Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety
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Porta pietatis,
The Port or Harbour of Piety.
Expreſt in ſundry Triumphes, Page
ants, and Showes, at the Initiation of the
Right Honourable Sir Mavrice Abbot
Knight, into the Majoralty of the famous
and farre renowned City London.
All the charge and expence of the laborious Projects
both by Water and Land, being the ſole undertaking
of the Right Worſhipfull Company of
the Drapers.
The Port or Harbour of Piety.
Expreſt in ſundry Triumphes, Page
ants, and Showes, at the Initiation of the
Right Honourable Sir Mavrice Abbot
Knight, into the Majoralty of the famous
and farre renowned City London.
All the charge and expence of the laborious Projects
both by Water and Land, being the ſole undertaking
of the Right Worſhipfull Company of
the Drapers.
To the Right Honorable Sr. Maurice
Abbot, Knight, the Lord Maior of this
renowned Metropolis, London.
Abbot, Knight, the Lord Maior of this
renowned Metropolis, London.
Right Honourable:
ANtiquity informes us, in the moſt
flouriſhing ſtate of Rome, of an
Order of the Candidati, ſo cal
led, becauſe habited in white ve
ſture, betokning Innocence, and
thoſe of the nobleſt Citizens, who in that garbe wal
ked the ſtreets with humble lookes, and ſubmiſse ge
ſture, thereby to inſinuate themſelves into the
grace of the people, being ambitious after honour and
Office. Great Lord, it fareth not ſo with You, who
though for inward Candor and ſincerity, You may
compare with the beſt of them, yet have beene ſo far
from affecting ſuch popularity, that though You in
Your great Modeſty would willingly have evaded
it; yet ſome places by importunity, and this Your
preſent Prætorſhip hath by a generall ſuffrage, and
the unanimous harmony of a free Election, beene
conferd upon You.
flouriſhing ſtate of Rome, of an
Order of the Candidati, ſo cal
led, becauſe habited in white ve
ſture, betokning Innocence, and
thoſe of the nobleſt Citizens, who in that garbe wal
ked the ſtreets with humble lookes, and ſubmiſse ge
ſture, thereby to inſinuate themſelves into the
grace of the people, being ambitious after honour and
Office. Great Lord, it fareth not ſo with You, who
though for inward Candor and ſincerity, You may
compare with the beſt of them, yet have beene ſo far
from affecting ſuch popularity, that though You in
Your great Modeſty would willingly have evaded
it; yet ſome places by importunity, and this Your
preſent Prætorſhip hath by a generall ſuffrage, and
the unanimous harmony of a free Election, beene
conferd upon You.
The Epiſtle Dedicatory.
Neither can I omit the happineſſe of Your de
ceaſed Father, remarkable in three moſt fortunate
Sonnes: the one, for many yeares together, Arch
Biſhop of Canterbury, and Metropolitane of all
England; another, a reverend Father in God,
Biſhop of Salisbury: as memorable for his learned
Workes and Writings, as the other for his Epiſ
copall government in the Church, and Counſell in
ſtate. And now lately Your Honour’d ſelfe, the
Lord Maior of this Metropolis, the famous City
London: In which, and of which, as you are now
Maximus, ſo it is expected you ſhall prove Opti
mus. Grave Sir, it is a knowne Maxime, that the
honour which is acquired by Vertue, hath a perpetu
all aſsurance: nor blame my boldneſſe, if J pre
ſume to prompt Your memory in what You have long
ſtudied: The life of a Magiſtrate is the rule and
ſquare whereby inferior perſons frame their carriage
and deportment, who ſooner aſſimulate themſelves to
their Lives than their Lawes, which Lawes if not
executed are of no eſtimation. But I ceaſe further to
trouble Your Lordſhip, leaving you to Your Honou
rable charge, with that of the Poet,
Qui ſua metitur pondera, ferre poteſt.
ceaſed Father, remarkable in three moſt fortunate
Sonnes: the one, for many yeares together, Arch
Biſhop of Canterbury, and Metropolitane of all
England; another, a reverend Father in God,
Biſhop of Salisbury: as memorable for his learned
Workes and Writings, as the other for his Epiſ
copall government in the Church, and Counſell in
ſtate. And now lately Your Honour’d ſelfe, the
Lord Maior of this Metropolis, the famous City
London: In which, and of which, as you are now
Maximus, ſo it is expected you ſhall prove Opti
mus. Grave Sir, it is a knowne Maxime, that the
honour which is acquired by Vertue, hath a perpetu
all aſsurance: nor blame my boldneſſe, if J pre
ſume to prompt Your memory in what You have long
ſtudied: The life of a Magiſtrate is the rule and
ſquare whereby inferior perſons frame their carriage
and deportment, who ſooner aſſimulate themſelves to
their Lives than their Lawes, which Lawes if not
executed are of no eſtimation. But I ceaſe further to
trouble Your Lordſhip, leaving you to Your Honou
rable charge, with that of the Poet,
Qui ſua metitur pondera, ferre poteſt.
Your Lordſhips in all obſervance
Thomas Heywood.
LOndon and Westminster
are two Twin-ſiſter-Cities; as
joyned by one Street, ſo wate
red by one ſtreame: the firſt a
breeder of grave Magiſtrates,
the ſecond, the buriall-place of
great Monarchs; Both famous
for their two Cathedrals: the one Dedicated to the
honour of Saint Paul, the other of Saint Peter.
Theſe I rather concatenate, becauſe as in the one,
the Right Honourable the Lord Major receiveth
his honour, ſo in the other he takes his Oath: yet
London may be preſum’d to be the elder, and more
excellent in Birth, Meanes, and Iſſue; in the firſt for
her Antiquity, in the ſecond for her Ability, in the
are two Twin-ſiſter-Cities; as
joyned by one Street, ſo wate
red by one ſtreame: the firſt a
breeder of grave Magiſtrates,
the ſecond, the buriall-place of
great Monarchs; Both famous
for their two Cathedrals: the one Dedicated to the
honour of Saint Paul, the other of Saint Peter.
Theſe I rather concatenate, becauſe as in the one,
the Right Honourable the Lord Major receiveth
his honour, ſo in the other he takes his Oath: yet
London may be preſum’d to be the elder, and more
excellent in Birth, Meanes, and Iſſue; in the firſt for
her Antiquity, in the ſecond for her Ability, in the
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to
this text (context, etc.). (CH)Londons Gate to Piety.
third, for her numerous Progeny: ſhe and her Sub
urbs being decored with two ſeverall Burſes or Ex
changes, and beautified with two eminent Gar
dens of Exerciſe, knowne by the names of Artil
lery and Military. I ſhall not need to inſiſt much
either upon her Extenſion, or Dimenſion, nor to
compare her with other eminent Cities that were,
or are, it having beene an Argument treated of by
Authentick Authors, and the laborious project of
many learned Pennes, and frequently celebrated
upon the like dayes of Solemnity.
urbs being decored with two ſeverall Burſes or Ex
changes, and beautified with two eminent Gar
dens of Exerciſe, knowne by the names of Artil
lery and Military. I ſhall not need to inſiſt much
either upon her Extenſion, or Dimenſion, nor to
compare her with other eminent Cities that were,
or are, it having beene an Argument treated of by
Authentick Authors, and the laborious project of
many learned Pennes, and frequently celebrated
upon the like dayes of Solemnity.
And although by the ſpace of Tenne yeares laſt
paſt, there hath not beene any Lord Major free
of that Company, yet was there within Twelve
yeeres before that ſixe Lord Majors of the ſame.
And it ſhall not bee amiſſe to give you a briefe
Nomination of ſome Honourable Prætors, and
thoſe of prime Remarke in that Company: Sir
Henry Fitz-Alwin Draper, was the firſt Lord Major
of this Citie, which place hee held for foure and
twenty yeeres together, and upward; and in the
firſt yeere of his Majoralty, Anno 1210. London
Bridge, which was before made of Timber, was
begun to be built of Stone. Sir William Powltney
was foure times Lord Major; 1337 he built a Chap
pell in Pauls, where hee lyeth buried, and erected
a Colledge neere unto the Church of St. Laurence
Powltney, London: He moreover built the Church
of little Alhallows in Thames ſtreet, with other
pious and devout Acts. John Hind Draper, Lord
paſt, there hath not beene any Lord Major free
of that Company, yet was there within Twelve
yeeres before that ſixe Lord Majors of the ſame.
And it ſhall not bee amiſſe to give you a briefe
Nomination of ſome Honourable Prætors, and
thoſe of prime Remarke in that Company: Sir
Henry Fitz-Alwin Draper, was the firſt Lord Major
of this Citie, which place hee held for foure and
twenty yeeres together, and upward; and in the
firſt yeere of his Majoralty, Anno 1210. London
Bridge, which was before made of Timber, was
begun to be built of Stone. Sir William Powltney
was foure times Lord Major; 1337 he built a Chap
pell in Pauls, where hee lyeth buried, and erected
a Colledge neere unto the Church of St. Laurence
Powltney, London: He moreover built the Church
of little Alhallows in Thames ſtreet, with other
pious and devout Acts. John Hind Draper, Lord
Londons Gate to Piety.
Major 1405, built the Church of St. Swithen by
London-ſtone, &c. Sir John Norman was the firſt that
rowed in his Bardge to Weſtminſter, when hee went
to take his Oath: Sir Richard Hardell ſate in the
Judicatory Seate ſixe yeares together: Simon Eyre
Lord Major, built Leaden-Hall at his owne proper
coſts and charges: Sir Richard Pipe, George Monox,
Lord Major 1515, and Sir John Milborne, were
great Erectors of Almes-houſes, Hoſpitalls, &c.
and left liberally to the poore: Sir Richard Campion
perfected divers charitable workes, left unfiniſht’t by
Sir John Milborne before named. Sir Thomas Hayes
1615, Sir John Jolls 1616, Sir Edward Barkham,
Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Allan Cotten, Sir Cuthbert
Hacket, &c. To ſpeake of them all, I ſhould but
ſpend Paper in a meere capitulation of their names,
and neglect the project now in agitation.
London-ſtone, &c. Sir John Norman was the firſt that
rowed in his Bardge to Weſtminſter, when hee went
to take his Oath: Sir Richard Hardell ſate in the
Judicatory Seate ſixe yeares together: Simon Eyre
Lord Major, built Leaden-Hall at his owne proper
coſts and charges: Sir Richard Pipe, George Monox,
Lord Major 1515, and Sir John Milborne, were
great Erectors of Almes-houſes, Hoſpitalls, &c.
and left liberally to the poore: Sir Richard Campion
perfected divers charitable workes, left unfiniſht’t by
Sir John Milborne before named. Sir Thomas Hayes
1615, Sir John Jolls 1616, Sir Edward Barkham,
Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Allan Cotten, Sir Cuthbert
Hacket, &c. To ſpeake of them all, I ſhould but
ſpend Paper in a meere capitulation of their names,
and neglect the project now in agitation.
The firſt Show by Water.
THe firſt Show by Water, is preſented by Proteus
in a beautiful Sea-Chariot: for the better Orna
ment, decored with divers Marine Nymphs and
Sea-goddeſſes, &c. He ſitteth or rideth upon a mo
ving Tortois, which is reckoned amongſt the Am
phibiæ, quód in ambobus Elementis degant: That is,
One of thoſe Creatures that live in two Elements,
the Water, and the Land; alluding to the Trading
of the Right Honourable the preſent Lord Major,
who is a Merchant, free of the Turkey, Italian,
French, Spaniſh, Muſcovy, and was late Gover
nour of the Eaſt Indy-Company. This Proteus, or
in a beautiful Sea-Chariot: for the better Orna
ment, decored with divers Marine Nymphs and
Sea-goddeſſes, &c. He ſitteth or rideth upon a mo
ving Tortois, which is reckoned amongſt the Am
phibiæ, quód in ambobus Elementis degant: That is,
One of thoſe Creatures that live in two Elements,
the Water, and the Land; alluding to the Trading
of the Right Honourable the preſent Lord Major,
who is a Merchant, free of the Turkey, Italian,
French, Spaniſh, Muſcovy, and was late Gover
nour of the Eaſt Indy-Company. This Proteus, or
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to
this text (context, etc.). (CH)Londons Gate to Piety.
Πρϖτoς, that is, Primus, is held to be the firſt, or
moſt ancient of the Sea-gods, the Sonne of Ocea
nus and Thetis, who could tranſhape himſelfe into
any Figure whatſoever, and was skilfull in Pre
diction: He was call’d Vertumnus à vertendo, be
cauſe he indented or turned the courſe of the River
Tyber, which floweth up to Rome, as the Thames to
London; he was a King, and reigned in the Carpa
thian Iſland, which becauſe it was full of boggs
and mariſh places, (as lying neere unto the maine
Ocean) he had that Title conferr’d on him to be a
Marine god: when the Scithians thought to invade
him, and by reaſon of the former impediments
could no way damage his Countrey, it therefore
increaſed their ſuperſtitious opinion to have him
Deified. He was called alſo Paſtor populi, that is,
A Shepheard of the people; and is ſaid alſo to feede
Neptunes Fiſhes call’d Phocæ.
moſt ancient of the Sea-gods, the Sonne of Ocea
nus and Thetis, who could tranſhape himſelfe into
any Figure whatſoever, and was skilfull in Pre
diction: He was call’d Vertumnus à vertendo, be
cauſe he indented or turned the courſe of the River
Tyber, which floweth up to Rome, as the Thames to
London; he was a King, and reigned in the Carpa
thian Iſland, which becauſe it was full of boggs
and mariſh places, (as lying neere unto the maine
Ocean) he had that Title conferr’d on him to be a
Marine god: when the Scithians thought to invade
him, and by reaſon of the former impediments
could no way damage his Countrey, it therefore
increaſed their ſuperſtitious opinion to have him
Deified. He was called alſo Paſtor populi, that is,
A Shepheard of the people; and is ſaid alſo to feede
Neptunes Fiſhes call’d Phocæ.
It was a Cuſtome amongſt the Ægyptian Kings,
to have their Scepters inſculpt with ſundry Hiero
gliphicks, or Figures, as a Lyon, a Dragon, a
Tree, a flame of fire, &c. as their fancies lead
them, for which that Proverb was conferr’d in
him, Proteo mutabilior, that is, More changeable than
Proteus. This Proteus, or Vertumnus, or Veſores,
reigned in Ægypt ſome foure yeeres before the Tro
jan Warre, that is, Anno Mundi, 2752.
to have their Scepters inſculpt with ſundry Hiero
gliphicks, or Figures, as a Lyon, a Dragon, a
Tree, a flame of fire, &c. as their fancies lead
them, for which that Proverb was conferr’d in
him, Proteo mutabilior, that is, More changeable than
Proteus. This Proteus, or Vertumnus, or Veſores,
reigned in Ægypt ſome foure yeeres before the Tro
jan Warre, that is, Anno Mundi, 2752.
Londons Gate to Piety.
Proteus his Speech.
PRoteus of all the Marine gods the prime,
And held the nobleſt both for Birth and Time:
From him who with his Trident ſwayes the Maine,
And ploughs the waves in curles, or makes them plaine:
I come to greete your great Inauguration.
They call me Verſi-pellis, and ’tis true,
No figure, forme, no ſhape to me is new;
For I appeare what Creature I deſire,
Sometimes a Bull, a Serpent, ſometimes Fire:
"The firſt denotes my ſtrength; ſtrong muſt he be,
"And powerfull, who aſpire to your Degree.
"You muſt be wiſe as Serpents, to decide
"Such doubts as Errour or Miſpriſion hide.
"And next, like Fire, (of th’Elements moſt pure)
"Whoſe nature can no ſordid ſtuffe endure,
"As in Calcining Metalls we behold,
"It ſunders and divides the droſſe from Gold,
And ſuch are the Decorements that ſtill waite
Upon ſo grave, ſo great a Magiſtrate.
This Tortois, double-natur’d, doth imply
(By the two Elements of moiſt and dry)
So much as gives the world to underſtand,
Your noble Trading both by Sea and Land.
Of Porpoſes the vaſt Heards Proteus keepes,
And I am ſtyl’d the Prophet of the Deepes,
Sent to prædict good Omen: May that Fleete
Which makes th’Eaſt Indies with our England meete,
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to
this text (context, etc.). (CH)Londons Gate to Piety.
Proſper to all your hearts deſires: Their ſayles
Be to and fro ſwell’d with auſpicious gales:
May You (who of this City now take charge)
With all the Scarlet Senate in your Barge,
The Fame thereof ſo heighten, future Story
Above all other States may crowne her glory.
To hinder what’s more weighty, I am loath,
Paſſe therefore freely on, to take your Oath.
This Show is after brought off from the water, to
attend upon the reſt by Land, of which the firſt is,
attend upon the reſt by Land, of which the firſt is,
The firſt Show by Land.
AShepheard with his Skrip and Bottle, and his
Dog by him; a ſheep-hooke in his hand, round
about him are his Flocke, ſome feeding, others
reſting in ſeverall poſtures; the plat-forme adorn’d
with Flowers, Plants, and Trees bearing ſundry
Fruits. And becauſe this Worſhipfull Society tra
deth in Cloth, it is pertinent that I ſhould ſpeake
ſomething of the Sheepe, who is of all other foure
footed beaſts the moſt harmeleſſe and gentle. Thoſe
that write of them, report, that in Arabia they have
tayles three Cubits in length: In Chios they are the
ſmalleſt, but their Milke and Cheeſe the ſweeteſt,
and beſt. The Lambe from her yeaning knoweth
and acknowledgeth her Damme: Thoſe are held to
be moſt profitable for ſtore, whoſe bodies are big
geſt, the fleece ſofteſt and thickeſt, and their legs
ſhorteſt. Their Age is reckoned at Tenne yeeres,
Dog by him; a ſheep-hooke in his hand, round
about him are his Flocke, ſome feeding, others
reſting in ſeverall poſtures; the plat-forme adorn’d
with Flowers, Plants, and Trees bearing ſundry
Fruits. And becauſe this Worſhipfull Society tra
deth in Cloth, it is pertinent that I ſhould ſpeake
ſomething of the Sheepe, who is of all other foure
footed beaſts the moſt harmeleſſe and gentle. Thoſe
that write of them, report, that in Arabia they have
tayles three Cubits in length: In Chios they are the
ſmalleſt, but their Milke and Cheeſe the ſweeteſt,
and beſt. The Lambe from her yeaning knoweth
and acknowledgeth her Damme: Thoſe are held to
be moſt profitable for ſtore, whoſe bodies are big
geſt, the fleece ſofteſt and thickeſt, and their legs
ſhorteſt. Their Age is reckoned at Tenne yeeres,
Londons Gate to Piety.
they breed at Two, and ceaſe at Nine: The Ewes
goe with their young an Hundred and fifty dayes.
Pliny ſaith, the beſt Wooll Apulia and Italy yeelds,
and next them Mileſium, Tarentum, Canuſium, and
Laodicea in Aſia; their generall time of ſheering is in
July: The Poet Laberius called the Rammes of the
Flocke Reciproci-cornes, and Lanicutes, alluding
to the writhing of their Hornes and their Skinnes
bearing Wooll: The Bell-weather, or Captaine of
the Flocke is call’d Vervex ſectarius, &c.
goe with their young an Hundred and fifty dayes.
Pliny ſaith, the beſt Wooll Apulia and Italy yeelds,
and next them Mileſium, Tarentum, Canuſium, and
Laodicea in Aſia; their generall time of ſheering is in
July: The Poet Laberius called the Rammes of the
Flocke Reciproci-cornes, and Lanicutes, alluding
to the writhing of their Hornes and their Skinnes
bearing Wooll: The Bell-weather, or Captaine of
the Flocke is call’d Vervex ſectarius, &c.
The Shepheards Speech.
BY what rare frame, or in what curious Verſe
Can the rich profits of your Trades commerce
Be to the full expreſt? which to explaine,
Lyes not in Poets Pen, or Artiſts braine.
What Beaſt, or Bird, for Hyde, or Feather rare,
(For mans uſe made, can with the Sheepe compare?
The Horſe of ſtrength or ſwiftneſſe may be proud,
But yet his fleſh is not for food allow’d.
The Heards yeeld Milke and Meate (commodious both)
Yet none of all their skins make Wooll for Cloth.
The Sheepe doth all: The Parrot and the Jay,
The Peacock, Eſtridge, all in colours gay,
Delight the Eye, ſome with their Notes, the Eare,
But what are theſe unto the Cloth we weare?
Searche Forreſts, Deſarts for Beaſts wilde or tame,
The Mountaines or the Vales, ſearch the vaſt frame
Of the wide Univerſe, the Earth, and Skie,
Nor Beaſt nor Bird can with the Sheepe comply:
Londons Gate to Piety.
No Creature under Heaven, bee’t ſmall or great,
But ſome way uſefull, one affords us meate,
Another Ornament: Shee more than this,
"Of Patience, and of Profit th’embleme is,
In former Ages by the Heroes ſought:
After, from Greece into Heſperia brought:
She’s cloath’d in plenteous riches, and being ſhorne,
"Her Fleece an Order, and by Emperours worne,
All theſe are knowne, yet further underſtand,
In twelve divide the profits of this Land,
As Hydes, Tinne, Lead; or what elſe you can name,
Tenne of thoſe twelve the Fleece may juſtly claime:
Then how can that amongſt the reſt be miſt,
By which all States, all Common Weales ſubſiſt?
Great honour then belongs unto this trade,
And you, great Lord, for whom this triumph’s made.
The ſecond Show by Land.
THe ſecond Show by land is an Indian Beaſt, called
a Rinoceros, which being preſented to the life,
is for the rareneſſe thereof, more fit to beautifie a
Triumph: his Head, Necke, Backe, Buttockes,
Sides, and Thighes, armed by Nature with im
penetrable Skales, his Hide or Skinne of the colour
of the Boxe-tree, in greatneſſe equall with the
Elephant, but his Legges are ſomewhat ſhorter:
an enemy to all beaſts of rapine and prey, as the
Lyon, Leopard, Beare, Wolfe, Tiger, and the
like: but to others, as the Horſe, Aſſe, Oxe, Sheep, &c.
a Rinoceros, which being preſented to the life,
is for the rareneſſe thereof, more fit to beautifie a
Triumph: his Head, Necke, Backe, Buttockes,
Sides, and Thighes, armed by Nature with im
penetrable Skales, his Hide or Skinne of the colour
of the Boxe-tree, in greatneſſe equall with the
Elephant, but his Legges are ſomewhat ſhorter:
an enemy to all beaſts of rapine and prey, as the
Lyon, Leopard, Beare, Wolfe, Tiger, and the
like: but to others, as the Horſe, Aſſe, Oxe, Sheep, &c.
Londons Gate to Piety.
which feede not upon the life and blood of the
weaker, but of the graſſe and hearbage of the field,
harmleſſe and gentle, ready to ſuccour them, when
they be any way diſtreſſed. Hee hath a ſhort horne
growing from his noſe, and being in continuall en
mity with the Elephant, before hee encounter him,
he ſharpeneth it againſt a ſtone, and in the fight ai
meth to wound him in the belly, being the ſofteſt
place about him, and the ſooneſt pierc’d: He is back’t
by an Indian, the ſpeaker.
weaker, but of the graſſe and hearbage of the field,
harmleſſe and gentle, ready to ſuccour them, when
they be any way diſtreſſed. Hee hath a ſhort horne
growing from his noſe, and being in continuall en
mity with the Elephant, before hee encounter him,
he ſharpeneth it againſt a ſtone, and in the fight ai
meth to wound him in the belly, being the ſofteſt
place about him, and the ſooneſt pierc’d: He is back’t
by an Indian, the ſpeaker.
The Indians Speech.
THe dignity of Merchants who can tell?
Or how much they all Traders ante-cell?
When others here at home ſecurely ſleepe,
He plowes the boſome of each unknowne deepe,
And in them ſees heavens wonders; for he can
Take a full view of the Leviathan,
Whoſe ſtrength all Marine Monſters doth ſurpaſſe,
His Ribs as Iron, his Fins and skales as braſſe.
His Ship like to the feather’d Fowle he wings,
And from all Coaſts hee rich materialls brings,
For ornament or profit; thoſe by which
Inferiour Arts ſubſiſt, and become rich:
By Land he makes diſcovery of all Nations,
Their Manners, and their Countries ſcituations,
And with thoſe ſavage natures ſo complies,
That there’s no rarity from thence can riſe
But he makes frequent with us, and yet theſe
Londons Gate to Piety.
Not without dangers, both on ſhores and ſeas:
The Land be pierceth, and the Ocean skowers,
To make them all by free tranſportage ours.
You (honourd Sir) amongſt the chiefe are nam’d,
By whoſe commerce our Nation hath beene fam’d.
The Romans in their triumphes had before
Their Chariots borne or lead, (to grace the more
The ſumptuous Show) the prime and choiſeſt things,
VVhich they had taken from the Captive, Kings:
VVhat curious Statue, what ſtrange bird, or beaſt
That Clime did yeeld (if rare above the reſt)
Was there expos’d: Entring your civill ſtate,
VVhom better may we ſtrive to imitate?
This huge Rinoceros (not ’mongſt us ſeene,
Yet frequent where ſome Factors oft have beene)
Is embleme of the Prætorſhip you beare,
Who to all Beaſts of prey, who rend and teare
The innocent heards and flocks, is foe profeſt,
But in all juſt defences armes his creſt.
You of this wilderneſſe are Lord, ſo ſway,
The weake may be upheld, the proud obey.
The third Show by Land.
THe third Show by land is a Ship, fully accommo
dated with all her Maſts, Sayles, Cordage, Tack
lings, Cables, Anchors, Ordnance, &c. in that ſmall
Modell, figuring the greateſt Veſſell: But concer
ning Ships and Nauigation, with the honour and
benefits thence accrewing, I have lately delivered my
dated with all her Maſts, Sayles, Cordage, Tack
lings, Cables, Anchors, Ordnance, &c. in that ſmall
Modell, figuring the greateſt Veſſell: But concer
ning Ships and Nauigation, with the honour and
benefits thence accrewing, I have lately delivered my
Londons Gate to Piety.
ſelfe ſo amply in a Booke publiſhed the laſt Summer
of his Majeſties great Shippe, called the Soveraigne
of the Seas, that to any, who deſire to be better certi
fied concerning ſuch things, I referre them to that
Tractate, from whence they may receive full & plen
teous ſatisfaction: I come now to a yong Sailor the
of his Majeſties great Shippe, called the Soveraigne
of the Seas, that to any, who deſire to be better certi
fied concerning ſuch things, I referre them to that
Tractate, from whence they may receive full & plen
teous ſatisfaction: I come now to a yong Sailor the
The Speech from the Shippe.
SHipping to our firſt Fathers was not knowne;
(Though now amongſt all Nations common growne)
Nor trade by Sea: we read the firſt choiſe peece,
Was th’Argo, built to fetch the golden Fleece,
In which brave voyage, ſixty Princes, all
Heroës, ſuch as we Semones call:
In that new Veſſell to attaine the ſhore.
Where ſuch a prize was, each tugg’d at the Oare:
Beauty and Strength; and ſiding iuſt with that
No interpoſer, or large diſtance might
Dull his cleare Opticks: thoſe that had the charge,
And the chiefe ſtearadge of that Princely Barge,
Being ſaid t’have feathers on their heads and feete:
We ſpare the reſt: Grave Sir, the Merchants trade
Is that, for which all Shipping firſt was made;
And through an Helleſpont who would but pull,
Steere, and hoiſe ſaile, to bring home golden Wooll?
Londons Gate to Piety.
For wee by that are cloath’d: In the firſt place
Sate ſtrength and beauty: oh what a ſweete grace
Have thoſe united; both now yours, great Lord,
Your beauty is your robe, your ſtrength the ſword.
You muſt have Lynceus eyes, and further ſee
Than either you before have done, or he
Could ever: having now a ture inſpection
Into each ſtrife, each cauſe without affection
To this or that party: ſome are ſed,
To have had feathers on their feete and head.
(As thoſe whom I late nam’d) you muſt have more,
And in your place be feather’d now all o’re:
You muſt have feathers in your thoughts, your eyes,
Your hands, your feete; for he that’s truely wiſe
Muſt ſtill be of a winged apprehenſion
As well for execution, as prevention.
You know (Right honoured Sir) delayes and pauſes,
In judicature, dull, if not dampe, good cauſes:
That we preſume t’adviſe, we pardon crave,
It being confeſt, all theſe, and more you have.
The fourth Show by Land.
THe fourth Show by Land beares the Title Por
ta Pietatis, The Gate of Piety: which is the doore
by which all zealous and devout men enter into the
fruition of their long hoped for happineſſe: It is
a delicate and artificiall compoſed ſtructure, built
Temple-faſhion, as moſt genuine and proper to the
perſons therein preſented. The Speaker is Piety
ta Pietatis, The Gate of Piety: which is the doore
by which all zealous and devout men enter into the
fruition of their long hoped for happineſſe: It is
a delicate and artificiall compoſed ſtructure, built
Temple-faſhion, as moſt genuine and proper to the
perſons therein preſented. The Speaker is Piety
Londons Gate to Piety.
her ſelfe, her habit, beſt ſuiting with her condition;
upon her head are certaine beames or raies of gold,
intimating a glory belonging to ſanctity; in one
hand an Angelicall ſtaffe, with a Banner; on the o
ther Arme a Croſſe Gules in a field Argent: upon
one hand ſits a beautifull Childe, repreſenting Re
ligion, upon whoſe Shield are figured Time, with
his daughter Truth: her Motto Vincit veritas: In
another copartment ſitteth one repreſenting the
bleſſed Virgin, Patroneſſe of this Right Worſhipfull
Society, Crowned: in one hand a Fanne of Starres,
in the other a Shield, in which are inſcribed three
Crownes (gradatim) aſcending, being the
Armes or Eſcutchion of the Company, and her
Motto that which belongeth unto it: Deo ſoli Ho
nor & gloria: that is, unto God onely be Honour and
Glory: Next her ſit the three Theologicall Graces,
Faith, Hope, and Charity, with three Eſcutchions,
Faiths motto, Fidei ala, Cæli ſcala: The wings of
Faith are the ladder by which we ſcale heaven. Hopes,
Solum ſpernit qui Cælum ſperat: hee hates the Earth,
that hopes for Heaven. Loves Motto, Vbi charitas,
non eſt Caritas, who giveth willingly, ſhall never
want wretchedly. A ſixth perſonateth Zeale, in
whoſe Eſcutchion is a burning Hart: Her word; In
tepida, frigida, flagrans: neither luke-warme, nor
key-cold, but ever burning: A ſeventh figureth
Humility: Her’s In terra Corpus, in Cœlo Cor: the
body on earth, the heart in Heaven. And laſt Conſtan
cies: Metam tangenti Corona; A Crowne belongeth
upon her head are certaine beames or raies of gold,
intimating a glory belonging to ſanctity; in one
hand an Angelicall ſtaffe, with a Banner; on the o
ther Arme a Croſſe Gules in a field Argent: upon
one hand ſits a beautifull Childe, repreſenting Re
ligion, upon whoſe Shield are figured Time, with
his daughter Truth: her Motto Vincit veritas: In
another copartment ſitteth one repreſenting the
bleſſed Virgin, Patroneſſe of this Right Worſhipfull
Society, Crowned: in one hand a Fanne of Starres,
in the other a Shield, in which are inſcribed three
Crownes (gradatim) aſcending, being the
Armes or Eſcutchion of the Company, and her
Motto that which belongeth unto it: Deo ſoli Ho
nor & gloria: that is, unto God onely be Honour and
Glory: Next her ſit the three Theologicall Graces,
Faith, Hope, and Charity, with three Eſcutchions,
Faiths motto, Fidei ala, Cæli ſcala: The wings of
Faith are the ladder by which we ſcale heaven. Hopes,
Solum ſpernit qui Cælum ſperat: hee hates the Earth,
that hopes for Heaven. Loves Motto, Vbi charitas,
non eſt Caritas, who giveth willingly, ſhall never
want wretchedly. A ſixth perſonateth Zeale, in
whoſe Eſcutchion is a burning Hart: Her word; In
tepida, frigida, flagrans: neither luke-warme, nor
key-cold, but ever burning: A ſeventh figureth
Humility: Her’s In terra Corpus, in Cœlo Cor: the
body on earth, the heart in Heaven. And laſt Conſtan
cies: Metam tangenti Corona; A Crowne belongeth
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to
this text (context, etc.).Londons Gate to Piety.
to him who perſevereth to the end. I come to the
Piety the Speaker.
THis Structure is a Citadell, or Tower,
Where Piety, plac’t in her heavenly bower,
Poynts out the way to bliſſe, guirt with a ring
Of all thoſe Graces that may glory bring.
Here ſits Religion firme, (though elſe where torne
By Schiſmaticks, and made the Atheiſts ſcorne)
Shining in her pure truth, nor need ſhe quake,
Affrighted with the Faggot and the ſtake:
Shee’s to you deare, you unto her are tender,
Vnder the Scepter of the Faiths defender.
How am I extaſi’de when I behold
You build new Temples, and ropaire the old!
There’s not a ſtone that’s laid in ſuch foundation,
But is a ſtep degreeing to Salvation:
And not a Scaffold rear’d to that intent,
But mounts a Soule above the Firmament:
Of Merchants, we know Magiſtrates are made,
And they (of thoſe) moſt happy that ſo Trade.
Your Virgin-Saint ſits next Religion crown’d,
With her owne Hand-maids (ſee) inviron’d round,
And theſe are they the learned Schoole-men call,
The three prime Vertues Theologicall,
Of devout acts, doth a fixt place aſpire.
The ſeventh Humility, and we commend
The Eight to Conſtancy, which crownes the end.
A triple
Londons Gate to Piety.
A Triple Crowne’s th’Emblazon of your Creſt,
But to gaine one, is to be ever bleſt.
Proceede in that faire courſe you have begun,
So when your Annuall Glaſſe of State is run,
(Nay, that of Life) Ours, but the Gate to bliſſe
Shall let you in to yon Metropolis.
The Speech at Night.
NOw bright Hiperion hath unloos’d his Teame,
And waſht his Coach-Steeds in cold Iſters ſtreame:
Day doth to Night give place, yet e’re You ſleepe,
Remember what the Prophet of the Deepe,
Proteus fore-told: All ſuch as State aſpire,
Muſt be as Bulls, as Serpents, and like Fire.
The Shepheard grazing of his Flocks, diſplayes
The uſe and profit from the Fleece we raiſe.
That Indian Beaſt, (had he a tongue to ſpeake)
Would ſay, Suppreſſe the proud, ſupport the weake,
That Ship the Merchants honour loudly tells,
And how all other Trades it antecells:
But Piety doth point You to that Starre,
By which good Merchants ſteere: too bold we are
To keepe you from your reſt; To-morrows Sunne
Will raiſe You to new cares, not yet begun.
I will
Londons Gate to Piety.
I will not ſpeake much concerning the two Bro
thers, Mr. John and Mathias Chriſtmas, the Model
lers and Compoſers of thoſe ſeverall Peeces this day
preſented to a mightly confluence, (being the two
ſucceeding Sonnes of that moſt ingenious Artiſt
Mr. Gerard Chriſtmas) to whom, and to whoſe
Workmanſhip I will onely conferre that Character,
which being long ſince (upon the like occaſion)
conferr’d upon the Father, I cannot but now me
ritedly beſtow upon the Sonnes: Men, as they are
excellent in their Art, ſo they are faithfull in their
thers, Mr. John and Mathias Chriſtmas, the Model
lers and Compoſers of thoſe ſeverall Peeces this day
preſented to a mightly confluence, (being the two
ſucceeding Sonnes of that moſt ingenious Artiſt
Mr. Gerard Chriſtmas) to whom, and to whoſe
Workmanſhip I will onely conferre that Character,
which being long ſince (upon the like occaſion)
conferr’d upon the Father, I cannot but now me
ritedly beſtow upon the Sonnes: Men, as they are
excellent in their Art, ſo they are faithfull in their
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Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm. Draft.
. Chicago citation
Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm. Draft.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm. Draft.
2020. Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Heywood, Thomas ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2020 DA - 2020/09/15 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm UR - https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/xml/standalone/PIET2.xml TY - UNP ER -
RT Unpublished Material SR Electronic(1) A1 Heywood, Thomas A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2020 FD 2020/09/15 RD 2020/09/15 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#HEYW1"><surname>Heywood</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>.
<title level="m">Pietatis, or the Port and Harbour of Piety</title>. <title level="m">The
Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename>
<surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>,
<date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PIET2.htm</ref>.
Lucas Simpson
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Lucas Simpson is a student at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
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Chris Horne
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Chris Horne was an honours student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests included American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Tracey El Hajj
Junior Programmer, 2018-present. Tracey is a PhD candidate in the English Department at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on Critical Technical Practice, more specifically Algorhythmics. She is interested in how technologies communicate without humans, affecting social and cultural environments in complex ways.Roles played in the project
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Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Chase Templet
Research Assistant, 2017-2019. Chase Templet was a graduate student at the University of Victoria in the Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) stream. He was specifically focused on early modern repertory studies and non-Shakespearean early modern drama, particularly the works of Thomas Middleton.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
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Quinn MacDonald
Research Assistant, 2013. Quinn MacDonald was a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest included postcolonial theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and roller derby. She was the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.Roles played in the project
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present. Associate Project Director, 2015–present. Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014. MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
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Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
Author of Term Descriptions
Author of Textual Introduction
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
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Encoder (Structure and Toponyms)
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Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. https://janellejenstad.com/2013/03/20/versioning-john-stows-a-survey-of-london-or-whats-new-in-1618-and-1633/. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
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Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Edward Barkham
Sir Edward Barkham Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1611-1612. Mayor 1621-1622. Member of the Leathersellers’ Company and Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 16 June 1622.Sir Edward Barkham is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Allan Cotton
Sir Allan Cotton Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1628)Sheriff of London 1616-1617. Mayor 1625-1626. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 4 June 1626.Sir Allan Cotton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Simon Eyre is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry fitz-Alwine
Sir Henry fitz-Alwine Mayor
(d. 1212)First mayor of London 1189–1212. Possible member of the Drapers’ Company. Buried at Holy Trinity Priory.Sir Henry fitz-Alwine is mentioned in the following documents:
Neptune is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the great river the Greeks believed encircled the world. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Oceanus is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Hardel
Ralph Hardel Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1249-1250. Mayor 1254-1258. Possible member of the Drapers’ Company or Vintners’ Company.Ralph Hardel is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of religion. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Religion is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Hayes
Sir Thomas Hayes Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1617)Sheriff of London 1604-1605. Mayor 1614-1615. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 26 July 1603.Sir Thomas Hayes is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Heywood is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Heywood authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Heywood, Thomas. The Captives; or, The Lost Recovered. Ed. Alexander Corbin Judson. New Haven: Yale UP, 1921. Print.
Heywood, Thomas. The First and Second Parts of King Edward IV. Ed. Richard Rowland. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2005. The Revels Plays.
Heywood, Thomas. The Second Part of, If you know not me, you know no bodie. VVith the building of the Royall Exchange: And the Famous Victorie of Queene Elizabeth, in the Yeare 1588. London, 1606. STC 13336. EEBO. Web. Subscr.
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. Ed. Vittorio Gabrieli and Giorgio Melchiori. Revels Plays. Manchester; New York: Manchester UP, 1990. Print.
Thomas Heywood Heywood’s Dramatic Works. 6 vols. Ed. W.J. Alexander. London: John Pearson, 1874. Print.
Personification of love. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows. -
Sir Martin Lumley
Sir Martin Lumley Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1634)Sheriff of London 1614-1615. Mayor 1623-1624. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 23 June 1624.Sir Martin Lumley is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Milborne
Sir John Milborne Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1535)Sheriff of London 1510-1511. Mayor 1521-1522. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Dame Joanne Milborne and Dame Margaret Milborne. Buried at St. Edmund, Lombard Street.Sir John Milborne is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Norman
Sir John Norman Sheriff Mayor
(fl. 1461-68)Sheriff of London 1443-1444. Mayor 1453-1454. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Not to be confused with John Norman.Sir John Norman is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of piety. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Piety is mentioned in the following documents:
Pliny the Elder is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Pype is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Peter the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of time. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Survey of London.Time is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of truth. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Survey of London.Truth is mentioned in the following documents:
Calaïs is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Champion
Sir Richard Champion Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1558-1559. Mayor 1565-1566. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Monument at St. Dunstan in the East.Sir Richard Champion is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of charity. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Survey of London.Charity is mentioned in the following documents:
Gerard Christmas is mentioned in the following documents:
Danaus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of faith. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Faith is mentioned in the following documents:
Hercules is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of hope. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Hope is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Jolles
Sir John Jolles Sheriff Mayor
(d. 31 May 1621)Sheriff of London 1605-1606. Mayor 1615-1616. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 23 July 1606.Sir John Jolles is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John de Pulteney
Sir John de Pulteney Mayor
(d. 8 June 1349)Mayor of London 1330-1334 and 1336-1337. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Margaret de Pulteney. Father of William de Pulteney. Son of Adam de Pulteney and Margaret de Pulteney. Donated funds to the prisoners of Newgate in 1337.Sir John de Pulteney is mentioned in the following documents:
Stock sailor character. Appears in mayoral shows.Sailor is mentioned in the following documents:
Stock shepherd character. Appears in mayoral shows.Shepherd is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of zeal. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Zeale is mentioned in the following documents:
Zetes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Heende
Sir John Heende Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1381-1382. Mayor 1391-1392 and 1404-1405. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Buried at St. Swithin, London Stone.Sir John Heende is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
John Christmas is mentioned in the following documents:
Matthias Christmas is mentioned in the following documents:
John Okes
(d. 1644)John Okes is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of humility. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Humility is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of constancy. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Constancy is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Cuthbert Hacket
Sir Cuthbert Hacket Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1616-1617. Mayor 1626-1627. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 20 May 1627.Sir Cuthbert Hacket is mentioned in the following documents:
Stock Indian character. Appears in mayoral shows.Indian is mentioned in the following documents:
Proteus is mentioned in the following documents:
Decimus Laberius is mentioned in the following documents:
Hylas is mentioned in the following documents:
Lynceus of Argos
Lynceus King of Argos
King of Argos in Greek mythology. Succeeded his uncle Danaus.Lynceus of Argos is mentioned in the following documents:
The Virgin Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Helios is mentioned in the following documents:
Proteus of Egypt is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Morris Abbot
Sir Morris Abbot Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1565, d. 1642)Sheriff of London 1627-1628. Mayor 1638-1639. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 12 April 1625.Sir Morris Abbot is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
As the only bridge in London crossing the Thames until 1729, London Bridge was a focal point of the city. After its conversion from wood to stone, completed in 1209, the bridge housed a variety of structures, including a chapel and a growing number of shops. The bridge was famous for the cityʼs grisly practice of displaying traitorsʼ heads on poles above its gatehouses. Despite burning down multiple times, London Bridge was one of the few structures not entirely destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666.London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was—and remains—an important church in London. In 962, while London was occupied by the Danes, St. Paul’s monastery was burnt and raised anew. The church survived the Norman conquest of 1066, but in 1087 it was burnt again. An ambitious Bishop named Maurice took the opportunity to build a new St. Paul’s, even petitioning the king to offer a piece of land belonging to one of his castles (Times 115). The building Maurice initiated would become the cathedral of St. Paul’s which survived until the Great Fire of London.St. Paul’s Cathedral is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Laurence Poultney is mentioned in the following documents:
All Hallows the Less is mentioned in the following documents:
Thames Street
Thames Street was the longest street in early modern London, running east-west from the ditch around the Tower of London in the east to St. Andrew’s Hill and Puddle Wharf in the west, almost the complete span of the city within the walls.Thames Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Swithin (London Stone) is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey was a historically significant church, located on the bottom-left corner of the Agas map. Colloquially known asPoets’ Corner,
it is the final resting place of Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, and many other notable authors; in 1740, a monument for William Shakespeare was erected in Westminster Abbey (ShaLT).Westminster Abbey is mentioned in the following documents:
Leadenhall is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
Drapers’ Company
Worshipful Company of Drapers
The Drapers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Drapers were third in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Drapers is still active and maintains a website at http://www.thedrapers.co.uk/ that includes a history of the company and bibliography.The coat of arms of the Drapers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
East India Company
The East India Company was a joint-stock company formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region.This organization is mentioned in the following documents: