Gazetteer (V)

Toponym Variant Authority Name MoEML @xml:id Agas Map All Variants (alternate names and variant spellings) Location category
Vanner lane Church Lane (Vintry Ward) CHUR2 Agas Map church lane | Church Lane | Fannerslane | sackeslane | schakkeslane | Uanners lane | Vanner lane | Vanners Lane Streets
Vanners Lane Church Lane (Vintry Ward) CHUR2 Agas Map church lane | Church Lane | Fannerslane | sackeslane | schakkeslane | Uanners lane | Vanner lane | Vanners Lane Streets
Venella de la Bordhawe Bordhawlane BORD1   Venella de la Bordhawe Streets
Vennel Coldeherburghlane COLD4   Armenterslane | Coldherburgh Lane | Sayers lane | Vennel | Westoneslane Streets
vicus de Billingsgate Billingsgate Street BILL6   Billingsgate Strete | vicus de Billingsgate Streets
vicus S. Augustini Watling Street WATL1 Agas Map Athelyngstrate | Bowergerowe | vicus S. Augustini | Waitling | Watelyng Street | Watheling ſtreet | Watheling ſtreete | Watheling ſtréet | Watheling ſtréete | Watheling Stréete | Wathelingſtreet | wathelingſtreete | Wathling | Wathling ſtreete | Watling | Watling Street | Watlyng Streete Streets
vicus Sancti Swithuni St. Swithins Lane STSW1 Agas Map Baremanelane | S. Swithens lane | Saint Swithin’s Lane | St Swithens Lane | St. Swithins Lane | St. Swithin’s | St. Swithin’s Church | St. Swithun’s Lane | vicus Sancti Swithuni Streets
Vine Vine Inn VINE2   Vine Victualling Houses
Vine Street Vine Street VINE4   Vine Street Streets
Vine Street Wine Street WINE1   Vine Street | Vine/Wine | Vine/Wine Street | VVine- ſtreet | Wine Street Streets
Vine Yard Vine Yard VINE5   Vine Yard Sites
Vine/Wine Wine Street WINE1   Vine Street | Vine/Wine | Vine/Wine Street | VVine- ſtreet | Wine Street Streets
Vine/Wine Street Wine Street WINE1   Vine Street | Vine/Wine | Vine/Wine Street | VVine- ſtreet | Wine Street Streets
Vinisbir Finsbury Field FINS2 Agas Map Fenſberry | Fensberry fields | Fensbery | Fenſbery fielde | Finesbury | Finesbury Field | Finſbery fielde | Finsbury | Finsbury Field | Finsbury Fields | Fynesburie Fyeld | Fynesbury | Fynnesburie Fielde | Fynnesbury | Vinisbir Sites
Vinter’s Place Anchor Lane ANCH1 Agas Map Anchor lane | anchor lane | Ankar Lane | Anker lane | Cressynghamlane | Fatteslane | Palmers lane | Vinter’s Place Streets
Vintners hall Vintners’ Hall VINT1 Agas Map Almes houſes of the Vintners | Uintners hall | Vintners hall | Vintrie Warde Halls
Vintrie ward Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Vintrie Warde Vintners’ Hall VINT1 Agas Map Almes houſes of the Vintners | Uintners hall | Vintners hall | Vintrie Warde Halls
Vintrie Warde Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Vintry Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Vintry ward Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Vintry Ward Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Vintry warde Vintry Ward VINT2 Agas Map Uintrie North | Uintrie ward | Uintrie Warde | Uintry ward | Uintry warde | Vintrie ward | Vintrie Warde | Vintry | Vintry ward | Vintry Ward | Vintry warde Wards
Viswharf Fisshwharf at Le Hole FISS1   Le Fisshwharf at le Hole | Viswharf | wharf called Le Hoole Water Features
Viter Lane Fetter Lane FETT1 Agas Map Fetter Lane | Fetter Lane end | Fewtars lane | Fewtars Lane | Fewter lane | Fewter Lane | Fewterers | Fewters lane | Fewters Lane | Viter Lane Streets
Vpchurch Abchurch Lane ABCH1 Agas Map Abchurch | Abchurch lane | Abchurch Lane | Abchurch-lane | Abchurche lane | Apechurch | Upchurch | Vpchurch Streets
Vpholders vpon Cornehill Upolsters’ Hall Upon Cornhill UPHO1   Vpholders vpon Cornehill Halls
vpper Conduit Little Conduit (Cheapside) LITT2 Agas Map Conduit | Conduit by Powles gate | Conduit by St. Paul’s Gate | Conduit in Cheap-ſide | conduit in Cheapside | conduite | Conduite by Paules gate | litle conduit | litle conduit in Weſt cheape by Powles gate | Little Conduit | little conduit | Little Conduit (Cheapside) | little Conduit in Cheape | Little Conduit in Cheapside | little Conduit in Cheapside | little Conduite | little conduite | Little Eastcheap | near the little conduit | Old Croſſe in weſt cheape | old croſſe, in Weſt cheape | piſſing Conduit | Pissing Conduit | vpper Conduit | Water conduit by Pauls gate Water Features
VValbrooke Walbrook WALB3   VValbrooke | Walbroke | Walbrook | walbrooke | Walbrooke Topographical Features
VValbrooke ſtreete Walbrook Street WALB1 Agas Map VValbrooke ſtreete | Walbrook | Walbrook Street | Walbrooke | Walbrooke corner | Walbrooke ſtreete | Walbrooke ſtréete Streets
VValbrooke ward Walbrook Ward WALB2 Agas Map VValbrooke ward | Walbrook | Walbrook Ward | Walbrooke | WAlbrooke ward | Walbrooke ward | Walbrooke Ward | Walbrooke warde | Walbrooke Warde | WAlbrooke warde Wards
VVarwicke lane Warwick Lane WARW1 Agas Map Eldeneſe Lane | Eldeneſelane | UUarwick Lane | UUarwicke Lane | UUarwike Lane | VVarwicke lane | Warwick Lane | Warwicke Lane | Warwicke lane Streets
VVels Fleet River FLEE5 Agas Map Fleet River | Fleete | Hilborne | Oldeborne | Riuer of the VVels | riuer of the wels | Riuer of the wels | riuer of the Wels | Riuer of the Wels | Riuer of wels | ryuer of the wels | Tremill Brooke | Turmile brooke | Turmill Brooke | Turmill brooke | Turnemil Brook | Turnemill Brooke | Turnemill brooke | Turnmil | VVels | Wels | wels Topographical Features
VVeſtminſter Westminster Abbey WEST1 Agas Map Abbie church of Weſtminſter | Apoſtle S. Peter of Weſtminſter | Chappell of our Ladie | Chapter houſe | Collegiat church of Weſtm | Monaſterie of S. Peter at VVeſtminſter | Monaſterie of Weſtminſter | old Lady chappel | our Ladies Chappell | S. Peter at weſtminſter | S. Peter of Weſtminſter | S. Peter the holy Apoſtle at Weſtminſter | S. Peters at Weſtminſter | VVeſtminſter | Weſminſter | Weſt minſter | Weſtminſter | Westminster | Westminster Abbey Churches
VVeſtminſter Westminster WEST6 Agas Map Citie of Weſtminſter | court | VVeſtminſter | Weſtm | Weſtmin ster | Weſtmin ſter | Weſtmin-ſter | Weſtminſter | weſtminſter | Westminster | Weſtminster Neighbourhoods
VVestminster Westminster Palace WEST5 Agas Map Colledge of S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | houſe at Weſtminſter | Kinges Pallace at Weſtminſter | Kings principall Pallace | palace at Weſtminſter | Palace of Westminster | Pallace at Weſtminſter | Pallace Court | Pallace court | Pallace of Weſtminſter | Parliament houſe | VVestminster | Weſtminſter | Westminster | Weſtminster | Weſtminſter Hall | Westminster Palace Sites
VVhite croſſe ſtreet Whitecross Street WHIT3 Agas Map Everardes Wellestrata | VVhite croſſe ſtreet | White Cross Street | White Croſs Street | White croſſe ſtreet | White Croſſe ſtreete | White Croſſe ſtréet | white Croſſe ſtréete | Whitecross Street | Whitecroſſe ſtreete | Whitecroſſe ſtréete | Whytecroychstrate Streets
VVhitehart White Hart Inn (Coleman Street) WHHA3   VVhitehart | white hart Victualling Houses
VVhittington Colledge Whittington College WHIT21   VVhittington Colledge | Whitington Colledge | Whittington Colledge Sites
VVine- ſtreet Wine Street WINE1   Vine Street | Vine/Wine | Vine/Wine Street | VVine- ſtreet | Wine Street Streets
VVoodroffe lane Woodroffe Lane WOOD2 Agas Map Cooper’s Row | VVoodroffe lane | Woderouelane | Woodroffe lane | Woodroffe Lane | Woodross Lane | Woodroß la. | Woodruffe Lane Streets

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MLA citation

The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (V). The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (V). The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

APA citation

The MoEML Team. 2018. Gazetteer (V). In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - The MoEML Team
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Gazetteer (V)
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 The MoEML Team
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Gazetteer (V)
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#TEAM1" type="org">The MoEML Team</name></author>. <title level="a">Gazetteer (V)</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>




Variant spellings