The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward
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The 26. in number, consisting of the Borough of
Southwarke, in the County of Surrey.
The 26. in number, consisting of the Borough of
Southwarke, in the County of Surrey.
HAving treated of Wards
in London, on the North
side the Thames (in num
ber five and twenty) I
am now to crosse over
the said River, into the
Borough of Southwarke, which is also
a Ward of London without the walls,
on the South side thereof, as is Portsoken
on the East, and Faringdon extra on the
in London, on the North
side the Thames (in num
ber five and twenty) I
am now to crosse over
the said River, into the
Borough of Southwarke, which is also
a Ward of London without the walls,
on the South side thereof, as is Portsoken
on the East, and Faringdon extra on the
But before I come to the particular
description of this Ward, it will not be
impertinent to declare,
what meanes the Borough of Southwark
now called Bridge Ward without, was
made one of the six and twenty Wards,
belonging to the City of London; which
was in this manner:
description of this Ward, it will not be
impertinent to declare,
Ex Humfr. Dyson.
when, and by
what meanes the Borough of Southwark
now called Bridge Ward without, was
made one of the six and twenty Wards,
belonging to the City of London; which
was in this manner:
After the dissolution of the Monaste
ries, Abbeys, Priories, and other religi
ous Houses, in this Realme of England:
The Maior, Communalty, and Citi
zens of this City of London taking into
their considerations, how commodious
and convenient it would be unto the Ci
ty, to have the Borough of Southwarke
annexed thereunto, and that the same
Borough was in the Kings hands whol
ly; they became humble suiters unto
King Henry eighth, and to the Lords of
his Highnesse Privie Councell, for the
obtaining of the same. Which suit not
being granted unto them; after the de
cease of King Henry the eighth, they re
newed their suit unto his Sonne and
next successor, King Edward the sixth,
and to the Lords of his Privie Councell
for the obtaining of the same Borough.
ries, Abbeys, Priories, and other religi
ous Houses, in this Realme of England:
The Maior, Communalty, and Citi
zens of this City of London taking into
their considerations, how commodious
and convenient it would be unto the Ci
ty, to have the Borough of Southwarke
annexed thereunto, and that the same
Borough was in the Kings hands whol
ly; they became humble suiters unto
King Henry eighth, and to the Lords of
his Highnesse Privie Councell, for the
obtaining of the same. Which suit not
being granted unto them; after the de
cease of King Henry the eighth, they re
newed their suit unto his Sonne and
next successor, King Edward the sixth,
and to the Lords of his Privie Councell
for the obtaining of the same Borough.
At the length, after long suit, and
much labour, it pleased King Edward
the sixth, by his Letters Patents, sealed
with the great Seale of England, bearing
date at Westminster the three and twen
tieth day April, in the fourth yeere of
his reigne, as well in consideration of
the summe of sixe hundred forty seven
pounds, two shillings, and a penny, of
lawfull money of England, paid to his
Highnesse use, by the Maior, Commu
nalty, and Citizens of London, as for di
vers other considerations him thereun
to moving; To give and grant unto the
said Maior and Communalty, and Ci
tizens of London, divers Messuages, lands
& Tenements, lying in or neere the said
Borough of Southwark, in the said Letters
Patents particularly expressed, which
were sometimes the Lands of Charles,
then late Duke of Suffolke, and of whom
King Henry the eighth did buy and pur
chase the same.
much labour, it pleased King Edward
the sixth, by his Letters Patents, sealed
with the great Seale of England, bearing
date at Westminster the three and twen
tieth day April, in the fourth yeere of
his reigne, as well in consideration of
the summe of sixe hundred forty seven
pounds, two shillings, and a penny, of
lawfull money of England, paid to his
Highnesse use, by the Maior, Commu
nalty, and Citizens of London, as for di
vers other considerations him thereun
to moving; To give and grant unto the
said Maior and Communalty, and Ci
tizens of London, divers Messuages, lands
& Tenements, lying in or neere the said
Borough of Southwark, in the said Letters
Patents particularly expressed, which
were sometimes the Lands of Charles,
then late Duke of Suffolke, and of whom
King Henry the eighth did buy and pur
chase the same.
But there was excepted out of the
said Grant,
King Edward the sixth, his Heires and
successors, all that his Capitall Messu
age, or Mansion House, called South
warke Place, late of the said Duke of Suf
folke, and all Gardens and Land to the
same adjoyning: And all that his Parke
in Southwarke: And all that his Messu
age, and all Edifices and ground, cal
led the Antilope there.
said Grant,
The Mint of Coy
nage in Southwarke.
and reserved unto the said
nage in Southwarke.
King Edward the sixth, his Heires and
successors, all that his Capitall Messu
age, or Mansion House, called South
warke Place, late of the said Duke of Suf
folke, and all Gardens and Land to the
same adjoyning: And all that his Parke
in Southwarke: And all that his Messu
age, and all Edifices and ground, cal
led the Antilope there.
And the said King Edward the sixth
did by his said Letters Patents give and
grant to the said Maior, Communalty,
and Citizens, and their successors, all
that his Lordship and Mannor of South
warke, with all and singular the Rights,
Members, and appurtenances thereof,
in the said County of Surrey, then late
belonging to the late Monastery of Ber
in the same County: And al
so all that his Mannor and Borough of
Southwarke, with all and singular the
Rights, Members, and appurtenances
thereof, in the said County of Surrey,
then late parcell of the Possessions of the
Archbishop and Archbishoprickes of
Canturbury, Together with divers yeer
ly rents, issuing out of divers Messuages
or Tenements, in the said Letters Pa
tents particularly expressed.
did by his said Letters Patents give and
grant to the said Maior, Communalty,
and Citizens, and their successors, all
that his Lordship and Mannor of South
warke, with all and singular the Rights,
Members, and appurtenances thereof,
in the said County of Surrey, then late
belonging to the late Monastery of Ber
in the same County: And al
so all that his Mannor and Borough of
Southwarke, with all and singular the
Rights, Members, and appurtenances
thereof, in the said County of Surrey,
then late parcell of the Possessions of the
Archbishop and Archbishoprickes of
Canturbury, Together with divers yeer
ly rents, issuing out of divers Messuages
or Tenements, in the said Letters Pa
tents particularly expressed.
And also the said King Edward the
sixth, by his said Letters Patents, as
well for the above-mentioned conside
rations, as also for the summe of five
hundred Markes, paid to his use, by the
said Maior, Communalty, and Citizens
of the said City of London, did give and
grant to the said Maior, Communalty,
and Citizens of the said City, and to
their successors, in and through the
whole Borough and Towne of South
warke, and in and through the whole
Parish of Saint Saviors, Saint Olaves,
and Saint George in Southwarke, and in
and through the whole Parish, then late
called Saint Thomas Hospitall, and then
called the Kings Hospitall in Southwark,
and elsewhere whersoever, in the Town
and Borough of Southwarke, and in Ken
tish street and Blackman street, in the Pa
rish of Newington, All Wayffes, Estrays,
Treasure-trove, Goods and Chattels of
Traytors, Felons, Fugitives, Out-lawes,
Condemned persons, Convict persons,
and Felons defamed, and of such as bee
put in Exigent of Outlawry, Felons of
themselves, and Deodands, and of such
as refuse the Lawes of the Land: And
all Goods disclaimed, found, or being
within the said Borough, Towne, Pari
shes and Precincts: And all mannor of
Escheats and Forfeitures.
sixth, by his said Letters Patents, as
well for the above-mentioned conside
rations, as also for the summe of five
hundred Markes, paid to his use, by the
said Maior, Communalty, and Citizens
of the said City of London, did give and
grant to the said Maior, Communalty,
and Citizens of the said City, and to
their successors, in and through the
whole Borough and Towne of South
warke, and in and through the whole
Parish of Saint Saviors, Saint Olaves,
and Saint George in Southwarke, and in
and through the whole Parish, then late
called Saint Thomas Hospitall, and then
called the Kings Hospitall in Southwark,
and elsewhere whersoever, in the Town
and Borough of Southwarke, and in Ken
tish street and Blackman street, in the Pa
rish of Newington, All Wayffes, Estrays,
Treasure-trove, Goods and Chattels of
Traytors, Felons, Fugitives, Out-lawes,
Condemned persons, Convict persons,
and Felons defamed, and of such as bee
put in Exigent of Outlawry, Felons of
themselves, and Deodands, and of such
as refuse the Lawes of the Land: And
all Goods disclaimed, found, or being
within the said Borough, Towne, Pari
shes and Precincts: And all mannor of
Escheats and Forfeitures.
And that the said Maior, Commu
nalty, and Citizens, by themselves, or
their Deputy, or Officer or Officers,
should have in the Towne, Borough,
Parishes, and Precincts aforesaid, the
Taste and Assize of Bread, Wine, Ale,
and Beere, and of all other Victuals, and
things whatsoever, sold in the same
Towne. And whatsoever should or
might appertaine to the Office of the
Clarke of the Market of his Majesties
House-hold. And the correction and
punishment of all persons there selling
Bread, Wine, Beere, and Ale, and o
ther Victuals; and of others there inha
biting, or using any Arts whatsoever.
And all Forfeitures, Fines, and Amerci
aments, to be forfeited to the King, or
his Heires or Successors. And that they
should have the execution of the Kings
Writs, and of all other Writs, Com
mandements, Precepts, Extracts, and
Warrants, with the returnes thereof, by
such their Minister or Deputy as they
should chuse.
nalty, and Citizens, by themselves, or
their Deputy, or Officer or Officers,
should have in the Towne, Borough,
Parishes, and Precincts aforesaid, the
Taste and Assize of Bread, Wine, Ale,
and Beere, and of all other Victuals, and
things whatsoever, sold in the same
Towne. And whatsoever should or
might appertaine to the Office of the
Clarke of the Market of his Majesties
House-hold. And the correction and
punishment of all persons there selling
Bread, Wine, Beere, and Ale, and o
ther Victuals; and of others there inha
biting, or using any Arts whatsoever.
And all Forfeitures, Fines, and Amerci
aments, to be forfeited to the King, or
his Heires or Successors. And that they
should have the execution of the Kings
Writs, and of all other Writs, Com
mandements, Precepts, Extracts, and
Warrants, with the returnes thereof, by
such their Minister or Deputy as they
should chuse.
And that they should have,
and hold there, every yeere, yeerely,
one Faire, to endure for three dayes,
viz. the seventh, eighth, and ninth daies
of September. And that during the
said three dayes, they should hold there
by their Minister or Deputy, from day
to day, from houre to houre, and from
time to time, all Actions, Plaints, and
Pleas of the Court of Pipowder, with al
Summons, Attachments, Arrests, Issues,
Fines, Redemptions, Commodities,
and other Rights whatsoever, to the
Court of Pipowder by any meanes be
longing. And also, that they should
have throughout the whole Precinct a
foresaid, View of Franke-pledge, with
all Sommons, Attachments, Arrests,
Issues, Amerciaments, Fines, Redemp
tions, Profits, Commodities, and other
things, which thereof to the King, his
Heires, or Successors, should apper
The Faire to be kept in South
and hold there, every yeere, yeerely,
one Faire, to endure for three dayes,
viz. the seventh, eighth, and ninth daies
of September. And that during the
said three dayes, they should hold there
by their Minister or Deputy, from day
to day, from houre to houre, and from
time to time, all Actions, Plaints, and
Pleas of the Court of Pipowder, with al
Summons, Attachments, Arrests, Issues,
Fines, Redemptions, Commodities,
and other Rights whatsoever, to the
Court of Pipowder by any meanes be
longing. And also, that they should
have throughout the whole Precinct a
foresaid, View of Franke-pledge, with
all Sommons, Attachments, Arrests,
Issues, Amerciaments, Fines, Redemp
tions, Profits, Commodities, and other
things, which thereof to the King, his
Heires, or Successors, should apper
And also, that the said Maior, Com
munalty, and Citizens, and their suc
cessors, by themselves, or by their Offi
cers or Deputies, may take and arrest in
the Borough, Towne, Parish, and Pre
cincts aforesaid, all Theeves, Felons,
and other Malefactors, and may carry
them to the Gaole of Newgate. And
that the said Maior, Communalty, and
Citizens, and their successors, should
for ever have in the said Borough, Town
parishes, and Precincts, all such Liber
ties, priviledges, Franchises, Dischar
ges, and Customes, which the King or
his Heires should have had, if the said
Borough had remained in the Kings
munalty, and Citizens, and their suc
cessors, by themselves, or by their Offi
cers or Deputies, may take and arrest in
the Borough, Towne, Parish, and Pre
cincts aforesaid, all Theeves, Felons,
and other Malefactors, and may carry
them to the Gaole of Newgate. And
that the said Maior, Communalty, and
Citizens, and their successors, should
for ever have in the said Borough, Town
parishes, and Precincts, all such Liber
ties, priviledges, Franchises, Dischar
ges, and Customes, which the King or
his Heires should have had, if the said
Borough had remained in the Kings
And also he granted to the said Ma
ior, Communalty, and Citizens of
London, and to their successors, that they
should for ever hold and keepe, all
manner of Pleas,
personall Suites, and all manner of cau
ses, Matters, Contracts, and Demands
whatsoever, happening in the Precincts
aforesaid, before the Maior and Alder
men of London, and before the Sheriffes
of London, for the time being, or any of
them, in the Guild hall and Hustings of
the said City: and the like Actions,
Bills, Plaints, Proces, Arrests, Iudge
ments, Executions, and other things
whatsoever, and the same dayes and
times, and in such like maner, as the like
Pleas happening in the said City, before
the Maior, Aldermen and Sheriffes, or
any of them, in the said Courts, or any
of them, time out of minde, have been
taken, holden, prosecuted, or executed.
And that the Serjeants at Mace, and o
ther Officers of London, using to serve
Proces, might from thenceforth, for e
ver, serve and execute all manner of Pro
ces in the said Borough, Towne, Pari
shes and Precincts, concerning such
Pleas and executions of the same, as
time out of mind hath been used in the
City of London.
ior, Communalty, and Citizens of
London, and to their successors, that they
should for ever hold and keepe, all
manner of Pleas,
Pleas, Actions, Plaints, and perso
nall Suits.
Actions, Plaints, and
nall Suits.
personall Suites, and all manner of cau
ses, Matters, Contracts, and Demands
whatsoever, happening in the Precincts
aforesaid, before the Maior and Alder
men of London, and before the Sheriffes
of London, for the time being, or any of
them, in the Guild hall and Hustings of
the said City: and the like Actions,
Bills, Plaints, Proces, Arrests, Iudge
ments, Executions, and other things
whatsoever, and the same dayes and
times, and in such like maner, as the like
Pleas happening in the said City, before
the Maior, Aldermen and Sheriffes, or
any of them, in the said Courts, or any
of them, time out of minde, have been
taken, holden, prosecuted, or executed.
And that the Serjeants at Mace, and o
ther Officers of London, using to serve
Proces, might from thenceforth, for e
ver, serve and execute all manner of Pro
ces in the said Borough, Towne, Pari
shes and Precincts, concerning such
Pleas and executions of the same, as
time out of mind hath been used in the
City of London.
And that the Inhabitants of the same
Borough, Parishes, and Precincts, for
Causes and Matters there growing, may
implead or bee impleaded in the said
City, in forme aforesaid, and in the said
Courts. And that if the Iuries impa
nelled, and so moved to try such Issues,
shall not appeare before the said Maior
and Aldermen, or Sheriffes, in the said
Courts in London, they shall bee amer
ced in like manner, and forfeit such Is
sues, as Iuries in London, making default
of appearance, have used to forfeit. And
that the Issues so forfeited, shall bee to
the use of the Maior, Communalty, and
Citizens of London, and their successors
for ever. And also, that the said Maior
and Communalty, and Citizens, and
their successors for ever, should have
the Cognizance of all manner of Pleas,
Plaints, and personall Actions, out of
all the Kings Courts, before the King,
or before any of his Iustices, for any
thing happening in the said Borough,
or Precincts,
Aldermen, and Sheriffs, or any of them,
in the Courts of the said City. And
that the Issues taken upon the said suits,
shall be tryed in the said Courts, before
the Maior and Aldermen and Sheriffes,
by men of the said Borough, as Issues in
London are tryed.
Borough, Parishes, and Precincts, for
Causes and Matters there growing, may
implead or bee impleaded in the said
City, in forme aforesaid, and in the said
Courts. And that if the Iuries impa
nelled, and so moved to try such Issues,
shall not appeare before the said Maior
and Aldermen, or Sheriffes, in the said
Courts in London, they shall bee amer
ced in like manner, and forfeit such Is
sues, as Iuries in London, making default
of appearance, have used to forfeit. And
that the Issues so forfeited, shall bee to
the use of the Maior, Communalty, and
Citizens of London, and their successors
for ever. And also, that the said Maior
and Communalty, and Citizens, and
their successors for ever, should have
the Cognizance of all manner of Pleas,
Plaints, and personall Actions, out of
all the Kings Courts, before the King,
or before any of his Iustices, for any
thing happening in the said Borough,
or Precincts,
Issues ta
ken upon Suits try
ed before the Maior and Alder
before the said Maior and
ken upon Suits try
ed before the Maior and Alder
Aldermen, and Sheriffs, or any of them,
in the Courts of the said City. And
that the Issues taken upon the said suits,
shall be tryed in the said Courts, before
the Maior and Aldermen and Sheriffes,
by men of the said Borough, as Issues in
London are tryed.
And that the said Maior,
nalty, and Citizens, and their successors,
should for ever chuse, according to the
Law, every yeere, or as often as they
should thinke meet, two Coroners in
the said Borough: And that the said
Coroners, and either of them so chosen,
should in the Precincts aforesaid, have
and use like authority, as any Coroners
in England ought to have and execute:
and that no other of the Kings Coroners
should in any wise presume to execute
any thing belonging to the Office of a
Coroner, in the Precincts aforesaid.
Two Co
roners for the Bo
Commuroners for the Bo
nalty, and Citizens, and their successors,
should for ever chuse, according to the
Law, every yeere, or as often as they
should thinke meet, two Coroners in
the said Borough: And that the said
Coroners, and either of them so chosen,
should in the Precincts aforesaid, have
and use like authority, as any Coroners
in England ought to have and execute:
and that no other of the Kings Coroners
should in any wise presume to execute
any thing belonging to the Office of a
Coroner, in the Precincts aforesaid.
And that the Maior of London, for the
time being, should be Escheator in the
Precincts aforesaid, and have power to
direct Precepts to the Sheriffe of the
County of Surrey for the time being,
and to do all other things, which to the
Office of Escheator in any of the Coun
ties of England appertaineth: and that
no other Escheator shall enter there, or
intermeddle with any thing belonging
to the Office of Escheator: and that the
Maior of London, for the time being,
shall be the Kings Clarke of the Market
within the Precincts aforesaid, and may
doe all things there appertaining to the
Office of Clarke of the Market, and that
the Clarke of the Market of the Kings
Household shall not there intermeddle
with any thing.
time being, should be Escheator in the
Precincts aforesaid, and have power to
direct Precepts to the Sheriffe of the
County of Surrey for the time being,
and to do all other things, which to the
Office of Escheator in any of the Coun
ties of England appertaineth: and that
no other Escheator shall enter there, or
intermeddle with any thing belonging
to the Office of Escheator: and that the
Maior of London, for the time being,
shall be the Kings Clarke of the Market
within the Precincts aforesaid, and may
doe all things there appertaining to the
Office of Clarke of the Market, and that
the Clarke of the Market of the Kings
Household shall not there intermeddle
with any thing.
And that the said Maior, Commu
nalty, and Citizens, and their succes
sors for ever, should have, hold, use, and
enjoy, in the Precincts aforesaid, as well
all the Liberties and Franchises afore
said, as the Toll, Tallage, Picage, and
all other the said Kings Iurisdictions,
Franchises, and Priviledges, which any
Archbishop of Canturbury, Charles D.
of Suffolke, or any the M. Brother and
Sisters of the then late Hospitall of St.
Thomas in Southwarke, or any Abbot of
the then late Monastery of S. Saviors
of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke; or any
Prior or Covent of the then late Priory
of Saint Mary Overy, or any of them e
ver had, then had, or ought to have had
in the premises, in any of the places a
foresaid; or which the said King Ed
ward the sixth then lately held and en
or ought to have had & enjoy, &
in as ample manner as King Henry the 8.
had and enjoyed, or ought to have had,
and enjoy the same: So that none of the
Kings Sheriffes, or any other of his Of
ficers should intermeddle in any thing
in the said Borough and Precincts a
nalty, and Citizens, and their succes
sors for ever, should have, hold, use, and
enjoy, in the Precincts aforesaid, as well
all the Liberties and Franchises afore
said, as the Toll, Tallage, Picage, and
all other the said Kings Iurisdictions,
Toll, Tal
lage, Pi
cage, &c.
lage, Pi
cage, &c.
Franchises, and Priviledges, which any
Archbishop of Canturbury, Charles D.
of Suffolke, or any the M. Brother and
Sisters of the then late Hospitall of St.
Thomas in Southwarke, or any Abbot of
the then late Monastery of S. Saviors
of Bermondsey, neere Southwarke; or any
Prior or Covent of the then late Priory
of Saint Mary Overy, or any of them e
ver had, then had, or ought to have had
in the premises, in any of the places a
foresaid; or which the said King Ed
ward the sixth then lately held and en
and Bridge Ward without.
or ought to have had & enjoy, &
in as ample manner as King Henry the 8.
had and enjoyed, or ought to have had,
and enjoy the same: So that none of the
Kings Sheriffes, or any other of his Of
ficers should intermeddle in any thing
in the said Borough and Precincts a
And the said King Edward the sixt
did by his said Letters Patents further
said Precincts should be within the or
dinance, governance and correction of
the Maior and Officers of London and
their Deputies, as the Citizens and In
habitants of London ought to be; by rea
son of any Charter formerly granted by
any of the said Kings Progenitors, to the
Maior, Communalty and Citizens of
London. And that the said Maior, Com
munalty and Citizens, and their Succes
sors for ever should haue, enjoy, and use
such Lawes, Iurisdictions, Liberties,
Franchises and Priviledges whatsoever
in the Borough, and Precincts aforesaid,
as fully and freely as they then used, or
ought to have used and enjoyed the
same in London, by vertue of any grant
to them made by any of the said Kings
did by his said Letters Patents further
The inha
bitants to be within the gover
nance and correcti
on of the Maior, &c.
that all the Inhabitants of the
bitants to be within the gover
nance and correcti
on of the Maior, &c.
said Precincts should be within the or
dinance, governance and correction of
the Maior and Officers of London and
their Deputies, as the Citizens and In
habitants of London ought to be; by rea
son of any Charter formerly granted by
any of the said Kings Progenitors, to the
Maior, Communalty and Citizens of
London. And that the said Maior, Com
munalty and Citizens, and their Succes
sors for ever should haue, enjoy, and use
such Lawes, Iurisdictions, Liberties,
Franchises and Priviledges whatsoever
in the Borough, and Precincts aforesaid,
as fully and freely as they then used, or
ought to have used and enjoyed the
same in London, by vertue of any grant
to them made by any of the said Kings
And that the Maior of London for the
time being, and the Recorder of London
for the time being, after they have borne
the Office of Maioraltie of London,
should be Iustices of the Kings Peace in
Southwarke, and the Precincts aforesaid,
so long as they should stand Aldermen
of the said Citty, and should in the said
Borough and Precincts aforesaid doe
and execute all things which other Iu
stices of the Peace might doe in the
County of Surrey, according to the
Lawes and Statutes of England.
time being, and the Recorder of London
for the time being, after they have borne
the Office of Maioraltie of London,
should be Iustices of the Kings Peace in
Southwarke, and the Precincts aforesaid,
so long as they should stand Aldermen
of the said Citty, and should in the said
Borough and Precincts aforesaid doe
and execute all things which other Iu
stices of the Peace might doe in the
County of Surrey, according to the
Lawes and Statutes of England.
And also, that the said Maior, Com
munaltie & Citizens, & their Successors
should have every weeke, on Munday,
Wednesday, Friday and Satterday in
the said Borough and Towne of South
bee kept, and all things to Markets ap
pertaining: All which Mannor, Lands,
Tenements, Rents, Liberties, Priviled
ges, Franchises, and other the premises
granted by the said Letters Patents, did
extend to the cleere yeerely value of 35.
li. 14. s. 4. d. And were granted to bee
holden to the said Maior, Commu
nalty and Citizens of London, and
their Successors for ever, of the said
King, his Heires and Successors, as
of his Mannor of East Greenwitch, in
the County of Kent, by Fealty onely
in Free Socage (and not in Capite) for
all manner of services and demands
munaltie & Citizens, & their Successors
should have every weeke, on Munday,
Wednesday, Friday and Satterday in
the said Borough and Towne of South
3. Market & Markets in South
one Market or Markets there to
bee kept, and all things to Markets ap
pertaining: All which Mannor, Lands,
Tenements, Rents, Liberties, Priviled
ges, Franchises, and other the premises
granted by the said Letters Patents, did
extend to the cleere yeerely value of 35.
li. 14. s. 4. d. And were granted to bee
holden to the said Maior, Commu
nalty and Citizens of London, and
their Successors for ever, of the said
King, his Heires and Successors, as
of his Mannor of East Greenwitch, in
the County of Kent, by Fealty onely
in Free Socage (and not in Capite) for
all manner of services and demands
But there was excepted and reserved
out of the said Grant,
King Edward the sixt, his Heires and Succes
sors, all his Rights, Iurisdictions, Li
berties & Franchises whatsoever, with
in the Walke, Circuit, and Precinct
of his Capitall Messuage, Gardens, and
Parke in Southwarke, and in all Gar
dens, Curtilages, and Lands, to the
said Mansion House, Gardens, and
Parke belonging.
out of the said Grant,
ons and reservati
ons to the King.
to the said
ons and reservati
ons to the King.
King Edward the sixt, his Heires and Succes
sors, all his Rights, Iurisdictions, Li
berties & Franchises whatsoever, with
in the Walke, Circuit, and Precinct
of his Capitall Messuage, Gardens, and
Parke in Southwarke, and in all Gar
dens, Curtilages, and Lands, to the
said Mansion House, Gardens, and
Parke belonging.
Also, there was excepted and reser
ved out of the said Graunt, the House,
Messuage, or Lodging there, called the
Kings Bench, and the Gardens to the
same belonging, so long as it should be
used as a Prison for Prisoners, as it was
then used.
ved out of the said Graunt, the House,
Messuage, or Lodging there, called the
Kings Bench, and the Gardens to the
same belonging, so long as it should be
used as a Prison for Prisoners, as it was
then used.
Also, there was excepted and reser
ved out of the said Graunt, the House,
Messuage, or Lodging there, called
the Marshalsey, and the Gardens to
the same belonging, so long as it should
be used as a Prison for Prisoners, as it
was then used.
ved out of the said Graunt, the House,
Messuage, or Lodging there, called
the Marshalsey, and the Gardens to
the same belonging, so long as it should
be used as a Prison for Prisoners, as it
was then used.
Also it was provided, that the said
Letters Patents should not be prejudi
ciall to the Offices of the Great Master
or Steward of the Kings Household,
within the Borough and Precincts a
foresaid, to be executed while the same
Borough and Precincts should be with
in the Verge: Nor to Ioh. Gates, Knight,
one of the Gentlemen of the Kings Pri
vie Chamber, concerning any Lands,
Tenements, Offices, Profits, Franchises,
or Liberties to him granted during his
life, by the said King Edward the
sixth, or by his Father King Henry the
Letters Patents should not be prejudi
ciall to the Offices of the Great Master
or Steward of the Kings Household,
within the Borough and Precincts a
foresaid, to be executed while the same
Borough and Precincts should be with
in the Verge: Nor to Ioh. Gates, Knight,
one of the Gentlemen of the Kings Pri
vie Chamber, concerning any Lands,
Tenements, Offices, Profits, Franchises,
or Liberties to him granted during his
life, by the said King Edward the
sixth, or by his Father King Henry the
About the space of a moneth after
the said Borough of Southwarke was so
granted by King Edward the sixt to
the Maior, Communaltie, and Citizens
of London, and that they by force of the
said Letters Patents stood charged with
the Ordering, Survev, and Government
of the same Borough, and of al the Kings
subjects inhabiting therein,
ring thither: At a Court holden before
Sir Rowland Hill, Knight, then Lord
Maior of London, and the Aldermen of
the same Citie, in the Guild-Hall of
London, on Tuesday the eight and twen
tieth of May, in the said fourth yeere of
the raigne of King Edward the sixth, the
said Towne or Borough was named and
called the Ward of Bridge Ward with
out. And Sir Iohn Ayliffe, Knight, Ci
tizen and Barber-Surgeon of London,
was then also named, elected, and cho
sen by the same Court, to be Alder
man of the same Ward, albeit that be
fore that time there neyther was any
such Ward nor Alderman.
the said Borough of Southwarke was so
granted by King Edward the sixt to
the Maior, Communaltie, and Citizens
of London, and that they by force of the
said Letters Patents stood charged with
the Ordering, Survev, and Government
of the same Borough, and of al the Kings
subjects inhabiting therein,
The orde
ring sur
uey, and gouern
ment of the Bo
rough, &c.
and repayring sur
uey, and gouern
ment of the Bo
rough, &c.
ring thither: At a Court holden before
Sir Rowland Hill, Knight, then Lord
Maior of London, and the Aldermen of
the same Citie, in the Guild-Hall of
London, on Tuesday the eight and twen
tieth of May, in the said fourth yeere of
the raigne of King Edward the sixth, the
said Towne or Borough was named and
called the Ward of Bridge Ward with
out. And Sir Iohn Ayliffe, Knight, Ci
tizen and Barber-Surgeon of London,
was then also named, elected, and cho
sen by the same Court, to be Alder
man of the same Ward, albeit that be
fore that time there neyther was any
such Ward nor Alderman.
And it was then also ordered, That
the said Sir Iohn Ayliffe, by that name
of Alderman of Bridge Ward without,
and all other that from thenceforth
should be Alderman of the same Ward,
should have the Rule, Survey, and Go
vernment, not onely of the Inhabitants
of the said Towne & Borough of South
warke, and other the Kings people re
payring to the same, but also of all the
Liberties, Franchises, and Priviledges
within the said Towne and Borough,
then formerly granted by the King and
his Progenitors to the said Maior,
Communaltie, and Citizens of Lon
don. And for the due execution of
which Office, the said Sir Iohn Ayliffe
was then presently sworne and admit
the said Sir Iohn Ayliffe, by that name
of Alderman of Bridge Ward without,
and all other that from thenceforth
should be Alderman of the same Ward,
should have the Rule, Survey, and Go
vernment, not onely of the Inhabitants
of the said Towne & Borough of South
warke, and other the Kings people re
payring to the same, but also of all the
Liberties, Franchises, and Priviledges
within the said Towne and Borough,
then formerly granted by the King and
his Progenitors to the said Maior,
Communaltie, and Citizens of Lon
don. And for the due execution of
which Office, the said Sir Iohn Ayliffe
was then presently sworne and admit
Not long after, videlicet, at a Court
of Common Councell, holden in the
Guild-Hall of London, on the last day of
Iuly, in the said fourth yeere of the
raigne of King Edward the sixth, and in
the time of the Maioraltie of the said
Sir Rowland Hill, it was enacted, That
besides the then ancient accustomed
number of five and twentie Aldermen,
there should be one Alderman more
elected, to have the Rule, Charge, and
Governance of the said Borough and
Towne. And that foure discreet persons,
or more, being Freemen of London, and
dwelling within the said Cittie, or the
Borough of Southwarke, or in other the
Liberties of the said Citie, sould from
thenceforth, as often as the case should
require, be from time to time nomi
nated, appointed, and chosen by the In
habitants of the said Borough for the
time being, before the Lord Maior of
London for the time being, sitting in the
said Borough for that purpose, in such
sort and order, as the Aldermen of Lon
don were in those dayes commonly ele
of Common Councell, holden in the
Guild-Hall of London, on the last day of
Iuly, in the said fourth yeere of the
raigne of King Edward the sixth, and in
the time of the Maioraltie of the said
Sir Rowland Hill, it was enacted, That
besides the then ancient accustomed
number of five and twentie Aldermen,
there should be one Alderman more
elected, to have the Rule, Charge, and
Governance of the said Borough and
Towne. And that foure discreet persons,
or more, being Freemen of London, and
dwelling within the said Cittie, or the
Borough of Southwarke, or in other the
Liberties of the said Citie, sould from
thenceforth, as often as the case should
require, be from time to time nomi
nated, appointed, and chosen by the In
habitants of the said Borough for the
time being, before the Lord Maior of
London for the time being, sitting in the
said Borough for that purpose, in such
sort and order, as the Aldermen of Lon
don were in those dayes commonly ele
And that the said Lord Maior for the
time being should (at the next Court of
Aldermen to be holden at the Guild-Hall
of the said Citie, next after such
election) present the names and sur
names of all such persons as so should
be named before him, and put in the
said election.
Maior & Aldermen for the time being,
should of those foure persons, or mo, so
presented, elect and chuse one, by way
of Scrutinie, to be an Alderman of the
said Citie, and to have the peculiar Or
dering, Rule and Governance of the said
Borough and Towne of Southwarke, and
of the Inhabitants thereof, and of all o
ther the Kings liege people, repayring
to the same.
time being should (at the next Court of
Aldermen to be holden at the Guild-Hall
of the said Citie, next after such
election) present the names and sur
names of all such persons as so should
be named before him, and put in the
said election.
Election of an Al¦derman by Scrutiaie.
And that the said Lord
Maior & Aldermen for the time being,
should of those foure persons, or mo, so
presented, elect and chuse one, by way
of Scrutinie, to be an Alderman of the
said Citie, and to have the peculiar Or
dering, Rule and Governance of the said
Borough and Towne of Southwarke, and
of the Inhabitants thereof, and of all o
ther the Kings liege people, repayring
to the same.
And that the said Alderman so espe
cially elect and chosen, and from time
to time, as the cause sould require
thenceforth, to be elect and chosen for
the Survey and Government of the said
Borough, and the Inhabitants and other
remayning in and to the same, should
alwayes be named and called the Alder
man of Bridge Ward without,
other Name, for or concerning that
Office, or Roome, and should have the
Cure and Charge of the good Ordering
and Government of the said Borough
and Towne of Southwarke, and of the
Inhabitants and People of and in the
same, and of none other Place within
the said Citie, by reason or colour of the
said Roome, as long as he should re
maine and stand Alderman of the said
Ward, but as the residue of the said Al
dermen of the said Citie be commonly
charged: And therein to doe and use
himselfe, as other Aldermen within the
Liberties of the said Citie were accu
stomed and used to doe, in as much as
the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme
would permit and suffer.
cially elect and chosen, and from time
to time, as the cause sould require
thenceforth, to be elect and chosen for
the Survey and Government of the said
Borough, and the Inhabitants and other
remayning in and to the same, should
alwayes be named and called the Alder
man of Bridge Ward without,
The Alder
man of Bridge Ward without.
and by none
man of Bridge Ward without.
other Name, for or concerning that
Office, or Roome, and should have the
Cure and Charge of the good Ordering
and Government of the said Borough
and Towne of Southwarke, and of the
Inhabitants and People of and in the
same, and of none other Place within
the said Citie, by reason or colour of the
said Roome, as long as he should re
maine and stand Alderman of the said
Ward, but as the residue of the said Al
dermen of the said Citie be commonly
charged: And therein to doe and use
himselfe, as other Aldermen within the
Liberties of the said Citie were accu
stomed and used to doe, in as much as
the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme
would permit and suffer.
Yet neverthelesse it was prouided, &
by the said Cōmon Councell further or
dained and enacted, That the said Sir
derman of the said Ward: And that as
well the same Sir Iohn Ayliffe, as also all
and every person and persons, that
thenceforth should fortune to be Alder
man of the same Ward, should have
and enjoy like prerogative, liberty, and
benefit, to change and remove from the
same Ward,
his and their free will and pleasure any
such other Ward or Wards within the
said City, as it should fortune him, or
them, or any of them, to be thenceforth
duely elect and chosen unto by the In
habitants of the same other VVard, or
VVards, or any of them in like manner
and forme, as the other Aldermen of
the said City lawfully might, and com
monly use to doe: Any thing in the said
recited Act to the contrary in any wise
by the said Cōmon Councell further or
dained and enacted, That the said Sir
and Bridge Ward without.
Iohn Ayliffe, Knight, should then be Alderman of the said Ward: And that as
well the same Sir Iohn Ayliffe, as also all
and every person and persons, that
thenceforth should fortune to be Alder
man of the same Ward, should have
and enjoy like prerogative, liberty, and
benefit, to change and remove from the
same Ward,
The Al
derman to change from that Ward, as occasion served.
and to accept and take at
derman to change from that Ward, as occasion served.
his and their free will and pleasure any
such other Ward or Wards within the
said City, as it should fortune him, or
them, or any of them, to be thenceforth
duely elect and chosen unto by the In
habitants of the same other VVard, or
VVards, or any of them in like manner
and forme, as the other Aldermen of
the said City lawfully might, and com
monly use to doe: Any thing in the said
recited Act to the contrary in any wise
Neverthelesse, at a Court of Alder
men holden on Tuesday, the second of
September, in the said fourth yeere of
the reigne of king Edward the sixth, and
in the time of the Maioralty of the said
Sir Rowland Hill, it was ordered, That
the Aldermen of Bridge Ward without,
for the time being, should stand and re
maine Alderman of the same VVard
three whole yeeres next after his electi
on, before hee should bee permitted to
bee removed to the governance of any
other VVard: Notwithstanding any
former Law, Vsage, or Custome.
men holden on Tuesday, the second of
September, in the said fourth yeere of
the reigne of king Edward the sixth, and
in the time of the Maioralty of the said
Sir Rowland Hill, it was ordered, That
the Aldermen of Bridge Ward without,
for the time being, should stand and re
maine Alderman of the same VVard
three whole yeeres next after his electi
on, before hee should bee permitted to
bee removed to the governance of any
other VVard: Notwithstanding any
former Law, Vsage, or Custome.
But afterwards it seemeth, upon bet
ter advice, that another order should be
taken in the election of the Alderman
of the same Ward: For at a Common
Councell holden in the Guild-Hall in
London, on the 16. day of Iune, in the
fourth and fifth yeeres of King Philip
and Queene Mary,and in the time of
the Maioralty of Sir Thomas Curtis,
Knight, the said former Act, made on
the last day of Iuly, in the fourth yeere
of King Edward the sixth, for so much
thereof as did concerne the forme and
order of the election of the Alderman
of the said VVard of Bridge Ward with
was enacted, That from thenceforth
the Alderman of the same Ward should
alwaies, at the time of vacation, or lack
of an Alderman thereof, be elected and
chosen by the Lord Maior and Alder
men of London, for the time being, at a
full Court of Aldermen, by them to be
holden in the Inner Chamber of the
Guild-Hall of the same City in this
manner, viz. That the Lord Maior and
Aldermen should at their said full
Court, amongst themselves, nominate
foure discreet and meet Citizens, being
Freemen of London, either resiant with
in the said Borough, or in London, or the
Liberties thereof, to be put in election
of Alderman of that Ward. And of the
said foure persons so nominated, the
said Lord Maior and Aldermen should
by Scrutiny, according to their accusto
med manner, elect one to bee Alder
man of the same VVard: VVhich Al
derman, so by them elected and sworne,
should use and behave himselfe in all
things, as by the residue of the former
Act of Common Councell, made the
last day of Iuly, in the fourth yeere of
King Edward the sixth was ordained
and appointed.
ter advice, that another order should be
taken in the election of the Alderman
of the same Ward: For at a Common
Councell holden in the Guild-Hall in
London, on the 16. day of Iune, in the
fourth and fifth yeeres of King Philip
and Queene Mary,and in the time of
the Maioralty of Sir Thomas Curtis,
Knight, the said former Act, made on
the last day of Iuly, in the fourth yeere
of King Edward the sixth, for so much
thereof as did concerne the forme and
order of the election of the Alderman
of the said VVard of Bridge Ward with
4. Another order for electing the Alder
man of Bridge Ward with
out, in the time of K. Philip & Queen Mary.
was utterly repealed. And then it
man of Bridge Ward with
out, in the time of K. Philip & Queen Mary.
was enacted, That from thenceforth
the Alderman of the same Ward should
alwaies, at the time of vacation, or lack
of an Alderman thereof, be elected and
chosen by the Lord Maior and Alder
men of London, for the time being, at a
full Court of Aldermen, by them to be
holden in the Inner Chamber of the
Guild-Hall of the same City in this
manner, viz. That the Lord Maior and
Aldermen should at their said full
Court, amongst themselves, nominate
foure discreet and meet Citizens, being
Freemen of London, either resiant with
in the said Borough, or in London, or the
Liberties thereof, to be put in election
of Alderman of that Ward. And of the
said foure persons so nominated, the
said Lord Maior and Aldermen should
by Scrutiny, according to their accusto
med manner, elect one to bee Alder
man of the same VVard: VVhich Al
derman, so by them elected and sworne,
should use and behave himselfe in all
things, as by the residue of the former
Act of Common Councell, made the
last day of Iuly, in the fourth yeere of
King Edward the sixth was ordained
and appointed.
Thus having declared, by what means
and at what time the said Borough of
Southwarke was made and named one
of the sixe and twenty VVards, now
belonging to the City of London; I in
tend to proceed to the description of
the severall particular places of the
same VVard, and likewise of such Mo
numents of Antiquity, as are to bee
found therein.
and at what time the said Borough of
Southwarke was made and named one
of the sixe and twenty VVards, now
belonging to the City of London; I in
tend to proceed to the description of
the severall particular places of the
same VVard, and likewise of such Mo
numents of Antiquity, as are to bee
found therein.
This Borough being in the County
of Surrey, consisteth of divers streetes,
waies, and winding lanes, all full of
buildings inhabited: and first, to begin
at the West part thereof, over-against
the West Suburbe of the City.
of Surrey, consisteth of divers streetes,
waies, and winding lanes, all full of
buildings inhabited: and first, to begin
at the West part thereof, over-against
the West Suburbe of the City.
On the banke of the River Thames,
there is now a continuall building of
Thenements, about halfe a mile in length
to the Bridge.
there is now a continuall building of
Thenements, about halfe a mile in length
to the Bridge.
Then South a continuall street called
Long Southwarke, builded on both sides
with divers Lanes and Allies up to St.
Georges Church, and beyond it thorow
Blackman street, towards Newtowne (or
Newington) the liberties of which Bo
rough extend almost to the Parish
Church of Newtowne aforesaid, distant
one mile from London bridge, and also
Southwest a continuall building, almost
to Lambith, more than one mile from
the said Bridge.
Long Southwarke, builded on both sides
with divers Lanes and Allies up to St.
Georges Church, and beyond it thorow
Blackman street, towards Newtowne (or
Newington) the liberties of which Bo
rough extend almost to the Parish
Church of Newtowne aforesaid, distant
one mile from London bridge, and also
Southwest a continuall building, almost
to Lambith, more than one mile from
the said Bridge.
Then from the Bridge along by the
Thames Eastward, is S. Olaves street, ha
ving continuall building on both the
sides, with lanes and Alleyes up to Bat
tle bridge, to Horse-downe, and towards
Rother-hith: also some good halfe mile
in length from London bridge.
So that I account the whole continu
all buildings on the Banke of the said
River, from the West towards the East,
to be more than a large mile in length.
all buildings on the Banke of the said
River, from the West towards the East,
to be more than a large mile in length.
Then have yee from the entring to
wards the said Horsedowne, one other
continuall street, called Barmondes eye
strees, which stretcheth South, likewise
furnished with buildings on both sides,
almost halfe a mile in length, up to the
late dissolved Monastery of S. Saviour,
called Bermondsey.
wards the said Horsedowne, one other
continuall street, called Barmondes eye
strees, which stretcheth South, likewise
furnished with buildings on both sides,
almost halfe a mile in length, up to the
late dissolved Monastery of S. Saviour,
called Bermondsey.
And from thence is one long lane (so
called of the length) turning West to
Saint Georges Church afore-named.
Out of the which lane mentioned Long
lane, breaketh one other street towards
the South and by East, and this is called
Kentish street, for that it is the way lea
ding into that Country: and so have
you the bounds of this Borough.
called of the length) turning West to
Saint Georges Church afore-named.
Out of the which lane mentioned Long
lane, breaketh one other street towards
the South and by East, and this is called
Kentish street, for that it is the way lea
ding into that Country: and so have
you the bounds of this Borough.
The Antiquities most notable in this
Borough are these: first, for Ecclesiasti
call, there was Bermondsey, an Abbey of
blacke Monkes, Saint Mary Overies, a
Priory of Canons Regular, Saint Thomas
a Colledge or Hospitall for the poore,
and the Loke, a Lazar-house in Kent
street. Parish Churches there have been
sixe, whereof five doe remaine, (viz.)
Saint Mary Magdalen, in the Priory of
Saint Mary Overy: now the same Saint
Mary Overy is the Parish Church for
the said Mary Magdalen, and for Saint
Margaret on the Hill, and is called St.
Borough are these: first, for Ecclesiasti
call, there was Bermondsey, an Abbey of
blacke Monkes, Saint Mary Overies, a
Priory of Canons Regular, Saint Thomas
a Colledge or Hospitall for the poore,
and the Loke, a Lazar-house in Kent
street. Parish Churches there have been
sixe, whereof five doe remaine, (viz.)
Saint Mary Magdalen, in the Priory of
Saint Mary Overy: now the same Saint
Mary Overy is the Parish Church for
the said Mary Magdalen, and for Saint
Margaret on the Hill, and is called St.
Saint Margaret on the Hill being put
downe, is now a Court for Iustice. S.
Thomas in the Hospitall serveth for a
Parish Church, as afore, Saint George
a Parish Church, as before it did:
So doth Saint Olave, and Saint Ma
ry Magdalen, by the Abby of Bermond
downe, is now a Court for Iustice. S.
Thomas in the Hospitall serveth for a
Parish Church, as afore, Saint George
a Parish Church, as before it did:
So doth Saint Olave, and Saint Ma
ry Magdalen, by the Abby of Bermond
There be also these five Prisons, or Gaoles.
The Clinke, on the Banke.
The Marshalsey.
The Kings Bench.
Houses most notable, be these.
The Abbot of Hyde his House.
The Bridge-house.
The Abbot of Battaile his House.
The Stewes on the Banke of Thames.
And the Beare-Gardens there.
Now to returne to the West Banke:
there were two Beare-Gardens, the Old
and New, Places wherein were kept
Beares, Buls, and other Beasts, to be bay
ted: As also Mastives, in severall kenels,
nourished to baite them. These Beares,
and other Beasts are there baited in
plots of ground, scaffolded about, for
the beholders to stand safe.
The Beare Gardens▪
there were two Beare-Gardens, the Old
and New, Places wherein were kept
Beares, Buls, and other Beasts, to be bay
ted: As also Mastives, in severall kenels,
nourished to baite them. These Beares,
and other Beasts are there baited in
plots of ground, scaffolded about, for
the beholders to stand safe.
Next, on this Banke,
the Bordello or Stewes, a place so called,
of certaine Stew-houses priviledged
men to the like women; of the which
Priviledge I have read thus:
Liber Ma
was sometime
the Bordello or Stewes, a place so called,
of certaine Stew-houses priviledged
The Stewes on the Bank-side.
for the repaire of incontinent
men to the like women; of the which
Priviledge I have read thus:
In a Parliament holden at Westmin
ster, the eighth of Henry the second, it
was ordained by the Commons, and confir
med by the King and Lords, That di
vers Constitutions for ever should be kept
within that Lordship, or Franchise, accor
ding to the old Customes, that had beene
there used time time of minde: Amongst
the which, these following were some: vi
ster, the eighth of Henry the second, it
was ordained by the Commons, and confir
med by the King and Lords, That di
vers Constitutions for ever should be kept
within that Lordship, or Franchise, accor
ding to the old Customes, that had beene
there used time time of minde: Amongst
the which, these following were some: vi
That no Stew-holder, or his wife, should
let or stay any single woman to goe and
come freely at all times, when they li
let or stay any single woman to goe and
come freely at all times, when they li
No Stew-holder to keepe any woman to
boord, but she to boord abroad at her plea
boord, but she to boord abroad at her plea
To take no more for the womans chamber
in the Weeke, than foureteene pence.
in the Weeke, than foureteene pence.
Not to keepe any single woman in his
house on the Holy-dayes, but the Bay
liffe to see them voyded out of the Lord
house on the Holy-dayes, but the Bay
liffe to see them voyded out of the Lord
No single woman to bee kept against her
will, that would leave her sinne.
will, that would leave her sinne.
No Stew-holder receive any woman of
Religion, or any mans wife.
Religion, or any mans wife.
No single woman to take mony to lye with
any man, except she lye with him all night,
till the morrow.
any man, except she lye with him all night,
till the morrow.
No man to be drawne or enticed into any
The Constables, Bayliffe, and others, e
very weeke to search every Stew-house.
very weeke to search every Stew-house.
No Stew-holder to keepe any woman, that
hath the perillous infirmity of Burning; nor
to sell Bread, Ale, Flesh, Fish, Wood, Coale,
or any Victuals, &c.
hath the perillous infirmity of Burning; nor
to sell Bread, Ale, Flesh, Fish, Wood, Coale,
or any Victuals, &c.
These and many more Orders were
to bee observed, upon great paine and
to bee observed, upon great paine and
I have also seene divers Patents of
the ninetenth of Edward the third.
I finde, that in the fourth of Richard the
second, these Stew-houses belonging to
William Walworth, then Maior of London,
were farmed by Froes of Flaunders,
spoyled by Walter Tylar, and other Re
bels of Kent: notwithstanding, I finde
that ordinances for the same place, and
houses, were againe confirmed in the
reigne of Henry the sixth, and to be con
tinued as before. Also Robert Fabian
writeth, that in the yeere 1506. the one
and twentieth of Henry the seventh,
said Stew-houses in Southwarke were
(for a season) inhabited, and the doores
closed up: but it was not long (saith he)
ere the houses there were set open a
gaine, so many as were permitted, for
(as it was said) whereas before were
eighteen houses, from thenceforth were
appointed to be used but twelve onely.
These allowed Stew-houses had signes
on their fronts, towards the Thames,
not hanged out, but painted on the wals
as a Boares head,
Gunne, the Castle, the Crane, the Car
dinals Hat, the Bell, the Swanne, &c.
I have heard ancient men of good cre
dit report, that these single women
were forbidden the rights of the
sinnefull life, and were excluded from
Christian buriall, if they were not re
conciled before their death. And ther
fore there was a plot of ground, called
the Single womens Churchyard, appointed
for them, far from the Parish Church.
Li. S. Mary Eborum.
namely, one dated 1345.
the ninetenth of Edward the third.
English people disdayned to bee Bawds.
I finde, that in the fourth of Richard the
second, these Stew-houses belonging to
William Walworth, then Maior of London,
were farmed by Froes of Flaunders,
Froes of Flaunders were wo
men for that pur
men for that pur
spoyled by Walter Tylar, and other Re
bels of Kent: notwithstanding, I finde
that ordinances for the same place, and
houses, were againe confirmed in the
reigne of Henry the sixth, and to be con
tinued as before. Also Robert Fabian
writeth, that in the yeere 1506. the one
and twentieth of Henry the seventh,
Stew hou
ses put downe by Henry the 7. for a time.
ses put downe by Henry the 7. for a time.
said Stew-houses in Southwarke were
(for a season) inhabited, and the doores
closed up: but it was not long (saith he)
ere the houses there were set open a
gaine, so many as were permitted, for
(as it was said) whereas before were
eighteen houses, from thenceforth were
appointed to be used but twelve onely.
These allowed Stew-houses had signes
on their fronts, towards the Thames,
not hanged out, but painted on the wals
as a Boares head,
Signes on the Stew-houses.
the Crosse keyes, the
Gunne, the Castle, the Crane, the Car
dinals Hat, the Bell, the Swanne, &c.
I have heard ancient men of good cre
dit report, that these single women
were forbidden the rights of the
Single women forbidden rights of the Church.
so long as they continued that
sinnefull life, and were excluded from
Christian buriall, if they were not re
conciled before their death. And ther
fore there was a plot of ground, called
the Single womens Churchyard, appointed
for them, far from the Parish Church.
In the yeere of Christ, a thousand five
hundred forty sixe,
tieth of Henry the eighth, this row
of Stewes in Southwarke was put downe
by the Kings commandement, which
was proclaimed by sound of Trumpet
no more to be priviledged, and used as
a common Brothel; but the inhabitants
of the same to keepe good and honest
rule, as in other places of this Realm, &c.
hundred forty sixe,
ses put downe.
the seven and thirses put downe.
tieth of Henry the eighth, this row
of Stewes in Southwarke was put downe
by the Kings commandement, which
was proclaimed by sound of Trumpet
no more to be priviledged, and used as
a common Brothel; but the inhabitants
of the same to keepe good and honest
rule, as in other places of this Realm, &c.
Then next is the Clinke, a Gaole or
Prison for the Trespassers in those parts;
namely, in old time for such as should
brabble, fray, or breake the peace on
the said Banke, or in the Brothell hou
ses, they were by the inhabitants there
about apprehended and committed to
this Gaole, where they were straightly
Prison for the Trespassers in those parts;
namely, in old time for such as should
brabble, fray, or breake the peace on
the said Banke, or in the Brothell hou
ses, they were by the inhabitants there
about apprehended and committed to
this Gaole, where they were straightly
Next is the Bishop of Winchesters
house, or lodging when he commeth to
this City: which house was first buil
ded by William Gifford, Bishop of Win
chester, about the yeere one thousand
one hundred and seven, the seventh of
Henry the first, upon a plot of ground
pertaining to the Prior of Bermondsey,
as appeareth by a Writ directed unto
the Barons of the Exchequer, in the
yeere 1366. the one and fortieth of Ed
ward the third (the Bishops Sea being
void) for 8. pounds due to the Monkes
of Bermondsey, for the Bishop of Winche
sters lodging in Southwarke. This is a
very faire house wel repayred, and hath
a large Wharfe, and a landing place cal
led the Bishop of Winchesters staires.
house, or lodging when he commeth to
this City: which house was first buil
ded by William Gifford, Bishop of Win
chester, about the yeere one thousand
one hundred and seven, the seventh of
Henry the first, upon a plot of ground
pertaining to the Prior of Bermondsey,
as appeareth by a Writ directed unto
the Barons of the Exchequer, in the
yeere 1366. the one and fortieth of Ed
ward the third (the Bishops Sea being
void) for 8. pounds due to the Monkes
of Bermondsey, for the Bishop of Winche
sters lodging in Southwarke. This is a
very faire house wel repayred, and hath
a large Wharfe, and a landing place cal
led the Bishop of Winchesters staires.
Adjoyning to this on the South side
thereof, is the Bishop of Rochesters Inne
or lodging, by whom first erected I doe
not now remember me to have read, but
well I wot, the same of long time
hath not beene frequented by any Bi
shop, and lyeth ruinous for lacke of re
parations. The Abbot of Naverley had
a house there.
thereof, is the Bishop of Rochesters Inne
or lodging, by whom first erected I doe
not now remember me to have read, but
well I wot, the same of long time
hath not beene frequented by any Bi
shop, and lyeth ruinous for lacke of re
parations. The Abbot of Naverley had
a house there.
East from the Bishop of Winchesters
house, directly over-against it standeth
a faire Church, called S. Mary over the
This Church, or some other in place
thereof, was (of old time long before the
Conquest) an house of Sisters, founded
by a Maiden, named Mary, unto the
which house and Sisters she left (as was
left to her by her Parents) the over-sight
and profits of a Crosse Ferrie, or traverse
Ferry over the Thames, there kept be
fore that any Bridge was builded. This
house of Sisters was after by Swithen a
noble Lady, converted unto a Colledge
of Priests, who in place of the Ferrie,
builded a Bridge of Timber, and from
time to time kept the same in good re
parations; but lastly the same Bridge
was builded of Stone, and then in the
yeere 1106. was this Church againe
founded for Canons Regular, by William
Pont de le Arch, and William Dauncy,
Knights Normans.
house, directly over-against it standeth
a faire
a faire Church, called S. Mary over the
Saint Ma
ry Overies a Priory, and now a Parish Church.
or Overy, that is, over the water.
ry Overies a Priory, and now a Parish Church.
This Church, or some other in place
thereof, was (of old time long before the
Conquest) an house of Sisters, founded
by a Maiden, named Mary, unto the
which house and Sisters she left (as was
left to her by her Parents) the over-sight
and profits of a Crosse Ferrie, or traverse
Ferry over the Thames, there kept be
fore that any Bridge was builded. This
house of Sisters was after by Swithen a
noble Lady, converted unto a Colledge
of Priests, who in place of the Ferrie,
builded a Bridge of Timber, and from
time to time kept the same in good re
parations; but lastly the same Bridge
was builded of Stone, and then in the
yeere 1106. was this Church againe
founded for Canons Regular, by William
Pont de le Arch, and William Dauncy,
Knights Normans.
William Gifford, Bishop of Winchester,
was a good Benefactor also,
some have noted) builded the body of
that Church,
sand, one hundred and sixe, the seventh
of Henry the first.
was a good Benefactor also,
Lib. Rufen.
for hee (as
some have noted) builded the body of
that Church,
Liber Ber
in the yeere one thoumondsey.
sand, one hundred and sixe, the seventh
of Henry the first.
The Canons first entred the said
Church, then Algodus was the first Prior.
Church, then Algodus was the first Prior.
King Stephen confirmeth the gift of
King Henry, and also gave the Stone
House, which was William de Ponte le
Arche, by Downgate.
King Henry, and also gave the Stone
House, which was William de Ponte le
Arche, by Downgate.
This Priory was burned about the
yeere 1207. wherefore the Canons did
found an Hospitall neere unto their Pri
ory, where they celebrated untill the
Priory was repayred: which Hospi
tall was after (by consent of Peter de la
Roch, Bishop of Winchester) removed into
the land of Anicins, Archdeacon of Sur
rey, in the yeere 1228. a place where
the water was more plentifull, and the
ayre more wholsome, and was dedica
ted to S. Thomas.
yeere 1207. wherefore the Canons did
found an Hospitall neere unto their Pri
ory, where they celebrated untill the
Priory was repayred: which Hospi
tall was after (by consent of Peter de la
Roch, Bishop of Winchester) removed into
the land of Anicins, Archdeacon of Sur
rey, in the yeere 1228. a place where
the water was more plentifull, and the
ayre more wholsome, and was dedica
ted to S. Thomas.
This Peter de Rupibus, or de la Roch,
founded a large Chappell of Saint Ma
ry Magdalen, in the said Church of St.
Mary Overy, which chappell was after
ward appointed to be the Parish Church
for the inhabitants neere adjoyning.
founded a large Chappell of Saint Ma
ry Magdalen, in the said Church of St.
Mary Overy, which chappell was after
ward appointed to be the Parish Church
for the inhabitants neere adjoyning.
Iohn Gower, Esquire, a famous Poet,
was then an especialll Benefactor to that
North side of the said Church, in the
Chappell of Saint Iohn , where he foun
ded a Chantry, hee lyeth under a
Tombe of Stone, with his Image also
of Stone over him. The haire of his
head aburne, long to his shoulders, but
curling up, and a small forked beard;
on his head a Chaplet, like a coronet
of foure Roses, an habite of Purple, da
masked downe to his seet, a Collar of
Esses of gold about his necke, under his
feet the likenesse of three Bookes,
which hee compiled. The first, named
Speculum Meditantis, written in French:
The second, Vox Clamantis, penned in
Latine: The third, Confessio Amantis,
written in English, and this last is prin
ted. Vox Clamantis, with his Cronica
Tripartita, and other both in Latine and
French, never printed, I have and doe
poffesse, but Speculum Meditantis, I ne
ver saw, though heard thereof to bee
in Kent; Beside on the wall where he ly
eth, there was painted 3. Virgins crow
ned, one of the which was named Cha
rity, holding this divice:
was then an especialll Benefactor to that
Iohn Gower was no Knight, neither had he a
ny Gar
land of lvie and Roses, but a Chaplet of foure Roses on
and was there buried on the
ny Gar
land of lvie and Roses, but a Chaplet of foure Roses on
North side of the said Church, in the
Chappell of Saint Iohn , where he foun
ded a Chantry, hee lyeth under a
Tombe of Stone, with his Image also
of Stone over him. The haire of his
head aburne, long to his shoulders, but
curling up, and a small forked beard;
on his head a Chaplet, like a coronet
of foure Roses, an habite of Purple, da
masked downe to his seet, a Collar of
Esses of gold about his necke, under his
feet the likenesse of three Bookes,
which hee compiled. The first, named
Speculum Meditantis, written in French:
The second, Vox Clamantis, penned in
Latine: The third, Confessio Amantis,
written in English, and this last is prin
ted. Vox Clamantis, with his Cronica
Tripartita, and other both in Latine and
French, never printed, I have and doe
poffesse, but Speculum Meditantis, I ne
ver saw, though heard thereof to bee
in Kent; Beside on the wall where he ly
eth, there was painted 3. Virgins crow
ned, one of the which was named Cha
rity, holding this divice:
En toy qui es Fitz de Dieu le Pere,
Savue soit, qui gist sours cest Pierre.
The second writing Mercy, with this
O bone lesu fait ta mercy,
Al’ame, dont le corps gift icy.
The third writing Pitty, with this de
Pour ta pite Iesu regar’de,
Et met cest a me en savue garde.
His Armes, in a Field Argent, on a
Cheveron Azure, three Leopards heads
Gold, their tongues Gules, two Angels
Supporters; on the Crest a Talbot.
His Epitaph,
Cheveron Azure, three Leopards heads
Gold, their tongues Gules, two Angels
Supporters; on the Crest a Talbot.
His Epitaph,
Armigeri Scutum nihil
a modo fert sibi tutum,
Reddidit immolutum morti
generale tributum,
Spiritus exutum
se gaudeat esse solutum,
Regnum siue labe statutum.
The roofe of the middle waste Ile sell
downe in the yeere 1469. This Priory
was surrendered to Henry the eighth,
the one and thirtieth of his reigne, the
seven and twentieth of October, the
yeere of Christ 1539. valued at sixe
hundred, twenty foure pounds, six shil
lings, sixe pence, by the yeere.
downe in the yeere 1469. This Priory
was surrendered to Henry the eighth,
the one and thirtieth of his reigne, the
seven and twentieth of October, the
yeere of Christ 1539. valued at sixe
hundred, twenty foure pounds, six shil
lings, sixe pence, by the yeere.
About Christmas next following,
the Church of the said Priory was pur
chased of the King by the inhabitants
of the Borough.
dener, Bishop of Winchester, putting to
his helping hand, they made thereof a
Parish Church for the Parish Church
of S. Mary Magdalen, on the South side
of the said Quire, out of Saint Marga
ret on the hill, which were made one
Parish of S. Saviour.
the Church of the said Priory was pur
chased of the King by the inhabitants
of the Borough.
Priory of S. Mary Overy made a Parish Church.
Doctor Stephen Gardener, Bishop of Winchester, putting to
his helping hand, they made thereof a
Parish Church for the Parish Church
of S. Mary Magdalen, on the South side
of the said Quire, out of Saint Marga
ret on the hill, which were made one
Parish of S. Saviour.
Robert Merfin, Esquire.
William Vndall, Esquire.
Sir George Brewes, Knight.
Lady Brandon,
Wife to Sir Thomas
Iohn Bowden Esquire.
Iohn Duncell, Merchant-Taylor, 1516.
Iohn Sturton, Esquire.
William Wickham, translated from the
Sea of Lincolne, to the Bishopricke of
Winchester, in the moneth of March,
1595. deceased the 11. day of Iune
next following and was buried here.
Sea of Lincolne, to the Bishopricke of
Winchester, in the moneth of March,
1595. deceased the 11. day of Iune
next following and was buried here.
Thomas Cure, Esquire, Sadler to King
Edward the sixth, Queene Mary and
Queene Elizabeth, deceased the 24. day
of May, 1598.
Edward the sixth, Queene Mary and
Queene Elizabeth, deceased the 24. day
of May, 1598.
Hic jacet Ioannes Gower,
glorum Poeta celeberrimus, ac huic sa
cro Aedificio benefactor insignis, vixit
temporibus Ed. 3. & Rich. 3.
A very faire Tombe in the North Ile of the Church.
Armiger, Anglorum Poeta celeberrimus, ac huic sa
cro Aedificio benefactor insignis, vixit
temporibus Ed. 3. & Rich. 3.
Noviter constructum impensis
Parochiae, An. Dom. 1615.
Parochiae, An. Dom. 1615.
Epicædion Thomae Cure, Southwarchien
sis Armigeri.
sis Armigeri.
Elizabetha tibi Princeps
servivit Equorum
A sellis Curus,
A faire Tombe in the North wall of the Quire.
quem lapis iste regit.
Servivit Edvardo Regi,
Mariaeque Sorori,
Principibus magna
est laus placuisse tribus.
Convixit cunctis charus
Respublica Curae
Semper erat Curo,
commoda plebis erant:
Dum vixit tribui
senibus curavit alendis,
Nummorum in sumptus
annua dona domos.
Obiit 24. die Maii, An. Dom. 1588.
Had Kings a power
to lend their Subjects breath,
A very Monumẽt close by the other.
Trehearne, thou shouldst
not be cast downe by death:
Thy Royall Master still
would keepe thee then;
But length of dayes
are beyond reach of men.
Nor wealth, nor strength,
nor great mens love can ease
The wound Deaths Arrowes make,
for thou hast these.
In thy Kings Court
good place to thee is given:
Whence thou shalt goe
to the Kings Court of Heaven.
Peter Humble,
A very faire Tombe in the chan
Gentleman, dedicates this
Monument to the pious memory of Ri
chard Humble, Alderman of London,
and Margaret his first wife, daughter
to Iohn Pierson of Nathing, in the
County of Essex, Gentleman. By whom
he had issue two sonnes, Iohn, who died
young, and the above-named Peter, now
living. Also foure daughter, Katha
rine, Weltham, Margaret, and Eliza
beth, who survived the other three, and
was interred the same day with her Fa
ther, being the 30. of April 1616. Ri
chard left Isabel his second wife, wi
dow, who was the daughter of Robert
Kitchinman, of Hemsley, in the Coun
ty of Yorke, Gentleman, bequeathing to
the poore of this Parish five pounds, foure
shillings yeerly for ever, out of a Tene
ment adjoyning to the Southside of the
three Crownes gate in Southwarke.
A very faire stone by the Commu
nion ta
nion ta
Gulielmus Wickham, translat. à sede
Lincoln. & Mense Martii, 1595. ex
isten Episcopus Winton. Obiit 11.
Iunii, prox. sequent. Reliquit uxorem
laudatiff. quae sepelit in Awkenbery,
Com. Hunt.
Lincoln. & Mense Martii, 1595. ex
isten Episcopus Winton. Obiit 11.
Iunii, prox. sequent. Reliquit uxorem
laudatiff. quae sepelit in Awkenbery,
Com. Hunt.
Doctrina Antistes praestans
& moribus aequis,
Eloquio & pietate gravis,
mensaque manuque.
Non parcus, justi neglectus
honore sepulchri,
Hic jacet. O seculum
insipiens, verum aequior illi,
Dum moritur, Deus Aligeros
dat cernere, missos,
Qui migrantem animam
Coeli ad sublimina ferrent.
F. M. posuit 10. Iunii, Anno
Domini 1600.
Domini 1600.
The Monument of Bishop Andrewes
is in a Chappell at the East end of the
Church, and his body lyeth within the
is in a Chappell at the East end of the
Church, and his body lyeth within the
Si Christianus es, siste:
Morae pretium erit,
Non nescire te, qui vir hîc situs sit:
Ejusdem tecum Catholicae Ecclesiae membru,
Sub eadem felicis Resurrectionis spe,
Eandem D. Iesu praestolans Epiphaniam,
Sub eadem felicis Resurrectionis spe,
Eandem D. Iesu praestolans Epiphaniam,
Sacratiss. Antistes Lancelotus Andrews,
Londini oriundus, educatus Cantabrigiae,
Aulae Pembroch. Alumnor. Socior. Praefector.
Vnus, & nemini secundus:
Londini oriundus, educatus Cantabrigiae,
Aulae Pembroch. Alumnor. Socior. Praefector.
Vnus, & nemini secundus:
Linguarum, Artium, Scientiarum,
Humanorum, Divinorum, Omnium
Humanorum, Divinorum, Omnium
Infinitus Thesaurus, Stupendum Oraculū:
Orthodoxae Christi Ecclesiae,
Dictis, scriptis, precibus, Exemplo
Incomparabile propugnaculum:
Reginae Elizabethae à sacris,
D. Pauli London. Residentiarius,
D. Petri Westmonast. Decanus:
Episcopus Cicestrensis, Eliensis, Wintoniensis,
Regique Iacobo tum ab Eleemosynis,
Tum ab utriusque Regni Consiliis,
Decanus denique Secelli Regii:
Regique Iacobo tum ab Eleemosynis,
Tum ab utriusque Regni Consiliis,
Decanus denique Secelli Regii:
Idem ex
Indefessa opera in studiis,
Summa sapientia in rebus,
Assidua pietate in Deum,
Profusa largitate in Egenos,
Rara amoenitate in suos,
Spectata probitate in omnes,
Aeternum admirandus.
Annorum pariter & publicae famae satur,
Sed bonorū passim omnium cum luctu denatus,
Coelebs hinc migravit ad aureolam coelestem,
Sed bonorū passim omnium cum luctu denatus,
Coelebs hinc migravit ad aureolam coelestem,
Regis Caroli 11o. Aetatis S. LXXIo.
Christi MDCXXVIo.
Regis Caroli 11o. Aetatis S. LXXIo.
Christi MDCXXVIo.
Tantum est (Lector) quod te moerentes posteri
Nunc volebant, atque vt voto tuo valeas, dicto
Sit Deo gloria.
Nunc volebant, atque vt voto tuo valeas, dicto
Sit Deo gloria.
There is a Monument of Iohn Bin
gham, Esquire, Sadler to Queene Eliza
beth and King Iames. Who was a wor
thy benefactor to the Parish, and to the
Free-Schoole there: who departed this
life in the yeere of our Lord, 1625.
gham, Esquire, Sadler to Queene Eliza
beth and King Iames. Who was a wor
thy benefactor to the Parish, and to the
Free-Schoole there: who departed this
life in the yeere of our Lord, 1625.
There is a Monument for VVilliam
of Iune, An. Dom. 1575. in the yeere of
his age 92.
This Mo
nument standeth in the South Ile.
who departed this life the 27.
nument standeth in the South Ile.
of Iune, An. Dom. 1575. in the yeere of
his age 92.
Arvum hoc Sepulchrale.
Exuviarum opt. matris Iocosae dominae
Clerke. Sui ipsius lectissimaeque uxoris
consitioni destinatum, Gulielmus Augu
stinus Armiger vivus sacravit.
Clerke. Sui ipsius lectissimaeque uxoris
consitioni destinatum, Gulielmus Augu
stinus Armiger vivus sacravit.
and Bridge Ward without.
Conjux charissima primo. inseritur.
Quae post decimū partum (An MDCXXIII.
Ian. XXI. Marito, ac liberis quinque su
perstitibus) Tricenaria valedicens:
Ian. XXI. Marito, ac liberis quinque su
perstitibus) Tricenaria valedicens:
In restorescendi dic & spem; Hac terra tegitur.
Sequimur caeteri: Sati corruptibiles,
Suscitandi incorruptibiles.
The Monument with this inscripti
on standeth on the South side of the
on standeth on the South side of the
Monumentum viri justi.
In memory of Iohn Symons, Citizen and
White-Baker of London; who departed
this life the 10. of August, in the yeere
of our Lord 1625. and was a good Bene
factor unto this Parish: who gave unto
the poore the summe of eight pounds Per
Annum for ever, to be distributed on the
Feast day of St. Thomas before Christ
mas. And unto Saint Georges Parish
in Southwarke the summe of ten pounds
per Annum, for ever. And unto the
Parish of Saint Mary Newington in
Surrey, the summe of five pounds per
Annum, for ever. These summes to
come unto the said Parish, after the de
cease of his father Samuel Symons,
who yet liveth, in the yeere 1631.
White-Baker of London; who departed
this life the 10. of August, in the yeere
of our Lord 1625. and was a good Bene
factor unto this Parish: who gave unto
the poore the summe of eight pounds Per
Annum for ever, to be distributed on the
Feast day of St. Thomas before Christ
mas. And unto Saint Georges Parish
in Southwarke the summe of ten pounds
per Annum, for ever. And unto the
Parish of Saint Mary Newington in
Surrey, the summe of five pounds per
Annum, for ever. These summes to
come unto the said Parish, after the de
cease of his father Samuel Symons,
who yet liveth, in the yeere 1631.
The Monument standeth in the South
side of the Church, with this Epitaph:
side of the Church, with this Epitaph:
His flesh interr’d here
once contain’d a spirit,
Who (by Gods mercy
and his Saviours merit)
Departed in that constant
hope of trust,
To reigne eternally
amongst the just:
To live and dye well
was his whole endeavor,
And in (assurance) dyed
to live for ever.
In the South side of the Church by
the Quire there standeth the Monu
ment of William Austin, Esquire, very
faire and beautifull; the invention thus:
the Quire there standeth the Monu
ment of William Austin, Esquire, very
faire and beautifull; the invention thus:
Over the head of the Angell is a
Sunne, and in it written Sol Iustitiae.
Sunne, and in it written Sol Iustitiae.
There standeth an Angell upon a
Rocke, with a Sickle in the left hand,
and the right hand erected towards
heaven, with these words written on
the Rocke: Petra erat Christus; and un
der the Rocke is a field of ripe wheate,
and in it written: Si non moriatur, non
reviviscit. And under that these words:
Nos sevit, fovit, lavit, cogit, renovabit.
Rocke, with a Sickle in the left hand,
and the right hand erected towards
heaven, with these words written on
the Rocke: Petra erat Christus; and un
der the Rocke is a field of ripe wheate,
and in it written: Si non moriatur, non
reviviscit. And under that these words:
Nos sevit, fovit, lavit, cogit, renovabit.
Vpon the right hand of this Angell
are written these words: Vos estis Dei.
And on the left this: Agricultura.
are written these words: Vos estis Dei.
And on the left this: Agricultura.
On each side of this Angell sitteth
two other Angels, leaning on their
armes; the one with a Forke, and un
der written Messores. The other with a
Rack, and under written: Congregabunt.
two other Angels, leaning on their
armes; the one with a Forke, and un
der written Messores. The other with a
Rack, and under written: Congregabunt.
Vnder all this is the forme of a win
nowing Fanne, and words written in it.
nowing Fanne, and words written in it.
The Lady Clarke, mother to Master
William Austin, gave a very faire Com
munion Table railed about, where 60.
may kneele to receive the Sacrament,
with a faire Carpet for it, and the railes
hung about with the same embroide
William Austin, gave a very faire Com
munion Table railed about, where 60.
may kneele to receive the Sacrament,
with a faire Carpet for it, and the railes
hung about with the same embroide
Master William Austin gave a faire
Silver Chalice, and a Dish for the
Bread, to the value of almost forty
pounds. And his wife that now is, who
was the Relict of Iohn Bingham, Esquire,
gave two very faire Silver Flagons of
the like value.
Silver Chalice, and a Dish for the
Bread, to the value of almost forty
pounds. And his wife that now is, who
was the Relict of Iohn Bingham, Esquire,
gave two very faire Silver Flagons of
the like value.
Item, I give and bequeath these An
nuities ensuing to be issuing out of cer
taine Tenements of mine, viz. twenty
shillings yeerly for ever to the Master
and Society of Peter house in Cam
bridge, towards the maintenance of the
Library there: and twenty shillings
yeerly for ever to the Church-wardens
of Saint Olaves in Southwarke, for the
use of the poore of the Parish. And ten
shilligs yeerly for ever to the Church-wardens
of the Parish of St. Saviours,
for the poore in the precinct of old Pa
rish Garden,
nuities ensuing to be issuing out of cer
taine Tenements of mine, viz. twenty
shillings yeerly for ever to the Master
and Society of Peter house in Cam
bridge, towards the maintenance of the
Library there: and twenty shillings
yeerly for ever to the Church-wardens
of Saint Olaves in Southwarke, for the
use of the poore of the Parish. And ten
shilligs yeerly for ever to the Church-wardens
of the Parish of St. Saviours,
for the poore in the precinct of old Pa
rish Garden,
Master Smith hath given unto
the said Parish of S. Saviours the summe
of twenty eight pounds per Annum, for
ever unto the poore of this Parish.
the said Parish of S. Saviours the summe
of twenty eight pounds per Annum, for
ever unto the poore of this Parish.
Master Randall Carter, Citizen and
Tallow Chandler of London, hath given
seven pounds per Annum, for ever unto
a poore Scholar that shall bee elected
out of the Free Schoole to either of the
Vniversities; and this seven pounds he
is to enjoy for sixe yeeres, and his time
expired to another: and so forward.
Tallow Chandler of London, hath given
seven pounds per Annum, for ever unto
a poore Scholar that shall bee elected
out of the Free Schoole to either of the
Vniversities; and this seven pounds he
is to enjoy for sixe yeeres, and his time
expired to another: and so forward.
Master Edward Hulit, Gentleman,
hath given forty pounds per Annum, to
the poore of the same Parish for ever,
to bee received out of certaine Tene
ments, situate in the Borough of South
hath given forty pounds per Annum, to
the poore of the same Parish for ever,
to bee received out of certaine Tene
ments, situate in the Borough of South
Hugh Brooker, Esquire, hath given
unto the Free Schoole the summe of
five pounds per Annum, for ever. And
likewise unto the poore of the same Pa
rish five pounds per Annum, for ever:
and lyeth buried in Saint Saviours
Church in the North Ile by the Quire.
unto the Free Schoole the summe of
five pounds per Annum, for ever. And
likewise unto the poore of the same Pa
rish five pounds per Annum, for ever:
and lyeth buried in Saint Saviours
Church in the North Ile by the Quire.
Thomas Marshall gave an hundred
pounds for ever to the Parish, for to
clothe sixe poore boyes every Christ
masse, who dyed in the yeere 1625.
pounds for ever to the Parish, for to
clothe sixe poore boyes every Christ
masse, who dyed in the yeere 1625.
Now passing through Saint Mary
OveriesClose (in possession of the Lord
Mountacute) and Pepper Alley, into
Long Southwarke, on the right hand
thereof, the Market hill, where the
Leather is fold, there stood the late na
med Parish Church of Saint Margaret,
given to Saint Mary Overies by Henry
the first, put downe and joyned with
the Parish Church of Saint Mary Mag
dalen, and united to the late dissolved
Priory Church of S. Mary Overy.
OveriesClose (in possession of the Lord
Mountacute) and Pepper Alley, into
Long Southwarke, on the right hand
thereof, the Market hill, where the
Leather is fold, there stood the late na
med Parish Church of Saint Margaret,
S. Margaret on the hill made a Court of Iustice.
given to Saint Mary Overies by Henry
the first, put downe and joyned with
the Parish Church of Saint Mary Mag
dalen, and united to the late dissolved
Priory Church of S. Mary Overy.
A part of this Parish Church of St.
Margaret is now a Court, wherein the
Assises and Sessions bee kept, and the
Court of Admiralty is also there kept.
One other part of the same Church is
now a Prison, called the Compter in
Southwarke, &c.
Margaret is now a Court, wherein the
Assises and Sessions bee kept, and the
Court of Admiralty is also there kept.
One other part of the same Church is
now a Prison, called the Compter in
Southwarke, &c.
Farther up on that side, almost di
rectly over-against St. Georges Church,
was sometime a large and most sump
tuous house, builded by Charles Bran
don, late Duke of Suffolke, in the reigne
of Henry the eighth, which was called
Suffolke house;
into the Kings hands, the same was
called Southwarke Place, and a Mint of
Coynage was there kept for the King.
rectly over-against St. Georges Church,
was sometime a large and most sump
tuous house, builded by Charles Bran
don, late Duke of Suffolke, in the reigne
of Henry the eighth, which was called
Suffolke house;
Suffolke house, a Mint in Southwark.
but comming afterwards
into the Kings hands, the same was
called Southwarke Place, and a Mint of
Coynage was there kept for the King.
To this place came King Edward the
sixth, in the second of his reigne, from
Hampton Court, and dined in it. He at
that time made Iohn Yorke, one of the
Sheriffes of London, Knight, and then
rode through the City to Westminster.
sixth, in the second of his reigne, from
Hampton Court, and dined in it. He at
that time made Iohn Yorke, one of the
Sheriffes of London, Knight, and then
rode through the City to Westminster.
Queene Mary gave this house to Ni
cholas Heth, Archbishop of Yorke, and
to his successors for ever, to bee their
Inne or lodging for their repaire to Lon
don, in recompence of York house, neere
to Westminster, which King Henry her
father had taken from Cardinall Wool
sey, and from the Sea of Yorke.
cholas Heth, Archbishop of Yorke, and
to his successors for ever, to bee their
Inne or lodging for their repaire to Lon
don, in recompence of York house, neere
to Westminster, which King Henry her
father had taken from Cardinall Wool
sey, and from the Sea of Yorke.
Archbishop Heth sold the same house
to a Merchant, or to Merchants, that
pulled it downe, sold the Lead, Stone,
Iron, &c. and in place thereof builded
many small Cottages of great rents, to
the increasing of beggars in that Bo
rough. The Archbishop bought Nor
wich House, or Suffolke Place, neere unto
Charing-Crosse, because it was neere un
to the Court, and left it to his succs
sors. Now on the South side, to returne
backe again towards the Bridge. Over-against
this Suffolke Place, is the Parish
Church of Saint George, sometime per
taining to the Priory of Bermondsey, by
the gift of Thomas Arderne, and Thomas
his son, in the yeere 1122.
to a Merchant, or to Merchants, that
pulled it downe, sold the Lead, Stone,
Iron, &c. and in place thereof builded
many small Cottages of great rents, to
the increasing of beggars in that Bo
rough. The Archbishop bought Nor
wich House, or Suffolke Place, neere unto
Charing-Crosse, because it was neere un
to the Court, and left it to his succs
sors. Now on the South side, to returne
backe again towards the Bridge. Over-against
this Suffolke Place, is the Parish
Church of Saint George, sometime per
taining to the Priory of Bermondsey, by
the gift of Thomas Arderne, and Thomas
his son, in the yeere 1122.
A faire Monumēt in the South wal of the Chancell.
Master William Evans he
whose body lieth here,
Bequeathed hath by his last will,
for ever by the yeere
Ten pounds, eight shillings to the poore,
which is a blessed stay,
And must be given them in bread,
on every Sabbath day.
One halfe to Crekederus poore,
his native soile so deare:
The other moity to the poore
of this our Parish here.
See now all ye that love the poore,
how God did guide his wayes,
Ten score and eight are serv’d with bread
in two and fifty daies,
to yeelded any share.
Praise God, ye poore, who gave to him
so provident a care.
He was free of the right Worship
full Company of the Merchant-Taylors,
and deceased the nine
and twentieth of Iuly 1590. in
the two and thirtieth yeer of the
most prosperous reigne of our
Soveraigne Lady Queene Eliza
beth. Aetatis 67.
full Company of the Merchant-Taylors,
and deceased the nine
and twentieth of Iuly 1590. in
the two and thirtieth yeer of the
most prosperous reigne of our
Soveraigne Lady Queene Eliza
beth. Aetatis 67.
hath done a godly deed
To the poore of this Parish,
for to relieve their need,
Five pounds a yeere for evermore,
by will he hath bequeath’d,
Which must out of the Angell rents,
quarterly be receiv’d,
By the Church-wardens of this Church,
whom he hath put in trust,
As Fathers in the poores behalfe,
to be upright and just.
Which men I doubt not but our God,
who seeth all things, shall finde
True in dispersing of the same,
according to his minde.
Ye poore, thanke Christ for Savage still,
extoil Gods name with praise,
That he to follow his good art,
in time may many raise.
Anno Domini 1588.
Then is the White Lion,
called, for that the same was a common
Hostery for the receit of Travellers by
that signe. This house was first used as
a Gaole within this threescore yeeres
last, since the which time the Prisoners
were once removed thence to an house
in Newtowne, where they remained for a
short time, and were returned backe a
gaine to the aforesaid White Lion, there
to remaine, as the appointed Gaole for
the County of Surrey.
White Lion a Goale for Surrey.
a Gaole so
called, for that the same was a common
Hostery for the receit of Travellers by
that signe. This house was first used as
a Gaole within this threescore yeeres
last, since the which time the Prisoners
were once removed thence to an house
in Newtowne, where they remained for a
short time, and were returned backe a
gaine to the aforesaid White Lion, there
to remaine, as the appointed Gaole for
the County of Surrey.
Next, is the Gaole or Prison of the
Kings Bench, but of what antiquity the
same is, I know not. For I have read,
that the Courts of the Kings Bench and
Chancery, have oft times been removed
from London to other places, and so hath
likewise the other Gaoles that serve
those Courts, as in the yeere 1304. Ed
ward the first commanded the Courts
of the Kings Bench and the Exchequer,
which had remained seven yeeres at
Yorke, to be removed to their old places
at London. And in the yeere 1387. the
eleventh of Richard the second, Robert
Trisilian chiefe Iustice, came to the Ci
tie of Coventry, and there sate by the
space of a moneth, as Iustice of the Kings
Benche, and caused to be indited in that
Court, about the number of 2000. per
sons of that Country, &c.
Kings Bench, but of what antiquity the
same is, I know not. For I have read,
that the Courts of the Kings Bench and
Chancery, have oft times been removed
from London to other places, and so hath
likewise the other Gaoles that serve
those Courts, as in the yeere 1304. Ed
ward the first commanded the Courts
of the Kings Bench and the Exchequer,
which had remained seven yeeres at
Yorke, to be removed to their old places
at London. And in the yeere 1387. the
eleventh of Richard the second, Robert
Trisilian chiefe Iustice, came to the Ci
tie of Coventry, and there sate by the
space of a moneth, as Iustice of the Kings
Benche, and caused to be indited in that
Court, about the number of 2000. per
sons of that Country, &c.
It seemeth therefore, that for that
time, the Prison or Gaole of that Court
was not far off. Also, in the yeere 1392.
the sixteenth of the same Richard, the
Archbishop of Yorke being Lord Chan
cellor, for good will that he bare to his
City, caused the Kings Bench and Chan
cery to bee removed from London to
Yorke, but ere long they were returned
to London.
time, the Prison or Gaole of that Court
was not far off. Also, in the yeere 1392.
the sixteenth of the same Richard, the
Archbishop of Yorke being Lord Chan
cellor, for good will that he bare to his
City, caused the Kings Bench and Chan
cery to bee removed from London to
Yorke, but ere long they were returned
to London.
Then is the Marshalsey another Gaole
or Prison, so called, as pertaining to the
Marshals of England. Of what continu
ance kept in Southwarke, I have not lear
ned: but like it is, that the same hath
been removeable, at the pleasure of the
Marshals. For I finde, that in the yeere
1376. the 50. of Edward the third, Hen
ry Percy (being Marshall) kept his pri
soners in the City of London, where ha
ving committed one Iohn Prendargest,
of Norwich, contrary to the liberties of
the City of London, the Citizens, by per
swasion of the Lord Fitzwalter,1 their
Standard-bearer, tooke armour, and
ranne with great rage to the Marshals
Inne, brake up the gates, brought out
the prisoner, and conveighed him a
way, minding to have burnt the stockes
in the middest of their City; but they
first sought for Sir Henry Percy, to have
punished him, as I have noted in my
or Prison, so called, as pertaining to the
Marshals of England. Of what continu
ance kept in Southwarke, I have not lear
ned: but like it is, that the same hath
been removeable, at the pleasure of the
Marshals. For I finde, that in the yeere
1376. the 50. of Edward the third, Hen
ry Percy (being Marshall) kept his pri
soners in the City of London, where ha
ving committed one Iohn Prendargest,
of Norwich, contrary to the liberties of
the City of London, the Citizens, by per
swasion of the Lord Fitzwalter,1 their
Standard-bearer, tooke armour, and
ranne with great rage to the Marshals
Inne, brake up the gates, brought out
the prisoner, and conveighed him a
way, minding to have burnt the stockes
in the middest of their City; but they
first sought for Sir Henry Percy, to have
punished him, as I have noted in my
More, about the Feast of Easter next
following, Iohn Duke of Lancaster, ha
ving caused all the whole Navie of Eng
land to be gathered together at London,
it chanced a certaine Esquire to kill one
of the Mariners, which act the other
Mariners taking in ill part, they brought
their suit into the Kings Court of the
Marshalsey, which then as chanced (saith
mine Author) was kept in Southwarke:
but when they perceived that Court to
be so favourable to the murderer; and
further, that the Kings Warrant was
also gotten for his pardon; they in great
fury ranne to the house, wherein the
murderer was imprisoned,
it, and brought forth the prisoner with
his Gives on his legges, they thrust a
knife to his heart, and sticked him, as if
hee had beene a Hogge: after this they
tyed a rope to his Gives, and drew him
to the Gallowes, where when they had
hanged him, as though they had done
a great act, they caused the Trumpets
to bee sounded before them to their
ships, and there in great triumph they
spent the rest of the day.
following, Iohn Duke of Lancaster, ha
ving caused all the whole Navie of Eng
land to be gathered together at London,
it chanced a certaine Esquire to kill one
of the Mariners, which act the other
Mariners taking in ill part, they brought
their suit into the Kings Court of the
Marshalsey, which then as chanced (saith
mine Author) was kept in Southwarke:
but when they perceived that Court to
be so favourable to the murderer; and
further, that the Kings Warrant was
also gotten for his pardon; they in great
fury ranne to the house, wherein the
murderer was imprisoned,
Saylers brake up the Mar
brake into
it, and brought forth the prisoner with
his Gives on his legges, they thrust a
knife to his heart, and sticked him, as if
hee had beene a Hogge: after this they
tyed a rope to his Gives, and drew him
to the Gallowes, where when they had
hanged him, as though they had done
a great act, they caused the Trumpets
to bee sounded before them to their
ships, and there in great triumph they
spent the rest of the day.
Also the Rebels of Kent,
1381. brake downe the houses of the
Marshalsey and Kings Bench in South
warke, tooke from thence the prisoners,
brake downe the house of Sir Iohn Im
morth,2 then Marshall of the Marshalsey,
and Kings Bench, &c. After this, in the
yeere 1387. the eleventh of Richard the
second, the morrow after Bartholomew
day, the King kept a great Councell in
the Castle of Nottingham, and the Mar
shalsey of the King was then kept at
Lughborow, by the space of sixe daies or
more. In the yeere 1443. Sir Walter
Many, was Marshall of the Marshalsey,
the two and twentieth of Henry the
sixth. William Brandon, Esquire, was
Marshall in the eighth of Edward the
fourth. In the yeere 1504. the priso
ners of the Marshalsey then in Southwark
brake out, and many of them being ta
ken were executed, especially such as
had beene committed for Felony or
Rebels of Kent brake up the Marshalsey.
in the yeere
1381. brake downe the houses of the
Marshalsey and Kings Bench in South
warke, tooke from thence the prisoners,
brake downe the house of Sir Iohn Im
morth,2 then Marshall of the Marshalsey,
and Kings Bench, &c. After this, in the
yeere 1387. the eleventh of Richard the
second, the morrow after Bartholomew
day, the King kept a great Councell in
the Castle of Nottingham, and the Mar
shalsey of the King was then kept at
Lughborow, by the space of sixe daies or
more. In the yeere 1443. Sir Walter
Many, was Marshall of the Marshalsey,
the two and twentieth of Henry the
sixth. William Brandon, Esquire, was
Marshall in the eighth of Edward the
fourth. In the yeere 1504. the priso
ners of the Marshalsey then in Southwark
brake out, and many of them being ta
ken were executed, especially such as
had beene committed for Felony or
From thence towards London bridge,
on the same side, bee many faire Innes,
for receit of travellers, by these signes,
the Spurre, Christopher, Bull, Queens
head, &c. Amongst the which, the
most ancient is the Tabard, so called of
the signe, which as wee now terme it,
is of a lacket or sleevelesse coate, whole
before, open on both sides, with a square
collar, winged at the shoulders: a state
ly garment, of old time commonly
worne of Noblemen and others, both at
home and abroad in the wars; but then
(to wit, in the warres) their Armes em
broidered, or otherwise depict upon
them, that every man by his Coate of
Armes might bee knowne from others:
But now these Tabards are onely worne
by the Heralds, and bee called their
Coates of Armes in Service. For the
Inne of the Tabard, Geffrey Chaucer,
Esquire, the most famous Poet of Eng
land, in commendation thereof, writeth
on the same side, bee many faire Innes,
for receit of travellers, by these signes,
the Spurre, Christopher, Bull, Queens
The Ta
bard in Southwark.
Tabard, George, Hart, Kings
bard in Southwark.
head, &c. Amongst the which, the
most ancient is the Tabard, so called of
the signe, which as wee now terme it,
is of a lacket or sleevelesse coate, whole
before, open on both sides, with a square
collar, winged at the shoulders: a state
ly garment, of old time commonly
worne of Noblemen and others, both at
home and abroad in the wars; but then
(to wit, in the warres) their Armes em
broidered, or otherwise depict upon
them, that every man by his Coate of
Armes might bee knowne from others:
But now these Tabards are onely worne
by the Heralds, and bee called their
Coates of Armes in Service. For the
Inne of the Tabard, Geffrey Chaucer,
Esquire, the most famous Poet of Eng
land, in commendation thereof, writeth
It befell in that season, on a day,
In Southwarke, at the Tabert, as I lay,
Ready to wend on my Pilgrimage
To Canturbury, with full devout courage;
That night was comen into the Hostery
Well nine and twenty in a company,
Of sundry folke, by adventure yfall,
In fellowship and Pilgrims were they all,
That toward Canturbury woulden ride:
The Stables and Chambers werenwide,
And well we were eased at the best, &c.
Within this Inne was also the Lodg
ing of the Abbot of Hide (by the City
of Winchester) a faire house for him and
his Traine,
to Parliament, &c.
ing of the Abbot of Hide (by the City
of Winchester) a faire house for him and
his Traine,
The Ab
bot of Hide his Lodging.
when hee came to the City
bot of Hide his Lodging.
to Parliament, &c.
And then Theeves lane,
by St. Thomas
Hospitall. The Hospitall of St. Thomas
first founded by Richard, Prior of Ber
mendsey, in the Sellerers ground, against
the wall of the Monastery, in the yeere
1213. Hee named it the Almery, or
House of Almes, for Converts and
poore Children; for the which ground
the Prior ordained, that the AThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)lmoner
should pay ten shillings foure pence
yeerly to the Sellerer at Michaelmas.
Hospitall. The Hospitall of St. Thomas
first founded by Richard, Prior of Ber
mendsey, in the Sellerers ground, against
the wall of the Monastery, in the yeere
1213. Hee named it the Almery, or
House of Almes, for Converts and
poore Children; for the which ground
the Prior ordained, that the AThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)lmoner
should pay ten shillings foure pence
yeerly to the Sellerer at Michaelmas.
But Peter de Rupibus,
Bishop of Win
chester, in the yeere 1215. founded the
same againe more fully for Canons Re
gular, in place of the first Hospitall: He
increased the rent thereof to three hun
dred forty foure pounds by the yeere.
Thus was this Hospitall holden of the
Prior and Abbot of Bermondsey, till the
yeere 1428. at which time a compositi
on was made between Thomas Thetford,
Abbot of Bermondsey, & Nicholas Buck
land, Master of the said Hospitall of
Saint Thomas, for all the Lands and Te
nements, which were holden of the said
Abbot and Covent in Southwarke, or
elsewhere, for the old rent to bee paid
unto the said Abbot.
chester, in the yeere 1215. founded the
same againe more fully for Canons Re
gular, in place of the first Hospitall: He
increased the rent thereof to three hun
dred forty foure pounds by the yeere.
Thus was this Hospitall holden of the
Prior and Abbot of Bermondsey, till the
yeere 1428. at which time a compositi
on was made between Thomas Thetford,
Abbot of Bermondsey, & Nicholas Buck
land, Master of the said Hospitall of
Saint Thomas, for all the Lands and Te
nements, which were holden of the said
Abbot and Covent in Southwarke, or
elsewhere, for the old rent to bee paid
unto the said Abbot.
There bee the Monuments in this
Hospitall Church, of Sir Robert Cham
ber, Knight,
and Bridge Ward without.
Hospitall Church, of Sir Robert Cham
ber, Knight,
Lord Say3
Robert, Sonne to Sir Thomas Fleming.
Agnes, wife to Sir Walter Dennis,
Knight, Daughter and one of the heires
of Sir Robert Danver, Iohn Evarey, Gen
tlemen, &c.
Knight, Daughter and one of the heires
of Sir Robert Danver, Iohn Evarey, Gen
tlemen, &c.
This Hospitall was by the Visitors,
in the yeere 1538. valued at 266. l. 17.
s. 6. d. and was surrendred to Henry the
8. in the 30. of his raigne.
in the yeere 1538. valued at 266. l. 17.
s. 6. d. and was surrendred to Henry the
8. in the 30. of his raigne.
In the yeere 1552. the Citizens of
London, having purchased the voyd
suppressed Hospitall of Saint Thomas
in Southwarke, in the Month of Iuly, be
began the reparations therof, for poore,
impotent, lame, and diseased people,
so that in the Moneth of November
next following, the sicke and poore
people were taken in.
1553. on the 10. of April, King Ed
ward the sixt in the seventh of his
raigne, gave to the Maior, Com
munaltie, and Citizens of Lon
don, to bee a workehouse for the
poore and idle persons of the Citie, his
house of Bridewell, and seven hundred
Marks Lands of the Savoy Rents, which
Hospitall he had suppressed, with all
the beds, bedding, and other furniture
belonging to the same, towards the
maintenance of the said workehouse of
Bridewell, and of this Hospitall of Saint
Thomas in Southwarke. This gift, the
King confirmed by his Charter, dated
the 26. of June next following, and wil
led it to be called the Kings Hospitall in
London, having purchased the voyd
suppressed Hospitall of Saint Thomas
in Southwarke, in the Month of Iuly, be
began the reparations therof, for poore,
impotent, lame, and diseased people,
so that in the Moneth of November
next following, the sicke and poore
people were taken in.
Gift of E. the sixt to the Mospi
tall of S. Thomas in Southwarke.
And in the yeere
tall of S. Thomas in Southwarke.
1553. on the 10. of April, King Ed
ward the sixt in the seventh of his
raigne, gave to the Maior, Com
munaltie, and Citizens of Lon
don, to bee a workehouse for the
poore and idle persons of the Citie, his
house of Bridewell, and seven hundred
Marks Lands of the Savoy Rents, which
Hospitall he had suppressed, with all
the beds, bedding, and other furniture
belonging to the same, towards the
maintenance of the said workehouse of
Bridewell, and of this Hospitall of Saint
Thomas in Southwarke. This gift, the
King confirmed by his Charter, dated
the 26. of June next following, and wil
led it to be called the Kings Hospitall in
The Church of this Hospitall, which
of old time served for the Tenements
neere adjoyning and pertaining to the
said Hospitall, remaineth as a Parish
of old time served for the Tenements
neere adjoyning and pertaining to the
said Hospitall, remaineth as a Parish
But now to come to S. Olaves street:
on the banke of the river of Thames is
the Parish Church of Saint Olave,
faire and meetely large Church, but a
far larger Parish, especially of Aliens or
strangers, and poore people; in which
Church, there lyeth intombed Sir Iohn
Burcettur, Knight, 1466.
on the banke of the river of Thames is
the Parish Church of Saint Olave,
S. Olaves street and Parish Church.
faire and meetely large Church, but a
far larger Parish, especially of Aliens or
strangers, and poore people; in which
Church, there lyeth intombed Sir Iohn
Burcettur, Knight, 1466.
Here th’earthly pare
Whom Robert Benson
had by Mary Lyle,
The Heavenly mounted is
above the Skies
With wings of Faith,
dissolv’d but for a while:
The Linnen which he sold
was nere so white,
As is the Robe
wherein the Soule is dight:
Yes Thomas mourns in blacke,
his onely Sonne,
And Richard (of whole blood)
his eldest Brother:
But Londons reverend Bishop
this hath done,
Which was by Ravis
borne of the same Mother:
And William Lyle,
first cousin to them all,
Long live his Verse,
penn’d this Memoriall.
He departed in the 56.
yeere of his age.
An. Dom. 1603.
Februar. 1579.
To you that live possest,
A graven Plate in the end of the Quire.
great troubles do befall,
Where we that sleep by death,
do feele no harme at all:
An honest life doth bring,
a joyfull death at last,
And life againe begins,
when death is over-past.
Death is the path to life,
and way to endlesse wealth,
The doore whereby we passe
to everlasting health.
These threescore yeere and six
have passed here my life,
And thirty seven yeeres thereof,
thou Helen wert my wife,
A Citizen also,
and of the Cutlers free,
And Warden of the same,
so worthy thought to be.
My loving wife farewell,
God guide thee with his grace.
Prepare thy selfe to come,
and I will give thee place:
and be assur’d of this,
You shall be brought to dust,
as Thomas Malledge is.
Hic jacet corpus Ioannis Thomas,
vis & Groceri Civitatis London. Qui
obiit die Mercurii, vid. 23. Augusti,
Anno Domini 1564. Hic tres uxores
habuit, vid. Christianam, Matildam,
& Ioannam. Ex Christiana suscepit hos
liberos, Rogerum, Ioannem, seu williel
mum, Ioannem inter Richardum, Lam
bertum, Henricum, Beatricem, & Pe
trum. Ex Matilda, Aliciam, Agne
tem, & Susannam. Ex Ioanna, Thomam,
Martham, Margaretam, Annam, Ri
chardum & Saram.
A plated Stone by the Com
munion Table.
nuper Cimunion Table.
vis & Groceri Civitatis London. Qui
obiit die Mercurii, vid. 23. Augusti,
Anno Domini 1564. Hic tres uxores
habuit, vid. Christianam, Matildam,
& Ioannam. Ex Christiana suscepit hos
liberos, Rogerum, Ioannem, seu williel
mum, Ioannem inter Richardum, Lam
bertum, Henricum, Beatricem, & Pe
trum. Ex Matilda, Aliciam, Agne
tem, & Susannam. Ex Ioanna, Thomam,
Martham, Margaretam, Annam, Ri
chardum & Saram.
Hic jacet corpus Richardi Philip,
Groceri London. Qui obiit 10. die
Mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini 1412.
& Isabella uxor ejus: Quae obiit, &c.
Quorum, &c.
Another like Stone by it.
Civis &
Groceri London. Qui obiit 10. die
Mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini 1412.
& Isabella uxor ejus: Quae obiit, &c.
Quorum, &c.
Here resteth,
body of Iohn Eston, Esquire, late Iu
stice of the Peace, and of Southwarke
Steward, leaving behind him Mar
garet his wife. Which Iohn died the
eight day of May, Anno Domini 1565.
The like Stone on the other side of the Table.
in the mercie of God, the
body of Iohn Eston, Esquire, late Iu
stice of the Peace, and of Southwarke
Steward, leaving behind him Mar
garet his wife. Which Iohn died the
eight day of May, Anno Domini 1565.
How rich be they certaine,
That Heavenly Kingdome gaine?
No tongue can well expresse
Their joyes, that be endlesse.
Hic jacent Robertus Faireford,
dam Serviens excellentiss. Principis
Henrici Reg. Angliae Quarti, ac nu
per Coronator Curiae Marescalciae
Hospitii Metuendissimorum Prin
cip. Henrici Regis Angliae Quinti,
& Henrici Sexti. Qui obiit 21. die
Augusti, Anno Domini, 1456. &c.
Et Agnet. ux.—Quae obiit—
An anci
ent Mar
ble Tombe in the Chancell.
quonent Mar
ble Tombe in the Chancell.
dam Serviens excellentiss. Principis
Henrici Reg. Angliae Quarti, ac nu
per Coronator Curiae Marescalciae
Hospitii Metuendissimorum Prin
cip. Henrici Regis Angliae Quinti,
& Henrici Sexti. Qui obiit 21. die
Augusti, Anno Domini, 1456. &c.
Et Agnet. ux.—Quae obiit—
Over-against this Parish Church,
the South side the street, was sometime
one great House, builded of Stone, with
arched Gates, which pertained to the
Prior of Lewis in Sussex, and was his
Lodging when hee came to London: It
is now a common Hostery for Travel
lers, and hath to Signe, the Walnut
Prior of Lewis his Inne.
the South side the street, was sometime
one great House, builded of Stone, with
arched Gates, which pertained to the
Prior of Lewis in Sussex, and was his
Lodging when hee came to London: It
is now a common Hostery for Travel
lers, and hath to Signe, the Walnut
Then East from the said Parish
Church of Saint Olave, is a Key. In the
yeere 1330. by the licence of Simon
Swanlond, Maior of London, it was buil
ded by Isabell, widow to Hamond Good
cheape. And next thereunto was then a
great house of stone and timber, belon
ging to the Abbot of S. Augustin, with
out the wals of Canturbury, which was an
ancient piece of work, & seemeth to be
one of the first builded houses on that
side the River, over-against the City:
It was called the Abbots Inne of Saint
Augustine in Southwarke, and was some
time holden of the Earles of Warren and
Surrey, as appeareth by a deede, made
1281. which I have read, and may bee
Englished thus:
Church of Saint Olave, is a Key. In the
yeere 1330. by the licence of Simon
Swanlond, Maior of London, it was buil
ded by Isabell, widow to Hamond Good
cheape. And next thereunto was then a
great house of stone and timber, belon
ging to the Abbot of S. Augustin, with
out the wals of Canturbury, which was an
ancient piece of work, & seemeth to be
one of the first builded houses on that
side the River, over-against the City:
It was called the Abbots Inne of Saint
Augustine in Southwarke, and was some
time holden of the Earles of Warren and
Surrey, as appeareth by a deede, made
1281. which I have read, and may bee
Englished thus:
To all to whom this present writing shall
come, Iohn, Earle Warren, sendeth gree
ting. Know ye, that we have altogether re
mised and quite claimed for us and our
heires for ever, to Nicholas, Abbot of
Saint Augustines of Canturbury, and the
Covent of the same, and their successors,
suit to our Court of Southwarke , which
they owe unto us, for all that Messuage and
houses thereon builded, and all their appur
tenances, which they have of our fee in
Southwarke, situate upon the Thames,
betweene the Bridgehouse, and Church of
Saint Olave. And the said Messuage with
the buildings thereon builded, and all their
appurtenances to them and their successors,
we have granted in perpetuall Almes to
hold of us, and our heires for the same: sa
ving the service due to any other persons, if
any such be, then to us. And for this remit
and grant, the said Abbot and Covent have
given unto us five shillings of rent yeerely
in Southwarke, and have received us
and our heires in all Benefices, which shall
be in their Church for ever.
come, Iohn, Earle Warren, sendeth gree
ting. Know ye, that we have altogether re
mised and quite claimed for us and our
heires for ever, to Nicholas, Abbot of
Saint Augustines of Canturbury, and the
Covent of the same, and their successors,
suit to our Court of Southwarke , which
they owe unto us, for all that Messuage and
houses thereon builded, and all their appur
tenances, which they have of our fee in
Southwarke, situate upon the Thames,
betweene the Bridgehouse, and Church of
Saint Olave. And the said Messuage with
the buildings thereon builded, and all their
appurtenances to them and their successors,
we have granted in perpetuall Almes to
hold of us, and our heires for the same: sa
ving the service due to any other persons, if
any such be, then to us. And for this remit
and grant, the said Abbot and Covent have
given unto us five shillings of rent yeerely
in Southwarke, and have received us
and our heires in all Benefices, which shall
be in their Church for ever.
This sute of Court one William Cras
peis was bound to doe to the said Earle,
for the said Messuage: and heretofore
to acquit in all things, the Church of
Saint Augustine, against the said
peis was bound to doe to the said Earle,
for the said Messuage: and heretofore
to acquit in all things, the Church of
Saint Augustine, against the said
This house of late time belonged to
Sir Anthony Sentleger, then to Warham
Sentleger, &c. And now is called Sent
leger house, but divided into sundry
Sir Anthony Sentleger, then to Warham
Sentleger, &c. And now is called Sent
leger house, but divided into sundry
Next is the Bridgehouse, so called, as
being a store-house, for Stone, Timber,
or whatsouer pertaining to the buil
ding or repairing of London bridge.
being a store-house, for Stone, Timber,
or whatsouer pertaining to the buil
ding or repairing of London bridge.
This house seemeth to have taken
beginning, with the first founding of
the Bridge; either of stone or timber:
it is a large plot of ground on the banke
of the river Thames, containing divers
large buildings, for stowage of things
necessary, towards reparation of the
said Bridge.
beginning, with the first founding of
the Bridge; either of stone or timber:
it is a large plot of ground on the banke
of the river Thames, containing divers
large buildings, for stowage of things
necessary, towards reparation of the
said Bridge.
There are also divers Garners,
laying up of Wheate, and other Gray
ners for service of the City, as need re
quireth. Moreover, there bee certaine
Ovens builded,
sixe bee very large, the other foure be
ing but halfe so bigge. These were
purposely made to bake out the bread
corne of the said Grayners, to the best
advantage, for reliefe of the poore Citi
zens, when neede should require. Sir I.
Throstone, Knight, sometime an Im
broderer, then Goldsmith, one of the
Sheriffes, 1516. gave (by his Testa
ment) towards the making of these
Ovens two hundred pounds, which
thing was performed by his Executors:
Sir Iohn Munday, Goldsmith, then be
ing Maior.
enlarging of the said Bridge-house, taken
in an old Brew-house, called Goldings,
which was given to the Citie by George
Monox, sometime Maior, and in place
thereof, is now a faire brew-house
builded, for service of the Citie with
Garners for Come in the Bridge-house.
laying up of Wheate, and other Gray
ners for service of the City, as need re
quireth. Moreover, there bee certaine
Ovens builded,
Ovens in the Bridge-house.
in number ten: of which
sixe bee very large, the other foure be
ing but halfe so bigge. These were
purposely made to bake out the bread
corne of the said Grayners, to the best
advantage, for reliefe of the poore Citi
zens, when neede should require. Sir I.
Throstone, Knight, sometime an Im
broderer, then Goldsmith, one of the
Sheriffes, 1516. gave (by his Testa
ment) towards the making of these
Ovens two hundred pounds, which
thing was performed by his Executors:
Sir Iohn Munday, Goldsmith, then be
ing Maior.
A Brew-house buil¦ded in the Bridge-house.
There was of late, for the
enlarging of the said Bridge-house, taken
in an old Brew-house, called Goldings,
which was given to the Citie by George
Monox, sometime Maior, and in place
thereof, is now a faire brew-house
builded, for service of the Citie with
Inne, betwixt the Bridge-house and Bat
taile bridge, likewise on the banke of the
river of Thames; the walkes and gar
dens thereunto appertaining, on the o
ther side of the way, before the gate of
the said house, was called the Maze:
there is now an Inne, called the Flower
de luce, for that the signe is three Flower
de luces. Much other buildings of smal
tenements are thereon builded reple
nished with strangers and other, for the
most part poore people.
Abbot of Battaile his Inne.
was the Abbot of Battailes
Inne, betwixt the Bridge-house and Bat
taile bridge, likewise on the banke of the
river of Thames; the walkes and gar
dens thereunto appertaining, on the o
ther side of the way, before the gate of
the said house, was called the Maze:
there is now an Inne, called the Flower
de luce, for that the signe is three Flower
de luces. Much other buildings of smal
tenements are thereon builded reple
nished with strangers and other, for the
most part poore people.
Then is Battaile bridge,
so called of
Battaile Abbey, for that it standeth on
the ground, and over a water-course
(flowing out of Thames) pertaining to
that Abbey, & was therfore both buil
ded and repaired by the Abbots of that
house as being hard adjoyning to the
Abbots lodging.
Battaile Abbey, for that it standeth on
the ground, and over a water-course
(flowing out of Thames) pertaining to
that Abbey, & was therfore both buil
ded and repaired by the Abbots of that
house as being hard adjoyning to the
Abbots lodging.
Beyond this Bridge is Bermondsey
streete, turning South, in the South end
whereof was sometime a Priory or Ab
bey, of S. Sauioyr, called Bermonds eye
in Southwarke, founded by Ailewin
Childe, a Citizen of London, in the yeere
streete, turning South, in the South end
whereof was sometime a Priory or Ab
bey, of S. Sauioyr, called Bermonds eye
in Southwarke, founded by Ailewin
Childe, a Citizen of London, in the yeere
Peter, Richard, Obstert, and Vmbalde,
Monkes de Charitate, came to Bermond
sey, the yeere 1089. and Peter was
made first Prior there, by appointment
of the Prior of the house, called Charitie
in France: by which meanes this Priory
of Bermondsey (being a Cell to that
in France) was accounted a Priory of A
Monkes de Charitate, came to Bermond
sey, the yeere 1089. and Peter was
made first Prior there, by appointment
of the Prior of the house, called Charitie
in France: by which meanes this Priory
of Bermondsey (being a Cell to that
in France) was accounted a Priory of A
In the yeere 1094. deceased Ailewin
Childe, founder of this house. Then Wil
liam Rufus gave to the Monks, his Man
nor of Bermondsey, with the appurtenan
ces, and builded for them there a new
great Church.
Childe, founder of this house. Then Wil
liam Rufus gave to the Monks, his Man
nor of Bermondsey, with the appurtenan
ces, and builded for them there a new
great Church.
Robert Blewit, Bishop of Lincolne
(King Williams Chancelor) gave them
the Mannor of Charleton, with the ap
purtenances. Also Geffrey Martell, by
the grant of Geffrey Magnaville, gave
them the Land of Halingbury, and the
tithe of Alferton, &c.
(King Williams Chancelor) gave them
the Mannor of Charleton, with the ap
purtenances. Also Geffrey Martell, by
the grant of Geffrey Magnaville, gave
them the Land of Halingbury, and the
tithe of Alferton, &c.
More in the yeere Thomas of Arderne
1122. and Thomas his Son, gave to the
Monkes of Bermonds Eye, the Church
of Saint George in Southwarke.
1122. and Thomas his Son, gave to the
Monkes of Bermonds Eye, the Church
of Saint George in Southwarke.
In the yeere 1165. King Henry the
second confirmed to them the Hide or
territorie of Southwarke,
Waddam, with the land of Coleman, &c.
second confirmed to them the Hide or
territorie of Southwarke,
Hide of Southwark to the Monkes of Ber
and Laygham,
Waddam, with the land of Coleman, &c.
In the yeere one thousand, three hun
dred, seventy one, the Priories of A
liens (throughout England) being seized
into the Kings hands, Richard Denten
an Englishman, was made Prior of
Bermondsey: to whom was committed
the custody of the said Priory, by the
letters patents of King Edward the
third, saving to the King the advow
sons of Churches.
dred, seventy one, the Priories of A
liens (throughout England) being seized
into the Kings hands, Richard Denten
an Englishman, was made Prior of
Bermondsey: to whom was committed
the custody of the said Priory, by the
letters patents of King Edward the
third, saving to the King the advow
sons of Churches.
In the yeare 1380. the fourth of Ri
chard the second, this Priory was made
a Denizen (or free English) for the fine
of 200. Markes, payd to the Kings Ha
naper in the Chancery. In the yeare
1399. Attelborough, Prior of Bermond
sey, was made the first Abbot of that
house, by Pope Boniface the ninth, at the
suit of King Richard the second.
chard the second, this Priory was made
a Denizen (or free English) for the fine
of 200. Markes, payd to the Kings Ha
naper in the Chancery. In the yeare
1399. Attelborough, Prior of Bermond
sey, was made the first Abbot of that
house, by Pope Boniface the ninth, at the
suit of King Richard the second.
In the yeere 1417. Thomas Thetford,
Abbot of Bermond
sey held a Plea a
gainst the King, and prevailed.
sey held a Plea a
gainst the King, and prevailed.
Abbot of Bermondsey, held a Plea in
Chauncery against the King, for the
Mannors of Preston, Bermondsey, and
Stone, in the County of Summerset, in
the which sute the Abbot prevailed,
and recovered against the King.
In the yeere 1539. this Abbey was
valued to dispend by the yeere 474. l.
14. s. 4. d. ob. and was surrendred to
Henry the eighth, the 31. of his reigne:
the Abbey Church was then pulled
downe by Sir Thomas Pope, Knight, and
in place thereof, a goodly house builded
of stone and timber, since pertaining to
the Earles of Sussex.
valued to dispend by the yeere 474. l.
14. s. 4. d. ob. and was surrendred to
Henry the eighth, the 31. of his reigne:
the Abbey Church was then pulled
downe by Sir Thomas Pope, Knight, and
in place thereof, a goodly house builded
of stone and timber, since pertaining to
the Earles of Sussex.
Sir William Bowes, Knight, and Dame
Elizabeth his wife.
Elizabeth his wife.
Sir Thomas Pikeworth, Knight.
George, sonne to Iohn, Lord Audley.
Iohn Winkefield; Esquire.
Sir Nicholas Blonket, Knight.
Dame Bridget, wife to Wil. Trussell.
Holgrave, Baron of the Exchequer,
Next unto this Abbey Church stan
deth a proper Church of Saint Mary
Magdalen, builded by the Priors of Ber
mondsey, serving for resort of the inha
bitants (tenants to the Prior or Abbots
neere adjoyning) there to have their di
vine Service: this Church remaineth
and serveth as afore, and is called a Pa
rish Church.
deth a proper Church of Saint Mary
Magdalen, builded by the Priors of Ber
mondsey, serving for resort of the inha
bitants (tenants to the Prior or Abbots
neere adjoyning) there to have their di
vine Service: this Church remaineth
and serveth as afore, and is called a Pa
rish Church.
Then in Kentstreet is a Lazar house
for Leprous people,
Southwarke: the foundation whereof I
finde not. Now having touched divers
principall parts of this Borough, I am
to speak somewhat of government, and
so to end.
for Leprous people,
The Loke a Lazar-house in Kent street.
called the Loke in
Southwarke: the foundation whereof I
finde not. Now having touched divers
principall parts of this Borough, I am
to speak somewhat of government, and
so to end.
This Borough at a Subsidy to the
King, yeeldeth about 1000. Markes, or
800. l. which is more than any one Ci
ty in England payeth, except the City of
this Borough doth like wise in number
surpasse all other Cities, except London.
And thus much for the Borough of
Southwarke, one of the 26. Wards of
London, which hath an Alderman, De
puties three, and a Bayliffe. Common
Councell none. Constables 16. Scaven
gers 6. Wardmote Inquest 20. And is
taxed to the Fifteene, at 17. pounds, 17.
shillings, 8. pence.
King, yeeldeth about 1000. Markes, or
800. l. which is more than any one Ci
ty in England payeth, except the City of
Muster of men in Southwark.
And also the Muster of men in
this Borough doth like wise in number
surpasse all other Cities, except London.
And thus much for the Borough of
Southwarke, one of the 26. Wards of
London, which hath an Alderman, De
puties three, and a Bayliffe. Common
Councell none. Constables 16. Scaven
gers 6. Wardmote Inquest 20. And is
taxed to the Fifteene, at 17. pounds, 17.
shillings, 8. pence.
- Likely Walter Fitzwalter, third Baron Fitzwalter based on the years he lived. (JB)↑
- Kingston corrects the name to Sir Richard Imworth in Kingston 1908. (JB)↑
- Possibly referring to Geoffery de Say, second Lord de Say. (MR)↑
- I.e., Thomas Ravis. (MR)↑
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The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft. -
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Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark).
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, -
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Survey of London: Parishes.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
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The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.
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The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.
, , , & 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Stow, John A1 - Munday, Anthony A1 - Munday, Anthony A1 - Dyson, Humphrey ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2020 DA - 2020/09/15 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - TY - UNP ER -
RT Unpublished Material SR Electronic(1) A1 Stow, John A1 Munday, Anthony A1 Munday, Anthony A1 Dyson, Humphrey A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2020 FD 2020/09/15 RD 2020/09/15 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>.
<title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Bridge Without Ward</title>. <title
level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename>
<surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>,
<date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.
Molly Rothwell
Research Assistant, 2020-present. Molly Rothwell is an English Honours student at the University of Victoria. She is also planning to graduate with a minor in History.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Molly Rothwell is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Molly Rothwell is mentioned in the following documents:
Chris Horne
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Chris Horne was an honours student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests included American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Markup Encoder
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Chris Horne is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Chris Horne is mentioned in the following documents:
Tracey El Hajj
Junior Programmer, 2018-present. Tracey is a PhD candidate in the English Department at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on Critical Technical Practice, more specifically Algorhythmics. She is interested in how technologies communicate without humans, affecting social and cultural environments in complex ways.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Junior Programmer
Revising Author
Contributions by this author
Tracey El Hajj is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Tracey El Hajj is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Author of Abstract
Author of Introduction
Author of Stub
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Copy Editor and Revisor
Data Manager
Date Encoder
Encoder (Bibliography)
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Agas)
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Encoder
MoEML Transcriber
Post-conversion processing and markup correction
Second Author
Transcription Editor
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Jasmeen Boparai
Research Assistant, 2016-2017. Jasmeen Boparai was an undergraduate English major and Medieval Studies minor at the University of Victoria. Her primary research interests included Middle English literature with a specific interest in later works, early modern studies, and Elizabethan poetry.Roles played in the project
Name Encoder
Jasmeen Boparai is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Jasmeen Boparai is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
Author of Term Descriptions
Author of Textual Introduction
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
Course Supervisor
Course supervisor
Data Manager
Encoder (Structure and Toponyms)
Final Markup Editor
GIS Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Modern)
Geographical Information Specialist
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Main Transcriber
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Project Director
MoEML Transcriber
Name Encoder
Peer Reviewer
Primary Author
Project Director
Revising Author
Second Author
Second Encoder
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Paul Schaffner
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions for EEBO-TCP.Roles played in the project
Editor of Original EEBO-TCP Encoding
Sebastian Rahtz
Chief data architect at University of Oxford IT Services, Sebastian was well known for his contributions to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), OxGarage, and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP).Roles played in the project
Creator of TEI Stylesheets for Conversion of EEBO-TCP Encoding to TEI-P5
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Author of abstract
Markup editor
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Post-conversion processing and markup correction
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Audley
(b. between 1487 and 1488, d. 1544)First Baron Audley of Walden. Lord Chancellor of England 1533-1544. Husband of Elizabeth Audley. Father of Margaret Howard.Sir Thomas Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Bourne is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Chaucer
(b. 1340, d. 1400)Poet and administrator. Author of The Canterbury Tales. Buried at Westminster Abbey.Geoffrey Chaucer is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Chaucer authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. F.N. Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. Remediated by Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.
Humphrey Dyson is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Dyson authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Edward I
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of England Longshanks Hammer of the Scots
(b. between 17 June 1239 and 18 June 1239, d. in or before 27 October 1307)Edward I is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward VI
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England King of Ireland
(b. 12 October 1537, d. 6 July 1553)Edward VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland Gloriana Good Queen Bess
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland 1558-1603.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Fleming
Husband of Margaret Fleming. Buried at St. Katherine’s Hospital.Sir Thomas Fleming is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fleming
Son of Sir Thomas Fleming. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.Robert Fleming is mentioned in the following documents:
John of Gaunt
(b. 1340, d. 1399)Duke of Aquitaine and First Duke of Lancaster. Husband of Blanche of Lancaster.John of Gaunt is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 8VIII King of England King of Ireland
(b. 28 June 1491, d. 28 January 1547)King of England and Ireland 1509-1547.Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VI
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England
(b. 6 December 1421, d. 21 May 1471)Henry VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 7VII King of England
(b. 1457, d. 1509)Henry VII is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I
James This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of Scotland King of England King of Ireland
(b. 1566, d. 1625)James VI and I is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
James VI and I. Letters of King James VI and I. Ed. G.P.V. Akrigg. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. Print.
Rhodes, Neill, Jennifer Richards, and Joseph Marshall, eds. King James VI and I: Selected Writings. By James VI and I. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
Mary I
Mary This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland
(b. 18 February 1516, d. 17 November 1558)Mary I is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Mundy
Sir John Mundy Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1537)Sheriff of London 1514-1515. Mayor 1522-1523. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Sir John Mundy is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday
(bap. 1560, d. 1633)Playwright, actor, pageant poet, translator, and writer. Possible member of the Drapers’ Company or Merchant Taylors’ Company.Anthony Munday is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Anthony Munday. The Triumphs of Re-United Britannia. Arthur F. Kinney. Renaissance Drama: An Anthology of Plays and Entertainments. 2nd ed. Toronto: Wiley, 2005.
Munday, Anthony. Camp-Bell: or the Ironmongers Faire Feild. London: Edward Allde, 1609. DEEP406. STC 18279.
Munday, Anthony. Chruſo-thriambos. The Triumphes of Golde. London, 1611. STC 18267.5. Trinity College, U of Cambridge copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. Ed. Vittorio Gabrieli and Giorgio Melchiori. Revels Plays. Manchester; New York: Manchester UP, 1990. Print.
Munday, Anthony. Metropolis Coronata, The Trivmphes of Ancient Drapery. London: George Purslowe, 1615. DEEP 630. STC 18275. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery copy filmed by EEBO.
Munday, Anthony. The Trivmphs of the Golden Fleece. London: T[homas] S[nodham], 1623. STC 18280. British Library copy filmed by EEBO.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Philip II
Philip This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of Spain King of England King of Ireland
(b. 1527, d. 1598)Philip II is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
Richard This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of England
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow
(b. between 1524 and 1525, d. 1605)Historian and author of A Survey of London. Husband of Elizabeth Stow.John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard.
Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Aldgate Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections & Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bread Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Broad Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, &c.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cheape Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Coleman Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cow Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Additions, and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections & Amendments.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Lambeth and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. & Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the Tower.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Queen Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Spitt Fields and Plans Adjacent Taken from Last Survey with Locations.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Tower Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Surveys.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.] -
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s Time.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
A Map of the Tower Liberty.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
Pearl, Valerie.
A Survey of London. By John Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library, 1987. v–xii. Print. -
Pullen, John.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, 1598. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A suruay of London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by the same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. British Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written 2011 or later cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341. Huntington Library copy. Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by the ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare, 1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de ſitu & nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON and WESTMINSTER, And the Borough of SOUTHWARK. CONTAINING The Original, Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first in the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS. Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and, likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The Life of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–55. ESTC T150145.
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow, citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other. Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city. Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added, an appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work. 2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin.
A Survey of London. 1603. By John Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912. Print.
William Thomas is mentioned in the following documents:
John Thurston
John Thurston Sheriff
(fl. 1516-19)Sheriff of London 1516-1517. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Benefactor of St. Foster. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.John Thurston is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Walworth
Sir William Walworth Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1370-1371. Mayor 1374-1375 and 1380-1381. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Founder of a college at St. Michael, Crooked Lane. Buried at St. Michael, Crooked Lane.Sir William Walworth is mentioned in the following documents:
William II
William King of England Rufus This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II
(b. 1060, d. 1100)King of England 1087-1100.William II is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wolsey is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Curtes
Sir Thomas Curtes Sheriff Mayor
(fl. between 1546 and 1558)Sheriff of London 1546-1547. Mayor 1557-1558. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Buried at St. Dionis Backchurch.Sir Thomas Curtes is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fabian
(d. 1513)Sheriff of London 1493-1494. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Elizabeth Peak. Buried at St. Michael, Cornhill.Robert Fabian is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Purslowe is mentioned in the following documents:
William Giffard is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Thomas Becket
Saint Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury
(b. 21 December 1120, d. 29 December 1170)Lord Chancellor of England 1155-1162. Archbishop of Canterbury 1162–1170. Venerated as a saint and martyr after being assassinated in 1170.St. Thomas Becket is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey de Mandeville
Geoffrey de Mandeville Sheriff
(d. 26 September 1144)First Earl of Essex. Portgrave of London during the reign of Stephen I. Husband of Athelaise de Mandeville. Son of William de Mandeville. Buried at Westminster Abbey.Geoffrey de Mandeville is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Ayliffe is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Rowland Hill
Sir Rowland Hill Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1495, d. 1561)Sheriff of London 1541-1542. Mayor 1549-1550. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Buried at St. Stephen Walbrook.Sir Rowland Hill is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Pope
(b. 1507, d. 1559)Founder of Trinity College, Oxford. Husband of Margaret Pope. Buried at St. Stephen Walbrook.Sir Thomas Pope is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Yorke is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Tyler
Spoiled stew houses belonging to Sir William Walworth.Walter Tyler is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Swithen is mentioned in the following documents:
William Pont de l’Arche
Knight. Founder of a priory at St. Saviour, Southwark with William Dauncy. Established St. Saviour, Southwark as an Augustinian priory in 1128.William Pont de l’Arche is mentioned in the following documents:
William Dauncy is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter des Roches is mentioned in the following documents:
Anicius Archdeacon of Surrey
Archdeacon of Surrey. Had a hospital move onto his lands in 1228 by the consent of Peter des Roches.Anicius is mentioned in the following documents:
Dr. Stephen Gardiner
Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester
(d. 1555)Bishop of Winchester 1531–1551 and 1553–1555. Lord Chancellor of England 1553–1555. Helped merge St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey and St. Margaret, Southwark into the Parish of St. Saviour, Southwark.Dr. Stephen Gardiner is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Lilliarde
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Robert Lilliarde is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Howard (née Audley)
Margaret Howard Audley
(d. 1564)Wife of Lord Thomas Howard. Daughter of Sir Thomas Audley and Elizabeth Audley. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Margaret Howard (née Audley) is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Grevel
Wife of William Grevel. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Margaret Grevel is mentioned in the following documents:
William Grevel
Esquire. Husband of Margaret Grevel. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.William Grevel is mentioned in the following documents:
William Spershut
Esquire.William Spershut is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Katherine Stoke
Wife of John Stoke. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Dame Katherine Stoke is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stoke
Alderman. Husband of Dame Katherine Stoke.John Stoke is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Merfin
Esquire. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Robert Merfin is mentioned in the following documents:
William Undall
Esquire. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.William Undall is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord Ospay Ferrar
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Lord Ospay Ferrar is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir George Brewes
Knight. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Sir George Brewes is mentioned in the following documents:
John Brown
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark. Not to be confused with Sir John Brown, John Browne, John Brown, or Sir John Browne.John Brown is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Brandon
Wife of Sir Thomas Brandon. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Lady Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Brandon
(d. 1510)Knight of the Garter. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery. Husband of Lady Brandon. Son of Sir William Brandon. Uncle of Charles Brandon.Sir Thomas Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord William Scales
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Lord William Scales is mentioned in the following documents:
William Warren
Earl. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.William Warren is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Maud Peach
Wife of Sir John Peach. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Dame Maud Peach is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Peach
Member of the Grocers’ Company. Husband of Dame Maud Peach. Built almes houses in Lullingstone, Kent.Sir John Peach is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Lewknor is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Margaret Elrington
Daughter of Sir Thomas Elrington. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Dame Margaret Elrington is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Elrington
Father of Dame Margaret Elrington.Sir Thomas Elrington is mentioned in the following documents:
John Bowden
Esquire. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.John Bowden is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Saint Magill
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Robert Saint Magill is mentioned in the following documents:
John Sandhurst
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.John Sandhurst is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gower
(d. 1408)Poet. Friend of Geoffrey Chaucer. Buried at St. Saviour, Southwark. Not to be confused with John Gower.John Gower is mentioned in the following documents:
John Sturton
Esquire. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.John Sturton is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Rouse
Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Robert Rouse is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Browne is mentioned in the following documents:
Charles Brandon
(b. 1484, d. 1545)First Duke of Suffolk. Husband of Mary Tudor of France. Nephew of Sir Thomas Brandon. Grandson of Sir William Brandon. John Stow mistakenly claims that he helped build Suffolk House during the reign of Henry VIII.Charles Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Heath
Nicholas Heath Bishop of Rochester Bishop of Worcester Archbishop of York
(d. 1578)Bishop of Rochester 1539–1543. Bishop of Worcester 1543–1551 and 1554–1555. Archbishop of York 1555–1559. Lord Chancellor of England 1555–1558.Nicholas Heath is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
William Kerton is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Tresilian is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Percy
(b. 1341, d. 1408)First Earl of Northumberland. Supporter of Edward III and then later Richard II. Killed in 1408 after rebelling against England.Sir Henry Percy is mentioned in the following documents:
John Prendergast
Imprisoned by Henry Percy. Freed from prison by the citizens of London.John Prendergast is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter fitz-Walter is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Imworth
Knight Marshall of the Marshalsea Court and the Court of King’s Bench.Sir Richard Imworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Manny is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Dunton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Thetforde
Abbot of Bermondsey Abbey. Made an agreement with Nicholas Buckland in 1428 for the rents from lands and tenements of St. Thomas’ Hospital to be paid to him.Thomas Thetforde is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Buckland
Master of St. Thomas’ Hospital. Made an agreement in 1428 for the rents from lands and tenements of St. Thomas’ Hospital to be paid to Thomas Thetforde.Nicholas Buckland is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Chamber
Knight. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.Sir Robert Chamber is mentioned in the following documents:
William Fines
Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.William Fines is mentioned in the following documents:
John Benham
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.John Benham is mentioned in the following documents:
George Kirkes
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.George Kirkes is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Knighton
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.Thomas Knighton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Baker is mentioned in the following documents:
Agnes Dennis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Dennis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Danvars
Husband of Dame Agnes Danvars. Buried at St. Bartholomew the Great.Sir Robert Danvars is mentioned in the following documents:
John Evarey
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas Southwark.John Evarey is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Burcettur is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon de Swanlond
Simon de Swanlond Mayor
Mayor of London 1329-1330. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Permitted the re-building of St. Olave, Southwark by Isabelle Godchep.Simon de Swanlond is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabelle Godchep is mentioned in the following documents:
Hamo de Godchep is mentioned in the following documents:
John Warren
Earl of Surrey. Mentioned in a 1281 deed from St. Augustine Inn. Slayed Alan de la Zouche in 1270 at Westminster Hall.John Warren is mentioned in the following documents:
William Graspeis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Anthony St. Leger
Politician and Lord Deputy of Ireland. Father of Sir Warham St. Leger. Owner of the house that originally belonged to Mr. Nicholas.Sir Anthony St. Leger is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Warham St. Leger
Soldier. Husband of Ursula St. Leger. Father of Anne Digges. Son of Sir Anthony St. Leger. Owner of the house that originally belonged to Mr. Nicholas after his father.Sir Warham St. Leger is mentioned in the following documents:
Alwinus Child is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Peter is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Richard is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Osbert is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Umbald is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Bloet
Robert Bloet Bishop of Lincoln
(d. 1123)Lord Chancellor of England 1092–1093. Bishop of Lincoln 1093–1123. Gave the monks of Bermondsey (Mr. Peter, Mr. Richard, Mr. Osbert, and Mr. Umbald) the Charlton House.Robert Bloet is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Martell
Gave the monks of Bermondsey (Mr. Peter, Mr. Richard, Mr. Osbert, and Mr. Umbald) the land of Halingbury and tithe of Alferton by the grant of Geoffrey de Mandeville.Geoffrey Martell is mentioned in the following documents:
John Attleborough
Prior of Bermondsey Abbey in 1399. Made the first Abbot of the house at Bermondsey Abbey by Boniface IX.John Attleborough is mentioned in the following documents:
Boniface IX is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Elizabeth Bowes
Wife of Sir William Bowes. Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.Dame Elizabeth Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Pikeworth
Knight. Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.Sir Thomas Pikeworth is mentioned in the following documents:
George Tuchet is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord John Tuchet is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Audley
Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.Anne Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
John Winkfield
Esquire. Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.John Winkfield is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Blonket
Knight. Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.Sir Nicholas Blonket is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Bridget Trussel
Dame Bridget Trussell
Wife of Sir William Trussell. Buried at Bermondsey Abbey.Dame Bridget Trussel is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Trussel
Sir William Trussell
Knight and Speaker of the House of Commons. Husband of Dame Bridget Trussel. Buried at Westminster Abbey.Sir William Trussel is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Holgrave is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey de Say is mentioned in the following documents:
H. Knighton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Childe
Homeowner.Thomas Childe is mentioned in the following documents:
Lancelot Andrews
Lancelot Andrews Bishop of Chichester Bishop of Ely Bishop of Winchester
(b. 1555, d. 25 September 1626)Bishop of Chichester 1605–1609. Bishop of Ely 1609–1619. Bishop of Winchester 1618–1626. Buried at St. Saviour, Southwark.Lancelot Andrews is mentioned in the following documents:
Joyce Clarke
Joyce Austen Clarke
Wife of James Austen and Sir Robert Clarke. Mother of William Austen. Buried at St. Benet, Paul’s Wharf.Joyce Clarke is mentioned in the following documents:
William Austen is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Algodus is mentioned in the following documents:
John Duncell
Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.John Duncell is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Tonge
(d. March 1536)Norroy King of Arms 1522 and Clarenceux King of Arms 1534. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark. See related ODNB entry for Susan Tonge.Thomas Tonge is mentioned in the following documents:
William Wickham is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Cure
(d. 1588)Esquire. Master of the Saddlers’ Company. Royal Saddler to Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I. Buried at St. Saviour, Southwark.Thomas Cure is mentioned in the following documents:
John Trehearne is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter Humble
Gentleman. Son of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Brother of John Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble. Dedicated a monument at St. Saviour, Southwark to Richard Humble and Margaret Humble.Peter Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Humble
(d. 30 April 1616)Alderman of Farringdon Without Ward. Husband of Margaret Humble and Isabel Humble. Father of Peter Humble, John Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark. Buried with Elizabeth Humble.Richard Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Humble
Wife of Richard Humble. Mother of Peter Humble John Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble. Daughter of John Peirson. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark. Not to be confused with Margaret Humble.Margaret Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
John Humble
Son of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Brother of Peter Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble.John Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Katharine Humble
Daughter of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Sister of Peter Humble, John Humble, Weltham Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble.Katharine Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Weltham Humble
Daughter of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Sister of Peter Humble, John Humble, Katharine Humble, Margaret Humble, and Elizabeth Humble.Weltham Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Humble
Daughter of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Sister of Peter Humble, John Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, and Elizabeth Humble. Not to be confused with Margaret Humble.Margaret Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Humble
(d. 30 April 1616)Daughter of Richard Humble and Margaret Humble. Sister of Peter Humble, John Humble, Katharine Humble, Weltham Humble, and Margaret Humble. Buried with Richard Humble.Elizabeth Humble is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabel Humble (née Kitchinman)
Isabel Humble Kitchinman
Wife of Richard Humble. Daughter of Robert Kitchinman.Isabel Humble (née Kitchinman) is mentioned in the following documents:
John Pierson
Gentleman. Father of Margaret Humble.John Pierson is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Kitchinman
Gentleman. Father of Isabel Humble.Robert Kitchinman is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Bingham
(d. 1625)Esquire. Royal Saddler of Elizabeth I and James VI and I. In 1616 gave tenements in Kent Street, providing two scholarships for St. Saviour, Southwark’s grammar school. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.Sir John Bingham is mentioned in the following documents:
William Emerson
(d. 26 June 1575)Clerk. Owned the Spur Inn in Southwark. Builder of tenements on the old churchyard of St. Margaret, Southwark. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.William Emerson is mentioned in the following documents:
John Symons
(d. 10 August 1625)Citizen of London. Member of the Bakers’ Company. Son of Samuel Symons. Benefactor for St. Saviour, Southwark, St. George, Southwark, and St. Mary, Newington. Monument at St. Saviour, Southwark.John Symons is mentioned in the following documents:
Samuel Symons
Father of John Symons.Samuel Symons is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Sampson is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Smith is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Randall Carter
Randall Carter
Master Randall Carter is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Edward Hulit is mentioned in the following documents:
Hugh Brooker
Esquire. Benefactor of St. Saviour, Southwark. Buried at St. Saviour, Southwark.Hugh Brooker is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Marshall
Benefactor of St. Saviour, Southwark.Thomas Marshall is mentioned in the following documents:
Master William Evans
William Evans
(d. 29 July 1590)Benefactor of the poor in St. George, Southwark. Freed from the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Buried at St. George, Southwark.Master William Evans is mentioned in the following documents:
James Savage
(d. 1588)Benefactor of the poor in St. George, Southwark. Buried at St. George, Southwark.James Savage is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Brandon
(d. 1491)Esquire. Knight Marshal of the Marshalsea Court. Father of Sir Thomas Brandon. Grandfather of Charles Brandon. See related ODNB entry for Charles Brandon.Sir William Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Malledge
(d. February 1579)Thomas Malledge is mentioned in the following documents:
Helen Malledge
Wife of Thomas Malledge.Helen Malledge is mentioned in the following documents:
John Eston
(b. in or before 1518, d. 8 May 1565)Esquire. Justice of the Peace. City Steward of Southwark. Imprisoned in the Tower of London 1552. Husband of Margaret Eston. Buried at St. Olave, Southwark.John Eston is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Eston
Wife of John Eston.Margaret Eston is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gates is mentioned in the following documents:
William Benson
(b. in or before 1548, d. 1603)Son of Robert Benson and Mary Lisle. Brother of Richard Benson. Half-brother of Thomas Ravis. Father of Thomas Benson. Cousin of William Lisle. Buried in St. Olave, Southwark. Not to be confused with William Benson.William Benson is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Benson
(d. 1552)Robert Benson is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary Lisle
Wife of Robert Benson and Thomas Ravis. Mother of William Benson, Richard Benson, and Thomas Ravis. Aunt of William Lisle. Grandmother of Thomas Benson. See related ODNB entry for Thomas Ravis.Mary Lisle is mentioned in the following documents:
William Lisle
(b. 1569, d. 1637)Translator and Anglo-Saxon scholar. Nephew of Mary Lisle. Cousin of Thomas Ravis, William Benson, and Richard Benson. Wrote the epitaph on William Benson’s tomb in St. Olave, Southwark.William Lisle is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Ravis
Thomas Ravis Bishop of Gloucester Bishop of London
(b. in or before 1560, d. 1609)Bishop of Gloucester 1604–1607. Bishop of London 1607–1609. Son of Mary Lisle and Thomas Ravis. Half-brother of William Benson and Richard Benson. Cousin of Willam Lisle. Buried at St Paul’s Cathedral. Not to be confused with Thomas Ravis.Thomas Ravis is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Ravis is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Benson
Son of Robert Benson and Mary Lisle. Brother of William Benson. Half-brother of Thomas Ravis. Cousin of William Lisle. Uncle of Thomas Benson.Richard Benson is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Benson is mentioned in the following documents:
Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridge Without Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Bridge Without Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
Portsoken Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Portsoken Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Farringdon Without Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Farringdon Without Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Hall
Westminster Hall isthe only surviving part of the original Palace of Westminster
(Weinreb and Hibbert 1011) and is located on the west side of the Thames. It is located on the bottom left-hand corner of the Agas map, and is labelled asWeſtmynſter hall.
Originally built as an extension to Edward the Confessor’s palace in 1097, the hall served as the setting for banquets through the reigns of many kings.Westminster Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Suffolk Place
Suffolk Place was on the west side of Blackman Street near St. George, Southwark and was just south of the area depicted on the Agas map (Walford). Stow claims that Suffolk Place was built by the Duke of Suffolk, Charles Brandon, during the reign of Henry VIII (Stow 454). Ida Darlington claims that a residence owned by the Brandon family, which was called Southwark Place, existed at this location prior to the reign of Henry VIII. In 1536, Suffolk Place became the property of Henry VIII. Thereafter, the property was occasionally used as a royal residence. In 1545, a Royal Mint was established in the building, but the Mint was closed in 1551 after the discovery of fraud. This residence continued to be known asSuffolk Place
orthe Mint
into the nineteenth century. The property was eventually divided to make way for road improvements in the area (Darlington).Suffolk Place is mentioned in the following documents:
Antelope (Southwark)
The Antelope and Suffolk Place were the two messuages that King Edward VI kept in Bridge Without Ward after he resigned his right as lord of the manor in 1550 (Cunningham 72). John Stow notes that after 1550, King Edward VI continued to own his park in Southwark, which included the grounds called the Antelope (Stow 442).Antelope (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave Southwark (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. George Southwark (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Thomas’ Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Kent Street
Originally called Kentish Street, Kent Street began at the north end of Blackman Street and ran eastward from the Church of St. George, Southwark (Walford). Kent Street was a long and narrow road that connected Southwark to the County of Kent (Stow 448). Edward Walford notes that Kent Streetwas part of the great way from Dover and the Continent to the metropolis
until the early nineteenth century (Walford). Kent Street is now commonly referred to as Old Kent Road and is not to be confused with New Kent Road (Darlington). Kent Street is south of the area depicted on the Agas map.Kent Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Blackman Street
Blackman Street formed the southern portion of the main thoroughfare in Southwark, which is now commonly referred to asHigh Street
orBorough High Street
(H.E. Malden). John Stow notes that Blackman Street began at the southern end of Long Southwark near St. George, Southwark and moved south towards Newington (Stow 447). Blackman Street is south of the area depicted on the Agas map.Blackman Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St Mary (Newington) (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Guildhall is mentioned in the following documents:
Bermondsey Abbey
According to Stow, Bermondsey Abbey dates back to the 11th century. It was surrendered to Henry VIII in 1539 and subsequently demolished to be replaced with houses (Stow 344).Bermondsey Abbey is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Saviour (Southwark)
St. Saviour (Southwark) dates back at least to 1106. It was originally known as St. Mary Overies, withOveries
referring to its beingover
the Thames, that is, on its southern bank. After Henry VIII took hold of the church at the dissolution of the monasteries, the church was rededicated and renamed St. Saviour (Sugden 335). St. Saviour is visible on the Agas map along New Rents street in Southwark. It is marked with the labelS. Mary Owber.
St. Saviour (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s Bench is mentioned in the following documents:
Marshalsea is mentioned in the following documents:
Long Southwark
Long Southwark formed the northern portion of the main thoroughfare in Southwark, which is now commonly referred to asHigh Steet
orBorough High Street
(H.E. Malden). Long Southwark ran southwards from London Bridge to St. George, Southwark, where it attached to Blackman Street (Stow 447). Brayley notes thatthe principal street [of Southwark] is the High a Street, forming a portion of the great road from London through Surrey, and running in a southwesterly direction from London Bridge to St. Margaret’ Hill, and thence to St. George’s Church
(Brayley qtd. in Walford). Stow notes that Long Southwark wasbuilded on both sides with divers Lanes and Allies
(Stow 447). The five prisons found in Southwark were also located on this street (Stow 448).Long Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
St. George Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Mary (Newington) is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
As the only bridge in London crossing the Thames until 1729, London Bridge was a focal point of the city. After its conversion from wood to stone, completed in 1209, the bridge housed a variety of structures, including a chapel and a growing number of shops. The bridge was famous for the cityʼs grisly practice of displaying traitorsʼ heads on poles above its gatehouses. Despite burning down multiple times, London Bridge was one of the few structures not entirely destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666.London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Lambeth is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave Street
A street near the bank of the Thames near to St. Thomas’ Hospital.St. Olave Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Battle Bridge (Tooley Street)
Battle Bridge connected St. Olave Street with the road to Bermondsey and Horsleydown (Nichols 252). John Stow states that Battle Bridge was named after the Abbots of Battle Abbey, who built and repaired the bridge (Stow 459). The Abbots of Battle Abbey owned the Abbot of Battle’s Inn, which included the land surrounding Battle Bridge (Nichols 252). The site of the Abbot of Battle’s Inn and Battle Bridge is now marked by Battle Bridge Lane and Battle Bridge Stairs (Malden). Battle Bridge appears on Hogenberg and Braun’s 1572 map (Londinum Feracissimi Angliæ Regni Metropolis).Battle Bridge (Tooley Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Horsleydown is mentioned in the following documents:
Rotherhithe is mentioned in the following documents:
Bermondsey Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Loke in Southwark
The Loke in Southwark was a lazar house, which was used to quarantine people who had leprosy (Stow 460). The Loke in Southwark was located in Kent Street, just south of the area depicted on the Agas map.Loke in Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Mary Magdalene (Bermondsey) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Margaret (Southwark)
St. Margaret (Southwark) was a church in Southwark. The church was absorbed into the St. Saviour (Southwark) (Parish) during the Dissolution of the Monasteries (Survey of London, Vol. 22). Stow also recalls this absorption (Stow 411). By Stow’s time, the site would hold the Southwark Counter (Stow 330, 334). The church is not on the Agas map but would be just to the south of the map’s southernmost edge.St. Margaret (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave (Southwark)
St. Olave (Southwark) was a church dedicated to St. Olaf in Southwark on the bank of the Thames. It is marked on the Agas map with the labelS. Tovolles.
Stow notes that the church’s parish was especially large (Stow 340–341).St. Olave (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Clink Prison is mentioned in the following documents:
Southwark Counter is mentioned in the following documents:
White Lion
One of the five prisons in Southwark.White Lion is mentioned in the following documents:
Winchester House is mentioned in the following documents:
Rochester House
Rochester House was a manor Southwark that was given to the Bishop of Rochester in the eighth century (Lysons). Rochester House is not to be confused with Bromley Palace or Rochester Palace in Bromley. John Stow notes that in his time Rochester House had fallen into a state of ruin (Stow 449).Rochester House is mentioned in the following documents:
Tabbard Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Lewes Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridge House is mentioned in the following documents:
Bear Garden
The Bear Garden was never a garden, but rather a polygonal bearbaiting arena whose exact locations across time are not known (Mackinder and Blatherwick 18). Labelled on the Agas map asThe Bearebayting,
the Bear Garden would have been one of several permanent structures—wooden arenas, dog kennels, bear pens—dedicated to the popular spectacle of bearbaiting in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.Bear Garden is mentioned in the following documents:
Bear’s Head (Southwark)
John Stow lists the Bear’s Head among the brothels in Southwark (Stow 332).Bear’s Head (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cross Keys (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Cross Keys was a brothel in Southwark.Cross Keys (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Gunn (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Gunn was a brothel in Southwark.Gunn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Castle (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Castle was a brothel in Southwark.Castle (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Crane (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Crane was a brothel in Southwark.Crane (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cardinal’s Hat (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Cardinal’s Hat was a brothel in Southwark.Cardinal’s Hat (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bell (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Swan (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Swan was a brothel in Southwark.Swan (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cross Bones Graveyard
A graveyard for London prostitutes also called asingle women’s’ church yard
by John Stow. The Cross Bones served as a burial place for women deprived of a Christian burial because of their association with the brothels of Southwark.Cross Bones Graveyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishops of Winchester’s Stairs is mentioned in the following documents:
Dowgate was a watergate opening to the Thames in Dowgate Ward, near Walbrook (Harben Dowgate). According to Carlin and Belcher, Dowgate was a place where ships unloaded (Carlin and Belcher 72). According to Harben, Dowgate was calledDuuegate,
in the 12th and 13th centuries but because Stow mistook the secondu
for ann,
the gate also became known as Downgate (Harben Dowgate). According to Harben, The site is now occupied by Dowgate Dock (Harben Dowgate).Dowgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Pepper Alley Stairs
One of the public stairs on the Surrey side of the Themes above London Bridge.Pepper Alley Stairs is mentioned in the following documents:
Hampton Court is mentioned in the following documents:
York House is mentioned in the following documents:
Charing Cross is mentioned in the following documents:
Spur Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Christopher Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Bull Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Queen’s Head Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
George Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
White Hart Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s Head Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridewell, once palace, then prison, was an intriguing site in the early modern period. It changed hands several times before falling into the possession of the City of London to be used as a prison and hospital. The prison is mentioned in many early modern texts, including plays by Jonson and Dekker as well as the surveys and diaries of the period. Bridewell is located on the Agas map at the corner of the Thames and Fleet Ditch, labelled asBride Well.
Bridewell is mentioned in the following documents:
Sentlegar House
A house once belonging to the Sentlegar family in Southwark, eventually divided into tenements. Near to the Bridge House.Sentlegar House is mentioned in the following documents:
Manor of the Maze is mentioned in the following documents:
Flower de Luce is mentioned in the following documents:
Bermondsey Manor
According to Stow, Bermondsey Manor was within the bounds of Bermondsey Abbey, to which William Rufus gave his manor in 1094 (Stow 343). In 1550, Edward VI sold the manor to the Corporation of London (Stow 345, Howard and Godfrey 1–8).Bermondsey Manor is mentioned in the following documents:
Charlton House is mentioned in the following documents:
Merchant Taylors’ Company
Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors
The Merchant Taylors’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. Since 1484, the Merchant Taylors and the Skinners have alternated precedence annually; the Merchant Taylors are now sixth in precedence in odd years and seventh in even years, changing precedence at Easter. The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company and a list of historical milestones.The coat of arms of the Merchant Taylors’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Cutlers’ Company
Worshipful Company of Cutlers
The Cutlers’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Cutlers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
High Court of Admiralty
In the reign of Henry VIII, England’s admiralty courts were combined into the High Court of Admiralty (Elton 155). The High Court of Admiralty presided over cases that occurred out at sea (Baker 132). Although most courts in England practiced common law, the High Court of Admiralty used a form of civil law based on theuniversal law of the sea
(Baker 132). For an accessible overview, see Wikipedia. Records surviving from the High Court of Admiralty are held at the National Archives.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Court of Aldermen
The Court of Aldermen was composed of senior officials known asaldermen,
who were each elected to represent one ward of London. The Mayor of London oversaw the Court of Aldermen and was himself an alderman. Historically, the Court of Aldermen was the primary administrative body for the Corporation of London; however, by the early modern period, many of its responsibilities had been transferred to the Court of Common Council. The Court of Aldermen exists today in a somewhat modified form.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Court of Common Council
The Court of Common Council was comprised of men elected from each ward. It was distinct from the Court of Aldermen.Roles played in the project
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Court of King’s Bench
The Court of King’s Bench was the senior court of English common law. Originally, it travelled with the King. From 1318 to 1882, it met at the south end of Westminster Hall (Baker 42). For an accessible overview, see Wikipedia. The records surviving from King’s Bench cases are held at the National Archives.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Marshalsea Court
Also known as theCourt of the Steward and Marshal
and theCourt of the Verge,
the Marshalsea Court was a royal court that fell under the jurisdiction of the Knight Marshal and the Lord Steward of the Household (Jones 1). The Marshalsea Court held civil and criminal authority over actions involving a member from the royal household (Lord steward
). Only cases that occurred within twelve miles of the royal residence could be tried in the Marshalsea Court (Lord steward
). Established in the reign of Edward I, the Marshalsea Court operated as a highly specialized household court until it was abolished in the nineteenth century (Lord steward
). For more information, see Encyclopaedia Britannica.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Parliament of England
The Parliament of England was a legislative branch of the Kingdom of England, founded by William the Conquerer in 1066.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Privy Council
The Privy Council advised the reigning monarch on important judicial and political issues. The council still exists today, altough with considerably less authority.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The MoEML Team
These are all MoEML team members since 1999 to present. To see the current members and structure of our team, seeTeam.
Former Student Contributors
We’d also like to acknowledge students who contributed to MoEML’s intranet predecessor at the University of Windsor between 1999 and 2003. When we redeveloped MoEML for the Internet in 2006, we were not able to include all of the student projects that had been written for courses in Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, and/or Writing Hypertext. Nonetheless, these students contributed materially to the conceptual development of the project.
Roles played in the project
CSS Editors
Data Manager
Markup Editors
Second Author
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
University of Victoria
The University of Victoria, writ large. Located in Victoria, BC, Canada. Website.This organization is mentioned in the following documents: