London Survey’d

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Map of London, Westminster, and Southwark facing the title page.

London Survey’d:

Giving a Particular Account
Of the Streets and Lanes,

City and Liberties.

The Courts, Yards, and Alleys,
Churches, Halls, and Houſes of Note,
In every Street and Lane.

Directions to find them in the Map.

With the Names and Marks of the
Wards, Pariſhes, and Precincts,
therein Deſcribed.
Horizontal rule

Brief Obſervations



NOtwithſtanding the ample Hiſto-
ry of this Famous City, is de-
ſign’d for One Intire Volume,
and a brief Account thereof
hath been given in the Firſt Part of Bri-
; yet conſidering this will be
more frequently Read, being Annex’d to
the MAP, We ſhall make a ſhort Repe-
tition of ſome Things Memorable, of this
Our Great Metropolis, London:
In a large Sence, the Cities of Lon-
and Westminster, with
the Borough of Southwark, and whole Maſs
of contiguous Buildings; but in a ſtricter
Acceptation, the City and Liberties of
London (as Deſcrib’d in Our MAP)
which having in Antiquity admitted of va-
rious Appellations: Is at preſent by the
Modern French call’d Londres; by other
Nations, Londra and Lunden; and in Latine,
For Antiquity, ’tis Recorded in Cæſar a-
bove 1700 Years ago; and Corn. Tacitus,
more than 1600 Years ſince, accounts It
Famous for Commerce and Frequency of
Merchants: To which, add the Mention
Amm. Marcel.makes of Theodoſus’scoming
hither; and the Inſription of a Roman
Coyn in Honour of Britannicus Son of Clau-
, where you have, Metropolis
etiminus basilicos Lon-
, not above half a Century after
Chriſt, to prove it both a City and a Me-
tropolis in thoſe Days.
Commodiouſly ſituated both for Plea-
ſure and Profit, the River of Thames waſh-
ing the South-ſide, or dividing it from South-
; being diſtatn about 60 Mile from
the Eaſtern and Southern Seas; whereby
’tis equally Accommodated for Importing
Merchandiſe from Abroad, and receiving
Neceſſary Supplies of Proviſions at Home:

Brief Obſervations
It may be ſaid to be Situate on the South
LImits of the County of Midleſex, or at
the Conjunction of that Country with Sur-
, though It is really a City and County
of It ſelf; having for four Miles to the
North and south a pleaſant Green Valley.
The City and Liberties contain 113 Pa-
riſhes, and is Divided into ſix and Twenty
Wards, each Govern’d by an Alderman and
Deputy. It contains within the Walls 380
Acres, but within the Liberties (as ’tis in
the MAP) Bounded on the South by the
Thames, and on the Weſt, North and Eaſt,
with a Chain, the Line of the Freedom:
It is 680 Acres; all as full of good
and great Buildings as conveniency can allow.
The Length from Temple-Bar in the Weſt,
to White-Chapel-Bars in the Eaſt, is 9256
Foot, or one Mile, ſix Furlongs, and a Pole:
The Breadth is ſeven Furlongs and two
Poles, or 4653 Foot, viz. from the Bars in
Biſhopſgate-ſtreet to the Bridg, One of the Re-
markables of
EUROPE, conſiſting in nine-
teen mighty Arches, being in Length ſixty four
Poles, or 1056 Foot, the fifth Part of an En-
, accounting 8 Furlongs to a Mile,
40 Poles to a Furlong, 16 Foot and a half
to a Pole.
But reckoning the adjoyning Suburbs
and WESTMINSTER, and then mea-
ſuring from Black-Wall inclusiſive, to the End
of St. James’s Street beyond Petty-France,
it is ſeven Miles and a half; and from the
End of St. Leonard Shoreditch, to the End
of Blackman-ſtreet in Southwark, the Breadth
from North to South, is above two Miles
and a half.
The Eccleſiaſtical Government of the Ci-
ty of LONDON, is by a Biſhop, who
hath Precedency next to the Arch-Biſhop;
numbring in a continual Succeſſion of Ten
Centuries and an half, Ninety two Biſhops.
The Cathedral hath a Dean and Chapter,
a Treaſurer, and thirty Prebendaries: The
Dioceſs contains Midleſex, Eſſex, Col-
and St. Albans.
The Old Cathedral Dedicated to St. Paul, containing in Length from East to West, ſix hundred and ninety Foot in

Breadth from North to South, one hundred
and thirty Foot,(Built in Form of a Cross)
one hundred and two Foot in Height; a-
dorn’d with a Tower of two hundred and
ſixty Foot, and a spire of two hundreed and
ſixty Foot more, exalting it ſelf from the
Midſt of the Croſs: This ſtately Spire co--
ver’d with Lead, with a great Part of the
Church, was Ruin’d by Fire, Anuo 1561.
and after ſeveral Eminent Repairs by the
Bounty and Piety of Queen Elizabeth, King
the Martyr, the Biſhops of Canter-
, with the Clergy, & the City of LON-
, It was at laſt wholly deſtroyt’d by-
the dreadful Fire, September the 2,3, and
4th. Anno Domini 1666. But by his Pious
Care and Encouragement of His Sacred
Majeſty, upon a better Foundation is alrea-
dy very far advanc’d a more Glorious
The Civil Government of the City of
LONDON, in the Romans Time was by
a Prafect, the Title continuing three hun-
dred Years: In the Saxons Time by a Port-
; which after the conqueſt was chang’d
into, ſometimes a Bailiff, and ſometimes a
Provoſt. Richard the Firſt Granted them
two Bailiffs, and King John chang’d them
into into a Mayor and two Sheriffs: The Mayor
with the Court of Aldermen and Common-
, (like the three Eſtates in Parlia-
ment) Make Laws.
And to them is added, a Recorder, Cham-
berlain, Town-Clerk, Common-Sergeant, Re-
membrancer, Vice-Chamberlain, &c.
The Militia of this City and Liberties,
as it was Settled ſoon after His Majeſty’s
Restauration, in ſix Regiments of Train’d-
Bands, and as many Auxiliaries, amount
to twenty Thouſand foot, and the Horſe
eight hundred; the Tower Hamlets, with the
train’d-Bands of Southwark and Weſtmin-
eight Thousand five hundred more:
But in Caſe of Necessity, there may be
Rais’d at least eighty thouſand able fighting
Men, which being Officer’d by the Mem-
bers of the Artillery-Company, Commanded
by His Royal Higneſs,are a Force ſuffici-
ent to Oppoſe any Enemy, either Forreign
or Domeſtick.
The Mayor of LONDON is, during

Brief Obſervations.
his Mayoralty, Honor’d with the Title of
Lord; Four of his Domeſtick Attendants
are Eſquires, viz. the Sword-Bearer, the
Common-Hunt, the Common-Cryer, and
the Water-Bayliff. He is uſually Cho-
ſen on Michaelmas Day, and on the Twen-
ty Ninth of October, with great State,
Convey’d to Westminster, where taking his
Oath, and returning to the Guild-Hall of
the City, a moſt Magnificent Feaſt is
Prepar’d; frequently Honor’d with the Pre-
ſence of the King and Queen, Nobility,
and judges, &. The Sheriffs of the Ci
ty are Sheriffs of Midleſex alſo, who at-
tending the Lord-Mayor, appear Abroad
uſually on Horſeback, wearing Gold-chians,
and on Feſtivals their Scarlet Gowns, worn
likewiſe by all the Aldermen; but such who
have been Lord-Mayors, weawr also their
Gold-Chains ever after. The Lord-May-
or has His Great Mace and Sword born be-
fore Him, and at Coronations claims to be
Chief Butler
The Traders of this City are divided into
ſeveral Corporations or Companies, the twelve
Principal, of one of which the Lord-Mayor
is always Free, are the Mercers, Grocers,
Drapers, Fiſh-Mongers, Gold-Smiths, Skin-
, Merchant-Taylors, Haberdaſhers, Sal-
, Iron-Mongers, Vintoners, and Cloath-
; Whoſe Halls or Guilds reſemble
ſo many ſtately Pallaces; and their Go-
vernment, not much unlike that or the Ci-
ty, is by a Maſter, Wardens, and Affiliants:
The reſt of the Companies, to the Num-
ber of about Seventy, beſides the firſt
Twelve, have also their Halls, Governors,
and Officers, with their Armorial Enſigns, &c.
And are accounted One of the Glories of
this Super-Eminent City.
To theſe We may add, the ſeveral Com-
panies of Merchants Trading to Foreign
Parts: as, Ruffia, Turkey, Eaſt-India, Eaſt-
, and Africa; whoſe great Adventures,
Care and Conduct, for the Increaſe of
Trade and Navigation, is (under Our Gra-
cious Soveraign) the Glory, Riches, and Strength of not only this City, but the
Kingdom alſo. Theſe Merchants Meet,
for the ready Diſpatch of Buſineſs, twice

a-day upon the Royal-Exchange, first Built
by Sr. Thomas Greſham, Anno 1566. But
ſince the Fire more ſplendidly Re-built by
the City and Company of Mercers.
This great and poulous City is ſupply’d
with all ſorts of Proviſions and Neceſſaries
for Suſtenance and Delights, as well from
the Shops and Butchers-Shambles, as the
many Markets, wherewith both the City
and Suburbs are furniſh’d, and then plen-
tifully Stor’d both from Land and Water.
The Thames, which, twice a-day, brings
into her Boſom, Ships Fraught with the
Rarities and Riches of the World, is al-
ſo convey’d by Engines into the higheſt
Parts of the City; which, with the ſeve-
ral Springs and Conduits, receiving adja-
cent Fountains, and the New-River, brought thither at great Labor and Coſt, from
Ware, by Sir. Hugh Midleton, Anno 1613. ſo
furniſhes This, that no City in the World
is more abundantly ſupply’d with Water.
Neither is it leſs accommodated for Fuel,
which is Convey’d to it by the River
Thames, from New-Castle, Scotland, Kent, and Eſſex.
Thus have we given you a Curſory
Account of this Celebrated Emporium which
for Situation, Exton, Government, Mag-
nificence, Plenty, Riches and Strength,
may Challenge any European City what-
Horizontal rule

Horizontal rule


We Proceed to the Explanation of
the MAP, containing 25 Wards, 122 Pariſhes and Liberties, and therein
189 Streets, 153 Lanes, 522 Alleys, 458
Courts, and 210 Yards bearing Name.
The Broad Black Line is the City Wall. The
line of the Freedom is a Chain. The Divi-
of the Wards, thus o o o o The Pariſhes,
Liberties, and Precincts by a Prick-line..... Each Ward and Pariſh is known by the Let-
and figures Diſtributed within their
Bounds, which are plac’d in the Tables
before their Names, Page 45. &c. The
Wards by Capitals without Figures. The Pa-
, &c. The
Great Letters with Numbers refer to Halls,
Great Buildings, and Inns. The Small Letters
to Courts, Yards and Alleys, every Letter be-
ing repeated 99 times, and ſprinkled in the
Space of 5 Inches, running through the
MAP, from the Left Hand to the Right,
&c. Churches and Eminent Buildings are
double Hatch’d, Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts,
and Yards, are left White. Gardens, &c.
faintly Prick’d. Where the Space admits
the Name of the Place is in Words at
length, but where there is not room, a let-
and figure refers you to the table, in
which the streets are Alphabetically diſ-
pos’d, and in every Street the Churches and
Halls, Places of Note and Inns, with the
Courts, Yards and Alleys, are named; then
the Lanes in that Street, and the Churches,
&. as aforeſaid, in each Lane.
Directions fo the ready finding of
any Place
The Figures between the Black LInes
on the Left Hand of every Page, are the
ſame that are above, below, and on the Sides
of the MAP: The firſt Numbersare thoſe
on the Sides, and the Other thoſe abovbe
and below; their Life is to ſhew in what

Explanation of the Map and Tables.
Part of the MAP the Street or Lane, &c.
may be found: For Example, The Table be-
gins with Addle Street, and againſt it you
have 6-10. find 6 either on the Right or
Left Side of the MAP, and guide your
Eye till you come over or under 10, and in
a Square of 5 Inches which thoſe Figures
Govern, you have Addle Street, and in that
Square you will find B 6. Plaisterers Hall,
and B7. Brewers Hall, both in Addle Street,
the next is 5-10 Phillip Lane, in Addle-ſtreet,
yet not altogether in the ſame Square, but
againſt 5 and under 10, therefore, where
either the lane or Court, &c. falls under
other Numbers than thoſe that directs to the
Street, the Number is ſet againſt it; as, Al-
derſgate Street
is in 3-8. but Black Horſe
in Alderſgate Street, is in 4-8. and Mai-
denhead Court
in 5-9. Many Streets run-
ning through ſseveral Squares, either from
Eaſt to Weſt or North to South.
If there be no Figures nor Letters againſt
any Name, then the Figures next above di-
rectst to the Square, and the Name is En-
graven in the MAP; as, St. Botolph Al-
derſgate Church
is in the Square made by 5-9
Again, any Letter and Figure you have in
the MAP, and would know the Name of
the Place, obſerve what Street it’s Paſſage
is into, and that Street you readily find, be-
, be-
ing plac’d Alphabetically in the Table, and
under that Street you have the Letter and
Number in the MAP, and the Name of
the Place; as in the Square made by 3 on
the side and 9 above, you find A 18. the
Street is Barbican find Barbican in the Ta-
, and under that Title you have 3-9 A 18
The Earl of Bridgwater’s Houſe. Not far
from it, is b 68 Plow Yard. And ſo of the

THIS Large Map of LONDON,
truly Deſcribing all the Streets,
Paſſages and Buildings, at an hun-
dred Foot in an Inch; Is Sold by

William Morgan,at Mr. Ogilby’s Houſe
White-Fryers,Mr. Pask at theStatio-
ners Arms under the Royal Exchange in
Thread-Needle Street, and Mr. Green at
Roſe and Crown in Budg-Row: The
50 s. Cloath’d, Colour’d, &c.
This is alſo to give notice, that Mr. Ogilby’s
Engliſh Atlas is Carry’d-on and will be finiſh-
ed by his Kinſman,
William Morgan, His
Comographer, at Mr. Ogilby’s
Houſe aforeſaid; and all Adventurers are de-
ſir’d to ſend in their Names, and take out
thoſe Volumes that they want, becauſe for the Fi-
niſbing the Survey of
England, &c. there will
be in
Eaſter Term next, a general Diſpoſal of
all Mr.
Ogilby’s Books, at a greater Advan-
tage to the Adventurers than hath been former-
ly propos’d or ever will be again.
And becauſe ſeveral counterfeit Books and
Maps, notoriouſly Falſe eſpecially of
have been and others are Preparing to be Pub-
liſh’d, You are Deſir’d to Receive no Book or-
Map for Part of the Atlas or
Survey, that hat
not the Names of
John Ogilby or William
Morgan or both.


Cite this page

MLA citation

Ogilby, John, and William Morgan. London Survey’d. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

Ogilby, John, and William Morgan. London Survey’d. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

APA citation

Ogilby, J., & Morgan, W. 2018. London Survey’d. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)

Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A1  - Ogilby, John
A1  - Morgan, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - London Survey’d
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Ogilby, John
A1 Morgan, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 London Survey’d
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#OGIL6"><surname>Ogilby</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#MORG2"><forename>William</forename> <surname>Morgan</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">London Survey’d</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>

Related documents / disambiguation

MoEML has split our edition of Ogilby and Morgan into two files: OGIL5 is the diplomatic transcription of all textual elements; OGIL5_toponyms is the a born-digital harvesting of the toponyms from the source that does not attempt to retain any styling or other bibliographical features of the original.


