On motion of the hon. Leader of the
Government the House resumed the
consideration of the Despatches relating to Confederation.
Hon. Mr. Lefurgy —I will make a
few remarks to refute the inconsistent
statements of the hon. junior member
for Belfast, particularly those charging
the Coalition Government with passing
over several of the tenders for the
Trunk Line of Railway and unwarrantably giving the contract to
Messrs. Schreiber and Burpee. When
the late government let the Branch
Lines, they passed over the Tender of
Mr. Finlay McNeil], which was much
lower than any they received, and over
several others never consulting any of
the gentlemen who tendered for the
work, and gave the contract to Messrs.
Schrieber and Burpee at a price of
$1.000 per mile over that of the Trunk
Line. Now, I contend that those contractors could afford to have taken
the Branch Contract at a lower rate
than the Trunk Line: but it appeared
they were privileged by the late government, and allowed to draw the
whole of the debentures due them on
the Trunk Line as the work proceeded,
instead of only ninety per cent according to the original contract. This was
nothing less than a compromise. The
hon. junior member for Belfast considered that the Branch contract was
let at a cheaper rate than the trunk
line. I differ from him, and can show
that the Branch Line is by far the
higher contract when the nature of
the country, &c., is considered. Notwithstanding all the charges made by
members of the late government
against their predecessors, in reference
to letting the trunk contract to an
alleged Ring, they themselves let the
Branch contract to the same parties.
Our local men should have received
due consideration instead of being unceremoniously thrown overboard as
they were, in this case. I do not
blame the contractors in the least, for
they had a perfect right to attend to
their own interests, but I blame the
late government for not protecting the
interests of their country, as they
should have done. When the Coalition government went out of power,
they were charged by the hon. junior
member for Belfast and his friends
with having ruined the country by
undertaking the construction of the
trunk line; but when he and his
party got into power they went to
work and changed two of the stations
at an enormous expense, to satisfy a
few interested friends, thus showing
their insincerity in their charges of
extravagance. The hon. member and
his friends in the late government
made numberless charges against their
predecessors in reference to curves in
the line, spruce sleepers, stumps in
the road, wire fence, &c., and an investigation of these matters having
been called for, two competent engineers
were employed, who after a thorough
inspection, and survey, sent in their
Report. This report stated that the
road was properly staked out and all
the work upon it thoroughly and satisfactorily done; but the report was
kept locked up for several months instead of being published for the information of
the people, who were really
interested in the result of that investigation. Instead of being sorry for
the false charges they had made, and
honestly confessing that they had
done wrong, the hon. member for
Belfast and his party still vainly tried
to defend their course, and to condemn
the Coalition Government; but their
charges now fall harmless to the
ground. Several hon. members of this
House were at the last election returned to support Confederation, but it
was different with myself and hon.
colleague as we were pledged in a
great measure against it. Many objections have, from time to time been
made against me, because I am a Confederate, but I promised my constituents
at the two former elections that I
would not vote for Confederation without their consent. When contesting
the late election, my hon. colleague
and I were pledged to get. better
terms if possible; but I stated that if
better terms could not be obtained. I
would accept the present terms. The
late government did not give the people the information necessary to enable
them to form a correct opinion upon
the question they were called upon to
decide. It is true they did issue a
Gazette on the 15th
March last, containing garbled statements, but the next 'issue contained
nothing at all about the subject. The
next numberof the
Gazette containing
the official announcement of the terms
did not reach the people generally,
till after the election was over so that
during the contest, the people were
without reliable information upon the
question before the country. It is
unfair, therefore, for the present opposition to charge hon. members on
this side of the House with having
acted inconsistently, as we really had
no terms before us at the late election.
Last night the hon. jun. member for
Belfast stated that the Dominion tariff
was as high as 13 1/2 per cent in 1870,
and that it is now down to 9 1/2 per
cent, showing a reduction of four per
cent; but he forgot to tell us how the
Revenue is raised in Canada. We
know that many large items for which
we pay from the Treasury are there
paid for by local taxation. In my
opinion we may float along for a few
years by accepting the present terms
but we will be forced to resort to
heavy local taxation before long, to
supply our requirements, as they are
continually increasing. According to
the hon. member's mode of reasoning,
l do not wonder he does not want
better terms ; if I could see through
his glasses, I would also be satisfied
with the present terms ; but I cannot
see the matter in the light he does.
It now appears clear that whether we
accept Confederation or not, we will
be taxed, and therefore, the best we
can do is to choose the least of two
evils. When the resolution in favor of
the appointment of another Delegation
is submitted, I am prepared to vote
for it, as I believe we shall receivé
still more liberal terms. I cannot see
why the Opposition will not join hands
with the government in this matter,
and thus strengthen their hands in obtaining the best possible terms, before
accepting Confederation. The hon.
junior member for Belfast said that
perhaps some little matters might be
conceded to this delegation. Well,
several small things put together may
be of great importance to this little
Colony. The hon. member mentioned
the Summerside light-house and the
the Tignish Breakwater among those
items, and as if not worth attention
from the Dominion. Several ot such
items put together make a large and
important matter, well worthy of consideration and an effort on our part to
obtain compensation. New Brunswick
once thought she had very good terms,
but she is now very much dissatisfied
with them. and is asking for Better
Terms. Now is the time for us to obtain our rights at the hands of the
Dominion, as we shall be almost
powerless after we enter, to obtain
anything in addition. We have good
reason for asking better terms, as we
have greater claims than any of the
other Colonies on account of our isolated position and having no public lands,
minerals or timber to fall back upon.
Although Messrs. Laird and Haythorne deserve credit for the terms now
before us, this should not prevent us
from making as good a bargain as we
can. As those hon. gentlemen were
elected Anti-Confederates, they should
have called the Legislature together
before constituting themselves into a
Delegation to seek terms of Union with
Canada. They had no right to go
upon that Delegation before calling a
session of the House. If the Legisla
ture had been convened for two or
three weeks and consulted in reference
to this matter, the late government
would have acted wisely, and would
perhaps have many in their ranks
to-day who are now on this side of the
House. Although the late Delegates
obtained very liberal concessions, they
are not thereby exonerated from blame.
The country has been taken by surprise on this question, and the consequence is, that
many of the districts
are still strongly Anti-Confederate.
I consider that the present state of
our finances and our public credit requires every representative to act for
the best interests of the country, and I
do not see anything left us but to accept the terms we now have, if, after
making every effort, we cannot get
better terms. The credit of the country has been so much injured abroad,
that it will be almost impossible to restore it, and additional taxes would,
at present, be very, obnoxious to the
people generally. The hon. junior
member for Belfast stated this morning
that our duty upon liquors should be
raised till equal to that of the Dominion ; but last night he stated that the
Dominion Tariff was much lower than
ours. Now I cannot understand that
mode of reasoning: if our tariff is
much higher than theirs, why
should we raise it to make it equal ?:
Under our present circumstances, I see
nothing left us but to accept Confed»
eration. I stated at last election, that
if I found that the credit of the country could not be maintained, I should
endeavor to get better terms, and if
these could be got I would accept
the terms now before us. I shall,
therefore, vote for sending a Delegation to seek Better Terms.
Mr: Sinclair.—In addressing you
on this great question I shall endeavour.
more particularly to reply to the Speech
made by the hon. Leader of the Government last night. One of his principal arguments
was that it was all on
account of the bad legislation of the
late government during the past year
that we are now forced to seek admission into the Dominion of Canada, that
there was; extravagance in every
branch of the publie service, and that
if they had managed the affairs of the
country as well as the Coalition had,
we would not be in the position we are
in today. Now, I maintain that this
Colony was brought into its present
position by the action of the Coalition
Government in passing the Railway
Bill: His honor the Leader of the
Government was then clearly told by
the members of the Opposition what
the result of the passing of that measure would be, and if hon. members
will take the trouble to turn up the
speeches on the Railway Question in
the Parliamentary Reporter of 1871,
they will find the protests of the 0pposition as clearly set forth as if now
delivered. No government could carry
on the affairs of the country satisfactorily for any length of time with our
present Revenue and send out of the
country the interest of our Railway
debt, in gold. The late government
has been blamed for passing the
Branches without making any provision for their construction. Now those
Branches were the result of the action
of the Coalition Government, as, at the
opening of the six days' session, they
brought down in the Speech, a paragraph promising their immediate construction. But
:as they were then in a
minority, they did not succeed in even
getting a committee appointed to prepare the Draft Address in Reply to the
Speech with which the Session was
opened. The House was then dissolved
and we all went to the people at the
polls on that question. The result.
was that four members were returned
pledged to go for the party that would
go for the Branch lines and without
whom it was impossible to form a government, so that we had either to promise to construct
the Branches or
allow the then hon. Leader. of the
Opposition to form a government with these hon. members. If we had done
the latter, we need never have gone to
our constituents as candidates for
Legislative honors again. There was
nothing left us, therefore, but to undertake the construction of the Branches.
As a dissolution at that time could not
be obtained, we stated, that the present
session would be ample time to make
provision for the construction of the
Branch lines, and this is now found to
be the case, for there has not been a
single debenture yet issued for that
purpose. The late government found
that the remittance of a sufficient sum
of money to London to pay the interest
on the Debentures was more than the
country could stand, and it was ascertained that before another twelve
months rolled round, we should be paying interest on no less a sum than 3 1/4
millions of dollars on account of the
construction of the Railway and
Branches. That amount will all have
to be provided for this Session if
we do not enter the Dominion. To
cover the interest of that vast Railway
debt, we would require to make an
annual remittance of $195,000 in gold;
to London. We then took into consideration the returns of the railroad
&c.. and found that it would cost from
$50,000 to $100,000 a year more than the total amount of its earnings. If
the hon. Leader of the Government is
not satisfied with the present terms,
and wishes to have'the Railroad back,
that we may work it ourselves, I have
not the least doubt the Dominion
Government will be willing to give it
to us on that condition. But reckless
as the present government are, I do
not believe they want the Railway
back, as they could hardly get a party
to stick to them if they undertook to
work the Railroad at the expense of
this Colony. No man who deserves
the name of a statesman would attempt
to levy taxation for any purpose before it is required. As far as the survey of the
Branch lines was concern
ed, there was suffiicient money raised
by the increase on the duties on liquors
to pay its whole cost. The western
Branch was reckoned from the first, to
be between 12 or 15 miles in length
and the eastern one between 35 or
40 miles, both altogether making about
50 miles. There has been no imposition practised by the late government
in the House in reference to the length
of the road, as it is now found after
the line is surveyed that the total
length is a trifle less than fifty miles.
This clearly proves the benefit of having the line surveyed and located before letting
the contract. When the
Bill for constructing the Trunk line
was introduced, some hon. members of
the government said the length of the
road would be 120 miles and other
said it would be 125 miles, but after
allowing the contractors to make their
own survey the length was greatly
increased. I was accused of being the
cause of making one curve in the line.
I did use my influence to bring the
road to Kensington, but I did not ask
to have it turned right back again to
Bedeque. I think the people of Kensington may thank the hon. member
for Indian River for getting the line
brought to that place, and not me, as I
had no influence with the government.
It was the pressure brought to bear
upon the hon. Leader of the Government by his own friends and supporters that was
the means of bringing the
line to Kensington. The road leaves
that place at almost a right angle, and
it is owing to those twists and crooks
that it is now 147 1/2 miles in length,or 30
miles longer than the distance mentioned in the advertisement. By surveying
the Branches, before letting the contract, we calculated that we saved
about ten miles of road, instead of following the course pursued by the
Coalition Government. The American
Engineers have not cleared the Coalition from all blame. They cleared
the Contractors and the Engineers by
declaring that the work was well done
but they said that the manner in which the contract was let was the cause of the whole
blunder, and that if it had been let in the United States instead of on this Island,
we would have been worse bitten than we are. The hon. member for Summerside (Mr. Lefurgy)
stated that the change of Summerside Station cost $100,000. Now it did not cost the
country half that amount, as the whole cost was only $40,000. The Railway Commissioners
valued the Land damages of both lines and reported to the government that the front
line, or the one now adopted, would be the cheaper one. No one but an extreme political
partizan would disapprove of the change of that Station. The hon. Leader of the Government
declared that in Charlottetown the Railway should run along the heads of all the wharves.
If so, why should the same rule not be applied to Summerside also ? The members of
the late government consulted Messrs. Boyd and Gregory who said that branches to stations
were always objectionable, and if possible should be avoided. If ground can be obtained
at the head of the Railway Wharf the Station should, by all means, be placed there.
We asked Mr. Boyd, Engineer, how it would answer to fill up the flat on the shore
at the head of the wharf, for a station ground, and he said it was the proper place
for it, that he had never recommended the upper station, but had laid it off by order
of the Coalition Government. The Contractors, at first, wanted $80,000 for changing
that branch, but they afterwards came down to $40,000, and will, I believe, require
every dollar of that sum to carry out the change. If the Railway is to do any good
to Summerside, the line at present adopted is in all respects the proper one, as the
people there will reap a double amount of benefit from it, compared with the one first
laid of. In changing the Alberton Station, we acted on the same principle. I was one
of those appoint
ed to report on that Station, and in company with four Engineers went up to see it.
The hon. member for Alberton maintained that the place pointed out as the ground for
the Station, was not the place at all but that the site was down below his fence.
But Mr. Ball said that it was the place he laid off, Mr. Howlan then offered us a
place below that spot, and afterwards offered us a site in front of his farm, which
was low ground and would require to be filled up eight feet deep which he offered
to do. We told him we did not like that place for we found that if filled up with
earth it would require an expensive culvert. On examining, we found that the best
site for that station was Hickey's field ; but Mr. Bell had nothing to say about it.
The people will be the judges whether we have acted impartially or not. Let the government
change the Summerside Station and see what public opinion on the matter will be. The
hon. Leader of the government wanted to make out that the branches to Souris and Tignish
cost $1000 per mile more than the trunk line ; but he did not take into account the
fact that there are several very expensive Bridges on the former lines which would
cost more than the amount, and that the country will have to pay for no more miles
than was mentioned in the Branch Bill. We had several offers to construct those lines,
but would not accept such as that of Mr. McNeill of Summerside. If the late government
had accepted that gentleman's tender, I would not attempt to stand here and justify
their action, for the tender was not worthy of an honest man. The first part of the
work was marked on that tender three times too high and the last part to be performed
only one-seventh of the amount stated on the other tenders. After the first part of
the work was finished, he could have walked off with a handsome profit, and at a great
loss to the country, after paying the
amount for which he gave security, as
the government were bound to advance
money according to the tender on
the work performed. No government
would be justified in accepting such
a tender. The hon. Leader of the
government charged the late government with extravagance in constructing
bridges at Rustico, Clifton, &c. We
received from this House, last year, a
vote of $87,855 for the Board of
Works, $32,000 of which was for
general contracts of Roads, Bridges,
Wharves, &c., and the balance for
Colonial Building Light Houses, &c.
We left the present government, after
all our expenditure, the sum of $30,000 to begin with. The grand cause
of all our present difficulties was the
construction of the Railway, which
was undertaken against the wishes of
three-fourths of the people of this
country. Those districts through
which the Railway does not pass, put
in claims for local wants which could
not be overlooked by any government,
and in several cases backed up their
petitioners with large amounts. The
inhabitants of Clifton, Rustico and
Victoria, in particular, contributed
freely in aid of their several works.
Those contracts have not injured the
country to the extent of a single dollar,
as the expenditure did not exceed the
amount voted for Public Works. The
Board of Works, on the whole, did not
exceed by $2000 or $3000 the
amount voted by the House, last session. The Treasury was in as good
state when the late rovernment resigned as it was when they received
the reins of power. The Railway
undertaking has brought the country
into its present position, and the government are now obliged to adopt our
policy and to run in the very same
groove, step by step. With all their
opposition to the course we adopted,
they are compelled to swallow our
policy, and now tell the people that
they cannot avoid their present course.
The amount of money in the Treasury
when we came into power was $23,000 I do not know what amount there is in the Treasury
at present, but I know that we remitted 30,000 to London to meet the interest on the
Debentures, due about the last of June. The hon. Leader of the Government asks why
we borrowed money from a New Brunswick Bank and allowed so much money to be idle in
London. We found that if we drew the whole amount from the Banks in sterling exchange
at once, we should cripple them and thus injure the trade of the country. The President
of one of the Banks spoke to us about this matter and told us to begin early to prepare
to meet the interest on the Debentures, and we did so. We commenced about the beginning
of March, and as a result there is now £6000 sterling in London, to meet the liabilities
of the Colony. I did not imagine so many hon. members on the government side of the
House would have swallowed the leek at once, as they did, when so many of them ran
their election against Confederation. They have, by their action, admitted that the
course pursued by the late government was the only proper one, and that they must
follow it. The hon. Leader of the government stated that ours was a dash-away-policy,
but he has followed it in every respect. The present government party got hold of
a letter which I wrote to Mr. Lawson of the Summerside Progress, and published a garbled extract from it ; but if they had published the whole of
it as it was written, it would have condemned them most clearly. Mr. Lawson asked
me what position the Colony was in, and I wrote and told him my private opinion in
reference to it, and stated that there were hon. gentlemen in the country whose policy
was to dash away, levy taxation and ruin the colony. I am not ashamed of a single
syllable contained in that letter, and would be glad to see it published, as I wrote
it ; but I would feel ashamed if I had treat
ed any man's letter as they have done
mine. Let them produce the original
letter, and I will publish it. The hon.
Leader of the government stated that
the terms now offercd us by the
Dominion are not equal to those of
1869, andthat he was the means of
procuring the $800,000 for the purchase of our lands. .Now, it is rather
unfair for him to lay claim to that
honor; the hon. George Coles was
the first who claimed a sufficient
amount for the purchase of our lands,
at the Quebec Conference; but we
never had a guarantee from the Dominion that it would be granted till
1869. The Better Terms amounted
to only $25 per head of our population
while the present terms amounted to
$45 per head as our assumed public
debt. We can draw from the Dominion Treasury to the full amount of
our assumed debt at any time after
going into Confederation. During the
first twelve months after we join the
Dominion, we shall-be able to draw
the interest on the unpaid amount of
the sum to be paid for our railway, to
the contractors, which will. amount to
$75,000. This sum will be sufficient
to build three new jails. and a Court
House, The late government have
been charged. with extravagance in
their Railway expenditure. Let us
look at. the two, administrations, viz,
the late government and the Coalition.
The latter levied 2 1/2 per cent taxation
to pay the interest on the Debentures;
but how did they use the amount thus
obtained, viz £18,800? They used
that money tor general purposes contrary to the Revenue Act and expended more. than
the amount of the whole
Revenue—in fact, they.ran the Colony
about £7,000 in debt. The next year,
we had the management of public
affairs, and raised the whole of the
revenue raised from the 2 1/2 per cent
for Railway interest, and more also, for the very legitimate purpose for
which it was levied. We also paid
$20,000 for the Worrel Estate, $6000
for new cent coinage, &c. If we take
these extraordinary expenditures out
of the total outlay, we will find the
latter very considerably reduced. The
Revenue for last year was $895,478.03
and the ordinary expenditure $385,
881. 38.
Mr. Sinclair—But it was charged
against last year. I stated at the time
the 2 1/2 per cent was added to the Tariff
that the money arising from it would
be required to meet the ordinary expenditure of the Colony, and it has
turned out just as I predicted, for the
Coalition government used the Railway
monies for other purposes than that
provided. for in the Revenue Act.
The expenditure of the Coalition exceeded the Revenue by about $80,000,
while the ordinary expenditure of the.
late government was $5000 less than
the ordinary revenue. It is clearly to
be seen that the present Revenue of the Colony is not more than sufficient to meet
our ordinary expenditure,
leaving the Railway out of the question altogether. The late government
found that the sum arising from the
2 1/2 per cent was required for ordinary
wants, and that the whole of the Rail»
way expenditure would have to be
met in some other way. When we
consider the fact that about $200.000
in gold must be remitted to Landon.
annually to meet the interest on the.
Debentures, we can see at a glance:
that the Colony cannot long maintain.
its present financial position, and that
we must look for assistance to some
other quarter. How could we remit
that large sum in gold, without crippling the commerce of the country?
This is the grand question. The
floating capital of the colony could
never stand the immense drain upon
it. At the end of ten years we shall
have remitted in all, no less than
$2,000,000,in gold. It is ridiculous
to think that the country could stand
it. I had reason to think that when
the Railway Bill was passed, the
Coalition knew the consequences. of
their act. If the hon. Leader of the
Government can get better terms, I
will not object to his trying to obtain
them,but I will object to tampering
with the best interests of the country.
I suppose the government think they
have gone far enough in their change
of base on Confederation, and that they
must at least test the question whether
they can obtain better' terms or not.
If'they are forced to take the present
terms at last, there will be no alternative but to accept them, just as they
are. It'they wish our support, they
should let us know upon what basis
they intend to put in their claims for
better terms. The only plea yet put
forth by them is that we want a little
more, so that we may conclude that
they intend to adopt the begging system. If so, they should show how
we have been neglected, and also that
we have not received as good terms as
the other Provinces. Unless they can
do this, they will inevitably come short
in their claims. I should not like to
see this Colony placed in a mere begging position. The hon. Leader of
the government has shown that we
have a right to receive from the Dominion the sums. expended on certain
Light Houses, Drill Sheds and Bar»
racks.. .Well, I think it would be a.
credit to him to get the money expended by him, in.building the Barracks,
and that he has the best right to do so..
These buildings cost the country £12,000, and if he can get it back from
the Dominion, it will be a creditable
act. The Drill Sheds are useful for our annual Exhibitions, and Canada does not care
a rap for them. The telegraph line along the line of Railway will belong to the Dominion,
and cannot be used for any other than Railway purposes, as it would interfere
with the interests and rights of the
Telegraph Company. It would be
good financial policy to buy out the
claims of the Company as they have
offered to sell. This a certain quantity of land to which they are entitled,
which they have never yet claimed,
and as land is now getting very valuable, should they come forward and
demand it, it will cost the local parliament a considerable sum to procure it:
The trifling claim for light houses,
barracks, &c, is a poor basis to argue
upon for better terms, but the purchase
of the rights of the Telegraph Company would be a wise measure. Several
hon. members on the government side
of the House were elected as Anti- Confederates, and will therefore pursue a dishonorable
course in turning
in favor of Confederation now. They
charged us with proving untrue to the
country in sending the Delegation to
Ottawa without calling the Legislature
together ; but, I believe we acted for
the best interests of the country in
doing as we did. considering the .condition in which the Colony was placed.
If the country had first been appealed to,
the government of Canada might have
been informed of the critical position
in which we are placed, and the delegates might not have been able to
secure the liberal terms we now have.
Suppose we had convened the Legislature before the delegates were appointed, what
would the then Leader
of the Opposition havesaid? We
would probably have been told that we
should have accepted he invitation to .
send a Delegation, as the House did
not know how to grapple with the papers and correspondence laid: before
them. When the country was appealed
to on the question, the most intelligent
districts on the Island declared that
the late government had taken a consistent course, and sustained their
policy. The district which I represent
is the most populous on the Island, as
well as one of the most intelligent, and
yet my constituents never questioned
the consistency of the course I followed
as a member of the late government on
this question of Confederation. I only
hope the present government will be
as consistent in their actions as we
were. They are in a better position
to negotiate with Canada than we
were. As the House gives them the
power to close I wish the new delegation success, and hope they are not
going to spend $1,200 or $1,500 merely
for the sake of testing the terme we
now have, and that it is not their intention to get some trifling alterations
made and then to come back and say
they have obtained better terms. His
Honor the Leader of the Government
is, I believe the ablest financier on the
other side of the House, and yet the
only argument he adduces in favor of
better terms, is based on the begging
principle. Instead of their being a
balance against the local government,
under Confederation, there will be a
balance in their favor, at the end of the
financial year. If we claim several
thousand dollars more than we have a
right to, the politicians of the other
provinces will put in similar claims as
they will be justly entitled to the same. We shall have our share of the 14 millions
now to be distributed among the lower provinces, and of all their expenditures for
great public works for many years to come, and therefore have been very liberally
dealt with. The other Provinces handed over their Light Houses to the Dominion government
without receiving one cent for them; how then can it be shown that we have any right
to receive remuneration for ours? If the hon. Leader of the Government can show that
we have not, in the present terms, received what is our due, I will support him in
sending another delegation to Ottawa, but so far he has failed to do so. I would go
for making our expenditure for local legislation as light as possible and believe
that by proper economy the present terms will meet our wants for many years,
without resorting to additional local
taxation. The time will. come when
local taxation will have to be resorted
to; but it need not be for several
years to come unless some unusual
expenditure is undertaken. Looking
at the terms before us, I believe the
best course we can pursue is to accept
them, in order to assist the onward
progress of the country and prevent it
from getting into financial difficulties.
House adjourned for one hour.
TUESDAY, April 29th.
Debate on Confederation resumed
Mr. T. KELLY.—Mr. Speaker. in
rising to offer a few remarks, I may
state that I have listened with pleasure
to the speeches of hon. members on
both sides, who have preceded me in
this debate. They have. displayed
ability and research, to the exclusion
of that bitterness, which party feeling
too frequently calls forth. Undoubtedly
sir, it is one of the most momentous
questions which can occupy our atten.
tion, inasmuch as it will effect the
general interests of ourselves and our
children for ages to come. In the
language of a brilliant writer I may
say that " as we are British subjects
the least considerable amongst us has
an interest equal in principle to the
the country, and is equally called upon
to make a contribution in support of
them, whether it be by the heart to
conceive, the understanding to direct
or the head to control." (Applause)
Such sir, is the-spirit which I deem it
my duty to- cultivate when considering
the subject now before us. I have
carefully thought the matter over and intend supporting the motion under
consideration, and will support confederation from no party stand point of view, inasmuch
under our present circumstances, that course is unavoidable.Unquestionably circumstances
combine to render this course a matter of necessity, rather than one of
choice. Who are to blame for this
unfortunate state of affairs, I will not
undertake to say. But this I do say,
the time has arrived when it will
have to be taken hold of and dealt
with, entirely upon its merits. Reference, however, has been made to
parties, and statements have been
made by hon. members opposite,
which do not agree. For instance.
the hon. member, the Leader of the
Opposition said yesterday, quite posi-
tively, that the late Government was
defeated in consequence of their Confederation policy, while the hon.
member for New London said it was
the School Question. Now which of
these two statements are correct?
Upon which can the country place reliance? The hon. member for New
London referred also to the alteration
of the Railway Station at Summerside, and said the change was rendered
necessary in order that the bulk of
country people might be better accommodated than they could be, had
no change been made. He said also,
that not one-fourth of the people, interested in the site of the station, were
in favor of removing it from where it
now is. Well time will tell. The
people are moving in the matter on
both sides, and when the petition
comes in, I think it will be seen that
the body of the people will be in favor
of removing it from where it is at present. The hon. member asserted
further, that when a few of the business men of Summerside last year
wished to retain the Station where it
had been formerly placed, there were
very few who supported them in the
movement. In connection with that I
remember an incident which also occurred the same time. Mr. Robert
Holman, who, in all probability, knew
the intentions of the Government in
the matter, offered some lots of land
for sale, near to or immediately opposite the Station ground, where it
was then supposed so be, and in consequence obtained good prices for
them. Believing that the Station was
to be there, it added a fictitious value
to the property, which was used to the
damage of the purchasers. A few
days however after this sale took
place, an order was made in Council
changing the Station. The hon. mem-
ber referred also to Mr. McNeill's
Tender. I think it would be difficult
to justify the manner in which the
late Government disposed of that matter. When Mr. O'Brien's Tender for
the main line was before Mr. Pope's
Government, notwithstanding the time
allowed, many of the party supporting
the late Government went so far as to
argue that the Legislature should have
been called together to consider, if
not his. at least the Tender of Mr.
Walker. But when the same men
were in power they did not give Mr.
McNeilI and some others who had
sent in Tenders an opportunity to alter
or amend their proposals: No, not to
the extent of one minute of time.
Surely they might have given Mr.
McNeill at least one hour to amend
or alter his Tender, or at least to communicate with him on the subJect.
They did not do so, but havmg allowed the last day and hour to expire,
they opened the last Tender; and, in
point of fact, actually received a new
Tender after they opened Mr. Schrieber's. Yet these are the men who
complained so loudly because Mr.
O'Brien had not more time given to
him, although three or four weeks
were spent in negotiation and consultation with that gentleman. They
have endeavored to show that that the
Legislature could not have been called
together before the matter of Confed-
eration had been considered by the
Govvernment. Permit me to say, Sir,
that it is a generally acknowledged
and admitted fact in politics, that
when the Leader of a. Government
makes a public declaration respecting
any public question, that he reflects
the opinion of his party: Well, Hon.
Mr. Haythorne held the position of
Prime Minister, and he publicly declared he would make no new movement in that direction,
without consulting his constituents. So that in that
respect he has been derelict in his
duty, and false to his public promise.
But says the hon. member, as early as
last autumn I made up my mind that
Confederation was inevitable. Now
I would ask the hon. member, the
Leader of the Opposition, if he made
up his mind that such a course was
inevitable last fall, how can he now
say there was not time enough to have
called the Legislature together? If it
was a matter of duty as well as of
opinion with the Government, then
they should have also deemed it their
duty,—if they had not time to meet
with the Legislature,—to have consulted at least with their supporters.
And having not done so, they, as a
party, have left themselves open to
blame; and ,as might be expected,
have justly forfeited the confidence of
the country.
Hon. B. Davies—Mr. Spcaker,
the question before this hon. House is
whether we shall consent to send
another delegation to Ottawa. or accept the Terms brought down by
Messrs. Laird and Haythorne? But
the hon. member for Summerside has
not said whether he will accept of
these or look for better. I think the
hon. Leader of the Government, or
some of his friends, should have shown
upon what grounds they expect to
obtain better terms than those now
offered. When asked for explanations on this point, hon. members on
the Government side are unable to
make any reply. Am I to understand
that they are unable to make any reply to a question so reasonable, and
one which they should answer? The
hon. member referred to some land
,which was sold in Summerside.
Mr. T KELLY—I said I believed
Mr. Holman was aware at the time
that a change was to be made in the
Station, but sold it to those who purchased, as if no alteration was to be
made, which gave a fictitious value to
the lots sold.
Hon. B. Davies—I think in that
respect the hon. member is astray in
his opinions. With regard to the
question before us, I think the whole
matter has been ably and satisfactorily
dealt with by the hon. member, the
Leader of the Opposition, and, therefore, I shall but briefly refer to a few
points which have been but slightly
noticed. The hon. member, (Mr.
Laird) very properly said, and as ably
proved, that unless we can lay down a
principle as a basis upon which to
found a claim for any better Terms, it
will be but a mere waste of time to
send another delegation to Ottawa,
and I do not see that we can show
that we have any claim which has
been overlooked by the hon. member
and his co-delegate. We cannot go,
and, without any show of reason, ask
for concessions to which we are not
entitled. They allow us to phce
our indebtedness at $45, a head,
which is in excess of what we owe,
and stipulate to grant us $800,000
to buy out the remaining proprietors. And as for the hon. member,
the Leader of the Govemment, he, by
his negotiations with the Canadian
delegates at the Alexandra Hotel, has
forever debarred himself from asking
for, or obtaining any better Terms.
For he then said he would recommend
that proposal to the people of this
Island. Therefore, it will be an act
of folly on the part of the hon. member to go now, in the face of what he
then did. Again,there is danger in
reopening thc question, lest that in
doing so we may lose what is now
within our reach. The Canadian
Ministry may withdraw a portion of
what is now offered. My hon. colleague has satisfactorily shown, that
the people in the other Provinces
resort to local taxation for internal
improvements. Itis unreasonable,
therefore, to suppose that concessions will be made to us for purposes
which are not provided for in any of
the Provinces by the General Government. The hon. Mr. Pope said
that the properties taken for Railway
purposes were over valued 100 per
cent. Now as chief man of the Railway Commissioners, in reply to that
statement, I have simply to say, that
the Commissioners who acted under
the Government of the hon. member,
when they were in office, valued forty
properties taken for Railway purposes,
situated in Charlottetown, Georgetown and Alberton, with lands adjoining, including
Station grounds, at
$68,000. The present Commissioners
examined seven hundred claims, which
include several Stations, and for compensation have allowed nearly $120,000. So that
the former Government
gave more than half the amount to
forty of their friends, which the late
Government allowed for seven hundred claims. Therefore, I think the
hon. member has been misinformed on
the subject, or he would not have
made the statements he did. Now
let us consider the position we are in,
or would be in, if the Railroad was
now completed and in working order.
The interest on $3,250,000 or the
cost of construction at 6 per cent would
$195,000 |
Premium on remittance say
2 percent, |
3,900 |
Estimated annual working
expenses and repairs
for first five years, at
$800 a mile, would
amount to |
160,000 |
Which, when added, brings
up our annual expenditure for Railway
purposes to |
$358,900 |
Now I contend that this Island will
not supply: trade enough to raise anything like this amount, Tbe probable
receipts would be say:—
200 passengers travelling
daily 20 miles at 2 1/2
cents per mile would
yield an annual return of |
$30,000 |
Freight might probably yield
annually |
30,000 |
$60,000 |
This would leave $298,900 to be
provided for out of the general revenue
for interest and other debts on the
Railway. But suppose, for argument
sake, he allows that the earnings of
the road would be three times the
amount I have placed it at—whIch
even Mr. Boyd himself does not admit—still the drain upon the Colony
for exchange to pay the interest
abroad, would bring ruin upon the
mercantile and other interests generally of the Colony. Our taxes would
have to be increased to a large extent, and this, I believe, the people
are not willing we should do. I am
desirous, therefore, that this House
should immediately accept the terms
offered, without losing any more time
about it. The hon. gentlemen who
were willing to accept the Quebec
terms, and the better terms of 1869,
have no just reason for refusing the
reasonable terms offered now for our
acceptance. No doubt the hon. member, the Leader of the Government,
wishes to adopt a course which he
may regard as his own. still I do not
believe the hon. member will insist
upon sending up another delegation.
He knows were he to do so, he would
meet with a defeat, and perhaps lose
the confidence of the House.
Hon. Mr. HOWLAN.—Mr. Speaker,
The question is whether we shall accept the terms brought down by
Messrs. Laird and Hawthorne, or appoint another delegation, and seek for
better? In so far as this discussion
has proceeded, it is clear that to some
extent, at least, one side has been labouring to make a scapegoat of the other. In
order to see where the truth lies in this matter, Mrs. Speaker, it will perhaps be
as well to investigate the matter somewhat closely. It is said that the public affairs
of the Colony are in as good a position now as they were when Mr. Pope's Government
went out of power. Statements of this kind are easily made and circulated, but when
made in this hon. House, where we have access to proof lying in the archives of the
public offices, we have it in our power to
examine whether they are correct or
incorrect. I have publicly stated that the Finances of the Colony are not in as healthy
a state as they were when the Coalition Government went out of power. When I made
that statement I was sure I was correct. Since then I have examined into the matter,
and find that such is the case. I have drawn out a comparative statement of the public
assets in the Treasury, on changes of Government in the years 1872 and 1873, which
is copied from the Auditor's certificate.
Balance on hand as follows:- |
1872 |
1873 |
Land Assessment, |
$2,086,05 |
$3,782,70 |
Of surplus money from Land Assessment sales, |
789,71 |
789,71 |
$2,875,76 |
$4,572,41 |
Then we have cash in the Bank of P.E. Island, |
$10,251,11 |
$7,026,99 |
Then we have cash in the Union Bank, |
5,096,03 |
3,591,61 |
Then we have cash in the Merchant's Bank, |
7,522,47 |
9,058,74 |
$22,869,61 |
$19,677,34 |
Cash Balance in hand of Treasurer for payment of School Masters, under Act 33, Vic.
cap. 11, |
$1,080,92 |
$1,163,55 |
1872 |
1873 |
A recapitulation of which is Cash in Treasury, |
$2,875,76 |
$4,572,41 |
Cash in Banks, |
22,869,61 |
19,677,34 |
School money in hand, |
1,080,92 |
1,163,55 |
26,826,29 |
25,413,30 |
Showing a cash balance of $1,412,99 in favour of Mr. Pope's Government, as audited
on change of administration in each year. Then again we have the matter of Warrants
on the 31st January, 1872, the Warrants afloat in round numbers amounted to $71,527.
At the same date in 1873, viz: January 31st, there were Warrants afloat amounting
to $115,799; showing that in one year the late Government added $44,272 to the debt
of the country in the extra number of Warrants they issued. While the Warrants afloat,
when Mr. Pope went out of power,
amounted to $71,527, yet the issue
of these ran over from the year 1840 to that of 1871; many of which, no doubt, would
have been called in had he reamined in office. But the late Government have added
to our debt $44,172 by fresh issues in one year. This, I contend, is a bad policy.
to have our paper afloat at an interest of 6 per cent when there was no occasion for
it, was a foolish policy for any men calling themselves statesmen and financiers to
adopt. They say they have placed to the credit of the Island, in London, £6,000; but
how did they
obtain this? Money does not fall down at our feet like rain or snow; nor is it likely
they had any more facilities for obtaining money than were common to other Governments.
The Government of Mr. Pope as they obtained cash in the treasury at all available
for such a purpose, used it for paying off the Warrants that were out as they called
them in, and in this way would soon have had none afloat at all! But the wise financiers
of the late Government take £ 6,000 and send it to London, there to lie for six months
without yielding any interest while they continue to issue fresh Warrants. Yet such
wa sthe statesmanship which seemed to have been pursued with the obvious intention
of forcing Confederation upon us by bringing odium upon our public securities. The
hon. member, the Leader, of the Opposition said last night, that he did not blame
the contractors. This is a strange assertion for the hon member to make now. Why,
Sir, last year I could scarcely mention the name of these gentlemen to any one who
was a subscriber to his paper.Now the man who derided them last year, who persuaded
the people, by means of what was written, published and said, that they were hardly
fit to be admitted into our houses, now sees nothing wrong about them. And as for
the Chief Engineer, Mr. Boyd, why he is now the most excellent man of the lot. But
the hon. member says, Oh! I never said one word against them. But now like the snow,
their false charges against these men have all passed away. Well, after all thier
charges against these me, it is refreshing to notice that in heir estimation there
are now no men worthy of their confidence, as contractors, but Schrieber and Burpee.
Why, at one time the people at large would have been so suspicious if a second contract
had been given to those men by Mr. Pope's Government, I believe an Act
of Parliament would have been first
necessary for changing their names before it could have been done. But this aside,
I deny that the Tender of Messrs. Schrieber and Burpee was the lowest. Nor do I admit
that the Government had any right to allow them to lower their Tenders, (hear) If
that privilege was given to one party they had no right to withhold it from another,
Why was it that the 31st of December was allowed to come before the contract was let,
or a tender accepted? The only reason assigned, so far, has been that the surveys
were not completed; but they are not completed yet. The true reason appears to be
that they were simply trying to see if they could not get rid of building the branch
lines altogether. This was one of the political horses they rode into power on, and
yet if they could, at the time, have strangled him and caused his death, it is quite
clear they would have done so. Mr. Pope's Government gave O'Brien three weeks to re-consider
his offer; they did not give any of the gentlemen who had tendered one hour. And,
with respect to time, they had the regulating of the matter in their own hands, and
if they had not time to allow any such considerations to gentlemen who sent in Tenders,
the fault was their own. But the fact was, at that late hour they were glad to make the best bargain they could with Schrieber and Burpee, who
were then the masters of the situation, much more than the Government was. When asked
why the price per mile on the branches is so much higher than was allowed on the main
line, we were told that there are broad rivers to cross,a nd very large and costly
bridges to build on the branch lines; the cost of which will exceed anything on the
main line, Their next reason is, that iron bus risen in price. Wuth wonderful forthought
they next tell us they have
arranged that the sleepers .on the
branches are to be of juniper and
cedar. Now what are the facts? On
the eastern line juniper is easier to be
had than any other wood suitable for
that purpose, while in the west cedar
for such a purpose is more abundant
than juniper or spruce in the vicinity
of the line. In all they have done, that
had the shadow of consistency about
it, they have been merely walking in
the footprints of their predecessors;
and whereverthey have not done that,
they bungled all they undertook.
Then as regards locating the line,
Mr. Pope's Government ran the line,
but the contractors had to pay for it;
but Mr. Haythorne's Government
located the branch lines at the expense of the country, which was a large
item of cost in favor of the contractors.
Well, why did they thus act? Last
year they were heaven-born Engineers, and were not going to have any
crooks in the line. But now when
the result of their engineering has
been tested, it appears there is more
curvature on the branches than there
is on the main line. It is admitted
all round that they could not have got
into Souris without curves, but last
year the same hon. member maintained
that it was possible to get to Summerside without departing from a straight
line, or one nearly so. The country
was quite level when Mr. Pope was
in power, but became wonderfully
rough when the hon. member for Belfast took charge of the ship of State.
The hon. member, the Leader of the
Opposition, taunts this side because
some of us having ran our election
against Confederation, are now in
favor of it. Does the hon. member
forget that when he ran his election in
Belfast, he told the people he was
going to knock the Railway on the
head ?
Hon. Mr. Howlan, -- yet the hon.
member, after getting returned and
finding that he would not be sup
ported by a following, that would
enable him to be retained in power,
falsified all those promises which he
made to the people of his district, and
agreed to go in for the immediate construction of the Branch lines. Was it
possible for any man to act more inconsistently? And oh! if they could
have succeeded a week or two ago, in
getting Hon. Mr. Haviland to forfeit
his allegiance to his political friends,
they would only have been too glad
to have had the opportunity of appointing him for their Leader. Why,
in a caucus which they held, so sure
did they feel about obtaining the consent of the hon. member for Georgetown, that
it is reported they actually
appointed him their Leader. But in
this as in other of their scheming devices they found themselves disappointed.
I will now endeavour to show how
the late government destroyed the
public credit of the colony. I will
notice first in the list of their expenditure that of printing for 1872:
First general disbursements, |
$736.68 |
Printing and stationery, |
936.68 |
Printing, |
747.43 |
Election Printing, |
329.08 |
Public printing and stationery, |
8548.79 |
$11,308.60 |
When they found the matter in one
department of the public service running up so high they appear to have
been ashamed of themselves. In
order, therefore. to hide their folly,
and conceal from the public eye, their
extravagance, they allowed some of
the accounts to lay over until the close
of the financial year. Hence the following have to be added to the expenditure of
the past financial year for
Printing, &c. :—
Printing Report of the Geological Survey, |
$885.90 |
Printing legal decision, |
313.16 |
Printing Taylor's Book on use
Mussel Mud, |
162.22 |
To which we have to add for Printing and stationery since the close of financial
year |
3, 222.81 |
Shewing an expenditure up to the first of February of |
$15, 392.75 |
Now if we compare this with the amount expended as it appears in the public accounts
we find the gross expenditure as per public accounts for the financial year of 1872
- 3 to
be |
$385, 881.38 |
Spent since by warrant, |
$60, 723.89 |
Spent since in money, |
42,396.00 |
Total |
$489,001.27 |
To which we have to add money borrowed with the interest which has accrued thereon,
which will bring up the expenditure for a little more than one year nearly to $500,000.
Is it any wonder that our public credit has suffered. I take exception to the gentleman
whom they sent to negotiate for the sale of our debentures. Not, Sir, from any disrespect
I have personally to that gentleman, but because that in my opinion he was unfit for
such a mission, as the result has proved. Any man sent on such a mission, who would
on the credit of the Colony give his own note signed Albert Hensley, for $25.000
payable with interest at 7 1/2 per cent, leaving also as collateral security Debentures
amounting to $28,000, betrayed his incapacity for the duties of his mission from
a business stand point of view, he disgraced himself, the government, and the Island.
Perhaps he may have to pay the note himself. (Laughter.) After borrowing the money
this wonderful financier then buys exchange here for cash which they remit in advance
to London in full to pay interest which will not become due until June. Truly he was
a worthy representative of the most inbecile and as business men, most incompetent
Government which ever ruled the destinies of this Colony. Indeed it would appear as
if Hon. Mr. Haythorpe, became a little
suspicious of the ability of his agent
and determined to take the matter
into his own hands, for we find him
telegrapbing to Mr. Albert Hensley
on December 13, 1872 telling him to
remain a few days. Then sending
one to Mr. Gray making enquiries
respecting him. On Dec. 16th he
telegraphs to Hensley again informing
him that they had sold to Peaks
Brothers $2,500 of Debentures at par.
By this time Mr. Haythornc appears
to have thought it was time for lntn to
leave Montreal and move homewards.
Hence on Dec. 23 he telegraphs again
—" Return and take advance of $25,000 at 7 1/2 per cent for six: months,"
Then next day Dec. 24th " take $25,000 on those terms." On the 30th
Dec. commands him to return, and
states " several have been sold here at
par." I think by this time the wires
were getting warm, while the operators must have felt aroused at the
anxiety of the government for the
return of their experienccd Bank
Clerk. No doubt he had a good time,
and had no wish to return until he had
fully enjoyed himself. But after
tclegraphing after him to Montreal and
St. John they at last got him home,
and the result of his mission we all
know in the discredit it brought upon
the Colony. The Delegation cost
$386, and all he did was to secure the
loan of $25,000 at 7 1/2 per cent and
pledged as I said before $26,000 as
Collateral Security.
The per centage of cost on the loan
stands thus,—
Cost of Delegation |
1 1/2 per cent |
Cost Sending to Halifax |
1/2 per cent |
Cost Paid for money for four months |
2 1/2 per cent |
Cost For Sterling Exchange |
1 1/2 per cent |
Cost Less Sale Exchange here in Halifax |
1/2 per cent |
On Debentures |
5 1.2 per cent |
Whilst at home our Debentures were
sellng at par. In three months they
spent-$100,000, and the only reason
why the public accounts have been
kept back is simply because they
thought to manipulate the colony into
Confederation in a. quiet way. Hence
they pursued their dash away policy to
the end. But, .Sir, they have found
"The best laid schemes of men and
mice gang aft a glee."
Equally absurd was their conduct.
when they brought the New York
Engineers to the Island. The Telegraph Wires had then also to be freely
used. Instructions were given for the
hon. Mr. Muirhead to meet them at
one place, and to Mr. Sinclair to wait
upon them in another. I don't think
Mr. Muirhead travels much for pleasure,and we have fair reason to assume all this
care to preserve those
gentlemen from outside contamination,
while on the Island, was not done for
nothing, but inasmuch as they did not
prevent them from testing Pope's
champagne, it shows their duties were
not performed according to the strict
letter of Mr. Haythorne's instructions,
(langhter.) I merely mention these
matters to shew the singular and disgraceful manner. in which, as a Government. they
managed every affair
they undertook, and the sure and
certain way they took of bringing the
Island into disrepnte. The hon. member, the Leader of the Opposition,
(Mr. Laird) says, that when we are
allowed to go into union with Canada,
with a debt af $45 a head, our position is better than it was in 1866.
This I do not believe. At that date
they placed their indebtedness at £25
per head. Since then they have become largely indebted for costly public
undertakings. The Intercolonial is
among these, and it is not yet finished,
and besides there are other great improvements which have been carried
forward at great expense to the Dominion, to say nothing of the Pacific,
and other works which are sure to be
undertaken at no distant day. Our
imports have been $1,605,244, and
the duty collected $302,757, equal to
about $5.80 per head; while that in
the Dominion according to Mr. Tilley,
is $9.40;.and hence we shall, if we
enter the union on these terms, have
to make that difference good, either
directly or indirectly. And I am not
one of those who believed that our
"people will consume less_' dutiable
goods, according to the. number of our
people, than they will in any other
part of the Dominion; I will now
come to the Terms. At the time of
the election in my part of the country,
at least, we had nothing but hearsay
evidence upon which to ground a conclusion. And perhaps if they had
then, as they have since, been placed
properly before the people, there might
not have been so much opposition to
them. Although I am still of the
opinion that they fall short of what
we will require, and are entitled to
receive. There is, however, one point
which appears to have been overlooked
and that is the one which refers to
our Fisheries. Next month the Commission will sit. The Americans have
received more than the Dominion already, and unless our interests are
closely looked after we will receive
but little. The American Government entered into an agreement three
years ago with the Government here
and, on certain conditions being complied with by us, they promised to remit duties
paid by traders here on
fish, which passed through their Custom House. But when asked to fulfil
their part of the compact, they repudiated the claim altogether. I fee1
therefore, that this is an important
matter, and one that should not be lost
sight of. The Telegraph Lines here
belong to a private company. When
the Railroad is in operation it will
require to be connected with the line
at different points. Hence this matter must of necessity be attended to at
once. And hence I must conclude
that if we fail unanimously to use our
influence to have these and other
matters arranged before we enter,
those who will vote against us in this matter will yet feel that they did wrong. Especially
when we find that we cannot carry on the business of the country with this amount
in the Terms brought down. The fact appears to be, the late Government were in such
hot haste to close up the matter that I believe they forgot all about many questions
which should not have
been overlooked. I am told the learned and hon. member for Murray Harbor stated that
he had no hesitation in saying that the School Question had
been before the people at the late
election instead of Confederation , If
so, it was raised by themselves. And on that and other questions their fears
were so exerciséd that all kind of
influences were brought forward in
order that the weak and tottering
foundations of their party might be
supported. meetings were held in
St. Paul's School Room, a circular
was addressed to all whom it concerned, and surely no one wiIl say now
that any object was expected to be
gained by this, but maintaining, if
possible, the late party in power.
Away with such arguments. They
come with a peculiarly bad grace from
the learned member for Murray Harbor, who, if he rode into his seat here
thinks hon. members on this side did
the same. We are not, Sir, to be led
away by any such arguments from the
question before us. I believe {hat in
view of the damaged public credit of
Colony, Confederation or a large increase of taxation is inevitable. Nor is this
all. If we accept the
Terms brought down by Messrs. Laird and Haythorne, direct taxation will immediately,
or very soon, have to be resorted to. In New Brunswick the Lieut. Governor came down
with a demand, in the Speech from the Throne,
for better Terms. But there the Dominion door had been closed, and
they may find that a loud and long
continued knock will be required before it is again opened. The Governor of that Province
said that better Terms is now a necessity. None, I
presume, will suppose he did not know what he was speaking about, and from the five
years experience of New Brunswick in the Dominion, we should learn a lesson. Why,
Sir, the people will blame us if we do not attempt to obtain a more favourable arrangement
from the Dominion Government than what has been promised
the late delegates. For my part I
feel bound, for one, to support a resolution in favor of making the attempt.
I firmly believe if such a resolution is
well sustained by the House we shall
succeed in obtaining substantially far
better Terms. If so, then we may
enter side by side with the sister Provinces, and I have no fear but that
our people will succeed in the race for
success as well as they. will. But if
we enter on Terms which will necessitate us to resort to direct taxation
immediately, we shall then lay the
basis of a discontent that may prove
most disastrous in its results. Rather
let us insist upon Terms that wlll be
just and satisfactory to our people at
large. If we do so our success as a
Colony is sure, otherwise it will be
greatly marred. I do not agree that
building the Railway necessarily
brought about Confederation It is
all very well for those who saw such
a result, through the blaze of the bonfires when the measure was carried;
and it was very well for the party who
said this when they came into power
to try and make their predictions
good, by the gross mismanagement of
the affairs of the Colony. I do not,
however, agree with the opinion that Confederation was a necessary result of such
a measure. But for agrument
sake assuming such to be the case, the
Premier of the late Government was
not opposed to the undertaking as the
following proves:-
The following preamble and resolution was allowed at a public meeting in town by the
Hon. R. P. Haythorne, Marshfield, seconded by Owen Connoly, Esq., Charlottetown, was
agreed to almost unanimously:
"Whereas the agricultural products
of Prince Edward Island, her foreign
and domestic trade, her fisheries, her
population. her public revenue, as well
as the general wealth of the people,
have, by the blessing of Providence,
largely increased of late years; and
whereas it has become absolutely
necessary that the means of transport
betweenall parts of the Island should
be facilitated, and as far as possible
rendered certain at all seasons.
"Therefore, Resolved, That property of all classes in the Island, and
the value of property, would be greatly
advanced by the constructing of a
Trunk Line of Railway, connecting
Alberton, Summerside, Charlottetown,
and Georgetown with each other."
Here are the deliberately expressed
views of hon. Mr. Haythorne, which,
when contrasted with his subsequent
conduct, does not place him in an
enviable position as a public man.
Had hon. Mr. Pope pursued so tortuous a course we would never hear
the last of it. This resolution went
forth through the country, and in
reading it who could come to any conclusion but that that gentleman was an
out and out Railway man. But when
he found local influences in his district against him, he came down to
the level of a mere delegate for a
small locality, and opposed the measure. He even drove in the same
sleigh with Mr. Pepe, and gave him
to understand that he would support
the undertaking. But after coming to
Charlottetown and consulting with a
few anti-Railway men, and moreover
finding himself not likely to get into
power soon, he, in his place in the
Legislative Council, opposed the whole
thing, declaring that he would consent
to no such public undertaking until
the land question was first settled.
But mark you, when the hon. Mr.
Haythorne became Leader of a Government, he all at once cast his opinions, respectingthe
settlement of the
land question, to the wild winds of
Marshfield, and as a relief for such an
ejection of sentiment, swallowed sixty
miles more of a Railroad. As for the
hon. member, the Leader of the Opposition, he now comes forward and
says he never said or published a
word against the Premier or the
learned Attorney General. This is
of a piece with the conduct of the
Leader of the late Government in regard to fulfilling his promise respecting the Report
of the New York
Engineers. Oh! with respect to this,
hon. Mr. Haythorne is as silent as the
grave. They created an excitement
in the country against Mr. Pope's
Government, Burpee and Schrieber
and the Engineers, which was worse
than a fire, for a fire can only destroy
a man's property, which health and
industry, and the blessings of Providence, may again restore, but when
you succeed in robbing any man or
body of men of their public character,
it may not, in all cases, be in the
power of the injured party to recover
it again. Last year the Patriot
searched diligently for telegrams, and
in reference thereto made statements
which were not correct. But Sir,
these of the Pope Government were
but a trifle compared with those of
the late party. I might begin with
the first public man in the Colony who
voted for the Railroad, and end with
the loudest in its favor, hon. H. Bell.
and show up the inconsistency of their
conduct as public men. But it would
be but an expose of weak and misdirected political conduct which failed
in conferring seats in the Executive to
those who sought them at so deara
price as the sacrifice of political consistency. Afew were greatly exercised because
a certain gentleman
swallowed Fraser. But who swallowed the Irish hero whom the hon. and
learned member for Murray Harbor
so delighted, in the past, to honor?
Alas for human applause, especially
when it comes from the hon. member
and his political friends.
MR. L. H. DAVIES.—Every hon.
member of this House is desirous that
this Colony should receive the very
best Terms that can be obtained for a
union with the Dominion of Canada.
The hon. member for Alberton, (Mr.
Howlan) has not, in his remarks, put
forward a single statement in reference
to the demand for better Terms from
the Dominion Government, but has
endeavored to prove the inconsistency
of hon. Mr. Haythorne. I hold in my
hand the
Parliamentary Reporter for
1870, and in it I find that the hon. member himself made use oflanguage at that
Session, identical with that of Mr. Haythorne, in reference to the construction
of a Railway. The words used by
the hon. member were as follows: 1
see around those desks enough of the
spirit of those who unfurled the old
ting, whose determination is not to
surrender up the constitution of the
country into other bands until the
portrait of the last landlord is hung up
in the Legislative Library of the
Island, as a memento of the past.
Then, and not till then, will the different sections of the country be brought
into closer communion with each other
by the introduction of the iron horse,
which could then run through one free
farm—as it were—extending from the
North Cape to the East Point, carrying the products of our thrifty and enterprising
farmers to the best markets.
The scene changes, Mr. Speaker, and
the hon. member introduces the Railway Bill against the wish of three- fourths of
the people of this Island.
What does the hon. member gain by
endeavoring to show up the inconsistencies of hon. gentlemen who stand
equally as high in the estimation of the
people as himself? The important
ruestion before the House should be
discussed in a manner free from all
personalities and side issues. Hon.
members on the Government side of
the House entertain the idea that if
they can show up the extravagant
conduct of the late Government to be
the cause of their accepting terms of
Confederation, they will have a good
and sufficient excuse for their change
of base; but this they are utterly unable to do. The hon. member for
New London made an able effort this
morning, and one which I believe will
have its effect upon those hon. members who make those charges. That
hon. member showed clearly that the
expenditure for the past year, not withstanding the heavy demands upon the
Treasury, did not exceed the Revenue.
" But," says the hon. member for Tignish, " the late Government called in
all the Warrants and issued a lot
more." That hon. member knows that
the Coalition Government called it
the Warrants when they were in
power, and paid them off with the
money they obtained for Railway purposes. The hon member says that it
is true the Coalition carried the Railway Bill, but the late Government
came in and carried the Branch Bill
which was the last straw that broke
the camel's back, and that they are,
therefore, responsible for the whole.
MR. L. H. DAVIES.—You, at any
rate, attempted to blame the late Government for passing the Branch Blll.
Hon. Mr. HOWLAN.—I said that a
merchant might be in good credit all
his life and at last become bankrupt.
MR. L. H. DAVIES—The hon.
member stated that the late Government sacrificed the interests of the
country in carrying out the Branch
lines, although he well knows that the
construction of those lines formed the
policy of the Coalition when they went out of power, and were by them declared to
be necessary. In the first Railway Bill, the Branches were to be built in five years,
but in the Speech, at the opening of the six days' session, it was stated that they
were to be built immediately. The hon. member says the late Government did as he would
have done, but that after all they have sacrificed the best interests of the country
! His actions in reference to this matter are childish in the extreme. Why was the
Branch Bill delayed till the last moment, last session ? Because the hon member opposed
the investment clauses it contained, with all the vehemence he could bring to bear
upon them. If there was any delay, therefore, he must shoulder the responsibility
of it. He declares the late Government spent $20,000 on the public printing, while
the Coalition Government spent only $11,000. I wonder why he attempts to deceive people
in that way, when he knows that most of the money paid for printing under the late
Government went to pay for printing ordered by the Coalition Government ! He employed
a Professor to make an analysis of the mussel mud and ordered the publication of his
report, at a very considerable cost. The printers employed by the late Government
received but a paltry share of the amount paid for public printing during the past
year. The hon. member assumed that Mr. Albert Hensley was not fit for his mission
to dispose of our Debentures in the other Provinces ; but everybody knows that gentleman
to be quite as competent as the hon. member for Albert on. When the hon. member was
sent upon a delegation to Washington, his Premier was obliged to recall him. In reference
to our finances, he says that our taxation at present amounts to $3.28 per head, while
our outlays amount to over $4. Well, if we remain out of Confedera
tion, where are we going to be at that
rate ? He knows that the Revenue received for last year would not carry us half through
the present one, and that when the Trunk Railway and Branches are completed, our taxation,
if we remain out of Confederation, will be $6.20 per head, in order to meet the demands
upon the Colony. This would be nearly $3 per head above and beyond our present taxation
; and I would like to know it could be levied. Will it be believed that when the hon.
member came to tell us what addition he wanted to the present Terms, it came down
to provincial postage and some little items about the fisheries ! I decline to form
part of that delegation, as I have some little respect left for myself. In the matter
of fisheries, we shall be placed in precisely the same position as the other Provinces
; we shall have our share of the sum allowed by the Dominion Government, and cannot
ask more than that. It is our duty to look after our interests and to endeavor to
get fair and reasonable Terms ; but when we obtain them, we should be satisfied. I
shall now make a few remarks in answer to those of the hon. member for Summerside.
From the general tenor of his remarks I am convinced the hon. member does not know
what addition to the present Terms he is going to ask for. " I cannot understand,"
he says, " how we are to be the gainers by going into Confederation, if Canada tariff
is lower than ours ?
Hon. Mr. LEFURGY—I referred to
Mr. Laird's arguments in the morning, and not to going into Confederation. I said
that we would lose, by adopting the liquor tariff of the Dominion, if it was lower
than our own, while we
remain out of Confederation.
Mr. L. H. DAVIES.—If the tariff
of the Dominion is lower than ours, we would gain by entering Confederation. There
was an attempt made by
the hon. Leader of the Government, in his speech, to show that a few little items
for Lighthouses, Drill Sheda and Breakwaters, had not been presented by the late delegation,
and that their value might still be conceded by the Dominion Government. The ground
on which he bases his arguments in favor of those items is so paltry and narrow, when
compared with the liberal Terms now before us, that it seems almost ridiculous. He
declares that the Haythorne-Sinclair Government so depreciated the credit of the country,
that it is beyond his power to renew it. I deny it Sir. If any act was done that tended
to destroy the credit of the Colony, it was the publication of a leading article in
the Islander newspaper, printed by the Queen's printer of the Coalition Government.
The credit of the country was as good when the late Government resigned, as when they
came into power. The hon. member for Summerside, (Mr. Lefurgy) stated that the late
Government squandered $10,000 in changing the Summerside Station. This statement is
altogether untrue. He then charged them with taking advantage of the country by sending
off the late delegation to Ottawa. If they had acted in any other way than they did,
I would have opposed them, for they adopted the only proper course they could pursue
under the circumstances in which they were placed, and have received the approval
of the people in reference to their action. When I look across the Straits and find
that one of the Provinces was almost in a state of open rebellion, because the question
of Confederation was not submitted to the people at the polls, I am perfectly
satisfied that the late Government, in
submitting the question to the country at a general election, took the only proper
and constitutional course they could have adopted. The people were the only tribunal
who had the right to decide the question whether they should unite with the Dominion
or not. The great question was fully discussed in every hamlet and schoolhouse in
the country, and there was hardly a man who did not understand it in all its bearings.
The result of that election was that there is to-day, in this House, only one man
who opposes a union with Canada, and he is not to the fore, while the question is
being discussed. If the statement of the hon. Leader of the Government is correct,
there is a great deal of force in the position he takes, but I am fully persuaded
there is not the slightest foundation for that statement. In his figures, he charges,
in the annual expenditure of this Colony, under Confederation, the whole of the amount
expended last year by the Board of Works. I am surprised at this, when I look at his
position. He knows that several of the items which he has charged against this Colony,
under Confederation, will be borne by the Dominion. He should have deducted those
items from the $96,000 expended by the Board of Works for 1872. The Breakwaters will
be taken charge of by the Dominion under Confederation, and, therefore, their annual
cost should also be deducted from our expenditure ; (Mr. Davies here quoted from the
following financial statement, and compared the different items, charges, %c., with
the figures submitted by the hon. Leader of the Government :—
Education |
$64,220.36 |
Road Service, including Ferries |
18,658.00 |
Board of Works Expenditure in 1872 |
$96,405,88 |
Deduct following special items |
New Law Courts, |
$19,348 |
Hospital, |
100 |
Bonded Warehouse, |
20 |
Steam Dredge, |
9,211 |
Light & Lighthouses, |
2,371 |
Buoys & Beacons |
1,121 |
Breakwaters |
$11,772 |
Deduct |
4,000 |
7,772 |
$39,943,00 |
56,462.88 |
Legislation in 1872, House of Assembly |
$13,474 |
Legislation in 1872 Council, |
6,101 |
$19,575 |
In 1871 only |
$13,000 |
13,000.00 |
Legislative Library, |
$184,13 |
300.00 |
Executive Council |
2,288.21 |
Supreme Court, less Jedges Salaries, |
5,193.00 |
Jails, |
1,036.00 |
Lunatic Asylum, |
5,105.44 |
Poor Asylum |
4,983.09 |
Agriculture, |
3,283.14 |
Public Land Office including Salaries, |
3,337.67 |
Boards of Health, |
585.48 |
Coroners Inquests, |
690.76 |
Elections in 1872, |
$3,318.73 |
Dedcut 1/4 |
2,488.00 |
830.73 |
Add for partial Elections |
200.00 |
1,030.73 |
Paupers, |
2,846.28 |
Telegraph Company in 1872, |
2,750.65 |
2,700.00 |
Colonial Building, |
624.13 |
Islands Packets, |
5,110.71 |
Less Steam Navigation Company for trips between Pictou and Geo'town, |
1,849.33 |
3,261.38 |
$189,347.52 |
Expenditure in Confederation, |
$189,347.52 |
Public Printing and Stationary, |
$8,548.00 |
Deduct Post Office, Custom House, and Military Department, |
2,000.00 |
6,548.00 |
Salaries of Public Officers, |
$14,880.92 |
Less Lieut. Governors, |
$6,813.50 |
Private Secretary, |
325.00 |
Manager Savings Bank, |
974,00 |
8,112.50 |
6,768.32 |
Miscellaneous |
$6,908.06 |
Less Cent Coinage, |
$900.45 |
Geological Survey, |
411.86 |
Return Duties, |
155.48 |
Rent P.O., Summerside, |
64.88 |
Wharfage Steam Navigation Company, |
194.67 |
Protection of Fisheries, |
457.53 |
Distressed Seaman, |
225.24 |
Quarantine Hospital, |
187.04 |
Crown Agent for Colonies, |
24.32 |
Printing Railway Debentures, |
1,733.75 |
4,355.16 |
2,552.87 |
$206,216.71 |
Total Debt of P.E. Island, 31st Jan., 1873, |
$1,609,507.09 |
Less Railway Expenditure, |
1,083,522.26 |
Island Debt exclusive of Railway, |
$525,984.83 |
Railway Debt assumed at |
3,250,000.00 |
Actual Debt assumed by Dominion, |
$3,775,984.83 |
Assumed Debt $45 per head, |
$4,230,945.00 |
Actual Debt assumed as above, |
3,775,984.83 |
Balance on which we draw Interest |
$454,960.17 |
Interest on the above $454,960.17 at 5 per cent |
$22,748.50 |
Interest on $900,000 for Land, |
44,000.00 |
80 cents per head, |
75,200.00 |
Local Legislature, |
30,000.00 |
Law Courts, |
$69.000 |
Amount on Dredge, |
9,221 |
Interest on this amount at 6 per cent, |
78,211 |
4,692.00 |
Local Receipts, |
$177,640.50 |
Land Assessment, |
$13,547.37 |
Amount due on Lands, |
$335,000 |
Deduct probable loss, |
35,000 |
Interest at 6 per cent, |
$300.000 |
$18,000.00 |
Crown Lands, |
385.55 |
Rent Warren Farm, |
180.22 |
Colonial Secretary's Fees, |
1,035.63 |
Registrars Fees, |
2,314.74 |
Fees Normal School, |
252.00 |
Wharfage, |
2,204.35 |
Licence Duties, |
2,326.47 |
Prothonotory's Office, |
3,200.00 |
Miscellaneous, |
862.15 |
Taxes and Penalties, |
372.04 |
44,680.52 |
Total Revenue in Confederation, |
222,320,02 |
Expenditure under Confederation |
205,216.71 |
Yearly Surplus in favor of P.E.Island, |
$17,103.31 |
I find that the amount expended
for Legislation last year was the
largest ever used for that purpose in
this Colony, and, therefore, should not
be set down as a regular annual expenditure. I should go for abolishing
the Legislative Council altogether,
under Confederation. Then again,
the hon. Leader of the Government
puts down, as a yearly expenditure,
the cost of a general election; this is
also unfair. I put down one-fourth
of the outlay for the election of 1872,
and add to this $200 for partial elections, making in all $1,080.73. The charge for
Island Packets, after deducting the cost of trips between Pictou and Georgetown, will
be born by
the Local Government. The cost of
all our miscellaneous items was carried
out by the hon. Leader of the Government as part of our yearly expenditure in Confederation;
but I find that
out of a total of $6,908.06 the sum of
$4,355.19 will be assumed by the Dominion, leaving a balance of only $2,552.87 to
be borne by the Colony.
In the Statement I have given of the
expendiiture of the Island under Confederation, I believe I have stated the
facts as as as can be ascertained, and
I defy any honorable member of this
House to show that I have made a
single deduction which I cannot defend by the best of arguments. Our
annual total expenditure, when we
form part of the Dominion, will, therefore, be $205,216.71. In calculating
our receipts under Confederation, I
assume that we will receive the interest on the difference between the
$45 per head, allowed as our assumed
debt and the debt we really owe. The
actual debt of this Colony, including
the whole cost of the Railway, on the
31st January,l873, was $3,775,984. 83,
and the amount of'debt assumed by
the Dominion is $4,230,945. The
balance upon which we shall draw
interest, will, therefore, be $454,960.17.
I am proud and happy to know that
the day is coming when we shall have
money sufficient to exterminate the
old proprietory system of this Colony,
and that the whole of our people will
have an opportunity of purchasing the
freehold of their lands. The hon.
Leader of the Government made a
deduction of one- third from the amount
granted for lands, for loss to be sustained in investing the money; but I
cannot see why so large a deduction
should be made from a sum of which
we draw the yearly interest. He
omitted a most important item of
assets, as he told us nothingabout the
89000 acres of unsold lands now in the
hands of the Government. I claim
interest in the full amount allowed for
lands, but I will allow the unsold
lands, remaining on hand, to go against the presumed loss which the hon.
Leader of, the Government says we
shall incur iii investing the $800, 000,
as it is likely we shal lose something
in this way. If credit is not given for
the unsold lands now in the possession
of the Government, it is unfair to deduct one cent from the $800,000: The
hon. Leader of the Government omitted entirely from his calculations the
interest on the money not paid to the
Railway contractors, which we shall
receive till the principal is paid, and
which will amount to over $75,000.
This amount, if invested. would yiéld
$4,692 annually. Our land assessment which would be an item of local
revenue, would amount to $18,547.87.
The total annual revenue wonld
amount to $222,320,02- a very handsome sum for local purposes to begin
with under Confederation. By subtracting the expenditure from the
revenue, we obtain a balance of $17,103.31, in favor of the, Colony under
the terms now offered: These figures
cannot be swept away by mere assertion. I know we have been told that
hon. members on the Opposition slde
of the House have no financial
ability; but I think by the present
test we compare very favorfibly with
hon. members on the other side of the
House. We shall receive $20.00 per head of our population more than Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick received
per head when tbey became a part of
the Union, which amounts to a total
of $1,880,420. We should ask for all that is just, reasonable and fair, from
the Dominion Governinent; but we
have no right to press unjust claims.
If we adopt an unjust claim, we must
be prepared to mete out the same
measure to the other Provinces, if we
receive it. These terms must be submitted to the Dominion Parliament,
and laid on the table before giants in
financial ability ; we should, therefore,
be careful not to make any demand
for additional concessions without good
and sufficient grounds for so doing. I
cannot see upon what grounds the new
delegation can ask for better Terms ; I
believe we cannot prosecute any additional demand with any amount of
fair play. The Lighthouses of Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick were not
paid for. and why should we receive
remuneration for ours? It is high
time for us to close up this honorable
and straightforward bargain between
this Colony and the Dominion of Canada, as it is best for the interests of
both parties to do so. When all the
contemplated public works of the Dominion for the next fifteen years are
completed, her debt will not probably
be greater per head than it is today,
as her population will have increased
in proportion. In obtaining the concession of $45 per head as our assumed
Public Debt, we have been highly
favored above all the other Provmces.
The despatch from Lord Dufferin,
stating that better Terms would not
be granted, was couched in the strongest and most positive language. Are
we going to stultify ourselves by sending another delegation in the face of
that despatch? Lord Dufferin is one
of the most distinguished statesmen in
the British Empire, holds a very high
position in literature and political
life, and was chosen by Her Majesty
the Queen to consummate the great
union of all these British North
American Provinces. I am surprised
that the Government should think that
His Lordship would sit down and pen
a despatch that he would change at
the request of any, political party that_
may happen to get hold of the reins of
power in this little Colony. I believe
that Lord Dufferin desires the prosperity of this Island, as well as that of
the other Provinces, and: that he will
do all in his power to bring about a
union on just and equitable terms.
Hon. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT.—I congratulate the hon. junior
member for Murray Harbor on his
very eloquent speech and self display.
Taking him at his own word he is the
greatest orator and statesman that ever
stood upon the floor of this House.
When the hon. .member for Belfast
speaks, there is some little reason in
his remarks, but I take no more notice
of the statements of the hon. member
for Murray Harbor, than I do of a
breeze of wind flowing through the
building. His financial statements
amount to nothing but wind and are
not worthy of serious consideration.
I repeat what I before stated in reference to the telegram from Lord Dufferin, that
it was suggested by parties
resident in this country ; I know something about this affair. There is no
hon. member of this House who entertains greater respect for the high
position occupied by the Governor
General of the Dominion than I do;
but at the same time, His Excellency
stands in the same position to the
people of Canada, as our Lieutenant
Governor does to the people of this
Island. Suppose, for illustration, that
one of the other Provinces stood in
the same position to this Colony as
we at present do to the Dominion, and
that after obtaining certain terms of
union, some interested person came
over and said to His Honor the Lieut.
Governor, "I want your Excellency
to write a despatch stating that these
are the best terms I can carry through
Parliament." The telegram from
Lord Dufferin was obtained in a precisely similar manner. The statement
I made last evening, I put, I think,
fairly. We should take our position
as it is, and not as it would be by cutting and carving it, to suit particular
purposes. We have at present two
branches of the Legislature, but if
disposed to do so; we might dlspense
with the Upper one, and also reduce
the number of members of this Lower
House, in order to reduce our Legislative expenditure, and still retain all
the power that we really require. The
expenditure of last year, was, we
know, an unusually large one, especially tbat of the Board of Works! This
year there has been expended by that
Board no less than $61,000 since the 1st of January. Since our popuiation
has increased, our wants are greater,
labor is also becoming dearer, and the
price of timber and other materials
getting higher, so that it now requires
a much larger amount of money to
meet the requirements of the country,
than in former years. Our people will
want steam communication in all
directions, and this must be maintained. As fast as one item of expenditure is struck
out, another new
item will be inserted so that we shall
require just as much money to meet
our wants in future as we now do.
Theré is always something turning up
which requires an expenditure termed
" Extraordinary,"and which cannot be
foreseen. Under the terma now offered, we should never receive any larger
annual allowance than during the first
year; while our present revenue
doubles in eyery tweIve years. There
are now fourteen millions of dollars to
be distributed among the lower Provinces in the shape ofBetter Terms,
which: shows that their wants are also
increasing faster than their revenues.
There are assets for the Dominion,
set down by the hon. jjunior member
for Belfast, as réturning.interest, which
will never return a single cent to the
Treasury, and which should, therefore, be added to the sixty-two millions..
What guarantee have we that the
construction of the Bay Verte' Canal
will not cost more than five millions
or dollars? The same be may be' asked
in reference to all the other great
public works, now proposed by the
Dominion, for the next fifteen years.
Will they give us one -fortieth part of
the excess of expenditure over the
sums estimated as the: cost of those
works? Not at all. By the Union
Act we could not claim one shilling
more than what accrues to us through the increase of our population, and
are shut} out from any share of tbe
sums expended on public works.
Although we shall form one -fortieth
part of the population of the Dominion, we shal] be cut off from the
advantages of their Railways, and have
no communication with Canada in Winter, except by our little Icehoat.
Our population may increase perhaps so as to procure for us an addition of $1000 per
year to our revenue,
whereas our present Revenue doubles every few years. It is true Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick received nothing for their Lighthouses then in
existence; but many of ours have been
built since the Union took place; and
it is nothing: but fair that we should
be allowed something for them.The
same argument will apply to the Drill
Sheds; we have a perfect right to receive remuneration for them as they
have been built since the Quebec Conference took placc. I am not one
who would ask the Dominion Government for anything unreasonable and
unfair ; but we should not hesitate to
stand up for our rights, and if we can
obtain a few thousand dollars here and
a few thousand there, to which we are
justly entitled, we shall save so much
in direct taxation. But since the delegates have returned, their notions are
so large that they think four or five
thousand dollars here and there not
worth mentioning. We have had a
hard battle to fight, and have, through our industry and perseverance,developed, to
a considerable extent, one of the most productive countries in the world. The number
of poor people among us is very small, and I believe there is not a country in the
world where there is more real home com
fort than there is on this little Island. We have a right to ask for what we believe
reasonable and fair, and to be
placed in as good a position as the people of the neighbouring Provinces. We should
not be placed in such a position that we shall be compelled to come down upon our
people in direct taxation immediately after entering
the Union. I am not sorry to see Confederation about to be carried, as I have always
been in favor of it,
and just and equitable terms, and believed it would be a great benefit to
this country. It was generally thought that if our delegates at the Quebec
Conference had signed the Report
then agreed upon, we should be legislated into Confederation. I did not
think this would be the case; but believed it possihle that it might be so.
I thought that if the $800.000 turned
out to be a
bona fide offer, that I was
satisfied in laying it before the people,
as it would be the means of makmg
every farmer in the Colony a free- .
holder, and would thus settle the land
question. lf theIsIand shou}d have
been legislated into Confederation
without obtaining that amount, what
position would we have been in with
regard to our lands? I was, after
consldering the matter fully, prepared
to place the offer before the Legislature for discussion, and if found satisfactory,
to put the question to the
people at the polls. The basis laid
down by the Union Association included the eighty cents per head, the
$800,000, the Railway, and a fair
share of the allowance for public works.
I believe the Government at that time
got wind of the platform of that Association, and that the latter called
forth the minute of Council to
which I lately referred. It has been
stated that another delegation should
not be sent without showing good
grounds for so doing. Wé should
have such terms granted us that if the
Dominion Debt increases by expendi
ture for public works, we shal1 have
one-fortieth part of that expenditure
as long as we are one-fortieth part of
the population. If we have a legitimate claim to the cost of the Lighthouses built
by us since the Quebec
Scheme was agreed upon ; even if it
be only $40,00 let us have it. I,
for one, will not attempt to deceive
the people by declaring that we have
plenty for all our wants in the present Terms when 1 know we have not. I
feel confident that very large concessions will yet be made, that Confedoration will,
before long; be an accomplished fact, and that it will bethe
happiest day in the history of Prlnce
Edward Island when it is consummated. I am prepared to use my humble
efforts to carry out this great question,
and in order to do so in the most satisfactory manner, would ask for the
cordial and hearty support of the hon.
members on the other side of the
House. If a delegation does go to
Ottawa, and the hon, members of the
Opposition wish to serve the best interests of their country, 1 think it is
their duty and also that of every hon.
member of this House to give all the
assistance they can to make it successful. A unanimous vote of this House
would have a much better effect than a
division of parties. It will not cost
us much to ask for better Terms, and
if they cannot be obtained, we would
be perfectly justified in accepting the
present Terms. Our duty to ourselves, our constituents and our children, compels us
to take the course
proposed. We are about to give up
our right to collect our Import Duties
to Canada, and in exchange want a
fair and reasonable conslderation. I
have good reason to think that we
shall obtain the concessions we ask,
and believe we shall. No effort shall
be wanting on our part in endeavoring to obtain what we consider justice
at the hands of the Dominion Government.
MR. D. LAIRD wished to explain
the statement made by the hon. Leader of the Government, in reference to the money
spent on the Intercolonial Railway by the Dominion Government. We know that that Railway
is about being finished this coming year, and this construction account does not refer
to the past year at all. The whole amount was included in the sum by which the $45
per head was obtained.
The Debate was then adjourned.
House adjourned till ten o'clock tomorrow.