Just a quick note to say that I'm just finishing up proofing the Candale, so tomorrow I'll be back on the Agremens. M, I have a quick question about figures after reading L's post. Will talk to you tomorrow.
Met with CC, and fixed a typo in sur_un_jaloux; then planned the menu system for adding articles etc. We will have a root menu header of "Paratexte", with the following submenus: Articles, Références, Bibliographies. Under Articles will be a TOC pointing to the articles, and similarly with Bibliographies. The Références item will eventually show us the full list of all the references from all the documents, but how that will be displayed is still not decided.
Sent two articles to MH, LCC and LSPW for eventual posting. Highlighted in blue everything that should be linked to other items on the site. I highlighted things like the bibliographies and the Dubois texts that aren't posted yet.
Also send two bibliographies to all three: a general bibliographie on early modern marriage and a list of my own pubs on marriage.
Speaking of bibliographies, I'll get the Laporte "Bibliographie clérico-galante" out of the library today. Probably ask one of the RAs to go through it.
I have discovered another short early satirical text, the "Brief discours pour la réformation des mariages," which I have partially transcribed. I'll quickly do the rest when the Bnf opens up after its annual closure (Sept 7-20), unless I can get in beforehand, which is possible. The "Stances. A une femme mariée" in the Cabinet Satyrique is in the Mazarine, I can get to that while the Bnf is closed.
I'm just halfway through the modern transcriptions of pre-1630 texts (not including the long ones like Varin and Cholières) but this is easy work. I'll finish the shorter texts before leaving for France and can send the longer ones in September or even October.
I plan to work everyday this week for three hours or so in the HCMC going through the engravings. (The IMT doesn't yet work on my Mac platform.) My schedule is as follows: M: 1-4; T 10:30-2:30; W: 1-4; Th: 1-4; F: 1-4.
À bientôt, C.
Met with LSPW, LCC and CC. Tasks for me, in order of priority:
- Answer LSPW's questions re Sonnet 1609.
- Get together with all three markup folks to review the two (or more)? versions of references.xml that exist, and put a system in place for avoiding duplication etc. This will happen next Tuesday at 10.30.
- Upload the latest version of the Varin and Cholière to the db, and check what it looks like; tweak the appearance/layout settings in the header, and work with LCC and EM on any necessary adjustments to the XML.
- Add XSLT handling for the socratic dialogue tagging in the Complaintes.
- When the Candale is complete and proofed, upload it and start working on the appearance/layout stuff.
- Write the handling for the items in the references.xml file -- this is partly done, I think, but will need more work.
Also reviewed draft grant application and tweaked my SSHRC attachment; once we're happy with it, I'll add it to my SSHRC profile and then I'll have completed the process of "joining" the project on the SSHRC site.
Oh! And one more thing: I updated MY personal copy of the references from the one that's on the server, because I checked and all my references from Varin and from the Complaintes are safely on the server one, plus E.M.'s updated references as well. So now my personal reference document is the same as the one on the server. (Don't worry!!!! I didn't add anything/replace anything to the one on the server! Just from the server to mine, which I figure is safe!)
Okay! So just to reiterate what I said today, here's where I'm at:
- Candale: still finishing up the missed chunk and proofreading; this will be my focus for the weekend, so the proofed xml version should be completed by Monday August 10th(?) (I don't have my calendar with me!)
- Following this, starting Monday, I will pick up the encoding of the Dubois (agremens), and I will interspurce this with searching for references for Candale. (Not too many.) AND don't worry, I will NOT be attempting to add these references to the server yet! They will stay safely backed up in my computer and on my memory clé (what's the word I'm looking for in English??)
- When this is done, I will start to proof the Isembourg. Tuesday I'll make sure to check in with E.M. to see what she's thinking in terms of our proofing plan.
Okay, so I hope this all looks good to everyone! If you have any issues, please feel free to let me know! -L.
I've made the basic changes to the site suggested in the last post from CC, including changing the Bienvenue! bit to Accueil, which I presume is what was meant (rather than just removing the heading entirely from that page). I also wonder whether we should add to Équipe the names of those who worked on the project prior to the summer, but have now left?
Also uploaded LSPW's most recent version of the Sonnet 1609. Haven't had a chance to get to anything else yet -- still wading through 532 emails that had stacked up while I was away.
I'd like to suggest that we remove "Bienvenue!" from the home page. It doesn't quite set the right tone...
On the sidebar, "Au sujet" doesn't quite hit the mark (I know it was my idea in the first place...). How about "Renseignements sur le site" or just "Renseignements"? In any case, I've noticed that most sites in French lit use more precise rubrics such as those found at http://www.astree.paris-sorbonne.fr/.
Also, it's time to update the names of the "Equipe" to include Leanna Wong, Lauren Collier Crawford and Emily Murphy.
I'll plan to pop in Thursday morning.
Unfortunately, the Bibliothèque Nationale has declared that the binding of parts 7 and 8 of "Les agrémens et les chagrins du mariage" is too fragile to allow it to be photographed/digitized. So I guess I will transcribe Parts 3, 4, 7 and 8 in the fall.
Interesting in general for the fate of many early modern books in the Bnf: presumably, some of them will never be digitized, probably meaning some transcription in place will need to be done for the next phase of the project. All depends on funding...