The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward

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WAlbrooke Ward be
ginneth at the west
end of Candlewicke
street Ward
. It run
neth down Candle
wicke street
, West
toward Budge row.
It hath on the
North side thereof S. Swithens Lane, so
called of S. Swithens, a Parish Church
by London-stone. This Lane is repleni
shed (on both the sides) with faire buil
ded houses, and is wholly of Walbrooke
. The said Parish Church of S.
standeth at the South-west cor
ner of this lane. Licence was procured,
to new build and increase the said
Church and Steeple, in the yeere 1420.
Sir Iohn Hend, Draper, Maior, was an
especiall Benefactor thereunto, as ap
peareth by his Armes in the Glasse-windowes,
even in the tops of them;
which is in a Field Argent, a chiefe A
zure, a Lion passant Argent, a Cheve
ron Azure, three Escalops Argent. He
lyeth buried in the body of this Church,
with a faire stone laid on him, but the
Plates and inscriptions are defaced.
Roger Depham, Alderman.
Thomas Aylesbourgh, William Neve,
and Matilde Caxton, founded Chaun
tries, and were buried there.
Iohn Butler, Draper, one of the She
riffes, 1420.
Ralph Iocoline, Maior, a Benefactor,
buried in a faire Tombe.
William White, Draper, one of the She
riffes, 1482. and others.
A faire Tombe in the East end of the North Ile.
Stephanus Slanie, Miles, Senator, Viceco
comes et Praetor clementissimae istius Vr
bis; Cum summa fide, nec minore pru
dentia iis Honoribus functus fuisset, Et
ex Margareta Conjuge, Filia Gaspari
, Armig. quinque filios & sex
filias suscepisset: Tandem satur annis,
Aetatis 84. Salutis, 1608. Decembris
. Animam Coelo, corpus humo red
Stephanus, filior, natu maximus, superstite
Anna unica filia ex Catharina, filia Wal
teri Aston
, Militis. Obiit Gasparus &
Thomas Coelibes, Richardus Biennis, Ti
motheus Bimestris
obierunt. Maria
primogenita superstes, nupta primum
Richarde Broadgate, Mercatori, deinde
Humphrey Weld, Militi, Maiori istius
Civitatis: Alicia moritur, Elizabetha
superstes nupta Samueli Lennard, Mili
ti. Alicia obiit: Anna nupta Thomae
, Armig. cui cum tres liberos
superstites peperisset, è vita migravit.
Martha Coelebs expiravit.
In Obitum viri verè Venerabilis,
Domini Ioannis Hart, Equitis, olim hu
jus Civitatis Praetoris, & hujus Ec
clesiae Patroni, Carmen Funebre.
QVis laudes memorare
A goodly Tombe, East, in the upper end of the South Ile,
tuas? Quis facta valebit
Nuper ad Aethereos
Harte reverse polos?
Quis genium ingenium
magnaeque capacia Curae
Pectora, Londino
pectora grata tuo?
Aspice qui dubitas,
surgentia culmina Musis,
Illa sub arctois
qua jacet ora plagis,
Nunc obiit. Cohibe
lachrymas, nec credito Lector
Vitam, quae fuerat
non nisi sancta, brevem.

Neere this place lyeth the body of the wor
A faire Monumēt in the South wal of the Church.
Randall Manning, Esquire,
Merchant-Adventurer, Citizen and
Skinner of London: who had to wife,
Katharine, daughter of Nicholas Dew
, Citizen and Goldsmith ofLondon:
And had by her sundry children, where
of eight married, and sixe of them were
living at his death. He departed this
life at the age of 78. yeeres, on the nine
teenth day of Ianuary, Anno Domini,
Master Bartholomew Barnes,
A small Memorie on a pil
lar in the middle Ile
Mercer, and Merchant-Adventurer, a
worshipfull and wise Gentleman, and a
worthy friend and favourer of Reli
gion. He had fined both for Sheriffe and
Alderman, and at last, being 61. yeeres
old, sickned, died, and was buried at
Bathe, October the first, 1606. and left
behind him Margaret his wife; by whom
he had issue, Bartholomew, Margaret
and Mary.
tumulo Barnesius isti
Nomen adest, non cum
nomine corpus inest.
Sexaginta nimis,
quem sex donasse ministros
Constat, erat tantus
Religionis amor.
Attigerat summes
quos abnuit urbis honores,
Subcomitis fasces,
patriciamque togam.
Iamque sui luctum
desideriumque reliquit
Nato & natabus
cum genetrice tribus.
In the middle Ile lyeth the body of Walter
In the middle Ile upon a pillar.
of this Citie and Parish, Mer
chant-taylor, who departed this life in
March, 1607. Also of Elizabeth his
Wife, daughter of Robert Delacre, who
dyed in Anno 1595. And had together
five sonnes, and one daughter, and left
living three sonnes, John, Edward and
Thomas. John Plummer ofLondon,
Esquire, one of those sonnes, dyed in Sep
tember, 1603
. and lyeth here buried:
who had two sonnes, and one daughter,
wherof John and Elizabeth were living
at his death, and his wife with child of a
third sonne.
Discesserunt è vita Anno Aetatum suarum
78. & 58.
No living creature lives so long,
A faire plated stone in the mid
dle Ile.
but once must needs give place,
When dolefull Death, that Champion strong,
arrests them with his Mace.
Example take by me,
which did my life enjoy
The space of sixty yeeres, lacke three,
which Death did then destroy.
Like thee I was sometime,
but now am turn’d to dust,
As thou at length (O earth and slime)
returne to ashes must.
a brother I became,
A long time in the Livery,
I lived of the same.
Then Death that deadly stroke did give,
which now my joyes doth frame,
In Christ I dyed, by Christ to live,
John Rogers was my name.
My loving wife and children two,
my place behind supply,
God grant them living so to doe,
that they in him may dye.
Hee departed the 5. day of August,
An. Dom. 1576
. And she then living,
did also decease the, &c.
Triste puer Carmen
Patris posui Monumente,
Hic lapis ut possit
Carmina scripta loqui.
This sorrowfull Verse, I silly sonne
my Fathers Grave did give,
That it might speake now he is dead,
as though he still did live.
On the North side of this Church
and Church-yard, is one faire and large
builded house,
Prior of Tortington his Inne.
sometime pertaining to
the Prior of Tortington in Sussex, since
to the Earles of Oxford, lately to Sir
Iohn Hart,
Oxford Place by London
Alderman, and now to Ma
ster Humphrey Smith, Alderman of this
Citie: which house hath a faire Gar
den belonging thereunto, lying on the
West side therof. On the backe
side of two other houses in Walbrooke,
in the reigne of King Henry the seventh,
Sir Richard Empson, Knight, Chan
cellour of the Dutchie of Lancaster,

dwelled in one of them, and Edmond
, Esquire, in the other: either of
them had a doore of entercourse into
this Garden, wherin they met, and con
sulted on matters at their pleasures. In
this Oxford Place Sir Ambrose Nicholas
kept his Maioraltie: since him, the said
Sir Iohn Hart; and now the said Master
Humphrey Smith dwelleth in it.
On the South side of this high street, neere unto the channell, is pitched up
right a great stone, called London-stone,
fixed in the ground very deepe, fastned
with barres of Iron, and otherwise so
strongly set, that if Carts doe runne a
gainst it through negligence, the
wheeles be broken, and the stone it selfe
The cause why this stone was there
set, the time when, or other memory
thereof is none; but that the same hath
long continued there, is manifest, name
ly, since (or rather before) the Conquest.
For in the end of a faire written Gospell
Lib. Trint.
given to Christs Church in Can
Antiquity of London stone.
by Ethelstane, King of the West
Saxons, I finde noted of Lands or Rents
inLondon belonging to the said Church,
whereof one parcell is described to lye
neere unto London-stone. Of later time
we reade, that in the yeere of Christ,
1135. the first of King Stephen, a fire,
which began in the house of one Ali
, neere unto London-stone, consu
med all East to Ealdgate, in which fire
the Priory of the holy Trinity was burnt,
and West to S. Erkenwalds shrine in
Pauls Church: and these be the eldest
notes that I reade thereof.
Some have said,
Read Mr. Iohn Speed, what he saith ther
of, and of the like stones.
this stone to be set
there, as a marke in the middle of the
Citie within the wall: but in truth it
standeth farre neerer to the River of
Thames, than to the wall of the Citie.
Some others have said, the same to
be set, for the tendering and making of
payment by debtors to their creditors,
at their appointed dayes and times, till
of later time, payments were more usu
ally made at the Font in Ponts Church,
and now most commonly at the Royall
Exchange. Some againe have imagined,
the same to be set up by one Iohn or Tho
mas London-stone
, dwelling there against
it; but more likely it is, that such men
have taken name of the Stone, than the
Stone of them; as did Iohn at Noke,
Thomas at Stile, William at Wall, or
at Well, &c.
Down west from this Parish Church,
and from London-stone,
VValbrooke street.
have yee VVal
corner: from whence runneth up
a street, North to the Stocks, called Wal
, because it standeth on the East
side of the same Brooke, by the Banke
thereof, and the whole Ward taketh
name of that street. On the East side of
this street, and at the North corner ther
of, is the Stockes Market, which had
this beginning:
About the yeere of Christ,
Stockes Market.
Henry Wallis, Maior, caused divers hou
ses in this Citie to be builded towards
the maintenance ofLondon Bridge;
namely, in one void place, neere unto
the Parish Church, called Wooll-church,
on the North side thereof, where some
time (the way being very large & broad)
had stood a paire of stocks, for punish
ment of offenders. This building tooke
name of those stocks, and was appoin
ted (by him) to be a Market-place for
fish and flesh in the midst of the Citie.
The midst of the Ci

Other houses be builded in other places,
as by Patent of Edward the first it doth
appeare, dated the tenth of his reigne.
After this, in the yeere 1322. the 17.
of Edw. 2. a decree was made by Ha
mond Chickwell
, Maior, that none should
sell fish or flesh out of the markets ap
pointed, to wit, Bridge-street, East-cheap,
Old fish-street
, S. Nicholas shambles, and
the said Stocks, on paine to forfeit such
fish or flesh as were there sold, for the
first time, and the second time to lose
their freedome: which Act was made
by commandement of the King, under
his Letters Patents, dated at the Tower
the 17. of his reigne: and then was this
Stocks let to farme for 46. l. 13. s. 4. d. by
Ro. Fabian.
This Stockes Market was againe
begun to be builded, in the yeere 1410.
in the 11. of Henry the 4. and was fini
shed in the yeere next following. In the
yeere 1507. the same was rented 56. l.
19. s. 10. d. And in the yeere 1543. Iohn
being Maior, there was in this
Stockes Market for Fishmongers, 25.
boords or stalles, rented yeerely to thir
ty foure pounds, thirteene shillings,
foure pence: there was for Butchers
18. boords or stalles, rented at one and

forty pounds, sixteene shillings, foure
pence; and there were also Chambers
above, sixteene, rented at five pounds
thirteene shillings foure pence, in all,
82. l. 3. s.
Next unto this Stockes is the Parish
Church of S. Mary Wooll-Church,
Parish Church of S. Mary Wooll Church.
so cal
led of a Beame placed in the Church
yard, which was thereof called Wooll-Church
, of the Tronage or weigh
ing of Wooll there used.
Tronage or weigh
ing of wooll, cau
sed the Church to be called VVooll-Church Haw.
And to veri
fie this, I finde amongst the Customes
ofLondon, written in French, in the reign
of Edward the second, a Chapter inti
tuled, Les Customes de VVooll-Church
, wherein is set downe, what was
there to bee paid for every parcell of
Wooll weighed. This Tronage, or
weighing of Wooll, till the sixth of Ri
the second, was there continued:
Iohn Churchman then builded the Cu
upon VVooll Key, to serve for
the said Tronage, as is before shewed
in Tower-street Ward.
This Church is reasonable faire and
large, and was lately new builded, by
Licence granted in the 20. of Henry the
sixth, with condition to be builded 15.
foot from the Stockes Market, for spa
ring of light to the said Stocks. The Par
son of this Church is to have 4. markes
the yeere, for tythe of the said Stockes,
paid him by the Masters of the Bridge-house,
by a speciall decree made the se
cond of Henry the seventh.
Iohn VVingar, Grocer, Maior 1504.
was a great helper to the building of
this Church, and was there buried,
1505. Hee gave unto it by his Testa
ment, two large Basons of Silver, and
20. pounds in money.
Also Richard Shore, Draper, one of
the Sheriffes, 1505. was a great Bene
factor in his life, and by his Testa
ment, gave twenty pounds, to make
a Porch at the West end thereof, and
was there buried.
Richard Hatfield of Steplemorden in Cam
, lyeth entombed there,
Edward Deoly, Esquire, 1467.
Iohn Hanford, Grocer, made the Font
of that Church, very curiously wrought,
painted and guilded, and was there bu
Iohn Archer, Fishmonger, 487.
Anne Cawood founded a Chauntrie
there, &c.
In Sevenoke,
A faire stone at the Chan
cell doore within.
the world my Mother brought me,
Hawlden House in Kent,
with Armes ever honour’d me;
Westminster Hall
(thirty six yeeres after) knew me.
Then Seeking Heaven,
Heaven from the world tooke me.
VVhilome alive,
Thomas Scot men called me:
Now laid in Grave,
Oblivion covereth me.
From the Stockes Market, and this
Parish Church, East up into Lombard
, some foure or five houses on a
side, and also on the South side of Wool-Church,
der lane.
have ye Beare-binder lane, a part
whereof is of this VValbrooke Ward.
Then downe lower in the street cal
led VValbrooke,
Parish Church of S. Stephen by VVal
is one other faire Church
of S. Stephen, lately builded on the East
side thereof: for the old Church stood
on the West side, in place where now
standeth the Parsonage House, and
therfore so much neerer to the Brooke,
even on the banke.
Robert Chichly, Maior in the yeere
1428. the sixth of Henry the sixth, gave
to this Parish of S. Stephen one plot of
ground, containing 208. foot and a halfe
in length, and 66. foot in breadth, there
upon to build their new Church, and
for their Churchyard. And in the se
venth of Henry the sixth, the said Robert
(one of the Founders) said the first stone
for himselfe, the second for VVilliam
, Maior, with whose goods the
ground that the Church standeth on,
and the housing, with the ground of the
Church-yard, was bought by the said
Chichley for two hundred markes from
the Grocers, which had been letten be
fore for 26. markes the yeere. Robert
, Draper, laid the third
stone. Henry Barton then Maior, &c.
The said Chichler gave more 100. l.
to the said Worke, and bare the charges
of all the Timber-worke on the Proces
sion way, and laid the Lead upon it of
his owne cost. He also gave all the tim
ber for the roofing of the two side Iles,
and paid for the carriage thereof.

This Church was finished in the
yeere 1439. The breadth thereof is 67.
foot, and length 125. foot; the Church
yard 90. foot in length, and 37. in
breadth, and more. Robert Whitting
(made Knight of the Bath) in the
yeere 1432. purchased the patronage
of this Church from Iohn, Duke of Bed
, Vncle to Henry the sixth, and Ed
the fourth, in the second of his
reigne, and gave it to Richard Lee, then
There be Monuments in this Church
of Thomas Southwell, first Parson of this
new Church, who lyeth buried in the
Iohn Dunstable, Master of Astrono
mie and Musicke, in the yeere 1453.
Sir Richard Lee, Maior twice, who
gave the said Parsonage to the Grocers.
Rowland Hill, Maior, 1549.
Sir Thomas Pope, first Treasurer of
the Augmentations, with his Wife
Dame Margaret.
Sir Iohn Cootes, Maior, 1542.
Sir Iohn Yorke, Knight, Merchant-Taylor,
Edward Iackman, Sheriffe, 1564.
Richard Acheley, Grocer.
Doctor Owen, Physician to King Hen
the 8.
Iohn Kirkbie, Grocer, 1578. and o
A friend to Vertue,
In the South Ile on the ground, a faire stone
a lover of Learning,
A foe to Vice,
and vehement Corrector,
A prudent person,
all Truth supporting,
A Citizen sage,
and worthy Counsellor,
A lover of VVisedome,
of Iustice a furtherer:
Loe, here his corps lyeth,
Sir Rowland Hill by name,
ofLondon late Lord Maior,
and Alderman of fame.
Venerabili viro Rogero Fenton,
Vnder the Commu
nion Ta
ensi, Aulae Penbrochianae in Academia
Cantabrigiensi olim socio, Sacrae Theo
logiae Doctori, viro insigniter docto, pio,
dilecto, sed immatura nimis morte ob
repto: Sancti Stephani sua (dum viveret)
Parochia, ex justo sensu & sui & cōmunis
damni; hoc pii doloris testimonium cor
dibus prius impressum viventium, jam{que}
lapide tantum expressum Monumentum,
ut sacrum amoris sui memoriale,
Cum perpetuae memoriae voto po
suit. Qui obiit 16. Jan. An. Dom.
1615. Aetatis suae, 50.
Clauditur hoc tumulo,
Two faire plated stones in the Chan
cell, each by other.
qui Coelum pectore clausit
Dunstaple 1. juris,
Astrorum conscius illo
Iudice novit hiramis
abscondita pandere coeli.
Hic vir erat tua laus,
tua lux, tua musica princeps,
Quique tuas dulces
per mundum sperseratonus,
Anno Mil. Equater,
semel L. trius jungito Christi.
Pridie natale sidus
transmigrat ad astra,
Suscipiant proprium
civem coeli sibi cives.
Musarum doctus
pietatis fidus alumnus,
Another faire stone close by it.
Edwardus Monecroft
corpus inane jacet:
Spiritus Aetherea superest
tamen arce receptis,
Quo sibi dum vixit
januit ante viam.
Mens pia, larga manus
parsim dispersit egenis,
Divitias Coeli
Divitias{que} Soli.
Within this Grave entombed lyes,
In the Chancell aside.
a man of honest fame,
A Grocer of this Noble Towne,
Iohn Kirkbie was his name.
He lived forty yeeres and nine,
in credit with the best:
He dyed such time as here you see,
his soule in heaven doth rest.
Obiit 17. die Iulii, An. Dom. 1578.
Hic jacet Thomas Pope,
An anci
ent Tomb in the North Ile of the Quire.
primus Thesaura
rius Augmentationum: Et domina Mar
gareta uxor ejus: Quae quidem Marga
reta obiit 16. die Ianuarii, An. Dom.
This life hath on earth
no certaine while,

Example by John, Mary,
A faire Grave
stone in the North Cloyster.
and Oliver Stile,
Who under this stone
lye buried in the dust,
And putteth you in memory
that dye all must.
John Stile borne in An. 1582.
the 22. of May,
Dyed in An. 1583.
of Iune the 25. day.
Also the 5. of October, 1583.
Mary Stile borne was,
The 5. of August, 1585.
out of this life did passe.
Oliver Stile the 25. of February, 1584.
this mortall life begun,
And ended the same the 9. of August, 1585.
his course then being run.
Thus may you see,
that as you are, so were we,
And as we now be,
even so shall ye.
Yet none can tell
the hower, nor whan,
That gift was never
given to man:
Therefore while you
have time and space,
Pray unto God
for mercy and grace.
Lower downe from this Parish
Church, be divers faire houses, namely
one, wherein of late Sir Richard Baker,
a Knight of Kent, was lodged, and wher
in also dwelled Mr. Thomas Gore, a Mer
chant famous for Hospitality.
On the West side of this Walbrooke
, over against the Stockes Market,
is a part of the high street, called the
Poultry, on the South-side west, till
over against S. Mildreds Church, and
the Scalding wike, is of this Ward.
Then downe againe Walbrooke street,
Buckles Bury.

some small distance, is Buckles Bury, a
street so called of Buckle, that sometime
was owner thereof; part of which street
on both sides, three or foure houses, to
the course of the Brook, is of this ward,
and so downe Walbrooke street, to the
South corner: from whence, West,
downe Budge Row, some small distance,
to an Alley, and thorow that Alley,
S. Iohn upō VValbrooke
by the West end of Saint Iohns
Church upon Walbrooke, by the South
side and East end of the same, againe
to Walbrooke corner. This Parish Church
is called S. Iohn upon Walbrooke, because
the West end thereof is on the very
banke of Walbrooke,
Horshooe Bridge in Horshooe Bridge street.
by Horshooe Bridge,
in Horshooe-Bridge street.
This Church was also lately new
builded: for about the yeere 1412. li
cence was granted by the Maior and
Communalty, to the Parson and Parish,
for the inlarging thereof, with a piece
of ground on the North part of the
Quire, one and twenty foot in length,
seventeene foot in breadth, and three
inches; and on the South side of the
Quire, one foot of the common soyle.
There bee no Monuments in this
Church of any account, onely these:
William Combarton, Skinner, who gave
Lands to that Church, was there buried
Iohn Stone, Taylor, one of the She
riffes, 1464. was likewise buried there.
On the South side of Walbrook Ward,
from Candlewicke street, in the mid-way
betwixt London-stone and Walbrooke cor
ner, is a little Lane, with a turnepike
in the middest thereof, and in the same
a proper Parish Church,
Parish Church of S. Mary Bothaw.
called S. Mary
, or Boat-haw, by the Erbar. This
Church being neere unto Downegate, on
the River of Thames, hath the addition
of Bothaw, or Boat-haw, of neere adjoy
ning to an Haw, or Yard, wherein (of
old time) Boats were made, and landed
from Downegate, to be mended, as may
be supposed: for other reason I finde
none, why it should be so called.
Within this Church and the small
Cloystrie adjoyning, divers Noblemen
and persons of Worship have been bu
ried, as appeareth by Armes in the win
dowes, the defaced Tombes, and print
of plates, torne up and carried away:
There remaine onely of Iohn West, E
squire, buried in the yeere 1408.
Thomas Huytley, Esquire, 1539. but
his Monumeut is defaced since.
Lancelot Bathurst, &c.
Here lyeth the body of Lancelot Bathurst,
Citizen, Grocer, and chosen Alderman
of this Honourable Citie: who deceased
the 27. day of September, 1594. &c.
But the most memorable Monument
of all other there, was that of Sir Henry

The first Lord Mai
or of Lon
, Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, bu
ried there.
Draper, the first Lord
Maior ofLondon that ever was, and con
tinued (by several elections) in the Mai
oraltie above 24. yeeres. His dwelling
house remaineth yet in the Parish, di
vided now into two or three houses.
His Monument can be proved to bee in
that Church, as his Armes in the glasse
windowes and Grave-stones doe suffi
ciently shew. Besides, those houses
were his gift to the Drapers, and they
pay a quit-rent in his name yeerely for
ever. All which are sufficient to testifie
that he was not buried in the Priorie of
the holy Trinity within Ealdgate, (now
called the Dukes Place) as formerly hath
beene avowched by Mr. Stowe; but that
there his body resteth, in undoubted
hope of a joyfull resurrection. Such as
make any doubt hereof, may be further
satisfied in the Drapers Hall.
The Erbar is an ancient place so cal
led, but not of Walbrooke Ward, and
therefore out of that Lane, to Walbrooke
corner, and then downe, till over a
gainst the South corner of Saint Iohns
Church upon Walbrooke.
And this is all that I can say of VVal
Ward. It hath an Alderman,
and his Deputy; Common-Counsel
lours, 11. Constables, 9. Scavengers, 6.
for the Wardmote Inquest, 13. and a
Beadle. It is taxed to the Fifteene in
London, at 33. pounds, 5. shillings.

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Walbrooke Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>


