THe next is Bishopsgate Warde,
whereof a part
is without the gate, and of the suburbes from the
barres, by S. Mary Spittle, to Bishopsgate,
and a part of Hounds ditch, almost halfe thereof,
also without the wall is of the same Warde.
Then within the gate is Bishopsgate stréete, so
with two buckets by the East end of the parish church of Saint
Martine Otoswich, and then winding by the West coThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)rner of
Leaden Hall, downe Grasse streete to the corner ouer against
Grasse Church, and this is the boundes of that ward.
is without the gate, and of the suburbes from the
barres, by S. Mary Spittle, to Bishopsgate,
and a part of Hounds ditch, almost halfe thereof,
also without the wall is of the same Warde.
Then within the gate is Bishopsgate stréete, so
called of the gate, to a Pumpe where
sometime was a fayre wellwith two buckets by the East end of the parish church of Saint
Martine Otoswich, and then winding by the West coThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)rner of
Leaden Hall, downe Grasse streete to the corner ouer against
Grasse Church, and this is the boundes of that ward.
Monumentes there most to bee noted, are these: the parish
Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate in a faire Church
yarde, adioyning to the Towne ditch vpon the very banke there
of, but of old time inclosed with a comely wall of bricke, lately re
payred by Sir William Allen Mayor, in the yeare 1571. be
cause he was borne in that parish, where also he was buried.
Church of S. Buttolph without Bishopsgate in a faire Church
yarde, adioyning to the Towne ditch vpon the very banke there
of, but of old time inclosed with a comely wall of bricke, lately re
payred by Sir William Allen Mayor, in the yeare 1571. be
cause he was borne in that parish, where also he was buried.
Now without this Churchyard wall is a causeway leading
to a quadrant, called Petie Fraunce, of Frenchmen dwelling
there, and to other dwelling houses, lately builded on the banke of
the saide ditch by some citizens of London, that more regarded
their owne priuate gaine, then the common good of the Citie: for
by meanes of this causeway raised on the banke, and soylage of
houses, with other filthines cast into the ditch, the same is nowe
forced to a narrow channell, and almost filled vp with vnsauorie
things, to the daunger of impoysoning the whole citie.
to a quadrant, called Petie Fraunce, of Frenchmen dwelling
there, and to other dwelling houses, lately builded on the banke of
the saide ditch by some citizens of London, that more regarded
their owne priuate gaine, then the common good of the Citie: for
by meanes of this causeway raised on the banke, and soylage of
houses, with other filthines cast into the ditch, the same is nowe
forced to a narrow channell, and almost filled vp with vnsauorie
things, to the daunger of impoysoning the whole citie.
Next vnto the parish church of S. Buttolph, is a fayre Inne
for receipt of trauellers: then an Hospitall of S. Mary of Bethe
lem, founded by Simon Fitz Mary one of the Sheriffes of Lon
don, in the yeare 1246. he founded it to haue beene a Priorie of
Cannons with brethren and sisters, and king Edward the thirde
granted a protection, which I haue seene for the brethren, Miliciæ
beatæ Mariæ de Bethlem, within the citie of London, the 14.
yeare of his raigne. It was an Hospitall for distracted people: the
Mayor and communaltie purchased the patronage thereof with al
the lands and tenements thereuuto belonging, in the yeare 1546
the same yeare King Henry the eight gaue the Hospitall
thereof vnto the citie: the Church and chappell whereof were ta
ken downe in the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth, and houses builded
there, by the Gouernors of Christes Hospitall in London. In
this place people that be distraight in wits, are by the suite of their
friendes receyued and kept as afore it was vsed, but not without
charges to their bringers in. In the yere 1569. Sir Thomas Roe
bricke, about one acre of ground, being part of the said Hospitall
of Bethelem, to wit, on the west, on the bancke of déepe ditch, so
called, parting the said hospitall of Bethlem from the More field:
this be did for burial, in ease of such parishes in London as wan
ted ground, conuenient within their parishes. The Ladie his wife
was there buried (by whose persuasion he inclosed it) but himselfe
borne in London was buried in the parish church of Hackney.
for receipt of trauellers: then an Hospitall of S. Mary of Bethe
lem, founded by Simon Fitz Mary one of the Sheriffes of Lon
don, in the yeare 1246. he founded it to haue beene a Priorie of
Cannons with brethren and sisters, and king Edward the thirde
granted a protection, which I haue seene for the brethren, Miliciæ
beatæ Mariæ de Bethlem, within the citie of London, the 14.
yeare of his raigne. It was an Hospitall for distracted people: the
Mayor and communaltie purchased the patronage thereof with al
the lands and tenements thereuuto belonging, in the yeare 1546
the same yeare King Henry the eight gaue the Hospitall
thereof vnto the citie: the Church and chappell whereof were ta
ken downe in the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth, and houses builded
there, by the Gouernors of Christes Hospitall in London. In
this place people that be distraight in wits, are by the suite of their
friendes receyued and kept as afore it was vsed, but not without
charges to their bringers in. In the yere 1569. Sir Thomas Roe
Merchant Taylor Mayor, caused to bee inclosed with a wall
ofbricke, about one acre of ground, being part of the said Hospitall
of Bethelem, to wit, on the west, on the bancke of déepe ditch, so
called, parting the said hospitall of Bethlem from the More field:
this be did for burial, in ease of such parishes in London as wan
ted ground, conuenient within their parishes. The Ladie his wife
was there buried (by whose persuasion he inclosed it) but himselfe
borne in London was buried in the parish church of Hackney.
From this Hospitall Northward vpon the stréetes side many
houses haue beene builded with alleyes backeward, of late time too
much pestered with people (a great cause of infection) vp to the
houses haue beene builded with alleyes backeward, of late time too
much pestered with people (a great cause of infection) vp to the
The other side of this high street from Bishopsgate,
& Hounds
ditch: the first building is a large Inne for receipt of trauellers,
then a faire house of late builded by the Lord Iohn Powlet. Next
to that a farre more large and beautifull house with gardens of
pleasure, bowling alleyes, and such like, builded by Iasper Fisher
free of the Goldsmithes, late one of the sixe Clearkes of the
Chauncery, and a Iustice of peace. It hath since for a time beene
the Earle of Oxfords place. The Quéenes Maiestie Elizabeth
hath lodged there. It now belongeth to M. Cornewallos. This
house being so largely and sumptuously builded by a man of no
greater calling or possessions, was mockingly called Fishers Fol
ly, and a Rithme was made of it, and other the like in this man
ner; Kirkebies Castle, and Fishers Folly, Spinilas Pleasure,
and Megses glorie, and so of other such like buildinges about the
Citie. From Fishers Folly vp to the West end of Hogge Lane,
which commeth from the barres without Aldegate, as is afore
shewed, is a continuall building of tenements, with alleyes of cot
tages, pestered, &c. Then is there a large close, called Tasell close,
sometime for that there were Tassels planted for the vse of Cloth
workers: since letten to the Crossebow makers, wherein they
vsed to shoote for games at the Popingey: now the same being in
closed with a bricke wall, serueth to be an Artillerie yarde, where
vnto the Gunners of the Tower doe weekely repaire, namely e
uery thurseday, and there leuelling certaine Brasse peeces of great
Artillerie against a butte of earth, made for that purpose, they dis
ditch: the first building is a large Inne for receipt of trauellers,
then a faire house of late builded by the Lord Iohn Powlet. Next
to that a farre more large and beautifull house with gardens of
pleasure, bowling alleyes, and such like, builded by Iasper Fisher
free of the Goldsmithes, late one of the sixe Clearkes of the
Chauncery, and a Iustice of peace. It hath since for a time beene
the Earle of Oxfords place. The Quéenes Maiestie Elizabeth
hath lodged there. It now belongeth to M. Cornewallos. This
house being so largely and sumptuously builded by a man of no
greater calling or possessions, was mockingly called Fishers Fol
ly, and a Rithme was made of it, and other the like in this man
ner; Kirkebies Castle, and Fishers Folly, Spinilas Pleasure,
and Megses glorie, and so of other such like buildinges about the
Citie. From Fishers Folly vp to the West end of Hogge Lane,
which commeth from the barres without Aldegate, as is afore
shewed, is a continuall building of tenements, with alleyes of cot
tages, pestered, &c. Then is there a large close, called Tasell close,
sometime for that there were Tassels planted for the vse of Cloth
workers: since letten to the Crossebow makers, wherein they
vsed to shoote for games at the Popingey: now the same being in
closed with a bricke wall, serueth to be an Artillerie yarde, where
vnto the Gunners of the Tower doe weekely repaire, namely e
uery thurseday, and there leuelling certaine Brasse peeces of great
Artillerie against a butte of earth, made for that purpose, they dis
charge them for their exercise.Then haue ye the late dissolued Priorie and hospital of our bles
sed Ladie commonly called S. Mary Spittle, founded for Canons
regular, by a citizen of London named VValter Brune, & Rosya
his wife, in the yere 1235. This Hospital was at the suppression
valued so dispend 478. pound, &c. Where besides the ornamentes
of the Church, and goods pertayning to the Hospitall, there was
found standing one hundreth and fourescore beddes, well furnished
for receipt of the poore of charitie: for it was an Hospitall
of greate reliefe. There lyeth buried Sir Henry Plesington
Knight, 1452.
sed Ladie commonly called S. Mary Spittle, founded for Canons
regular, by a citizen of London named VValter Brune, & Rosya
his wife, in the yere 1235. This Hospital was at the suppression
valued so dispend 478. pound, &c. Where besides the ornamentes
of the Church, and goods pertayning to the Hospitall, there was
found standing one hundreth and fourescore beddes, well furnished
for receipt of the poore of charitie: for it was an Hospitall
of greate reliefe. There lyeth buried Sir Henry Plesington
Knight, 1452.
In place of this Hospital, and neere adioyning, are now many
faire houses builded, for receipt and lodging of worshipfull
and honorable persons. Apart of the large churchyard pertaining
to this Hospitall, and seuered from the rest with a bricke wall,
yet remayneth, (as of old time) with a pulpet crosse therein, some
what like to that in Paules churchyard: and against the said pulpit
on the south side, before the chernell and chappell of S. Edmonde
the Bishop: and Mary Magdalen remaineth also one fayre buil
ded house of two stories in height for the Mayor and other hono
rable persons, with the Aldermen and Sheriffes to sit in, there to
heare the Sermons preached vpon Easter holy dayes. In the loft
ouer them, the Ladies and Aldermens wiues doe stand at a fayre
window or sit at their pleasure. And here it is to be noted, that
time out of minde, it hath bin a laudable custome that on good fri
day in the after noone some especial learned man by appoyntmēt of
The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified prelats doth preach a sermon at Paules crosse, treating of Christs
passion. And vpon the three next Easter holidayes, Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, the like learned men by the like ap
pointment doe vse to preach on the fore noon at the said Spittle,
to perswad the articles of Christs resurrection, and then on low Sō
day before noon one other learned man at Paules crosse is to
make rehersall of those fowre former sermons, either commen
ding or reprouing them, as to him by iudgment of the lerned di
uines is thought conuenient: And that done he is to make a ser
mon of himselfe, which in all were fiue Sermons in one. At these
Sermons so seuerally preached, the Maior with his Brethren, the
on Good Friday, and in their Scarlets, both they and their wiues,
at the Spittle in the Holy daies (except Wednesday in Uiolet)
and the Maior with his Brethren, on Low Sunday in Scarlet,
at Paules Crosse. Touching the antiquitie of this custome, I
finde none other, then that in the yeare, 1398. the 22. of Richard
the second: that the king hauing procured from Rome, confirma
tion of such statutes, and ordinances, as were made in the Parli
ament, (begunne at Westminster, and ended at Shreusbery, he
caused the same confirmation to be read and pronounced at Pauls
Crosse, and at S. Marie Spittle in the Sermons before all the
people: Philip Malpas one of the Sheriffes in the yere 1439.
the 18. of Henry the sixt, gaue twentie shillinges by yeare to the
three Preachers at the Spittle. Stephen Forstar Maior, in the
yeare 1454. gaue fortie pound to the Preachers at Paules Crosse
and Spittle. I finde also that the aforesaide house, wherein the
Maior and Aldermen
purpose, of the goodes, and by the Executors of Richard Rawson
Alderman and Isabell his wife, in the yere 1488. In the yere
1594. this Pulpit being old, was taken downe, and a new set vp:
and the Preachers face turned towardes the south, which
was before towardes the west, also a large house on the east side
of the saide Pulpit, was then builded for the gouernors and chil
dren of Christes Hospitall to sit in: and this was done of the
goodes of William Elkens Alderman, late deceased, but within
the first yere, the same house decaying, and like to haue fallen, was
againe with great cost repayred at the Cities charge. On the
east side of this Churchyarde lieth a large fielde of old time called
Lolesworth, now Spittle fielde: which aboute the yeare 1576.
was broken vp for clay to make bricke, in the digging whereof
many earthen pottes called Vrnæ, were found full of ashes, and of
brent bones of men, to wit of the Romaines that inhabited here:
for it was the custome of the Romaines to bren their dead, to put
their ashes in an vrna, and then to bury the same, with certaine
ceremonies in some field appointed for that purpose, neare vnto
their Citie: euery of these pots had in them with the ashes of the
dead, one peece of Copper money, with the inscription of the Em
Vespasian, some of Nero, of Anthonius Pius, of Troianus: and
others besides those vrnas, many other pots were there founde,
made of a white earth with long nockes, and handles, like to our
stone Iugges: these were emptie, but seemed to bee buried full of
some liquid matter long since consumed and soaked through: for
there were found diuers vials and other fashioned glasses, some
most cunningly wrought, such as I haue not seene the like, and
some of Christall, all which had water in them, nothing differing
in clearenes, tast, or sauour from common spring water: some of
these glasses had oyle in them very thicke, and earthie in sauour,
some were supposed to haue balm in them, but had lost the vertue:
many of those pots and glasses were broken in cutting of the clay:
so that few were taken vp whole: there were also found diuers di
shes and cups of a fine red colored earth, which shewed outwardly
such a shining smothnesse, as if they had beene of curral, those had
in the bottomes Romaine letters printed, there were also lampes
of white earth artificially wrought with diuers antiques aboute
them, some three or foure Images, made of white earth, aboute a
span long, each of them: one I remember was of Pallas, the rest I
haue forgotten, I my selfe haue reserued amongst diuers of those
antiquities there found, one pot of white earth very small, not ex
ceeding the quantitie of a quarter of a wine pint, made in shape
of a Hare, squatted vpon her legs, and betweene her eares is the
mouth of the pot: there hath also beene found in the same fielde
diuers coffins of stone, contayning the bones of men: these I sup
pose to be the burials of some especiall persons, in time of the Bri
tons, or Saxons, after that the Romaines had left to gouern here:
moreouer there were also found the sculs and bones of men with
out coffins, or rather whose coffines (being of great timber)
were consumed: diuers great nailes of iron were
as are vsed in the wheeles of shod cartes, being each of them as
bigge as a mans finger, and a quarter of a yeard long, the heades
two inches ouer, those nayles were more wondred at then the
rest of thinges there found, and many opinions of men were vtte
red of them, namely that the men there buried were murdered by
driuing those nayles into their heads, a thing vnlikelie, for a smaler
crete place would lightly be imployed for their buriall. But to set
downe what I haue obserued, concerning this matter, I there be
helde the bones of a man lying as I noted, the heade North, the
feete South, and round about him, as thwart his head along both
his sides, & thwart his feete, such nayles were found, wherefore I
coniectured them to bee the nayles of his Coffin, which had béene
a trough cut out of some great tree, and the same couered with a
planke, of a greate thicknesse, fastened with such nayles: and
therefore I caused some of the nayles to be reached vp to me, and
found vnder the broade heads of them, the old wood, skant turned
into dust or earth, but still retayning both the grane, and the pro
per colour, of these nayles with the wood vnder the head thereof,
I reserued one as also the nether iaw bone of the man, the teeth
being very greate, sound and fast fixed, which (amongst other ma
ny monumentes there found) I haue yet to shew: but the nayle ly
ing drie is now by skaling greatly wasted. And thus much for
this part of Bishopsgate warde without the gate: for I haue in
another place spoken of the gate, & therefore I am now to speake
of that other part of this warde, which lyeth within the gate.
faire houses builded, for receipt and lodging of worshipfull
and honorable persons. Apart of the large churchyard pertaining
to this Hospitall, and seuered from the rest with a bricke wall,
yet remayneth, (as of old time) with a pulpet crosse therein, some
what like to that in Paules churchyard: and against the said pulpit
on the south side, before the chernell and chappell of S. Edmonde
the Bishop: and Mary Magdalen remaineth also one fayre buil
ded house of two stories in height for the Mayor and other hono
rable persons, with the Aldermen and Sheriffes to sit in, there to
heare the Sermons preached vpon Easter holy dayes. In the loft
ouer them, the Ladies and Aldermens wiues doe stand at a fayre
window or sit at their pleasure. And here it is to be noted, that
time out of minde, it hath bin a laudable custome that on good fri
day in the after noone some especial learned man by appoyntmēt of
The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified prelats doth preach a sermon at Paules crosse, treating of Christs
passion. And vpon the three next Easter holidayes, Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, the like learned men by the like ap
pointment doe vse to preach on the fore noon at the said Spittle,
to perswad the articles of Christs resurrection, and then on low Sō
day before noon one other learned man at Paules crosse is to
make rehersall of those fowre former sermons, either commen
ding or reprouing them, as to him by iudgment of the lerned di
uines is thought conuenient: And that done he is to make a ser
mon of himselfe, which in all were fiue Sermons in one. At these
Sermons so seuerally preached, the Maior with his Brethren, the
Aldermen are accustomed to be present in their Uiolets at
Paules,on Good Friday, and in their Scarlets, both they and their wiues,
at the Spittle in the Holy daies (except Wednesday in Uiolet)
and the Maior with his Brethren, on Low Sunday in Scarlet,
at Paules Crosse. Touching the antiquitie of this custome, I
finde none other, then that in the yeare, 1398. the 22. of Richard
the second: that the king hauing procured from Rome, confirma
tion of such statutes, and ordinances, as were made in the Parli
ament, (begunne at Westminster, and ended at Shreusbery, he
caused the same confirmation to be read and pronounced at Pauls
Crosse, and at S. Marie Spittle in the Sermons before all the
people: Philip Malpas one of the Sheriffes in the yere 1439.
the 18. of Henry the sixt, gaue twentie shillinges by yeare to the
three Preachers at the Spittle. Stephen Forstar Maior, in the
yeare 1454. gaue fortie pound to the Preachers at Paules Crosse
and Spittle. I finde also that the aforesaide house, wherein the
Maior and Aldermen
House in S.
Marie Spittle
builded for the
Maior and
Pulpit Crosse
in Spittle
church yarde
new builded.
A house in
Spittle church
yarde builded
for the gouer
ners and chil
dren of christs
Buriall of the
Romaines in
Spittle fielde.
Olde monu
mentes of the
do sit at
the Spittle, was builded for thatMarie Spittle
builded for the
Maior and
Pulpit Crosse
in Spittle
church yarde
new builded.
A house in
Spittle church
yarde builded
for the gouer
ners and chil
dren of christs
Buriall of the
Romaines in
Spittle fielde.
Olde monu
mentes of the
purpose, of the goodes, and by the Executors of Richard Rawson
Alderman and Isabell his wife, in the yere 1488. In the yere
1594. this Pulpit being old, was taken downe, and a new set vp:
and the Preachers face turned towardes the south, which
was before towardes the west, also a large house on the east side
of the saide Pulpit, was then builded for the gouernors and chil
dren of Christes Hospitall to sit in: and this was done of the
goodes of William Elkens Alderman, late deceased, but within
the first yere, the same house decaying, and like to haue fallen, was
againe with great cost repayred at the Cities charge. On the
east side of this Churchyarde lieth a large fielde of old time called
Lolesworth, now Spittle fielde: which aboute the yeare 1576.
was broken vp for clay to make bricke, in the digging whereof
many earthen pottes called Vrnæ, were found full of ashes, and of
brent bones of men, to wit of the Romaines that inhabited here:
for it was the custome of the Romaines to bren their dead, to put
their ashes in an vrna, and then to bury the same, with certaine
ceremonies in some field appointed for that purpose, neare vnto
their Citie: euery of these pots had in them with the ashes of the
dead, one peece of Copper money, with the inscription of the Em
perour, then raigning: some of them
were of Claudius, some ofVespasian, some of Nero, of Anthonius Pius, of Troianus: and
others besides those vrnas, many other pots were there founde,
made of a white earth with long nockes, and handles, like to our
stone Iugges: these were emptie, but seemed to bee buried full of
some liquid matter long since consumed and soaked through: for
there were found diuers vials and other fashioned glasses, some
most cunningly wrought, such as I haue not seene the like, and
some of Christall, all which had water in them, nothing differing
in clearenes, tast, or sauour from common spring water: some of
these glasses had oyle in them very thicke, and earthie in sauour,
some were supposed to haue balm in them, but had lost the vertue:
many of those pots and glasses were broken in cutting of the clay:
so that few were taken vp whole: there were also found diuers di
shes and cups of a fine red colored earth, which shewed outwardly
such a shining smothnesse, as if they had beene of curral, those had
in the bottomes Romaine letters printed, there were also lampes
of white earth artificially wrought with diuers antiques aboute
them, some three or foure Images, made of white earth, aboute a
span long, each of them: one I remember was of Pallas, the rest I
haue forgotten, I my selfe haue reserued amongst diuers of those
antiquities there found, one pot of white earth very small, not ex
ceeding the quantitie of a quarter of a wine pint, made in shape
of a Hare, squatted vpon her legs, and betweene her eares is the
mouth of the pot: there hath also beene found in the same fielde
diuers coffins of stone, contayning the bones of men: these I sup
pose to be the burials of some especiall persons, in time of the Bri
tons, or Saxons, after that the Romaines had left to gouern here:
moreouer there were also found the sculs and bones of men with
out coffins, or rather whose coffines (being of great timber)
were consumed: diuers great nailes of iron were
Great nailes
of iron found
in the field &
fond opinions
of men.
found, suchof iron found
in the field &
fond opinions
of men.
as are vsed in the wheeles of shod cartes, being each of them as
bigge as a mans finger, and a quarter of a yeard long, the heades
two inches ouer, those nayles were more wondred at then the
rest of thinges there found, and many opinions of men were vtte
red of them, namely that the men there buried were murdered by
driuing those nayles into their heads, a thing vnlikelie, for a smaler
naile would more aptly serue to so bad a purpose, and a more
secrete place would lightly be imployed for their buriall. But to set
downe what I haue obserued, concerning this matter, I there be
helde the bones of a man lying as I noted, the heade North, the
feete South, and round about him, as thwart his head along both
his sides, & thwart his feete, such nayles were found, wherefore I
coniectured them to bee the nayles of his Coffin, which had béene
a trough cut out of some great tree, and the same couered with a
planke, of a greate thicknesse, fastened with such nayles: and
therefore I caused some of the nayles to be reached vp to me, and
found vnder the broade heads of them, the old wood, skant turned
into dust or earth, but still retayning both the grane, and the pro
per colour, of these nayles with the wood vnder the head thereof,
I reserued one as also the nether iaw bone of the man, the teeth
being very greate, sound and fast fixed, which (amongst other ma
ny monumentes there found) I haue yet to shew: but the nayle ly
ing drie is now by skaling greatly wasted. And thus much for
this part of Bishopsgate warde without the gate: for I haue in
another place spoken of the gate, & therefore I am now to speake
of that other part of this warde, which lyeth within the gate.
And first to begin on the left hand of Bishopsgate streete, from
the gate yee haue certaine Tenementes of olde time pertayning to
a Brotherhood of S. Nicholas, granted to the parish Clarkes of
London, for two Chaplens to be kept in the Chapple of S. Ma
ry Magdalen neare vnto the Guilde hall of London, in the 27.
of Henry the sixt, the first of these houses towardes the North &
against the wall of the Citie, was sometime a large Inne or court
called the Wrastlers (of such a signe) and the last in the high stréet
towardes the South, was sometime also a fayre Inne called the
Angell of such a signe: amongst these saide Tenementes was on
the same streete side a fayre Entry or Court to the common hall
of the saide parish Clarkes,
number, adioyning for poore parish Clarkes, and their wiues,
their widdowes, such as were in greate yeares not able to labour.
One of these by the saide Brotherhoode of parish Clarkes was al
lowed sixeteene pence the weeke, the other six had each of them
nine pence the weeke, according to the pattent thereof graunted.
raigne of Edward the sixt, the saide Hall with the other buildinges
there, was giuen to Sir Robert Chester a knight of Cambridge
shier, against whome the parish Clarkes commencing suite, in
the raigne of Queene Marie, and being like to haue preuailed, the
saide Sir Robert Chester pulled downe the hall, sold the Timber,
stone, and lead, and thereupon the suite was ended. The Almes
houses remaine in the Queenes handes, and people are there pla
ced, such as can make best frendes: some of them taking the pen
sion appointed, haue let foorth their houses for great rent, giuing
occasion to the Parson of the parish to challenge tithes of the
poore, &c. Next vnto this is the small parish church of S. Ethol
burge virgin, and from thence some small distance is a large court
called litle S. Hellens: because it pertayned to the Nuns, of S.
Hellens, and was their house, there are seauen Almes roomes or
houses for the poore, belonging to the company of Lethersellers.
Then somewhat more West is an other Court with a winding
lane, through which men come out against the west ende of S.
Andrewes vndershaft Church. In this court standeth the
church of S. Hellens, sometime a Priorie of blacke Nuns and in
the same a parish church of S. Hellen, this Priorie long since was
founded, before the raigne of Henry the thirde, as I haue
found in Recordes. William Basing Deane of Paules, was
the first founder, and was there buried, and William Basing one
of the Sheriffes of London, in the second yere of Edward the se
cond was holden also to be a founder, or rather an helper there: this
priorie being valued at 314. pound two shillinges six pence was
surrendred the 25. of Nouember, the thirtie of Henry the eight,
the whole church (the partition betwixt the Nuns church, and pa
rish church being taken downe) remaineth now to the parish: and
is a fayre parish church, but wanteth such a steeple as Sir Tho
mas Gresham promised to haue builded, in recompence of ground
in their church filled vp, with his monument. The Nuns hall &
other howsing thereunto appertayning, was since purchased by
the Company of the Lethersellers, and is their common Hall:
which Company was incorporate in the 21. yeare of Richarde
the second.
the gate yee haue certaine Tenementes of olde time pertayning to
a Brotherhood of S. Nicholas, granted to the parish Clarkes of
London, for two Chaplens to be kept in the Chapple of S. Ma
ry Magdalen neare vnto the Guilde hall of London, in the 27.
of Henry the sixt, the first of these houses towardes the North &
against the wall of the Citie, was sometime a large Inne or court
called the Wrastlers (of such a signe) and the last in the high stréet
towardes the South, was sometime also a fayre Inne called the
Angell of such a signe: amongst these saide Tenementes was on
the same streete side a fayre Entry or Court to the common hall
of the saide parish Clarkes,
This text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)and their
Almes houses
This text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)in Bishopsgate
This text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)streete.
with proper Almeshouses seauen inThis text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)and their
Almes houses
This text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)in Bishopsgate
This text has been supplied. Reason: The original page has been cut or cropped with the loss of some text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)streete.
number, adioyning for poore parish Clarkes, and their wiues,
their widdowes, such as were in greate yeares not able to labour.
One of these by the saide Brotherhoode of parish Clarkes was al
lowed sixeteene pence the weeke, the other six had each of them
nine pence the weeke, according to the pattent thereof graunted.
This Brotherhoode amongst
other being suppressed. In theraigne of Edward the sixt, the saide Hall with the other buildinges
there, was giuen to Sir Robert Chester a knight of Cambridge
shier, against whome the parish Clarkes commencing suite, in
the raigne of Queene Marie, and being like to haue preuailed, the
saide Sir Robert Chester pulled downe the hall, sold the Timber,
stone, and lead, and thereupon the suite was ended. The Almes
houses remaine in the Queenes handes, and people are there pla
ced, such as can make best frendes: some of them taking the pen
sion appointed, haue let foorth their houses for great rent, giuing
occasion to the Parson of the parish to challenge tithes of the
poore, &c. Next vnto this is the small parish church of S. Ethol
burge virgin, and from thence some small distance is a large court
called litle S. Hellens: because it pertayned to the Nuns, of S.
Hellens, and was their house, there are seauen Almes roomes or
houses for the poore, belonging to the company of Lethersellers.
Then somewhat more West is an other Court with a winding
lane, through which men come out against the west ende of S.
Andrewes vndershaft Church. In this court standeth the
church of S. Hellens, sometime a Priorie of blacke Nuns and in
the same a parish church of S. Hellen, this Priorie long since was
founded, before the raigne of Henry the thirde, as I haue
found in Recordes. William Basing Deane of Paules, was
the first founder, and was there buried, and William Basing one
of the Sheriffes of London, in the second yere of Edward the se
cond was holden also to be a founder, or rather an helper there: this
priorie being valued at 314. pound two shillinges six pence was
surrendred the 25. of Nouember, the thirtie of Henry the eight,
the whole church (the partition betwixt the Nuns church, and pa
rish church being taken downe) remaineth now to the parish: and
is a fayre parish church, but wanteth such a steeple as Sir Tho
mas Gresham promised to haue builded, in recompence of ground
in their church filled vp, with his monument. The Nuns hall &
other howsing thereunto appertayning, was since purchased by
the Company of the Lethersellers, and is their common Hall:
which Company was incorporate in the 21. yeare of Richarde
the second.
In the Church of S. Hellen, haue yee these monumentes
ofthe dead: Thomas Langton Chaplen buried in the Quire, 1350.
Nicholas Marshall, Ironmonger Alderman, 1474. Sir Wil
liam Sanctlo, and Sir William Sanctlo father and sonne, Sir
William Pickering, and Sir VVilliam Pickering father and
sonne, Thomas VVilliams Gentleman, 1495. Iohn Lang
thorpe Esquier, 1510. Ioan Coken wise to Iohn Coken Es
quier, 1509. Mary Orrell wife to Sir Lewys Orrell Knight.
Henry Somer, Katheren his wife, Ioan daughter to Henry
Somer, wife to Richarde, sonne and heire to Robert Lord Poy
inges, died a virgin 1420. VValter Huntington, Esquier, Eli
zabeth Venner wife to William Venner Grocer, Alderman, one
of the Sheriffes, 1401. Robert Rochester Esquier Sargeant of
the Pantrie, to Henry the eight. Iohn Swinflet, 1420. Iohn
Gower Steward of S. Helens, 1512. Iohn Faukconbridge
Esquier, 1545. Hacket Gentleman of the kinges Chappell, Eli
enor2 daughter to Sir Thomas Butler, Lord Sudley, Iohn
Suthworth, Adam Frances Maior Nicholas Harpsfielde, Es
quier, Thomas Saunderforde or Somerforde Alderman,
Alexander Cheyney, Sir Iohn Crosbie Alderman, and
Anne his wife, George Fastolph, sonne to Hugh Fastolph,
Robert Lynd, Sir Andrew Iud Maior, Sir Thomas Gre
sham Mercer &c.
Then haue yee one greate house called Crosbie place, be
cause the same was builded by Sir Iohn Crosbie Grocer, and
Wolman, in place of certaine Tenements, with their appurte
nances letten to him by Alice Ashfed Prioresse of S. Hellens,
and the Couent for ninety nine yeares, from the yeare 1466. vn
to the yere 1565. for the annuall rent of eleuen pound six shillings
eight pence: this house he builded of stone and timber, very large
and beutifull, and the highest at that time in London: he was one
of the Sheriffes, and an Alderman in the yeare 1470. knighted
by Edwarde the fourth, in the yeare 1471. and deceased in the
yeare 1475. so short a time enioyed hee that his large and
sumptuous building, hee was buried in S. Hellens, the parish
church, a fayre monument of him and his Lady, is raysed there:
hee gaue towardes the reforming of that church fiue hundred
his Armes, both in the stone worke, roose of Timber, and glasing.
I holde it a fable saide of him, to be named Crosby, of being
found by a crosse, for I haue read of other to haue that name of
Crosby, before him, namely in the yeare 1406. the seuenth of
Henry the fourth, the saide king gaue to his seruant Iohn Crosby
the wardship of Ioan daughter, and sole heire to Iohn Iordaine
Fishmonger, &c. This Crosbie might be the Father or Grand
father to Sir Iohn Crosbie.
cause the same was builded by Sir Iohn Crosbie Grocer, and
Wolman, in place of certaine Tenements, with their appurte
nances letten to him by Alice Ashfed Prioresse of S. Hellens,
and the Couent for ninety nine yeares, from the yeare 1466. vn
to the yere 1565. for the annuall rent of eleuen pound six shillings
eight pence: this house he builded of stone and timber, very large
and beutifull, and the highest at that time in London: he was one
of the Sheriffes, and an Alderman in the yeare 1470. knighted
by Edwarde the fourth, in the yeare 1471. and deceased in the
yeare 1475. so short a time enioyed hee that his large and
sumptuous building, hee was buried in S. Hellens, the parish
church, a fayre monument of him and his Lady, is raysed there:
hee gaue towardes the reforming of that church fiue hundred
markes, which was bestowed with the
better, as appeareth byhis Armes, both in the stone worke, roose of Timber, and glasing.
I holde it a fable saide of him, to be named Crosby, of being
found by a crosse, for I haue read of other to haue that name of
Crosby, before him, namely in the yeare 1406. the seuenth of
Henry the fourth, the saide king gaue to his seruant Iohn Crosby
the wardship of Ioan daughter, and sole heire to Iohn Iordaine
Fishmonger, &c. This Crosbie might be the Father or Grand
father to Sir Iohn Crosbie.
Richarde Duke of Glocester, and Lorde Protector,
warde king by the name of Richarde the thirde, was lodged in
this house: since the which time among other, Anthonie Bonuice
a rich marchant of Italy, dwelled there, after him Ierome Se
rall, then William Bond Alderman, increased this house with
building of a Turret on the top thereof: he deceased in the yeare,
1567. and was buried in S. Helens church: diuers Ambassa
dors haue beene lodged there: namely in the yeare 1586. Henry
Ramelius Chancelor of Germany, Ambassador vnto the Queens
Maiestie of Englande from Fredericke the second of Denmark:
an Ambassador of France, &c. Sir Iohn Spencer Alderman lately
purchased this house, made great reparations, kept his Maioralty
there, and since builded a most large ware-house neare thereunto.
warde king by the name of Richarde the thirde, was lodged in
this house: since the which time among other, Anthonie Bonuice
a rich marchant of Italy, dwelled there, after him Ierome Se
rall, then William Bond Alderman, increased this house with
building of a Turret on the top thereof: he deceased in the yeare,
1567. and was buried in S. Helens church: diuers Ambassa
dors haue beene lodged there: namely in the yeare 1586. Henry
Ramelius Chancelor of Germany, Ambassador vnto the Queens
Maiestie of Englande from Fredericke the second of Denmark:
an Ambassador of France, &c. Sir Iohn Spencer Alderman lately
purchased this house, made great reparations, kept his Maioralty
there, and since builded a most large ware-house neare thereunto.
From this Crosbie
place vp to Leaden hall corner, and so
downe Grassestreete, amongst other Tenementes, are diuers
fayre and large builded houses for Marchantes and such like. Now
for the other side of this warde, namely the right hand, hard by
within the gate is one fayre water Conduite, which Thomas
Knesworth Maior, in the yeare 1505. founded, hee gaue 60.l.
the rest was furnished at the common charges of the citie: this
conduite hath since beene taken downe, and new builded. Da
uid Wodrooffe Alderman gaue twenty poundes towardes the
conuayance of more water thereunto. From this conduite haue ye
amongst many fayre Tenementes, diuers fayre Innes, large for
receipt of trauellers and some houses for men of worship, namely
one most spatious of all other there aboute, builded of bricke and
timber, by Sir Thomas Gresham, knight, who deceased in the
yeare 1579. and was buried in S. Hellens church, vnder a fayre
stament, this house to be made a Colledge, as before is saide of
downe Grassestreete, amongst other Tenementes, are diuers
fayre and large builded houses for Marchantes and such like. Now
for the other side of this warde, namely the right hand, hard by
within the gate is one fayre water Conduite, which Thomas
Knesworth Maior, in the yeare 1505. founded, hee gaue 60.l.
the rest was furnished at the common charges of the citie: this
conduite hath since beene taken downe, and new builded. Da
uid Wodrooffe Alderman gaue twenty poundes towardes the
conuayance of more water thereunto. From this conduite haue ye
amongst many fayre Tenementes, diuers fayre Innes, large for
receipt of trauellers and some houses for men of worship, namely
one most spatious of all other there aboute, builded of bricke and
timber, by Sir Thomas Gresham, knight, who deceased in the
yeare 1579. and was buried in S. Hellens church, vnder a fayre
monument, by him, prepared in his life hée appointed by his
Testament, this house to be made a Colledge, as before is saide of
Somewhat west from this house is one other very fayre house,
wherein Sir William Hollies, kept his Maioralty, and was bu
ried in the parish church of S. Helen: Sir Andrew Iud, also
kept his Maioralty there, and was buried at S. Hellens: hee buil
ded Almsehouses for six poore Almespeople neare to the saide par
rish church, and gaue lands to the Skinners, out of the which they
are to giue 4. shillinges euery weeke to the six poore Almespeople
eight pence the peece, and fiue and twentie shillinges foure pence,
the yeare in coales amongst them for euer.
wherein Sir William Hollies, kept his Maioralty, and was bu
ried in the parish church of S. Helen: Sir Andrew Iud, also
kept his Maioralty there, and was buried at S. Hellens: hee buil
ded Almsehouses for six poore Almespeople neare to the saide par
rish church, and gaue lands to the Skinners, out of the which they
are to giue 4. shillinges euery weeke to the six poore Almespeople
eight pence the peece, and fiue and twentie shillinges foure pence,
the yeare in coales amongst them for euer.
Then in the very west corner ouer against the East end of S.
Martins Otswitch, church (from whence the streete windeth to
wardes the South) you had of olde time a fayre well with two
buckets so fastened, that the drawing vp of the one, let downe
the other, but now of late that weil is turned into a Pumpe.
Martins Otswitch, church (from whence the streete windeth to
wardes the South) you had of olde time a fayre well with two
buckets so fastened, that the drawing vp of the one, let downe
the other, but now of late that weil is turned into a Pumpe.
From this to the corner ouer against the Leaden hall,
so downe Grasse streete, are many fayre houses for marchantes,
and artificers, and many fayre Innes for Trauellers euen to the
corner where that ward endeth, ouer against Grasse church: and
thus much for this Bishopsgate warde shall suffice, which hath an
Alderman, two Deputies, one without the gate another within,
common Counsellors six, Constables seauen, Scauengers sea
uen, for Wardmote inquest thirteene, and a Beadle: it is tax
ed to the fifeteene at xxij.£.in London, and in the Exchequer
so downe Grasse streete, are many fayre houses for marchantes,
and artificers, and many fayre Innes for Trauellers euen to the
corner where that ward endeth, ouer against Grasse church: and
thus much for this Bishopsgate warde shall suffice, which hath an
Alderman, two Deputies, one without the gate another within,
common Counsellors six, Constables seauen, Scauengers sea
uen, for Wardmote inquest thirteene, and a Beadle: it is tax
ed to the fifeteene at xxij.£.in London, and in the Exchequer
- Lolesworth is now called Spitalfield. (NAP)↑
- Sir Thomas Butler
had no known children (Ashdown-Hill 65).
to which Stow refers here is likely Butler’s wife, Eleanor Butler (née Talbot). (TLG)↑
Ashdown-Hill, John.Lady Eleanor Talbot’s Other Husband: Sir Thomas Butler, Heir of Sudeley, and his Family.
The Ricardian 14 (2004): 62–81.This item is cited in the following documents:
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Survey of London (1598): Bishopsgate Ward.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by , U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021,
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Survey of London (1598): Bishopsgate Ward.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021.
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The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
, & 2021. Survey of London (1598): Bishopsgate Ward. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, RefWorks, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Stow, John A1 - fitz-Stephen, William ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Survey of London (1598): Bishopsgate Ward T2 - The Map of Early Modern London ET - 6.6 PY - 2021 DA - 2021/06/30 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>,
and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>.
<title level="a">Survey of London (1598): Bishopsgate Ward</title>. <title level="m">The
Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name
ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>,
<ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Jamie Zabel
Research Assistant, 2020-2021. Managing Encoder, 2020-2021. Jamie Zabel is an MA student at the University of Victoria in the Department of English. She completed her BA in English at the University of British Columbia in 2017. She published a paper in University College London’s graduate publication Moveable Type (2020) and presented at the University of Victoria’s 2021 Digital Humanities Summer Institute. During her time at MoEML, she made significant contributions to the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey as proofreader, editor, and encoder, coordinated the encoding of the 1633 edition, and researched and authored a number of encyclopedia articles and geo-coordinates to supplement both editions. She also played a key role in managing the correction process of MoEML’s Gazetteer.Roles played in the project
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Lucas Simpson
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Lucas Simpson is a student at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
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Chris Horne
Research Assistant, 2018-2020. Chris Horne was an honours student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests included American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Kate LeBere
Project Manager, 2020-2021. Assistant Project Manager, 2019-2020. Research Assistant, 2018-2020. Kate LeBere completed her BA (Hons.) in History and English at the University of Victoria in 2020. She published papers in The Corvette (2018), The Albatross (2019), and PLVS VLTRA (2020) and presented at the English Undergraduate Conference (2019), Qualicum History Conference (2020), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute’s Project Management in the Humanities Conference (2021). While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she completed her honours thesis on Soviet ballet during the Russian Cultural Revolution. During her time at MoEML, Kate made significant contributions to the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey of London, old-spelling anthology of mayoral shows, old-spelling library texts,quickstart
documentation for new research assistants, and worked to standardize both the Personography and Bibliography. She is currently a student at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool, working on her masters in library and information science.Roles played in the project
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Tracey El Hajj
Junior Programmer 2018-2020. Research Associate 2020-2021. Tracey received her PhD from the Department of English at the University of Victoria in the field of Science and Technology Studies. Her research focuses on the algorhythmics of networked communications. She was a 2019-20 President’s Fellow in Research-Enriched Teaching at UVic, where she taught an advanced course onArtificial Intelligence and Everyday Life.
Tracey was also a member of the Linked Early Modern Drama Online team, between 2019 and 2021. Between 2020 and 2021, she was a fellow in residence at the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies, where she investigated the relationships between artificial intelligence, creativity, health, and justice. As of July 2021, Tracey has moved into the alt-ac world for a term position, while also teaching in the English Department at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
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Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Joey Takeda authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print.
Katie Tanigawa
Project Manager, 2015-2019. Katie Tanigawa was a doctoral candidate at the University of Victoria. Her dissertation focused on representations of poverty in Irish modernist literature. Her additional research interests included geospatial analyses of modernist texts and digital humanities approaches to teaching and analyzing literature.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
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Meredith Holmes
Research Assistant, 2013-2014. Meredith hailed from Edmonton where she completed a BA in English at Concordia University College of Alberta. She did an MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Victoria. In her spare time, Meredith played classical piano and trombone, scrapbooked, and painted porcelain. A lesser known fact about Meredith: back at home, she had her own kiln in her basement!Roles played in the project
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Nathan Phillips
Research Assistant, 2012-2014. Nathan Phillips completed his MA at the University of Victoria specializing in medieval and early modern studies in April 2014. His research focused on seventeenth-century non-dramatic literature, intellectual history, and the intersection of religion and politics. Additionally, Nathan was interested in textual studies, early-Tudor drama, and the editorial questions one can ask of all sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts in the twisted mire of 400 years of editorial practice. Nathan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of English at Brown University.Roles played in the project
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Sarah Milligan
Research Assistant, 2012-2014. MoEML Research Affiliate. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
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Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present. Associate Project Director, 2015–present. Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014. MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Research Fellow
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
Course Supervisor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Peer Reviewer
Project Director
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. U of Victoria.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed.
Paul Schaffner
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions for EEBO-TCP.Roles played in the project
Editor of Original EEBO-TCP Encoding
Sebastian Rahtz
Chief data architect at University of Oxford IT Services, Sebastian was well known for his contributions to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), OxGarage, and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP).Roles played in the project
Creator of TEI Stylesheets for Conversion of EEBO-TCP Encoding to TEI-P5
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Post-Conversion Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Allen
Sir William Allen Sheriff Mayor
(fl. 1560-72)Sheriff of London 1562-1563. Mayor 1571-1572. Member of the Leathersellers’ Company and Mercers’ Company. Buried at St. Botolph without Bishopsgate.Sir William Allen is mentioned in the following documents:
Alice Ashfed
Prioress of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Alice Ashfed is mentioned in the following documents:
William Basing
Possible founder of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.William Basing is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor Butler (née Talbot)
Eleanor Butler Talbot
(d. 1468)Wife of Sir Thomas Butler. Allegedly betrothed to Edward IV.Eleanor Butler (née Talbot) is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Butler
(b. between 1 January 1513 and 31 December 1514, d. 22 September 1579)Esquire. Husband of Thomasine Butler and Eleanor Butler.Sir Thomas Butler is mentioned in the following documents:
William Bonde is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Bonvice
Italian merchant. Resident of Crosby Hall after Richard III.Anthony Bonvice is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Brune is mentioned in the following documents:
Rosa Brune
Wife of Walter Brune.Rosa Brune is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Chester
Owner of the Wrestlers, Lime Street Ward.Sir Robert Chester is mentioned in the following documents:
Alexander Cheyney
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Alexander Cheyney is mentioned in the following documents:
Joan Coken is mentioned in the following documents:
John Coken
Husband of Joan Coken.John Coken is mentioned in the following documents:
M. Cornwallos
Owner of Fisher’s Folly.M. Cornwallos is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Crosby
Sir John Crosby Sheriff
(d. between January 1476 and February 1476)Sheriff of London 1470-1471. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Diplomat, and member of parliament. Founder of Crosby Hall. Husband of Anne Crosby. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Sir John Crosby is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Crosby
Wife of Sir John Crosby. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Anne Crosby is mentioned in the following documents:
John Crosby
Guardian of Joan Jordaine. Possible grandfather of Sir John Crosby.John Crosby is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward VI
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England King of Ireland
(b. 12 October 1537, d. 6 July 1553)Edward VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland Gloriana Good Queen Bess
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland 1558-1603.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
William Elkens
Financier of a pulpit in Christ’s Hospital.William Elkens is mentioned in the following documents:
George Fastolph
Son of Hugh Fastolph. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.George Fastolph is mentioned in the following documents:
Hugh Fastolph
Father of George Fastolph.Hugh Fastolph is mentioned in the following documents:
William fitz-Stephen is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon fitz-Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Adam Fraunceys
Adam Fraunceys Mayor
Mayor of London 1352-1354. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Proposed the building of the Guildhall alongside Henry Frowyk. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Adam Fraunceys is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Basinge is mentioned in the following documents:
John Faukconbridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Jasper Fisher
(b. in or before 1528, d. 1579)Clerk of the Chancery. Member of the Goldsmith’s Company.Jasper Fisher is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Forster
Stephen Forster Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1444-1445. Mayor 1454-1455. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Possible member of the Grocers’ Company. Buried at St. Botolph, Billingsgate.Stephen Forster is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gower
(d. 1512)Steward of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Buried St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Not to be confused with John Gower.John Gower is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Gresham
(b. 1518, d. 1579)Member of the Mercersʼ Company. Founder of the Royal Exchange. Father of Richard Gresham. Son of Sir Richard Gresham.Sir Thomas Gresham is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Hacket is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Harpsfield
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Possibly historian and controversialist Nicholas Harpsfield. See ODNB.Nicholas Harpsfield is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 8VIII King of England King of Ireland
(b. 28 June 1491, d. 28 January 1547)King of England and Ireland 1509-1547.Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VI
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England
(b. 6 December 1421, d. 21 May 1471)Henry VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry III
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 1 October 1207, d. 16 November 1272)Henry III is mentioned in the following documents:
William Holles
William Holles Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1471, d. 1542)Sheriff of London 1527-1528. Mayor 1539-1540. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.William Holles is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Huntington
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Walter Huntington is mentioned in the following documents:
Joan Jordain
Daughter of John Jordain.Joan Jordain is mentioned in the following documents:
John Jordain
Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Father of Joan Jordain.John Jordain is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Kneseworth
Thomas Kneseworth Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1495-1496. Mayor 1505-1506. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Buried at Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, Guildhall.Thomas Kneseworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Langton is mentioned in the following documents:
John Langthorpe is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Lynd
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Robert Lynd is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip Malpas
Philip Malpas Sheriff
(d. 1469)Sheriff of London 1439-1440. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Buried at St. Andrew Undershaft. See related ODNB entry for Sir Thomas Cook.Philip Malpas is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Marshall is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary I
Mary This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland
(b. 18 February 1516, d. 17 November 1558)Mary I is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary Orrell
Wife of Sir Lewes Orrell. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Mary Orrell is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Lewes Orrell
Husband of Mary Orrell.Sir Lewes Orrell is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Pickering
(d. 1542)Builder of Pickering House. Father of Sir William Pickering. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. See related ODNB entry for Sir William Pickering.Sir William Pickering is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Pickering
(b. 1516, d. 1575)Son of Sir William Pickering. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Sir William Pickering is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Pleasington is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Paulet is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Poynings
(d. 1429)Richard Poynings is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Poynings
(b. 1382, d. 1446)Robert Poynings is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Rawson
Richard Rawson Sheriff
(fl. 1476-85)Sheriff of London 1476-1477. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Husband of Isabell Rawson. Buried at St. Mary Spital.Richard Rawson is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabell Rawson is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Ramelius is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
Richard This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of England
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard III
Richard This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 1452, d. 1485)King of England and Lord of Ireland 1483-1485.Richard III is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Rochester is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Sanctio
Father of Sir William Sanctio. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Sir William Sanctio is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Sanctio
Son of Sir William Sanctio. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Sir William Sanctio is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Saunderford
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Thomas Saunderford is mentioned in the following documents:
Jerome Serall
Resident of Crosby Hall after Anthony Bonvice.Jerome Serall is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Somer
(d. 1450)Husband of Katherine Somer. Possibly buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Not to be confused with Henry Somer.Henry Somer is mentioned in the following documents:
Katherine Somer
Wife of Henry Somer. Possibly buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. See related ODNB entry for Henry Somer.Katherine Somer is mentioned in the following documents:
Joan Poyinges (née Somer)
Joan Poyinges Somer
(d. 1420)Wife of Richard Poynings. Daughter of Henry Somer and Katherine Somer. Possibly buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Joan Poyinges (née Somer) is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow
(b. between 1524 and 1525, d. 1605)Historian and author of A Survey of London. Husband of Elizabeth Stow.John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard.
Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Aldgate Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections & Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bread Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Broad Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, &c.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cheape Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Coleman Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cow Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Additions, and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections & Amendments.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Lambeth and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. & Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the Tower.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Queen Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Spitt Fields and Plans Adjacent Taken from Last Survey with Locations.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Tower Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Surveys.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.] -
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s Time.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
A Map of the Tower Liberty.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
Pearl, Valerie.
A Survey of London. By John Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library, 1987. v–xii. Print. -
Pullen, John.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5.
Stow, John. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580.
Stow, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, 1598.
Stow, John. A suruay of London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by the same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written after 2011 cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. See also the digital transcription of this edition at British History Online.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by the ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare, 1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de ſitu & nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON and WESTMINSTER, And the Borough of SOUTHWARK. CONTAINING The Original, Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first in the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS. Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and, likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The Life of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–1755. ESTC T150145.
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow, citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other. Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city. Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added, an appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work. 2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin.
A Survey of London. 1603. By John Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912. Print.
John Southworth
Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.John Southworth is mentioned in the following documents:
John Swinflet is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Venour
Wife of William Venour. Buried at St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate.Elizabeth Venour is mentioned in the following documents:
William Venour
William Venour Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1401-1402. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Husband of Elizabeth Venour. Not to be confused with William Venour.William Venour is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Williams is mentioned in the following documents:
John Windet is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wolfe is mentioned in the following documents:
David Woodroffe
David Woodroffe Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1554-1555. Member of the Haberdashers’ Company. Father of Sir Nicholas Woodroffe. Buried at St. Andrew Undershaft.David Woodroffe is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Andrew Judde is mentioned in the following documents:
Claudius Emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
(b. 10 BCE, d. 13 October 54)Emperor of the Roman Empire 41-54. Father of Brtiannicus.Claudius is mentioned in the following documents:
Antoninus Pius
Antoninus Pius Emperor of the Roman Empire Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius
Emperor of the Roman Empire 138-161.Antoninus Pius is mentioned in the following documents:
Jesus Christ is mentioned in the following documents:
Nero Emperor of the Roman Empire Imperator Nero Cladius Divi Claudius filius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
(b. 37, d. 68)Emperor of the Roman Empire 54–68.Nero is mentioned in the following documents:
Frederick II of Denmark
Frederick This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of Denmark King of Norway
(b. 1 July 1534, d. 4 April 1588)King of Denmark and Norway 1559-1588. Husband of Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow. Father of Anne of Denmark, Christian IV of Denmark, and Elizabeth of Denmark.Frederick II of Denmark is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Rowe is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Spencer
Sir John Spencer Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1610)Sheriff of London 1583-1584. Mayor 1594-1595. Member of the Clothworkers’ Company. Husband of Alice Spencer. Father of Elizabeth Compton. Knighted between 27 May 1595 and 16 June 1595.Sir John Spencer is mentioned in the following documents:
Vespasian Emperor of the Roman Empire Titus Flavius Vespasianus
Emperor of the Roman Empire 69-79.Vespasian is mentioned in the following documents:
Trajan Emperor of the Roman Empire Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus
Emperor of the Roman Empire 98-117.Trajan is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate Ward
Bishopsgate Ward shares its western boundary with the eastern boundaries of Shoreditch and Broad Street Ward and, thus, encompasses area both inside and outside the Wall. The ward and its main street, Bishopsgate Street, are named after Bishopsgate.Bishopsgate Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Mary Spital
St. Mary Spital was an Augustinian Priory and Hospital on the east side of Bishopsgate Street. The Priory dates from 1197. The old precinct of St. Mary Spital is visible on the Agas map. The church itself was demolished after the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1539. By the time the Agas map was drawn, many of the priory buildings had been removed and the area appears sparse.St. Mary Spital is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Houndsditch Street
Running southeast from Bishopsgate Street to Aldgate Street outside the city wall, Houndsditch Street passed through Bishopsgate Ward and Portsoken Ward. It was first paved in 1603 (Harben 311). Houndsditch Street took its name from nearby Houndsditch. Stow refers to the neighbourhood surrounding Houndsditch Street asHoundsditch
:(within the limits of Hounds-ditch) dwell many a good and honest Citizen
(Stow 1633, sig. M1v).Houndsditch Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate Street
Bishopsgate Street ran north from Cornhill Street to the southern end of Shoreditch Street at the city boundary. South of Cornhill, the road became Gracechurch Street, and the two streets formed a major north-south artery in the eastern end of the walled city of London, from London Bridge to Shoreditch. Important sites included: Bethlehem Hospital, a mental hospital, and Bull Inn, a place where plays were performedbefore Shakespeare’s time
(Weinreb and Hibbert 67).Bishopsgate Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Lime Street Ward
Lime Street Ward is west of Aldgate Ward. The ward is named after its principle street, Lime Street, which takes its name from themaking or ſelling of Lime there,
according to Stow (Stow 1603).Lime Street Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin Outwich is mentioned in the following documents:
Leadenhall is mentioned in the following documents:
Gracechurch Street
Gracechurch Street ran north-south from Cornhill Street near Leadenhall Market to the bridge. At the southern end, it was calledNew Fish Street.
North of Cornhill, Gracechurch continued as Bishopsgate Street, leading through Bishop’s Gate out of the walled city into the suburb of Shoreditch.Gracechurch Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Benet Gracechurch is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Botolph without Bishopsgate
St. Botolph without Bishopsgate stood on the west side of Bishopsgate Street north of Bishopsgate. It was in Bishopsgate Ward. St. Botolph without Bishopsgate is featured on the Agas map, south of Bethlehem Hospital and west of Houndsditch Street. It is labelledS. Buttolphes.
St. Botolph without Bishopsgate is mentioned in the following documents:
City Ditch
The city ditch was part of London’s medieval defence system that ran along the outside of the wall from the Tower to Fleet River. According to Stow, the ditch was referred to as Houndsditch becausemuch filth (conveyed forth of the Citie) especially dead dogs, were there laid or cast
(Stow 1633, sig. M1v). The ditch was filled in and covered with garden plots by the time of Stow’s 1598 Survey.City Ditch is mentioned in the following documents:
Petty France is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
Bethlehem Hospital
Although its name evokes the pandemonium of the archetypal madhouse, Bethlehem (Bethlem, Bedlam) Hospital was not always an asylum. As Stow tells us, Saint Mary of Bethlehem began as aPriorie of Cannons with brethren and sisters,
founded in 1247 by Simon Fitzmary,one of the Sheriffes of London
(Stow 1:164). We know from Stow’s Survey that the hospital, part of Bishopsgate ward (without), resided on the west side of Bishopsgate Street, just north of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate (Stow 1:165).Bethlehem Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Christ’s Hospital
Located in Farringdon Within Ward, Christ’s Hospital was a opened in 1552 as a home for London’s needy children. Inspired by the preaching of Dr. Nicholas Ridley, Edward VI decided to charter the hospital days before his death in 1553 (Manzione 33). Although it began as a hospital, Christ’s Hospital eventually became known for its respected school (Pearce 206).Christ’s Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Deep Ditch
Running north-to-south, Deep Ditch was the boundary between the Moorfields and Bethlehem Hospital. Henry Harben describes the history of the site as follows:In Agas’ map a stream is shown here flowing into the City Ditch, which may be the remains of the Walbrook, the bed of which has been found under Blomfield Street, and might be referred to by Stow at that time as a ditch Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents. ()[…] It had been filled up in this part of its course, and had disappeared by 1658 Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents. ()[…] (Harben 195)
Deep Ditch is mentioned in the following documents:
A low-lying marshy area just northeast of Moorgate and on the way to the Curtain, Moorfields was home to a surprising range of activities and accompanying cultural associations in early modern London. Beggars and the mentally ill patients of neighbouring Bethlehem Hospital often frequented the area. Some used the public space to bleach and dry linen, and the Honorable Artillery Company also used it as an official training ground. Moorfields was even a popular suburban destination for ice skating when its water froze during the winter. Moorfields was generallyfull of noysome waters
(Stow 2:77) until 1605–1607, when it was successfully drained, levelled, and beautified with tree-lined pedestrian pathways. At this point, it transformed into a fashionable place for the genteel to see and to be seen. The history of Moorfields provides insight into social, political, environmental, and medical issues in early modern London.Moorfields is mentioned in the following documents:
Fisher’s Folly
Fisher’s Folly was a large house on the east side of Bishopsgate Street, within the boundary of Bishopsgate Ward and a few houses away from the Dolphin Inn. Fisher’s Folly is not marked on the Agas map. By 1620, the house was occupied by the Earls of Devonshire and was renamedDevonshire House
(Harben 196).Fisher’s Folly is mentioned in the following documents:
Kirkebies Castle is mentioned in the following documents:
Spinilas Pleasure is mentioned in the following documents:
Meg’s Glory is mentioned in the following documents:
Hog Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldgate Bars
The Aldgate Bars were posts that marked the eastern limits of the City of London. They were located at the western end of Whitechapel and the eastern end of Aldgate Street. Stow makes no attempt to describe them in detail apart from mentioning their geographic importance as boundary markers (Stow). The bars were removed in the eighteenth century (Harben).Aldgate Bars is mentioned in the following documents:
Artillery Yard is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Churchyard
Surrounding St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s Churchyard has had a multi-faceted history in use and function, being the location of burial, crime, public gathering, and celebration. Before its destruction during the civil war, St. Paul’s Cross was located in the middle of the churchyard, providing a place for preaching and the delivery of Papal edicts (Thornbury).St. Paul’s Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Charnel House and Chapel of St. Edmund the Bishop and Mary Magdalen
The Charnel House and Chapel of St. Edmund and Mary Magdalen was a mortuary chapel in Bishopsgate Ward on the east side of Bishopsgate Street. Prockter and Taylor suggest that the Charnel House and Chapel of St. Edmund and Mary Magdalen is the long, solitary building within the walled compound northwest of the Artillery Yard on the Agas map (Prockter and Taylor). References to this chapel are sparse in historical records, but we know from Stow that itwas founded about the yeare 1391. by William Euesham Citizen and Peperer of London, who was there buried
(Stow).Charnel House and Chapel of St. Edmund the Bishop and Mary Magdalen is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cross is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was—and remains—an important church in London. In 962, while London was occupied by the Danes, St. Paul’s monastery was burnt and raised anew. The church survived the Norman conquest of 1066, but in 1087 it was burnt again. An ambitious Bishop named Maurice took the opportunity to build a new St. Paul’s, even petitioning the king to offer a piece of land belonging to one of his castles (Times 115). The building Maurice initiated would become the cathedral of St. Paul’s which survived until the Great Fire of London.St. Paul’s Cathedral is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey was a historically significant church, located on the bottom-left corner of the Agas map. Colloquially known asPoets’ Corner,
it is the final resting place of Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, and many other notable authors; in 1740, a monument for William Shakespeare was erected in Westminster Abbey (ShaLT).Westminster Abbey is mentioned in the following documents:
PLACEHOLDER LOCATION ITEM. The purpose of this item is to allow encoders to link to a location item when they cannot add a new location file for some reason. MoEML may still be seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please contact the MoEML team.PLACEHOLDER LOCATION is mentioned in the following documents:
Spitalfields was a large area of open fields east of Bishopsgate Street and a good distance north of Aldgate and Houndsditch. Spitalfields, also recorded asSpittlefields
is unmistakable on the Agas map. The large expanse of fields is clearly markedThe Spitel Fyeld.
There have been many relics unearthed during archeological excavations in Spitalfields.Spitalfields is mentioned in the following documents:
The Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen (Guildhall) is mentioned in the following documents:
Guildhall is mentioned in the following documents:
The Wrestlers (Lime Street Ward)
The Wrestlers was a house in Bishopsgate Ward located on the north side of Camomile Street, near the city wall and Bishopsgate (Stow). The house predates the Wrestlers Court located on the opposite (south) side of Camomile Street. Wrestlers Court was named after the house, which was later renamed Clark’s CourtThe Wrestlers (Lime Street Ward) is mentioned in the following documents:
Angel Inn (Bishopsgate) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Ethelburga
St. Ethelburga was a church on the east side of Bishopsgate Street, south of Bishopsgate and east of St. Mary Axe. The church was in Bishopsgate Ward. St. Ethelburga, described by Stow as asmall Parish Church
(Stow), is located on the Agas map northwest ofS. Elen
and immediately east of thegate
in theBusshopp gate Streate
label.St. Ethelburga is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate)
St. Helen’s was a priory of Benedictine nuns located in Bishopsgate Ward between St. Mary Axe Street and Bishopsgate Street. St. Helen’s is visible on the Agas map with the labelS. Elen
written in the churchyard. Stow and Harben inform us that the priory was set up in 1212 by William Basing, the dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral (Stow; Harben).St. Helen’s (Bishopsgate) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Andrew Undershaft
St. Andrew Undershaft stands at the southeast corner of St. Mary Axe Street in Aldgate Ward.The church of St. Andrew Undershaft is the final resting place of John Stow.St. Andrew Undershaft is mentioned in the following documents:
Leathersellers’ Hall
The Leathersellers Hall was a hall belonging to the Leathersellers in Bishopsgate Ward east of Bishopsgate Street and north of St. Helen’s church. The Leathersellers Hall is not instantly recognizable on the Agas map. It is one of the houses north of St. Helen’s church and south of the walled garden by the west end of St. Mary Axe church. The hall is, however, featured on Richard Blome’s 1755 map of Bishopsgate Ward.Leathersellers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Crosby Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Conduit (Bishopsgate) is mentioned in the following documents:
Broad Street Ward
Broad Street Ward is west of Bishopsgate Ward. It is named after its principle street, Broad Street.Broad Street Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Goldsmiths’ Company
Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
The Goldsmiths’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Goldsmiths were fifth in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company and explains the company’s role in the annual Trial of the Pyx.The coat of arms of the Goldsmiths’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Skinners’ Company
Worshipful Company of Skinners
The Skinners’ Company (previously the Fraternity of Taylors and Linen Armourers of St. John the Baptist) was one of the twelve great companies of London. Since 1484, the Skinners and the Merchant Taylors have alternated precedence annually; the Skinners are now sixth in precedence in even years and seventh in odd years, changing precedence at Easter. The Worshipful Company of Skinners is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.The coat of arms of the Skinners’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Leathersellers’ Company
Worshipful Company of Leathersellers
The Leathersellers’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Leathersellers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Parish Clerks’ Company
The Parish Clerks’ Company was a company in early modern London. While it never technically applied for livery status, it largely acted as a livery company. The Parish Clerks’ Company is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.Roles played in the project
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The MoEML Team
These are all MoEML team members since 1999 to present. To see the current members and structure of our team, seeTeam.
Former Student Contributors
We’d also like to acknowledge students who contributed to MoEML’s intranet predecessor at the University of Windsor between 1999 and 2003. When we redeveloped MoEML for the Internet in 2006, we were not able to include all of the student projects that had been written for courses in Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, and/or Writing Hypertext. Nonetheless, these students contributed materially to the conceptual development of the project.
Roles played in the project
Data Manager
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
University of Victoria
The University of Victoria, writ large. Located in Victoria, BC, Canada. Website.This organization is mentioned in the following documents: