Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward

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NExt vnto Bredstréet Warde, on the South side therof, is Quéen Hithe Ward, so called of a wa
ter gate, or harborow for Boates, Lighters and Barges, and was of olde time for shippes, at what time, the timber bridge of London was drawne vp, for the passage of them to the saide Hithe, as to a principall strand for landing and vnlading against the middest and hart of the Citie. This Warde beginneth in the East, in Knightriders stréete, on the South side thereof, at the East ende of the Parish church cal
led the holy Trinitie, and runneth West on the South side to a lane called Lambert hill, which is the length of the Warde in Knightri
ders stréete
, out of the which stréet are diuers Lanes, running South to Thames stréete, and are of this Warde: the first is Trinitie Lane, which runneth downe by the West end of Trinitie Church. Then is Spuren Lane, or Sporners Lane, now called Huggen Lane. Then Bredstréet hill. Then S. Mary Mounthaunt: out of the which Lane, on the East side thereof, is one other Lane, turning East, through S. Nicholas Olaues Church yard, to Bredstréete hill. This Lane is called Finimore Lane or fiue foote Lane, because it is but fiue foote in breadth at the West ende: In the middest of this lane, runneth downe one other lane broader, South to Thames stréete, I thinke the same to be called Desboorne Lane, for I reade, of such a Lane to haue bin in the parish of Mary Summerset, in the two and twentieth yeare of Edward the 3. where there is saide to lye betwéene the Tenement of Edward de Mountaoute Knight, on the East part, and the tenement sometime pertaining to William Gladwine on the West, one plot of ground, containing in length to
wards Thames stréete 25. foote &c.
Last of all, haue you Lambart hill Lane, so called of one Lambart an owner thereof: and this is the furthest West part of this Warde. On the North side comming downe from Knightriders stréete, the

East side of Lambards hill, is wholely of this Warde: and the west side, from the North end of the Black-smithes Hall (which is about the middest of this Lane) vnto Thames Stréete. Then part of Thames stréete, is also of this Warde, to wit, from a Cookes house called the signe of King Dauid, thrée houses West, from the olde Swan Brewhouse in the East, vnto Huntington house, ouer a
gainst Saint Peters Church in the West, neare vnto Powles Wharffe. And on the land side from a Cookes house called the blew Boore, to the West ende of Saint Peters Church, and vp Saint Peters Hill, two houses North aboue the saide Church. And these bee the boundes of this Warde: in which, are Parish Churches seuen, Halles of Companies two, and other Orna
ments, as shall he shewed.
First, in Knightriders stréete, is the small Parish Church of the holy Trinitie, very olde and in daunger of downe falling: col
lections haue béene made for the repairing thereof, but they will not stretch to farre, and therefore it leaneth vpon proppes or stilts. Monuments are therein none. Towards the West ende of Knightriders stréete, is the Parish Church of S. Nicholas Colde Abbey, a comely Church, somewhat auncient, as appeareth by the wayes raised thereabout: it hath béene called of many, Golden Abbey, of some Colde Abbey, and so hath the most auncien
test writing: but I could neuer learne the cause why it should bee so called, and therefore I will let it passe. There bee monuments in this Church, of Andrew Awbery Grocer, Mayor, and Thomas Fryar Fishmoonger, in the yeare 1351. who gaue to this Church and parish one plot of ground, containing fiftie six foote in length, and fortie thrée foote in breadth, at both endes to be a buriall place for the dead of the said Parish, the twentie sixt of Edward the third. Also Thomas Madefrey Clarke, and Iohn Pylot, gaue to the Wardens of that Parish, one shop, and a house in Distar lane, for the continu
al repairing of the bodie of that church, the belles and Ornaments the twentieth of Richard the 2. buried there Iohn Calfe, & William Cogeshall, Walter Turke Fishmoonger Mayor, 1349. Richard Esgastone Fishmoonger, 1400. Richard Walberge Fishmoonger, 1407. Thomas Padington Fishmoonger, 1485. Robert Hary Fishmoonger, and others.

On the North side of this church in the Wall thereof, was of late builded a conuenient Eistern of stone and lead, for receit of Thames water,
Water condit.
conueyed in pipes of leade to that place, for the ease and com
moditie of the Fishmoongers, and other inhabitants, in and about olde Fishstréete. Barnard Randolphe common Seriant of the cittie of London, did in his life time deliuer to the company of Fishmoon
gers, the sum of nine hundred, pound, to bee imployed towards the conducting of the said Thames water, and sisterning the same, &c. In the parishes of S. Mary Magdalen, and S. Nicholas Colde Ab
neare vnto Fishstréete, seuen hundred pound, and other two hundred pound to charitable déedes: he deceased, 1583. and shortly after, this conduit with the other, was made and finished.
In Trinitie Lane, on the west side thereof, is the Painter stay
ners Hall
, for so of olde time were they called, but now that worke
manship of stayning is departed out of vse in England Lower down in Trinitie Lane on the East side thereof, was sometime a great Messuage pertaining vnto Iohn Earle of Cornwell,
Earle of Corn
well his house.
in the foure
teenth of Edward the third
. On Bredstréet hill down to the Thames on both sides, bee diuers faire houses, inhabited by Fishmoongers, Chéesemoongers, and Marchants of diuers trades. On the West side whereof, is the parish church of S. Nicholas Oliue, a conueni
ent church, hauing the monumēts of William Newport Fishmoon
ger, one of the Sheriffes 1375. Richard Willowes Parson 1391. Richard Sturges Fishmoonger 1470. Thomas Lewen Ironmoon
ger, one of the Sheriffes 1537. who gaue his messuage with yt purte
nances, wherein he dwelt, with fourtéene Tenements in the saide Parish of S. Nicholas, to be had after the decease of Agnes his wife, to the Ironmoongers, and they to giue stipends appointed to Almes men, in fiue houses by them builded in the church yard of that parish: more to poore schollers in Oxford and Camebridge, &c. Blitheman, an excellent Orgainest of the Quéenes Chapell, lyeth buried there with an Epitaphe, 1591, &c. The next is olde Fishstréet hill, a Lane so called, which also runneth downe to Thames stréete. In this lane on the East side thereof, is ye one end of Finimore on Fiue foote lane. On the West side of this old Fishstréete hill, is the Bishop of Here
Inne or lodging
: an auncient house, and large roomes builded of stone and timber, which sometime belonged to the Mounthaunts

in Norfolke. Radulphus de Maydenstone, Bishop of Hereford, about 1234. bought it of the Mounthaunts, and gaue it to the Bishoppes of Hereforde, his successors. Charles both Chan
cellour of the Marches, Bishoppe of Hereforde, about the yeare 1517. repaired it, since the which time, the same is greatly rui
nated, and is now diuided into many small tenements: the Hall and principall roomethes, are an house to make Suger loues, &c. Next adioyning, is the parish Church of S. Mary de Mounte Alto, or Mounthaunte, this is a very small church,
Parish Church of Saint Mary Monte Alto.
and at the first builded to be a chapple for the saide house of the Mounthaunts, and for Te
nements thereunto belonging. The Bishop of Hereford is Patron thereof. Monuments in this church of Iohn Glocester Alder
man, 1345. who gaue Salt Wharfe for two Chanteries there. There was sometime a faire house in the said parish of Saint Mary Mounthaunte, belonging to Robert Belkenape,
Robert Belke
his house giuen to Wil. Wickam.
one of the Kings Iustices, but the said Belknape being banished this realme, King Richard the second, in the 12. of his raigne, gaue it to Wil
liam Wickham
bishop of Winchester.
On the East side of this Olde Fishstréete Hill, is one great house now letten out for rent, which house sometime was one of the Halles pertaining to the Company of Fishmongers,
One old Hall of the fish
. Fishmongers Hallmotes, six in number.
at such time as they had six Hallmotes or méeting places: namely, twaine in Bridge stréete, or new Fish stréet, twaine in old Fish stréet, wher
of this was one: and twain in Stockfishmonger Row,
or Thames stréete, as appeareth by a Record the 22. of Richard the 2.
Next Westward, is one other Lane called Lambard Hill, the East side whereof, is wholly of this Warde, and but halfe the west side: to wit, from the North end of the blacke Smithes Hall. Then in Thames stréete of this Warde, on the North side ouer against the Quéenes Hithe, is the Parrish church of S. Michæll, a con
uenient church, but all the Monuments therein are defaced.
I finde thatStphen Spilman, Gentleman of that Family in Norfolke, sometime Mearcer, Chamberlaine of London, then one of the Sheriffes and Alderman, in the yeare 1404. decea
sing without issue, gaue his landes to his Family the Spilmans, and his goods to the making or repairing of Bridges and other like godly vses: And amongst others to this church, and was bu
ried in the Quire.

Also Richard Marlowe Ironmoonger Mayor, 1409. gaue 20 pound to the poore of that Warde, and ten Markes to the church. Richard Gray Ironmoonger Alderman, one of the Sheriffes 1515 gaue fortie pound to that church, and was buried there. At the west ende of that church goeth vp a lane, called Pyellane.
On the same North side, at the South ende of Saint Mary Mounthaunt Lane, is the parish church of Saint Mary Summerset, ouer against the broken Wharffe: it is a proper church, but the Monuments are all defaced. I thinke the same to bee of olde time called Summers Hithe, of some mans name that was owner of the ground neare adioyning, as Edreds Hithe was, so called of Edred owner thereof, and Sythence called Quéene Hithe, as pertaining to the Quéene, &c.
Then is a small Parish church of S. Peter, called Parua or Little, vpon the Thames, neare vnto Powles wharffe: In this church no Monuments do remaine. At the UUest ende thereof, is a Lane called Saint Peters hill, but two houses vp that lane, on the East side, is of this UUarde, and the rest is of Castle Baynarde UUarde.
On the South side of Thames stréete, beginning againe in the East, among the Cookes: The first in this Warde, is the signe of Dauid the King: then is Townes end lane, turning downe to the Thames. Then is Quéene Hithe, a large receptackle for ships, lighters, barges, and such other vesselles.
Touching the Antiquitie and vse of this gate and Hithe, first I finde, that of olde time the same belonged to one named Edred, and was then called Edreds Hithe,
Edreds Hithe or Quene Hithe. L1iber trinitate
which since falling to the hands of King Stephen, it was by his Charter confirmed to William Dey
: the firme whereof in Fée and in heritage, William Deypre gaue it vnto the Prior and Couent of the holy Trinitie within Ald
, as appeareth by this Charter. To Theobald by the grace of God Archbishop of Canterburie, Primate of England, and Legata Apostolike, to the Bishop of London, and to all faithfull people, Clarkes, and laye men, William Deypre sendeth gréeting.
Know ye me to haue giuen and graunted to God, and to the Church of the Holy Trinitie of London, to the Pryor and Cannons

there seruing God, in perpetuall almes, Edreds Hithe with the ap
purtenances, with such deuotion, that they shall send euery yeare twentie pound vnto the maintenance of the Hospital of S. Kathrens, which Hospitall they haue in their hands, and 100. shillings to the Monkes of Berdmondsey, and 60. shillings, to the brethren of the Hospitall of Sain Gyles, and that which remaineth, the said Prior and Cannons shall enioy to themselues: witnesses, Richard de Lu
, Raphe Picot
, &c.
This Edreds Hithe after the aforesaid grants, came againe to the Kings hands, by what meanes I haue not read, but it pertai
ned vnto the Quéene, and therefore was called Ripa Reginæ, the Quéenes Banque, or Quéenes Hithe, and great profit thereof was made to her vse, as may appeare by this which followeth.
King Henry the third, in the ninth of his Raigne, commanded the Constables of the Tower of London, to arrest the shippes of the Cinque Ports on the riuer of Thames, and to compell them to bring their corne to no other place but to the Quéenes Hithe onely.
Ships of the ports arested and forced to bring their corne to Queen Hithe.
In the eleuenth of his raigne, hee charged the saide Consta
ble to destraine any fishe offered to be solde in any place of this cittie, but at the Quéene Hithe. Moreouer, in twentie eight of the said Kings raigne, an inquisition was made before William of Yorke, Prouost of Beuerley, Henry of Bathe, and Hierome of Caxton, Iustices Itenerants, sitting in the Tower of London, touching the customes of Quéene Hithe, obserued in the yeare last, before the warres, betwéene the King his father, and the Barons of England, and of olde customes of other times, and what customes had béene chaunged, at what time to Taxe and payment of all things com
ming thither, and betwéene woorepatheMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, and Anede HitheMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, were found and ceased according to the olde order, as well corne and fishe as of other things: all which customes were as well to bee obser
ued in the parte of Dounegate as in Quéene Hithe, for the Kings vse. When also it was found, that the corne arriuing betwéene the gate of Guild Hall of the Merchants of Colleyne, and the Soke of the Archbishop of Canterburye (for he had a house neare vnto the Black Fryers) was not to be measured by any other quarter, then be that of the Quéenes soke.
Liberty of the Queenes Hithe frō the Stilyard to the Black-Fryers. Soke is court.

After this, the Bayliffes of the saide Hithe complained, that since the saide Recognision, fourtéene forraine shippes laden with Fish, arriued at Bilnings Gate, which shippes should haue arriued at the saide Hithe: And therefore it was ordered, that if any forraine shippe laden with Fish, should in forme aforesaid, arriue elsewhere then at this Hithe, it should bee at the Kings pleasure to amerce them at 40. shillings. Notwithstanding, the shippes of the citizens of London were at libertie to arriue where the owners would ap
point them.
After this, the saide Henry the third, confirmed the graunt of Richard Earle of Cornwell, for the Farme of the Quéene Hithe,
Queen Hithe let to farme to the Maior and Communaltie of London.
vnto Iohn Gisors then Mayor, and to the Communaltie of Lon
, and their successors for euer, as by this his Charter appeareth: Henry by the grace of God, King of England, lord of Ireland, Duke of Gwine, and Earle of Aniowe, to all Archbishops, &c. Be it knowne, that we haue séene the couenant betwéene our brother Richard Earle of Cornwell, of the one partie, and the Maior and Communaltie of London on the other partie, which was in this sort.
Liber trini
trte, Lon.
In the 30. yeare of H. the sonne of King Iohn, vpon the feast of the translation of Saint Edward at Westminster, this couenant was made betwéene the honourable lord Richard Earle of Corn
, and Iohn Gisors then Mayor of London, and the Commons thereof, concerning certaine exactions and demaunds pertaining to the Quéene Hithe of London. The saide Earle graunted for himselfe and his heires, that the said Mayor, and all Mayors insu
ing, and all the Commons of the citie, should haue and holde the Quéene Hithe, with all the liberties, customes, and other appurte
nances, repaying yearly to the said Earle, his heires and assignes, at Clarken well, at two seuerall termes: to wit, the Sunday after Easter 25. pound. And at Michælmas 25. pound. And for more suretis hereof, the saide Earle hath set therevnto his seale, and left it with the Mayor. And the Mayor and Com
munaltie haue set to their seale and left it with the Earle. Where
fore we confirme and establish the said couenant, for vs, and for our heires. Witnesses, Raphe Fitx Nicholl, Richard Gray, Iohn and Williā Brithem, Pawlin Payner, Raphe Wancia, Ioh. Gum
and other: at Winsor the 26. of Febr. the 31. of our raigne.

The charge of this Quéene Hithe was then committed to the She
riffes, and so hath continued euer since, the profits whereof are sore diminished, so that (as writeth Robert Fabian)
Robert Fabi
it was woorth in his time litle aboue 20. Markes, or 15. pounde, one yeare with an other. Now for customes of this Quéene Hithe,
Liber consti
in the yeare 1302.
Custome of Queen Hithe.
the 30. of Ed. the 1. it was found by the oath of diuers men, that Ba
kers, Brewers, and others buying their corne at Quéene Hithe, should pay for measuring, portage, and carriage for euery quarter of corne whatsoeuer, from thence to West Cheape, to S. Anthonins Church, to Horshewe Bridge, and to Woolsey stréete in the Parish of Alhallowes the lesse, and such like distances, one ob. q. to Fléete Bridge, to Newgate, Criplegate, to Bercheouars Lane, to East-Cheape and Billings Gate, one penny. Also that the measurer (or the meater) ought to haue 8.
A corne Mea
ter, 8. M. Por
ters, and 24. Porters vnder them, at queen Hithe.
chiefe Maister Porters, euery Maister to haue 3. Porters vnder him, and euery one of them to finde one horse, and seuen sackes, and he that so did not, to loose his Of
fice. This Hithe was then so frequented with Uessels, bringing thi
ther corne (besides fish, salt, fewell, and other marchandizes) that all these men, to wit, the Meater, and Porters, 37. in number, for all their charge of horses and sackes, and small stipend, liued well of their labours: but now that case is altered: the Bakers of Lon
and others Citizens, trauell into the Countries, and buye their Corne of the Farmars, after the Farmars price.
King Edward the second in the first of his raigne, gaue to Margaret, wife to Peter de Gauestone, fortie thrée pound, twelue shillings nine pence ob. q.
Liber Guild.
out of the rent in London, to be receiued of the Quéenes Hithe. Certaine Inpositions were set vpon ships and other vesselles, comming thither, as vppon Corne, Salt, and other things, towarde the charge of clensing Roomeland there, the 41. of Edward the 3.
The third of Edward the fourth, the Market at Quéene Hithe being hindred by the slacknesse of drawing vp London Bridge, it was ordeined, that all maner of Uesselles, Shippes, or Boats, great or small, resorting to the Citie with victuall, should be sold by re
taile, and that if there came but one Uessell at a time, were it salt, wheate, Kye, or other Corne from beyonde the Seas, or other graines, Garlicke, Onyons, Hearings, Sprattes, Eles, Why

Place, Cods, Mackarell, &c. then that one Uessell should come to Quéene Hithe,
Queen Hithe to be more frequented of Ships & botes then Billings gate.
and there to make sale: but if two Uessailes came, the one should come to Quéene Hithe, the other to Billings gate: if thrée, two of them should come to Quéene Hithe, the third to Billings gate, &c. alwayes the more to Quéene Hithe: if the Uessell being great, comming with sault from the Baye, and could not come to these keyes, then the same to be conueyed by Lighters, as afore is ment.
One large house for stowage of Corne (framed out of Lighters and Barges) is there lately builed. Sir Iohn Lion Grocer May
or, 1554. by his Testament, gaue one hundred pound towards it, but since increased and made larger at charges of the Citie, in the yeare, 1565.
A garner for corne at Queen Hithe. A garnar for corne, and a store house for meale at Queene Hithe Stewe lane. Timber Hithe.
Next adioyning to this Quéene Hithe, on the West side thereof, is Sault Wharffe, named of Sault taken vp, measured and solde there. The next is Stewe lane, of a Stewe, or hotte house there kept. After that, is Timber Hithe, or Timber stréete, so called of Timber and Boordes there taken vp and Wharffed, it is in the Parish of Saint Mary Somershithe, as I reade in the fiftie sixt of Henry the third, and in the ninth of Edward the second. Then is Brookes wharffe, & broken wharfe, a water gate (or Keye) so called, of béeing broken and fallen downe into the Thames. By this Bro
ken Wharffe
, remaineth one large olde building of stone, with Arched gates, which Messuage as I finde in the raigne of Henry the third, the fortie thrée yeare, pertaining vnto Hugh de Bygot, and in the eleuenth of Edward the second, to Thomas Earle of Norffolke, Marshall of Ireland: In the eleuenth of Henry the sixt, to Iohn Newbery Duke of Norffolke, &c.
Within the gate of this house, (now belonging to the cittie of London) is lately, to wit, in the yeare, 1594. and 1595. builded one large house, of great heigth, called an engine, made by Beuis Bulmar gentleman, for the conueying and forcing of Thames wa
An engine for inforcing of thames water.
to serue in the middle and West parts of the Citie. The aun
cient great Hall of this Messuage, is yet standing, and pertaining to a great Brew-house for Béere. West from this, is Trigge lane, going downe to the Thames, Next is called Bosse lane, of a Bosse of water, like vnto that of Billings gate, there placed by the execu

of Richard Wittington. Then is one great messuage some
time belonging to the Abbots of Chartsey in Surrey, and was theyr Inne, wherein they were lodged, when they repayred to the Citie: it is now called Sandy house, by what reason I haue not heard: I thinke the Lord Sands haue béene lodged there. And this is an end of this Quéene Hithe Warde: which hath an Alderman and his Deputie. Common Councell sixe. Constables nine. Skauengers eight. Wardmete Inquest thirtéene, and a Beadle. It is taxed to the Fiftéene in London twentie pound, and in the Exchequer at twentie pound.


  1. Letter missing. (SM)

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Stow, J., & fitz Stephen, W. 2018. Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>





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