Excerpts from The Devil Is an Ass

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SAT. For what? the laming a poore Cow, or two?
Entring a Sow, to make her cast her farrow?
Or crossing of a Mercat-womans Mare,
Twixt this, and Totnam? these were wont to be
Your maine atchieuements, Pug, You haue some plot, now,
Vpon a tonning of Ale, to stale the yest,
Or keepe the churne so, that the buttter come not;
Spight o’the housewiues cord, or her hot spit?
Or some good Ribibe, about Kentish Towne,
Or Hogsden, you would hang now, for a witch,
Because shee will not let you play round Robbin: Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
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INI. Child of hell, this is nothing! I will fetch thee a leape
From the top of Pauls-steeple, to the Standard in Cheepe:
And lead thee a daunce, through the streets without faile,
Like a needle of Spaine, with a thred at my tayle.
We will suruay the Suburbs, and make forth our sallyes,
Downe Petticoate-lane, and vp the Smock-allies,
To drinke with the Dutch there, and take forth their patternes:
From thence, wee will put in at Custome-house key there,
And see, how the Factors, and Prentizes play there,
False with their Masters; and gueld many a full packe,
To spend it in pies, at the Dagger, and the Wool-sacke.
PVG. Braue, braue, Iniquity! will not this doe, Chiefe?
INI. Nay, boy, I wil bring thee to the Bawds, and the Roysters,
At Belins-gate, feasting with claret-wine, and oysters,
From thence shoot the Bridge,1 childe, to the Cranes i’the Vintry,
And see, there the gimblets, how they make their entry!
Or, if thou hadst rather, to the Strand downe to fall,

’Gainst the Lawyers come dabled from Westminster-hall
And marke how they cling, with their clyents together,
Like Iuie to Oake; so Veluet to Leather:
Ha, boy, I would shew thee. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] So, this morning,
There is a handsome Cutpurse hang’d at Tiborne,
Whose spirit departed, you may enter his body: Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
FIT. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] Today, I goe to the Black fryers Play-house,
Sit it he view, salute all my acquaintance,
Rise vp betweene the Acts, let fall my cloake,
Publish a handsome man, and a rich suite
(As that’s a speciall end, why we goe thither,
All that pretend, to stand for ’t o’the Stage)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
WIT. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] The Diuell-giuen Elfine Squire, your husband,
Doth leaue you, quitting heere his proper circle,
For a much-worse i’ the walks of Lincolnes Inne,
Vnder the Elmes, t’ expect the feind in vaine, there
Will confesse for you.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
FIT. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] I’ll goe bespeake me straight a guilt caroch,
For her and you to take the ayre in: yes,
Into Hide-parke, and thence into Black-Fryers,
Visit the painters, where you may see pictures,
And note the properest limbs, and how to make ’hem. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
MER. Tell Mr. Wood-cock, I’ll not faile to meet him
Vpon th’ Exchange at night. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] MER. Ingine, when did you see
My cousin Euer-ill? keepes he still your quarter?
I’ the Bermudas?
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Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Mrs. FI. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] And wish him to for-beare his acting to mee,
At the Gentlemans chamber-window in Lincolnes-Inne there,
That opens to my gallery: else, I sweare
T’ acquaint my husband with his folly, and leaue him
To the iust rage of his offended iealousie. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] GVI. Boy, boy,
We liue, by finding fooles out, to be trusted.
Our shop-bookes are our pastures, our corn-grounds,
We lay ’hem op’n, for them to come into:
And when wee haue ’hem there, wee driue ’hem vp
In t’ one of our two Pounds, the Compters,2 streight,
And this is to make you a Gentleman! Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] MER. Out vpon ’t!
And lose the laudable meanes, thou hast at home, heere,
T’ aduance, and make him a young Alderman?
Buy him a Captaines place, for shame; and let him
Into the world, early, and with his plume,
And Scarfes, march through Cheapside, or along Cornehill,
And by the vertue’ of those, draw downe a wife
There from a windo’, worth ten thousand pound!
Get him the posture booke, and ’s leaden men,
To set vpon a table, ’gainst his Mistresse
Chance to come by, that hee may draw her in,
And shew her Finsbury battells.
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MER. VVhy, I ha’ told you o’ this. This comes of wearing
Scarlet, gold lace, and cut-works! your fine gartring!
VVith your blowne roses, Cousin! and your eating
Phesant, and Godwit, here in London! haunting
The Globes, and Mermaides!3 Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] MER. That he will, sure,
But, these same Citizens, they are such sharks!
There’s an old debt of forty, I ga’ my word
For one is runne away, to the Bermudas,
And he will hooke in that, or he wi’ not doe.
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Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
MER. I knew, thou must take, after some body!
Thou could’st not be else. This was no shop-looke!
I’ll ha’ thee Captaine Guilt-head, and march vp,
And take in Pimlico,, and kill the bush,
At euery tauerne! Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] FIT. Yes, here’s the ring: I ha’ seal’d.
But there’s not so much gold in all the row, he saies—
Till ’t come fro’ the Mint. ’Tis tane vp for the gamesters.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] WIT. As can be;

Coach it to Pimlico; daunce the Saraband;
Heare, and talke bawdy; laugh as loud, as a larum;
Squeake, spring, do any thing.
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VVIT. VVee’ll see her Sir, at home, and leaue you here,

To be made Duke o’ Shore-ditch with a proiect.
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MER. Well, and you went to a whore? AMB. No, Sr. I durst (not
(For feare it might arriue at some body’s eare,
It should not) trust my selfe to a common house;
But got the Gentlewoman to goe with me,
And carry her bedding to a Conduit-head,
Hard by the place toward Tyborne, which they call
My L. Majors Banqueting-house. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
AMB. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] But, that which greiu’d me, was
The Gentlewomans shoes (with a paire of roses,
And garters, I had giuen her for the businesse)
So as that made vs stay, till it was darke.
For I was faine to lend her mine, and walke
In a rug, by her, barefoote, to Saint Giles’es.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] PVG. There it is, Sir, leaue me.
To New-gate, brought? How is the name of Deuill
Discredited in me! What a lost fiend
Shall I be, on returne? Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] ING. No, Child, in a Carre,
The charriot of Triumph, which most of them are.
And in the meane time, to be greazy, and bouzy,
And nasty, and filthy, and ragged and louzy,
With dam’n me, renounce me, and all the fine phrases;
That bring, vnto Tiborne, the plentifull gazes.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] DIV. Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] But, that I would not such a damn’d dishonor
Sticke on our state, as that the diuell were hang’d;
And could not saue a body, that he tooke
From Tyborne, but it must come thither againe:
You should e’en ride. But, vp away with him—
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Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
SHA. O! such an accident falne out at Newgate, Sir:
A great piece of the prison is rent downe! Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)[…] SHA. Hee’s gone, Sir, now,
And left vs the dead body. But withall, Sir,
Such an infernall stincke, and steame behinde,
You cannot see St. Pulchars Steeple, yet.
They smell’t as farre as Ware, as the wind lies,
By this time, sure.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text has been abridged or truncated by an editor for some reason. (KL)


  1. See Shooting the Bridge for more information. (KL)
  2. I.e., either the Compter, Poultry or the Compter, Bread Street. (KL)
  3. I.e., victualling houses such as the Globe Tavern and Mermaid Inn. (KL)


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MLA citation

Jonson, Ben. Excerpts from The Devil Is an Ass. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/DEVI1.htm.

Chicago citation

Jonson, Ben. Excerpts from The Devil Is an Ass. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021. mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/DEVI1.htm.

APA citation

Jonson, B. 2021. Excerpts from The Devil Is an Ass. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/editions/6.6/DEVI1.htm.

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T1  - Excerpts from The Devil Is an Ass
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#JONS1"><surname>Jonson</surname>, <forename>Ben</forename></name></author>. <title level="a">Excerpts from <title level="m">The Devil Is an Ass</title></title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/DEVI1.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/6.6/DEVI1.htm</ref>.</bibl>

