The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward

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CAndlewicke street, or
Candlewright street
, beginneth
at the East end of
Great East-Cheape, it
passeth West tho
row East-Cheape to
Candlewright street,
and thorow the same downe to the
North end of Suffolke lane, on the South
side, and downe that Lane, by the west
end of S. Laurence Church-yard, which
is the farthese West part of that Ward.
The street of Great East-Cheape,
Great East-cheape.
is so cal
led of the Market there kept in the East
part of the Citie, as West-Cheap is a Mar
ket so called, being in the West.
This East-Cheape is now a flesh-Mar
ket of Butchers,
East-cheape a Cookes row.
there dwelling on both
sides of the street; it had sometime also
Cookes mixed amongst the Butchers,
and such other as sold victuals ready
dressed of all sorts. For of old time, when
friends did meet, and were disposed to
be merry, they went not to dine and sup
in Taverns, but to the Cookes, where
they called for meat what them liked,
which they alwayes found ready dres
sed, and at a reasonable rate, as I have
before shewed.
In the yeere 1410. the 11. of Henry
the fourth
The kings sons bea
ten in East Cheape.
upon the Even of Saint Iohn
, the Kings sonnes, Thomas and
There was no Tavern then in East-cheape
being in East-Cheape at Supper,
(or rather at breakefast; for it was after
the Watch was broken up, betwixt two
and three of the clocke after midnight)
a great debate hapned betweene their
men, and other of the Court, which
lasted one houre, till the Maior and
Sheriffes with other Citizens appeased
the same: for the which afterwards, the
said Maior, Aldermen and Sheriffes,
were called to answer before the King;
his sonnes and divers Lords being high
ly moved against the Citie. At which
time, William Gascoigne, Chiefe Iustice,
required the Maior and Aldermen,
for the Citizens, to put them in the
Kings grace: whereunto they answered,
that they had not offended, but (accor
ding to the Law) had done their best in
stinting debate, and maintaining of the
peace: upon which answer the King re
mitted all his ire, and dismissed them.
And to prove this East-Cheape to be a
place replenished with Cookes, it may
appeare by a Song, called London licke
, made by Lidgate a Monk of Bury,
in the reigne of Henry the fifth, in the
person of a Countrey-man comming to
London, and travelling thorow the same.
In West-Cheap lin
nen cloth sold, but no silkes spoken of.

In West-Cheape (saith the Song) hee was
called on to buy fine Lawne
, Paris thread,
Cotton Vmble
, and other linnen clothes,
and such like: (he speaketh of no silkes)
In Cornehill, to buy old apparell, and house
hold-stuffe, where he was forced to buy his
owne Hood
Fripparia Vphol
ders upon Conhill, sellers of old appr¦rell and houshold-stuffe.
which he had lost in Westmin
ster Hall
: In Candlewright street, Dra
profered him cheape Cloth: In
East-Cheape, the Cookes cryed hot Ribs
of Beefe rosted, Pies well baked, and o
ther victuals: There was clattering of
Pewter pots, Harpe, Pipe and Sawtrie;
yea by cocke, nay by cocke, for greater
oathes were spared: some sang of Ienkin
and Iulian, &c. all which melodie liked
well the passenger, but he wanted mo
ney to abide by it, and therefore gat
him into Gravesend Barge, and home in
to Kent.

Candlewright (so called in old Records
of the Guild-hall of Saint Mary Overies,
Candle-wright or Candlewick street is a working place.

and other) or Candlewicke street; tooke
that name (as may be supposed) either
of Chandlers, or makers of Candles,
both of Wax and Tallow: for Candle
is a maker of Candles; or of
weeke, which is the Cotten or Yarne
thereof: or otherwise Wike, which is the
place where they used to worke them;
as Scalding-wike by the Stockes Market,
was called of the Poulters dressing and
scalding their Poultrie there. And in
divers Countries, Dayrie-houses, or
Cottages wherein they make Butter
and Cheese, are usually called Wickes.
There dwelled also of old time, divers
Weavers of woollen Clothes,
VVeavers in Candle
wick street
in by Edward the third. For I read that
in the 44. of his reigne, the Weavers
brought out of Flanders,
Weavers brought out of Flanders & Brabant.
were appoin
ted their meetings to be in the Church
yard of S. Laurence Poultney
, and the
Weavers or Brabant in the Churchyard
of S. Mary Sommerset. There were then
in this Citie, Weavers of divers sorts,
to wit, of Drapery or Tapery, and Na
pery. These Weavers of Candlewicke
, being in short time worne out,
their place is now possessed by rich
Drapers, sellers of wollen cloath, &c.
On the North side of this Ward, at
the West end of East-cheape, have ye S.
Clements lane
, a part whereof (on both
sides, is of Candlewicke street Ward; to
wit, somewhat North, beyond the Pa
rish Church of S. Clement
in East-cheap.
This is a small Church, void of Monu
ments, other than of,
Francis Barnam, Alderman, who de
ceased 1575. and of Benedict Barnam his
sonne, Alderman also 1598.
William Chartney and William Overie
founded a Chauntery there.
Francisci Barneham,
A faire Tombe on the North side of the Quire, made into the wall.
Civis, Senatoris,
Vicecomitis Londinensis: Aliciae{que} Vx
oris suae, è Bradbrigeorum Familia ae
ternae memoriae
Vixit Annos L X.
Obiit X. Maii,

Deo & Posteris.
Benedictus Barneham, filius junior Fran
cisci Barneham
Another beautifull Tombe on the South side of the Quire.
Senatoris, & quondam
Vicecomitis London, cum iisdem honori
bus, quibus Pater summa cum laude in
hac Vrbe functus fuisset. Et ex Doro
thea Vxorae charissima, filia Ambrosii
Smith, unius è filiis Ioannis Smith, de
Wocock, in Com. Leicestriae, Armigeri;
Quinque filias, Elizabetham, Aliciam,
Dorotheam, Bridgettam & Benedictam
superstites & haeredes reliquisset: Qua
rii minor natu Benedicta, paulo post hunc
erectum Tumulum diem obiit. Ipse quod
à terra accepit, hîc terra commendavit.
Quod verò è Coelo, laetus lubens{que} Christo
reddidit, summumque sui desiderium
omnibus bonis ob eximiam prudentiam,
doctrinam, eloquentiam, & praeclara in
hanc Vrbem merita reliquit
Vixit Annos 39. Obiit Aprilis die
tertio, Anno Dom.
Next is Saint Nicholas Lane, for the
most part on both sides of this Ward,
almost to S. Nicholas Church.
Then is Abchurch lane, which is on
both sides, almost wholly of this ward:
the Parish Church there (called of S.
Mary Abchurch, Apechurch
, or Vpchurch,
as I have read it) standeth somewhat
neere unto the South end thereof, on a
rising ground: It is a faire Church:
Simon de Winchcombe founded a Chaun
terie there, the 19. of Richard the se
. Iohn Littleton founded another,
and Thomas Hondon another: and hath
the Monuments of,
I. Long, Esquire, of Bedfordshire,
William Wilkenson, Alderman, 1519.
William Iawdrell, Taylor, 1440.
Sir Iames Hawes, Maior, 1574.
Sir Iohn Branch, Maior, 1580.
Joanni Branche,
A comely Monumēt in the South wall of the Quire.
Equiti, hujus Vrbis olim
Praetori, viro bono, & prudenti, 24. Iu
lii, Anno Dom. 1588. Aetatis suae 73.
vita functo in Sepulchro Wilkinsoni Avi
Materni humato: Daniel Dun, Legum
Doctor, ipsius ex Sorore Nepos posuit
In felicem Memoriam,
A faire Tombe in the wall at the East end of the Church.
piae, pulchrae &
pudicae feminae, Dominae Helenae
, filiae venerabilis Gulielmi Ni
colson, olim Civis & Pennarii London:

Quondam (per quadraginta annos & eo
amplius) uxoris viri dignissimi, Ioannis
Minors, Civis, acetiam Pannarii Londō:
Cui peperit filium unum Rogerum, &
filias tres, Iosnnam, Ripinam, & Mar
garetam, omnes sine prole defunctos; nu
per (ad annum usq. vigessimum) uxoris
venerabilissimi viri Ioannis Branch, mi
litis Aurnati, Qnondam praeclarissimae
Civitatis London Hrnoratissimi Majo
Robertus Nicolson Generosus, exfratre Ne
pos, utrius{que} heres, & dictae Dominae so
lus Executor, suis sumptibus spontaneis
hoc Monumentum posuit
Quam ter felicem, pietas, opulentia, forma
Fecêre in terris, modo suffragante popello,
Sufftagante Deo fidei, Constantia vivae,
Aeternum in coelis, te nunc jubet esse beatā
Nonagenaria obiit 10. Aprilis, Anno Salu
, 1594.
This Dame Helen Branch, Widdow
to Sir Iohn Branch, Knight, Lord Maior
of London, An. 1580. gave fifty pounds
to be lent to two yong men of the Com
pany of Drapers
, from foure yeeres to
foure yeeres for ever, 50. l. Which La
dy, gave also to poore Maids marriages
10. l. And to the poore of Abchurch 10. l. To the poore Prisoners in and about
London, 20. l. Besides, 26. Gownes to
poore men and women, 26. l. And
many other worthy Legacies to the V
niversities, &c.
On the South side of this Ward, be
ginning againe at the East, is S. Micha
, which lane is almost wholly of
this Ward, on both sides downe to
wards Thames street, to a Well or Pump
there. On the East side of this lane is
Crooked lane aforesaid, by St. Michaels
, towards New-Fishstreet. One
the most ancient house in this lane, is
called the Leaden Porch, and belonged
sometime to Sir Iohn Merston, Knight,
the first of Edward the fourth: It is now
called the Swanne in Crooked lane, pos
sessed of strangers, and selling of Rhe
nish Wine. The Parish Church of this
S. Michaels
, was sometime but a small
and homely thing, standing upon part
of that ground, wherein now standeth
the Parsonage house: and the ground
thereabout was a filthy plot, by reason
of the Butchers in East-cheap, who made
the same their Laystall.
W. de Burgo gave two Messuages to
that Church in Candlewick street, 1317.
Iohn Loveken
Stock-fishmonger, foure
times Maior, builded (in the same
ground) this faire Church of S. Micha
, and was there buried in the Quire,
under a faire Tombe, with the Images
of him and his wife in Alabaster: the
said Church hath been since increased
with a new Quire, and side Chappels
by Sir W. Walworth, Stock-fishmonger,
Maior, sometime servant to the said
Iohn Loveken. Also the Tombe of Love
was removed, and a flat stone of
gray Marble, garnished with plates of
Copper laid on him, as it yet remaineth
in the body of the Church.
This William Walworth is reported to
have slaine Iacke Strawe:
Fable of VV Wal
and Iack Straw reproved.
but Iack Straw
being afterward taken, was first adjud
ged by the said Maior, and then execu
ted by the losse of his head in Smithfield.
True it is,
Praise of VV. VVal
for his man
hood in arresting of VVat Tylar.
that this William Walworth,
being a man wise, learned, and of an in
comparable manhood arrested VVat Ty
, a presumptuous Rebell, upon whom
no man durst lay hand, whereby he de
livered the King and Kingdome from
most wicked tyranny of Traytors. The
Maior arrested him on the head with a
sound blow: whereupon Wat Tylar fu
riously strooke the Maior with his Dag
The Maior was well armed, and had on his head a Basenet.
but hurt him not, by reason he was
well armed. The Maior having recei
ved his stroke, drew his Basiliard, and
grievously wounded VVat in the necke,
and withall, gave him a great blow on
the head:
T. Walsing, H. Knighton Li. S. Mary Aborum.
in the which conflict, an Es
quire of the Kings house, called Iohn
, drew his sword, and woun
ded VVat twice or thrice, even to the
death: and VVat spurring his horse,
cryed to the Commons to revenge him:
the horse bare him about 80. foot from
the place, and there he fell downe halfe
dead: and by and by, they which at
tended on the King, environed him a
bout, so as he was not seen of his Com
pany: many of them thrust him in, in
divers places of his body, and drew him
into the Hospitall of Saint Barthole
, from whence againe the Maior
caused him to be drawn into Smithfield,
and there to bee beheaded. In reward

of this service (the people being disper
sed) the King commanded the Maior to
put a Basenet on his head:
Maior made Knight, and other
wise re
and the Ma
ior requesting why he should so do, the
King answered, hee being much bound
unto him, would make him Knight.
The Maior answered, that hee was nei
ther worthy, nor able to take such an e
state upon him; for hee was but a Mer
chant, and had to live by his Merchan
dise onely. Notwithstanding, the King
made him to put on his Basenet,
Order of making a Knight for service in the field.
then with a sword in both his hands, he
strongly strooke him on the necke, as
the manner was then. And the same
day he made 3. other Citizens Knights
(for his sake) in the same place, to wit,
Iohn Philpot,
Aldermen Knighted.
Nicholas Brember, and Ro
bert Launde
, Aldermen. The King gave
to the Maior 100. pound land by yeere,
and to each of the other 40. pound land
yeerely, to them and their heires for
After this, in the same yeere, the said
Sir William Walworth founded in the
said Parish Church of Saint Michael, a
Colledge, of a Master and nine Priests
or Chaplens, and deceasing 1385. was
there buried in the North Chappell by
the Quire:
Monumēt of Sir VV. VValworth defaced and since falsified, and so re
but his Monument being
(amongst other by bad people) defaced
in the reigne of Edward the sixth, and a
gaine since renued by the Fishmongers,
for lacke of knowledge, whatsoever be
fore had beene written in this Epitaph,
they followed a fabulous Booke, and
wrote Iacke Strawe, in stead of Wat Ty
: a great error, meet to be reformed
there, and elsewhere; and therefore have
I the more at large discoursed of this
It hath also been, and is now growne
to a common opinion, that in reward of
this service done by the said VVilliam
against the Rebell; that King
added to the Armes of this Ci
ty (which was Argent, a plaine Crosse
Gules) a Sword,
or Dagger, (for so
they terme it) whereof I have read no
such Record, but to the contrary. I
finde, that in the fourth yeere of Richard
the second
, in a full assembly made in
the upper Chamber of the Guildhall,
summoned by this William Walworth,
then Maior, as well of Aldermen, as of
the Common Councell in every Ward,
for certain affaires concerning the King;
it was there by common consent agreed
and ordained, that the old Seale of the
Office of the Maioraltie of the City,
Old Seale of the Ma
ioralty broken, and a new Seale made.
ing very small, old, unapt, and uncome
ly for the honour of the City, should be
broken, and one other new should bee
had, Which the said Maior comman
ded to be made artificially, and honou
rable for the exercise of the said Office
therafter in place of the other. In which
new Seale,
The Arms of this Ci
ty were not alte
red, but remaine afore: to wit, Ar
gent, a plaine Crosse Gules, a Sword of S. Paul in the first quarter, and no Dagger of VV. VVal
, as is fabuled.
besides the Images of Peter
and Paul, which of old were rudely en
graven, there should bee under the feet
of the said Images, a Shield of the
Armes of the said City perfectly graven
with two Lions supporting the same,
and two Sergeants of Armes, in the o
ther part, one, and two Tabernacles, in
which, above, should stand two Angels
between whom (above the said Images
of Peter and Paul) should be set the glo
rious Virgin. This being done, the old
Seale of the Office was delivered to Ri
chard Odiham
Chamberlain, who brake
it, and in place thereof, was delivered
the new Seale to the said Maior, to use
in his Office of Maioralty, as occasion
should require. This new Seale seemeth
to be made before VVilliam VValworth
was Knighted, for he is not there intitu
led Sir, as afterwards he was: and cer
taine it is, that the same new Seale then
made, is now in use, and none other in
that Office of the Maioralty. Which
may suffice to answer the former Fable,
without shewing of any evidence sealed
with the old Seale which was the
Crosse, and Sword of Saint Paul, and
not the Dagger of VVilliam VValworth.
Now, of other Monuments in that
Church, Simon Mordon, Maior, 1368.
was buried there.
Iohn Olney, Maior, 1446.
Robert March, Stocke-fishmonger,
gave two peeces of ground to bee a
Iohn Radwell, Stock-fishmonger, bu
ried, 1415.
George Gowre, Esquire, sonne to Ed
ward Gowre
Stock-fishmonger, Esquire,
Alexander Purpoynt, Stock-fishmon
ger, 1373.
Andrew Burel, Gentleman of Grayes
Inne, 1487.

Iohn Shrow, Stock-fishmonger, 1487.
with this Epitaph.
Farewell, my friends,
the tide abideth no man,
I am departed hence,
and so shall yee.
But in this passage,
the best song that I can,
Is Requiem aeternam,
now Iesu grant it mee:
When I have ended
all mine adversity,
Grant me in Paradise
to have a mansion,
That shedst thy blood
for my redemption.
Iohn Finkell, one of the Sheriffs, 1487.
was Knighted, and gave 40. pound to
this Church, the one halfe for his Mo
Iohn Pattesley, Maior, 1441.
Thomas Ewen, Grocer, bare halfe the
charges in building of the Steeple, and
was buried, 1501.
William Combes, Gent. of Stoke by
Gilford in Surrey, 1502.
Sir Iohn Brudge, Maior, 1530. gave
50. pound for a house, called the Col
in Crooked lane
: he lyeth buried in
S. Nicholas Hacon.
Iohn Wood, Stock-fishmonger, 1531.
Sir Henry Amcots, Maior, 1548. &c.
Hic jacet Richardus Gurneyus, Civitatis
London Aldermanus
A comely small Mo
nument in the East end of the South Ile.
Qui tam summis
quam infimis viris gratus, charusque
semper fuit, tum ob integritatem vitae
ac humanitatem, tum propter curam Rei
publicae singularem: vixit cum dulcis
sima uxore sua Anna Annos Sus
cepitque ex ea duodecim liberos, quorum
septem superstites reliquit, cum summo
omnium dolore excessit è vita quinto die
Martii, Anno Domini 1596. Aetatis
suae LXXII
Hic etiam uxor ejus Anna jacet, quae post
viri obitum Annos tres, menses & sep
timanas totidem vidua vivens, tandem
justè Aetatis morito, viro Nobili nupsit,
qui etiamsi ab illa magna commoda, e
molumenta, immo honores accepit, multa
tamen illi contra spem, & merita amore
juxta conjungali benevolentia defecit, hoc
nomine sibi accelerato senio. Cum jam
Annos duodecim, menses duos, & dies
quinque illocum conjunxit, prae dolore
ac angore, tricesmo primo Augusti,
1612. Annum agens septuagesimum, se
cundam vitam clausit
Relictis ex priore marito Richardo Gourneyo
liberis quinque, justa ei solennia (à ma
rito superstite denegata per filium uni
cum suum) Thoma Gourney piè perage
bantur, sumptibus ejus propriis, & in
vita ipsi eo nomine mandatis, vicesimo
secundo Septemb. Anno Salutis huma
nae, Millesimo sexcentesimo duodecimo
Here-under lyeth the bodies of Sir Henry
A goodly ancient Tombe within the Southgra
ted Chap
Knight, Alderman and Lord
Maior of London, and Dame Ioane his
wife. Which Sir Henry Amcotes de
ceased the 5. day of September, Anno
, And the said Dame Ioane de
ceased the 4. day of September, Anno
Dom. 1573
Hard by this Saint Michaels Church,
Houses in Crookedlane. blowne up with Gun-powder.

on the South side thereof, in the yeere
1560. on the fifth of Iuly, through the
shooting of a Gunne, which brake into
the house of one Adrian Arten, a Dutch
man, and set fire on a Firkin and Barrell
of Gunne-powder, foure houses were
blowne up, and divers other sore shat
tered, eleven men and women were
slaine, and sixteene so hurt and bruised,
that they hardly escaped with life.
West from this Saint Michaels Lane,
S. Martins Orgar lane and Parish Church.1

downe to a Well, replenished with
faire and large houses for Merchants, &
it is of this Ward: one of which houses
was sometime called Beauchamps Inne,
as pertaining unto them of that family.
Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Cantur
, commonly for his time was lod
ged there.
The Parish Church of Saint Martin
is a small thing VVilliam Crowmer
Maior, builded a proper Chappell on
the South side thereof, and was buried
there in an ancient Tombe, 1533.
Iohn Matthew, Maior, 1490.
Sir VVilliam Huit Maior, 1559. with

his Lady and daughter, wife to Sir Ed
ward Osburne
Relph Tabinham, Alderman.
Iohn Bold, &c.
An ancient Tombe in the East end of the
North Ile, of Robert Cosyn, Esquire;
Elizabeth his wife, and Robert his
sonne, Gent. All there buried.
Tumulus VValburgis Gretsiin, Georgii
Stecher, P. M. viduae. Obiit An. 1597.
19. Iulii. Filiae{que} moerentes P. P.
A Memoriall of John Franke,
A faire Monumēt in the wal of the Chancell, East.
and Cecilie his wife, who had issue 4.
sonnes; viz. John. a Souldier; Peter,
Gentleman-Vsher, and daily wayter to
Queene Anne; Robert, Gentleman V
sher, and Quarter-wayter to the said
Queene: and Edward, a Souldier. And
foure Daughters, viz. Elizabeth, Do
, Hester, and Iane
For remembrance of whom, the said Peter
, who lyeth interred neere unto
this place, bestowed the charge of this
Monument. And the said Robert (be
ing his Executor) caused the same to be
erected. And the which Peter dyed the
24. day of October, 1612.
Then is there one other Lane, called
S. Laurence, of the Parish Church there.
This Lane, downe to the South side of
the Churchyard, is of Candlewicke-street
The Parish Church of Saint Laurence
was increased with a Chappell of Iesus,
by Thomas Cole, for a Master and Chap
laine: the which Chappell and Parish
Church was made a Colledge of Iesus,
and of Corpus Christi
, for a Master and
seven Chaplaines, by Iohn Poultney,
Maior, and was confirmed by Edward
the third
, the twentieth of his reigne.
Of him was this Church called S. Lau
rence Poultney
in Candlewick street, which
Colledge was valued at 79. l. 17. s. 11.
d. and was surrendred in the reigne of
Edward the sixth.
Robert Radcliffe, Earle of Sussex, and
Henry Radcliffe, Earle of Sussex, were
buried there.
Alderman Beswicke was buried there.
Iohn Oliffe, Alderman.
Robert Browne, and others.
Here-under lyeth the body of William
An anci
Monumẽt in the North Ile, Eastward.
of Beswyke, Citizen, while
he lived, and Draper, and sometime Al
derman of London, who deceased the 5.
day of May, An. Dom. 1567
Iohn Olyffe, Alderman, lying under this
stone, dyed the 26. day of Iune, 1577.
A faire stone on the groūd in the same Ile.

Aged 65. yeeres: He was married for
ty yeeres to Ioane his wife: Hee had se
ven children; Anne, Iohn, Ioane, Iohn,
Thomas, Matthew
, and Edward, who
dyed all without issue, save onely Ioane,
who married Iohn Leigh, Esquire, and
heire of Addington in Surrey, and had
issue Olyffe Leigh, now living.
EVery Christian heart
seeketh to extoll
The glory of the Lord,
A very faire stone and fairly plated, in the South Ile and body of the Church.
Our onely Redeemer:
Wherefore Dame Fame
must needs inroll
Paul VVithypoll his childe,
by love and Nature,
Elizabeth, the wife
In whom was declared
the goodnesse of the Lord,
With many high vertues,
which truely I will record.
She wrought all Needle-workes
that women exercise,
With Pen; Frame, or Stoole,
all Pictures artificiall,
Curious Knots or Trailes,
what fancy would devise,
Beasts, Birds, or Flowers,
even as things naturall:
Three manner hands could she
write, them faire all.
To speake of Algorisme,
or accounts, in every fashion,
Of women, few like
(I thinke) in all this Nation.
Dame Cunning her gave
a gift right excellent,
The goodly practice

of her Science Musicall,
In divers tongues to sing,
and play with Instrument,
Both Viall and Lute,
and also Virginall;
Not onely upon one,
but excellent in all.
For all other vertues
belonging to Nature,
God her appointed
a very perfect creature.
Latine and Spanish,
and also Italian,
She spake, writ, and read,
with perfect utterance;
And for the English,
she the Garland wan,
In Dame Prudence Schoole,
by Graces purveyance,
which cloathed her with Vertues,
from naked Ignorance:
Reading the Scriptures,
to judge light from darke,
Directing her faith to Christ,
the onely Marke.
The said Elizabeth deceased the 29. day
of October, An. Dom. 1537
. Of yeeres
not fully 27. This Stone, and all here
on contained, made at the cost of the said
Emanuel, Merchant-Taylor.
Thus much for this VVard, and the
Antiquities thereof. It hath an Alder
man and his Deputy; common. Coun
sellours, eight; Constables, eight, Sca
vengers, six; Ward-mote Inquest men,
twelve, and a Beadle. It is taxed to
the Fifteene at sixteene pounds.


  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Candlewick Street Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>


