Building eXist trunk and deploying locally
Posted by mholmes on 03 May 2011 in R & D, Activity log
After JN had to check out the current source and build to get around a recent bug, I took the opportunity to go through the same process, create an eXist war file:
- mkdir exist_trunk
- cd exist_trunk
- svn co .
- ./ clean
- ./ download-additional-jars
- cd extensions
- cp
- [Edit to turn on FOP.]
- cd ../
- ./
- ./ -f build/scripts/jarsigner.xml
- ./ dist-war
- mkdir [tomcat]/webapps/exist
- cp dist/exist-1.5....war [tomcat]/webapps/exist
- jar xfv [tomcat]/webapps/exist/exist-1.5...war
Then I started Tomcat 6.0.26, but eXist failed to start. So I installed the latest Tomcat (7.0.12). It took me a while to get this going, but I eventually figured out that all the .sh and all the .jar files in the bin directory need to be executable. I used my usual file to start it up, and exist came up working fine. So the latest eXist seems to prefer the latest Tomcat.