
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 9 March 1872, Prince Edward Island Confederation with Canada.

[Hon. Attorney General — ] They (Messrs. Howlan and McDonald) said they represented the largest religious body in the colony. and thought that some consideration should he given to their request. It was agreed that the question should he put on the shelf while those who favored Confederation would do the same, and no membur of the Government on either side, had in the smallest iota, since, violated that not. There was a meeting held immediately, or soon after, when about sixteen or seventeen were present and when they went in they were discussing what the policy of the Government should be. When the question of Confederation was sank also.   He (Mr. B.) had been returned to opppose that question for four years, or that if in the meantime the matter should come before them that no action should be taken until the matter was sent to the people at the polls. Some gentleman suggested that it should be put in writing to which he (Atty. General) said "certainly." when Dr. Robertson said "put in the School Question too."
Hon. Attorney General said that if his honor the Speaker attempted to reprimand the prisoner at the Bar, without giving him a hearing, the consequences might be serious. He (Mr. B.) had distinctly stated, last evening, that the house had no power to arrest Mr. Carlton, and that if they attmepted to do so, they would place themselves on dangerous ground. Mr Carlton was not bound to obey the summons of the House, for they had no jurisdiction over him; if the House had no power to issue a warrant in this case, they had no power to issue a summons either. He Mr. B: would ask his honor the Speaker in the of British justice not to reprimant that, as the House had no jurisdiction over him. To carry out the wishes of the Opposition in this matter, as expressed in their resolution, was like knocking a man down, and then kicking him for falling. If the motion submitted by the Opposition be carried over we may be told that we are not able to conduct the affairs of the country, and the loss of our constitution may possibly be the result. He (Mr. B.) would be sorry to see our Island taken into Confederation because its Legislature did not administer justice in such a case as the one now before the House. But we should remember that it was a little ship-money 1872 PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER. 55 which cost Charles I. his head, and that it is quite possible that this bribe-money may cause the loss of our constitution. 
[Hon. Attorney General — ] But to-night he had to part politicts company with his old associate and former political friend, and hoped his new found friends would not object to his strong views on Confederation.
Hon. D Davies had been, and was still, in favor of the policy of Colonial Union, and saw no reason yet why Confederation was not desirable. He knew it was the imperial policy and thought we should not op— pose it, and thought in the Railway matter they had evidence of how the country might be legislated into the Dominion in the same way. The same thing could be done; for if the Legislature could pass the Railway Bill without an appeal to the people, it could do the other in the same way.
Hon. Mr. Howlan thought the hon. member should recollect that there was a distinct understanding that such should not be done.
Hon. D. Davies though then, and was still of the same opinion, that they might be legislated, as a colony, into the Dominion of Canada in the same way. And the thought if necessary that we should go into Confederation. The Dominion Government would pay for the Railroad and place the Land question of this Island in the same position as that of the Dominion. They knew how it was in Ireland, and the same might be their case too. He believed generous terms would be submitted, and that it would be the duty and for the interest of the colony to accept them. He fully reiprocated the friendly of the learned Attorney General. THey had been personal friends from their boyhood, but it so happened that they took different views of the matter, which caused them to diverge politically, the one from the other. 


The Parliamentary Reporter of Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Charlottetown: The Examiner, 1871-1872. Microfilm copies provided by the Prince Edward Island Libraries and Archives.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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