weekend work
Sent two articles to MH, LCC and LSPW for eventual posting. Highlighted in blue everything that should be linked to other items on the site. I highlighted things like the bibliographies and the Dubois texts that aren't posted yet.
Also send two bibliographies to all three: a general bibliographie on early modern marriage and a list of my own pubs on marriage.
Speaking of bibliographies, I'll get the Laporte "Bibliographie clérico-galante" out of the library today. Probably ask one of the RAs to go through it.
I have discovered another short early satirical text, the "Brief discours pour la réformation des mariages," which I have partially transcribed. I'll quickly do the rest when the Bnf opens up after its annual closure (Sept 7-20), unless I can get in beforehand, which is possible. The "Stances. A une femme mariée" in the Cabinet Satyrique is in the Mazarine, I can get to that while the Bnf is closed.
I'm just halfway through the modern transcriptions of pre-1630 texts (not including the long ones like Varin and Cholières) but this is easy work. I'll finish the shorter texts before leaving for France and can send the longer ones in September or even October.
I plan to work everyday this week for three hours or so in the HCMC going through the engravings. (The IMT doesn't yet work on my Mac platform.) My schedule is as follows: M: 1-4; T 10:30-2:30; W: 1-4; Th: 1-4; F: 1-4.
À bientôt, C.