The Magnificent Entertainment

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Whole Magnifycent

James, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry
Frederick the Prince; vpon the day of
his majeſties Tryumphant Paſſage (from
the Tower) through his Honorable Citie
(and Chamber) of London, the
15. of March. 1603.

Aſerll by the Engliſh, as by the Strangers,
with the ſpeeches and Songs, deliue
red in ſeverall Pageants

And thoſe ſpeeches that before were pulish’t in
Latin, now newly ſet forth in Engliſh.

Printer’s Ornament

Horizontal rule

Printed by Thomas Finlason and are
to be sauld at Niddries vvyndeheide.
ANNO. DOM. 1604.
with License.

Printer’s Ornament
A deuice (projeƈted down but till now
nor publithr,) that should have ſerved at his
Majeſties firſt acceſſ to the Citie.
The ſorrow and amazement that like an
earth quake began to ſhake the diſtem
pered bodie of this Iland (by reasſon of
our late Soueraignes departure) being
wiſely and miraculouſly preuented, and
the feared wounds of a ciuill ſworde, (as
Alexander’s fury was with Muſicke) being ſtopt from bur
ſting forth, by the ſounde of Trumprets that proclaimed
KingJames: All mens eies were preſently turned to the
North, ſtanding even ſtone–ſtill in their Circles, like the
poynts of ſo many Geometricall needles through a fixed
and Adamantine deſire to behold this 45 yeares won
der now wrought forth by Tyme their tonges negleƈting
all language elſe, ſave that which ſpake zealous prayers,
and vnceaſable wiſhes, for his moſt ſpeedy and longd–for
arrivall. In ſomuch that the Night was thought vnwor
thy to be crownd with ſleepe, and the day not fir to bee
lookt vpon by the Sunne, which brought not ſome freſh
tydings of his Majeſties more neare & neerer approach.
At the length Expectaſion (who is euer waking) & that
ſo long was greate, grew neare the time of her deliuery,
Rumour comming all in a ſwate to playe the Midwife,
whoſe firſt comfortable workds were, that this Treaſure of
a Kingdome (a Man–Ruler) hid ſo mane yeares from vs,

The Kings Entertainment

was now brought to light, and at hand.

Martiall. Et populi vox er at una, Venit.
And that he was to be conduƈted through ſome vtter
part of this his Citie, to his Royall Caſtle the Tower, that
in the age of man (till this verye minute) had not beene
acquainted not borne the name of a kings Court. Which
Entrance of his (in this manner) beind fam’d abroad; Be
cauſe his loving Subjeƈts the Citizens would giue a taſte
of their dutie and affeƈtion: The Deuiſe following was
ſuddeinly madevp, as the firſt ſervice, to a more Royall
and ſerious enſuing Entertainment; And this (as it was
then purpoſed) ſhould have beene performed about the
Barres beyond Bishops–gate

The Deviſe
Saint George, Saint Andrew, (the Parrons of both King
domes) having a long time lookt vpon each other,
with coutenances rather of mere ſtrangers, then of
ſuch neare Neighbours, vppon the preſent aſpect of his
Majesties approach toward London, were (in his ſight)
to iſſue from two ſeuerall places on horſe–back, and in
compleate Armour, their Breſte: and Capariſons ſuited
with the Armes of England and Scotland, (as they are now
quartered) to reſtifie their leagued Combination, and
new ſworne Brother–hood. Theſe two armed Knights,
encountring one another on the way, were to ride hand
in hand, till they met his Majestie. But the ſtrangenes of
this newly begotten amity, flying ouer the earht, It calles
vp the Genius of the Citty, who (not ſo much mazde, as
wondring at the noueltie) Interſepts their paſſage.
And moſt aptly (in our Iudgement) might this Dome

through the Cittie of London.

ʂticum Numen (the Genius of the place This text is the corrected text. The original is ( (AR)) laye iuſt clayme to
this preheminence of firſt beſtowing Salutations & wel
comes on his Majeſties, Genius being held (Interfictos Deos)
to be God of Hoſpitallity and Pleaſure: & none but ſuch
a one was meet to receiue ſo excellēt & princely a gueſt.
Or if not worthy, for thoſe two former reſpeƈts: Yet
being Dues Generationis and hauing a power aſwell ouer
Countries, hearbs and trees, as ouer men, and the Cittie
hauing now put on a Regenoration or newe birth; the in
duƈtion of ſuch a Perſon, might without a warrant from
the court of Critiſts) paſſe very current.
To make a fasſe flouriſh here with the borrowed wea
pons of all the olde Maiſters of the Noble Science of
Poeſie, and to keepe a tyrannicall coyle, in Anatomizing
Genius, from head to foote, (onely to ſhew howe nimbly
we can carve vp the whole meſſe of the Poets) were to
make him a garment. Such ſeates of Aƈtiuitie are ſhale, &
common among Schollers. (befpre whome it is prote
ſted we come not now (in a Pageant) to playe a Maiſters
prize) For Nuno ego ventoſa Plebis ſuffragia venor.
The multitude is nowe to bee our Audience, whoſe
heads will miſerably runne a wooll–gathering, if wee doe
but offer to breake them with hard words. But ſuppoſe
(by the way) contrary to the opinion of all the Doƈtors)
that our Genius (in regarde the place is Feminine, and the
perſon is selfe, drawne Figura Humana, ſed Ambiguo ſexa)
ſhould at this time be thruſt into womans apparrell. It is
no Schiſme: bee it ſo: our Genius is then a Female, An
tique; and reuerend both in yeares and habit: a Chaplet

The Kings Entertainment

of mingled flowres, Inter–wouen with the branches of
the Plane Tree (crowning her Temples: her haire long
and white: her Veſtire a looſe roabe, changeable & pow
dred with ſtarres: And being (on horſe–backe likewiſe)
thus furniſhed, this was the tune of her voyce.
STay: we coniure you, by that Potent Name,
Of which each Letter’s (now) a triple charme:
Stay & deliuer us, of whence you are,
And why you beare (alone) th’oftent of Warre
When all hands elſe reare Olive boughs & Palme:
And Halcyonean dayes aſſure all’s calme.
When every tongue ſpeakes Muſick: when each Pen
(Dul’d and dyed black in Galde) is white agen,
And dipt in Neƈtar, which by Delphick fire
Being heated, melts into an Orphean quire.
When Troyes proud buildings ſhew like Fairie-bowers,
And Streets (like Gardens) are perfum’d with Flowers:
And Windowes glazde onely with wondring eyes;
(In a Kings looke ſuch admiration lyes!)
And when ſoft handed Peace, ſo ſweetly thriues,
That Bees in Souldiers Helmets build their Hives
When ioy a tip toe stands on Fortunes wheele,
In ſilken Robes: How dare you ſhine in Steele?

St.George Ladie, What are you that ſo queſtion vs?

I am the places Genius, whence now ſprings
A Vine, whoſe youngeſt branch ſhal produce Kings

through the Cittie of London.

This lettle world of men; this precious ſtone,
That ſets out Europe: this (the glaſse alone,)
Where the neate Sunne eache Morne himſelfe attires,
And gildes it with his repercuſiue fires.
This Iewell of the Land; Englands right Eye:
Altar of Loue; and Spheare of Maieʂtie:
Green Neptunes Minion, bou’s whoſe Virgin-waſte
Iſis is like a Criſtall girdle caſt:
Of this are we the Genius; here have I
Slept (by the fauour of a Deity)
Fortie-foure Summers and as many Springs,
Not frightened with the threates of forraine Kings.
But held up in that gowned state I have,
By twiſe Twelue–Fathers politique and grasie:
Who with a ſheared Sword, and ſilken Law,
Doe keepe (within weake Walles) Millions in awe.

Both S. Gerog, Saint An
drew. S.George
St.George I charge you therefore ſay, for what you come?
Knights at Armes.
Saint George
Saint Andrew
For Scotlands honour I.
For Englands I.
Bothe ſworne into a League of Vnitie
I clap my hands for Ioy, and ſeate you both
Next to my heart: In leaves of pureſt golde,
This moſt auſpicious loue ſhall be enrold.
Be ioynde to us: And as to earth we bowe,
So, to thoſe royall feete, bend your ſteeld brow,

The Kings Entertainment

In name of all theſe Senators, (on whome
Vertue builds more, then theſe of Antique Rome)
Shouting a cheerfull welcome: Since no clyme,
Nor Age that has gon or’e the head of Time,
Dide’re caʂt up ſuch Ioyes, nor the like Summe
(But here) shall stand in the world, yeares to come,
Dread King, our hearts make good, what words doe wânt,
To bid thee boldly enter Troynouant.

Rerum certa ſalus, Terrarŭgloria Cæſar!
Soſpite quo, magnos credimus Be Deos:
Dilexere priùs pueri, Iuveneſque ſeneſque
At nunc Infantes te quoq; Cæſar amant.

This ſhould haue bene the firſt offring of the Citties
Loue: But his Maieſtie not making his Entrance (accor
ding to expeƈtation) It was (not vtterly throwne from
from the alter but laide by.

Marc. Iam Creſcunt media Paegmata celſa via.

By this time Imagine that Poets (who drawe ſpeaking
Pictures) & Painters (who make dumbe Poeſie) had
their heads and handes full; the one for natiue and
ſweete inuenſion: the other for liuely Illustration of what
the former ſhould deviſe: Both of them emulouſly con
tending (but not ſtringing) with the propeſt and brighteſt
Colours of Wit and Art, to ſet out the beautie of the
great Tryumphant day.

through the Cittie of London.

For more exaƈt and formall managing of which buſi
nes, a Seleƈt number bother of Aldermen & Commoners
(like ſo many Romaine Ǣdiles) were (Communi Conſilio)
choſen forth, to whoſe diſcretion, the Charge, Contriuings,
Projects, and all other Dependences, owing to ſo trouble
some a worke, was intirely, and Iudicially committed.
Manye dayes were thriftily conſumed, to molde the
bodies of theſe Tryumphes comely, and to the honour
of the Place: and at laſt, the ſtuffe whereof to frame them,
was beaten out. The ſoule that ſhoulde giue life and a
tongue to this Entertainment, being to breath out of wri
ters pens. The Limmes of it to lye at the hard–handed
mercy of Mychanitiens.

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MLA citation

The Magnificent Entertainment. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

The Magnificent Entertainment. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

2020. The Magnificent Entertainment. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
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ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Magnificent Entertainment
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Magnificent Entertainment
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"> <title level="a">The Magnificent Entertainment</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>

