate, and the Parish of Saint Sepul
, is a way towards Smithfield, cal
led Gilt Spurre, or Knight-Riders streete,
of the Knights and other riding that
way into Smithfield, replenished with
building on both sides up to Pie corner,
a place so called of such a signe, some
times a faire Inne for receit of Travel
lers; but now divided into Tenements,
and over-against the said Pie corner, ly
eth Cocke lane, which runneth downe to
Oldbourne Conduit.
Beyond this Pie corner,
West smithfield.
lyeth VVest
Smithfield, compassed about with buil
dings, as first on the South side, follow
ing the right hand, standeth the large
Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew, foun
ded by Rahere, the first Prior of St. Bar
, thereto neere adjoyning, in
the yeere 1102.
The first M. or Pro
cter of the Hospitall of S. Bar
that had not long before buil
ded the Parish Church of Saint Giles
without Creplegate
, became the first
Hospitelar, or Protector for the poore of
this house, and went himselfe daily to
the Shambles and other Markets, where
he begged the charity of devout people
for their reliefe, promising to the libe
rall givers (and that by alledging testi
monies of the holy Scripture) reward at
the hands of God. Henry the third
granted to Katharine, late wife to Willi
am Hardell
, twenty foote of Land in
length and breadth in Smithfield, next
to the Chappell of Saint Bartholomew,
to build her a Recluse or Ankorage,
A recluse or Anko
rage by S. Bartholo

commanding the Maior and Sheriffes
of London, to assigne the said twenty
foot to the said Katharine, Charta 11. of
Henry the third. The foundation of this
Hospitall for the poore and diseased,
and their speciall sustentation, was con
firmed by Edward the third, the 26. of
his reigne
. It was governed by a Ma
ster, and eight Brethren being Priests,
for the Church; and foure Sisters, to see
the poore served.
The Executors of Richard Whitington,
sometime Maior of London, of his goods
repaired this Hospitall, about the yeere
Sir Iohn Wakering, Priest. Master of
this House, in the yeere 1463. amongst
other Bookes, gave to their common
Library the fairest Bible that I have
seene, written in large Vellam, by a
Brother of that House, named Iohn
, at the age of 68. yeeres, when hee
had beene Priest 43. yeeres. Since the
spoile of that Library, I have seene this
Booke in the custody of my Worship
full friend, Master Walter Cope.
Monuments in this Church of the
dead, Benefactors thereunto, be these:
Elizabeth, wife to Adam Hone, Gen
Iane, wife to Iohn Cooke.
Iohn Woodhouse, Esquire.
Robert Palmar, Gentleman.
Idona, wife to Iohn Walden, lying by
her husband on the North side, late
new builded, 1424.
Sir Thomas Malifant, or Nanfant, Ba
ron of Winnow, Lord Saint-George, in
Glamorgan, and Lord Ockeneton and Pile,
in the County of Pembroke, 1438.
Dame Margaret his wife, daughter to
Thomas Astley, Esquire, with Edmond
and Henry his children.
William Markeby, Gentleman, 1438.
Richard Shepley, and Alice his wife.
Thomas Savill, Sergeant at Armes.
Edward Beastby, Gentleman, and
Margaret his wife.
Robert Warnar, and Alice, Lady
Robert Caldset, Iohan and Agnes his
Sir Robert Danvars, and Dame Agnes
his wife, daughter to Sir Richard Dela
William Brookes, Esquire.
Iohn Shirley, Esquire, and Margaret
his wife, having their Pictures of
Brasse, in the habit of Pilgrims, on a
faire flat Stone, with an Epitaph thus:
Behold, how ended is
our poore Pilgrimage,
Of Iohn Shirley, Esquire,
with Margaret his wife,
That twelve children had
together in marriage,
Eight sonnes, and foure
daughters, withouten strife,
That in honour, nurture,
and labour, flowed in fame:
His pen reporteth
his lives Occupation,
Since Pier his life time,
Iohn Shirley by name,
Of his degree, that
was in Brutes Albion;
That in the yeere of Grace
deceased from hen,
Foureteene hundred Winters,
and sixe and fifty;
In the yeere of his age,
fourescore and ten,
Of October moneth,
the day one and twenty.
This Gentleman, a great Traveller
in divers Countries, amongst other his
Labours, painfully collected the Works
of Geffrey Chawcer, Iohn Lidgate, and o
ther learned VVriters; which Workes
he wrote in sundry Volumes, to remain
for posterity: I have seene them, and
partly doe professe them.
Iane, Lady Clinton, gave ten pounds
to the poore of this House, and was
there buried, 1458.
Agnes, daughter to Sir VVilliam
Iohn Rogerbrooke, Esquire.
Thomas Burgan, Gentleman.
Elizabeth, wife to Henry Skinard,
daughter to Chincroft, Esquire.
William Mackley, Gentleman, and
Alice his wife.
William Fitzwater, Gentleman, 1466.
Here Robert Balthorp lies intomb’d,
A comely Monumēt in the South wal of the Chancell.
to Elizabeth our Queene,
Who Sergeant of the Chirurgeons sworne,
neere thirty yeeres hath beene.
He died at sixty nine of yeeres,
December ninth the day,
The yeere of Grace eight hundred twice,
deducting nine away.2
Let here his rotten bones repose,
till Angels Trumpet sound,
To warne the world of present change,
and raise the dead from ground.
Vivit post funera Virtus.
Thomas Bodleius,
A Monu
ment in the North wall of the Chancell.
Eques Auratus, fecit
Annæ Conjugi piissimæ, atque om
nibus exemplis bene de se meritæ,
cum qua dulciter vixit Annos 24.
Iohn vir honoratus
jacet his Nedham tumulatus,
A faire plated stone by the Com
munion table.
Qui prudens, gratus,
justus fuit & moderatus.
Fratribus ille suis
fuerat præ quatuor Annis
Quem mors crudelis
29.q; Decembris
M. C. quater Domini
septem simul X. numerandi,
Cujus spiritui
sint Cœli gardia regni.
The foureteenth yeere
of our Lord seventy,3
Vnder the Commu
nion table
to God Almighty,
The 15. day of Iuly,
Master of this place:
Iesus for his mercy
receive him into grace.
Hic jacet Dominus Ioannes Byry,
By the same table
dam Magister istius Hospitall. Qui
obiit 28. die Septemb. An. Domini,
. Cujus, &c.
Ecce sub hoc Tumulo
Gulielmus conditur Honus,
An anciēt Tombe in the North wall, be
neath the Quire.
Vir justus, verbis
integer, atque Deum
Corde timens. Qui cum

Guilda sit functus in Aula,
Cumque palam in Templo
bis legerat Anglica jura,
Cunctorum sanè
non sine laude virum,
Mors hominem accersens
supremum (dixit) adito.
Sic moritur, corpus terræ,
vermique relinquens,
Scandit at excelsis
sidera mente poli.
Hoc posuit Conjunx
dilecta Iocosa Sepulchrum,
Dicta Iocosa licet
plena dolore tamen.
Sub praesenti marmore requiescunt cor
pora Walter Ingham Generosi,
At the en
tring into the Quire in the middle Ile
Aelianorae consortis suae. Qui qui
dem Walterus ingressus est viam
universae carnis 7. die Mensis Martii,
Anno Domini 1464. Et praedicta
Aelianora, uxor sua terrenae mortis
degustavit pecula 15. die Septemb.
An. Dom. 1466
. Quorum, &c.
Hic vir pacificus
Shipley Richardus humatur,
A faire Stone ly
ing close by the o
Verus Catholicus domus
haec hoc testificatur.
Esurientes ac sitientes
namque fovebat,
Pace fruentes, justa
petentes corde gerebat.
C. quater & Mille,
X. & M. V. cadit ille
Luce Maii deca ter
que monas fit humus sibi mater,
Coniux postque sua
finivit Alicia flamen,
Quos manus tua salvet
precor O Deus. Amen.
Hic vir Catholicus bonus
ecce Richardus humatur
Sturgeon pacificus,
A faire plated stone close by the Pil
grim and his Wife.
mors rapuisse probatur.
Armi ger hic Regis fuit,
& vir Nobilitatis,
Mandatum legis servans,
celsis probitatis.
Annis trigenis fit
Clericus ipse Coronæ
Et quivis plenè hunc
cape Christe bone.
Mille, quater centum
semel L. sex tempore Christi.
Dat fundamentum
quindena Martius isti,
Vxor eius quem bona
iungitur ecce Ioanna,
Vt capiant dona
Cœlorum Iesus Hosanna.
Here lyeth now dead,
At the foot of the same Stone.
which late was quick,
The comely Corps
Who died in
Child-bed, of her first,
Vpon the fifth
day of August:
Whose soule (doubtlesse)
is long ere this,
In Heaven with Christ,
in joy and blisse;
But yet, for order
of Charity,
Vpon her soule say,
Jesu have mercy.
Anno Domini, 1556.
Hic jacet Dominus Richardus Lye,
A faire plated Stone in the South Ile.
dam Abbas Salopiae, qui sua industria,
sumptibus magnis & suis laboribus (Deo
suadente) recuperavit libertates suae Ec
clesiae Salopiae praedict. & postea obiit
die Martii, tempore Parliamenti, Anno
Domini 1512. Cuius, &c.
This Hospitall was valued at the sup
pression, in the yeere 1539. the 31. of
Henry the eighth
, to five and thirty
pounds, sixe shillings, seven pence,
yeerly. The Church remaineth a Pa
rish Church to the Tenents dwelling
in the Precinct of the Hospitall: But in
the yeere 1546. on the thirteenth of
, the Bishop of Rochester, prea
ching at Pauls Crosse, declared the gift
of the said King to the Citizens, for re
lieving of the Poore, which contained
the Church of the Gray Friers, the
Church of Saint Bartholomew, with the
Hospitall,4 the Messuages, and appur
tenances in Gilt Spurre, alias Knight Ri
ders street
, Briton street, Peter Kay, in the
Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen, in Old
Fish street
, and in the Parish of St. Benet
, Lymehurst, or Limehost, in the
Parish of Stebunbeth, &c.
Then also were Orders devised for

reliefe of the Poore: the inhabitants
were all called to their Parish Chur
ches; where, by Sir Richard Dobbes,
then Maior, their severall Aldermen,
or other grave Citizens, they were by
eloquent Orations perswaded, how
great and how many commodities
would ensue unto them and their City,
if the poore of divers sorts, which they
named, were taken from out their
Streets, Lanes, and Allies, and were
bestowed and provided for in Hospi
tals abroad, &c. Therefore was every
man moved, liberally to grant (what
they would impart) towards the prepa
ring and furnishing of such Hospitals,
and also, what they would contribute
weekly towards their maintenance for a
time, which (they said) should not bee
past one yeere, or twaine, untill they
were better furnished of Endowment.
To make short, every man granted li
berally, according to his ability: Books
were drawne of the Reliefe in every
VVard of the City, towards the new
Hospitals, and were delivered by the
Maior to the Kings Commissioners, on
the ſeventeenth of February; and order
was taken therein, so as the ſixe and
twentieth of Iuly, in the yeere 1552
the repairing of the Gray Friers house,
for poore fatherlesse children, was ta
ken in hand; and also, in the later end
of the same moneth, began the repai
ring of this Hospitall of Saint Bartholo
, and was of new endowed, and fur
nished at the charges of the Citizens.
On the East side of this Hospitall ly
eth Ducke lane, which runneth out of
Smithfield South, to the North end of
Little Britaine street.
On the East side of this Ducke lane,
and also of Smithfield, lieth the late dis
solved Priory of St. Bartholomew, foun
ded also by Rahere, a pleasant witted
Gentleman; and therefore in his time
called the Kings Minstrell, about the
yeere of Christ, 1102. He founded it
in a part of the oft before named Moo
rish ground, which was therefore a
common Lay-stall of all filth, that was
to be voided out of the City. He placed
Canons there; himselfe became their
first Prior, & so continued till his dying
day, and was there buried in a faire Mo
nument, of late renewed by Prior Bolton.
Amongst other memorable matters
touching this Priory, one is of an Arch
bishops Visitation, which Matthew
hath thus:
Boniface (saith hee) Archbishop of
shop of Canturbury visiteth S. Bartholo
ory with stripes.
in his Visitation came to this
Priory; where, being received with Proces
sion in the most solemne wise, he said, That
hee passed not upon the honour, but came to
visit them; to whom the Canons answered,
That they having a learned Bishop, ought
not, in contempt of him, to be visited by any
other: which answer so much offended the
Archbishop, that hee forthwith fell on the
Sub-Prior, and smote him on the face, say
Words of the Arch
bishop to the Prior and Ca
Indeed, indeed, doth it became you
English Traytors so to asswer mee? Thus
raging, with oathes not to bee recited, hee
rent in peeces the rich Cope of the Sub-Pri
ors Cope rent and trodden under foot, and himselfe almost slaine.
and trode it under his feete, and thrust
him against a Pillar of the Chancell with
such violence, that hee had almost killed
him. But the Canons seeing their Sub-Prior
thus almost slaine, came and plucked
off the Archbishop with such force, that
they overthrew him backwards; whereby
they might see,
The Arch
bishop ar
med, and ouer
that he was armed, and pre
pared to fight. The Archbishops men seeing
their Master downe, being all strangers, and
their Masters Countrimen borne at Pro
The Ca
nons bea
ten and trod un
der foot.
fell upon the Canons, beat them,
tare them, and trode them under foot. At
length, the Canons getting away as well as
they could, ran bloudy, miry, rent and torne
to the Bishop of London to complaine, who
bade them goe to the King at Westmin
, and tell him thereof: whereupon foure
of them went thither,
The Ca
nons com
plained but could not bee heard.
the rest were not able,
they were so sore hurt. But when they came
to Westminster, the King would neither
heare nor see them; so they returned with
out redresse.
The whole City is an uproare a
gainst the Archbi
In the meane season the City
was in an uproare, and ready to have rung
the common Bell, and to have hewed the
Archbishop into small peeces, who was se
cretly crept to Lambhith, where they
sought him, and not knowing him by sight,
said to themselves; where is this Ruffian,
that cruell smiter? Hee is no winner of
soules, but an exactor of money, whom nei
ther God, nor any lawfull or free election
did bring to this promotion: but the King
did unlawfully intrude him, being unlear
ned, a stranger borne, and having a wife,
&c. But the Archbishop conveighed him
selfe over, and went to the King with a great

complaint against the Canons, whereas him
selfe was guilty. This Priory of Saint
was againe new builded in
the yeere 1410
Bolton was the last Prior of this house,
Bolton last Prior of Saint Bar
a great buil
der there.

a great builder there: for hee repaired
the Priory Church, with the Parish
Church adjoyning, the offices and
lodgings to the said Priory belonging
and neere adjoyning:
he builded of new
the Mannor of Canonbury at Islington,
which belonged to the Canons of this
house, and is situate in a low ground,
somewhat North from the Parish
Church there. But he builded no house
at Harrow on the hill, as Edward Hall
hath written, following a fable then on
The people (saith hee) being feared by
Prognostications, which declared that in
the yeere of Christ, 1524. there should bee
such Eclipses in watry signes, and such con
junctions, that by waters and flouds many
people should perish: people victualled
themselues, and went to high grounds for
feare of drowning, and especially one Bol
, which was Prior of Saint Bartholo
in Smithfield, builded him an house
upon Harrow on the hill, onely for feare of
this floud: thither he went and made provi
sion of all things necessary within him, for
the space of two moneths, &c.
But this was not so indeed, as I have
been credibly informed: true it is, that
this Bolton was also Parson of Harrow,
and therefore bestowed some small re
parations on the Parsonage house, and
builded nothing there more than a
Dovehouse, to serve him when hee had
forgone his Priory.
To this Priory King Henry the se
granted the priviledge of a Faire
to bee kept yeerly at Bartholomewtide,
mew Faire.
for three daies, to wit, the Eve, the
The For
rainers were li
censed for 3. daies, the free men so long as they would, which was sixe or seven daies.
and the next morrow, to the
which the Clothiers of England, and
Drapers of London repaired, and had
their Boothes and standings within the
Church-yard of this Priory, closed in
with VVals and Gates locked every
night, and watched for safety of mens
goods and wares; a Court of Piepow
was daily during the Faire holden,
for debts and contracts. But notwith
standing all Proclamations of the
Prince, and also the Act of Parliament,
in place of Booths within this Church
yard (only letten out in the Faire time,
and closed up all the yeere after) bee
many large houses builded, and the
North VVall towards Long lane, taken
downe, a number of Tenements are
there erected, for such as will give great
Monuments of the dead in this Prio
ry, these are, of Rahere, the first founder.
Roger VValden, Bishop of London,
Iohn Warton, Gentleman, and Eliza
his wife, daughter to William Scot,
Iohn Louth, Gentleman.
Robert Shikeld, Gentleman.
Sir Bacon, Knight.
Iohn Ludlow, and Alice his wife.
W. Thirlewall, Esquire.
Richard Lancaster, Herald at Armes.
William Essex, Esquire.
Richard Vancke, Baron of the Exche
quer, and Margaret his wife, daughter
to William de la River.
Iohn Duram, Esquire, and Elizabeth
his wife.
Alice, wife to Balstred, daughter to
William Scarlet, Esquire.
Hugh Walter, Gentleman, and the
late Sir Walter Mildmay, Knight, Chan
cellor of the Exchequer.
Vana salus hominis.
Memor esto,
A comely Monumēt in the East end of the Chancell.
quoniam mors non tardat,
& testamentum inferorum, quia de
monstratum est tibi: testamentum e
nim hujus mundi morte morieris.
Omnia suo proveniunt tempore at{que}
transeunt. Ante mortem, ne lau
des hominem quenquam, quoniam
in filiis suis agnoscitur vir.
Percinalus Smalpace, Armiger, obiit

secundo die Februarii, Anno Dom.
1568. R. Elizabetha regnante: Cu
jus quidem corpus juxta hunc Tumu
lum humatum existit. Agnes uxor
ejus, & filia Ioannis Tebowld, Armi
geri, obiit 3. die Septemb. An. Dom.
1588. R. Elizabetha regnante.
Liberi inter eos Michael & Thomas,
adhuc viventes, qui in religiosa
memoria optimorum parentum, hoc
monumentum posuerunt.
Behold your selves by us,
such once were we as you,
And you in time shall be
even sust as we are now.
Mors nobis lucrum.
Hic jacet Gualterus Mildmay,
A very faire Tombe in the Chancell.
miles, &
Maria uxor ejus. Ipse obiit ultimo
die Maii, 1589. Ipsa 16. die Martii
1576. Reliquerunt duos filios, & tres
filias. Fundavit Collegium Emanu
elis Cantabridgiae, moritur Cancella
rius & Sub-thesaurarius Scaccarii, &
Regiae Majestati à Consiliis.
This Priory, at the late surrender, the
30. of Henry the eighth, was valued at
653. l. 15. s. by the yeere.
This Church having in the Bell-Tower
sixe bels in a tune, those bels
were sold to the Parish of Saint Sepul
, and then the Church being pulled
downe to the Quire, the Quire was by
the Kings order annexed, for the enlar
ging of the old Parish Church thereto
adjoyning, and so was used till the
reigne of Queene Mary, who gave the
remnant of the Priory Church to the
Friers preachers, or Blacke Friers, and
was used as their Coventuall Church,
untill the first of our Soveraigne Lady
Queene Elizabeth
: then those Friers
were put out, and all the said Church,
with the old parish Church, was whol
ly as it stood, in the last yeere of Ed
the sixth
, given by Parliament, to
remaine for ever a parish Church to the
Inhabitants within the Close, called
great Saint Bartholomewes. Since the
which time, the old parish Church is
pulled downe, except the Steeple of
rotten Timber, ready to fall of it selfe.
I have oft heard it reported, that a new
Steeple should bee builded with the
Stone, Lead and Timber of the old pa
rish Church, but no such thing was
performed. The parish have lately re
paired the old woodden Steeple, to
serve their turne. On the North side
of this Priory, is the Lane truly called
Long,5 which reacheth from Smithfield
to Aldersgate street. This Lane is now
lately builded on both the sides with
Tenements for Brokers, Tiplers, and
such like: the rest of Smithfield from
Long lane end to the Barres, is inclosed
with Innes, Brew-houses, and large Te
nements; on the VVest side is Chicken
, downe to Cowbridge. Then be the
pens or folds, so called of sheepe there
parted, and penned up to be sold on the
Market dayes.
Then is Smithfield Pond,
Smithfield Pond sometime a poole.
which of
(old time) in Records was called Horse-
, for that men watered Horses
there, and was a great water. In the
sixth of Henry the fifth, a new building
was made in the VVest part of Smith
, betwixt the said Poole and the Ri
ver of the Wels, or Turnemill-brooke, in a
place then called the Elmes,
The Elms in Smith
a place wherein trespassers were exe
for that
there grew many Elme trees, and this
had been the place of execution for Of
fenders: since the which time, the buil
ding there hath been so increased, that
now remaineth not one tree growing.
Amongst these new buildings is Cow
bridge street
, or Cow lane; which turneth
toward Oldbourne, in which Lane the
Prior of Semperingham had his Inne, or
London lodging.6
The rest of that West side of Smith
hath divers faire Innes, and other
comely buildings, up to Hosier lane,
which also turneth downe to Oldbourne,
till it meet with Cowbridge street. From
this Lane to Cocke lane, over-against
And thus much for incroachments
and inclosure of this Smithfield, where
by remaineth but a small portion for
the old uses, to wit, for markets of hor
ses, and cattell, neither for Military ex
Iustings in Smith
as Iustings, Turnings, and great
Triumphs, which have beene there
performed before the Princes and No
bility, both of this Realme and sorraine
For example to note: In the yeere

1357. the 31. of Edward the third,
and royall Iusts were then holden in
Smithfield, there being present the
Kings of England, France, and Scotland,
with many other Nobles, and great E
states of divers lands.
In the yeere 1362. the 36. of Edward
the 3
. on the first five daies of May, in
Smithfield were Iusts holden, the King
and Queene being present, with the
most part of the Chivalry of England,
and of France, and of other Nations, to
the which came Spaniards, Cyprians, and
Armenians, Knightly requesting ayde of
the King of England, against the Pagans
that invaded their confines.
The 48. of Edw. the third, Dame Alice
Alice Per
rode from the Tower to Smithfield, as Lady of the Sun.
or Pierce (the kings Concubine)
as Lady of the Sunne, rode from the
Tower of London, through Cheape, ac
companied of many Lords and Ladies,
every Lady leading a Lord by his horse
bridle, till they came into West Smith
, and then began a great Just, which
endured seven daies after.
Also the 9. of Richard the 2. was the
like great riding from the Tower to
Westminster, and every Lord led a Ladies
horse bridle, and on the morrow began
the Iusts in Smithfield, which lasted two
dayes: there bare them well, Henry of
, the Duke of Lancasters7 sonne, the
Lord Beaumont, Sir Simon Burley, and
Sir Paris Countney.
In the 14. of Richard the second, after
Froisard, royall Iusts and Turnements
were proclaimed to bee done in Smith
, to begin on Sunday next after the
feast of Saint Michael; many strangers
came forth of other countries: namely,
Valarian, Earle of S. Paul, that had mar
ried king Richards sister, the Lady Maud
, and William the young Earle
of O starvant, son to Albret of Baviere,
Earle of Holland and Henault.
At the day appointed, there issued
forth of the Tower, about the third
houre of the day 60. Coursers, appar
relled for the Iusts, and upon every one
an Esquire of honour riding a soft pace:
then came forth 60. Ladies of honour
mounted upon Palfraies, riding on the
one side richly apparrelled, and every
Lady led a Knight with a chain of gold,
those Knights being on the Kings party,
had their armour & apparell garnished
with white Harts, and crownes of gold
about the Harts neckes, and so they
came riding through the streets of Lon
to Smithfield, with a great number
of Trumpets, and other instruments of
Musicke before them. The King and
Queene, who were lodged in the Bi
shops Palace
of London, were come from
thence, with many great Estates, and
placed in chambers to see the Iusts: the
Ladies that led the knights, were taken
downe from their Palfraies, and went
up to chambers prepared for them.
Then alighted the Esquires of Honour
from their Coursers, and the knights in
good order mounted upon them; and
after their Helmets were set on their
heads, and being ready in all points,
Proclamation made by the Heralds, the
Iusts began, and many commendable
courses were runne, to the great plea
sure of the beholders: this Iusts conti
nued many dayes with great feasting,
as ye may reade in Froisard.
In the yeere 1393. the 17. of Richard
the 2
. certaine Lords of Scotland came
into England to get worship, by force of
Armes, the Earle of Marre challenged
the Earle of Notingham, to Iust with
him, and so they rode together certaine
courses, but not the full challenge, for
the Earle of Marre was cast both horse
and man, and two of his ribbes broken
with the fall, so that he was conveighed
out of Smithfield, and so towards Scot
, but dyed by the way at Yorke.
Sir Wil. Darell, knight, the Kings Ban
ner-bearer of Scotland, challenged Sir
Percy Courtney, knight, the Kings Ban
ner-bearer of England, and when they
had runne certaine courses, gave over
without conclusion of victory. Then
Cookborne, Esquire of Scotland, challen
ged Sir Nicholas Hawberke, knight, and
rode five courses, but Cookborne was
borne over horse and man, &c.
In the yeere 1409. the tenth of Henry
the fourth
, a great Play was played at
Skinners Well, which lasted eight dayes,
where were to see the same, the most
part of the Nobles and Gentles in Eng
: and forthwith began a royall Ju
sting in Smithfield, between the Earle of
Somerset, and the Seneshall of Henalt, Sir
Io. Cornwall, Sir Richard Arundell, and
the sonne of Sir Iohn Cheyney, against

certaine French men. And the same
yeere a battell was fought in Smithfield,
between two Esquires, the one called
Glaucester Appellant, and the other Ar
thure Defendant
, they fought valiantly,
but the King tooke up the quarrell into
his hands, and pardoned them both.
In the yeere 1430. the eighth of Hen
the sixth
, the fourteenth of Ianuary, a
battell was done in Smithfield, within
the Lists, before the King, between two
men of Feversham in Kent, Iohn Vpton,
Notary, Appellant, and Iohn Downe,
Gentleman, Defendant: Iohn Vpton put
upon Iohn Downe, that he and his Com
piers should imagine the Kings death
upon the day of his Coronation. When
these had fought long, the King took up
the matter, & forgave both the parties.
In the yeere 1442. the 20. of Henry
the sixth
, the 30. of Ianuary, a Chal
lenge was done in Smithfield, within the
Lists, before the King, there being Sir
Philip la Beaufe, of Aragon, Knight, the
other an Esquire of the Kings house,
called Iohn Ansley, or Anstley; they came
to the field all armed, the Knight with
his sword drawne, and the Esquire with
his Speare, which Speare hee cast a
gainst the Knight, but the Knight avoi
ded it with his sword, and cast it to the
ground. Then the Esquire tooke his
Axe, and smote many blowes on the
Knight, and made him let fall his Axe,
and brake up his Vmber three times, &
would have smit him on the face with
his dagger, for to have slaine him; but
then the King cried hold, and so they
were parted: the King made Iohn An
Knight, and the Knight of Aragon
offered his Harnesse at Windsor.
In the yeer 1446. the 24. of Hen. the 6.
Iohn David appeached his Master Willi
am Cater
of treason:
Iohn David a false ac
cuser of his ma
ster: of him was raised the by-word, If ye serve me so, I will call you Davy.
and a day being as
signed them to fight in Smithfield, the
Master being well beloved, was so che
rished by his friends, and plied with
wine, that being therewith overcome,
was also unluckily slaine by his servant.
But that false servant (for he falsly accu
sed his Master) lived not long unpuni
shed; for he was after hanged at Teyborn
for felony.
Let all such false accusers note this for
example, and looke for no better end,
without speedy repentance.
The same yeere, Thomas Fiiz-Thomas,
Prior of Kilmaine, appeached Sir Iames
, Earle of Ormond, of treasons:
which had a day assigned them to fight
in Smithfield, the Lists were made, and
the field prepared: but when it came
to the point, the King commanded
they should not fight, and tooke the
quarrell into his hands.
In the yeere 1467. the seventh of Ed
the fourth
, the Bastard of Burgoigne
challenged the Lord Scales, brother to
the Queene, to fight with him, both on
horse-back and on foot: the King there
fore caused Lists to bee prepared in
Smithfield, the length of 120. Taylors
yards, and ten foote, and in breadth 80.
yards, and 20. foot, double barred, five
foot betweene the barres, the timber
worke whereof cost 200. Marks, besides
the faire and costly Galleries prepared
for the Ladies and other: at the which
Martiall enterprise, the King and No
bility were present. The first day they
ranne together with Speares, and de
parted with equall honour.
The next day they turneyed on horse
backe, the Lord Scales horse having on
his Chafron a long speare pike of steele,
and as the two Champions coaped to
gether, the same horse thrust his pike
into the nostrils of the Bastards horse, so
that for very paine, he mounted so high
that he fell on the one side with his Ma
ster, and the Lord Scales rode about him
with his sword drawne, till the King
commanded the Marshall to helpe up
the Bastard, who said; I cannot hold
by the clouds; for though my horse faile
me, I will not faile an incounter compa
nion: but the King would not suffer
them to doe any more that day.
The next morrow they came into the
Lists on foot, with two Pole-Axes, and
fought valiantly, but at the last the point
of the Pole-Axe of the Lord Scales en
tred into the side of the Bastards Helm;
and by force might have placed him on
his knees: But the King cast downe his
warder, and the Marshall severed them.
The Bastard required that hee might
performe his enterprise: but the King
gave Judgement, as the Bastard relin
guished his challenge, &c. And this
may suffice for Iusts in Smithfield.
But yet we may not part with Smith

Smithfield being con
tinually subject to extremity of weather by an ho
nourable motion made, it was paved all over in An. 1614.
for, as it hath beene a place for
such honourable Iusts and Triumphs,
by reason it was a soft ground, and un
paved: so was it a Market place for
Cattell, Hay, Straw, and other neces
sary provisions, and likewise (once in
the yeere) at Bartholomewtide a generall
Faire, commonly called Bartholomew
, hath usually beene kept in that
place. But in regard that it was conti
nually subject to the iniquity of wea
ther, and being a place of such goodly
extendure, deserved to be much better
respected; it pleased the Kings Majesty,
with the advice of his honourable Lords
of the Councell, to wtite graciously to
the Lord Maior and the Aldermen his
Brethren, that Smithfield might be suf
ficiently paved, which would bee the
onely meanes, whereby to have it kept
in far cleaner condition. And as no mo
tion (to any good end and intent) can
be made to the City, but they as gladly
embrace and willingly pursue it: even
so this honourable motion found as ac
ceptable entertainment, and it was very
speedily proceeded withall. Some vo
luntary contribution in the severall Pa
rishes (what each man willingly would
give) was bestowed on the worke; but
(indeed) hardly deserving any report.
Notwithstanding, on the fourth day of
February, in An. 1614
. the City began
the intended labour, and before Bartho
then next ensuing, to the cre
dit and honour of the City for ever,
Bartholo-Faire kept in much better manner, than ever formerly it hath beene.
was fully finished, and Bartholomew
Faire there kept, without breaking any
of the paved ground, but the Boothes
discreetly ordered, to stand fast upon
the pavement. The Citizens charge
thereof (as I have been credibly told
by Master Arthur Strangwaies) amoun
ting well neere to sixteene hundred
Now to returne through Gilt-spurre
by Newgate, where I first began,
there standeth the faire parish Church,
called S. Sepulchers in the Bayly, or by
Chamberlaine gate, in a faire Church-yard,
though not so large as of old time;
for the same is letten out for buildings,
and a Garden plot.
This Church was newly re-edified or
builded, about the reigne, of Henry the
, or of Edward the fourth, one of
the Pophames was a great builder there:
Io. Leyland.

namely, of one faire Chappell on the
South side of the Quire, as appeareth
by his Armes, and other Monuments in
the Glasse windowes thereof, and also
the faire Porch of the same Church to
wards the South:
Pophames builders of St. Sepul
his Image faire gra
ven in stone, was fixed over the said
Porch, but defaced and beaten downe,
his titles were these, by offices: Chan
cellour of Normandy, Captaine of Ver
noyle, Pearch, Susan
, and Bayon, and Trea
surer of the Kings Houshold; hee dyed
rich, leaving great treasure of strange
coynes, and was buried in the Charter-house
, by West Smithfield.
The first Nobilitating of these Pop
, was by Matilda the Empresse,
daughter to Henry the first, and by Hen
her son: one Popham, a Gentleman of
very faire lands in Southampton shire, dy
ed without issue Male, about Henry the
, and leaving foure daughters, they
were married to Fostar, Barentine, Wod
, and Hamden. Popham Deane (di
stant three miles from Clarendon, and
three miles from Mortisham) was some
time the chiefe Lordship or Mannour
house of those Pophames.
Here-under lieth buried the body of the
vertuous Lady,
A faire plated stone in the Chan
the Lady Elenor Sent
, wife to Sir Anthony Sentleger,
Knight, Master of the Rolles of the
Chancery of the Realme of Ireland, and
one of her Majesties Privie Councell of
the same Realme; the daughter of Ri
chard Markham
of Seggebrooke, in
the County of Lincolne, Esquire, decea
sed; who died the ſecond day of Februa
ry, 1598
. being of the age of 52. yeeres,
and Moneths odde.
Here lieth Dame Elizabeth Langton,
A faire stone close by the o

late wife of Sir Thomas Langton,
Knight, Baron of Newton, in the Coun
tie of Lancaster: one of the daughters of
Sir Edward Stanley, Knight, Lord
Mounteagle, which deceased the 17.
day of Iune, An. Dom. 1533
Here lieth buried the body of Richard

Snelling of West Greensted in the
County of Sussex,
A faire plated stone in the same Chancell.
Esquire, who died the
25. day of Auguſt, An. Dom. 1611. He
married Margery May, the eldest
daughter of George May, in the County
aforesaid, Esquire: By whom hee had is
sue 2. sons and 3. daughters; which said
Margery was living in An. 1612. and
caused this Monument to bee laid, desi
ring to be interred here-under.
Elionora præhonorabilis viri, Iohannis
A very faire pla
ted stone in the Chancell.
Equitis Aurati, Ducatus
Lancastriae Cancellarii, à sanctiori
bus Regiæ Majestatis Conciliis, filia
Edvardi Hubbard Armig. defuncti,
aliquando Conjux perquam dilecta,
sub hoc Marmore jacet sepulta. Vixit
annos 36. piè, justè, sobriè, quoad De
um, mundum, seipsam, gestos in fide,
pace, spe Christi, conscientiæ, gloriæ.
Obiit 10. die Mensis Iulii, An. Regni
Regis Jacobi, Angliae, &c. 3. Anno
Domini 1605.
Qualis vita, finis ita.
Here-under lyes the
wonder of her kinde,
A faire stone by the Com
munion Table, richly done with Armes.
The Quintessence
of Nature and of Grace,
Wit, Beauty, Bounty,
and (in Noble race
The rarest Iewell)
a right humble minde;
Here lyes her body,
but her soule refin’d
Above th’ Empyreall,
hath imperiall place,
In blisse so boundlesse,
as no words embrace,
Nor Art can feigne,
nor mortall heart can find.
Her fame remaines a
Monument of honour,
Built by her vertue
gilt with purest gold,
With Lilly-flowers and
Roses strewed upon her,
Her Epitaph
Vrania thus enrol’d:
Milde childe, chaste mayden,
and religious wife:
The Even crownes the day,
Ioane Essex death her life.
Piè obiit die Martis Martii 15. Ann.
aetat. suæ 26. Salutis nostræ, 1607.
A Dorcas milde,
Vnder the Commu
nion Table, a faire plated stone.
a Mary full of grace,
A Virgin chaste,
and of rare education,
Entombed lyeth here
underneath this place.
Whose life and name
deserved commendation.
But in the blooming
Month of pleasant May,
Vntimely Death hath
stolne her life away.
Yet spight of Death,
her vertue still remaineth;
And in the heaven
a better life she gaineth:
Vpon whose Tombe
I consecrate this Verse,
In stead of flowers.
to decke her Funerall Hearse.
Nemo ante obitum fœlix.
In Ioannem Brewster Armigerum,
in obitum D. Elizabethae Deane,
uxoris ejus. Obiit 24. die
Octob. 1609.
MAde generous by birth
and kept that fount,
A very faire Mo
nument in the Chancell.
From times pollution,
striving still to rise,
Above the earth, high
in the worlds account
For outward and
in-bred courtesies.
Her actions, almes, her life,
faith, hope, and love,
A sussering spirit,
rendring right for wrong:
Her heart a Spheare, where
all good thoughts did move,
Whose influence was
dispersed by the tongne.
Religion was her Compasse,
Truth her Starre,
In sundry Seas
of worlds prosperity.
Wealth her bad angell,
flesh and bloud her warre,
Yet wisedome made
this discord Harmony.
Then Marble keepe
to all posterity
Her lives deare memory,
upon whose urne

And to her obsequies
(O, obsequiously)
In loves sweet Odours
hearts shall ever burne.
And let each Christian
heart joyne with my pen,
T’ imbalme her vertues
in the hearts of men.
Thou bed of rest,
reserve for him a roome,
Who lives a man divorc’t
from his deare wife:
And as they were one heart,
so this one Tombe
May hold them neere
in death, as linckt in life.
Shee’s gone before,
and after comes her head;
To sleepe with her
among the blessed dead.
Here is buried the body of Henry Cotton,
A Monu
ment on a Pillar in the body of the Church.

Gentleman, eldest son of Thomas Cot
, of Connington, in the County of
Huntingdon, Esquire, by Dorothy
, his second wife. Hee living
honestly, died the 11. day of Iune, 1614.
And made his Elcecutors, Sir Edward
, Knight of the Bath, married
to Frances his second sister, and Willi
am Mulsho
, Esquire, married to Re
his third sister; who in requitall
of his kindnesse to them, erected this re
membrance for him.
Barckly sublatus, jacet hic
sub marmore stratus,
A Grave
stone at the North Ile en
tring into the Quire
Qui pueros docuit multos
veluti bene sciunt.
Quem rapuit Dominus,
sed vivit spiritus ejus,
Inter seculas quo’ obierunt
qui bene formas
Annis millenis
quingentenis simul octo,
Quod Domini migrat
qui non cursum sibi pigrat.
Mense Decembre fero
de quo non plus majus edo
Binas uxores habuit
senas quoque proles.
Quarum tres nati,
natæ tres atque fuere,
Quos nece truncavit
Christus quicunque creavit.
Next to this Church is a faire and
large Inne for receit of Travellers, and
hath to signe the Sarasens head.
There lyeth a streete from Newgate
West, to the end of Turne-againe lane,
and winding North to Oldbourne Con
. This Conduit by Oldbourne Crosse
was first builded 1498. Thomasin, wi
dow to Iohn Percival, Maior, gave to
the second making thereof 20. Markes,
Richard Shore ten pounds, Thomas Knes
, and others also did give towards
But of late, a new Conduit was there
builded in place of the old, namely, in
the yeere 1577. by William Lambe, some
time a Gentleman of the Chappell to
King Henry the eighth, and afterward a
Citizen and Clothworker of London,
the water thereof he caused to bee con
veighed in Lead, from divers Springs
to one head, and from thence to the said
Conduit, and waste of one Cocke at
Oldbourne bridge, more than 2000. yards
in length, all which was by him perfor
med at his owne charges, amounting to
the summe of 1500. l.
From the West side of this Conduit
is the high way, there called Snor hill,
stretching out by Oldbourne bridge over
the oft named water of Turnmill Brook,
and so up to Oldbourne hill, all repleni
shed with faire building.
Without Oldbourne bridge, on the
right hand, is Gold lane, as is before
shewed: up higher on the hill be certain
Innes, & other faire buildings, amongst
the which (of old time) was a Messuage
called Scroopes Inne; for so I finde the
same recorded in the 37. of Henry the 6.
This house was sometime letten out
to Sergeants at the Law, as appeareth,
and was found by Inquisition taken in
the Guild-hall of London, before William
, Maior, and Escheator for King
Henry the seventh, in the 14. of his
reigne, after the death of Iohn Lord
Scroope, that he dyed deceased in his de
mesne of fee, by the feoffement of Guy
, Knight, one of the Kings Iusti
ces, made in the 9. of the same King, un
to an Esquire, the said Io. Scroop, Knight,
Lord Scroope of Bolton, and Robert Wing
, of one house or tenement late cal
led Sergeants Inne, situate against the
Church of St. Andrew in Oldbourne in

the City of London, with two Gardens,
and two Messuages to the same Tene
ment belonging in the said City, to hold
in burgage, valued by the yeere in all
reprises 10. s.
Then is the Bishop of Elies Inne, so
called of belonging and pertaining to
the Bishops of Ely. William de Luda,
Bishop of Ely, deceased 1297. and gave
this house, by the name of his Mannour
with the appurtenances in Oldbourne,
to his successors, with condition, that
his next successour should pay a thou
sand Markes towards the finding of
three Chaplains in the Chappell there.
More, Iohn Hotham, Bishop of Ely,
did give by the name of sixe Messuages,
two Cellars, and forty Acres of land in
the Suburbs of London, in the Parish of
Saint Andrew in Oldbourne
, to the Prior
and Covent of Ely, as appeareth by Pa
tent the ninth of Edward the third: this
man was Bishop of Ely 20. yeeres, and
deceased 1336.
Thomas Arundell, Bishop of Ely, beau
tifully builded of new his Palace at Ely,
and likewise his Mannours in divers
places, especially this in Oldbourne,
which he did not only repaire, but ra
ther new builded, and augmented it
with a large Port, Gate-house, or Front
towards the street, or high-way: his
Armes are yet to bee discerned in the
stone worke thereof: he sate Bishop of
Ely fourteene yeeres, and was translated
to Yorke.
In this house, for the large and com
modious roomes thereof, divers great
and solemne feasts have bin kept, espe
cially by the Sergeants at the Law,
whereof twaine are to bee noted for po
The first in the yeer 1464. the fourth
of Edward the fourth
Sergeants feast in Ely house.
in Michaelmas
Terme, the Sergeants at Law held their
feast in this house, to the which a
mongst other Estates, Matthew Philip,
Maior of London, with the Aldermen,
Sheriffes, & Commons of divers crafts
being invited, did repaire: but when
the Maior looked to keep the State in
the Hall, as it had been used in all pla
ces within the City and Liberties (out
of the Kings presence) the Lord Gray of
, then Lord Treasurer of England,
unwitting the Sergeants, and against
their wils (as they said) was first placed:
whereupon the Maior, Aldermen, and
Commons departed home, and the
Maior made the Aldermen to dine with
him: howbeit, hee and all the Citizens
were wonderfully displeased, that hee
was so dealt with, and the new Serge
ants and others were right sorry there
fore, and had rather than much good
(as they said) it had not so happened.
One other feast was likewise there
kept, in the yeere 1531. the 23. of King
Henry the eighth
. The Sergeants then
made were in number eleven: namely,
Thomas Audeley, Walter Luke, I. Bawld
, I. Hinde, Christopher Ienny, Iohn
, Edward Mervine, Edmond
, Roger Chomley, Edward Mon
and Robert Yorke.
These also held their feast in this Ely
for five dayes, to wit, Friday the
tenth of November
, Saterday, Sunday,
Munday, and Tueſday. On Munday
(which was their principall day) King
and Queene Katharine dined
there (but in two chambers) and the
forraine Ambassadors in a third cham
K. Henry the 8. and Queene Katharine dined at the Serge
ants feasts.
In the Hall at the high table, sate Sir
Nicholas Lambard, Maior of London, the
Iudges, the Barons of the Exchequer,
with certaine Aldermen of the City:
At the board on the South side sate the
Master of the Rowles, the Master of the
Chancery, and worshipfull Citizens:
On the North side of the Hall certaine
Aldermen began the board, and then
followed Merchants of the City: In the
Cloystry, Chappell and Gallery,
Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen
were placed: In the Hals the Crafts of
London: the Sergeants of Law and
their Wives kept in their owne cham
It were tedious to set downe the pre
paration of fish, flesh, and other victu
als spent in this feast, and would seeme
almost incredible, and (as to mee it see
meth) wanted little of a feast at a Coro
nation: Neverthelesse a little I will
touch, for declaration of the change of
There were brought to the slaughter
house foure and twenty great Beefes, at
26. s. 8. d. the peece from the Shambles,
one carkasse of an Oxe, at 24. s. an hnn

fat Muttons, 2. s. 10. d. the peece,
fifty one great Veales, at 4. s. 8. d. the
peece, thirty foure Porkes, 3. s. 8. d. the
peece, ninety one Pigs, 6 d. the peece,
Capons of Grece of one Poulter (for
they had three) ten dozens, at twenty
pence the peece: Capons of Kent, nine
dozen and sixe, at twelve pence the
peece: Capons course nineteene dozen,
at sixe pence the peece. Cocks of grose,
seven dozen and nine, at eight pence
the peece: Cockes course, fourteen do
zen and eight, at three pence the peece:
Pullets the best, 2. d. ob. other Pullets,
two pence: Pigeons, thirty seven dozen,
at ten pence the dozen: Swans, foure
teene dozen: Larkes, 340. dozen, at
five pence the dozen, &c. Edward Ne
was Seneshall or Steward, Thomas
Controwler, Thomas Wildon
Clerke of the Kitchin.
Lither lane. Furnivals Inne, an Inne of Chancery▪
beyond this Mannour of Ely
, is Lither lane, turning into the
field. Then is Furnivals Inne, now an
Inne of Chancery, but sometime belong
ging to Sir William Furnival, Knight,
and Thomasin his wife, who had in Old
two Messuages, and 13. Shops,
as appeareth by Record of Richard the
in the sixth of his reigne
Then is the Earle of Bathes Inne, now
called, Bathe Place, of late (for the most
part) new builded, and so to the Barres.
Now againe from Newgate, on the
left hand or South side, lyeth the Old
, which runneth down by the wall
upon the ditch of the City, called
Hounds Ditch to Ludgate: I have not
read how this street tooke that name,
but it is like to have risen of some Court
of old time there kept: and I finde, that
in the yeere 1356. the 34. of Edward
the third
, the tenement and ground up
on Hounds Ditch, betweene Ludgate on
the South, and Newgate on the North,
was appointed to Iohn Cambridge, Fish
monger, Chamberlaine of London,
whereby it seemeth, that the Chamber
laines of London have there kept their
Courts, as now they doe in the Guild
, and till this day, the Maior and Ju
stices of this City kept their Sessions in
a part thereof, now called the Sessions
, both for the City of London, and
Shire of Middlesex. Over-against the
which house, on the right hand, turneth
downe Saint Georges lane,
S. Georges lane, and Inne of Chancery there.
towards Fleet
In this St. Georges lane, on the North
side thereof, remaineth yet an old wall
of stone, inclosing a peece of ground up
Seacole lane, wherein (by report) some
time stood an Inne of Chancery: which
house being greatly decayed, and stan
ding remote from other houses of that
profession, the Company removed to a
common Hostery, called of the signe,
our Lady Inne, not farre from Clements
, which they procured from Sir
Iohn Fineox
, Lord chiefe Iustice of the
Kings Bench, and since have held it of
the Owners,
Originall of New Inne.
by the name of the New
, paying therefore sixe pounds rent
by the yeere,
An Inne of Chan
as tenants at their owne
will: for more (as is said) cannot be got
ten of them; and much lesse will they
be put from it.
Beneath this Saint Georges lane, the
Lane called Fleet lane, winding South
by the prison of the Fleet, into Fleetstreet,
by Fleet Bridge.
Lower down into the Old Bayly,
A. stan
dard of Spring water in the Old Beyly.
is at
this present a Standard of Timber, with
a Cocke, or Cockes, delivering faire
Spring water to the inhabitants, and is
the waste of the water, serving the Pri
soners in Ludgate.
Next, out of the high street turneth
downe a Lane, called the Little Bayly,
which runneth down to the East end of
Saint Georges lane.
The next is Sea-coale lane,
Sea-coale lane, or Lime-burners lane, sometime so called.
I thinke,
called Lime burners lane, of burning
Lime there with Sea-coale. For I reade
in Record of such a Lane, to have bin in
the Parish of Saint Sepulchre, and there
yet remaineth in this Lane an Alley,
called Lime-burners Alley.
Neere unto this Sea-coale lane, in the
turning towards Oldbourne Conduit, is
Turne-againe lane, or rather, as in a Re
cord of the fifth of Edward the third,
Wind-againe lane, for that it goeth
downe VVest to Fleet Dike, from
whence, men must turne againe the
same way they came; for there it is
Then the high street turneth downe
Snor hill, to Oldbourne Conduit, and from
thence to Oldbourne Bridge; beyond the
which Bridge, on the left hand, is Shooe
, by the which men passe from Old

to Fleetstreet, by the Conduit
In this Shooe lane, on the left hand, is
one old House, called Oldbourne Hall;
it is now letten out into divers Tene
On the other side, at the very corner,
standeth the Parish Church of St. An
; in the which Church, or neere
thereunto, was sometime kept a Gram
mar Schoole,
Grammar schoole in Oldbourne.
as appeareth in another
place by a Patent, made (as I have
shewed) for the erection of Schooles.
There be Monuments in this Church
of Thomas, Lord Wriothesley, Earle of
Southampton, buried 1550.
Ralph Rokeby, of Lincolnes Inne, E
squire, Master of Saint Katharines, and
one of the Masters of Requests to
Queene Elizabeth, who deceased the
14. of Iune, 1596.
He gave by his Testament to Christs
in London, an hundred pounds.
To the Colledge of the Poore of
Queene Elizabeth, in East Greenwitch,
an hundred pounds.
To the poore Scholars in Cambridge,
an hundred pounds.
To the poore Scholars in Oxford, an
hundred pounds.
To the Prisoners in the two Comp
ters in London, two hundred pounds.
To the prisoners in the Fleet, an hun
dred pounds.
To the prisoners in Ludgate, an hun
dred pounds.
To the prisoners in Newgate, an hun
dred pounds.
To the prisoners in the Kings Bench,
an hundred pounds.
To the prisoners in the Marshalsey, an
hundred pounds.
To the prisoners in the White Lion,
twenty pounds.
To the poore of S. Katharines, twen
ty pounds; and to every Brother and
Sister there, forty shillings.
Wil. Sydnam founded a chauntry there.
There was also of old time (as I have
read in the third of Henry the fifth) an
Hospitall for the poore,
Hospitall in Old
which was a
Cell to the house of Cluny in France, and
was therefore suppressed among the
Priories Aliens.
Here resteth the body of Margery Parkin
, late wife of Iohn Parkinson,
A Monu
ment in the North wall of the Chancell.
of the
City of Chester, Gentleman, the daugh
ter of William Dimmocke, of the
same City, Gentleman, who died in the
faith of Christ on the fourth day of Febru
ary, Anno Domini 1610. She left be
hinde unto her said husband these chil
dren at her death, Gerrard, VVilliam,
Iohn, Edward
, and Katharine Par
; which Gerraid died at Bra
Colledge in Oxford, the 4. day
of Ianuary, Anno Domini 1611.
Iohn Parkinson, her sorrowfull hus
band, caused this Monument to
be here erected, for a memori
all of her vertue, and of their
mutuall love.
Here lieth buried William Tipper,
A faire stone be
fore the doore of the Vestre▪
squire of the body to our Soveraign Lord
King Iames, who departed this world
the first day of September, An. Domini
. being aged 71. yeeres. Hec was
the sonne of Henry Tipper, of London,
Citizen and Grocer, and of Helen his
wife, daughter of Randall Dodd of
Cheshire. This VVilliam Tipper
married Mary, daughter of Io. Clarke,
of London, Goldsmith, and had issue
Robert Tipper.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Michael Lewes,
A small Monumēt in the wal at the east end of the Chancell.
of Collyweston, in the
County of Northampton, Esquire, zea
lous in Gods truth, and vertuous in con
versation, did learnedly reade in the
Common Law of Grayes Inne, Anno
. Aetatis suae 45. whose body lieth
here buried, but his soule is with Christ,
at the right hand of God, expecting the
glorious resurrection of the faithfull.
Vincemus mundi Praelia pace Dei.
Reginaldus Biens, ortu clarus,
A comely small Mo
nument in the wal in the Chancell.
Militari clarior, terris multùm jacta
tus & undis: huic tandem libens, ac
laetus appulit portui. An. Dom. 1611.
Aetatis 49.
En fuit, en non est hic
qui sepelitur in umbris;
En fuit, en non est
umbra, cadaver, homo.
Vixit sua tempora nosque se

Faringdon Ward without.

Monumentum Roberti Coke de Mille
ham in Comitatu Norfolciae Armig.
A faire Monumēt in the same wall.

Illustrissimi Hospitii Lincolniensis
quondam Socii Primarii.
Qui ex Winefrida uxore sua, Guli
mi Knightly filia, hos suscepit li
Edwardum Coke, filium, Majestatis
Regiae Attornatum Generalem.
Winefridam, Miloni Mingay, Generos.
Dorotheam, Gulielmo Francklyn, Ge
Elizabetham, Richardo Osborne, Ge
Vrsulam, Georgio Ledys, Generos.
Annam, Francisco Stubbe, Generos.
Margaretam, Roberto Barker, Armig.
Ethelredam, Nicholae Bohun, Armig.
Obiit in Hospitio
praedicto 15. die
Novemb. An.
Domini, 1561.
Elizab. 4.
Aetat. suae 48.
Ioannes Corbettus, à Chri. bene mot.
Hic jacet spe novissimae tubae Jo. Corb.
A comely Monumēt in the South wal of the Chancell.

Armig. fil. Milonis Corbetti, Militis,
natus quintus mortuus 2. unus Cleri
corum Serenissimi Iacobi à secretio
ribus Conciliis. Occubuit 9. Decem
bris, 1611.
Si totus parvam
promeretur frater in urnam
Flerem, sed pars est
vilior ista sui
Quam Tumulo clausam,
pars altera vidit Olympo
Redditam, ut invidiam
semodo flere velim.
Elizabethae Ferreriae unicae filiol. Ioan.
A small Monumēt under the other.

Ferrerius Galvidamus Carnutensis,
& Francisca Iuberta, moesti. par. P. P.
Anno M. D. LXX. Octavo Kalend.
Here lie the bodies of Richard Aldworth,
A gilt Plate in the South wall of the Quire.

Gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, who
had issue sixe sonnes and three daugh
ters: which Elizabeth deceased the 24.
day of August, 1603. And the said
Richard, &c.
My Turtle gone,
all joy is gone from me,
Ile mourne awhile,
and after flee:
For Time brings
youthfull Youths to Age,
And Age brings
Death, our Heritage.
They lived married together foure
and forty yeeres.
Their race is runne,
and Heaven is wonne.
Non illo melior quisquam,
nec amantior aequi.
Radulpho Rokeby,
A comely Monumēt in the same wall of the Quire.
à Marthamla (Op
pido Richmondiensis agri) oriundo,
Lincolniensis Hospitii Socio Prima
rio. Xenodochii diuae Catharinae
prope Arcem Londinensem Magi
tro; Augustissimaeque Anglorum
Reginae Elizabethae à libellis suppli
cibus, non minus domi ac foris, quam
pace bellóque de Principe, ac patria
benè merito. Caelibi septuagenario,
fatisquea demum 14. Iunii. Anno
post natum Messiam, 1596. feliciter
functo: Heredes in Testamento
scripti piae grataeque memoriae gra
tia posuerunt.
Here lyeth the body of Henry Topham,
Two faire Grave
stones in South Ile of the Quire.

Esquire, one of the Readers of Grayes
: who dyed the first day of May,
An. Dom. 1612.
Hic jacet corpus Saintmontis Welles,
Generos. de Grayes Inne, qui coelebs
obiit 18. Februarii, 1612.
Here lyeth the body of Thomas Thorney,
A comely Monumēt in the South Ile of the Church in the wall.

late Citizen and Barber-Chirurgion of
London, who dyed the 4. of Iune, 1614.
and lived 71. yeeres, being twice Ma
ster of his Company, and one of the Com
mon Councell of this City: who gave to
the poore of this Parish of St. Andrew,
10. pounds to be distributed on the day
of his funerall, and ten pounds a yeere
afterward to ten poore Pentioners of this
Parish for ever. And twenty shillings
to the poore people of Acton for ever;
who dyed without issue of his body, and
made Peter Thorney, Citizen and Bar
ber-Chirurgion of London (his bro
thers sonne) his heire and sole Executor:
who kneeleth with him in this module,
being finished and set up in the month of

Faringdon Ward without.

December, An. Dom. 1614. and at the
onely cost and charges of the said Peter
, in memory of so worthy a mem
ber, who lived in good credit, name and
fame all the dayes of his life, and did many
good offices, and memorable acts in this
George Harison Gentleman,
A comely Monumēt in the North wall of the Quire.
lyeth here,
and Elizabeth his wife,
Which in this Parish many a yeere
did live a gracious life:
And he at her departure gave
to the poore of Parishes twaine,
Saint Giles in the Field, and this,
Annuity to remaine,
For six and forty yeeres to come,
to give the poorest soules,
One yeere six and twenty Gownes,
and two good loads of Coales.
Next yeere as many shirts and smocks,
and as many Coales agen,
Till six and forty yeeres run out,
to women and to men.
To Prisoners and to many more
great gifts she gave beside,
And in the faith of Iesus Christ,
they both assured dy’d.
Quid superbis terra & cinis?
Huc oculos, Lector,
versa, de corpore caeso
I am cineres praeter
quod superest, nihil est.
Crede mihi de quo
laetaris corpore, digent,
Iam cineres praeter
quod superest, nihil est.
Georgio Egeock, de Salford prioris in
agro varvicensi,
A comely Monu
ment on a pillar in the Quire
Armigero, viro om
ni virtutum genere instructo: inte
gerrimae fidei cum erga Deum tum
erga homines, illaesae probitatis, illi
bati nominis, de Patria, Conjuge,
amiciss. omnibus optimè merito.
Dorothea (origine S. Iohn) relicta
moestissimi officii & desiderii, con
jugalis triste argumentum, adju
mentum memoriae, Monumentum
posteris & nonnullum moeroris ac
viduitatis lenamentum posuit.
Obdormivit in Domino fideliter ac
feliciter An. Salutis hum. 1601.
Eliz. Reg. 43. Aetatis suae circa
40. nexus Conjug. 11. Mens.
Martii 19. die Veneris, 1606.
Here rest the bodies of Francis Ienner,
sometime of little Walsingham in the
County of Norfolke,
A Grave at the Chancell doore.
Esquire, and some
time Fellow of Grayes Inne, and Mar
his wife (daughter to William
of Acris in the County of Kent,
Esquire) who had issue one onely daugh
ter and Heire, named Frances Ienner,
yet living. The said Margaret deceased
in October, Anno 1603.
From this Church to Saint Andrew
up Oldbourne Hill, be divers faire buil
ded houses, amongst the which, on the
left hand, there standeth three Innes of
Crookehorn Alley, Thavies Inne.
whereof the first, adioyning
unto Crookehorne Alley, is called Thavies
, and standeth opposite to Ely
Then is Fewter lane,
Fewters lane.
which stretcheth
South into Fleetstreet, by the East end
of Saint Dunstanes Church, and is so
called of Fewters (or idle people) lying
there, as in a way leading to Gardens;
but the same is now oflater yeeres on
both sides builded thorow with many
faire houses.
Beyond this Fewters lane is Barnards
Barnards Inne.
alias Mackworths Inne, which is of
the Chancery, belonging to the Deane
and Chapter of Lincolne,
Pat. Hen. 3. 32. 1.
as saith the Re
cord of Hen. the 6. the 32. of his reigne,
and was founded by Inquisition in the
Guild-hall of London, before I. Norman,
Maior, the Kings Exchetre. The Iury
said, that it was not hurtfull for the
King to licence Thomas Atkins, Citizen
of London, and one of the Executors of
Iohn Mackworth, Deane of Lincolne, to
give one Messuage in Oldbourne in Lon
, with the appurtenances, called
Mackworths Inne (but now commonly
knowne by the name of Barnards Inne)
to the Deane and Chapter of Lincolne,
to finde one sufficient Chaplaine, to ce
lebrate divine Service in the Chappell
of S. George, in the Cathedrall Church
of Lincolne, where the body of the said
Iohn is buried, to have and to hold the
said messuage to the said Deane and
Chapter, and to their successors for e
ver, in part of satisfaction of twenty
pound Lands and Rents, which Edward

Faringdon Ward without.

the third licenced the said Deane and
Chapter to purchase to their owne use,
either of their owne fee, or tenure, or of
any other, so the Lands were not holden
of the King in Capite.
Then is Staple Inne also,
Staple Inne.
of Chancery
but whereof so named, I am ignorant;
the same of late is (for a great part ther
of) faire builded, and not a little aug
mented: And then at the Barres endeth
this Ward without Newgate.
Without Ludgate, on the right hand
or North side, from the said Gate, lyeth
the Old Bayly, as I said: Then the high
street, called Ludgate Hill, downe to
Fleet lane;
Ludgate hill.
in which lane standeth the
Fleet, a Prison-house, so called of the
Fleet or Water running by it, and some
time flowing about it, but now vaulted
I read,
The Fleet, or Gaole, in the reigne of Richard the first.
that Richard the first, in the
first yeere of his reigne, confirmed to
Osbere (brother to William Longshampe,
Chancelor of England, and elect of Ely)
and to his heires for ever, the custody
of his House, or Palace at Westminster,
with the keeping of his Gaole of the
Fleet at London. Also King Iohn by his
Patent dated the third of his reigne,
gave to the Arch-deacon of Welles, the
custody of the said Kings House at West
, and of his Gaole of the Fleet, to
gether with the VVardship of the
daughter and heire of Ro. Leveland, &c.
Then is Fleet bridge, pitched over the
said Water, whereof I have spoken in
another place.
Then also,
Conduit in Fleet
against the South end of
Shoo lane, standeth a faire Water-Con
duit; whereof William Eastfield, some
time Maior, was Founder: For the
Maior and Communalty of London be
ing possessed of a Conduit Head, with
divers Springs of water gathered there
into, in the Parish of Padington, and the
water conveyed from thence by Pipes
of Lead towards London unto Teyborne,
where it had layne by the space of sixe
yeeres, and more; the Executors of Sir
William Eastfield obtained licence of the
Maior and Communalty, for them, in
the yeere 1453. with the goods of Sir
William, to convey the said waters, first,
in Pipes of Lead, into a Pipe begun to
be laid besides the great Conduit Head
at Maribone, which stretcheth from
thence unto a Separall, late before made
against the Chappell of Rounsevall, by
Charing Crosse, and no further; and then
from thence to convey the said water
into the City, and there to make Receit
or Receits for the same, unto the Com
mon-weale of the Communalty, to wit,
the poore to drinke, the rich to dresse
their meats: which water was by them
brought thus into Fleetstreet, to a Stan
dard, which they had made and finished
The inhabitants of Fleetstreet, in the
yeere 1478. obtained licence of the Ma
ior, Aldermen, and Communalty, to
make (at their owne charges) two Ce
Conduit at Fleet bridge.
the one to bee set at the said
Standard, the other at Fleet bridge, for
the receit of the waste water. This Ce
sterne at the Standard they builded, and
on the same, a faire Tower of Stone,
garnished with Images of Saint Christo
on the top, and Angels round a
bout, lower downe, with sweet soun
ding Bells before them, whereupon, by
an Engine placed in the Tower, they
divers houres of the day and night, chy
med such an Hymne as was appointed.
This Conduit, or Standard, was a
gaine new builded, with a larger Ce
sterne, at the charges of the Citie, in the
yeere 1582.
From this Conduit,
Parish Church of S. Dunstane.
up to Fewters
, and further, is the Parish Church
of Saint Dunstane, called in the West,
(for difference from St. Dunstan in the
East) where lyeth buried T. Duke, Skin
ner, in Saint Katharines Chappell, by
him builded, 1421. Nicholas Coningston,
Iohn Knape
, and other, founded Chan
tries there. Ralph Bane, Bishop of Co
and Lichfield, 1559. and other,
lye there buried.
O bone Protector animae,
A faire plated stone un
der the Commu
nion Ta
miserere Iohannis
Hor sepoole, qui Rector
Auerham fuit ejus in annis.
Cancellariae fuerat
vivendo Magister,
Sis sibi fons veniae
cujus fuit ipse Magister.
Morte die decimo nono
Iunii ruit anno,
M. C. quater nono
sociato bis sibi deno.

Faringdon Ward without.
Hic jacet Richardus Nordon,
Another faire stone close by the other.
Civis &
Scissor, ac quondam Vicecomes
Londini, & Ioanna uxor ejus: Qui
quidem Richardus obiit 23. die
Martii, Anno Domini 1460. Ac e
tiam dicta Ioanna obiit 21. die No
vembris, Anno 1459.
Hic jacet Gulielmus Chapman, nuper
Civis & Scissor,
Another faire stone lying by it
ac Vicecomes Ci
vitatis London, & Alicia uxor ejus.
Qui Guliel. pro uno Capellano hic
perpetuò celebraturo, ac pro uno
Cereo coram venerabili Sacramen
to ad summum Altare hujus Eccle
siae continuè ardente, neonon pro¦suo
Anniversario in perpetuum fien
do feliciter ordinavit. Et idem Gu
liel. obiit primo die Mensis Iulii,
An. Dom. 1446.
Hic jacet Rogerus Horton,
A faire stone, hard by.
quondam u
nus Justiciariorum de Banco Domi
ni Regis. Qui obiit ultimo die A
prilis, An. 1423. Cujus, &c.
Iesu animae famuli tui Laurentii Bartlot
nuper Registrarii Episcop.
A faire stone by the Com
munion Table.
Qui obiit die Octobris, Anno
1470. Dona requiem, &c.
Quisquis ades vultumque vides,
sta, perlege, plora,
Iudicii memor esto mei,
tua nam venit hora.
Sum quod eris, fueramque
quod es, tua posteriora
Commemorans, miseris miserans,
pro me precor ora.
Here Edward Cordell,
A comely Monumēt at entring into the Vestry.
Squire, lyes;
who when hee life possest,
Had place among the learn’d and wife,
and credit with the best.
Abigail Heningham, his wife,
this Monument prepared,
For love to him, who in his life,
to love her well declared.
God hath his soule, this Earth his Earth,
her heart his love shall keepes;
The ods ’twixt you and him, is breath;
which gone, all flesh thus sleepes.
In obitum Thomae Valentis, Lincolni
ensis Hospitii Socii. Qui obiit 23. die
Decemb. Anno 1601. Aetatis 78.
Hoc Tumulo Thomae
requiescunt ossa Valentis,
A small Monumēt in the east end of the Chancell, North.
Et parvum corpus
parvula terra tegit:
Sed mens, quae melior pars est,
expresque Sepulchri,
Infima despiciens
sidera celsa colit.
Here-under lyeth the body of Thomas
A faire Monumẽt in the South wall of the Chancell, at the east end.
Esquire, Clerke of the Crowne,
and one of the sixe Clerkes of the High
court of Chancery, Controller of the
Hamper, Clerke of the Forrest of Wal
, and High Steward to the late
Queene Elizabeth, of all her Mannors
within the County of Essex. Hee had
by his wife Iane Tate (descended
from the Line of honourable Ancestors)
five sonnes and one daughter; who like
wise is here with him buried. Both li
ved in the feare of God, and dyed in his
favour: Shee, in the 57. yeere of her
age, the 24. day of November, 1577.
And hee, in the 88. yeere of his age, the
26. day of Iune, Anno 1601.
Stephen Powle, Esquire, their onely
surviving sonne, and successor to
his father in the Office of one of
the sixe Clerks of the Chancery;
in dutifull pietie, consecrated to
lasting memory this holy Monu
Corpus foetidum
carcer, Mors libertas,
Vita mare procellosum,
Sepulchrum perortus,
Mundus vaga peregrinatio,
Coelum Patria.
Disce ergo mori,
dedisce vivere.
In God is onely
my Trust:
God is
my Defender.
A Brazen Plate on a Pillar in the Chan
My friend, whoso this place of mine
thou be that shalt behold,
With petience pawse, and heare a friend
his minde to thee unfold,
Seeke not with heapes of worldly toyes
to furnish thy delight;
Nor let him fancy high degree,
that hopes to live aright.
If thou have wealth supply their want

Faringdon Ward without.

that languish and decay,
And linger not thy good intent,
untill the later day.
If poverty oppresse thy minde,
let patience be thy guide;
Let rigour faile to false thy faith,
what hap so thee betide:
For, as from death no way there is,
whereby thee to defend;
So, happy may no creature be,
before his finall end.
Wherefore, of God his mercy crave,
who hath of mercy store,
And unto him commend my soule:
(my friend) I crave no more.
Here before,
An anciēt Marble Tombe in the South Ile of the Quire.
lieth buried in the Vault, Ro
bert Witchcotte
, of Lyons Inne, Gen
tleman, the sonne of Thomas Witch
, Esquire, who deceased the 9. day of
August, in An. Dom. 1557.
Here lieth the body of Sir Roger Cholme
Another like Tombe close ad
Knight for the body to King Henry
the eighth: which Sir Roger deceased
the 28. day of April, An. Dom. 1538.
Ranulphus Cholmeley clara
hîc cum conjuge dormit.
Another Tombe by it, in the wall.
Binaque Connubii
corpora juncta fide,
Haec brevis urna tenet
veros disjungere amantes
Nec potuit mortis
vis truculenta nimis.
Justitia in signis
nulli pietate secundus,
Ranulphus clara
stirpe creatus erat.
Non deerant Artes
Generoso pectore dignae,
Doctus & Anglorum
Iure peritus erat.
Ille Recordator Londini
huic extitit urbis,
Et miseris semper
mite levamen erat.
Hujus acerba viri
Londinum funera deflet,
Dicens, justitiae
vive perennis honor.
Obiit 25. die Aprilis,
An. 1563.
Mors mihi lucrum.
Neere to this place lieth buried the body of
Elizab. North,
A faire Monumēt in the east end of the North Quire.
wife to Roger North,
Esquire, and one of the daughters and
coheires of Sir Iohn Gilbert, Knight,
of great Finborow, in Suffolke. Shee
had issue, two sonnes and one daughter,
Henry North, Dudley North, and
Mary North. On the 29. of Novem
ber in Anno 1612. (she being about the
age of 22. yeers) ended this life: Leaving
behind her many of the gravest, that may
justly imitate her vertues and godly
course of life.
Anno Domini 1556.
Hic jacet humatus Williel.
An anciēt Monumēt in the South end of the Quire.
Miles, Serviens inclitissimae Princi
pis H. 8. ad Legem, & illo tempore
unus Iustic. suorum ad placitum co
ram ipso Rege tenend. ac postea
temp. illustriss. Principum, Phil. &
Mariae Regis & Reginae Angliae Ca
pitalis iusticiarius hujus Regni An
gliae, eoque officio summa aequitate
ita perfunctus erat, ut in Deum in
primis sanctus & pius, in Patriam ac
Principem fidus & morigerus, in om
nes denique semper aequabil. fuit &
perseveravit. Ab hac autem luce in
coelestem Praetorum coetum 5. die Fe
bruarii, Anno Regni praefat. Regis
& Reginae 3. & 4. emigravit.
Here lieth Thomas Browke,
A small ancient Monumēt in the east end of the South Quire.
Citizen and
Merchant-Taylor of Lond. and somtime
Master of his Company, and Alice his
wife: which Thomas deceased the first
day of November, An. Dom. 1546. And
the said Alice deceased, &c.
Gerardi Legh, Generosi, & clari viri inte
rioris Templi Socii Tumulus. Civis &
Hospes Interloquutores.
C. Hospes fiste pedem,
A comely Monumēt in the East end of the North Quire.
Tumulum nec temne, Gerardus
Legh jacet hac humili
contumulatus humo.
H. Vnde genus duxit?
C. Generoso è sanguine natum,
Antiquae stirpis
en Monumenta docent.
Nec Generosus erat vir
sola ex parre caduca,
Sed virtute magis,
mens Generosa fuit.

Faringdon Ward without.
Religio summa splendebat
mentis in arce,
Et sedes Verae
pectus amicitiae.
Ingenio ac raro morum
candore refulcit,
Mens violare fidem
credidit esse nefas.
H. Quod studium vivo placuit?
C. Scrutare solebat
Vivens clarorum
magna Trophaea virûm.
Abdita naturae &
rerum cognoscere vires
Occultas, vivo
maxima cura fuit.
H. Talibus imbutum studiis
reor esse beatum,
Sed lethi causam
tu mihi quaeso refer?
C. Vrbe ista passim dum
faevit lucida pestis,
Occldit heu relo
pestis acuta tuo.
H. O durum fatum! sed
sculptum cur stat in urna
Numen Amicitiae
Civis amice refer?
C. Numen Amicitiae quo magni
haec machina Mundi
Constat, divina
quae fabricata manu,
Hujus acerba viri
deplorat funera, dicens,
Vives, O verae
cultor Amicitiae,
Donec summa dies
nostros dissolverit artus,
Corruat & summa
mundus ab arce poli.
H. Mercurius nitidis
cur star caducifer alis
Hic ? luget magnus
funera & ista Deus.
C. Nuncius ille Deúm plangens
sua pectora palma,
Incusans Parcas
talia verba refert:
Crudeles Parcae
nostrum rapuistis Alumnum,
Artibus ornatum,
muneribusque meis
In terris, cujus docti
Monumenta laboris
Extant, & nullo
sunt peritura die.
Obiit An. 1563.
Octob. 13.
Ardum vitis non
deserit ulmum.
The memoriall of William Crowche,
A small Table.
tizen and Mercer of London, and one
of the Common Councell of this City;
Monumēt on a pal
lar in the North Ile of the Quire.

who gave by his VVill ten shillings a
yeere for a Sermon on his Funerall day,
and forty shillings yeerly for a Dinner
to be made on that day, for the Common
Councell, the Church-wardens, and
twelve free-men of this Parish, at the
election of his Executors. And he al
so gave ten pounds a yeere for ever to be
distributed yeerly among sixe and thirty
poore people of honest life, dwelling in this
Parish. Hee was buried neere to this
place the sixteenth day of April, Anno
Domini 1606
Loe, thus he dyed, for
vaine and fraile is flesh;
Yet lives his sould (by faith)
in endlesse blisse,
By faith in Christ; whose
grace was so enlarged,
That by his blond, mans
sinne he hath discharged.
Here lieth George Harington, of Salby,
On the same Pil
who died the ninth day of Octo
ber, 1556.
Here lieth Laurence Dalton,
On the same Pil
Esquire, late
Norroy, King of Armes; who deceased
on Saturday the thirteenth of December,
1561. And Dorothy his wife, daugh
ter to Richard Breame, late of Lon
, Esquire.
Henry Leigh,
On the same Pil
sometime Citizen and Dra
per of London, a man borne of a good
Family, whose life and conversation was
pleasing to God and man, departed out of
this life the ninth day of April, Anno
Dom. 1568
. And lieth buried in the
Church-yard by his two wives, Isabel
and Elizabeth, both very vertuous, good
to their neighbours, and therefore right
heartily beloved.

Faringdon Ward without.

Here lieth buried Colborne,
On the same Pil
Esquire, late
Yorke, Herald of Armes: who deceased
on Saturday, the thirteenth of Septem
ber, 1567. and was buried on Munday,
the 15. of the same moneth.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Hic jacet Cutbertus Fethestone,
A comely Monumēt in the wall of the South Ile.
neros. nuper Optiarius & Proclama
tor Dom. Regis, in Curia ipsius Re
gis coram ipso Rege ubicunque fue
rat in Anglia.
Functus est hoc munere, Ann. 35.
Obiit 10. Decembris, 1615.
Aetatis 78.
Quem saepe transcit casus, aliquando invent.
Next beyond this Church is Clif
fords Inne
Cliffords Inne.
sometimes belonging to Ro
bert Clifford
, by gift of Edward the se
cond, in these words:
The King granteth to Robert Clifford
that messuage, with the appurtenances next
the Church of S. Dunstane in the West, in
the Suburbs of London, which messuage was
sometime Malculines de Herley, and
came to the hands of Edw. the 1. by reason
of certaine debts, which the said Malculine
was bound at the time of his death to our
said Father, from the time that he was Es
cheator on this side Trent: which house,
Iohn, Earle of Richmond, did hold at our
pleasure, and is now in our possession, Patent
the third of Edward the second.
After the death of this Robert Clif
ford, Isabel
his wife let the same Messu
age to Students of the Law, as by the
Record following may appeare:
Isabel, quae fuit uxor Roberti Clifford,
Messuagium unipartium, quod Robertus
Clifford habuit in Parochia S. Dunstani,
West. in Suburbio Londini, &c. tenuit, &
illud dimisit post mortem dict. Roberti Ap
prenticiis de Banco, pro 10. l. Annuatim,
&c. Anno 18. Edvardi tertii, inquisitis
post mortem Roberti Clifford.
This house hath since fallen into the
Kings hands, as I have heard, but retur
ned againe to the Cliffords, and is now
letten to the said Students for foure
pounds by the yeere.
Somewhat beyond this Cliffords
is the South end of New street (or
Chancelar lane) on the right hand,
New street. or Chance
lar lane.

whereof is Sergeants Inne called, in Chan
cery lane
And then next was sometime the
house of the Converted Iewes,
House of Converts.
by K. Henry the third, in place of a Iewes
house to him forfeited, in the yeere
1233. and the 17. of his reigne, who
builded there for them a faire Church,
now used, and called the Chappell, for
the custody of Rolles and Records of
Chancery. It standeth not far from the old
, but in the mid-way between the
Old Temple and the New: in the which
house, all such Iewes and Infidels as
were converted to the Christian Faith,
were ordained and appointed (under an
honest rule of life) sufficient mainte
nance; whereby it came to passe, that in
short time there were gathered a great
number of Converts, which were bap
tized, instructed in the Doctrine of
Christ, and there lived under a learned
Christian, appointed to governe them.
Since the which time, to wit, in the
yeere 1290. all the Iewes in England
were banished out of the Realme, wher
by the number of Converts in this place
was decayed: and therefore in the yeere
1377. this House was annexed by Pa
tent to William Burstall, Clerke, Custos
, or Keeper of the Rolles of
the Chancery, by Edward the third, in
the fifty one yeere of his reigne; and
this first Master of the Rolles was sworn
in Westminster Hall, at the Table of
Marble stone: since the which time,
that House hath been commonly called
the Rolles in Chancery lane. Notwith
standing, such of the Iewes,
Rolles in Chancery lane.
or other
Insidels, as have in this Realme beene
converted to Christianity, and bapti
zed, have beene relieved there: for I
finde in Record, that one William Piers,
a Jew, that became a Christian, was
baptized in the fifth of Richard the se
cond, and had two pence the day al
lowed him, during his life, by the said
On the West side,
Prior of Necton Parke, his Inne or house of the sixe Clerkes.
sometime was an
house pertaining to the Prior of Necton
Parke, a house of Canons in Lincoln
: this was commonly called Here
flete Inne
, and was a Brewhouse, but
now faire builded for the sixe Clerkes
of the Chancery, and standeth over
against the said house, called the Rolles,
and neere unto the Lane which now
entreth Fickets Croft,
Fickets croft Shere lane.
or Fickets field.
Then is Shere lane, opening also into

Faringdon Ward without.
Fickets field, hard by the Barres. On
this North side of Fleetstreet, in the yeer
of Christ, 1595. I observed, that when
the Labourers had broken up the pave
ment from against Chancery lanes end,
up towards Saint Dunstans Church, and
had digged foure foot deep, they found
one other pavement of hard stone, more
sufficient than the first; and therefore
harder to bee broken, under the which
they found in the made ground piles of
Timber, driven very thicke, and almost
close together, the same being as blacke
as pitch or coale, and many of them
rotten as earth, which proveth that the
ground there (as sundry other places of
the City) have been a Marish or full of
On the South side from Ludgate, be
fore the wall of the City, bee faire buil
ded houses to Fleet bridge,
Conduit at Fleet bridge.
on the which
bridge, a Cesterne for receit of Spring
water was made by the men of Fleet-street,
but the water-course is decayed,
and not restored.
Bridewell the Kings house.
is Bride lane, and therein Bride
, of old time the Kings house: for the
Kings of this Realem have beene there
lodged, and till the ninth of Henry the
third, the Courts were kept in the
Kings house wheresoever hee was lodg
ed, as may appeare by ancient Records,
where of I have seene many, and for ex
ample have set forth one in the Chapter
or Towers and Castles.
King Henry the eighth builded there
a stately and beautiful house of new, for
receit of the Emperour Charles the fifth,
who in the yeere of Christ 1522. was
lodged himselfe at the Blacke Friers; but
his Nobles in this new builded Bride
, a Gallery being made out of the
house over the water, and thorow the
wall of the City, into the Emperours
lodging at the Blacke Friers, King Henry
himselfe oftentimes lodged there also,
as namely, in the yeere 1525. a Parlia
ment being then holden in the Blacke
, hee created States of Nobility
there; to wit:
Henry Fitz Roy,
States created at Bridewell.
a child (which he had
by Elizabeth Blunt) to bee Earle of Not
, Duke of Richmond, & of Somer
, Lievtenant Generall from Trent
northward, Warden of the east middle,
and west Marches for anenst Scotland.
Henry Courtney, Earle of Devonshire,
Cousin-German to the king, to be Mar
quesse of Excester.
Henry Brandon, a childe of two yeers
old, son to the Earle of Suffolke, to bee
Earle of Lincolne.
Sir Thomas Manners, Lord Rosse, to
be Earle of Rutland.
Sir Henry Clifford to be Earle of Cum
Sir Robert Ratcliffe to bee Vicount
Sir Thomas Boloine, Treasurer of the
Kings Houshold, to be Vicount Rochford
In the yeere 1528. Cardinall Campeius
was brought to the Kings presence, be
ing then at Bridewell, whither hee had
called all his Nobility, Judges and
Councellers, &c. And there the eighth
of November, in his great Chamber, he
made unto them an Oration touching
his marriage with Queene Katharine, as
ye may reade in Edward Hall.
In the yeere 1529. the same K. Henry
and Queene Katharine were lodged
there, whilest the question of their mar
riage was argued in the Blacke Fri
ers, &c
But now you shall heare how this
house became a house of correction.
In the yeere 1553. the seventh of Ed
the sixth,
Bridewell given to the City of London to be a Worke-house for the poore.
the tenth of April, Sir
George Barne, being Maior of this City,
was sent for to the Court at White Hall,
and there at that time the King gave
unto him, for the Communalty and Ci
tizens to be a Work-house for the poore
and idle persons of the City, his house
of Bridewell, and seven hundred Markes
land, late of the possessions of the house
of the Savoy, and all the Bedding and
other furniture of the said Hospitall of
the Savoy, towards the maintenance of
the said Worke-house of Bridewell, and
the Hospitall of Saint Thomas in South-warke.
This gift King Edward confirmed by
his Charter, dated the 26. of Iune, next
following. And in the yeere 1555. in
the moneth of February, Sir William
, Maior, and the Aldermen, en
tred Bridewell, and tooke possession
thereof, according to the gift of the said
King Edward, the same being confirmed
by Queene Mary.
The Bishop of S. Davids had his Inne

Faringdon Ward without.

over-against the North side of this
The Bi
shop of S. Davids house.
as I have said.
Then is the Parish Church of Saint
Parish Church of S. Bridges, or Bride.
or Bride, of old time a small
thing, which now remaineth to bee the
Quire, but since increased with a large
Body, and side Iles, towards the West,
at the charges of William Venor, Esquire,
Warden of the Fleet, about the yeere
1480. all which he caused to be brought
about in the stone, in the figure of a
Vine, with Grapes and Leaves, &c. The
partition betwixt the old VVorke and
the new, somtime prepared as a Screne,
to be set up in the Hall of the Duke of
Somersets house at Strand, was bought
for eightscore pounds, and set up in the
yeere 1557. One wilfull body began to
spoyle and breake the same, in the yeere
1596. but was (by the high Commissi
oners) forced to make it up againe, and
so it resteth.
Iohn Vlsthorpe, William Evesham, Iohn
Wigan, and other founded Chauntries
Here lieth Edward Trussell,
A comely small Mo
nument in the South wal of the Quire.
Citizen and
Clothworker of London, son of Avery
, of Bilseley, in the County of
Warwicke, Esquire, with Anne his
wife, daughter of Iames Philpot. which
Anne departed this life An. Dō. 1586.
And hee having lived 38. yeeres in this
Parish, departed in the Lord the nine
teenth day of Iune, Anno Dom. 1613.
Aetatis 67.
He left behind three sons by the said
Anne, and one daughter by Eli
, his second wife. Iacobus,
filius natu maximus pietatis
ergo posuit
Here lieth Iames Kinnon,
A faire Monumēt in the same Quire, in the East corner of the wall.
a Gent. of Len
in Monmouthshire, a Citizen, and
Cannoniere, and a Souldier. He dyed a
ged 67. yeeres, over-heating his bloud in
preparing of 40. Chambers, at the enter
tainment of the Prince in the Artillery
Garden; to the which Society he gave 40.
Chambers, and five Markes in mony. To
the poore of this Parish hee gave 10. l. per annum for one and twenty yeers, and
to the poore of Lentilo the like summe,
and five pounds present. He had one wife
and one sonne. Obiit 19. die Decemb.
An. Dom. 1615
It ever was his wish
to dye in Field,
Or else at Sea. Fates
halfe his wish did yeeld.
A Prince and Army
stood about him round:
Yet age (o’re-wearied)
tooke the mortall wound.
Arts Mathematicke
he both lov’d and knew,
In which his skill increast,
as his yeeres grew.
Wales gave him breath,
faire was his birth and name,
And though death stole
his life, he left him fame.
The next is Salisbury Court,
The Bi
shop of Salisbury his house.
a place
so called, for that it belonged to the Bi
shop of Salisbury, and was their Inne
or London house, at such time as they
were summoned to come to the Parlia
ment, or came for other businesse. It
hath of late time been the dwelling,
first of Sir Richard Sackvile, and after of
Sir Thomas Sackvile his sonne, Baron of
Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer, who very
greatly enlarged it with stately buil
Then is Water lane, running downe
by the West side of a house,
Water lane.
called the
Hanging Sword, to the Thames.
Then was the White Friers Church,
White Fri

called Fratres beatae Mariae de monte Car
Iohn Bacon

first founded (saith Iohn Bale, by sir
Kich. Gray, knight, Ancester to the Lord
Gray of Codnor, in the yeere 1241. King
Edward the first gave to the Prior and
Brethren of that house, a plot of ground
in Fleetstreet, whereupon to build their
house, which was since re-edified or
new builded by Hugh Courtney, Earle of
Devonshire, about the yeere 1350. the
24 of Edward the third.
Iohn Lufken, Maior of London, and
the Communalty of the City, granted
a Lane, called Crockers lane, reaching
from Fleetstreet to the Thames,
Crockers lane.
to build
in the VVest end of that Church. Sir
Robert Knoles, Knight, was a great
builder there also, in the reigne of
Richard the second, and of Henry the
fourth: hee deceased at his Man
nour of Scone Thorpe, in Norfolke, in the
yeere 1407. and was brought to London,
and honourably buried by the Lady

Faringdon Ward without.
Constance his wife, in the body of the
said White Friers Church, which he had
newly builded.
Robert Marshall, Bishop of Hereford,
builded the Quire, Presbytery steeple,
and many other parts, and was there
buried about the yeere 1420.
There were buried also in the new
Quire, sir Iohn Mowbray, Earle of Not
tingham, 1398
Sir Edward Courteny.
Sir Hugh Mongomery, and sir Iohn his
Iohn Wolle, son to sir Iohn VVolle.
Thomas Bayholt, Esquire.
Elizabeth, Countesse of Athole.
Dame Iohan, wife to sir Thomas Say
of Alden.
Sir Pence Castle, Baron.
I. Lord Gray, sonne to Reginald, Lord
Gray of VVilton, 1418.
Sir Iohn Ludlow, knight.
Sir Richard Derois, knight.
Richard Gray, knight.
Iohn Ashley, knight.
Robert Bristow, Esquire.
Thomas Perry, Esquire.
Robert Tempest, Esquire.
William Call.
William Neddow.
In the old Quire were buried Dame
Margaret, &c.
Elianor Gristles.
Sir Iohn Browne, knight, and Iohn his
sonne and heire.
Sir Simon de Berford, knight.
Peter VVigus, Esquire.
Robert Matthew. Esquire.
Sir Iohn Skargell, knight.
Sir Iohn Norice, knight.
Sir Geffrey Roose, knight.
Matthew Hadocke, Esquire.
William Clarell, Esquire.
Iohn Aprichard, Esquire.
William Wentworth, Esquire.
Thomas VVicham, Esquire.
Sir Terwit, knight.
Sir Stephen Popham, knight.
Bastard de Scales.
Henry Blunt, Esquire.
Elizabeth Blunt.
Io. Swan, Esquire.
Alice Foster, one of the heires of sir
Stephen Popham.
Sir Robert Brocket, knight.
Iohn Drayton, Esquire.
Iohn, son to Robert Chanlowes, and his
daughter Katharine.
Iohn Salvin, VVilliam Hompton, Iohn
Bampton, Iohn Winter, Edmond Oldhall,
Wil. Appleyard, Thomas Dabby, Esquires.
Sir Hugh Courtney, knight.
Iohn Drury, son to Robert Drury.
Elizabeth Gemersey, Gentle woman.
Sir Thomas Townsend, knight.
Sir Richard Greene, knight.
VVilliam Scot, Esquire.
Thomas Federinghey.
Iohn Fulforde, Esquire.
Edward Eldsmere, Gentleman.
William Hart, Gentleman.
Dame Mary Senclare, daughter to sir
Thomas Talbot, knight.
Ancher, Esquire.
Sir William Moris, knight, and Dame
Christian his wife.
Sir Peter de Mota, knight.
Richard Hewton, Esquire.
Sir Iohn Heron, knight.
Richard Eton, Esquire.
Hugh Stapleton, Gentleman.
William Copley, Gentleman.
Sir Ralph Saintowen, knight.
Sir Hugh Bromeflete, knight.
Lord Vessey, principall Founder of
that order, the 6. of Edw. the fourth, &c.
This house was valued at 26. pounds,
seven shillings, and three pence, and
was surrendred the tenth of November,
the 30. of Henry the eighth.
In place of this Friers Church, bee
now many faire houses builded, lodg
ings for Noblemen and other.
Then is the Sergeants Inne,
Sergeants Inne in Fleet
so called,
for that divers Iudges and Sergeants at
the Law keepe a Commons, and are
lodged there in Terme time.
New Tem
is the New Temple, so called,
because the Templers before the buil
ding of this house, had their Temple
in Oldbourne. This house was founded
by the knights Templers in England, in
the reigne of Henry the second, and
the same was dedicated to God and
our blessed Lady, by Heraclius, Patri
arke of the Church, called the holy
Resurrection in Ierusalem, in the yeere
of Christ, 1185.
These knights Templers tooke their
beginning about the yeere 1118. in
maner following:
Originall of the Templers.
Certaine Noblemen,
horse-men, religiously bent, bound by

Faringdon Ward without.

vow themselves in the hands of the
Patriarke of Ierusalem, to serve Christ
after the manner of Regular Canons, in
chastity and obedience, and to renounce
their owne proper wils for ever: the
first of which order were Hugh Paganus,
and Geffrey de S. Andromare. And wher
as at the first they had no certaine habi
tation, Baldwin, King of Ierusalem, gran
ted unto them a dwelling place in his
Palace by the Temple, and the Cannons
of the same Temple, gave them the
street, thereby to build therein their
houses of office, and the Patriarke, the
King, the Nobles, and the Prelates,
gave unto them certaine revenues out
of their Lordships.
Their first profession was for safegard
of the Pilgrimes,
Profession of the Templers.
comming to visit the
Sepulchre, and to keepe the high waies
against the lying in wait of theeves, &c.
About ten yeeres after, they had a rule
appointed unto them, and a white Ha
bite, by Honorius the second, then Pope;
and whereas they had but nine in num
ber, they began to increase greatly. Af
terward in Pope Eugenius time, they
bare crosse of red cloth on their upper
most garments, to be knowne from o
thers: and in short time, because they
had their first mansion hard by the
Temple of our Lord in Ierusalem, they
were called Knights of the Temple.
Many Noblemen in all parts of Chri
stendome, became Brethren of this or
der, and builded for themselves Tem
ples in every City or great Towne in
England, but this at London was their
chefe house, which they builded after
the forme of the Temple neere to the
Sepulchre of our Lord at Ierusalem.
They had also other Temples in Cam
bridge, Bristow, Canturbury, Dover, War
This Temple in London was of
ten made a Store-house of mens Trea
sure, I meane such as feared the spoyle
there of in other places.
Mathew Paris noteth,
Mat. Paris. Hubert Earle of Kent his Treasure in the new Temple.
that in the
yeere 1232. Hubert de Burgh, Earle of
Kent, being Prisoner in the Tower of
London, the King was enformed that he
had much treasure laid up in this New
, under the custody of the Tem
plers: whereupon hee sent for the Ma
ster of the Temple, and examined him
straightly, who confessed, that money
being delivered unto him and his Bre
thren, to bee kept, hee knew not how
much there was of it: The King de
manded to have the same delivered:
but it was answered, that the money be
ing cōmitted unto their trust, could not
be delivered, without the licence of him
that committed it to Ecclesiasticall pro
tection; whereupon the King sent his
Treasurer and Iusticier of the Exche
quer unto Hubert, to require him to re
signe the mony wholly into his hands:
who answered that hee would gladly
submit himselfe and all his unto the
Kings pleasure, and thereupon desired
the Knights of the Temple (in his be
halfe) to present all the Keyes unto the
King to doe his pleasure with the goods
which hee had committed unto them.
Then the King commanded the money
to bee faithfully told, and laid up in
his Treasure by Inventory, wherein was
found (besides ready money) vessels of
Gold, and Silver unpraiseable, and ma
ny precious Stones, which would make
all men wonder, if they knew the worth
of them.
This Temple was againe dedicated
1240. belike also newly re-edified then.
These Templers at this time were in
so great glory, that they entertained the
Nobility, forraine Ambassadours, and
the Prince himselfe very often,
Mat. Paris.
much that Mathew Paris cryeth out on
them for their pride, who being at the
first so poore, as they had but one horse
to serve two of them, in token whereof
they gave in their Seale, two men ri
ding on one horse;
Seale of the Tem
yet suddenly they
waxed so insolent, that they disdained
other orders, and sorted themselves with
King Edward the first,
30. Dun
in the yeere
1283. taking with him Robert Waleran
and other, came to the Temple, where
calling for the keeper of the Treasure
house, as if he meant to see his Mothers
Iewels, that were laid up there to bee
safely kept, hee entred into the house,
breaking the Coffers of certaine per
sons, that had likewise brought their
mony thither, and he tooke away from
thence to the value of 1000. l.
Many Parliaments and great Coun
cels have been there kept,
Parliament at the new Temple.
as may ap
peare by our Histories.

Faringdon Ward without.

In the yeere 1308. all the Templers in
England, as also in other parts of Chri
stendome, were apprehended and com
mitted to divers prisons.
In 1310. a Provinciall Councell was
holden at London against the Templers
in England, upon heresie, and other Ar
ticles whereof they were accused, but
denyed all except one or two of them:
Notwithstanding, they all did confesse,
that they could not purge themselves
fully, as faultlesse, and so they were con
demned to perpetuall penance, in seve
rall Monasteries, where they behaved
themselves modestly.
The order of Tem
plers con
King of France, procured their
over-throw through-out the whole
world, and caused them to be condem
ned by a generall Councell to his advan
Templers burned.
as he thought, for hee beleeved to
have had all their Lands in France, and
therefore seizing the same in his hands,
(as I have read) caused the Templers,
Rob. Fabian.
the number of 54. or after Fabian, three
score, to be burnt at Paris.
Edward the second, in the yeere 1313.
gave unto Aimer de la Valence Earle of
Patent. The Tem
ple given to Aimer de Valence.
the whole place and houses
called the New Temple at London, with
the ground called Fiquetes Croft, and all
the Tenements and Rents, with the ap
purtenances that belonged to the Tem
in the City of London, and Suburbs
After Aimer de Valence (saith some)
Hugh Spencer (usurping the same) held
it during his life. By whose death it
fell againe to the hands of Edward the
third, but in the meane time, to wit,
1234. by a Councell holden at Vienna,
all the Lands of the Templers (lest the
same should bee put to prophane uses)
were given to the Knights Hospitalers of
the order of Saint Iohn Baptist,
Temple given to the Hospi
talers of Saint Iohn of Ierusa
called S.
Iohn of Ierusalem, which Knights had
put the Turkes out of the Ile of Rhodes,
and after wan upon the said Turke day
ly for a long time.
The said Edward the third therefore
granted the same to the said Knights,
Patent 2▪ E. 3. Clase, 18. E. 3.

who possessed it, and in the eighteenth
yeere of the said Kings reigne, were for
ced to repaire the Bridge of the said
Temple. These Knights had their head
house for England by West Smithfield, and
they, in the reigne of the same Edward
the third, granted (for a certaine rent
of tenne pounds by the yeere) the said
The Tem
ple gran
to the Students of the Law and made an Inne of Court.
with the appurtenances there
unto adjoyning, to the Students of the
Common Lawes of England: in whose
possession the same hath ever sithence
remained, and is now divided into two
houses of severall Students, by the name
of Innes of Court, to wit, the Inner Tem
, and the Middle Temple; who kept
two severall Halls. But they resort all
to the said Temple Church: in the
round Walke whereof (which is the
West part, without the Quire) there
remaine Monuments of Noblemen bu
ments in the Tem
to the number of eleven: eight of
them are Images of Armed Knights;
five lying crosse-legged,
Images of Knights buried crosse-leg
ged, the cause why.
as men vowed
to the Holy Land, against the Infidels
and unbeleeving Iewes; the other three
straight-legged: The rest are coaped
stones, all of gray Marble. The first of
the crosse-legged, was W. Marshall the
elder, Earle of Pembrooke, who dyed
1219. Wil. Marshall, his sonne, Earle
of Pembrooke, was the second; he dyed
1231. And Gilbert Marshall, his brother
Earle of Pembrooke, slaine in a Turna
ment at Hartford, besides Ware, in the
yeere 1241.
After this, Robert Rose, otherwise
called Fursan, being made a Templer in
the yeere 1245. dyed, and was buried
there. And these are all that I can re
member to have read of.
Sir Nicholas Hare, Master of the
Rolles, was buried there, in the yeere
In the yeere 1381. the Rebels of Es
and of Kent destroyed and plucked
downe the Houses and Lodgings of this
Records of the Tem
ple de
tooke out of the Church the
Bookes and Records that were in Hut
ches of the Apprentices of the Law, car
ried them into the streets, and burnt
house of the Tem
ple new builded.
the house they spoyled and burnt
for wrath that they bare Sir Robert Hales
Lord Prior of Saint Iohns in Smithfield.
But it was since againe at divers times
repayred; namely the Gate-house of
the Middle Temple, in the reigne of Hen
the 8. by Sir Amias Paulet, Knight,
upon occasion,
Great Hall of the Temple new buil
as in my Annals I have
shewed. The great Hall of the Middle
was newly builded in the yeere
1572. in the reigne of Queen Elizabeth.

Faringdon Ward without.

This Temple Church had a Master,
Order for Divine Service in the Tem

and foure stipendary Priests, with a
Clerke: These, for the ministration of
divine Service there, have stipends al
lowed unto them, out of the possessions
and Revenues of the late Hospitall and
House of S. Iohns of Ierusalem in Eng
, as it had beene in the reigne of Ed
the sixth.
And thus much for the said New
, the farthest West part of this
Ward, and also of this Citie, for the
Liberties thereof: which Ward hath an
Alderman, and his Deputies three. In
S. Sepulchres Parish, common Councell,
six; Constables, foure; Scavengers, 4.
Wardmote Inquest, twelve. In S. Brid
Parish, common Councellors, 8.
Constables, eight; Scavengers, eight;
Wardmote Inquest, twenty. In S. An
, common Councell, two; Con
stables, two; Scavengers, three, Ward
mote Inquest, twelve. It is taxed to the
Fifteene at 35. pounds, one shilling.


  1. I.e., Snow Hill (JJ)
  2. I.e., December 9, 1591 (ALHS)
  3. I.e., 1470. (ALHS)
  4. I.e., St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. (JZ)
  5. I.e., Long Lane. (ALHS)
  6. I.e., Sempringham Court residence once belonging to the Prior of Sempringham. (ALHS)
  7. I.e., John of Gaunt (ALHS)


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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2021. Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 6.6
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/06/30
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Without</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>


