Work done from home 2020-03-16 to 2020-03-27.
Week 1 total hours: 37.5
Week 2 total hours: 34.5
G & T hours +2
Monday 2020-03-16
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, reboot them, test, check for plugin updates, remove old kernels.
1.00 hours: Download materials from Squash, start encoding of long bibliography for translation intro for Scancan.
1.00 hours: Meeting with Syd Bauman to examine Stylesheets issues #396 and #408 to prepare for Stylesheets group meeting tomorrow.
0.50 hours: Completing bibliography for Scancan article; setting up and testing PDF rendering for Scancan articles using XEP.
0.50 hours: Setting up Google Hangout for DVPP RA discussions.
0.50 hours: Encoding the first third of the Scancan article content.
0.25 hours: Debug and suppress new build warning in DVPP build caused by new release of HTML validator.
3.00 hours: Pushing forward with LEMDO PDF generation for Keystone Canyon publisher: working on headers and footers, negotiating over font choices, and learning basic LaTeX.
0.50 hours: Figuring out how to get timesheets completed and submitted remotely without MS Office.
Total: 7.5 hours.
Tuesday 2020-03-17
1.50 hours: TEI Stylesheets Coop Group meeting, working on ticket #408 (one of mine, related to staticSearch documentation).
1.50 hours: Reworking primary source bibliography in Scancan article to comply with our styleguide; encoding second third of the article body.
0.50 hours: Colonial Despatches: adding a count of transcribed enclosures, distinct from untranscribed enclosures, per request from GL and KSS.
2.00 hours: Scancan: completing Lavender article, building and testing new release including it, uploading new version to server, testing release.
1.00 hours: Emails to and from Accounting/Payroll re timesheet submission protocol; completion and submission of six timesheets, five DVPP and one workstudy.
0.50 hours: Discussions relating to use of Hangouts and other tools for project meetings. Downloading, installing and testing Blue Jeans.
Total: 7.0 hours
Wednesday 2020-03-18
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.50 hours: Bug-fixing in TEI Stylesheets tests to get Jenkins builds working again (
3.50 hours: Working on LaTeX/PDF publisher output for LEMDO Othello text.
3.50 hours: FacsViewer enhancement to track loading of images; testing and debugging with Despatches site.
Total: 7.75 hours
Thursday 2020-03-19
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.25 hours: Deal with email queries from RAs etc. re remote logins etc.
0.25 hours: Continuing review/commenting on proposal for Ruby encoding in TEI.
0.25 hours: Setting up Slack workspace for HCMC, inviting the others, testing, configuring.
2.00 hours: Figuring out TOC and running header settings for LEMDO print publication.
0.50 hours: Debugging ODD build process errors for GL working on his Windows machine.
1.00 hours: Blue Jeans conference for Wendat project.
0.50 hours: Debugging and fixing FacsViewer rendering issue on Blink browsers.
1.00 hours: Integrating FacsViewer into Wendat MSS renderings.
1.00 hours: Afternoon email deluge (Liddell Award nomination, Despatches TEI plugin configuration, LEMDO print document design...)
Total: 7.00 hours
Thursday 2020-03-19
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.50 hours: Create release 0.8 of the staticSearch library (GitHub), so that we can start testing on the dev branch with the new Saxon 10.
0.50 hours: Initial (very promising) testing on dev branch with new Saxon 10; early results show it's about 40% faster for what we're doing.
1.00 hours: Video conference with Syd Bauman, working on TEI Stylesheets issues and preparation for tutorial for new TEI Council members.
0.25 hours: Endings project video conference.
1.00 hours: Switching to Saxon 10 in staticSearch codebase, and testing results.
2.00 hours: Switching Keats project to Saxon 10 and testing; debugging two problems with new release of vnu.jar.
0.25 hours: Tech support for Wendat RA having trouble with snv checkouts and conflicts.
2.50 hours: LEMDO PDF for print: adding a pre-processing step for assigning line-numbers; implementing line-counting algorithm; rendering line-numbers in margins; fixing whitespace issues; formatting speech prefixes per editors' discussion.
Total: 8.25 hours
Monday 2020-03-23
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.25 hours: Email, TEI and staticSearch GitHub ticket updates, Slack and email contact with HCMC.
1.50 hours: Set up new document for Scancan volume 27 translation, add metadata and bibliography, create layout table, encode intro, send rendering question to editor. Test-encode 1 row of translation; modify schema to allow paragraphs in layout table cells; modify paragraph rendering for side-by-side translations table cells.
3.00 hours: Encoding and checking of the rest of the vol 27 translation (61 pages).
0.25 hours: Correspondence and tracking of TEI Issue 12 article coming back in from authors.
0.25 hours: Trying (without success) to get together with AC for a DVPP meeting in Blue Jeans.
0.75 hours: DVPP XSLT fix for rendering of drop-caps combined with hanging indent.
0.50 hours: Completing and sending forms for SSHRC impact award for JJ.
1.00 hours: Final version of Scancan translation: convert to alternative parallel text encoding approach, tweak title page contents, switch quote marks to elements, build and publish the site to include the proofing version.
Total: 7.75 hours
Tuesday 2020-03-24
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
1.00 hours: Researching LaTeX implementation of footnotes in LEMDO print document.
0.75 hours: DVPP: Fixing a bug in line- and stanza-counting due to quoted lines in figure captions.
0.50 hours: DVPP: Email consultations with RAs.
0.75 hours: HCMC staff meeting (Blue Jeans).
3.00 hours: Completing implementation of footnotes in LEMDO print: handling annotation anchors, formatting labels, formatting footnote number and hanging indent, dealing with overlong footnotes, tweaking layout parameters to avoid splitting footnotes across pages.
1.50 hours: Online meeting with JJ to discuss LEMDO print progress and plan next stages.
0.50 hours: Various email exchanges on Despatches and Scancan.
Total: 8.25 hours
Wednesday 2020-03-25
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.25 hours: Switch Despatches build over to using Saxon 10, since it's required for the dev tree of staticSearch, which it uses.
0.50 hours: Debugging build problems with Despatches arising from GL's XSLT.
3.00 hours: LEMDO print rendering: bibliography compilation and rendering now working.
1.50 hours: DVPP meeting with AC over Blue Jeans; work on encoding and rendering approaches to curly-braced line-groups.
1.50 hours: LEMDO meeting with JJ, and follow-up work revising previous rendering decisions in print PDF.
0.50 hours: Setting up Henry V for PDF generation, and raising resulting new issues on LEMDO list.
Total: 7.50 hours.
Thursday 2020-03-26
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.25 hours: Fix fallout from fix to issue #349 on TEI Stylesheets repo: check and update Test2 materials.
1.00 hours: First pass through Scancan vol 28 article in ODT, auto-tagging italicized content, and email to editor with questions.
1.00 hours: LEMDO discussion on handling of TLNs; debugging footnote-in-heading issue in LaTeX; building/posting first version of H5 PDF.
2.00 hours: LEMDO Skype meeting, prep and follow-up.
0.50 hours: Clean up LEMDO project file, install Oxygen in Windows vm, test schema association in Windows, report to LEMDO Windows users having problems.
0.25 hours: DVPP: Update metadata and run OCR on AYR 1870 poems.
1.75 hours: LEMDO Hangouts meeting re pointing, referencing and lineation; follow-up annotation of minutes/conclusions.
0.50 hours: Wendat Blue Jeans meeting.
0.50 hours: Trying to figure out how best to configure font paths for Xelatex.
Total: 7.00 hours
Friday 2020-03-27
0.25 hours: Update Jenkins servers, update plugins.
0.25 hours: Figured out how to get local font usage working in Xelatex, and incorporated the first custom font.
1.50 hours: Work on TEI tickets, Hangouts meetings with SB; solved Oxygen plugin template issue that has persisted since 2016.
2.00 hours: Working on getting custom fonts working in LaTeX pdf; configuration is all done, but formatter is not successfully using them.
Total: 4.00 hours