
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 04 June 1873, Prince Edward Island Confederation with Canada.

[...] gation and the conveyance of mails between Prince Edward Island and the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Mr. L. H. DAVIES thought it a monstrous proposition that Charlottetown is only to have one or two trips per week, by Steamboat, allowed it instead of the present arrangement, or a more progressive one still. But be supposed that this question would be more fully discussed when the Bill was brought down.
Mr. SINCLAIR asked whether it was not going too far to enter into a new engagement for ten years with the present contractor, when the Dominion had engaged to provide for the conveyance of our mails to the other Provinces. He thought that to do so would be taking too much upon ourselves under present circumstances.
Hon. COL. SECRETARY said that in passing the resolution before them, the Committee did not pledge itself in any way, or make any engagement that would be binding. No Bill imposing a tax upon the subject could be introduced unless it originates with a Committee of the whole House. The proper time to take objection to the principles and provisions of the Bill, will be when the Bill itself comes down. The question for present consideration is whether the House is in favor of increased steam communication with the other Provinces, and whether a new contract should be entered into for that purpose. As regards the necessity for increased steam communication between this Island and the other Provinces when the Railway is opened up throughout the whole length. there can be little doubt. It is, on the other hand, far better to enter into acontract with capitalists amongst ourselves, who own substantial and commodious Boats, which have given every satisfaction, and thus have the money expended amongst us, than to trust to outsiders, who would spend the money elsewhere. The advantage of having a Steam Navigation Company located amongst ourselves, owning such Boats as the Princess of Wales, Heather Belle and St. Lawrence, when free trade opens with the Dominion, will be apparent to the commonest observer. Free trade with Canada will be a great advantage to the Company, and will enable them to afford greater facilities to the travelling public, and for the conveyance of freight, than they have ever yet been able to supply. The question in reference to the number of trips to be made between the several ports is a matterto be settled when the House goes into Committee on the Bill itself. It will be more satisfactory to enter into a contract with a local Company, owning local Boats, and thus have the profits of the enter prise spent among ourselves, and the Boats officered, from the Captain down to the firemen. from our own people, than to have Boats employed belonging to any of the other Provinces. All those matters would, he hoped, receive the due consideration of that hon. Committee. As to whether ten years was too long a time tor which to enter into a contract with a Company, or not, it would be time enough to consider when the Bill came before the House in Committee.
The resolution was then put and carried. The Speaker then took the chair and the Chairman then reported the resolution agreed to. A Committee, consisting ofhons. Pope, Haviland, and Mr. John Yeo, was appointed to bring in a Bill in accordance with the resolution.
Hon. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT, Chairman of said Committee, accordingly submitted a Bill, intituled " An Act relating to Steam Communication and the conveyance of Mails between Prince Edward Island and 1873 PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER. 267 the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick."
Received and read a first time and ordered to be read a second time to- morrow.
House in Committee of the whole in further consideration of the County Courts Bill.
Mr. T. KELLY in the chair.
After some time spent in Committee, without debate, the Speaker resumed the chair, progress was reported and leave obtained to sit again.
I. O.
House went into Committee on the Bill for preventing, at improper seasons, the shooting of wild duck, snipe and woodcock.
House resumed, when resolution was reported agreed to.
Hon. Mr. BRECKEN, from Committee, submitted a Bill in accordance with said resolution, which Was read a first time and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.
On motion of hon. Mr. Brecken, a Bill was introduced, and referred to a Committee on Private Bills, to enable the Society for the propogation of the Gospel in foreign parts, to dispose of some Parsonage lands in this Island.
Hon. Mr. SULLIVAN moved that the House go into Committee on the Bill relating to the Master of the Rolls and Assistant Judges.
Hon. Mr. BRECKEN seconded the motion.
Mr. LAIRD said he had some objection to the Bill. Judges have good salaries, and should not be allowed to do business as agents or otherwise in matters which can be done by others. If they have friends who wish to have them set in the capacity of Attorneys for them, they cannot suppose this House will sanction any measure of this nature. Judges should, as far as possible, keep clear from acting as agents for any parties. Nor could he think any injustice would be done to them by refusing to pass this Bill. In so far as be (Mr. L.) understood the Bill, he was opposed to the principle it contained.
Hon. Mr. POPE did also feel opposed to the Bill. Their salaries should be sufiicient to maintain them in the high position they occupy, without having to come down from that height to act as agents or Attorneys for any one. When we enter the Dominion, the probability is, their salaries will be increased, when they will be enabled to live as becomes their high station in society, without having to resort to an occupation which Judges should not engage in. He considered it the duty of the House to set their faces against all such measures. It was all very well for them to say they only intended to act for relatives; but in passing such a Bill we would be endorsing a principle which would be susceptible of great abuse, and calculated to dishonor the Bench. This House will take the wisest course, if it sets its face against this and all like measures. To keep our Judges clear of all such transaction, in so far as legislation can do so, was the clear duty of the House.
Hon. Mr. BRECKEN.—The principle advocated by his honor the Leader of the Government, is undoubtedly a sound one; yet it is fair to state, that by all the principles known to jurisprudence, Judges are prohibited in acting in any case where they are individually or collectively interested, and this Bill is not intended to allow any Judge to act in any case in opposition to this acknowledged principle.


The Parliamentary Reporter of Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Charlottetown: Henry Cooper, 1873. Microfilm copies provided by the Prince Edward Island Libraries and Archives.



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