Issues with sonnet 1609 and 1621
Posted by lspwong on 10 Aug 2009 in Academic
Today Martin and I worked through some of the xml problems that I had encountered while proofreading the 1609 sonnet when he was away on holiday.
1) The figure of the "L'impreinte de la Bilbliotheque de l'Arsenal" in line 3449 of the xml document (page 105 of the pdf facsimile) was causing a validation error because it was within a line group, which is not permitted. Martin fixed this by placing the figure within an existing line tag.
2) Martin and I are wondering if CC would like the "Timethelie" to be transcribed as a continuation of the "Satyre Menippee" or if she would like it to be a separate file. We were also wondering whether PG had finished transcribing the entire document of the 1609 sonnet or if he had left it unfinished.
3) While comparing the 1609 sonnet to the 1621, we noticed that in the 1621 there is no "FIN" at the end of the document as portrayed in the pdf. This leads us to believe that the document may be incomplete. We think CC should take a look at this.
This entry was posted by lspwong and filed under Academic.