Survey of London: Langbourn Ward

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Langborne warde, and Fennie about.
LAngborne warde
Langborne warde, and sennie about.
is so called of a long borne of swéete water, which of old time breaking out into Fenchurch streete, ran downe the same streete and Lombard street, to the West ende of S. Mary Woolnothes Church, where tur
ning south, and breaking it selfe into many small shares, rilles or streames, it left the name of Share borne lane, or south borne lane (as I haue read) because it ranne south to the riuer of Thames. This Warde beginneth at the West end of Aldegate warde, in Fenne church stréet, by the Ironmongers hall, which is on the North side of that stréete, at a place called Culuer alley,
Culuer alley. Lane stopped vppe.
where sometime was a lane, through the which men went into Limestréete, but that being long since stopped vp for suspition of theeues, that lurked there by night (as is shewed in Limestreet warde) there is now this said alley a ten
nis court, &c.
Fenne Church street tooke that name of a Fennie or Moorish ground so made by means of this borne which passed through it, & therefore vntill this day in the Guildehall of this citie, that ward is called by the name of Langborne, and fennie about and not other
wise: yet others be of opinion that it tooke that name of Fænum, that is hey solde there, as Grasse street tooke the name of Grasse or herbes there sold.
In the midst of this streete standeth a small parish church cal
led S. Gabriel Fen church, corruptly Fan church.
Helming Legget Esquire, by licence of Edward the third, in the 49. of his raigne, gaue one Tenement, with a curtilarge thereto belonging, and a garden with the entrie thereto leading, vnto Sir Iohn Hariot parson of Fenchurch, and to his successors for euer, the house to bee a Parsonage house, the garden to bee a churchyard, or burying place for the parish.
Then haue ye Lombard streete, so called of the Longobards, and other merchantes, straungers of diuers nations assembling

there twise euery day, which manner continued vntill the 22. of December in the yeare 1568. on which day the saide marchantes beganne their meeting in Cornehill at the Burse, since by her Maiestie named the Royall Exchange.
On the North side of this Warde is Limestreet, one halfe whereof is of this warde, and therein on the west side is the Pew
terers hall
, who were admitted to be a brotherhood, in the 13. of Edward the fourth.
At Limestreet corner is a faire parish Church of S. Dionys cal
led Back church
, lately new builded: Iohn Darby Alderman a
bout the yeare 1446
. added therevnto a faire Ile or Chappell on the south side and was there buried: about the yere 1466. he gaue (besides sundry ornaments) his dwelling house, & others, vnto the said parish Church, Iohn Master gent. was by his children buried there 1444: Thomas Bryttaine, Robert Paget merchantaylor, one of the Sherifs 1536. Hugh Witch Mayor 1462. & the Ladie Witch: Sir Thomas Curteis Pewterer, then Fishmonger May
or 1557. Iames Haruie Ironmonger Mayor 1581. William Peterson Esquire, William Sherington: Sir Edward Osborne Clothworker Mayor 1583. buried there.
Then in Lombardstreet is one faire parish church, called Al
Grasse Church in Lombardstreet, I so reade it in e
uidences of record, for that the Grasse market went downe that way, and was there kept, but the street was far larger in breadth. This Church was lately new builded. Iohn Warner armorer and then Grocer Sheriffe 1494. builded the South Ile, his sonne Robert Warner Esquire finished it the yeare 1516.
L. Trinitate.
The Pew
were benefactors towards the North ile &c. The steeple or bell Tower thereof was finished in the yeare 1544. about the thirty and sixt of Henry the eight. The faire stone porch of this church was brought from the late dissolued Priorie of S. Iohn of Ierusalem, by Smithfielde, so was the frame for their belles, but the belles being bought, were neuer brought thether, by reason that one olde Warner Draper, of that parish deceasing, his sonne young Marke Warner would not performe what his father had begunne, and appointed, so that faire steeple hath but one bell, as Friers were wont to vse. The monuments in this church be these,

the said Warners and Iohn Waldon Draper.
Next to this is the parish church of S. Edmond the King and Martir in Lombard stréet, by the south corner of Birchouers lane.
This church is also called S. Edmond Grasse church, because the said Grasse market came downe so low. The monuments in this church are these: Sir Iohn Milborne Draper Mayor decea
sed, 1535. buried there by Dame Ioane, & Dame Margaret his wiues, vnder a tombe of touch. Humfrey Heyford, Goldsmith Mayor, 1477. Sir William Chester Draper, Mayor, 1560. with his wiues amongst his predecessors. Sir George Barne Mayor, 1586. &c.
From this church downe Lombards streete, by Birchouers lane (the one halfe of which lane is of this warde) and so downe, be diuers faire houses, namely one with a very faire forefront to
wards the stréete, builded by S. Martin Bowes Goldsmith, since Mayor of London, and then one other, sometime belonging to William de la Pole the kings merchant in the 14. of Edwarde the third, and after him to Michæl de la Pole Earle of Suffolke, in the 14. of Richard the second, and so downe toward the stocks market, lacking but some thrée houses thereof.
The south side of this Warde, beginneth in the East, at the chaine to be drawne thwart Mart lane, vp into Fen church stréet, and so West, by the North end of Minchen lane to S. Margarets Pattens stréet, or Roode lane, and downe that stréet to the midway toward S. Margarets church: then by Philpot lane, (so called of Sir Iohn Philpot that dwelled there, & was owner therof) and downe that lane some sixe or eight houses on each side, is all of this warde.
Then by Grasse church corner into Lombard street to S. Cle
, and downe the same to S. Clements church: then downe S. Nicholas lane, and downe the same to Saint Nicholas church, and the same church is of this ward. Then to Abchurch lane and downe some smal portion thereof: then downe Sherborne lane, a part thereof, and a parte of Bearebinder lane bee of this warde: and then downe Lombardstreet to the signe of the angell almost to the corner ouer against the Stockes market: and these be the bounds of this warde.

On this south side haue ye the parish church of Alhallowes, com
monly called Stane church, somwhat within Mart lane end, by the which church sometime passed a lane called Cradocks lane, from Mart lane, winding by the north side of Alhallows Stane church afore said, into Fen church stréet, the which lane being straitned by incrochments, is now called church alley. In this church there haue beene diuers faire monuments of the dead, namely of Iohn Costin Girdler, a great benefactor to that church: hee deceased 1244. his name remaineth painted on the church roofe, if it had béene in brasse it would not haue remained there so long: he gaue out of certaine tenementes to the poore of that parish an hundred quarters of charcoles yearely for euer. Sir Robert Tesle knight of the holy sepulcher, and Dame Ioane his wife, about 1486. Robert Stone, Sir Iohn Steward, and Dame Alice his wife, Alice William and Iohn, wife and sonnes to Thomas Clarell, Agnes daughter to Thomas Niter Eent. William Atwell, Fe
daughter to Sir Thomas Gisers, and wife to Trauers, Tho
mas Mason
Esquire, Edmond Wartar Esquire, Ioane wife to Iohn Chamberlaine Esquire, daughter to Roger Lewkner Esquire, William Frier, Iohn Hamburger Esquire, Hugh Moresby,Gilbert Prince Alderman, Oliuer Chorley gentle
man, Sir Iohn Writh (or Writhesley) alias Garter, principall King at Armes, sometime laid vnder a faire tombe in the quire, now broken downe and gone. Ioane wife to Thomas Writhe
, sonne to Sir Iohn Writhesley, Gartar, daughter and heire to William Hall Esquire, Iohn Writhesley the yonger, sonne to Sir Iohn Writhesley and Alienor, Elianor seconde wife to Iohn Writhesley, daughter and heire to Thomas Arnalde, and Agnes his second wife, Iohn Writhesley sonne of Thomas, Ag
nes Arnold
, first maried to William Writhesley daughter of Ri
chard Warmeforde
, Barbara Hungerford
, daughter to Sir Iohn Writhesley, wife to Anthonie Hungerford, sonne to Sir Thomas Hungerford of Dennam1pney in the countie of Glo
cester: Iohn Bostoke
Esquire, Christopher Holt,, Sir Richard Tate knight ambassadour for King Henry the eight, buried there 1554. his monument remaineth yet, therest being all pulled downe, and swept out of the church, where through the Church Warden was forced to make a large accompt xij. yeare

spent in broomes, besides the cariage away of stone and brasse at his owne charge. Then is the parish church of S. Nicholas Acon or Hacon, (for so haue I read it in recordes) in Lombarde stréete. Sir Iohn Bridges Draper Mayor 1520. newly repayred this church and imbattailed it, and was there buried: Frances Bo
Grocer one of the Sheriffes was buried there, 1580. with o
ther of the Boyers. So was Iulian, wife to Iohn Lambard Al
derman mother of William Lamberd, yet liuing. Then is there in the high street a proper parish church of S. Mary Woolnoth, of the natiuitie, the reason of which name I haue not yet learned: this church is lately new builded. Sir Hugh Brise Mayor in the first yeare of Henry the seuenth kéeper of the kings exchange at London, and one of the gouernors of the kings mint in the Tow
er of London, vnder William L. Hastings, the 5. of Edward the fourth deceased 1496. he builded in this church a chappell, called the charnel, as also part of the bodie of the church and of the stéeple, and gaue money toward the finishing thereof, besides the stone which he had prepared: hee was buried in the body of the church, Guy Brice or Boys was buried there, Dame Ioan wife to Sir William Peach, Hugh Acton Taylor, Thomas Nocket Dra
per 1396. Simon Eyre 1459. Iohn Meager Pewterer, & Emme his wife in S. Iohns chappel, Sir Iohn Pierciuall Marchant tay
lor Mayor, about 1504. Thomas Roch and Andrew Michæl Uinteners, & Ioan their wife: William Hilton Marchantaylor, & Taylor to K. Henry the eight, was buried there 1519. vnder the chappell of S. George, which chappell was builded by George Lufken sometime Taylor to the Prince, Robert Amades Gold
smith mayster of the kings iewels: Sir Martin Bowes Mayor buried about 1569. he gaue lands for the discharge of that Lang
of all fiftéenes
Langborne ward dischar
ged of fifteens
to be granted to the King by Parlia
ment: George Hasken, Sir Thomas Ramsey late Mayor, &c. Thus haue ye seuen parish churches in this ward. One hall of a companie, diuiers faire houses for marchants, and other monu
ments none. It hath an Alderman his deputie, common Counsel
lors 8. Constables 15. Scauengers 9. men of the Wardemote inquest 17. and a Beadle. It is taxed to the fifteene in London at xxj.pound. In the Exchecquer at xx.£.x..


  1. Bleedthrough.

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Langbourn Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Langbourn Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Stow, J., & fitz Stephen, W. 2018. Survey of London: Langbourn Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Langbourn Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Langbourn Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Langbourn Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


