Setting up audio
Nobody could remember whether the audio system in the CALL worked, and if so, how. Greg and I spent some time working on it, and discovered that it does work. There's an XLR mic input on the pillar at the far end of the room (where all the other switches are), which is connected to an input on the preamp. The preamp stereo output cables were disconnected; I plugged them back in. They go to the equalizer, which is then hooked into the power amp, and the power amp drives the speakers on the wall at the far end. We set up and tested with two mics (one of our Sony F780s, and the Shure SM81 that belongs to the CALL), and both work. The SM81 is more sensitive when you stand back from it, so it's better suited to announcements or presentations.
The old mic stand in the workshop works, but we also found a better boom stand in the archive room, and grafted the top of the old stand to it so that the SM81 will attach to it. The SM81 needs a wind shield, which Greg can order from Long and McQuade.