Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward

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NExt to Cheape Ward, on
the North side thereof,
is Coleman street Ward,
and beginneth also in
the East, on the course
of Walbrooke, in Loth
, and runneth West, (on the South
side) to the end of Ironmongers lane, and
on the North side, to the West corner
of Basings Hall street. On the South side
of Lothbury, is the street called the Old
, the one halfe, and better, on
both sides towards Cheape, is of this
On the North side lyeth Coleman street,
whereof the Ward taketh name, whol
ly on both sides North to London wall,
and from that North end along by the
Wall, and Mooregate, East, to the course
of Walbrooke. And againe, from Coleman
, West, to the Iron grates: and
these be the bounds of this Ward.
Antiquities therein to be noted, are
these: First, the street of Lothbery, Lath
, or Loadbery, (for by all these names
have I read it) tooke the name (as it see
meth) of a Bery, or Court of old time
there kept, but by whom, it is growne
out of memorie. This street is possessed
(for the most part) by Founders, that
cast Candlestickes, Chafingdishes,
Spice Morters, and such like Copper or
Laten works, and doe afterward turne
them with the foot, and not with the
wheele, to make them smooth and
bright, with turning and scratting, (as
some doe terme it) making a lothsome
noise to the by-passers, that have not
beene used to the like; and therefore by
them disdainedly called Lothburie. On
the South side of this street, amongst
the Founders, be some faire houses and
large, for Merchants; namely, one that
of old time was the Iewes SynagogueMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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The Iewes Synagogue.
which was defaced by the Citizens of
London, after that they had slaine 700.
Iewes, and spoiled the residue of their
goods, in the yeere 1262. the 47. of H.
the 3
. And not long after, in the yeere
1291. King Edward the first banished
the remnant of the Iewes out of England,
as is afore shewed.
The said Synagogue being so sup
pressed, certaine Friers got possession
thereof: For in the yeere 1257. (saith
Mathew Paris) there were seene in Lon
a new order of Friers,
Fratres de Saccae, or de poeniten
called De Poe
nitentia Iesu
, or Fratres de Sacca, because
they were apparelled in Sackcloth, who
had their house in London, neere unto
Aldersgate, without the gate, and had li
cence of Henry the third, in the 54. of
his reigne
, to remove from thence to a
ny other place: and in the 56. hee gave
unto them this Iewes SynagogueMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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. After
which time, Eleanor the Queene, wife
to Edward the first, tooke into her pro
tection, and warranted unto the Prior
and brethren De poenitentia Iesu Christi
of London, the said land and building in
Cole-church street, in the parish of Saint
Olave in the Iury
, & S. Margaret in Loth
, by her granted, with consent of
Stephen de Fulborn, Vnder-warden of the
Bridge-house, and other brethren of
that house: for threescore Markes of
Silver, which they had received of the
said Prior and brethren of repentance,
toward the building of the said Bridge.
This order of Friers gathered many good
scholars, and multiplyed in number ex
ceedingly, untill the Councell at Lyons,
by the which it was decreed, that (from
that time forth) there should no more
Orders of begging Friers be permitted,
but onely the foure Orders; to wit, the
Coleman street Ward.
Dominicke or Preachers, the Minorites
or gray Friers
, the Carmelites or white
Friers, and the Augustines: and so from
that time the begging Friers decreased
and fell to nothing.
Now it followed, that in the yeere
1305. Robert Fitzwalter requested and
obtained of the said King Edward the
Ro. Fitz
his house.
that the same Friers of the Sacke,
might assigne to the said Robert their
Chappell or Church, of old time called
the Synagogne of the IewesMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, neere ad
joyning to the then mansion place of
the same Robert, which was in place
where now standeth the Grocers Hall:
and the said Synagogue was at the
North corner of the Old Iewry. Robert
, Mercer, Maior, in the yeere 1439.
kept his Maioraltie in this house, and
dwelled there untill his dying day.
This house standeth and is of two
Parishes, as opening into Lothbury, of
Saint Margarets Parish, and opening
into the Old Iewry, of Saint Olaves Pa
. The said Robert Large gave libe
rally to both these Parishes, but was bu
ried at S. Olaves.
Hugh Clopton, Mercer, Maior, 1492.
dwelled in this house, and kept his Mai
oralty there. It is now a Taverne, and
hath to signe a Wind-mill.
And thus much for this house, some
time the Iewes SynagogueMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, since, an
house of Friers, then a Noble-mans
house, after that, a Merchants house,
wherein Maioralties have beene kept,
and now a Wine-Taverne.
Then is the Old Iury,
The Old Iurie.
a street so called
of Iewes sometime dwelling there, and
neere adjoyning, in the Parishes of S.
The Iewes brought from Rone by William Duke of Normandy.
S. Michael Bassings Hall. S. Mar
tin Ironmonger lane
, S. Laurence, called
the Iewrie
, and so West to Woodstreete.
William, D. of Normandy, first brought
them from Rone to inhabit here.
William Rufus favoured them so farre,
W. Rufus favoured them.

that he sware by Lukes face, his com
mon Oath, if they could overcome the
Christians, hee would bee one of their
Henry the second grievously punished
them for corrupting his coyne.
Hen. the 1. punished them.
Richard the first forbade Iewes and
women to be present at his Coronation,
Rich. the 3. forbade them to come to his coro

for feare of inchantments: for breaking
of which commandement, many Iewes
were slaine, who being assembled, to
present the King with some gift, one of
them was stricken by a Christian, which
some unruly people perceiving, fell up
on them, beat them to their houses, and
brent them therein, or slew them at
their comming out.
Also the Iewes at Norwich, S. Ed
mondsbury, Lincolne, Stanford
, and Lyn,
were robbed and spoiled; and at Yorke,
to the number of 500. besides Women
and children, entred a Tower of the Ca
stle, proffered money to be in surety of
their lives, but the Christians would
not take it: whereupon they cut the
throats of their owne wives and chil
dren, and cast them over the walles on
the Christians heads, and then entring
the Kings lodging, they burned both
the house and themselves.
King Iohn, in the eleventh of his reign,
commanded all the Iewes,
King Iohn tormen
ted the Iewes.
both men
and women, to be imprisoned and grie
vously punished, because hee would
have all their money: some of them
gave all they had, and promised more,
to escape so many kinds of torments;
for every one of them had one of their
eyes at the least plucked out. Amongst
whom there was one, which being tor
mented many wayes, would not ran
some himselfe, till the King had caused
(every day) one of his great teeth to be
plucked out, by the space of seven daies,
and then he gave the King tenne thou
sand Markes of silver, to the end they
should pull out no more: the said King
at that time spoiled the Iewes of sixty
six thousand markes.
The 17. of this King,
The Ba
rons rifled the Iewes.
the Barons
brake into the Iewes houses, rifled their
coffers, and with the stone of their hou
ses, repaired the gates and wals of Lon
King Henry the third, in the eleventh
of his reigne
Charta II. of Hen. 3. Hen 3. ex
cheted the lands and goods of the Iewes.
granted to Semaine or Bal
, the house of Benomye Mittun the
Jew, in the Parish of S. Michael Bassing
, in which the said Benomye dwelt,
with the fourth part of all his Land in
that Parish, which William Elie held of
the fee of Hugh Nevell, and all the land
in Coleman street, belonging to the said
Benomye, and the fourth part of the land
in the Parish of S. Laurence, which was
the fee of Thomas Buckerell, and were

excheted to the King for the murther
which the said Benomye committed in
the Citie of London, to hold to the said
Semaine, and his heires, of the King, pray
ing at Easter a paire of gilt Spurres, and
to doe the service thereof due unto the
Lords Court.
In like manner, and for like services,
the King granted to Guso for his ho
mage, the other part of the Lands of
the said Benomye in S. Michaels Parish,
which Law the Painter held, and was
the Kings Exchete; and the Lands of
the said Benomye, in the said Parish,
which Walter Turner held, and 15. foot
of Land which Hugh Harman held, with
15. iron Ells of Land, and an halfe, in
the front of Ironmonger lane, in the Pa
rish of S. Martin
, which were the said
Benomyes, of the see of the Hospitall of
S. Giles
, and which Adam the Smith
held, with 2. stone houses, which were
Moses the Jew of Canturbury, in the Pa
rish of S. Olave
, and which are of the
fee of Arnold le Reus, and are the Kings
Exchetes, as aforesaid.
The 16. of the said Henry,
The Iews builded them a Syna
gogue in London.
the Iewes
in London builded a Synagogue, but the
King commanded it should be dedica
ted to our blessed Lady, and after gave
it to the Brethren of S. Anthonie of Vi
, and so was it called S. Anthonies
This King Henry founded a Church
and house for converted Iewes,
Hen. the 3. founded an house for con
verted Iewes.
in a new
street by the Temple, whereby it came
to passe, that (in short time) there
was gathered a great number of Con
The 20. of this King Henry, seven
Iewes were brought from Norwich,
Iews stale a child and circū
cised him, and min
ded to have cru
cified him.

which had stolne a Christned child, had
circumcised, and minded to have cruci
fied him at Easter, wherefore their bo
dies and goods were at the Kings plea
sure. The 26. the Iewes were constrai
ned to pay to the King 20000. Markes,
at two termes in the yeere, or else to be
kept in perpetuall prison.
The 35. he taketh inestimable sums
of money of all rich men;
Hen. 3. ex
acteth money of the Iewes.
namely, of A
, a Iew borne at Yorke, 14000. marks
for himselfe, and tenne thousand marks
for the Queene, and before, he had ta
ken of the same Iew as much, as in all a
mounted to 30000. markes of silver,
and two hundred markes of gold to the
In the 40. yeere were brought up to
Westminster 202. Iewes from Lincolne,
Iewes han
ged for crucifying of a child.

for crucifying a child, named Hugh, 18.
of them were hanged.
The 43. a Iew at Tewkesburie fell into
a Privie on the Saturday, and would
not that day be taken out, for reverence
of his Sabbath; wherfore Richard Clare,
Earle of Glocester, kept him there till
Munday, that he was dead.
The 47. the Barons slew of the Iewes
at London,
700. Iewes slaine at London.
700. the rest were spoiled,
and their Synagogue defaced, because
one Iew would have forced a Christian
to have paid more than 2. s. for the lone
of 20. s. a weeke.
The third of Edward the first,
Vsury for
in a
Parliament at London, vsurie was for
bidden to the Iewes: and that all Vsu
rers might be knowne, the King com
manded that every Vsurer should
weare a Table on his brest, the breath
of a paveline, or else to avoid the Realm.
The sixth of the said King Edward,
a reformation was made for clipping of
the Kings Coyne; for which offence,
267. Iewes were drawne and hanged;
English Iewes hanged.

three were English Christians, and o
ther were English Iewes.
The same yeere the Iewes crucified
a childe at Northampton,
Iews han
ged at Lon
, for crucifying a child at Northam
for the which
fact, many Iewes at London were drawn
at horse tayles and hanged.
The eleventh of Edward the first,
Iohn Perkham, Archbishop of Canturbu
, commanded the Bishop of London
to destroy all the Iewes Synagogues in
his Dioces.
The 16. of the said Edward,
All the Iewes in England ap
prehēded & redee
med for money.
all the
Iewes in England, were (in one day) ap
prehended by precept from the King,
but they redeemed themselves for 12.
thousand pounds of silver; notwithstan
ding in the 19. of his reigne he banished
them all out of England, giving them
onely to beare their charge till they
were out of his Realme: the number of
Iewes then expulsed, were 15060. per
All the Iewes ba
nished this Realme.
The King made a mighty masse
of money of their houses, which he sold,
and yet the Commons of England had
granted, and gave him a fifteenth of all
their goods, to banish them. And thus
much for the Iewes.

In this street called the Old Iewrie, is
a proper Parish Church of S. Olave Vp
, so called in Record, 1320. Iohn Bri
, Parson of Saint Olave Vpwell, in the
, founded there a Chauntry, and
gave two messuages to that Parish,
A Well was under the East end of this Church, late tur
ned to a Pump, but decayed.
16. of Edward the second, and was by
the said King confirmed. In this
Church, to the commendation of the
Parsons and Parishioners, the Monu
ments of the dead remaine lesse defaced
than in many other. First, of William
, Fereno
, or Ironmonger, one of
the Sheriffes of London, 1367. Robert
, Ironmonger, 1390. Iohn Or
, Mercer, one of the Sheriffes, 1385.
Iohn Forrest, Vicar of Saint Olaves, and
of Saint Stephen, which at that time
was as a Chappell annexed to S. Olave,
1399. Henry Friole, Taylor, 1400. Tho
mas Morsted
, Esquire, Chirurgian to
Henry the fourth, fifth, and sixth, one
of the Sheriffes, 1436.
He builded a faire new Ile, to the in
largement of this Church, on the north
side therof, wherein hee lyeth buried,
1450. Adam Breakspeare, Chaplaine,
1411. William Kirkbie, Mercer, 1465.
Robert Large, Mercer, Maior, 1440. He
gave to that Church 200. l’. Iohn Bel
, Founder, 1467. Gabriel Rave, Ful
ler, 1511. Wentworth, Esquire, 1510. Tho
mas Michell
, Ironmonger, 1527. Giles
, servant to Henry the seventh,
and to Henry the eighth, Clerke of their
Libraries, and Schoolemaster for the
French tongue to Prince Arthur, and to
the Lady Mary, 1535. Edmond Burlacy,
1583. Iohn Brian
Here lyeth under this Tombe,
An anciēt Marble Tombe in the East end of the Quite.
the body of
Richard Chamberlaine, Ironmonger,
Alderman and late Sheriffe of London,
Merchant Adventurer, and free of Rus
, who had two wives, Anne, the first
of whom he had issue, 8. sonnes and 5.
daughters. Of Margaret his last wife no
issue, which Richard dyed the 19. day
of November, An. Dom. 1566
To the poore he was liberall,
and gave for Gods sake,
But now his fame is plentifull,
and he an heavenly Make,
He was like one of us,
according to our mould,
But now he is unlike us,
in heaven where he would.
His time was short, in sicknes rare,
as to all is knowne:
But now his time shall long endure,
and never be cast downe.
Hic requiescit in Gratia & misericordia
A placed stone on the groūd in the South Ile.
Robertus Large, quondam Mer
cerui & Maior istius Civitatis. Qui
obiit 24. die Aprilis, 1441. Et Eliza
uxor ejus, ac pueri eorundem. Cu
jus, &c.
Humfrido Weld militi, & nuper Maiori
Civitatis London, vire integerrimo, san
ctissimo, summa in Deū pietate, in homi
nes fide ac comitate praedito: Joanne
unicus filius & haeres, hoc Monu
mentum pietatis ergo moerens posuit.
Habuit ex Anna uxore, primâ filiâ Nicho
lai wheler Armigeri, filios duos, Hum
fridum, olim defunctum, & Ioannem
Maritum Franciscae filiae Gulielmi Whit
more Armig. & quinque filias, Ioannam,
nuptam Roberte Brooke, de Cockfield, in
Com. Suff. militi. Annam, nuptam Ri
cardo Corbet, de Stoke super Terne, in
Com. Salop. Armigero, Mariam, Saram
& Elizabetham, olim defunctas. Post
cujus obitum, duxit uxorem secundam
Mariam, filiam Stephani Slani Mili
tis, adhuc superstitem.
Obiit 29. die Novembris, An. Dom. 1610.
Aetatis suae, 64.
Quem tegit hoc marmor,
A goodly Tombe is the South Ile.
Quem cassum lumine flemus,
Abstulit una dies,
Quantum si forte requiris,
Weldus erat nomen,
Maior celeberrimus urbis;
Justitiae splendor,
verae pietatis Imago,
Religionis amans,
aevi prudentia nostri,
Mens humilis, purus{que}
animus, patiensque laborum,
Frons hilaris, faciles
aures, pectus{que} fidele,
Os verax, mites
oculi, gravitate refulgens
Vultus; Cor placidum
studiosis, dextra benigna,
Quos non instimulent
nobis reticentibus ipsi,

Incipient scopuli
vivis sermonibus uti;
Iustè Welde minor
si spes, si fama fuisset,
De te Welde minor
nostra querela foret.
Thomas Cambell Eques,
A very faire and costly Tombe in the East end of the Chancell.
secundo Regis Ia
cobi, Civis London ejusdem Vrbis patri
cius & Praetor aequissimus & prudentis
simus: domicilium sibi hoc in perpetuam
memoriam dicatum habet: feliciter bis
nuptus erat, & ex 1. conjugio filii nati
sunt 6. filiae, 7. ex inde vero nepotes 39.
quem cives privatim & publicè, honori
ficè omnes colebant. Annos autem 78.
cum adimplesset, suorum & omnium ho
nestorum cum luctu, fato concessit, 13.
die Februarii, An. Dom. 1613
Transiit ad vivos
è vivis Pacis alumnus,
Iustitiae columen;
Qui decus inde suum
Extulit egregiè:
Pietatem caetera praeter
Dilexit: cultus,
Religione, side.
Non patrem tantum
proles, sine murmure luctus
Percipit; at vetuit
mors superare modum:
Vulnus opem{que} ferens,
aequè. Quid plangitis ultra?
Angelus en factus!
nec minor ante fuit.
Quae potuit cuiquam,
optari Mors, vita{que} honore
Fulta: & amicitiis
inclita; prole, fide.
Obtigit haec, Cambelle,
tibi, utra{que} scilicet annis
Maturis, meriti
& plenus amoris obis.
Digna viro tibi vita
fuit, qui viveret ultra,
Digna{que} mors vitâ
sed meliora frui.
Terminus incertae
mors vitae, & certa salutis
Spes promissa rapit,
non colit ima fides.
A very faire Mo
nument in the ne
ther part of the Church.
Henrici Anderson, Equitis Aurati, Alder
dermanni Civitatis London, & Eliza
bethae uxoris ejus, filiae Fran. Bowyer, Al
derm. Lond. Qui 8. liberos habuêre, viz.
. filios, Georg. defunct. & Rich. qui
uxorem duxit Mariam, fil. primogenit.
Rob. Spencer, Dom. Wormeleiton. Kath.
nuptam Tho. Derham, de West Derham,
in Com. Norff. Armig. Elizab. nupt. Tho.
Cowley, Mercat. Lond. Francise. nupt.
Rob. Nedeham, de Shaurigton, in Com.
Salop. Armig. Saram & Mariam in
nupt. Qui obiêre: Haec Iul. 9. 1599.
Ille 13. April. 1605.
Pietatis ergo moerens posuit Rich.
Anderson filius haeres.
Edwinus Smith,
An engra
ven plate, in the South wall of the Quire.
filius Roberti Smith, Ci
vis & Aromatarii Londinensis, apud
Cantabrigiensis in Artibus Magister, ibi
demque Collegii Iesus Socius praedilectus,
propter summam ingenii ubertatem, me
moriam, noticiam, pietatem, modestam
que festivitatem, omnibus gratus: sin
gulare sui generis ornamentum, & par
decus Collegii (non dicam Academiae)
futurus, diem obiit, horum omnium cum
incredibili luctu, nono Calend, Septem
bris, qui festus D. Bartholomaeo fuit. An
no salutis, 1598. Aetatis suae, 23.
Ecclesiast. 44. ver. 8.
Reliquit nomen, narrantur laudes.
From this Parish Church of S. Olave,
to the North end of the Old Iewrie, and
from thence West to the North end of
Ironmonger lane, & from the said corner
into Ironmonger lane, almost to the Pa
rish Church of S. Martin
, was (of old
time) one large building of stone, very
ancient, made in place of Jewes houses,
but of what antiquity, or by whom the
same was builded, or for what use, I
have not learned, more than that King
H. the 6
. in the 16. of his reigne
, gave
the office of being Porter or keeper
thereof, unto Iohn Stent, for terme of his
life, by the name of his Principall Palace
in the Old Iewry. This was (in my youth)
called the Old Wardrobe: but of later
time, the outward stone wall hath been
by little and little taken downe, and di
vers faire houses builded thereupon, e
ven round about.
Now for the North side of this Loth
, beginning againe at the East end
thereof: Vpon the Water-course of

Walbrooke, have yee a proper Parish
Church, called S. Margaret
, which see
meth to be newly re-edified and buil
ded, about the yeere 1440. For Robert
gave to the Quire of that Church
one hundred shillings, and 20. pounds
for Ornaments, more, to the vaulting
over the water-course of Walbrooke by
the said Church, for the enlarging ther
of, two hundred Markes.
There be Monuments in this Church,
of Reginald Coleman, Sonne to Robert
, buried there, 1483. This said
Robert Coleman may bee supposed the
first builder or owner of Coleman street,
and that Saint Stephens Church, then
builded in Coleman street, was but a
Chappell belonging to the Parish
Church of S. Olave in the Iewry
: for we
read (as afore) that Iohn Forrest, Vicar
of Saint Olaves, and of the Chappell an
nexed of S. Stephen
, deceased in the
yeere 1399. Hugh Clopton, Mercer, Mai
or, deceased, 1496. Anselme Becket,
Iohn Iulian, William Ilford
, Chanteries
there, Sir Brian Tuke, Knight, Treasu
rer of the Chamber to King Henry the
, and Dame Grisilde his wife, that
deceased after him, were there buried
1536. Iohn Fetiplace, Draper, Esquire,
1464. and Ioan his wife, Sir Hugh
, Mercer, Maior, sonne to Richard
, intombed there, 1466. He gave
to his third wife three thousand pound,
and to Maids marriages five hundred
Here lyeth buried Dame Grisilde Tuke,
late wife of Sir Brian Tuke,
A faire ancient Tombe in the North Ile of the Quire.
Treasurer of the Chamber to King Hen
the eighth
. She dyed the 28. day of
December, 1538
Vnder this stone lyeth George Beamon,
A plated stone by the Com
munion Table.

Clerke, and Doctor in Divinity, who de
parted this life the 29. day of April, An.
Dom. 1571
. A man mercifull and good
to the poore, and borne in Kinnegall in
Cumberland: whose body and Soule
God grant a joyfull resurrection.
Se piu Si puote.
No wealth, no praise,
A goodly ancient Tombe in the Chan
no bright renowne, no skill,
No force, no fame,
no Princes love, no toyle,
Though forraine Lands
by travels search you will,
No faithfull service
of thy Country foyle,
Can life prolong
one minute of an houre:
But death at length
will execute his power.
to sundry Countries knowne,
A worthy Knight,
well of his Prince esteem’d:
By seeing much,
to great experience growne:
Though safe on seas,
though sure on land he seem’d,
Yet here he lyes,
too soone by death opprest,
His fame yet lives,
his soule in heaven hath rest.
Here lyeth Ioh. Dimock,
A faire plated stone be
fore the ascending to the Cō
munion Table.
sonne to Iohn
, Esquire, sometimes Citizen &
Draper of London: he married Anne his
first wife, by whom he had one son: which
Anne dyed the yeere of Christ, 1558. Af
ter whom he married his second wife Ma
, by whom he had a daughter. He ser
ved the Princes of famous memory, King
Henry the eighth
, and King Edward
the sixth
. For his faithfull and good ser
vice he was well esteemed; for his upright
dealing he was well beloved of his equals;
for his benevolence to the poore, hee was
both praised and prayed for. Hee lived
100. yeeres lacking 7. very commenda
bly, and the 14. of Iuly, 1585. he dyed
Here lyeth the body of Christian Tower
A faire Py
ramide e
rected a
gainst the South wall of the Quire.
wife of William Towerson of
London, Merchant, who lived together
21. yeeres and 6. moneths, and had issue
10. children. Leaving behind her Iohn,
William, Robert, Elizab
. and Mary.
She left this life the 19. day of February,
Here resteth in hope of a ioyfull resurrection,
A small Monumēt newly ere
cted in the East end of the Quire.

the body of Nicholas Style, late Alder
man of London, who was borne at
Langley, in the Parish of Beckingham,
in the County of Kent: the son of Hum
frey Stile
, Knight, and of Dame Bridget
his wife. He married Gertrude, the
daughter of Thomas Bright of London,

Ironmonger, with whom hee lived most
lovingly and faithfully the space of forty
yeeres, and by her had three sonnes and
foure daughters; of whom remained li
ving at his decease, one sonne, Humfrey,
and one daughter, Mary. He dyed the
sixteenth day of November, An. Dom.
By the West end of this Parish
Conduit in Lothbery.
have ye a faire Water-condu
it, builded at the charges of the Citie,
in the yeere 1546. Sir Martin Bowes
being Maior, two Fifteenes were levi
ed of the Citizens, toward the charges
thereof: This water is conveyed (in
great abundance) from divers springs,
lying betwixt Hoxton and Iseldon.
Next is the Founders Hall, a proper
house: and so to the South-west corner
of Bassings Hall street, have ye faire and
large houses for Merchants; namely,
the corner house, at the end of Bassings
Hall street
, an old piece of worke, buil
ded of stone, sometime belonging to a
certaine Iew, named Mansere, the sonne
of Aron, the sonne of Coke the Iew, the
seventh of Edward the first: since, to
Rahere de Sopars lane; then, to Simon
. Thomas Bradbery
, Mercer, kept
his Maioralty there, deceased, 1509.
Part of this house hath beene lately im
ployed as a Market-house, for the sale
of woollen Bayes, Watmoles, Flanels,
and such like. Alderman Bennet now
possesseth it.
On this North side, against the Old
, is Coleman street, so called of Cole
, the first builder and owner there
of, as also of Cole-church, or Coleman-church,
against the great Conduit in
Cheape. This is a faire and large street,
on both sides builded with divers faire
houses, besides Alleys, with small tene
ments, in great number. On the East
side of this street, almost at the North
end thereof, is the Armourers Hall,
which Company of Armourers were
made a Fraternity or Guild of S. George,
with a Chantry in the Chappell of S.
Thomas, in Pauls Church, in the first of
Henry the 6
. Also on the same side is
Kings Alley, and Love Lane, both contai
ning many tenements. And on the west
side, towards the South end, is the Pa
rish Church of S. Stephen
, wherein the
Monuments are defaced: Notwith
standing, I finde, that William Crayhag
founded a Chauntry there, in the reign
of Edward the second
, and was buried
there. Also Iohn Essex, the 35. of Ed
the third
. Adam Goodman, the 37.
of Edward the third
. William King, Dra
per, sometime owne of Kings Alley, the
18. of Richard the second. Iohn Sokeling,
the tenth of Henry the sixth. Iohn Arnold,
Leather-seller, the seventeenth of Henry
the sixth
. Thomas Brudbery, Mercer,
Maior, the first of Henry the eighth.
His Tombe remaineth on the North
side of the Quire. Richard Hamney,
1418. Kirnigham, 1468
Sir Iohn Garme, Richard Colsel, Ed
mond Harbeke
, Currier: all these were
Benefactors, and buried there.
Here lyeth in peace the body of the Right
A faire Monu
ment in the Chan
Sir William Glover,
Knight, late Citizen and Alderman of
London, who for the many good gifts,
both in sincere Religion, wisedome, and
gravity, wherewith he was very plenti
fully graced, was elected Sheriffe of
London, and served the same, Anno
Domini, 1601
. He had lived in good
name and fame fifty eight yeeres, and ve
ry blessedly departed this transitory life,
the seventeenth day of Decemb. 1603.
Leaving two sonnes, (viz.) Thomas
and William; and five daughters, viz.
, married to Barne Roberts, of
Willesden, in the County of Mid
, Esquire; Susan, Elizabeth,
, and Alice, behinde him, to con
dole the want of so kinde and loving a
To whose dearest Memorie, the La
dy Anne Glover, the most sorrow
full Widdow of the said Sir Willi
, lamenting his death, and her
owne unrecoverable losse; at her
owne charge erected this Monu
ment, in testification both of her
love and duty.
Here lyeth the body of Barne Roberts, eldest
son of Francis Roberts of Willesden, in
the County of Middlesex, Esquire; who
tooke to wife Anne, eldest daughter of
Sir William Glover, Knight, and Al
derman of Lond. by whom he had issue,

three sonnes, and five daughters. The
said Barne Roberts dyed the 30. day of
Ianuary, 1610
. being of the age of 34.
yeeres, and five moneths. In remem
brance of whom, his said wife, (of her ve
ry kind and loving affection) at her owne
proper cost and charges, hath caused this
Monument to be made and erected, An.
Dom. 1611
If humane worth
could have preserv’d him still,
Another close by the grea
He had beene much
too strong for death to kill.
Yet being conquer’d,
he got by the strife,
A better being,
in a better life:
So that great Victor
over Nature, left him
More happinesse ten fold
than he bereft him.
Gulielmo Danieli, Equiti Aurato, alteri
è Iudicibus cōmunium Placitorum,
A faire Tombe in the East end of the South Ile.
Maii 19. Annos natus septuaginta
tria, An. Do. 1610. diem ult.
explevit, devotū Carmen.
Qui Patriae Leges
aequo moderamine flexit,
Et Iudex populo
gratus amans{que} fuit,
Hoc decorat genio
marmor placido{que} pioque,
Stabit in aeternum
quod bona fama tegit.
Gentem si quaeras?
erat ille Checestriensis,
nobilis ortus agro.
Vxores binas duxit,
nec pignora desunt,
Connubii duplicis
pulchra, pudica, pia.
Filius egregii nominis
speciemque parentis,
Qui celebrat primi
munus amoris erat.
Elizabetha illi soror est,
ab utroque parente
Onsyloi vivit
quae sociata toro.
Conjugii sed Martha
decus non sola secundi,
Coco Equiti nupta est,
nec satiatur Hymen,
Nam binas expectat
adhuc sub matre sorores,
Foelices thalamos
utraque digna manet.
Margareta & illis
paulo est maturior annis,
Nomine Iudithae
sit tibi nota minor.
Sic numero florens
natorum, munere Iudex,
Ordine Eques obiit,
plenus honore senex.
Anna defuncti Iudicis piissima vidua, in
perpetuum amoris memoriaeque testi
monium, lugubre hoc Monumentum
extrui fecit.
In this Ile lye the bodies of George Gol
A hansom small Mo
nument is the wall by the o
Esquire, buried the 27. day of
November, 1584
. and of Anne Barte
, widdow, buried 12. day of Iune,
. and of Mary Golding, widdow,
late wife of the said George, and daugh
ter of the said Anne, buried the 29. of
April, 1612
. by her said husband and
mother, according to her owne desire. She
lived a widdow 28. yeeres, religiously to
God, hospitably to her friends, and chari
tably to all, especially to poore widdowes:
and deceased the 25. day of April, 1612.
being then 79. yeeres of age.
An honest heart,
A faire Monumēt in the South wall of the Quire.
religiously affected,
A zealous soule,
a charitable mind,
True dealing conscience,
all untruth rejected;
All these in one
are hard and far to find:
Yet in the course,
both time and truth have tryed,
In youth and age,
Iohn Taylor liv’d and dyed.
His honest heart,
his honest friends have found;
His zeale to God,
God and the godly know;
His charity,
His true reliefe may sound,
That on the poore
his bounty did bestow:
His heavenly rest,
upon this point resolved,
To be with Christ,
I wish to be dissolved.

Here lyeth buried the body of Iohn Taylor,
Esquire, Citizen and Haberdasher of
London, who married Berseba, daugh
ter of Edward Hall, late Citizen and
Haberdasher of London, deceased, and
had by her only one daughter, named Eli
first married to Francis
, Citizen and Mercer of Lon
deceased, by whom she had one son,
named Francis Smith; and since mar
ried to Thomas Freake, of Serne, in
the County of Dorset, Esquire, by whom
she hath five sons and daughters, now li
ving. Hee hath given by his Will 200.
pound in money, to be delivered and lent
to young men of the Company of Haber
; to distribute every Sunday
(weekly, for ever) two shillings in bread
and the advantage, to poore house
holders of this Parish. And also twenty
pound more for a stocke, to be yeerly im
ployed for ever, in buying and providing
of Fuell for the same poore.
The blessed token of
the Daughters love,
Vnto the Fathers kinde
and loving care,
May to the world
this Monument approve,
How blessed Parents
in their Children are:
And blessed God, that
so his love expresseth,
Who thus both Parents
and the Children blesseth.
Sepelitur hic cor. Philippi Paskin,
A grave stone in the same Ile.
obiit 12. Calend. Iunii, Anno Dom.
. Anno Aetat. 52. duos post se
reliquit fil. Tho. & Ric. & unig. filiam
Ioannam ex chariss. sibi Con. Anna.
Here lyeth Dame Iane,
A comely Monumēt on a Pillar in the Quire.
daughter and sole
heire of Iohn White, of this Parish,
Esquire: First married to Samuel
, of Bromley, in the County
of Kent, Esquire, by whom she had issue
two sonnes, Timothy and Iohn, and
one daughter, named Elizabeth. Shee
secondly married Sir Richard Smith,
Knight, son of Thomas Smith, of Oe
, in the County of Kent, E
squire, and had issue by him but one
daughter, named Mary. The said Dame
died the 13. of October, 1607. be
ing about the age of 33. yeeres. In whose
remembrance, her said husband caused
this Monument to be made, 1608.
Lady Bradvery gave 30. s. per annum in
Charcoales to the poore of this Parish
for ever from the worshipfull Company
of Mercers
On the Southside of the Chancell is a
faire grave-stone, with this Epi
taph in brasse:
Georgius heu quondam jacet
hic Skeffingtonus humatus,
Mercator Stapulae
clarus in urbe fuit.
Quae spes divitiis
bona quam fallacia mundi,
Quam subito pereunt
quae valuere vide?
Ast qui terram olim
vano fragilem pede pressit,
Aeterna hic petiit
firmior astra fide.
Obiit An. Dom. 1581. die 1. Iu
lii. A. vero aetatis suae 43.
On the lower end of the Chancell is a
faire grave-stone with this Epi
taph in brasse:
Our life is all but death,
time that insueth
Is but the death of time
that went before.
Youth is the death of
childhood, age of youth,
Die once to God, and
then thou diest no more.
Agnes the wife of
Leonard Darr, whose sight
By sicknesse much impair’d,
in heavenly light
Looke, liv’d, and died,
as dimnesse her were given,
That her soules eies might
better looke to heaven.
Leonardus Darr nuper Maior ville de
Totnes, posuit in mortem Agnetae
charissimae conjugis suae. Obiit 29.
Ianuarii 1596
Iohn White, Citizen and Haberdasher,
1585. gave 12. d. weekly in bread to the
poore of this Parish for ever.
William Man, Citizen and Merchant-taylor,
1585, gave the remainder of a

lease of yeeres to come in a lease of Tene
ments in Swanne alley, to the poore of
this Parish, and the Towne of Buckin
, 2. l. 10. s.
Stephen Scudamore, Citizen and Vint
ner, 1585. gave weekly 12. d. in bread
to the poore of this Parish for ever.
Iohn Taylor, Citizen and Haberdasher,
gave in stocke 20. l. for Billets, Fagots,
or Coales, for provision for the poore of
this Parish for ever; and 2. s. weekly in
bread for ever to the poore householders,
Dame Anne Glover gave a stocke of ten
pounds for provision for the poor of this
Parish, for wood or coale for ever, 1612.
Mistresse Dane, widow, gave to the poore
10. s. per annum for ever, from the
Company of Ironmongers, 1614.
Henry Gibs, sometimes servant to Sir
Maurice Abbot
, Knight and Alder
man of London, gave to the poore of this
Parish 50. l.
Dame Daniel, sometimes wife to Sir Wil
liam Daniel
, gave a stocke for the
poore of this Parish 30. l. 1616.
Hugh Cap, Citizen and Plasterer of Lon
, gave 100. l. to purchase lands for
the poore of this Parish for ever, 1616.
Iohn Terry, stranger, gave in stocke to the
poore of this Parish 10. l. for ever, 1617.
Christopher Ayer, Merchant, Citizen,
and Lether-seller of London, gave 240.
pounds for the building of sixe Almes
houses, and 400. pounds to purchase
lands towards the maintenance of sixe
poore couple of this parish for ever, 1624.
Sir Richard Smith, Knight, gave in stock
for provision of Sea-coales for the poore
of this Parish, one hundred pounds every
yeere to bee returned for the use of the
poore for ever, 1627. And another hun
dred pounds afterward for reliefe of the
poore also.
I obtained these instructions, by the
helpe and assistance of my loving
friend and brother, Thomas Price, Pa
rish Clarke there.
This Church was sometime a Syna
gogue of the Iewes,
Parish Church of S. Stephen, sometime a Syna
gogue of the Iewes.
then a Parish
Church, then a Chappell to St. Olaves
in the Iewry
, untill the seventh of Ed
the fourth
, and was then incorpo
rated a Parish Church.
By the East end of this Church is pla
ced a Cocke of sweet water,
Cocked water▪ St Streets Church
taken out
of the maine Pipe that goeth into Loth
. Also, in London Wall,
Conduit at London Wall.
directly a
gainst the North end of Coleman streete,
is a Conduit of water, made at the char
ges of Thomas Exmew, Goldsmith, Mai
or, 1517.
And let here be the end of this Ward,
which hath an Alderman, his Deputy,
common Counsellors foure, Constables
foure, Scavengers foure, of the Ward
mote Inquest thirteene, and a Beadle. It
is taxed to the Fifteene, fifteene pound,
sixteene shillings, nine pence.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2021. Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 6.6
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/06/30
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): Coleman Street Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>


