-’Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | aspect-mood suffix |
Phonological Form | -ʔ |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-ʔ |
Examples for entry
- ayatsa’tänion’
I’m eating a meal right now
- a’tere’ iwahsenh iyahonwayeh yahonwïio’ ontawehnde’
there are eighty ships coming
- Chiatatennonhchionniänihk sonhwa’ ? Stan’ tehia’ndiara’sennihk de hehchien’ah ?
Are you building your house all by yourself? Your son doesn’t help you?
- Chia’testa’ ?
Are you two the same age?
- chiestore’ de ihchiech
you eat quickly, you're eating quickly
- dekha’ ahsontate’
this night
- dekha’ entate’
this day
- dekha’ ondehchate’
this land
- ehechieht onhwa’ kha’ entate’
you will wake him up today
- etiotëndatata’
at the end of the village
- Hahnen’ ihstare’ ?
Where do you live?
- hänienhwihtahnon’
he is ambidextrous, he knows how to do things from both sides, with both hands
- haonhwa’ hatandiht
he talks about himself
- Hesatahrontonhndah de hehchien’ah !
Go ask your son for his news!
- hotinhotonhk hotihndihtihnen’
they had closed the door forcefully
- kha’ ihotien’
he is sitting here
- ohrihchon’
it’s scattered, spread out here and there
- önontoutonnion’
there are countless mountains
- önontouton’
there are several mountains
- ostore’
it’s soon
- otehiatonhnon’
this is written in multiple places, in multiple ways
- ontatia’skenhatie’
they’ve just seen tracks
- shayohonwawändihatie’
he just bought a canoe from them
- stan’ a’niänihten’ te’wa’tariha’tha’ de kha’ tsondehchen’
it is never warm here in your country
- stan’ ne endi’ yewendïio’ te’yenh dekha’ ekaenton’
I am not the owner of these pieces of furniture
- stan’ onyiatsi’ te’yenh
we two are not friends
- stan’ ta’teska’ratehche’ de oyenronhatie’
I will no longer need snowshoes in the spring
- steniestha’ te’wahtonhonhk de tho hewayientahk esondaon’
nothing was lost from all that I had put in your house
- Ta’ohten’ hotiyehtontie’ ?
What are they going along carrying?
- Ta’ohten’ sahnhontatie’ ?
What are you carrying in your mouth?
- tehäa’tate’y eyenhk
he will not be present
- te’ea’tate’
there’s no one there
- te’khëndare’ de khëen’ah aayenhk
I don’t have anyone who is like my child, I don’t have any children
- te’wayonhrataen’
I don’t have any shovel
- tho iyäa’tayeh de hotisken’rayehtahk tiöndrahtayeh de kha’ skwarhaenton’
there are as many soldiers as there are leaves in your woods
- tho iyahra’
it’s above, on top
- tiosken’nia’ a’tehontre’
they are not far from one another
- tiyia’tata’
next to me, close to me (there where my body ends)
- yändataen’
there’s a village
- yändataweti’ ayotiehwat
everyone is staying awake in the village
- yarhi’tonton’ yahihk etiotondih
there are many fruit trees
- yaronhia’yeh tihchion’ hatironnion’
there is a multitude of stars appearing in the sky
- yarontouton’ ihchien’ dowa’ yarha’yonh wa’ de yarontaentonnion’
in the woods, there are some trees standing up and others knocked down on the ground