Mariage Project To Do List
1. le_blanc.xml:
Page number “76” in the t.o.c. should be in alignment with “ſon Mary.” in the chapter title, “La Conſolation & la Direction d'vne/Femme , qui n'eſt point aimée de/ſon Mary.” There seems to be a bug that’s creating a line break between the chapter title and page #.
2. maladies_des_femmes.xml:
a) Links to notes are still causing formatting issues in t.o.c. but I believe most of these problems should be fixed when the notes are replaced with <sic>
b) The note next to page number “75” (“Anomalie de pagination de la part de l'imprimeur; à la place de « 74 », il a mis « 75 ».”) is interfering with the first line of that page (“engendre la gonorrhee: il aduiẽt auſsi que la quãtité ou la quali-”). It’s creating an indent that shouldn’t be there.
3. References.xml file:
a) Link references within references. (Reminder: if a term appears more than once within the same reference, only tag the first occurrence.)
b) Remove <ref>
links in all <cit>
s. (We decided not to put <ref>
links in quoted material to avoid giving the erroneous impression that the source of the quote came from one of our references)
c) References need to be reviewed because there are still some, such as for word definitions, which should be converted into notes.
4. Review and standardize usage of <cit>
-> See MH’s blog post “Quotes and cits -- need to do a review and standardize” (15/06/11)
5. All <argument>
tags need to be changed into <label>
6. Include a “back” button (⇐) for references and notes? This could be helpful for the user because when you click on a link within a reference or a note, the only way to return to the original reference/note is by going back to the text and clicking on the link. By including a “back” button in the window of a reference/note, the user will be able to return to the original reference/note more easily. CC and MH will have to discuss this.
7) MH has to upload changes to Mariage site for GMM and EGB through Exist Client.
Reminders for CC:
1. Questions to ask Evelyne for Marinello text:
a) Does she want all abbreviated terms for medications written in Latin to be translated into French and then have references written for them?
b) Definitions for “thym,” “maladie de nymphe” and “ansules”?
2. Ask Hélène Cazes to:
a) transcribe missing Greek phrase in Sonnet 1609 (“Et voſtre Muſe eſt tanquam [missing greek text] vous ne portez...”)
b) verify that transcription of Greek word in Des maladies des femmes (“à raiſon dequoy les Grecs l'on appellé μπτοα”) is correct.
MH also suggested that he could ask a student who knows ancient Greek to complete these two tasks.