SATURDAY, April 26.
Mr. D. LAIRD said that he did not see why matters which would pertain to the General Dominion
service, such as Buoys and Beacons, should be voted sums of money at all, when the
Colony was about to become a portion of Canada. Certain salaries would have to be
provided for, it was true, as it would not do to leave our public officers unpaid
; but he thought the item of Buoys and Beacons might be omitted from the resolution.
Hon. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT said that as those salaries were provided for by statute, it made little difference
whether they were put in the Resolution or not. He had submitted the usual road allowance
in order that hon. members might have a
little time to make out their road
scales. Buoys and Beacons, above all
other matters, should be attended to,
as the channels should be properly
marked, without delay, in the interests
of our shipping. If these matters are
to be taken up by the Dominion Government, and the union of this Island
to Canada takes place, that government will pay what is now laid out
upon them. If one thing more than
another required attending to, it was
to have our channels properly marked
out, so as to prevent vessels going
aground and causing loss of life and
Mr. D. LAIRD said that he understood from his honor the Leader of the
Government that he would not interfere with matters that would be taken
charge of by the Dominion Government; but here was a vote of money
for Steamboat Inspection, which would
form part of the Dominion service.
Hon. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT said that the Steamboat Inspector came over from New Brunswick
every spring, and might come over in
the first boat, to test the boilers of the
different steamers ; if so, he would
have to be paid for his services. This
expenditure would only be made if
Resolution carried.