Excerpts from Sir Thomas More

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Doll. Heere he comes him selfe, tell him so if thou darste.
Caue. ffollowe me no further, I say thou shalt not haue them.
Wil. I bought them in Cheapeside, and paide my monie for them.
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Wil. Indeed my Lord Maior, on the Ambassadours complainte, sent me to Newgate one day, because (against my will) I tooke the wall of a straunger. you may doo any thing, the Goldsmith’s wife, and mine now must be at your cōmaundment.
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Lin. you knowe the Spittle Sermons begin the next weeke, I haue drawne (a This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (KL)bill of our wrongs, and the straungers insolencies.
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Shrew. My Lord, our Catours shall not vse the markett,
for our prouision, but some straunger LOMBARD now:
will take the vittailes from him he hath bought.
A Carpenter, as I was late enformde,
who hauing bought a paire of dooues in Cheape,
immediatly a ffrencheman LOMBARD tooke them from him,
and beat the poore man for resisting him.
And when the fellowe did complaine his wrongs:
he was seuerely punish’de for his labour.
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Mess.1 Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] The Cittie is in an vproare and the Maior,
is threatned if he come out of his house Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (KL)CHOLMLEY. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (KL)we fearde what this would come vnto.
this followes on the doctours publishing
the bill of wrongs in publique at the Spittle.
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Lin. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] This is St. Martins
and yonder dwelles Mewtas a wealthie Piccarde, at the greene gate,
with many more outlandish fugitiues. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Will. Now Lads, how shall we labour in our safetie?
I heare the Maior hath gathered men in Armes
and that Sheriffe Moore an houre agoe receiu’de
some of the priuie Councell in at Ludgate,
fforce now must make our peace or else we fall
twill soone be knowne we are the principall
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Kit. why, I am a Prentise as thou art, seest thou now: Ile play with thee at blunt heere in Cheapeside, and when thou hast doone, if thou beest angrie, Ile fight with thee at This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (KL)sharp in Moore feildes. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Moore. the Captaines of this Insurection
have tane them selves to armes. and cam but now
to both the counters2 wher they have releast

sundrie Indetted prisoners, and from thence
I heere yt they are gonn Into St martins
wher they Intend to offer violence
to the amazed Lombards3 therfore my lord
If we expect the saftie of the Cittie
twere tis time that force or parley doe encownter
wth thes displeased men.
L. maior. how now what newes
Mess. my Lord the rebells have broaken open newegate
from whence they have deliverd manie prisoners
both fellons and notorious murderers
that desperatlie cleave to ther Lawles traine
L Maior. vpp wth the draw bridge gathr som forces
to Cornhill and cheapside. And gentle men.
If dilligence be vsde one every side
A quiet Ebb will follow this rough tide
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Shrew. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] My Lord of Surrie, please you to take horsse,
and ride to Cheape side, where the Aldermen,
are with their seuerall companies in Armes. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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L. Maior. Lincolne and Sherwine, you shall bothe to Newgate,
the rest vnto the Counters.4
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doll no nor I nether so maie mine owne howse be burnd for companye ile tell ye what wele drag the strangers into more feldes & theare bumbaste them till they stinke a gaine
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L. Maior. Maister Shreeue Moore, you haue preseru’de the Cittie,
from a moste daungerous fierce cōmotion.
ffor if this limbe of riot heere in St Martins,
had ioynd with other braunches of the cittie,
that did begin to kindle, twould haue bred,
great rage, that rage, much murder would haue fed.
not Steele but eloquence hath wrought this good,
you haue redeemde vs from much threatned blood.
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Moore. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] I thinke twere best my Lord, some two houres hence,
we meete at the Guilde hall, and there determine,
that thorow euery warde, the watche be clad
in Armour, but especially prouide
that at the Cittie gates, selected men,
substantiall Cittizens doo warde to night,
for feare of further mischeife.
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Croftes. My Lord, his highnesse sends expresse commaunde,
that a record be entred of this riott,

And that the cheefe and capitall offendours
be theron straite arraignde, for him selfe intends
to sit in person on the rest to morrowe
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Mess. Is execution yet performde?
Sheriff. Not yet, the Cartes stand readie at the stayres,
and they shall presently away to Tibourne.
Messe. Stay Mr. Shreeue, it is the Councelles pleasure,
for more example in so bad a case,
a Iibbit be erected in Cheapside,
hard by the Standerd, whether you must bring
Lincolne, and those that were the cheefe with him,
to suffer death, and that immediatly.
Sheriff. It shalbe doone Sir. Officers, be speedie
call for a Iibbit, see it be erected,
others make haste to Newgate, bid them bring,
the prisoners hether, for they heere must dye,
Away I say, and see no time be slackt.
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Off. Thers such a preasse and multitude at Newgate,
they cannot bring the Cartes vnto the stayres
to bring take the prisoners in.
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Doll. Sir, your free bountie much contents my minde,
Commend me to that good Shreeue Mr. Moore,
and tell him had’t not bin for his perswasion,
Iohn Lincolne had not hung heere as he does.
we would first haue lockt vp in Leaden hall,
and there bin burnt to ashes with the roofe.
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Faulk. Tugg me not Ime noe beare. sbloud If all the doggs in paris garden. hung at my tale. Ide shake em of wth this. that Ile
appeere. before noe king Cirstned but my good Lord Chauncelor
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Shre. ther was a fray in paternoster row. and because they would not be pted. the street was choakt vpp wth carts.
fauk. my noble Lord paniar Allies throat was open.
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Moore. no eare to choose for every triviall noice
but mine, and in so full a time. away
you wronge me mr shreve. dispose of him
at yor owne plesure. send the knave to newgate
Fauk. to newgate sbloud Sr Thomas moore. I appeale I appeale? from newgate to any of the two worshippfull counters5
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Moore. vowes are recorded in the court of heaven.
for they are holly acts. yong man I charge thee
and doe advize thee start not from yt vow
and for I will be sure thou shalt not shreve
besids because It is an odious sight
to see a man thus hairie. thou shalt lie
In Newgate till thy vow and thy three years
be full expired. Away wth him
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Moore to newgate then. Sirra great sinns are Brede

in all that Body wher thers a foule head, away wth him.
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Moore. god sent thee Into the world as thou art now wth a short haire. how quickly are three years ronñ out in Newgate
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Moor. Because I see som grace in thee goe free
Discharge him fellowes farewell mr moris
thy head is for thy shoulders now more fitt
thou hast less haire vppon it but more witt
Moris. Did not I tell thee allwaies of thes Locks
Fauk. And the locks were on againe all the goldsmiths in cheapside should not
pick them open. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Faulk. mad now? nayles yf losse of hayre Cannot mad a man—what Can? I am deposde: my Crowne is taken from mee Moore had bin better a Scowrd More ditch, than a notcht mee thus, does hee begin sheepe sharing wth Iack Faulkner?
Morr: nay & you feede this veyne Sr, fare you well.
Falk: why fare well Frost. Ile goe hang my Selfe out for the—poll head, make a Sarcen of Iack?
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Moore. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] why this is cheerfull newes frends goe and Come
Reverend Erasmus whose delitious words
express the very soule and lif of witt
newlie toke sad leave of me wth teares
trubled the sillver channell of the Themes
wth glad of such a burden prowdlie sweld
And one her bosom bore him toward the sea
hees gon to roterdam̃. peace goe wth him Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Incli. we would desire your honor but to stay a little, one of my fellowes is but run to Oagles, for a long beard for young witt, and heele be heere presently.
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clo and many such Rewards wold make vs all ride and horsse vs wth the best nags in smith felde Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Lady. Because to night, I had the straungest dreame,
that ere my sleep was troubled with.
Me thought twas night,
And that the King and Queene went on the Themes,
in Bardges to heare musique: My Lord and I
were in a little boate me thought, Lord, Lord,
what straunge things liue in slumbers? And beeing neere,
we grapled to the Bardge that bare the King.
But after many pleasing voyces spent,
in that still moouing musique house: me thought,
the violence of the streame did seuer vs
quite from the golden fleet, and hurried vs,
vnto the bridge, which with vnused horror,
we entred at full tide, thence some flight shoote,
beeing caried by the waues: our boate stood still
iust opposite the Tower, and there it turnde,
and turnde about, as when a whirle-poole sucks
the circkled waters: me thought that we bothe cryed,

till that we sunck, where arme in arme we dyed.
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Rochest. ffor that, as pleaseth God, in my restrainte
from worldly causes, I shall better see
into my selfe, then at proude libertie.
The Tower and I will priuately conferre,
of things, wherin at freedome, I may erre. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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Sur. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] be well aduisde,
ffor on mine honor Lord, graue doctor ffisher
Bishop of Rochester, at the selfe same instant,
attachte with you, is sent vnto the Tower,
for the like obstinacie, his Maiestie,
hath only sent you prisoner to your house.
But if you now refuse for to subscribe,
a stricter course will followe.
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Moore. See my Lordes,
this partner, and these subiects to my fleshe:
prooue rebelles to my conscience: But my good Lordes
if I refuse, must I vnto the Tower?
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Moore. Oh pardon me,
I will subscribe to goe vnto the Tower,
with all submissiue willingnes, and therto add
my bones to strengthen the foundation
of Iulius Cæsars pallace. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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1. ward. Hoe, make a guarde there.
2. Mr. Lieutenant giues a straite cōmaund,
the people be auoyded from the bridge.
3. ffrom whence is he cōmitted, who can tell?
1. ffrom durham house I heare.
2. The Guarde were waitting there an houre agoe.
3. If he stay long, heele not get neere the wharffe,
ther’s such a croude of Boates vppon the Themes.
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2. woman stand back, you must auoyde this place,
the Lords must passe this way into the Tower.
Gent. Por. Before you enter through the Tower gate,
your vpper garment Sir belongs to me.
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Ro. I thinke before this houre,
More heauie harts nere parted in the Tower.
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1. Ward. Good morrowe Mr. Shreeues of London, Mr. Lieutenant,
willes ye repaire to the limits of the Tower
there to receiue your prisoner.
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Moore. yet God be thanked, heer’s a faire day toward,
to take our iourney in: Mr. Lieutenant,
It were faire walking on the Tower leades.
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Moore. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] Ah Mr. Sheriffe, you and I haue bin of olde acquaintaunce,
you were a pacient Auditor of mine,
when I read the diuinitie lecture at St. Lauraunces.6

2. Sher. Sr. Thomas Moore, I haue heard you oft, as many other did,
to our great comforte.
Moore. Pray God you may so now, with all my hart.
And as I call to minde,
when I studyed the lawe in Lincolnes Inne,
I was of Councell with ye in a cause.
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Moore. One thing more, take heed thou cutst not off my beard: Oh, I forgot, execution past vppon that last night, and the bodie of it lies buried in the Tower. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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MLA citation

Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Excerpts from Sir Thomas More. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/SIRT1.htm.

Chicago citation

Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Excerpts from Sir Thomas More. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021. mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/SIRT1.htm.

APA citation

Munday, A., Chettle, H., Dekker, T., Heywood, T., & Shakespeare, W. 2021. Excerpts from Sir Thomas More. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/editions/6.6/SIRT1.htm.

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A1  - Chettle, Henry
A1  - Dekker, Thomas
A1  - Heywood, Thomas
A1  - Shakespeare, William
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T1  - Excerpts from Sir Thomas More
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MUND1"><surname>Munday</surname>, <forename>Anthony</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#CHET1"><forename>Henry</forename> <surname>Chettle</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#DEKK1"><forename>Thomas</forename> <surname>Dekker</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#HEYW1"><forename>Thomas</forename> <surname>Heywood</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#SHAK1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>Shakespeare</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Excerpts from <title level="m">Sir Thomas More</title></title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/SIRT1.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/SIRT1.htm</ref>.</bibl>


