ImageMagick problems on Ubuntu 20.04
Posted by mholmes on 14 Jan 2021 in Announcements
I'm just posting this because I've had to spend over an hour trying to figure this out. I had what I thought was a bog-standard Ubuntu 20.04 installation with ImageMagick installed from the repos. This gives you ImageMagick 7. On my desktop, it just wouldn't work properly; attempting to process images at the command line gave me missing delegate errors:
no decode delegate for this image format `JPEG' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/562
I remembered having hit this before once, and knew to go and change some settings in policy.xml, but that just didn't work. Eventually I had to do this:
- Uninstall and purge imagemagick
- Find all imagemagick-related folders and files and delete them (there are lots, including symlinks to the binaries all over the place)
- reinstall imagemagick (still didn't work)
- sudo apt install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat
The last one seems to be the magic bullet.
This entry was posted by Martin and filed under Announcements.