Meeting of the Legislature.
TUESDAY April 22nd. 1873.
His Honor,
W. C. F. Robinson was pleased to
open the first Seesion of the twenty-
sixth General Assembly of this Island,
With the lollowing
Mr. President and Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council:
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the
House of Assembly :
Papers relative to the proposed Union
of Prince Edward Island with the Dominion of Canada will be forthwith
laid before you. Having dissolved the
late House of Assembly in order that
this important question might be submitted to the people at the Polls, I now
invite you to bestow upon it your careful and anxious consideration. expressing to
you the earnest hope of' the Imperial Government that Prince Edward
Island will not loose this opportunity
ofUnion with her Sisters Provinces.
In commending the public interests
to your care, at a time when questions
of the gravest importance await the
consideration of the Legislature, I
I fervently pray that, grateful for the
numerous blessings which have been
bestowed upon us during the past year,
your deliberations on this occasion may
conduce to the Honor of the Crown,
the happiness of the people, and the
social and material advancement of all
classes in the community.
Hon. members of the House of
Assembly having returned to their seats, His Honor's speech was again read from the
Chair, after which the House proceeded to business.
The question having been put on the amendment, the house divided as follows:
YEAS - Messrs. Laird, Callbeck, McNeill, Sinclair, Beer, Jas. Yeo, L. H. Davies, Rowe,
Stewart, Hon. B. Davies - 10.
NAYS - Hons. Pope, Howlan, McEachen, F. Kelly, Lefurgy : Messrs. John Yeo, Owen, A.
J. McDonald, A. C. McDonald, J. A. McDonald, Arsenault, F. Kelly, McIsasc, McLean,
Holland, Howatt - 16.
So it passed in the negative.
The main motion was then put and
On motion
Mr. A. J. McDonald,
seconded by
Mr. McIsaac, Mr. F. W,
Hughes was appointed Assistant Clerk
to the House ; and he took the oaths
and his seat.
Moved in amendment by
Mr. Laird,
seconded by
Mr. Jas. Yeo. that Wellington Nelson, Esq., be Sergeant at
The question being put on the
amendment the House divided as follows ;
YEAS—Messrs. Laird, Jas. Yeo,
Callbeck, Sinclair, L. H. Davies,
Stewart, Rowe, Beer, McNeill, Hon.
B. Davies — 10.
NAYS - Hons. Pope, Howlan, McEachen, F. Kelly, Lefurgy; Messrs.
Jao. Yeo, A. J. McDonald, A. C. McDonald, J. A. McDonald, Arsenault.
Mclsaac, Holland, Howatt, McLean,
Owen, F. Kelly — 16.
So it passed in the negative. The
main motion was then put and carried.