The Sun in Aries

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in Aries.
formed through the Citie, at the ſole
coſt and charges of the Honourable and anci
ent Fraternity of Drapers, at the confirmation
and eſtabliſhment of their moſt VVorthy Brother
the Right Honourable, Edvvard Barkham,
in the high Office of his Maieſties Lieute
nant, the Lord Maior of the famous
Citie of LONDON.
Taking beginning at his Lordſhips
going, and perfecting it ſelfe after his returne
from receiuing the Oath of Maioralty at VVest
, on the morrow after Simon
day, being the 29. of
October. 1621
Horizontal rule
Horizontal rule
Printed by Ed. All-de, for H.G. 1621.

Printer’s ornament
of Drapers, his worthy Brothers haue dedica
ted their loues in coſtly Triumphes, the Right
Honourable, Edvvard Barkham, Lord
Maior of this renowned
Y Our Honour being the Center, where the Lines
Of this Dayes glorious circle meetes and ioynes;
Loue, Ioy, Coſt, Triumph, all by You made bleſt;
There do’s my Seruice too, desire to reſt:
At your Lordſhips
Tho. Middleton.

Printer’s ornament
PIſces, being the last of the Signes,
and the VVayne of the Sunnes
Glory; how fitly and deſired
ly now the Sunne enters into
Aries, for the comfort and re
freſhing of the Creatures, and
may bee properly called the
Spring time of Right and Iu
ſtice; obſerued by the Shepheards Kalender in the
Mountaine, to proue a happy Yeare for poore mens
cauſes, VViddowes, & Orphans Comforts; ſo much
to make good the Sunnes Entrance into that noble
SignThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)e; I doubt not but the Beames of his Iuſtice will
make good themſelues.
And firſt, to begin with the VVorthy loue of his
Honourable Societie to his Lordſhip, after his Ho
nours returne from VVeſtminster, hauing receiued
ſome ſeruice vpon the waterThis text is the corrected text. The original is : (MK): the first Tryumph by
land attends his Lordſhips moſt wiſhed arriuall, in
Pauls Church-yard, which is a Chariot moſt Artful
ly framed & adorned, bearing the Title of the Cha
riot of Honour: In which Chariot many VVorthies
are plac’d, that haue got Trophies of Honour by their

The Sunne in Aries.
Labours & Deserts, such as Iaſon, whoſe Illuſtration
of Honour is the Golden Fleece, Hercules with his
Ne plus vltra, vpon Pilaſters of Siluer, a fayre Globe,
for conquering Alexander; a Gilt Lawrell for tri
umphant Cæſar, &c. Iaſon at the approach of his
Lordſhip, being the Perſonage moſt proper (by his
Manifeſtation) for the Societies Honour, lends a
voyce to theſe following words.
The Speech preſented by Jaſon.
BE fauourable Fates! and a faire Skie
Smile on this Expedition, Phœbus Eye
Looke cheerefully,—the Barke is vnder Sayle
For a Yeares voyage, and a bleſſed Gale
Be euer with it; ’Tis for Iuſtice bound,
A Coaſt, that’s not by euery Compaſſe found;
And goes for Honour, Lifes moſt precious Trading,
May it returne with moſt Illustrious Lading;
A Thing both wiſht and hop’te for;—I am Hee
To all Aduenturous Voyages, a free
And bountifull well-wiſher, by my Name
Hight Iaſon, firſt Aduenturer for Fame,
Which now rewards my danger, and ovreo’re-tops
The Memory of all Perill, or her ſtops;
Aſsiſted by the noble Hopes of Greece,
’Twas I from Colchis fetcht the Golden Fleece;
Am One of the firſt Brothers (on Record)
Of Honour got by Danger: So, great Lord!
There is no Voyage ſet forth to Renowne,
That do’s not ſometimes meete with Skies that frowne,

The Sunne in Aries.
With Guſts of Enuie, Billowes of deſpight,
Which makes the Purchaſe once atchieu’d, more bright:
"State is a Sea; he muſt be wiſe indeede
"That ſounds It’s Depth, or can the Quick ſands heede,
And Honour is ſo nice and rare a Prize,
’Tis watcht by Dragons, Venamous Enemies;
Then no ſmall care belongs too’t,—but as I
With my aſsiſting Argonautes, did try
The Vtmoſt of Aduenture, and with bold
And conſtant Courage, brought the Fleece of Gold;
Whoſe Illuſtration decks my Memory
Through all Poſterities, naming but Mee:
So, Man of Merit, neuer faint or feare,
Thou haſt th’ Aſsiſtance of Graue Senators, here,
Thy Worthy Brethren; ſome of which haue paſt
All dangerous Gulfes, and in their bright Fames plac’t,
They can Inſtruct and guide thee; and each one
That muſt aduenture, and are comming on
To this great Expedition, They will bee
Cheerefull and forward to Encourage Thee;
And Bleſsings fall in a moſt infinite Summe
Both on thoſe paſt, Thy Selfe, and thoſe to come.
Paſſing from this, and more to encourage the labour of the
Magiſtrate, hee is now conducted to the Maſter-Triumph cal
led the Tower of Vertue, which for the ſtrength, ſafety and per
petuity, beares the Name of the Brazen Tower; of which, Inte
keepes the Keyes, Vertue being indeed as a Brazen wall
to a City or Common-wealth, & to Illuſtrate the proſperity it
brings to a Kingdome, the Top-Turrets or Pinacles of this Bra
zen Tower ſhine bright like Golde, and vpon the Gilded Bat
tlements thereof, ſtand 6. Knights, 3. in Siluered, and 3. in Gilt
Armour, as Vertues Standerbearers or Champions, holding 6.
little Streamers, or ſiluer Bannerets, in each of which are diſ

The Sunne in Aries.
played the Armes of a Noble Brother and Benefactor, Fame
ſounding forth their praiſes to the world, for the Encourage
ment of after Ages, and Antiquity the Regiſter of Fame con
taining in her Golden Legend, their Names & Titles; as that of
Sir Henry Fitz-Alwin Draper, L. Maior foure and Twenty
yeares together; Sir Iohn Norman, the firſt that was rowed in
Barge to Weſtminster with Siluer Oares, at his owne coſt and
charges; Sir Francis Drake, the Sonne of Fame, who in two
Yeares and tenne Monthes, did caſt a Girdle about the world:
The vnparaleld, Sir Symon Eyre, who built Leaden Hall (at his
owne coſtThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)) a Storehouſe for the Poore both in the vpper Lofts
and lower; the Generous & memorable Sir Richard Champion,
and Sir Iohn Milborne, two bountifull Benefactors; Sir Ri
chard Hardell
in the Seat of Magiſtracy 6. yeares together, Sir
Iohn Poultney
, 4. yeares, which Sir Iohn founded a Colledge
in the Pariſh of St. Lawrence Poultney, by Candlewicke ſtreete,
Iohn Hinde, a Reedifier of the Pariſh Church of St. Swithin by
London Stone
. Sir Richard Pipe, who being Free of the Lea
ther ſellers
, was alſo from them tranſlated to the Ancient and
Honorable Society of Drapers
; and many whoſe names for
breuities cauſe I muſt omit, and haſten to the Honour and Ser
uice of the Time preſent: From the Tower, Fame a perſonage
properly adorned, thus ſalutes the Great Mr. of the Day and
The Salutation of Fame.
VVElcome to Vertues Fortreſſe, ſtrong, and cleere,
Thou art nThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ot onely ſThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)afe, but glThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)oriThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ous, heere;
It is a Tower of Brightnes; ſuch is Truth,
Whoſe Strength and Grace feeles a perpetuall Youth;
The Walls are Braſſe, the Pyramid’s fine Gold;
Which ſhowes, ’tis Safeties and Proſperities Hold;
Cleare Conſcience, is Lieutenant; Prouidence, there,
Are the ſixe Warders; keepe the Watch-Tower ſure,
That nothing enters but what’s iuſt and pure,

The Sunne in Aries.
For which effect, both to affright and ſhame
All ſlothfull Blouds, that bluſh to looke on Fame,
An Enſigne of good Actions Each diſplayes,
That worthy Workes may iuſtly owne their Praiſe;
And which is clearelieſt to be vnderſtood,
Thine, ſhines amidſt thy Glorious Brotherhood,
Circled with Armes of Honour, by thoſe, paſt,
As now with Loues Armes, by the Preſent, grac’t,
And how thy VVord do’s thy true VVorth diſplay;
Fortunæ Mater, Diligentia,
Faire Fortunes Mother (all may reade, and ſee)
Is Diligence, endeuouring Induſtrie:
See here the Glory of Illuſtrious Acts
All of thy owne Fraternity, whoſe Tracts
’Tis comely to purſue all Thy Lifes Race,
Taking their Vertues, as thou hold’ſt their place:
Some, Colledge Founders, Temple-Beautifiers,
Whoſe bleſt Soules ſing now in cæleſtiall Quires;
Erecters ſome, of Granaries for the Poore,
Though now conuerted to ſome Rich mens Store
(The more the Ages miſery) ſome ſo rare
For this Fam’d Citties Gouernment, and Care,
They kept the Seate foure Yeares, with a faire name,
Some ſixe; but One, (the Miracle of Fame)
Which no Society, or Time can match,
Twenty foure Yeares compleate, he was Truths Watch,
He went ſo right and Euen; and the Hand
Of that faire Motion, Bribe could ne’re make ſtand:
And as Men ſeThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)t their Watches by the Sunne,
Set IuſtiThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ce but by that which Hee ha’s done,
And keepe it Euen, ſo, from Men to Men,
No Magiſtrate neede ſtirre the Worke agen:

The Sunne in Aries.
It lights into a Noble hand to Day,
And ha’s paſt many; Many more, it may.
By this Tower of Vertue, his Lordship being grace
fully conducted toward the new Standard, one in a cloudy
Ruinous Habit Leaning vpon the Turret, at a Trumpets
ſounding, ſuddenly starts and wakes, and in Amazement
throwes off his vnseemely Garments.
What Noyſe is this? wakes me from Ruines Wombe,
Hah? bleſſe me, (Time) how braue am I become?
Fame fixt vpon my Head? beneath me, round,
The Figures of Illuſtrious PrinThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ces, crownde
As well for Goodnes, as for State by Birth,
Which makes e’m true Heires both to Heauen and Earth?
Iuſt 6 in Number; and all bleſſed Names,
Two Henryes, Edward, Mary, Eliza, Iames,
(That Ioy of honest Hearts;) and there behold
His honour’d Subſtitute, whom Worth makes bold
To vndergoe the Weight of this Degree;
Vertues faire Ædifice rais’d vp like mee:
Why here’s the Cities Goodnes; ſhowen in either,
To raiſe two worthy Buildings both together;
For when they made that Lords Election free
I geſſe, that Time their charge did perfect Mee:
Nay note the Cities Bountie in both, ſtill,
When they reſtore a Ruine, ’tis their Will
To be ſo Noble in their Coſt and Care
All blemiſh is forgot, when they repaire:
For what ha’s beene Reedified alate
But lifts it’s Head vp, in more glorious State:
"’Tis Growen a Principle; Ruines, built agen,
"Come betterd both in Monuments and Men:


The Sunne in Aries.
The Inſtance is apparent; On then, Lord,
Ee’n at thy Entrænce thou’dſt a Great mans Word;
The nobleſt Testimonie of faire Worth
That euer Lord had, when he firſt ſtood forth
Preſented by the Citie: Looſe not then
A Praiſe ſo deere, beſtowde not on all Men;
Striue to preſerue this Famous Citties peace
Begun by yon’ firſt King, which dThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)o’s encreaſe
Now by the last; from Henry that ioynde Roſes
To Iames that Vnites Kingdomes, who encloſes
All in the Armes of Loue, Malic’t of None,
Our Hearts find that, whenwhẽNeighbouring Kingdoms grone;
Which in the Magiſtrates Duty, may well moue
A Zealous Care, in all, a Thankfull Loue.
After this, for the full cloſe of the Fore-noones Tri
umph; neere S. Lawrence Lane, ſtands a Mountaine Art
fully rayſde and repleniſht with fine woolly Creatures;
Phœbus on the Top ſhining in a full Glory, being circled
with the 12. Cæleſtiall Signes, Aries plac’t neere the prin
cipall Rayes, the proper Signe for Illustration; thus greetes
his Lordſhip.
Bright Thoughts, Ioy and Alacrity of Heart
Bleſſe thy great Vndertakings, ’tis the part
And property of Phœbus, with his Rayes,
To cheere and to Illumine Good-mens Wayes;
Eagle-Eyde Actions, that dare behold
His Sparkling Globe, depart, tryed all like Gold;
’Tis Bribery and Iniuſtice, Deedes of Night
That flye the Sunne-beame, which makes good Works bright
Thine looke vppon’t, Vndazled, as one Beame
Faces another, as wee match a Iem

The Sunne in Aries.
With her Refulgent fellow; from Thy Worth
Example Sparkles, as a Starre ſhootes forth:
This Mount, the Type of Eminence and place,
Reſembles Magiſtracies Seate, and Grace;
The Sunne, the Magiſtrate himſelfe, Implyes;
Theſe woolly Creatures, all that Part which Lyes
Vnder His charge and office, (not vnfit)
Since Kings and Rulers are (in holy Writ)
With Shepheards paraleld, nay from Shepheards Rear’d,
And People and the Flock as oft cohærd;
Now, as it is the Bounty of the Sunne
To ſpread his Splendors, and make Gladnes runne
Ouer the drooping Creatures; it ought ſo
To be His proper Vertue, that do’s owe
To Iuſtice his lifes Flame, (ſhot from Aboue)
To cheere oppreſſed Right with lookes of Loue,
Which nothing doubted; Truths reward light on you,
The Beames of all cleare Comforts ſhine vpon You.
The Great Feaſt ended, the whole ſtate of the Triumph at
tends vpon his Lordſhip both to Paules, and homeward; and
neare the Entrance of his Lordſhips House, two Partes of the
Triumph ſtand ready planted, viz. The Brazen Tower, and
the Triple-Crowned Fountaine of Iuſtice; this Fountaine be
ing adorn’d with the liuely Figures of all thoſe Graces and Ver
tues which belong to the faithfull diſcharging of ſo high an Of
fice; as Iuſtice, Sincerity, Meeknes, Wiſedome, Prouidence,
Æquality, Induſtry, Truth, Peace, Patience, Hope, Harmony;
all Illuſtrated by proper Emblems and expreſſions; as Iuſtice,
by a Sword; Sincerity, by a Lambe; Meeknes, by a Doue; Wiſ
This text is the corrected text. The original is d me (MK)dome by a Serpent; ProuiThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)dence, by an Ægle; Æquality, by a
ſiluerd Ballance: Induſtry, by a golden Ball, on which ſtands a
Cupid; intimating, that Induſtry brings both Wealth and Loue;
Truth with a Fanne of Starres, with which ſhe chaſes away Er

The Sunne in Aries.
ror; Peace, with a Branch of Laurell; Patience, a Sprig of
Palme; Hope, by a ſiluer’d Anchor; Harmony, by a Swan; Each
at Night holding a bright burning Tapor in her hand, as a Ma
nifeſtation of Purity: His Lordſhip being in ſight, and drawing
neare to his Entrance; Fame, from the Brazen Tower cloſes vp
the Triumph, his Lordſhips honourable welcome, with the
noble Demonſtration of his worthy Fraternities Affection; in
this concluding Speech.
I Cannot better the CThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ompariſon
Of thy faire Brotherhoods Loue, then to the Sunne
After a great Ecclipſe; for as the Sphære
Of that Cæleſtiall Motion, ſhines more cheere
After the Interpoſing Part is ſpent,
Then to the Eye before the Darknes went
Ouer the bright Orbe; so Their Loue is ſhowne
With a Content paſt Expectation:
A Care that ha’s beene comely, and a Coſt
That ha’s beene Decent; cheerefull, which is moſt;
Fit for the Seruice of ſo great a State,
So fam’d a Cittie, and a Magiſtrate
So worthy of it all, ha’s beene beſtowde
Vpon thy Triumph, which ha’s clearely ſhowde
The Loues of thy Fraternity, as great;
For thy firſt Welcome to thy honour’d Seate:
And happily is Cost requited then,
"When Men Grace Triumphs, more then Triumphs, Men;
"Diamonds will ſhine though ſet in Lead, True worth
"Stands alwayes in leaſt neede of ſetting forth:
What makes Leſſe Noyſe then Merit? or Leſſe Showe
Then Vertue? ’tis the Vndeſeruers, owe
All to Vaine-glory, and to Rumour, ſtill;
Building their Praiſes on the Vulgar Will;

The Sunne in Aries.
All their Good, is without e’m, not their owne,
When wiſe men to their Vertues are beſt Knowne:
Behold yon’ Fountaine with the Tripled Crowne,
And through a Cloude the Sunne-beame piercing downe,
So is the worthy Magiſtrate made vp;
The Triple Crowne, is Charity, Faith, and Hope,
Thoſe three Cæleſtiall Siſters, the Cloude too
That’s Care, and yet you ſee the Beame ſtrikes through;
A Care diſcharg’d with Honour, it preſages,
And may it ſo continue, to all Ages;
It is thy Brotherhoods Armes, how well it fits
Both Thee, and All, that for Truthes Honour ſits:
The Time of Reſt drawes neere; Triumph muſt ceaſe
Ioy to thy Heart, to all a Bleſſed peace.
Horizontal rule
FOr the Frame-VVorke of the whole Triumph;
with all the proper Beauties of VVorkmanſhip,
the Credit of that, iuſtly appertaines to the deſerts
of Maſter Garret Criſmas, a Man excellent in his Art,
and faithfull in his Performances.

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MLA citation

Middleton, Thomas. The Sun in Aries. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

Middleton, Thomas. The Sun in Aries. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

Middleton, T. 2020. The Sun in Aries. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
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A1  - Middleton, Thomas
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Sun in Aries
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Middleton, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Sun in Aries
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MIDD12"><surname>Middleton</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Sun in Aries</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>


