Work on the rendering of primary source texts
Started work on cleaning up and clarifying the layout of primary source texts in the static rendering output. There's quite a bit more to do, but I have something that looks cleaner and more distinct from the rest of the site already. I also found a number of encoding problems in some texts and fixed them; and one more issue prevalent in Le Bon Mariage and Le Forest Nuptiale, which is isolated by this XPath:
//label[@type='marginal'][following-sibling::*[self::div or self::p][matches(., '^\s*[\-a-z]')]]
These are instances where the encoder has erroneously closed an para and its div before inserting a marginal label, then re-opened div and para, in the middle of a sentence. These need to be collapsed; the label should appear inline. I've confirmed that making this change will not affect the rendering on the current live site, but it seems impossible to fix this with a regex, and the XSLT needed to do will be a mite thorny. Will need careful testing.