Thames Street

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Thames Street was the longest street in early modern London, running east-west from the ditch around the Tower of London in the east to St. Andrew’s Hill and Puddle Wharf in the west, almost the complete span of the city within the walls. It passed through seven wards: Tower Street, Billingsgate, Bridge (within), Downgate, Vintry, Queenhithe, and Castle Baynard.
Archaeological finds suggest that it followed an old Roman road beside the river, from which it takes its name. The street today, twenty-five feet above the level of the Roman road (Harben, Thames Street), is divided into Lower Thames Street (the section east of Southwark Bridge) and Upper Thames Street (the section west of Southwark Bridge).
See also: Chalfant 178.


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MLA citation

Jenstad, Janelle. Thames Street. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,

Chicago citation

Jenstad, Janelle. Thames Street. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020.

APA citation

Jenstad, J. 2020. Thames Street. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Jenstad, Janelle
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Thames Street
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Jenstad, Janelle
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Thames Street
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#JENS1"><surname>Jenstad</surname>, <forename>Janelle</forename></name></author>. <title level="a">Thames Street</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>



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