PAge 7. for propoſition, read pro portion. page 18. for imitates, reade intimates. page 19. for if reade as.
Printer’s ornament
Printer’s ornament
To all that loue Peace and Truth.
PEace, take it with all faults, is
better then Warre: and the ende of a iuſt warre, is but Studium Pacis, the intention of a right peace. The Subiect then is beyond
exception, to all that loue Peace. But commonly they, with whom it med
The Epiſtle
dles, refuſe to
meddle with it. Let ſuch take the courſe of their vnhappy precipice into euerlaſting
vnquiet neſſe, who wilfully reiect the cure of
their affected maladie: denying their conſciences a trouble that may ſaue them, for
of looſing a trouble that This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)doth1 pleaſe them. As if a man were leſſe
then mad, that will leap into the fire, to auoid the ſmoke. There is Pax fundamenti, the peace of Doctrine: and Pax Ordinis, the peace of Diſcipline. The Heretike
would pull downe the firſt Pillar, the Schiſmaticke
to the reader.
the other:
The former would break our peace with Chriſt; the latter with our ſelues & the Church:
both theſe are almoſt deſperate. But there is a third, Pax Politica, a ciuill Peace: and the common diſtur bers of this are ſuch con tentious ſpirits; that either vnprouoked, out of miſ chieuous intention: or be ing
prouoked, out of malicious reuenge; ſet all in vprore, make a mutiny in manners, an
in the courſe of life. To cure this Babel, if at
leaſt ſhee will bee cured, is the ſcope of this Tractate. Peace
The Epiſtle
was Chriſts
bleſſed Lega cie to his Church; and we are the
Miniſters whom he hath choſen to ſee it pay ed.
Executours are often ſued for the bequeſts giuen by dead Teſtators: Loe here a Legacie
without ſu ing from a liuing Father. Embrace it, and
bee regu lated by it: ſo ſhall your heartſ finde
preſent com fort, and your ſoules eter nall life in it.
The heartie deſirer of your Peace.
Th. Adams.
Printer’s ornament
THE CITIE OF PEACE. Horizontal line
PEace is the Daughter of Righteouſnes,
and the mo [t]her of knowledge, the nurſe of Arts,
and the improuement of all bleſ-
The Citie of Peace.
ſings. It is
delectable to al that taſte it, profitable to thẽ that practiſe it; to thẽ that look
it, ami able; to them that enioy it, a benefit
inualuable. The building of Chriſti anity knows no
other ma terials: if we looke
the Church it ſelf, There is one body:
if vpõ the ve ry ſoule of it, There is one Spirit: if vpõ the endow ment of it, There
is one Hope: if vpon the head of it, There is
one Lord: if vp on the life of it, There is one Faith: if vpon the doore of it, There is one Baptiſme: if vpon the
The Citie of Peace.
Father of it, There is one God, and Father of all.
Peace is a faire Virgin, euery ones Loue,
The Picture of Peace
praiſe of all tongues, the obiect of
all eyes, the wiſh of all hearts; Pacẽ [n]te poſcimus omnes. She hath a ſmiling looke, which
neuer frowned with the leſt ſcowle of anger: ſnowy armes, ſoft as Downe, and whiter
the Swannes feathers; alwaies open to pious embracements. Her mil ken hand carries an O liue
branch, the Sym bole and Embleme of quietneſſe. She
hath the
The Citie of Peace.
face of a
glorious Ang ell, alwaies looking to wards righteouſneſſe, as the two Cherubins loo ked one vpon the other, and both vnto the Mer cy-Seate. Her Court is the inuincible Fort of
integrity; ſo guarded by the diuiue prouidence; that Drummes, Trum pets, and thundring Ca nons,
thoſe lowd Inſtru ments of war, (I meane Blaſphemy,
Contenti on, Violence) may af front her, but neuer af fright her. Shee hath a bounteous hand, virtu all
like the Garment of
The Citie of Peace.
Chriſt; if a faithfull ſoule
can come to touch it, to kiſſe it; all her vex ations are fled, her conſcience is at reſt. Her bowels are full of pitty: ſhee is
alwayes compo ſing ſalues for all the wounds of a
broken heart, Sedition and tu mult her very ſoule
hates: ſhee tramples in iuries and diſcords vn der her triumphant feet. Shee ſits in a Throne of
Ioy, & weares a Crown of Eternitie: and to all thoſe that open the doore of their
heart to bid her welcome, ſhee
The Citie of Peace.
will open the
doore of Heauen to bidde them welcome, and repoſe their ſoules in euerlaſting Peace.
requiſiteneſſe & revvard of Peace.
In theſe continuall Dogge-daies of ours, wherein loue waxeth cold, and ſtrife hote,
had need ſet our Inſtruments to the tune of Peace. This was the bleſſed legacie which
Chriſt bequea thed to his Church: the Apoſtle from
his Ma ſter ſent it as a token to the Corinthians: and I from the Apoſtle com mend it as a Iewell to all
Note: 2. Cor. 13. 11
Liue in
The Citie of Peace.
Peace, and the God of Loue and Peace ſhall bee with
you. Which concluſion of the Epiſtle containes the bleſſing of the Apo ſtle’: a Valediction, and a Benediction. They are in
part Hortatory, in part Conſolatory: the vertue to which he per ſwades them, and the reward which hee promi ſeth them. There is a ſweet ſymphony, and reſpondent propoſition
betweene the Counſell and the Comfort; the Actiue Peace, and the Factiue Peace: for
ſee king peace on Earth, we
The Citie of Peace.
ſhall find
peace in Hea uen: for keeping the peace of God, wee
ſhall bee kept by the God of peace. The one is the regular Compaſſe of our life on
the o ther is the glorious Crowne of our life in
That wee may not cheriſh too weake an o pinion of this duty, wee muſt know, that this A poſtolicall counſel is an Euangelicall
forme of a right Lavv.
and binds vs all to the peace. Liue in Peace: there are in it all the concurring
qualities, that define a
The Citie of Peace.
good law; as
Lycurgus taught: Generalitas,
Bonitas, Poſſibilitas. It muſt be Generall, Good, Poſ ſible.
Generall, ſo that all be tied to the obedience of it. Elſe it
were like A nacharſis law, a cobweb to catch flies: or thoſe tyranous cẽſures, which are
made to vex Doues, while they are indul gent to
It muſt be Good, for none are bound to the obedience of vniuſt
things. If it haue an in different extent to good or
bad, there is eaſily
The Citie of Peace.
found ſome
colour of euaſion.
It muſt bee Poſſible; for if things be impoſed vltra
poſſe, and ſo men be made lyable to the mulct, when they are not culpable of
the guilt; they may obiect that Naturae dictamen. Nemo tenetur ad impoſſi bile: none are to be ty ed to the
obedience of impoſſible things. Such are Tyrants Lawes; not vincula, ſed retia: not limits to confine, but netts to enſnare: not Pales,
but Toiles.
But the Law of Peace is
The Citie of Peace.
equity of Peace
none can plead immunitie. Good, none taxe it of iniquitie.
Poſ ſible, none can ſay, it is beyond their
abilitie. But it may be obiected. If you require it Gene rall, it is not Poſsible: for wee cannot haue peace with all men.
If it were Poſsible, yet is it not lawfull and good; for wee may not haue peace with
men. To direct vs in this, the A poſtle inſerts two
cautions. If it be
Note: Ro. 12. 18 This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external
source. (MS)εἱ δυνατὁν2, and This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external
source. (MS)τὁ ἑξ ὑμνος3
as much as lyeth in you; liue peaceably with all
men. For there are ſome caſes
The Citie of Peace.
in which
ὄυ δυνατὁν
, it is not poſſible.
Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance.
Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] Cor. 6, 15
What communion hath light with darkeneſſe! and what
concord hath Chriſt with Belial! Wee muſt haue no peace with it, if there be no
grace in it.
Pſalme 1
Bleſſed is hee that walketh not in the counſell of the
vngodly, &c. Forbeare not only to ſit in the Chaire of peſtilence with them, which is Sinne
Peccatum dominans, Peccatum delectans, peccatum This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external
source. (MS)intrans4.
but euen to ſtand and
diſcourſe with them, which is Sinne deligh ting : yea euen to walke a turne with them, which is Sinne entring:
The Citie of Peace.
teaching vs to ſhunne the very
acquaintance of their counſels.
But wicked men can not be
The termes of Peace diſtingui shed.
and ſo long as wee are in this world, wee
muſt con uerſe with men of the world. To anſwer
this, we muſt diſtinguiſh be tweene offenders, and
offences: we may haue no peace with the one, true peace with the o ther. There are two names,
Homo & Peccator: a Man,
and a Sin ner. Quod Peccator eſt, corripe: quod Homo, mi ſerere . As he is a Sinner,
The Citie of Peace.
reforme him:
as he is a man, the Image of God, pitie him. Doth thy Brother ſinne of igno rance? Dilige errantem, interfice errorem : kill the error, preſerue
thy bro ther. Doth hee offend of frailty? Bee at
peace ( cum hominibus, non cummoribus
) with the man, not with the manners. Treſpaſſeth hee of ma lice? Hate (
vitium , not virum
) the diſeaſe, not the patient. Howſoeuer theſe infirmities are in euitable, ſtill wee may haue Peace, Cum malis, licet non in malis :
The Citie of Peace.
euill men, though not in euill
Indeede let him that hath aThis text has been supplied. Reason: Misprint or typesetting error. Evidence: The
text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)[u]5thority, correct malicious offences: for that is not like a
rauiſher to abuſe, but like a Chã pion to vindicate
the ho nour of peace. Yet ſtill Cum corrigat malitiam, diligat perſonam
; let him correct the tranſgreſsi on, loue
the perſon.
But how ſhall we an ſwere
that of the Pſal miſt?
Pſal. 59. 5.
Be not mercifull to them that ſinne of mali tious wickedneſſe. This was not Precantis votum, ſed Prophetantis vaticini-
The Citie of Peace.
um: not the requeſt of a Petitioner, but
the pre diction of a Prophecier. Hee did not wiſh it
ſhould be ſo, but ſaw it would be ſo.
But if all this be true, wee may then admit peace with Rome? Wee doe accept a Ciuill, not a Religious peace.
In a treatiſe of pacification, both parties muſt yeeld ſomwhat: but nothing is to
yeelded that may preiudice the Truth. In a Muſicall Inſtrument the ſtrings that bee
out of
tune, are ſet vp, or ſet downe to the reſt: the
The Citie of Peace.
ſtrings that be in tune, are
not ſtirred. Our Do ctrine and Profeſſion are tuned
to the bleſſed Go ſpell, that infallible Ca non of Truth, and there fore muſt not bee chan ged.
Their Faith and Religion iarreth and er reth from
that; therefore muſt bee proportioned to ours, if they will endenour a perfect Har mony.
Thus far,
The life of Peace.
& vpon theſe tearmes
wee may haue peace, if we ſeeke it: we may liue in peace, and peace may liue in vs,
if we
deſire it. Therefore
The Citie of Peace.
This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external
source. (MS)έίρηνευέτε6Liue in peace. Caluin renders it, Pacem
agite, Doe peace. Or, as if God ſhould
ſay to men, whom he found quarrelling, or too lowd; Peace. The word is emphaticall, and imi tates a continual habite: wee may call it, The Exerciſe of peace, or the Practice
Some haue a good mind to peace,
The neglect.
but they will bee at no labour
a bout it: many are con tent to embrace it, but they are aſhamed to ſeek it: moſt men loue
it, few practiſe it. The vſe com-
The Citie of Peace.
mends the vertue: the beautie
and praiſe of peace conſiſts not in motion, but in action: nor is the benefit of it
in a
knowing diſcourſe, but in a feeling ſenſe. A Spe culatiue peace, is like an Hiſtoricall knowledge: ſuch as he that hath bin alwayes
confined to his ſtudy, may haue of for raine
countries: ſo wee make a conqueſt of peace, as the by word ſayes, our Fathers wonne Boloigne; who
neuer came within the report of the Canon. Or if the Grecians kept
The Citie of Peace.
Philoſophy in
their leaues, but kept it not in their liues. A ieiune and emptie ſpeculation, like
ſubtill ayre in the head, onely breakes out into crochets: it is ex perience that brings the ſweetneſſe of peace home to the heart. Vſe
breeds perfectneſſe, and diſuſe looſeth the moſt ſeruiceable things. Gold looſeth
more of
the waight by ruſting in corners, then by conti nuall running in com merces, the proper end it was
coyned for. The beſt land will yeeld ſmal
The Citie of Peace.
encreaſe, if it be not til led: though ſome haue the moſt profitable trades, the
want of induſtry hath made them the pooreſt men. The throne of peace is in the heart,
in the head.
To recouer,
The Me thod.
therefore the ſwouning life of this vertue, I will compare Peace to a Citie: if you will, to this City: which ſhould be like Ieruſalem, A Citie of Peace. And ſo much we will pray
for it; that it may preſerue peace, and peace may preſerue it, to the worlds end.
The Citie of Peace.
Let the walles of this Citie be
Vnitie and Concord. Let her haue foure Gates;
Innocence, and Patience; Benefaction, and Satiſfaction. The firſt gate of peace is
In nocence ;
ſhe muſt doe no wrong. The ſecond is Patience;
ſhe muſt ſuffer wrong. The third is Be neficence ; ſhe muſt doe good in ſtead of wrong. The
fourth is Recom pence ; ſhe muſt make li berall and iuſt
ſatiſfacti on for any committed wrong. There is
alſo a Poſterne Gate, and that is Humility. A gate indeed,
The Citie of Peace.
but a ſmall and low one;
whoſoeuer enters the Citie of peace that way, muſt ſtoop before he get in. The enemies
this Citie are many; diuided into two bands; Hoſtilitie and Mutinie The Gouernour of
it, is Magiſtracie: the Law, Religion: the Palace, the Temple: the life of the Citizens is Loue. It is ſerued by the Riuer of Proſperitie; the State of it, is Felicitie: the Inheri tance, eternall Glory.
The Wals of Peace.
The Wals of Peace.
Are Vnitie and Con
The Citie of Peace.
cord. Omnis Societas eſt corpus politicum
: and it is in a Citie, as in a Bo die:
there are many members, one body: many Citizens, one Ci tie.
The Body is a figure of Vnitie.
The Body is
one of the moſt liuely figures and examples of peace. Wee are all one Body:
1 Cor. 12
not onely one Kingdome; ſo diſparitie in
Religions make many differences. Nor only one Citie, Inter dites erunt lites ;
ſo diſparitie of eſtates will breed quarrels. Nor on ly one Houſe, ſo wee may haue enemies of our owne
houſhold. But one
The Citie of Peace.
Body, here muſt be al loue & peace. Where all
are tied by bonds, ioynts, & ligaments to the head; there alſo by the fame Nerues
to another.
Some mẽbers are ſin gle; as the tongue is one, to
ſpeake one truth:
Mutuall Loue.
the heart one, to entertaine
one God. Other are Gemina, Germana; their for ces are doubled to ſup ply mutuall defects. Some are ſtronger, as the armes
and leggs; for the ſupportation of the weaker. Thus qualified are all the faithfull
citi zens of Peace; preſer-
The Citie of Peace.
uing an
vnanimitie in affection, a ſympathy in affliction, a ready helpe to the moſt needful
con dition. Comforting the mindes of thoſe that
are perplexed, ſupplying the wants of thoſe that are diſtreſſed, rectifying the weakneſſe
of thoſe that are vnſetled, informing the ignorance of thoſe that are ſeduced, and
reforming the errors of thoſe that are peruerted: all endeauoring the deliuerãce of
The mẽbers prouide one for another:
Prouidence of parts for the vvhole·
the eye
ſees not only for it ſelfe,
The Citie of Peace.
but for the Body: the hand
works not only for it ſelf, but for the Body: the eare hearkens, the tongue talkes,
foote walkes, all parts exerciſe their functions for the good of the whole. In the
of peace men muſt not only ſeek their owne, but the glory of their Maker, and the
good of
their Society. That God who hath giuen vs honour by our Anceſtors, would alſo haue
vs adde
honour to our Succeſſors. To pre ferre a priuate
good be fore a publike; is to fa
The Citie of Peace.
miſh and ſtarue
the whole Body, to fatt a toe, or pleafe a finger. Such Monopolies and Patents, as
impoueriſh the whole, to enrich a part are not tolerable in the Citie of Peace.
There is no enuy and grudging among the members:
Diſcontents remoued.
the eye doth not
grieue to ſee the arme grow ſtrong, nor the foote to bee ſenſible of the Stomacks
In this Citie, one ſhould not enuy anothers thri uing; as if all were ta ken from our ſelues that
is giuen to our neigh
The Citie of Peace.
bours. The Lord ſees that an
inequality is beſt for his glory: diſtributing (to whomſoeuer leſt, yet) to euery
one more
then hee deſerues. Shall the Eare ſay,
Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance.
Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] Cor. 12. 16.
Becauſe I am not the Eye, I am not of the Body? No,
but as Iohn Baptiſt ſaid of Chriſt; He commeth af ter me,
yet is before me: Some come after vs in wealth, that may goe before vs in grace.
The poore man is not ſo ma ny pounds behinde the
rich for this world, as he may be talents before him for the world to
The Citie of Peace.
come. They
often with their pouertie, miſerie, ignominy, are ſaued; whiles others with all their
honour and opulencie goe to hell.
If one member ſuffer,
Condolency of the mem bers.
the reſt ſuffer with it. If there be a thorne in
the foote, the eye ſhedds a teare, the heart akes, the head grieues, the hand is ready
pull it out. If a man tread on our toe, wee ſay, Why doe you tread on Me? Quod cuiquam, cuivis : let vs
ſorrow for the afflictions of others, as if we were in
the body. He is no ſonn
The Citie of Peace.
of Peace, that forgets the breaking of his brother
Amo. 6. 6.
The Walls of the Ci tie muſt bee whole,
Schiſme dangerous.
no breaches in them,
leaſt this aduantage the ene mies entrance. There
muſt bee no ſchiſme in a Citie, as no diuiſion in the Body: one muſt not be for Paul, another for Apollos, another for Cephas; but all
for Chriſt; & all for Peace. Many euill men may haue one will in wicked neſſe. It is ſaid of Pilate Tradidit Ieſum This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text.
Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (MS)volunta ti earum7;
Luk 23. 25
Hee deliuered
The Citie of Peace.
Ieſus to their
Will; not wills: many ſinners, one will. Shall
then the Sonnes of grace iarre? The Children of Peace be mutinous? Vnica columba mea , ſaith Chriſt:
My Doue is but one; the Doue is a Bird of
peace. Many of them can agree louingly together in one houſe: euery one hath a litle
cottage by her ſelfe, wherein ſhee ſits content without diſqui eting her neighbours. Thus Dum ſingulae quærunt vnionem, omnes conſeruant vnitatem . Wee
haue them that ruſh in
The Citie of Peace.
to others Tabernacles,
ſwallowing a man and his heritage: would Doues doe thus? Poore Nabaoths portion is ma ny a rich Ahabs eye ſore; would Doues doe thus? Numbers are ſtill on the
wing, to prey vp on proſtrate fortunes; theſe bee
Rauens, not Doues: If the Law cannot make worke for their malice, their malice ſhall
worke for the law. This is like Cockes of the Game, to pecke out one ano thers eyes, to make the Lawyers ſport. When
The Citie of Peace.
two friends
are fallen out of loues into blows, and are fighting; a third aduerſary hath a faire
aduantage to kill them both. We haue an ene my that
watcheth his time, and while wee wound one another, hee wounds vs all.
If the members bee pulled a ſunder,
Diſtraction mortall.
they all rott: the
diſtraction of parts is the diſſolution of the whole. If we for ſake the peace of our Mother, wee put our ſelues vpon record for
baſtards Diſcontẽt with our owne portions and
The Citie of Peace.
places, ouerthrowes the Citie
of Peace.
Eſdr. 4. 1.
When the Woods and the
Floods were at variance, the Sand and the Fire were fainThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (MS)e8 to quiet their in ſurrections. While men will not reſt ſatiſfied with their owne
deter minate ſtations; but in uade the ſeueralls and proprieties of others; what can bee expected
but deſtruction? If there be Contention on this ſide, and Ambiti on on that ſide, there will bee confuſion on all ſides. While Iu dah was
hot againſt
The Citie of Peace.
Iſrael, and
Iſrael hott a gainſt Iudah, the King of Syria ſmote them both. God ſhall ſupply the part of
Syria; and when brother is againſt brother, hee
will bee againſt them all. He that doth not what he can to mainetaine the walles doth
he can to betray the Citie. So I come from the Walles to the Gates.
The firſt Gate
The firſt Gate
Is Innocence;
The firſt Foundation of Peace.
and this may
bee called Biſhopſ gate; the Miniſters of the Goſpell
being both
The Citie of Peace.
the Preachers and Precedents
of Innocencie. If men would abſtaine from doing wrong, the Peace could not be bro ken. St. Bernard writes of the Doue, that
Felle caret , ſhe hath no
Gall: Let vs bee ſuch Doues to purge our harts from all bitterneſſe.
Now the firſt ſhelfe that wracks Innocence, is Anger. It were rare if the wrath of man ſhould fulfill the righteòuſneſſe of
The angry man cannot be Innocent.
euen a
curſt anger breakes the Peace. It is an euidence where by God will iudge men
The Citie of Peace.
guilty: now
there is no malefactor going to the barre for his This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence
internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)tryall9, would willingly haue that euidence found
a bout him, that ſhould caſt him. Iratus non vi det legem, ſed Lex videt iratum . The wrathfull man
takes no notice of the Law, but the Lawe takes notice of the wrathfull man. Let vs
heede leſt wee carry our anger with vs vnto God. That which offends our eyes, we re moue either our ſight from it, or it from our ſight,
but that which of
The Citie of Peace.
fends our ſoules, we too often
lay next our heart. But, it is the voice of tranſportiue fury, I can not moderate my anger. Cannot? Wherfore ſer ueth grace, but to morti fie
ſuch natural, yea ra ther vnnatural paſsions?
How eaſily doth this rage often This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered
by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence
internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)inueterat10; ma king
ſome ſo angry with men, that they will ſearſe bee pleaſed with God himſelfe! And either
muſt take thẽ with their anger, or let them alone. So ſoone it rankles into malice,
that is full op poſite to Innocence.
The Citie of Peace.
What ſhall a
man do? In this ſudden fitt ſhall he come to the Lords Table, or forbeare it? Si non acceſſerit, pericu lum: Si acceſſerit, dam num
. To refuſe the Sa crament in anger, is
e uill: to receiue it in an ger, thats worſe. Is the Body & Bloud of Chriſt no more worth,
but that for loue of a peeuiſh hu mour we ſhould
neglect it? Shall we ſtarue our conſciences, to feed our miſbegotten paſſions? What
then to be done in this ſtraight? The anſwer is eaſie: Let vs
The Citie of Peace.
excommunicate our wrath, that
wee may communicate with the Church: leaue our luſts behinde vs, and wee are welcome;
Gen. 22.
as Abraham left his Aſſe when hee
went about his Sacri fice. In the Leuiticall Law no
vncleane thing might be touched: if it were touched, the Tem ple by that perſon muſt not be approched. Now for the Iſraelite to
ab ſent himſelfe from the aſſembly of Saints, and
ſeruice of God, was ponderous: to come ſo polluted, was dange
The Citie of Peace.
rous. He knew
the reme die; either not to be vn cleane at all, or ſoone to get himſelfe clenſed. The firſt beſt is
to har bour no malice; the next to deliuer our
ſelues from it with all poſſible ſpeed.
In a word, let vs turne our anger whẽ it comes, another way. Let all our hate be the
of ſin; and all our anger bent againſt our owne cor ruptions. Let our wrath, like the Shepheards dogge, ſleepe till the Wolfe comes. Be
at peace with God by re
The Citie of Peace.
pentãce, with our neigh bour by innocence, with our owne heart by a pu rified and pacified con ſcience; and the Prince of peace, the Lord Ieſus ſhall embrace
The ſecond Gate
The ſecond Gate
Is Patience;
The ſecond Foundation of Peace.
which is
not vnlike to Ludgate: for that is a Schoole of patiẽce; the poore ſoules there learne
to ſuffer. The firſt entrance of peace is to doe no iniury, the next is to ſuffer
in iury. It is one ſpeci all commendation of Charitie, that it Suffers
The Citie of Peace.
all things; Pro fratribus, a fratribus, propter fra tres . For our brethren wee muſt ſuſtaine ſome loſſe:
hee that ſuffers not an abatement of his owne fulneſſe, to ſupply their emptineſſe,
is no
brother. Of our bre thren wee muſt put vp ſome
wrong, rather then make a flaw in the ſmooth paſſage of peace. Becauſe of our brethren,
and for the E lects ſake ,
2 Tim 2. 18
we muſt endure all things, that they may obtaine
Saluation. Let vs bee infirmed, to haue them confirmed: broo
The Citie of Peace.
king a temporal loſſe, to
procure their eternall good.
According to the A poſtles counſell, Let vs beare the burthen one of another,
and God ſhall beare the burthen of vs all. As in the Arch of a building, one
ſtone beares mutually, though not equally, the waight of the reſt. Or as Deere ſwimming
ouer a great water, doe eaſe them ſelues in laying
their heads, one vpon the backe of another: the formoſt hauing none to ſupport him,
The Citie of Peace.
his place, and
reſts his head vpon the hind moſt. Beare thou with
his curiouſnes, hee doth beare with thy furiouſ nes:
let mee beare with his arrogance, hee doth beare with my igno rance. In Architecture, all ſtones are not fit to bee laid in euery
part of the building: but ſome below, as the fundament all, and chiefe corner ſtone
to ſuſtain the load of the reſt: ſome higher in the wall, other in the top for ornament.
In the Church, which is built of Liuing Stones,
The Citie of Peace.
Chriſt is the Head of the corner, the Foundation that ſupports all.
Gra cious Saints haue the next places, and are ſo
ſet that they may helpe to beare vp the weaker.
Materialls that bee onely of a hard nature, will neuer fadge well in an Edifice. The
Ita lians haue a Prouerbe; Hard without ſoft, the wal is nought. Stones cob bled vp together, with out morter to combine them, make but a totte ring wall. But if there be morter to ciment them,
The Citie of Peace.
and with the
tractable ſoftneſſe of the one to glew and fixe the ſolide This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing
or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal
to this text (context, etc.). (MS)hardneſſe11 of the other;
this may fortifie it a gainſt the ſhocke of the
Ramme, or ſhot of the Canon. The ſocietie that conſiſts of nothing but ſtones, intractable
and refractory ſpirits, one as froward and per uerſe
as an other, ſoone diſſolues. But when one is reaking with the fire of rage, and another
ſhall bring the water of patience to coole and quench it; here is a du ration of peace. When
The Citie of Peace.
yron meets yron, there is a
harſh and ſtubborne iarre: let wooll meete that rougher mettal, and this yeelding
reſiſtance into embrace ments.
Let not then the voice be an eccho of ill words, nor the hand a Racket to bandy back
fire-bals. Patience makes euen the wicked confeſſe; Thou
art more righteous then I.
Infoelix victoria qua ho minem ſuperamus
1. Sam. 24.
vitio ſuccũbi
18. Bern.
It is a wretched victory that ouercomes our
ſoules, and ſlaues vs to our luſtes.
The Citie of Peace.
mea à Domino
Pſal. 62. 5.
as the Fa thers read it: and
indeed who can giue this pati ence, but God? Paul had many liues, yet he ſacri ficed them all;
Cor. 15.
I die dai ly
. Etſi non mortis expe rientia,
31. Chryſ.
tamen propoſito . Though he
could looſe but one, yet in regard of his patience and pur poſe, hee was ready to looſe them all.
Nor is Chriſtian pati ence thus confined with in the bearing of ini uries; but it extends al ſo
to the remitting of them. Some can ſuffer for the preſent, as Ha
The Citie of Peace.
man before Mordecay, Animo vindicandi
. For giueneſſe is the demon ſtration of patience. Not to conteſt becauſe wee
cannot conquer, is cal led Patience perforce: but
can we remit? The ciuill man can forbeare, the Chriſtian muſt for giue. Let vs bee remiſſe to note a wrong, remiſ ſiue to forget it, writing all our iniuries in the duſt. Yea, let
humilitie ſweetly order our forgiuenes:
for Grauiſsima poena eſt contumelioſa ve nia : a proud and ſcorn full pardon,
is a reproch-
The Citie of Peace.
full wrong;
there is in it more bitterneſſe then mercie; more puniſh ment then reconcile ment.
Otherwiſe how can we pray, Forgiue vs our treſpaſſes,
As wee forgiue them that treſpaſſe againſt vs? O but ſay ſome, God is merciful:
what, ſhall wee therefore bee vnmercifull? I may for giue, but I cannot for get; is the faint
reſerua tion of another. Take we heed, let not vs
be in ieſt with God, leaſt hee be in earneſt with vs. Do we not otherwiſe beg a
The Citie of Peace.
remouall of mercie and pardon
from our owne ſoules? Will not God ſay, Euill ſeruant, Ex ore tuo , out of thy owne mouth
wil I iudge thee? Hath Chriſt with his owne blood made thee friends with God, and
that blood in treat thee to bee friends with thy
Mat. This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)512.24.
when thou commeſt to the holy Altar with thy
gift, and remembreſt thy of fended brother: Leaue there thy gift, firſt be reconciled to him,
then offer to God. A gift doth pacifie wrath, and
God is
The Citie of Peace.
pleaſed with
our Sacri fice vpon his Altar: yet Cum omnis culpa munere ſoluatur
ſola iniuria in condonata reijcitur : when euery fault is ſolued with a
gift, Iniury alone is ſent away without pardon.
Therfore Qualem vis erga te eſſe Deum
Iſodo Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance.
Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…].
talem te exhibeas erga proxi mum : bee thou to thy brother on earth,
as thou wouldeſt haue thy Father in heauen bee to thee. Si lædens, pete ve niam: ſt laeſus, da veniam . If an iniurer, aſke par don: if a ſufferer, giue
The Citie of Peace.
pardon. Be we ſo farre from
expecting his ſubmiſſion, that wee tender our This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)r13emiſſion; and meet the
treſpaſſer with a pardon before hee aſke it.
Diſſenſio ab alijs, à te reconciliatio
incipiat . Let ſtrife begin from others, bee thou firſt in recon cilement. Chriſt healed Malchus his eare, that came to arreſt him. Which
amongſt vs ſo loues his benefactors, as Paul
loued his malefactors? Hee would doe any thing to ſaue them, that would do any thing
kill him. Others of
The Citie of Peace.
fences to vs
are but ſmall; valued with ours againſt God who is in finite. If he forgiue the pounds, let not vs ſticke at the farthing tokens.
The next Gate
The next Gate
Is Beneficence; Doing
third foundation of Peace.
is the fortification of peace. This may be called
Ald-gate; not on ly becauſe there is the picture of Charitie: (at the
gate: I doe not ſay, as neere going out; but at the gate, to keepe goodneſſe in.)
becauſe that is called the Old-gate, and Charitie
The Citie of Peace.
was a vertue of olde times,
not ſo much now in faſhion. The heathen Moraliſt ſaid, wee muſt vſe men thus; Benevelle omnibus, benefacere ami cis ; wiſh well to all, and doe good
onely to our friends. But the cleere light of nature, which is the Goſpell, chargeth
while wee haue opportunitie,
Gal. 6. 10.
to doe good to all men; albeit with ſome
preferment of the beſt, eſpecially to the houſhold of
All men may bee ranked vnder one of theſe combinations: Rich and
The Citie of Peace.
home-borne and ſtrangers, friends & ene mies.
Firſt for the rich and poore; the Phariſee wil ſtand on good terms with the rich,
them for a re-inuitation as men at Tenniſſe, toſſe the ball to another, that hee may
it to them againe: but who helpes the poore?
Pro. 19. 4.
Wealth mak eth many friends, but the poore is
ſeparated from his neighbours . If hee doe well, he is not regarded: if ill, hee
is deſtroyed. The poore man by his wiſdome deliuered the citie from the force of a
The Citie of Peace.
puiſſant enemy; yet whẽ all
was done,
Eccl. 9. 15.
no man re membred
that poore man . But if hee ſtumble,
Ecclus. 13. 23.
they will helpe to ouerthrowe him. How
contemptibly doth a rich epicure look vpon a poore beggar! yet the rich and the poore meete
Prou. 22. 2
and the Lord is the maker of them all. In all our
graund Feaſts, the gueſtes that Chriſt ſpoke for,
Luk. 14. 14.
are left out.
For Domeſtickes and ſtrangers; many haue ſo much religion as to pro uide for their owne; yea ſo much irreligion as to
The Citie of Peace.
do it with the
preiudice of the publicke good, and hazard of their own ſoules: but who pro uides for ſtrangers?
Heb. 13. 2.
Entertaine ſtrangers, for thereby ſome haue entertained
Angels vnawares: but for all this poſſible happineſſe, few will put it to the
venture: and were they indeed An gels without angels
in their purſes to pay for it, they ſhould find cold entertainment.
Friends and enemies; for friends, many will be at peace with them, till they bee
put to
the triall
The Citie of Peace.
by ſome expreſſiue acti on. And then they will rather hazard the loſſe of a
friend, then the leſt loſſe by a friend. But ſuppoſe we anſwere our friendes in ſome
ſlight courteſie, hoping for a greater: who will doe good to his enemies? If thine enemie hunger,
Ro. 12.
feed him· ſo thou ſhalt heape ſoales of fire on his
head. Do it, not with an intent to make his reckoning more, but thy owne rec koning leſſe. Loue
your enemies,
Mat. 5.
bleſſe them that curſe you, doe good to them that hate
you, and pray for
The Citie of Peace.
them that deſpitefully vſe you. Doe vnto them
deeds of amitie, deeds of charitie, deeds of pi etie. Of amitie, Loue them that hate you: of
Charitie, Doe good to them that hurt you: of
Pietie, Pray for thẽ that perſecute you. There is
the Diligite of the Heart, Loue
your enemies. The Benedicite of the Tongu, Bleſſe them that curſe you. The Benefacite of the Hand, Doe good to them that hate you. The Beneuelle of all, Pray for thẽ that perſecute you. Loue your enemies,
The Citie of Peace.
there is Affectus cordis : Doe them good,
there is Effectus operis :
Pray for them, there is Perfectio
charitatis. But the wiſe man
Eccl. 12. 5. 7.
Doe well to him that is lowly, but giue not to the
vngodly. And Giue vnto the good, not to the
ſinner. Though not Qua
impius, and quia impiuThis text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)s14; yet qua homo ;
and quia homo , wee muſt
re leeue him. Cheriſh him ſelfe, not his ſinne. Wee muſt loue him, non quoad culpam, ſed quoad natu ram . They are Gods children, licet inſani , although they be
ſick; and
The Citie of Peace.
our brethren,
licet infir mi , although they bee weake. Therefore for the
conformitie of na ture, becauſe we are the ſame
workmanſhip: for our owne benefite, for hee that doth good to his enemy, euen in that
better to himſelfe: and for the imitation of Him
wee worſhip, let vs vphold Peace by Cha ritie. His
Sunne riſes, and raine falls, both on the iuſt and vniuſt. Noli negare
Mat. 5, 45.
quod Deus nulli negat . Thus
looking vp with pietie to the Lords perfection, and downe
The Citie of Peace.
with pitie vpon mans
imperfection, let vs doe good to all.
Through the gate of Beneficence, doth the charitable man enter in to the Citie of Peace. Hee that is couetous, muſt needs be
mutinous. He that is greedy of
Pro. 15. 27.
troubleth his owne houſe Salomon cals him a
trou ble-houſe, and wee doe find him a
trouble-citie; as Demetrius did all Epheſus. But Charitie makes peace; Diuitem voluit Deus vt pauperem adiuvaret,
Pauperem voluit vt diuitem probaret .
The Citie of Peace.
God makes ſome
rich, to helpe the poore: and ſuffers ſome poore, to try the rich. The loaden would
glad of eaſe: now charitie lighteneth the rich man of his ſu perfluous and vnweldy cariage. When the poor find mercy, they will
be tractable: when the rich find quiet, they ſhould bee charitable. Would you haue
goods kept in Peace? Firſt, lock them vp by your
pray ers, then open them againe with your thank full vſe, and truſt them in the hands of Chriſt
The Citie of Peace.
by your Charitie.
This Citie heares ill for oppreſſion, and is (I feare too iuſtly) ſuſpected of
Iniuſtice: now the moſt noble confutation of iealouſie, is by deeds of charitie. This
the Eaſt-gate to the Citie of Peace, and I may (from Saint
Paul) call it the principall, and moſt excllent way.
1. Cor. 12. 31.
Whoſoeuer can
ſhew you the way better, yet certainly none can ſhew you a better way.
The fourth Gate
The fourth Gate
Is Recompence, or Satiſ
The Citie of Peace.
faction; and this we may liken to Creeple-gate. It is the lameſt way
to peace, yet a way: it is a halting gate, but a gate. It were far better com ming into this Citie by any of the former gates, yet
better at this then none. All come not in by Innocence, nor all by Patience, nor all
Be neficence: but if they haue failed in theſe,
they muſt be admitted by re compence, or not at all.
The firſt beſt is to do no iniury; the next is Satiſ faction, to make amends for that wee haue done.
The Citie of Peace.
Hortenſins ſayd of his mother, Ego nunquam cum ea inivi gratiam ,
I neuer was reconciled to her, becauſe we two neuer fell out. O that the Inhabitants
this citie could ſay ſo of their neighbours; Wee neuer were made friends, be cauſe wee neuer were
Non operter Officii, ſed potius officiendi.
But as our Sauiour ſaith, It is neceſſary that offences doe come: not that it ſhould
ſo, but that it will be ſo. There is no neceſſity that com pels a man to ſinne; ex cept
that the heart being euill, will giue of
The Citie of Peace.
fence. As it
is neceſſary for him that comes to the fire, to be made hot:
but there is no neceſſity that hee
come vnto the fire.
The malady of offen ces, will bee contracted,
therefore the onely Cure is by Satiſfaction. That wee may know how to doe this, the
Scripture ſets downe di uers degrees in the ac compliſhment of this Satiſfaction for iniuries.
Firſt, he muſt goe to the party wronged. Second ly,
He muſt confeſſe his fault. Thirdly, He muſt
The Citie of Peace.
humble himſelf. Fourth
ly, He muſt make
Fiftly, Hee muſt reconcile himſelfe. Sixt
ly, and this muſt be done quickly, with all poſsi
ble ſpeed.
He muſt goe to him, not tarry till hee meete him, or till ſome occaſion bring them
Mat. 5. 24.
not Obuiamda
; But Goe to thine aduerſary, goe on
purpoſe: enquire for him, ſeeke him out, reſt not till thou finde him.
Humanity may worke ſome to this vnderta
king, and ouertaking of peace: but man is natu
The Citie of Peace.
rally ſo good a
conſtru ctor of his owne doings, that will hee
confeſſe his
5. 7.
Yes, He ſhall con feſſe his treſpaſſe .
An ingenious nature may be brought to ac knowledge
his fault: but will Pride, the con tention-maker, admit Humilitie? will hee ſtoope to him hee hath abuſed?
From inſulta tion will hee deſcend to ſubmiſſion? He
muſt; Goe and humble thy ſelfe.
Prou. 6.
Touch of conſcience may procure Humilitie; but yet wll he not ſpend twice as much
The Citie of Peace.
ere he make reſtitution? Yet
euen here, a quiet man for his owne peace ſake may be brought to giue ſomewhat, for
a part
of amends: but will hee ſatiſfie him the whole? The law of na ture requires total ſatiſfaction, but will hee beſides giue
dammages? The law of the Land al lowes dammages; but
now will hee giue any ouerplus to make an at tonement? or bee at ſo much coaſt as to buy a reconcilement, rather then miſſe it?
muſt: Zacheus reſtores foure-
The Citie of Peace.
fold; and by the Law he is bound to adde a fifth part.
Num. 5. 7.
But if all this be done, will hee yet euer bee friends with him? will he be truely
reconciled? Hee muſt:
Mat. 5. 24.
Reconcile thy ſelf to thy brother. Other wiſe, when he deſires of the Lord to be forgiuen, as
hee forgiueth; God will anſwer as Ioſeph did to
his brethren;
Gen. 43. 3.
Looke me not in the face, vnleſſe thy brother bee with
thee. Shall the father thinke wel of that ſonne, which reiecteth his brother? Doe
we call the Author
The Citie of Peace.
of Peace, our God, while wee are the children of
diſſention? Will he euer agree with him, that de lights to quarrell with his? But ſuppoſe the in iurer doth intreate and perſwade himſelf, with out
prThis text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)e15uailing, will he vſe his friendes about ſuch a buſineſſe?
Yes, ſaith Solomon, hee muſt employ his
Time may worke all this, but to doe it when the fleſh trembles, and the blood boyles
re uenge, ſuddenly; who can ſo preuaile ouer him
ſelfe? He muſt doe it
The Citie of Peace.
Mat 5. 25.
Agree with thine aduerſary quickly. Yes perhaps,
when leaſure may ſerue: but will any man neglect buſineſſe to goe about it? Yes, all
buſines ſet apart, though it were as important as offring ſacrifice at Gods owne Altar;
Leaue there thy gift,
&c. Non
experi eris Deum tibi propitium, niſi proximus
te ſentiat ſibi placatum . Strife with our brother makes our beſt ſeruices
vnaccepta ble to our Father. The Lord deſpiſeth
his own worſhip, to maintain our charitie: and will not be
The Citie of Peace.
found of vs,
till we haue found our brother, to
make our peace with him. Come not to the Temples, heare no Ser mons, ſay not your prai ers,
forbeare all worſhip and deuotions, while a feſtring and rankling hatred is in your
Yet now all this may be done of an Inferiour to a Superior, either for feare or hope
gaine by his loue: but would you haue a Superiour yeeld thus to an Infe rior, to deprecate ſtrife? Yes, Abraham diſdained not to goe vnto Lot,
The Citie of Peace.
elder to the
yonger, the vncle to the nephew, the worthier to the meaner, and that in the kindeſt
manner, to compoſe a controuerſie begun by their ſeruants. O that this age, which
wakes but to doe miſ chiefe, would yet think, how
after all iniuries to others, they doe this greateſt iniury to their owne ſoules;
that for
want of a iuſt compen ſation, they exclude
themſelues from the bleſſing of Peace!
Theſe bee the maine Gates, there is a little
The Citie of Peace.
ſterne beſides, that is Hu militie :
for of all vices,
Humilitie the conſeruation of Peace.
is a ſtranger to Peace. The proud man is too guiltie, to come in by Innocence: too
ſur ly, to come in by Pati ence: he hath no minde to come in by Benefacti on: and he ſcornes to come in by Satiſfaction. All theſe
Portculliſes be ſhut againſt him: there is no way left but the Poſtern for him, he
ſtoope, or neuer bee ad mitted to peace. Pride is
alwayes enuious & con tumelious, thinking ſhee
addes ſo much to her
The Citie of Peace.
reputation, as ſhee detracts from others: ſhe is no fit neighbor for Peace.
Heauen is a high Ci tie, yet hath but a low Gate.
Celſa patria, via humilis. Tolle ſuper
biam, quod habes meum eſt· tolle inuidiam, quod habeGap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance.
Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…]tuum eſt. Take away pride,
and that which thou haſt is mine: take away enuie, and that which I haue is thine.
and enuy are too vnciuill for a peaceable citie: the one cannot en dure a vicine proſperity, nor the other a ſuperior
The Citie of Peace.
eminency. All men muſt bee
poore to pleaſe the one, and all muſt be baſe to content the other. Peace is humble,
quite ouer-lookes her. The Philoſopher might haue ſeene the ſtarres in the water,
he could
not ſee the water in the ſtarres, when hee ſtumbled into the ditch. Men may behold
in hu militie, they ſhall neuer find peace in
ambition. The ſafeſt way to keepe fire, is to take it vp in embers: the beſt means
preſerue peace, is in humbleneſſe. The tall
The Citie of Peace.
Cedars feele
the fury of tempeſts; which blow ouer the humble ſhrubs in the low vallies. There
was no
rule with Paul at firſt; raiſing tumults,
ſpeeding Commiſſions, breathing out ſlaugh ters
againſt poore Chri ſtians. But when Chriſt had
thundred him from his horſe, broken his wild ſpirit to humilitie, thẽ he was fit for
peace. God, that often effectu ates his owne will by
contraries, makes trou ble the preparation for
peace: as a father cor rects his vnruly children
The Citie of Peace.
that they may be quiet. Let vs
examine our owne experience: when the Lord hath ſoundly ſcourged vs, we go from vnder
fingers as tame as lambs: farewell ſtrife, all our care is to finde reſt and peace
Ieſus Chriſt.
Wee haue ſeene the Citie of Peace, with her
walles and gates, and wee wiſh well to her; Peace bee within thy wals,
122. 7.
and proſperitie within thy palaces. But hath ſhe
no aduerſaties? Yes, there is an enemic that be leaguers this Citie; Con
The Citie of Peace.
tention. Whoſe army is diuided into two Bands or
The Enemies of Peace.
the one cal led the Ciuill, the other the Vnciuill: the
Ciuill are Law-quarrels, the vnciuil are Sword-quar rels. The one is the ſmooth-fac’d company, the other the rugged or ragged Regiment.
citie of peace hath gates for theſe alſo, when ſhe hath ſubdued them. Ei ther ſhee turnes them out at Moore-gate, as fitter for the ſocietie of Moores and Pagans;
ſhe baniſheth them. Or laies them vp in New-gate; a
The Citie of Peace.
place very conuenient, beeing
not ſo olde as peace, built ſince the birth of ſtrife. Theſe e nemies purſue vs, vel ferro, vel foro ,
as that Fa ther ſaith.
The firſt Troupe.
when vpon e uery punctilio of honor, as they falſely call it,
Reaſon & Religion muſt be thrown by, and Fury gouerne. The Gallant, as if hee knew
Law but his owne will, or as if the leaſt aſpertion vp on his honor were more weighty, then if the ſtate of Chriſtendome,
or the glory of God lay vpon
The Citie of Peace.
it; cryes
Reuenge, offers the ſtab, threatens the piſtoll. How is that pre cious account forgotten which God requires of man and beaſt!
Gen. 9.
Men ſtudy to bee mad with reaſon, they haue an Art of killing, that teaches
murther by the booke: as cunning as Ioab was,
that could ſtabbe in the fift rib,
This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)216 Sam. 3. 27. & 20. 10.
a ſpeeding place: ſo he
treacherouſly ſlew Abner and Amaſa. O that men ſhould venture their liues vpon one
an others ſword, as if they had no ſoules to be
ven tured vpon the ſword of
The Citie of Peace.
Gods vengeance! That he ſhould
bee held baſe, who being challenged, doth not write his mind with a pen of ſteele,
in the
inke of blood, on the white paper of mans life!
Cannot the teares of our Mother preuail with vs,
when ſeeing vs quar rell, ſhe ſayes as Iocaſta aduiſed her two vnbrotherly ſonnes; Bella geri placuit nullos habitura triumphos
. Or as Rebecca ſaid of her twinnes;
Gen. 27.
Why ſhould I be depriued of you both in one day?
But if our Mother cannot ſtill
The Citie of Peace.
vs, our Father will part vs: & they whoſe ſoules haue
peace, ſhall be ſent to a priſon where is no peace: that ſeeing they loue quarrels,
may haue fighting enough with infernall ſpirits. But perhaps there bee ſome who make
other reckoning, reſol uing with him in the O rator, Hodie coenabimus apud Inferos : to night wee will ſup together
in hell. As it is reported of two to haue fought vnder the gallows: de ſperately fore-caſting, that if the one were
The Citie of Peace.
there killed, the other ſhould
there be hanged.
By the toleration of this Duel in France, that kingdome loſt in tenne yeres ſix thouſand
Gen tlemen; as themſelues report. Wretched men!
for Occiſer lethaliter peccat
& occiſus aeternaliter perit : the
homicide ſins deadly, and the ſlaine (without vnexpectable mercy) periſheth eter nally. How dare they lift vp thoſe hands to God for
mercy, that haue beene lifted vp againſt their brother in cruelty? Euery baſe ver-
The Citie of Peace.
mine can kill,
it is true proweſſe and honour to giue life, and preſerue it Simeon and Leui ſeemed to haue iuſt cauſe;
Gen. 34. 31
theWhoring of their owne Siſter:
Gen. 49. 6.
yet their father cals
them brethren in euil for it, bleſſeth his honor
from their company, & his ſoule from their ſe crecy. Thou ſayſt of thy contendent, he ſhal haue as good as he brings, yet thy ſelf
condemneſt that hee brings for euill. [Note: Baſil. ] Ne vtaris inimico praecepto re
, let not thy enemie teach thee to due that, which thy ſelfe deteſteſt
The Citie of Peace.
in him. Becauſe wee re ceiue iniuries without right, ſhall wee returne them
without law?
Sometimes this ari ſeth from the wine, Bac chus ad arma vocat : and lightly it makes men ap teſt to vſe their armes, when they cannot ſtand on their legges.
But ſhall this ſerue for a plea, and get a pardon, it was done in drinke? no, this
deſerues a double puniſhment, as it is a double fault. Common ly it proceeds from vn aduiſed anger; as if any thing done in fury, were
The Citie of Peace.
not done in
folly. The cholericke man is like one that dwels in a that ched houſe; who being rich in the morning, by a ſodaine fire is a
beg gar before night. It was the decree of Theodoſi us ,
by the counſell of S. Ambroſe; that execution
after a ſeuere ſentence ſhould be deferred thir tie
dayes: that the heat being qualified, the ſe ueritie
might be mode rated.
But they obiect, This is to ſtand by like fooles, while wee ſuffer others to abuſe
no, that is
The Citie of Peace.
not folly, which the Lord hath
commended for wiſdome. The ſhot of the Cannon hurts not Wooll, and ſuch yeel ding things; but that which is hard, ſtub borne, and reſiſting: the rage of our roaring ſonnes
is tamed by pa tience. Turne to the brawling curre,
and hee will be more fierce: ride on neglecting him, and he will ſoone be quiet. This
the furious Band.
The other Troupe.
there is another Battalia
of aduerſaries that turne their chal
The Citie of Peace.
lenge into a
Writ; the field appointed is Weſt minſter Hall, or ſome other Court of Iuſtice: the weapons,
the Law: the poſtures of the fight are Demurres, Delayes, Quirks, Remoouals: the Victory,
a Verdict: the Doome, a Sentence: and the death it ſelfe, an Ex ecution. One ſayes, To beare this, is againſt my conſcience: when
indeed hee meanes it is a gainſt his concupiſcẽce.
If the Plaintife goe no further then the Court of his owne affections, the defendant
The Citie of Peace.
haue audience: for he is
Amicus Curiae
Pro. 18. 17.
He that is firſt in his owne cauſe, ſee meth iuſt: but his neigh bour commeth, and ſearch eth him : hee is no com petent Iudge in
his own matter. It will beare an action, ſaith the Law giuer, this enflameth paſſion in the Law-goer.
O that men could ſee the folly of this litigi ouſneſſe. 1. That hee is not in the ſtate of grace, but a meere carnal man. This is
Saint Pauls ar gument to the Corin thians;
If there be con tentions amongſt you,
The Citie of Peace.
Are ye not carnall?
1. Cor. 3.
wheras the Fruit of the Spirit is
Gal. 5. 22.
Long-ſuffering, Gentleneſſe. 2. That hee doth not
ſo much find, as make himſelfe ene mies: we may ſay
of him as the Angel ſaid to Ha gar concerning her ſon Iſhmael;
Gen. 16. 12
His hand is a gainſt euery man, and eue ry mans hand againſt
him . 3. That he vexeth him ſelfe without
need: they that goe to Law for tri fles, are like
nice people that continually lie in the hands of Chirurgi ans, and Phiſicians, for pimples & warts: wher- as
The Citie of Peace.
as the Phyſician and Lawyer
are for neceſſi tie, not wantonneſſe. Their boxes
and papers are the Books & Badges of their profeſſion: they trudge vp and downe, more
buſie to caſt away their money, then Law yers are to
catch it: their word is Currat Lex
, let the law haue his courſe: but by their willes that courſe ſhould neuer haue
an end.
They plead, wee haue ſtood before the beſt, in Courts of higheſt ho nor: alas, ſo doth the ſpider,
Pro. 30. 28.
euen in kings pala-
The Citie of Peace.
ces. So did the Deuill, when the Sons of God
preſented themſelus be fore
2. 1.
Satan was ther alſo. 4. They conſider not the root of contentions, as the
Apoſtle de ſcribes them: want of Wiſdome to compound controuerſies; Is there not one wiſe man among
1 Cor. 6. 5. &c.
able to iudge be tweene brethren? Want of loue, Brother is againſt brother. Want of Pati ence ;
Why do ye not rather ſuffer wrong? Want of
Iuſtice; Ye
defraud and do wrong. For want of Iuſtice, foro conſcientiae , they
The Citie of Peace.
proſecute their malice,
foro Iuſtitiae . Wee may
add, want of Mercy, they cannot forgiue: but if
they forgiue not others, their finall Quietus eſt
was neuer yet ſealed; and they ſhal be called to an
after-reckoning. As that wicked ſeruãt ſped; not withſtanding the Lord forgaue him at his re queſt,
Mat. 18. 22
becauſe he did not
forgiue his brother at his intreaty, he was deli uered ouer to the tormen tors .
Fiftly, they weigh not how they are deceiued. Lawyers firſt inuented
The Citie of Peace.
Lawes to
ſecure our lands and titles: now they make thoſe lawes engines to get away our lands
titles. Their frequent Seſſion hath not beene euermore to preſerue a mans poſſeſſi on. And for thoſe that can tarry the leaſure of the
Lawe, they haue quirks & delayes: which are like the corroſiue plaiſters of an
vnconſci nable Leach, that turnes a ſmall greene
wound to an incurable Fiſtula, by poyſoning and
exulce ration of it for filthy lu cre. When a man muſt
The Citie of Peace.
die without mercy, it is ſome
eaſe to die quick ly, and bee out of his paine. But
ſuch, when they purpoſe to murther a mans eſtate, haue tricks to keepe him long a
dy ing: that hee may ſtill languiſh and pine away in
hope of recouery.
And what doth the winner get, that at the Tearmes end, hee may bragge of his gaines?
hee not come home dry-founderd? Doth he not follow the Mill ſo long, till the toll
be more
then the grieſt? It is a token of vnwhol
The Citie of Peace.
ſome ayre, wher
the coũ trey is full of thriuing Phyſitions:
Si valeant homines, arſtua, Phaebe,
ia cet . It argues little health in
that kingdome, which hath ſo many thriuing Lawyers: who while vnquietneſſe feeds vs,
quietly feed vpon vs.
We are willing to giue ſuch ſelf-moleſters ſome counſell, if they wil take it, and
them no fees for it. Yea wee giue it not, but Chriſt giues it: wil they take his aduice,
that great Counſeller of the Father? He counſels
his clients to the euerla
The Citie of Peace.
ſting poſſeſſion of their
ſoules by patience. In O lympiacis certaminibus, Diabolo conſecratis
; [
Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance.
Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…]hyſoft.
In the games of Olympus conſecrated to the De uill, hee had the glory of the day, that gaue moſt wounds, and came
off himſelfe vntouched. In ſtadio
Chriſti non eſt ea certãdi lex, ſed contraria : In the race of Chriſtia nitie, there is a contrary Law of ſtriuing: not he
that offers moſt blowes, but hee that ſuffers moſt blowes, is crowned. A man is ſtricken,
will hee goe to law for this? no,
The Citie of Peace.
rather let him
turne the other cheeke; this is Chriſts counſell. His cloke is taken from him, it
is neere
him a gar ment; of neceſſary com lineſſe, a cloke: of ſin gular vſe, hee hath but one cloke: hee hath the proprietie of it, it is his cloke:
hee goe to Law for this? no, rather let him take his coat al ſo. Foelix
ille, ſi nudus corpore, ſit nudus mali cia
: there is a wedding garment to cloth ſuch.
I am no Anabaptiſt, nor Libertine, to deny the Magiſtracie, or law
The Citie of Peace.
fulnes of authoritie, and our
iuſt appeale thereto. Rather then euery man ſhould be his owne Iudge, I would appeaſe
vprores with the Town-clerke of Epheſus; The Law is
Act. 19.
and there are Deputies, let them im plead one another . Saint Paul himſelfe took this courſe, appealing to the
Iudgment ſeat of Cæſar.
Act 25. 10.
Our Sauiours practiſe is a cleere Comment
and declaration of his Law: hee that bade vs rather turne out other checke to the
then re uenge our ſelues; did
The Citie of Peace.
ſweetly reproue him that ſmote him.
Iohn 18. 23
If I haue ſpoken euill, beare witneſſe of the euill: but
if well, why ſmiteſt thou mee? So Paul
to Ana nias,
Sitteſt thou to iudge me after the Law,
Act. 23.
& com mandeſt mee to be ſmitten contrary to the Law? The Lord
himſelfe hath ap poynted Tribunals: and no law, no
loue. I know there is a Chriſtianly ſeeking of Iuſtice, when iniurious perſons grow
by forbearance, and ground their inſo lence vpon
others patience. As Chriſtians may
The Citie of Peace.
warre in loue, ſo they may
iarre in loue: when the partie caſt in the ſuit, may be bettered, if not in his money,
in his manners; and Satan onely conquered. Vt qui vincitur, ſimul vincat, & vnus tantummodo vinca tur diabolus. Sed reprimã me , I will
hold me where I was. I haue laboured to bring men into peace, I muſt ſhew them no
way out
againe. The Fa thers ſometimes in con futing an Hereſie much ſpread; if they did runne a
little within the brinks of a contrary error, not
The Citie of Peace.
queſtioned, nor ſo dangerous; were neuer cenſured for that to haue erred Dogmaticè . So if to conuince that
Hereſie in maners, (It is lawfull to go to law for euery thing;) I ſhould a little
to and fauor that other opinion, (It is lawfull to goe to law for nothing;) either
mee, or at leaſt ſuſpend your iudgements, till I come on purpoſe to handle that poynt.
men would promiſe not to goe to Law till then, I would promiſe, when they did goe
to Law,
The Citie of Peace.
beare all their charges.
Howſoeuer, let them not doe it animo
litigan di , nor for euery wrong enter
an action, leſt God enter his action againſt them.
Hos. 4. 1.
The Lord hath a controuerſie with the In habitants of the land : a terrible action,
which the Iury of heauen and earth wil find. Let them therefore leaue all, and ſtudy
Law, with that royall Prophet; Thy Teſtimonies are my
delight and my Counſellers:
Pſal. 119.
24. 48.
and I will meditate in thy
Statutes. Bleſſed is hee that meditates on
The Citie of Peace.
Law day and night:
Pſal. 1. 2.
but curſed is he that
waſtes his time to meditate and ſtudy Law-trickes. Let the litigious ſoule learne
a new
courſe of law: let Conſcience be his Chan cery , Charity his Chance lor ,
Patience his Counſel ler , Truth his Atturney, and Peace his Sollicitor.
Litem in proximum, di uertat in ſeipſum . Let him go to Law
with his owne heart; arraigne his paſſionat will at the Bar of Gods Iudgement; let
twelue Apoſtles bee a Iury againſt him, who all condemned Conten
The Citie of Peace.
tion. Thus let him iudge
himſelfe, that he be not iudged of Ieſus Chriſt. For he that auengeth his owne quarrell,
ſteps into the Princes Chaire of Eſtate, yea into Gods owne Seat; dethroning both;
and ſo
diſturbes neauen and earth. Mad men, that thus preſume, as if God did not ſee malice
the heart!
Pro This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)1175. 11
Hell and deſtruction are before the Lord, much more then
the hearts of the children of men. Or as if ſeeing men contend, he had no thing to do with it: but muſt ſit ſtill like an idle
The Citie of Peace.
looker on, and
take part with neither.
Dearly beloued,
Rom. 12.
auenge not your ſelues, but rather giue place vnto
wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, ſaith the Lord. This
ſounds a Retreat to all quarrels: Paul ſeeing the
Daggers drawen, and the peace in danger to bee broken; ſteps in with the ſword of
Spirit, to part the fray. It is a Writ of Re uerſment from the high Court of heauen: if we break open the writ, we ſhall find the
Kings plea ſure in it; an Arreſt of
The Citie of Peace.
reuengers. Hee begins with
Dearely beloued; a ſweet ingredience, to
qualifie a bitter medi cine. As if he ſhould ſay, It
is my loue that I write ſo much againſt malice: not for your hurt, but for your eternal
good: if you wil not beleeue me, beleeue God himſelf:
Deu. 32. 35
To me belongeth vengeance.
The Deuill when hee gets audience, tels a man how much hee is hated of others: the
Spi rit tels him how much hee is loued of others.
The argument of our charity to them, is Gods
The Citie of Peace.
charitie to
vs. Put on (as the elect of God,
Col. 3. 12
holy and beloued) bowels of mer cies, kindnes, humblenes of mind, long ſuffering : ſee ing you are beloued of God, loue his.
This is Gods chalenge, Vengeance is mine: Gods
execution, I will repay: Gods Subſcription, to
which his great Name is affixed, Thus ſaith the
Lord. Scriptum eſt
, it is a tranſcript and faithfull copy out of the Origi nall, to ſhew it the Lords true act and deed: twice written, that
it might ne uer be forgotten. Once
The Citie of Peace.
hath God ſpoken, twice haue I heard it,
Pſal. 62.
that Vengeance (ſo well as Power) belongeth
vnto God. Hee pleads the continuance of Succeſſion without interruption; ve ngeance, Iudgement, and Glory are His alone. Therefore to auenge our ſelues, is both to
loſe Gods pro tection, and to incurre his
condemnation. It is faithleſſe and fruitleſſe: faithleſſe, not to beleeue that God
deale with vs according to his Word.
Pſal. 91. 8.
With thine eyes thou ſhalt ſee the reward of the
wicked. It is then
The Citie of Peace.
not to commit our caſe to God, and his Deputie the Prince; but to make them both our
deputies and inſtru ments of reuenge. What is this
but to exalt our ſelues aboue all that is called God; and to play the Deuil in ieſt,
the Pope in good earneſt? Fruitleſſe, for if being wronged, we draw out our woodden
of reuenge, God wil put vp his ſword, and leaue vs to our ſelues. The iniu red child turnes not againe, but runs to his fa ther. When the Italians
The Citie of Peace.
heare how God hath re ſerued Vengeance to himſelfe, they ſay blaſ phemouſly, He knew it was too ſweet a bit for man,
therefore kept it for his owne tooth. But if man were is owne caruer, he would carue
deepe. God onely is wiſe and iuſt, wiſe to know, & iuſt to giue the due proportion.
Now the Great and Omni potent Lord chiefe Iu ſtice, bind vs all to the peace on earth, and bring
vs all to the peace of heauen.
The Citie of Peace.
Now becauſe euery Citie muſt haue an eſta bliſhed
Gouernment; Order being the good of euery creature, & it is better not to be, then
be out of order: therefore this Citie of Peace
muſt haue a Lord, and a Law: a Ruler
to gouerne it, and a Rule whereby it muſt be
gouerned. The King is Chriſt, who is therfore
called Princeps Pacis , The
Prince of Peace. And hee hath a Deputie or Vicegerent vnder him, whom hee hath ſet
promoue the good, and to remoue the
The Citie of Peace.
euill, of Peace. The Law is Truth, that is the Goſ pell, Regula Pacis , the Rule of Truth.
The Gouernour of this Citie
The Gouernour of
this Citie
Is ſupreme Authoritie: [Note:
The King of Peace.
] as God is a great
King, ſo the king is (as it were) a little God. I haue
ſaid, Yee are Gods. God is an inuiſible King, the King is a viſible
13. 5.
Ye muſt bee ſubiect, not onely for wrath, but alſo for
Conſci ence ſake . All muſt obey: the bad
for feare, the good for loue. To com pell the one,
there is a
The Citie of Peace.
Writ out of
the Kings Bench: to perſwade the
other, there is a motion in the Chancery.
Of all Nations we are bleſſed with peace, vn der a
King of peace: therefore all bound to bee children of peace. There are three wayes
chuſing Kings. 1. An immediate nomination from God. 2. A Suc ceſſion of blood. 3. An election of the people. The firſt ceaſeth,
the laſt hath been found dange rous, the beſt
remaines. They that are ſuddenly choſen out of the flock,
The Citie of Peace.
doe ſeldome manifeſt ſuch
royall behauiour, nor become their Maie ieſtie; for
it is not their Trade. Iehu remitted much of his
noble zeale, when hee was ſetled in his kingdome. It is one thing to ſay, With a great ſumme of money,
Acts 22.
obtained I this kingdome: and for another to ſay,
I was a King borne. Wee may iuſtly ſay of our
King, Digniſſimus Regno, ſi non natus
ad Regnum . When the Poets called ſome men the Sonnes and off ſpring of the gods; they meant that they were
The Citie of Peace.
men of a more
noble and vncommon nature: and that thoſe graces were, Ex Diuino afflatu . It was as
familiar with Homer, to make a King fight with a
god at his elbowe, as a common Souldier with his ſword in his hand. To whom the Lord
moſt honour, he giues moſt aſſi ſtance. The heart of the King is in his hand, as ri uers of waters ; the heart of a priuate man
as a lit tle brook: in the former is more need of
his om nipotence. Howſoeuer, the grace of adoption,
The Citie of Peace.
the Apoſtles
Cor. 1. 26
was not giuen to many mightie or
noble; yet the graces of adminiſtration are.
Anarchie is the mo ther of diuiſion, the ſtep mother of peace. While the State of Italy wants a
King, all runnes into ciuill broiles. It is the happineſſe of this Citie, that there
is no
diſtra ction. Not a King at Iudah, and another at Dan: not one in Hebron, another in Gibeon: not the redd
Roſe here, and the white there. We are not ſhuffled into a popu lar gouernment, nor cut
The Citie of Peace.
into Cantons,
by a headles, headſtrong A riſtocracie: but Henricus Roſas, Regna Iacobus : in
Henry was the vnion of Roſes, in Iames of the kingdomes. Euery King is not a Peace-maker; ours, like a ſecond
Au guſtus
, hath ſhut the ru ſtie doore of Ianus Tem ple;
ſo making Peace, as if hee were made of peace. That bleſſed Queene of ſweete and ſacred
memory before him, was Filia Pacis
: who, as by her Sexuall graces ſhed deſerued to bee the Queene of wo
The Citie of Peace.
men, ſo by her maſcu line vertues to bee the Queen of men. Certen ly, it would haue trou bled any King but Him, to
haue ſucceeded ſuch a Queene; yet no man complaines the want of peace. This hee promi ſed, and Verbum Regis, Rex Regi , this hee hath perfourmed to euery good
ſoules content. When he was firſt pro claimed, what
heard we but peace? What heard the Nobles? a King that would honour them. What the
Senators? a King that would coun
The Citie of Peace.
ſell them. What
the Schooles? a King that would grace thẽ. What the Diuines? a King that would encourage
them. What the rich? a King that would defend thẽ. What the poore? a King that would
relieue them.
When a Tyrant comes abroad, all ſeeke to hide themſelues:
Pro. 28. 28
When the wicked riſe, men hide themſelues. But
when a clement Prince progreſ ſeth, all flock to
him, the ſtreets and wayes are fil led with people,
the aire with acclamations. We
The Citie of Peace.
call our peace, the Kings peace: and ſay to brawlers, Keepe the Kings
peace. Peace, Plentie, Trafficke, Learning, Ad miniſtration of Iuſtice, flouriſhing of arts, preaching of the Goſpell, Rex Iupiter omnibus idem . Like
Dauid, hee leads the Dance to hea uen: and like Auguſtus, makes a ſweet ſpring whereſoeuer hee goes. Iſrael had reſt fortie yeres, we haue had a Iubile of
fiftie yeares, and begun againe.
Iudg. 5. 31
The Peace-ma ker doth both bleſſe, and is bleſſed: therefore let
The Citie of Peace.
vs bleſſe him,
and bleſſe God for him, and hold our ſelues bleſſed in him.
Away then with thoſe diſcontented ſpirits, that grudge theſe outward rights, whether
tributes of money, or attributes of Supremacie. Soluatur ſubſidium, ne contingat excidium . For this cauſe pay wee tribute alſo, &c.
Rom. 13.
It is the mediate due to God, as prayers & prai ſes are his immediate rents. Some haue obſer ued, that Chriſt did no miracle about Honor or money, except that
The Citie of Peace.
of giuing tribute to Cæ ſar
Mat. 17. 27
Much more intolerable are thoſe our Co ſens of Samaria, that fly off in a rage; What porti on haue
wee in Dauid? For this cauſe certainly, if Dauid were now a liue, he would neuer ad mit a Ieſuit to his Chap laine. But periſh his
ene mies, and vpon his own Head let his Crowne
flouriſh. May not the Scepter depart from Ia cob , nor a Seed from his loynes, till Shiloh come againe. May his Poſte ritie haue a Crowne on earth, when himſelfe
The Citie of Peace.
hath a crown
in heauen. Amen.
The Law of this Citie
The Law of this Citie
Is the Goſpel of Chriſt:
The Lavv of Peace.
a law
indeed, but a law of peace. It made peace betwixt God and man, and it muſt make peace
betweene man and man. If it cannot reconcile vs one to another, it ſhall reconcile
none of
vs to the Lord. It is a lawe, not to bee obſerued for State, but for Conſci ence. Indeed thoſe Ca tuli
Catilinarÿ , Statiſing Ieſuites, turne all their Religion into Statiſme,
The Citie of Peace.
yea into Atheiſme. And there
be many Church-Recuſants, a monſtrous, menſtruous brood, the Moone-calues of that
religion. Come they doe, but more for feare of the Law, then for loue of the Goſpell.
al the children that euen hang on the breſts of peace, cannot be ex cuſed: for ſome through neſcience or negligence, ſcarce caſt an eye
on the ſtatutes of peace.
I will heare what the Lord will ſpeake:
85. 8
for hee will ſpeake peace vnto his people. One
takes ſnuffe
The Citie of Peace.
at his poore
neighbour; perhaps it is Mordecai’s cap that hath
put Ha man
out of his princely wits: and now hee re ſolues to trounce him: proud beggar! Hee will teach him to knowe his betters. O but
tarry, and heare the Statute of Peace.
Pro. 22. 22.
Rob not the poore becauſe hee is poore: for the
Lord will pleade his cauſe, and ſpoyle the ſoule of them that ſpoile him. Luſt makes
a ſpurre to op reſſion, Quia pauper , becauſe hee is poore:
the Law makes this a
The Citie of Peace.
bridle from it, Quia pauper , becauſe he is poore.
Another is erop-ſicke of Ceremonies; hee hath a toy in his head, that the Churches
ſhould not bee embroy dered, nor haue more lace and
fringe then his owne coat: there is in him ſo little of man, that he talkes of nothing
the Beaſt. Rather then his children ſhall bee
croſſed in Baptiſme, hee will out of the Arke into ſome fantaſticall Wher ry. Let him tarry, and heare what the Lord ſpeakes, in his Law of
The Citie of Peace.
Gal. 6.
In Chriſt Ieſus neither Circumciſion a uayleth anything, nor vn circumciſion, but a New creature . That is, neither Ceremony, nor no Ce remony, but the Sub ſtantiall; a new Crea ture.
Another flatters him ſelfe; I need not ſtand on
ſtrict performance of Tythes, the Goſpell re quires
nothing but Be neuolence: experienced men iuſtifie
it, I haue the warrant of good Law yers for it. O
but ſuch a Lawyer is the Barri ſter of Barathrum, a
The Citie of Peace.
ſworne enemy to the law of
peace. The voice of Chriſt is not in it, heare that. Let
him that is taught in the word,
Gal. 6.
communicate vnto him that teacheth, in all good
This City of Peace hath one immutable Rule, and
it is ſufficient to direct all actions. And as many as
walke accor ding to this Rule,
Gal. 6,
peace be on them, and mercy, and vpon the Iſraell of
God. A man is proud of his victorious miſchiefes, fleſh’d with his fortunat
wickedneſſe; thinkes he
The Citie of Peace.
hath carried
himſelfe brauely, in out-bribing his aduerſary, fooling Iudge and Iury by falſe teſtimony,
and triumphs in his vnbleſt gain; but is this according to the rule of Peace. Vincat veritas , let Truth ouercom. The loſer may ſit down with
content, but the winner ſhall ye down in tormẽt. A rich man carries him ſelfe proudly,; aboue others in ſcorne, aboue himſelfe in folly:
hee thinkes all his Titles be neath him, and euen
thoſe that worſhip him, ſtill to vnderualue him:
The Citie of Peace.
others hee lookes vpon, as if
they were made to ſerue him, yea, and bee proud to bee comman ded by him. Croſſe him, and hee rages, ſwelles, foames, like the
Sea in a ſtorme: but is this after the Rule of
Mat. 11. 29
Learne of mee who am meeke and lowly in heart.
Alas, what is the diffe rence in duſt? The Beg gar dies,
Luk. 16.
ſo doth the rich man. Before, the rich could not
endure the beggar neere him, here one verſe containes thẽ both. In life the rich hath
The Citie of Peace.
of eaſe, and
wealth, and honour: in death the poore man goes firſt to peace.
In driuing a trade, it is Mammons prime poli cy, to
take aduantage of others neceſſitie, or ſim plicity.
Sold you it for ſo much?
Acts 5.
Saith Peter: For ſo much, anſwers Ananias. Did it coſt ſo much? ſayes the buy er: yes, ſaith the ſeller. Let him tremble at the
Iudgement, which was a ſudden death. This is the Rule of an vniuſt Ci tie, not of the Citie
of Peace. Pereat mundi
The Citie of Peace.
lucrum, ne fiaThis text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)t18
animae damnum . Periſh that gaine which comes with the ſoules loſſe.
Many thinke Charity to the poore, to bee a worke of meere Supe rerogation; that they are not bound liberally to giue part of that
to laſie beggars, which they haue laboriouſly gotten by their endea uours. But heare the Rule of Peace; Breake thy bread vnto the hungry; Sell that thou
Mat. 19.
and giue to the poore. But as when Chriſt diſ ſwaded from Couetice,
The Citie of Peace.
by the
difficultie of en trance that wealth finds to
heauen, they amazed ly replied, Who then can be ſaued? Who can walk after this Rule?
When we preach this doctrine, the world cries, Durus Sermo , this is a hard ſay ing, a harſh Sermon. Yet is this the law of peace, and thus minded
are the citizens of peace. When the poore at your gates aſke you Panem quotidi num , their daily bread; they after a ſort make you
gods; therfore ſhew your ſelues at leaſt to be men. Charitie is the
The Citie of Peace.
food of Peace on earth, and
the Seed of peace in heauen.
The Palace of Peace
The Palace of Peace
Is the Temple:
The Court
or Palace of Peace.
the peace of man can neuer bee preſerued without the
worſhip of God. It is not enough for the citie to haue lawes, but theſe muſt be diuulged,
made knowen to the Inhabi tants; the obſeruation of
them continually vr ged: for by nature men are apt
enough to flye out. Howſoeuer the Ro mans built
their Templũ Pacis without
the gates, yet heere it is the chiefe
The Citie of Peace.
honor and
ornament of the Citie. Heere Peace keepſher
Court, and ſits like a royall Queene in her Chaire of Eſtate. Which is not like Solo mons
Throne, guarded with Lyons; but with milke-white Doues, and couered ouer with Oliue
But alas! how doth her Palace now fall to ruine for want of repa ration? Few there bee that repaire it, but to im paire it thouſands are ready. The queſtion was once;
1 Sam. 9.
What ſhall we bring to the man of God? Now
The Citie of Peace.
it is a motion ſuffered in all
Courts, What ſhall we take away from the man of God? The no ble Shunamite built him a chamber, with a bed and a candleſticke:
We haue thoſe that pull downe his roomes, di ſturbe
his reſt, and put out his light. Nehemiah reduced
the Tythes to the primitiue inſtitution and order: But if any Nehemiah ſhould now vndertake it, and reſtore our
portion to our own hands; there are tenne thouſand Harpies ready to catch it ere it
The Citie of Peace.
to our
mouthes. Wee may ſing, or rather ſigh one to another, as little children chaunt in
ſtreets: When ſhall we eat white Bread? When the Puttock is dead: when there is not
Sa crilegious
Lawyer left. If the walls of Ieruſalem
ſhould beginne to riſe, there is a Tobiah or
Sam ballat
to flout vs,
Neh. 4. 3.
that a Fox is able to breake them downe. Corrupt Aduo cates are thoſe Foxes, and
by their wills the Vine of Peace ſhould beare no Grapes that e cape their fingers. Some
The Citie of Peace.
haue written wittily in the
praiſe of folly, ſome haue commended Bald neſſe;
other in a quaint Paradoxe extolled de formity: but
in former times it was neuer heard that any wrote Encomiums of Sacrilege.
That the Kings of the earth ſhould conſpire a gainſt Chriſt, [Note:
Pſal. 2. 2.
] it was no wonder:
1 Cor.
2. 8
for they knew him not.
13. 6.
That the Edo mites and Iſhmaelites
ſhould oppoſe him,
Acts 4. 27
no wonder: for they ſtood on termes of
hoſtilitie. That the Iewes ſhould confederat againſt him,
The Citie of Peace.
no wonder: for
they ha ted him. But that men baptized in his Faith,
bearing his Name as their honourable Title, and wearing his Profeſ ſion, as their chiefe or nament; ſhould conſent to rob him, and iuſtifie it by their law! this is ſuch a thing
the very Barbarians would bluſh at. Suppoſe the Mini ſters of this Citie, the Pencioners of Peace, by ſome humble complaint requeſt their owne,
or (at moſt but) ſo me ſmall part of their owne; is the Spoyler at a non-plus?
The Citie of Peace.
Cannot hee finde an Aduocate
to plead for him, and make his cauſe (though not be, yet) ap peare good? What, not one for his fees, that can cry downe the
Temple, the Goſpell, Chriſt himſelfe? Is there
no Bill to bee framed? no falſe plea to bee found? Is Sathan turn’d foole? Hath none
his ſchol lers any braines left? Yes, we might think
the deuil were dead, if there could not bee found an Aduocate to plead for Sacriledge.
Lord in his Iuſtice for ſinne,
The Citie of Peace.
hath broken downe her hedges;
Pſal. 80.
and now euery hand hath a ſnatch at her Grapes.
In many places, Ahab- like, they haue engroſ ſed the whole vineyard: but if the poore, expo ſed, & vnſupported Vine be left, it ſhall beare
the owner but a few grapes. This may hold in Iure Fori , it neuer ſhall hold in Iure Poli . God promiſed that
the faith of the Church ſhould remoue mountaines: ſuch were Domitian, Diocleſian, and thoſe Imperiall per ſecutors. The Church
The Citie of Peace.
prayes, Dorſum corum incurua , Bow downe their backes; and ſo the Lord did. Valerian was ſo bowed downe, that hee became a
footſtoole for the King of Perſia, to mount vp to
his horſe O that the Church of Peace had ſtill
this mira culous Faith, to re moue theſe mountaines; malicious and truth-ha ting pleaders, the pio ners
of the Temple, and the maintainers of thoſe that pillage it.
They tell vs, the Law is open, and there be
Acts 19. 38
but who be the de
The Citie of Peace.
puties in this
Citie? Is there any other then a Iudge of their owne? And is it not then a pro uerbiall anſwere of any man queſtioned in this
Sacriledge; Aſke my fa ther if I bee a theefe? When
Dauid decided the matter to Mephibo ſheth
; Thou and Ziba di uide the land :
2 Sam. 19. 30.
he anſwe red, Yea let him
take all: For the miſery of Law, I neuer by experience found it, becauſe I neuer
tried it: but when they haue leaue to diuide the Inheritance of Chriſt with their
Miniſters (and
The Citie of Peace.
it were ſomthing tolera ble if they did but diuide it) I ſay, yea let thẽ
take all, ſeeing all they will haue, rather then we go to recouer it by ſuch a Iudgement.
But certen ly God cannot long a bide to ſee that people proſper, who cannot abide to ſee his Church
proſper. They that ſpoil the Palace of Peace on
earth, ſhall neuer be en tertained into her glori ous Court of heauen.
The Riuer that ſerues this Citie of Peace
The Riuer that
this Citie of Peace
Is Proſperitie.
The Riuer
of this Citie.
] It is one
The Citie of Peace.
happineſſe of a Citie, to bee ſcituated by a Riuers ſide: that as it hath fortified
ſelfe by land, ſo it may haue commaund of the Sea. Proſperitie is the Riuer to this
that like a louing Meander, winds it ſelfe about, throwing his ſiluer Armes vpon her
ſides; ebbing ſlowly, but flowing merrily, as if he longed to embrace his loue. Peace
the mother of Proſperitie, but Proſperitie is too often the murtherer of Peace. For
breeds wealth, wealth breedes
The Citie of Peace.
pride, pride breeds con tention, and contention kils peace. Thus ſhee is
often deſtroyed by her owne iſſue, as Senache rib was by his owne bo wels.
Take this Citie wee liue in for an Inſtance. Peace hath brought Gods plentie: the
Inha bitants neither plowe, nor ſowe, nor reape; yet are
fed like the fowles of heauen. They fare well with leſſe trouble, then if come grewe
their doores, and cattell graſed in their ſtreets. But as Nylus may riſe
The Citie of Peace.
too high, and
water E gypt too much; ſo the inundation of opulency
may doe thẽ hurt. Thus may the influence of heauen, and the plentie of earth, be a
Snare vnto vs; and our abundance, an occaſion of our
fal ling
. Proſperitie is hear tie meat, but not
digeſti ble by a weake ſtomack, ſtrong wine, but
naught for a weake braine. The proſperitie of fooles
de ſtroyeth them .
Pro. 1,
It is not ſimply proſperitie, but the proſperitie of fooles that deſtroyeth
them. The ſwelling Riuer by
The Citie of Peace.
the ſurfet of a Tyde, doth not
ſooner bring in our encreaſe; but our encreaſe doth breed in our minds another ſwel ling, in our bodies another ſurfeting: we ſwell in
pride, and ſurfet in wantonneſſe. The Iſ raelites
neuer fared ſo well, as when they liued at Gods immediate fin ding; and at night ex pected
their morrowes breakfaſt frõ the clouds. When they did daily aſke, and daily receiue
daily bread.
There be (as I heard a worthy Diuine ob
The Citie of Peace.
ſerue) three
maine Ri uers in the land, where of this is held the beſt: and this Citie is placed in the beſt
Seate of the Riuer, vpon the gentle riſing of a hill, in the beſt ayre, and richeſt
When a Cour tier gaue it out, That Queene Mary being diſ pleaſed with the Citie, threatned to diuert both
Tearme and Parliament to Oxford: an Alder man aſked
whether ſhee meant to turne the cha nell of the
Thames thi ther, or no: if not, ſaith hee, by Gods grace we
The Citie of Peace.
ſhall doe well enough. The lines are fallen to vs in pleaſant places,
Pſal. 16.
wee haue a goodly Heritage. Both the Elements are
our friends; the Earth ſends vs in her fruites, the Sea her merchan diſe. Wee are neere enough the benefits, and farre enough from the
dangers of the Ocean. Nothing is wanting to the conſummation of our happineſſe: to
vs in our owne Coun trey, in our owne Citie, in our
owne Houſes, but that which keepes men in their wits, Tem
The Citie of Peace.
perance, and
Thankful neſſe.
But doe wee not re quite this Riuer of Pro ſperitie, with vngrateful impietie? and vſe the Ocean
of Gods boun tie, as wee doe the Thames? It brings
vs in all manner of proui ſion; Clothes to couer vs,
Fuell to warme vs, Food to nouriſh vs, Wine to cheare vs, Gold to enrich vs: and we
recompenſe, foile it with our rubbiſh, filth, common ſewers, & ſuch excretions. It
yeeldes vs all manner of good
The Citie of Peace.
things, and we requite it with
all plentie of bad things. It comes flowing in with our commodi ties, & we ſend it loaden backe with our iniuries.
Such toward God is the impious ingratitude of this famous Citie, which elſe had no
Para lell vnder the Sunne. Shee may not vnfitly
bee compared to certaine Pictures, that re preſent to diuers behol ders, at diuers ſtations, diuers formes. Look ing one way, you ſee a beautifull Virgine: an other way, ſome defor
The Citie of Peace.
med monſter.
Caſt an eye vpon her Profeſſi on, ſhee is a well
grac’d creature: turne it vpon her conuerſation, ſhee is a miſhapen ſtigmaticke. View
Peace, ſhee is fayrer then the daugh ters of men : viewe her Pride, the children of the Hittites and Amo rites are beautious to her. Think of her good works, then Bleſſed art thou of the Lord: num ber her ſinnes, then How is that
faithfull Citie be come an harlot This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)!19
Eſa. 1.
To tell of her Charitie, and how many hundreds ſhe
The Citie of Peace.
feedes in a yeare, you will
ſay with Paul, In this I praiſe her. To tell of her oppreſſions, and how many thouſands ſhee
vndoes in a yeare, you will ſay with him againe, In this
I praiſe her not. Behold her like a Nourſe drawing her Breſts, and giuing milke
to Orphans, you wiſh her Cup to runne ouer with fulneſſe. Behold her like a Horſe
ſucking the blood of the Church, to feede her owne ſacrilegious aua rice; you will ſay her Cup is too full. When
The Citie of Peace.
wee thinke of
her pro ſperitie, wee wonder at her impietie: when
we thinke of her impietie, wee wonder at her pro ſperitie. O that her Ci tizens would learne to
mannage their liberall fortunes, and to enter taine
the Riuer of Peace that makes glad the Citie of God, with Humilitie and Sobrietie. That when
Death ſhall diſ franchiſe them heere, they may be
made free aboue, in that tryumphant Citie, whoſe
glory hath neither meaſure, nor end.
The Citie of Peace.
The Life of the Citizens
The Life of the
Is Loue:
The life of
for without the loue of men there can be no peace of God, and there is
no loue of God in them that deſire not peace with men. He that loues not the members,
neuer a friend to the Head. To ſay we loue
Chriſt, and hate a Chriſtian; is as if a man, while hee was ſaluting or proteſting
loue to
his freind, ſhould tread on his toes. I know indeed, that euery creature is to bee
but in ordine ad Deum :
The Citie of Peace.
Religion doth
not for bid, but rectifie our af fections. Our Parents, ſpouſes, children, allies, countrymen,
neighbors, friends; haue all their due places in our loue: and it were a brutifh do ctrine to diſpoſſeſſe vs of theſe humane rela tions. Onely they muſt know their orders and
ſtations, and by no meanes vſurpe vpon God: they muſt not be miſtreſſes, but hand maides to the loue of Chriſt.
But let vs loue them, becauſe they loue God:
The Citie of Peace.
as reflections of our ſight,
which glaunce from the Lord vpon his Image: if God haue their hearts, let them haue
hearts. It is poore to loue a man for that is about him: hee muſt bee loued for that
within him. If wee ſhould account of men as we doe of bagges; prize them beſt that
heauieſt, and meaſure out our loue by the Subſidie-booke; ho nouring a man becauſe he is well cloathed: I ſee then no reaſon,
but wee ſhould doe greater
The Citie of Peace.
reuerence to
the Baſon and Euer on the ſtall, then to the Goldſmith in the Shop; and moſt humbly
Sattin & Veluet in whole pieces, becauſe their virgin-glo ry was neuer yet raui ſhed
and abuſed into fa ſhion.
No, but eſpecially let vs loue others, becauſe they feare God, and ſerue Ieſus Chriſt.
For as the braine is to the ſinewes, the liuer to the veines, and the heart to the
arteries; ſo is Gods loue to humane ſocie ties: as
the very ſoule
The Citie of Peace.
by which they liue, and the
forme that giues them being. Otherwiſe our companies are con ſpiracies; when we fall in one with another, to fall out with God.
Let vs beginne our loues a boue, deriuing this holy
fire from the Altar of Heauen; let our faith inkindle it at the heart of Chriſt, and
like the Cherubins, wee ſhall looke graciouſly one vp on another, while all faithfully looke vp to the Mercy-ſeate of God.
The Citie of Peace.
The generall State of this Citie.
The generall State
of this Citie.
This is the Corollary of all;
The Eſtate.
euery particular
being caſt vp, heere is the ſumme; her vniuer ſall
felicitie. For the il luſtration whereof, it will
not bee vnuſefull, to borrow an inſtance: and wee need not tra uell farre to ſeeke out ſuch an image or reſem blance.
Looke wee vpon our owne Nation, the hap py Module
of this Citie of peace. It was ſayd, that in Rome a man might ſee all Countries:
The Citie of Peace.
and the Romans vſed to ſolace
themſelues; It is good looking on a Map of the
World, vbi nihil in orbe
videmus alienum , when wee find nothing in the world which is not our owne.
What doth the whole earth produce, which is not yeelded to our enioy ing? What was once ſayd of Ormus, is true of this Citie, Turne the world into a Ring, and this is the
Diamond of it. Like to Gideons Fleece, it hath
been wet with the dewe of hea uen, when drought was
The Citie of Peace.
on the whole
earth be ſides: Or like Nylus, which keeps within the Bankes, when other
Ri uers ouerflow their con tinents. Some Nations haue peace, but with out the Truth: other haue the Trueth, but without Peace: wee haue
both Truth and Peace. Our neighbours haue beene exerciſed with troubles, whirled about
with hoſtile tu mults; their eares af frighted with the thun der of thoſe murdering pieces: their eyes aga ſhed with their Temples
The Citie of Peace.
and Tabernacles fla ming about their heads: Infants bleeding vpon the
ſtones, and their a mazed mothers raui ſhed ere they can bee permitted to die. The ſhrikes
of the dying, and ſlauery of the liuing, vn der the
mercileſſe hands of a killing or inſulting aduerſary; theſe haue beene their diſtracting
obiects: none of them come neere vs. There is no rifling of houſes, no flying to refuges,
no rotting in Dungeons, no ruinating of Monuments, no ſwelling the
The Citie of Peace.
chanels with
blood, no fiering of Cities, no Rapes of Virgines, no daſhing of Babes againſt the
nor caſting them, as they droppe from their mothers wombes, into their mothers flames.
in ſtead of theſe, the truth of the Goſpell is prea ched, pietie profeſſed, the practiſe of it encouraged; Grace promiſing, and Peace
performing, bleſſed rewards.
That is verified in vs, which is recorded of the dayes of Solomon; That hee
had peace on all
The Citie of Peace.
ſides round about him:
1. Kings
4. 25.
and Iudah & Iſrael dwelt ſafely, euery man vnder his
Vine, and vnder his Figgetree, from Dan to Beerſheba. Or as Syluius ſayd of Rhodes; Semper in ſole ſita
eſt . The Sun ſhine of mercy embra ceth vs, and hath made vs a day of peace, not ſhorter
then ſixty yeres: the fauours of God o uerſhadowing
vs, as the Cherubins did the Mer cie-Seat. I know
that Rome frets at this, and let the Harlot rage her heart out: ſhee thun ders out Curſes, but
The Citie of Peace.
(praiſed bee
God) wee neuer more proſpered, then when the Pope moſt curſed vs. Yea, O Lord, thogh
curſe, doe thou bleſſe: their thunder doth more fear then hurt, thy fauour doth more
then they can blaſt. Conuert or confound them that haue euill will at Sion: & ſtill
let vs inherit thy Peace, that thou mayſt inherit
our praiſe.
This is the Reward of Peace, and of all thoſe
that in ſincerity of heart loue her:
2. Cor. 13. 11.
the God of peace ſhall be with them. There
The Citie of Peace.
be ſix kinds of peace, but the
peace of God con taines all the reſt. The peace of God paſſeth all vn derſtanding : therefore whoſoeuer looſeth this peace, hath
a loſſe paſt all vnderſtanding. But Chriſt foretold vs, that in the world wee ſhall haue no
Ioh. 16. 33.
Indeed no peace Quoad oppoſitionem ſecu li , yet much peace quoad diſpoſitionẽ Domini . The
moſt ſauage diſturbers, Si non
reformentur ne pereant, tamen reprimentur ne perimant : if they bee not
reformed to ſaue thẽ themſelues, they ſhall be
The Citie of Peace.
from harming vs. If they will not do vs the good they ſhould, yet they ſhall not doe
the euill they would. Vel inimieus
tuus non mane bit, vel non manebit inimi cus . Either our enemies ſhall not liue,
or they ſhall not liue our ene mies.
Pſal. 58.
1This text has been supplied. Reason: The ink has faded, obscuring the text. Evidence:
The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MS)020.
Either the
righteous ſhal reioyce whẽ they ſee the vengeance, and waſh their feet in the blood
the wic ked. Or the Lord wil giue them fauour in
the ſight of their enemies,
Exod. 11.
and thoſe that hated them, ſhall cleaue vnto
From hence ariſeth
The Citie of Peace.
peace with our ſelues: a
conformitie of affection to reaſon, of reaſon to grace: that the con flicts which a diſtreſſed conſcience finds with legall terrors,
ſhall bee turned to mild embracements. Faith leading the vnder ſtãding, the vnderſtãding guiding the wil, the will ruling the
operatiue po wers, & Chriſt Ieſus go uerning all. For indeed hee is the Fountaine of
Rom. 5. 1.
and wee through him beeing
iuſtified by faith, haue peace with God. Through the corrupti on of our nature, and Iu-
The Citie of Peace.
ſtice of Gods
nature, we are enemies: and there is no reconciliation, but through the blood o the
euerlaſting Coue nant. He reconciles vs to God,
as Ioab did Abſolon to Dauid by the woman of Tekoah: when the whole family roſe vp, & ſaid,
Deliuer him that ſmote his brother,
2 Sam. 14
that wee may take his life for the life of the
ſlaine: and ſo the father & mother ſhal
haue no name nor remain der vpon earth .
God hath two ſorts of ſons Angels & men: the Angels that fel, are loſt for euer: men
The Citie of Peace.
fel, if they were loſt too,
where ſhould God haue ſonnes? I know that he needs not man: he hath ſtil the elect
and is able to raiſe ſonnes of ſtones: he can want no thing while he poſſeſſeth himſelf. Wel, yet in mer cy Chriſt reconciles vs: Dauid aſkes,
Is not the hand of Ioab in all this? ſo we may
admire, Is not the hãd of Ieſus in all this? Yes,
hee hath made our peace. The Miniſter al wayes ends
his publicke deuotions with the peace of God,
& the bleſſing of this Peace reſt vpon vs.
The Citie of Peace.
Thus wee haue a reall abridgment of this my ſtical
Citie of Peace; happy euery way. Vigilanc ie is her Officer
of Peace; that hath an eye in the darkeſt angles, and diſ couers the firſt concep tions
of ſtrife. Diſci pline is her Clerke of the peace, that keepes the Records, and
indicts of fenders. Authoritie is her Iuſtice of peace: that if any will not be ruled,
binds them ouer to the peace. Equitie is her Burſe, where men exchange kindnes for kind nes: on whoſe ſtayres
The Citie of Peace.
Iniurie and impoſture durſt
neuer ſet their foule feet. Truth is her Standard, which with the Trumpet of Fame ſhall reſound her happi nes to all nations. Plenty is her Treaſurer, Li beralitie her Almoner, Conſcience her Chance lor , Wiſdome her Coun ſeller ,
Prayer her Clerk of the Cloſet, Faith her Crowne, Iuſtice her Scep ter , Maſculine Vertues her Peeres, Graces her Attendants, and Nobi litie her Maid of Honor.
All her Garments are greene and orient; all
The Citie of Peace.
her paths bee
Milke, her words Oracles, and her works Miracles: making the blind to ſee, and the
lame to
goe, by a merci full ſupply to their de fects. Her breath is ſwee ter then the new blowen Roſe; millions of ſoules lie ſucking their
life frõ it: and the ſmell of her garments is like the ſmel of Lebanon. Her ſmiles are more reuiuing then the
Vertumnall Sunne ſhine: and her fauours, like
ſeaſonable dewes, ſpring vp flowers and fruits whereſoeuer ſhee walks. Holineſſe is
The Citie of Peace.
Canopie of State ouer her head, and Tranquilitie
the Arras where ſhe ſets her foot. All her Ser uants
wait in order; and can with contentfull knowledge, diſtinguiſh and accept their owne
places. Her Court is an Image of Paradiſe; all
her channels ſlow with milke, and her Conduits runne wine. Enuy and murmuring, as
priuy to
their owne guilt, flye from her Preſence. Her Guard conſiſts not of men, but Angels: and they pitch their Tents about her
Palace. Laſt-
The Citie of Peace.
ly, hauing
preſerued and bleſſed all her children on earth, ſhee goes with them to heauen; is
wel comed into the armes of her Father, inueſted Queene
with a Diadem of glory, & poſſeſſed of thoſe ioyes, vnto which Time ſhall neuer
An End.
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Adams, Thomas. The works
of Thomas Adams: being the sum of his sermons, meditations, and other divine and moral
discourses. Ed. James Nichol. Vol. 3. Edinburgh: James
Nichol, 1861–1862. Babel Haithi Trust. Open.
Adams, Thomas. Eirenopolis.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
Chicago citation
Adams, Thomas. Eirenopolis.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020.
APA citation
Adams, T. 2020. Eirenopolis. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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T1 Eirenopolis
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
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FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#ADAM3"><surname>Adams</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>.
<title level="a">Eirenopolis</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>,
edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>,
<ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Junior Programmer, 2018-present. Tracey is a PhD candidate in the English Department
the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on Critical Technical Practice, more
specifically Algorhythmics. She is interested in how technologies communicate without
humans, affecting social and cultural environments in complex ways.
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017.
Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department
of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in
(with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary
research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature,
critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate
honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.
Research Assistant, 2012-2013. Michael Stevens began his MA at Trinity College Dublin
and then transferred to the University of Victoria, where he completed it in early
2013. His
research focused on transnational modernism and geospatial considerations of literature.
prepared a digital map of James Joyce’s Ulysses for his MA project.
Michael was a talented photographer and was responsible for taking most of the MoEML
photographs appearing on this site.
Research Assistant, 2012–2013. Cameron Butt completed his undergraduate honours degree
English at the University of Victoria in 2013. He minored in French and has a keen
in Shakespeare, film, media studies, popular culture, and the geohumanities.
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present. Associate Project Director, 2015–present.
Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014. MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander
to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge
digital humanities project at the University of
Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union
catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth
centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the
curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare
Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on
paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor.
She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts,
and is
interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these
materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler,
has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able
to bring
her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director
of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer
Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of
Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A
Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If
You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and
Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,
Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan
Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance
Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book
chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early
Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage,
The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre
Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching
Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity
in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the
Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early
Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern
English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names:
Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making
Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking
Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies
(Routledge, 2018).
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle. Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth
Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and
Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145.
Jenstad, Janelle. The
Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.The
Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L.
Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202.
Jenstad, Janelle. The City Cannot Hold You: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s
Shop.Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..
Jenstad, Janelle. The Gouldesmythes Storehowse: Early Evidence for
Specialisation.The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.
Jenstad, Janelle. Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil
Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373.
Jenstad, Janelle. Public
Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed.
Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Smock
Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine
Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Using
Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed.
Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah
Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &
nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and
the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC).
Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database
implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the
and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant
MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.
Thomas Adams authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Adams, Thomas. The
deuills banket described in foure sermons. London: Thomas Snodham, 1614.
STC 110.5. EEBO.
Adams, Thomas. Diseases
of the soule a discourse diuine, morall, and physicall. London: George
Purslower for John Badge, 1616. STC 109. EEBO.
Adams, Thomas. Mystical
bedlam, or the vvorld of mad-men. London: n.p., 1615. STC 124. EEBO. Subscr.
Adams, Thomas. The works
of Thomas Adams: being the sum of his sermons, meditations, and other divine and moral
discourses. Ed. James Nichol. Vol. 3. Edinburgh: James
Nichol, 1861–1862. Babel Haithi Trust. Open.
Henry Harben describes the general location of St. Paul’s Alley in noting that it
is In Castle Baynard Ward and Farringdon Ward Within (Harben 459). Also known simply as Paul’s Alley, the lane’s positioning on Ogilby and Morgan’s 1677 map is directly north of the west end St. Paul’s Cathedal. The alley runs north-to-south and intersects with Paternoster Row. The alley, like St. Paul’s Cathedral itself, was integral to the early modern book
St. Paul’s Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
Originally built as a Roman fortification for the provincial city of Londinium in the second century C.E., the London Wall remained a material and spatial boundary for the city throughout the early modern
period. Described by Stow as high and great (Stow 1: 8), the London Wall dominated the cityscape and spatial imaginations of Londoners for centuries. Increasingly,
the eighteen-foot high wall created a pressurized constraint on the growing city;
the various gates functioned as relief valves where development spilled out to occupy
spaces outside the wall.
Aldgate was the easternmost gate into the walled
city. The name Aldgate is thought to come from one of four sources:
Æst geat meaning Eastern gate (Ekwall 36), Alegate from the Old
English ealu meaning ale,Aelgate from
the Saxon meaning public gate or open to all, or Aeldgate
meaning old gate (Bebbington
St. Paul’s Cathedral was—and remains—an important church in London. In 962, while London was occupied by the Danes, St. Paul’s monastery was burnt and raised anew. The
church survived the Norman conquest of 1066, but in 1087 it was burnt again.
An ambitious Bishop named Maurice took the opportunity to build a new St. Paul’s, even petitioning the king
to offer a piece of land belonging to one of his castles (Times 115). The building Maurice initiated would
become the cathedral of St. Paul’s
which survived until the Great Fire of London.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is mentioned in the following documents:
Early English Books Online–Text Creation
The EEBO-TCP is a partnership
with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate,
fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early
English Books Online Database.Website.
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
First Transcriber
First Transcribers
This organization is mentioned in the following documents: