A few notes about Lab C machine problems
Posted by swirly on 16 May 2007 in Labs, Announcements
As seen in Lab C during the numerous student machine seizures as described before.
1) Stations 7 & 10, although logged in, were not identified (seen/in contact with) by the teacher's Sanako: log-in name not shown, and Duo, although open on the student machine (SM), is not indicated on the teacher machine (TM). TM also did not have group control over these machines. TM also could not send files to the said SM's unless DUO was closed on the SM's and then TM re-launched the file. Sometimes relaunching the TM Sanako 300 fixes this prob, as can creating a separate new group for those problem machines.
2) Monitor at SM 4 has its display change for the worse from time to time. Image gets distorted (squashed into the centre of the screen)and the rest of the monitor looks black. Powering the monitor off & on will fix the problem...I noticed the monitor at 4 doing this before.
3) Sound at SM 8 using Tandberg Hphones seems to only come from the left side. I've tried other headsets that work on other machines with the same result. I have also fiddled with the Tandberg audio wiring with no improvement. Line out and Mic cables make static sounds when moved about. I think there is still an Out of Order sign on this machine as students dislike the sound coming only from one side.