Category: "Minutes"
SA goes on vacation after today, so this falls to me. This is where we seem to be at:
Before the demolition crew can remove the wall, 3 things need to happen:
- Dawn needs to walk through the space with me, and discuss where the 14+ network ports and power outlets in the wall are going to end up after the job is done
- Cable people need to come and disconnect those outlets, and pull the cables out of the way.
- Furniture and equipment needs to be moved back at least 4 feet from the wall on both sides.
SA has written to MB with regard to moving the ISE's workstations; they can presumably go to the ISE's other office space. He's also written to the History project folks about getting all their stuff out. JN and I will move all our stuff starting on Monday, some into the old coordinator's office, and some (desks/tables) into stacks far enough back from the walls; any remaining stuff from the History project can be piled up on the far side of that room.
The workshop opened with discussion and stats on UVic's push to increase hiring and recognition of the four designated minority groups: aboriginal, women, people with disabilities, and visible minorities. In the past five years, UVic has brought employment of all groups up to Canadian averages, except visible minorities, which is very off the mark. UVic plans to rectify that in hiring, but is unsure why the group is so under-represented.
The remainder of the workshop focused on cultural awareness, hiring practices, equity concerns, mentoring and retention strategies for minority groups (UVic loses quite a few), and career development. There are elements worth sharing here, but nothing with direct and immediate application. Face to face discussion and exchange is likely the best way to increase our understanding.
If you have an interest in updating your knowledge of UVic's formal policies on diversity or simply wish to understand the issue better, I can invite the workshop presenter, Grace Sneddon, to speak to the unit. Many departments and units have done this. Please let me know. I won't initiate it unless I get feedback from you.
The consensus was that these issues can be best dealt with by revising hiring practices, and through education. The group highlighted that students, staff and faculty must have contact with minorities in the work place, if they are to become more aware of cultural and minority issues. Public awareness starts there.
Last year the Coordinator's group reviewed and revised its hiring guidelines to address equity and diversity. It was a productive and interesting process, one which Ali and I are discussing at IALLT this summer. One result was finding a very capable person in Nicole, and pushing through the reno to accommodate her needs.
I was invited to sit on the Uvic Equity Committee, and will do so. There is release time for it, listed as university service.Me too. (Is this how people are handling this for minutes?)
Judy, Scott: Administrative meeting: re lab issues; emails; Archive Project discussion & update
As you know, I attended the Performance Planning and Review Workshop about two weeks ago. This course is part of the management certificate program, which is a new series of workshops sponsored by HR, and which I would like to complete in full at some point. I feel it will help me do my job better.
The workshop content has very real application, and I welcome you to participate individually and as a unit in performance planning and review. This is not about identifying and dealing with performance "problems" (neither Peter nor I think there are any problems), but rather creating a framework for self-assessment, goal setting, professional development, communication, and formal recognition.
I view the planning and review process quite positively, and feel HR has done a good job creating the framework and providing necessary instruction, materials and forms. It is a "strengths" based perspective that has you (staff) involved very directly in self-assessment and planning, and me as facilitator. As facilitator, I provide simple guidance based on how your planning fits with the unit mandate and the UVic Strategic Plan/Objectives.
The process is well structured and not very time-consuming. The planning and review forms can be modified to suit your interests. It looks generally like this:
- Initial self-assessment and planning (2 hours)
- Planning meeting with me (30 minutes)
- Official "check ups" (30 minutes, thrice yearly)
- Review self-assessment (2-3 hours)
- Review meeting with me (1 hour)
HR is strongly encouraging departments to participate, though at this time it is on a voluntary basis. Mandatory participation is likely a year or two away. I don't plan to make it mandatory until they do. Thanks for considering this, and feel free to ask me more about it.
Met with Ulf to go over CMC collective stuff.
Met with Martin and Greg. Wrote separate emails to Ray and Peter, regarding confidentiality and Ray's projects.
Posting for minutes. You'll hear most of the content tomorrow during your morning talk.
Re-inserted comments, printed out, reviewed and signed off on Greg's jje. Task complete. Can't recall if I posted already (yesterday's work). Don't see it on blog.
Reviewed PEA contract, previous discussion, and opened new discussion with HR and Peter about Pro D issues. Amending to include second HR discusson and additional email.
Discussion R&D (20 minutes), meeting Ray (15 minutes), meeting Peter (35 minutes), email Stewart (ProD, 15 minutes)
Stephen Culhane is Communications professor at BCIT (former ESL instructor) and long time Moodle innovator and user. Invited him to Showcase Panel on Moodle, and played question and answer for CASS task force. Contents to be posted on new Moodle blog?
Responded to various email messages and caught up with Judy on events this morning. Emails included Peter (Greg's jje), all staff (CTO/Vacation blog), Ulf (blog home for Research Collective), Trish (project showcase).
Discussed with Ray pending report on his lab usage stats. Report goes to English Chair and Dean Rippin. Discussion is also underway Faculty/University wide regarding Internet Shakespeare's new home. Michael is keen to find a more stable base.
Posting for minutes. After reviewing Peter's comments, met with Peter to discuss Greg's jje. Then the three of us met to iron out finalities. Sign off is Monday, then off to the Dean. Task ends with sign off.
Posting for minutes. Various emails: Karin (Alastair and Mike), Peter (various), Stewart (confidentiality). No actions items or announcements.