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The Triumphs of Integrity

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A Noble Solemnity, performed through the
City, at the ſole Coſt and Charges of the Honorable
Fraternity of Drapers, at the Confirmation and
Eſtabliſhment of their most worthy Brother, the Right
Honorable, Martin Lvmley, in the high Of
fice of his Maieſties
Lieutenant, Lord
Maior and Chancellor of the famous
City of London.

Taking beginning at his Lordſhips going, and perfecting
it ſelfe after His Returne from receiuing the Oath of
Maioralty at Weſtminſter, on the Morrow after
Simon and Iudes Day, being the 29. of
October. 1623
Horizontal rule
Printer’s ornament
Horizontal rule

Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling in
Foſter-Lane. 1623.

Printer’s ornament
The Honor of him, to whom the Noble
Fraternity of Drapers, his Worthy Bro
thers haue Conſecrated their Loues, in coſtly
Triumphs; the Right Honorable, Martin
, Lord Maior of this
Renowned City.
Thy Deſcent Worthy, (Fortunes Early Grace)
Sprung of an Antient, and moſt Generous Race
Mac’ht with a Vertuous Lady; iuſtly may
Challenge the Honor of ſo Great a Day.
Faithfully deuoted to the

Worthines of you Both,
Tho. Middleton.

Printer’s Ornament.
the trivmphs of
Jntegrity, or a Noble Solemnity
through the City.
OF all Solemnities, by which the
Happy inauguration of a Subiect
is celebrated, I find none that
tranſcends the State and Magni
ficence of that Pompe prepared to
receiue his Maieſties Great Subſtitute into his
Honorable charge, (the City of London,) Dig
nified by the Title of the Kings Chamber Roy
all, which that it may now appeare no leſſe
hightned with Brotherly Affection, Coſt, Art,
or Inuention, then ſome other præceeding Tri
umphs (by which of late times, the Cities Honor
hath beene more faithfully illuſtrated) this takes
it’s fit occaſion to preſent it ſelfe.
And firſt to ſpecifie the loue of his Noble
Fraternity after his Lordſhippes returne from
Weſtminſter, hauing receiued ſome ſeruice vp

The Triumphs
on the water, by a proper and ſignificant Mai
ſter-peece of Triumph, called the Imperiall
, being the Antient Armes of the Com
pany, an Invention neither old, nor enforſt, the
ſame Glorious and Apt Property, accompanied
with foure other Triumphall Pegmes, are in
their conuenient Stages planted to honor his
Lordſhips progreſſe through the City, the firſt
for the land, attending his moſt wiſhed ariuall
in Pauls-Church-yard, which beares the inſcrip
tion of a Mount Royall, on which Mount are
plac’t certaine Kings and great Commanders,
which Antient Hiſtory produces, that were ori
ginally ſprung from Shepheards, and humble
beginnings; onely the number of Six preſented,
ſome with Crownes, ſome with gilt Laurels,
holding in their hands ſiluer Sheephookes, viz.
, a prime Commander of the Portugals, re
nowned amongſt the Hiſtorians, eſpecially the
Romans, who in battailes of 14 yeares continu
ance, purchaſed many great and honorable
victories; Arſaces King of the Parthians, who
ordained the firſt Kingdome that euer was a
mongſt them, and in the reuerence of this Kings
Name and memory, all others His Succeſſors
were called Arſacides after his Name, as the
Roman Emperours tooke the Name of Cæſar,

of Jntegrity.
for the loue of Great Cæsar Auguſtus; Alſo Mar
cus Iulius Lucinus
, Bohemiaes Primiſlaus, the
Emperour Pertinax, the Great Victor Tambur
, Conqueror of Syria, Armenia, Babilon,
Meſapotamia, Scythia, Albania, &c. Many Ho
norable Worthies more I could produce; By
their deſerts enobling their meane Originals.
But for the better expreſſion of a purpoſe in
Hand, a Speaker lends a voyce to theſe follow
ing words!
The Speech in the Mount Royall.
THey that with Glory-enflamde hearts; deſire 
To ſee Great Worth deſeruingly aſpire,
Let e’m draw neere and fixe a ſerious Eye, 
On this Tryumphant Mount of Royaltye; 
Here they ſhall finde faire Vertue and her Name, 
From low-obſcure Beginnings rayſde to Fame,
Like Light ſtruck out of Darknes; the meane wombes
No more Eclipſe braue Merit, then rich Toombes 
Make the Soule happy; ’tis the Life, and Dying 
Crownes both with Honors Sacred Satiſfying;
And ’tis the Nobleſt Splendor vpon Earth,
For man to adde a Glory to his Birth
(All his Lifes Race with honor’d Acts commixt)
Then to be Nobly-borne and there ſtand fixt;

The Triumphs
As if ’twere Competent Vertue for whole Life
To be Begot a Lord; ’tis vertuous Strife
That makes the compleate Chriſtian; not high Place,
As true Submiſſion is the State of Grace,
“The Path to Bliſse, lyes in the humbleſt Feild,
“Who euer riſe to Heauen that neuer kneeld,
Although the Roofe hath Supernaturall Height,
Yet there’s no Fleſh can thither goe vpright:
All this is inſtanc’ſt onely to commend,
The low condition whence theſe Kings deſcend;
I ſpare the *Prince of Prophets in this File,
And preſerue him for a farre Holier Stile,
Who being King Annoynted, did not ſcorne 
To be a Shepheard after; theſe were borne
Shepheards, and riſe to Kings, tooke their aſcending
From the ſtrong hand of Vertue, neuer ending
Where Shee begins to rayſe, vntill ſhee place
Her Loue ſicke Seruants equall with her Grace;
And by this Dayes great Honor it appeares
Sh’as much preuaylde amongſt the Reuerend yeares
Of theſe Graue Senators, chiefe of the reſt
Her Fauour hath reflected moſt and beſt,
Vpon that Sonne whom wee of Honor call,
And may’t Succeſſiuely reflect on all.
From this Mount Royall beautified with the
Glory of deſeruing Aſpirers, deſcend we to the
This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.).Moderne

of Integrity.
Moderne vſe of this Antient and Honorable
Miſtery, and there we ſhall finde the whole Li
uery of this moſt renowned and famous City,
as vpon this Day, and at all Solemne meetings,
furniſhed by it; it clothes the Honorable Sena
tors in their higheſt and richeſt Wearings, all
Courts of Iuſtice, Magiſtrates, and Iudges of
the Land.
By this time his Lordſhip, and the Worthy
Company being gracefully conducted toward
the little Conduit in Cheape, there another part
of the Triumph waytes his Honors happy ap
proach, being a Chariot Artfully framde, and pro
perly garniſhed; And on the Conſpicuous part
thereof is plac’ſt the Regiſter of all Heroicke
Acts and worthy Men, bearing the Title of Sa
cred Memory, who for the greater Fame of this
Honorable Fraternity preſents the Neuer-dying
Names of many memorable and remarkable
Worthies of this Antient Society, ſuch as were
the Famous for State and Gouernment, Sir Hen
ry Fitz-alwin
 Knight, who held the Seate of
Magiſtracy in this City twenty foure yeares to
gether, He ſits figured vnder the Perſon of Go
uernment: Sir Iohn Norman, thThis text is the corrected text. The original is o (MK)e firſt Lord
Maior rowed in Barge to Weſtminſter with ſil
uer Oares at his owne coſt and charges; vnder

The Triumphs
This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)the perſon of Honor, the Valiant Sir Francis
, that rich Ornament to Memory, (who in
two yeares and ten moneths ſpace did caſt a gir
dle about the world) vnder the perſon of Victory,
Sir Simon Eyre, (who at his owne coſt built Lea
den Hall
, a Granary for the Poore,) vnder the fi
gure of Charity, Sir Richard Champion, and Sir
Iohn Milborne
, vnder the perſon of Munificence
or Bounty, Sir Richard Hardell, and Sir Iohn
, the one in the ſeate of Magiſtracy ſixe
yeares, the other foure yeares together, vnder
the figures of Iuſtice and Piety, That Sir Iohn be
ing a Colledge-Founder in the Pariſh of St. Law
rence Poultney
, by Candle-wick ſtreete; & ſic de
. This Chariot drawne by two pellited
Lyons, being the proper Supporters of the Com
panies Armes, thoſe two vpon the Lyons pre
ſenting Power and Honor, the one in a little
Streamer or Banneret bearing the Lord Maiors
Armes, the other the Companies.
The Speech, in the Chariot.
I Am all Memory, and me thinkes I ſee
Into the fardeſt Time, Act, Quality;
As cleere as if ’twere now begun agen,
The Natures, Diſpoſitions, and the Men;

of Jntegrity.
I finde to Godneſſe they bent all their powers,
Which very Name makes bluſhing Times of ours;
They heapt vp Vertues, long before they were old,
This Age ſits laughing vpon Heapes of Gold,
We by great Buildings ſtriue to rayſe our Names,
But they more truely wiſe built vp their Fames,
Erected faire Examples, large and hie,
Patternes for vs to build our Honors by;
For inſtance onely Memory relates,
The Nobleſt of all City-Magiſtrates,
Famous Fitz-alwin, naming him alone,
I ſumme vp twenty foure Lord Maiors in one,
For He by free election and conſent
Fild all thoſe yeares with vertuous Gouerment;
Cuſtome and Time requiring now but one,
How ought that yeare to be well dwelt vpon,
It ſhould appeare an Abſtract of that worth,
Which former Times in many yeares brought forth,
Through all the life of Man, this is the yeare,
Which may wiſh, and neuer can come neare,
Thinke and giue thanks; to whom this yeare do’s come,
The Greateſt Subiect’s made in Chriſtendome;
This is the yeare for whom ſome long preparde,
And others haue their glorious Fortune ſharde,
But ſerious in thankſgiuing, ’tis a yeare,
To which all Vertues like the people heere

The Triumphs
Should throng and cleaue together, for the Place
Is a fit Match for the whole Stocke of Grace;
And as men gather wealth, ’gainſt the Yeare comes,
So ſhould they gather Goodneſſe with their Summes,
For ’tis not ſhowes, Pompe, nor a House of State
Curiouſly deckt, that makes a Magiſtrate,
’Tis his faire Noble ſoule, his Wiſedome, Care,
His vpright Iuſtnes to the Oath he ſware
Giues him compleate; when ſuch a Man to mee,
Spreads his Armes open, there my Pallace bee,
He’s both an Honor to the Day ſo grac’ſt,
And to his Brother-hoods loue that ſees him plac’ſt,
And in his faire Deportment there reuiues,
The Antient Fame of all his Brothers Liues.
After this, for the full cloſe of the Fore-noones
Triumph, neere St. Lawrence lane, his Lordſhip
Receiues an Entertainment from an vnparaleld
Maiſter-peece of Art, called the Criſtall Sanctu
, ſtilde by the name of the Temple of Integri
where her Immaculate ſelfe with all her glo
rious and Sanctimonious Concomitants ſit
tranſparently ſeene through the Cryſtall; and
more to expreſſe the Inuention, & the Art of the
Engineer, as alſo for Motion, VarietThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)y, and
the content of the Spectators, this Cryſtall Tem

of Integrity.
ple is made to open in many parts, at fit and con
uenient Times, and vppon occaſion of the
Speech; the Columnes or Pillars of this Criſtall
, are Gold, the Battlements Siluer, the
whole Fabrick for the Night Triumph adorned
and beautified with many Lights, diſperſing
their glorious Radiances on all ſides thorough
the Criſtall.
The Speech from the Sanctuary.
HAue you a minde thicke Multitude to ſee
A Vertue, neere concernes Magiſtracy,
Here on my Temple throw your greedy eyes,
See me, and learne to know me, then y’are wiſe;
Looke, and looke through me, I no fauour craue,
Nor keepe I hid the Goodneſſe you ſhould haue,
Tis all tranſparent what I thinke or do,
And with one looke your Eye may pierce me through,
There’s no diſguiſe, or hypocriticke vaile,
(Vſde by adulterous Beauty ſet to ſale)
Spread o’re my actions, for reſpect or feare,
Onely a Criſtall which approues me cleare;
Would you deſire my Name? Intregritie,
One that is This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)euer what ſhe ſeemes to be,

The Triumphs
So manifeſt, perſpicuous, plaine, and cleere
You may ee’n ſee my thoughts as they ſit here,
I thinke vpon faire Equity and Truth,
And there they ſit crownde with eternall Youth,
I fixe my Cogitations vpon Loue,
Peace, Meeknes, and thoſe thoughts come from aboue,
The Temple of an vpright Magiſtrate,
Is my faire Sanctuary, Throne, and State;
And as I dare Detractions euilleſt Eye,
Sore at the ſight of Goodneſſe, to eſpie
Into my wayes and actions, which lie ope
To euery cenſure, arm’d with a ſtrong Hope:
So of Your part ought nothing to be done,
But what the enuious Eie might looke vpon:
As Thou art Eminent, ſo muſt thy Acts
Be all Tralucent, and leaue worthy Tracts
For future times to finde, thy very Breſt
Tranſparent, like this Place wherein I reſt:
Vaine doubtings; al thy Daies haue bin ſo cleare
Neuer came Nobler Hope to fill a yeare.
At the cloſe of this Speech, this Criſtall
of Integritie with all her cæleſtiall Con
comitants, and the other parts of Triumph take
leaue of his Lordſhip for that time, and reſt from

of Integrity.
ſeruice til the great Feaſt be ended, after which the
whole Body of Triumph attends vpon his
Honor, both toward St. Paules, and homeward,
his Lordſhip accompanied with the Graue and
Honorable Senators of the City; amongſt
whom the two worthy Conſulls, his Lordſhips
Graue-Aſſiſtants for the yeare, the worſhipfull
and Generous, Mr. Raph Freeman, and Mr.
Thomas Moulſon, Sheriffes and Aldermen, ought
not to paſſe of my reſpect vnremembred; whoſe
Bounty and Nobleneſſe will prooue beſt their
owne Expreſſers.
Neere the entrance of woodſtreete, that part
of Triumph being planted to which the con
cluding Speech hath chiefly reference, and the
reſt, about the Croſſe, I thought fit in this place
to giue this it’s full Illustration; It being an In
uention both glorious and proper to the Com
pany, bearing the name of the thrice Royall Ca
of State, being the honored Armes of this
Fraternity, the three Imperiall Crownes caſt in
to the Forme and Bigneſſe of a Triumphall
Pageant, with Cloude and Sun-beames, thoſe
Beames by Enginous Art made often to mount
and ſpred like a Golden and Glorious Canopy
ouer the Deified perſons that are plac’ſt vnder it,

The Triumphs
which are eight in number, figuring the eight
Beatitudes, To improoue with conceite, Beati
, being the Kings word or Motto, is ſet
in faire great Letters, neare the vppermoſt of the
three Crownes; and as in all great Edifices or
Buildings, the Kings Armes is eſpecially remem
bred, as a Honor to the Building and Builder in
the Frontiſpice: ſo is it comely and requiſite in
theſe matters of Triumph framed for the Inau
guration of his great Subſtitute, the Lord Maior
of London, that ſome remembrance of Honour
ſhould reflect vpon his Maieſty, by whoſe peace
full Gouernment vnder Heauen we enioy the
The ſpeech, hauing Reference to
this Imperiall Canopy, being
the Drapers Armes.
THe Bleſſedneſſe, Peace, Honor, and Renowne,
This Kingdome do’s enioy vnder the Crowne,
Worne by that Royall Peace-maker, our King,
(So oft preſerude from Dangers menacing)
Making this Armes, (glorious in it ſelfe) outgoe
All that Antiquity could euer ſhowe,
AnThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)d thy Fraternity hath ſtriude t’appeare
in all their courſe, worthy the Armes they beare,

of Jntegrity.
Thrice haue They Crown’d their Goodnes this one Day
With Loue, with Care, with Coſt; by which they may
By their Deſerts moſt iustly theſe Armes claime,
Got once by Worth, now Trebly held by Fame:
Shall I bring Honor to a larger Feild,
And ſhow what Royall Buſineſſe theſe Armes yeild?
Firſt the three Crownes affords a Diuine ſcope,
Set for the Graces, Charity, Faith, and Hope;
Which Three the onely ſafe Combiners be,
Of Kingdomes, Crownes, and euery Company;
Likewiſe with iuſt propriety they may ſtand
For thoſe three Kingdomes ſwaide by the meek Hand
Of Bleſt Iames; England, Scotland, Ireland;
The Cloud that ſwells beneath e’m, may imply
Some Enuious Miſt caſt forth by Hereſie, (will,
Which through his happy Raigne, and Heauens bleſt
The sun-beames of the Goſpell ſtrikes through ſtill;
More to aſſure it to Succeeding Men,
We haue the Crowne of Brittaines Hope agen,
(Illuſtrious Charles our Prince,) which all will ſay,
Addes the chiefe Ioy and Honor to this Day:
AThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.).nd as three Crownes, three Fruites of Brotherhood
By which all Loues Worth may be vnderſtood,
This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)So threefold Honor makes the Royall Sute
In the King, Prince, and the Kings Subſtitute:

The Triumphs
By th’ eight Beatitudes, Yee vnderſtand
The Fulneſſe of all Bleſsings to this Land,
More chiefly to this City, whoſe ſafe Peace
Good Angels guard, and Good mens prayers encreaſe:
May all ſucceeding-Honor’d Brothers bee,
With as much Loue brought Home, as Thine brings (Thee.
Horizontal rule
FOr all the Proper Adornments of Arte and
Workmanſhip in ſo ſhort a Time, ſo grace
fully ſetting forth the Bodie of ſo Magni
fThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)icent a Triumph, the prayſe comes as a iuſt due
to the Exquiſit Deſeruings of Mr. Garret Criſmas,
whoſe faithfull performances ſtill take the vpper
hand of his promiſes.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Integrity. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Integrity. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

Middleton, T. 2020. The Triumphs of Integrity. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
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A1  - Middleton, Thomas
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Triumphs of Integrity
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Middleton, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Triumphs of Integrity
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MIDD12"><surname>Middleton</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Triumphs of Integrity</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>

Documents relating to the 1623 Mayoral Pageant

The 1623 mayoral pageant consisted of two shows: The Triumphs of the Golden Fleece was the water show and The Triumphs of Integrity was the land show.


