Mariage Project Guidelines Documents
I added the following files to the Documentation folder on the Mariage server:
css_in_mariage.pdf – MH’s instructions on how to use CSS in Mariage
Editing_Guidelines.doc – guidelines and important points on editing transcribed text and markup.
Reference_and_Note_Writing_Manual.doc – step-by-step instructions on how to write references and notes.
XMLcodes_Master_List.doc – contains commonly used tags in the Mariage project with definitions and examples for each.
Allusions_manquantes.doc - contains a list of references in the references.xml that need to have content written for them as well as literary allusions that have yet to be identified. RAs can add to this list if they come across allusions in their text that they have trouble identifying. These will be readdressed in the future.
Mariage_bookmarks.html – bookmarks of useful websites for doing research for reference and note writing.
Mariage_Oxygen_Prefs.xml – RAs can import these preference settings in Oxygen.
Suggestion: MH, can you add your “Notes for initial basic markup” document to the documentation folder? I think it will be useful for teaching new RAs how to do basic markup of their texts.