Following confirmation from Claire, I edited the <sourceDesc> tags of the three texts discussed in this post. This is the approach I've taken:
All three texts appear to have been published originally as pamphlets (i.e. standalone documents) in Paris in the 17th century, then collected and published in anthologies in the 19th. For each document, then, I've created two <biblStruct> elements, one for the original publication and one for the anthology, like this:
<sourceDesc> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Sermon pour la consolation des cocus</title> <author><name>anon.<reg>anon.</reg></name></author> <imprint> <pubPlace>Paris</pubPlace> <date value="1624">1624</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <analytic> <title>Sermon pour la consolation des cocus</title> <author><name>anon.<reg>anon.</reg></name></author> </analytic> <monogr> <title>Le Bibliophile fantaisiste ou choix de pièces désopilantes de rares</title> <imprint> <publisher>J. Gay et fils</publisher> <pubPlace>Turin</pubPlace> <date value="1869">1869</date> <biblScope type="pp">359-70</biblScope> </imprint></monogr> </biblStruct> </sourceDesc>
Please let me know if this is misleading or incorrect. The three documents are arrest_contre_les_chastrez response_des_servantes and remede_pour_le_cocuage.